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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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in march, 1st to may 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the when the gates today that closed the dogs through starvation. openings. the un secretary general describes a situation in gauze as absolutely desperate and urges israel to rapidly increase the flow of humanitarian aid. the phillips, the whole robin. what you know, just a large headquarters here in the also coming up israel is on the admits the killing of 8 workers and the striking cause that was
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a grave mistake and could be the void in columbia petitions, the wells top colt to join the south africa's genocide case against israel and another use of red rose clay kits, the northeastern united states, tricky buildings in new york, new jersey. the also to the program pressure is bound to go this route to dramatically increase the flow of food and supplies into gaza after it promised to open a new route, the delivery of humanitarian aid. israel's pledge to open the error, its coughing came off to a phone call from us president joe biden, who also demanded an immediate cease fire and protection of civilians. but troy gave them difficult of israel's nearly 6 month war and the besieged population of garza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine. particularly in the northern part of the strip, under pressure from the united states as rails agreed to allow desperately needed
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food deliveries through the airs crossing which connects to northern gauze. and it's really good news, we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be, i've been, we've used it before and we know how important of you to get supplies into the northern gods district. israel is also allowing shipments of a to enter through its pool to national. the change follows the thing who between the us president and his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. j biden called for an immediate cease fire. and the usa to israel is conditional on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies to gaza. what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. surging humanitarian assistance. sustaining and moving goal is that a distribution has been dangerous and difficult with incidents. so this reinforces bombing and opening fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aging fasta has led to some
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shipments by sea. and the us is said just to build a floating dough to increase deliveries. at drops, it will say being use the palestinians waiting on the ground to being killed. this power sheets failed. these realities are committing genocide. they're committing massacres, left and right. the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling, is really doing this international crime. then you know, all the 8 in the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference in the international court of justice. told israel in january that it couldn't continue to bombard, displace, and stop the population of cause under it. so locations to the genocide convention, a new age region to the strip may finally get some food to many who desperately need it, bought without an immediate cease fire. it's unlikely enough we'll get through to alleviate the catastrophe. victoria gates and b, i'll just say we're learning more about water as well as that it will do to ease
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the aid crisis. now, the u. k. foreign secretary david cameron says of israel has committed to increasing the total number of a trucks to at least $500.00 and a israel says that expand the capacity through the jordan land, colorado to a 100 trucks. today, they've also proved low types of aid, including fuel to enable bakeries to open a hospitals to function, and his route will activate the natural us was a pipeline to northern gauze. once for pass, a completed view and such as the general says he hopes as rally as quick to open a new age. colorado's calling the situation in gaza, absolutely desperate. continue terrorist as long lines of a truck for main stuck on the egyptian side of the roof of crossing, having veteran street a gauze that restricted when the gates to pay that closed the doors through starvation at open martin and also the population over to 1000000 people are
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facing, get this cut off tongue of children and got us into the dying for lack of foods and lots of these easy even comprehensible. and then finally available. nothing can justify the collect these punishments of the palestinian people to now the european union's foreign policy cheese. yes, of jo burrell has commented on the plans for more age rates in a treaty said the following ones. but the condemnation of the killing of 7 wealth, central kitchen stuff, is by the i d. s. and mounting international pressure. these way the government will open some corridors, thinking, monetary and aid that he does say, it's not enough to prevent starvation. garza bro, goes on to demand israel immediately implement the un security council resolution demanding a sci fi, which was adopted in any 2 weeks ago. well, on the ground and goals of the skepticism as to whether plans from all age rates
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will bring adequate relief to those in desperate need. have solve assisted living intends is difficult. everything has become hard. securing. watson and food is difficult. in addition to the high cost of living, so what the, how to, because israel has launched the war, not because it wants to free the hostages, but rather to destroy and ruined every single model. they destroyed stones and humans, and the educational and health institutional leaving nothing in the territory that i ever been hunting about. mood is in reference of and also with low on how the announcement for additional age rates is being received. within the past few wait weeks, people have been voicing concern and the frustration of the fact that the uh, whether it's the americans or other involved parties interested into providing human 3. and it's resorting to all the trend is like you're dropping and constructing a temporary peer. the criticism was over the fact that there are land crossings that are available, but they have been virtually shut down by this really military. so theoretically
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speaking, when this decision is, is implemented, we're going to see a significant increase in deaf loving, human atoria and it, but so far. and the problem is with the practical side of this decision, how is it going to be implemented? and is it going to be implemented properly or not? we know there was a meeting earlier this evening between these really military and organization 8 organization as here at the crossing. just the northern part of the gaza strip right at the entrance of the city of $800.00. we don't know what exactly in that meeting entails, but one element of it, it was the, the joint effort between these very military and these uh, organization 8 organization to ensure the flow of humanitarian aid, the talk so far, but close to $300.00 trucks coming in and that is, is still not enough, not nearly enough in the face of the growing family and, and the greater need of
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a larger desperate population of israel's ministry says it's dismissed 2 offices. and these rep preventing 3 of those i for your tax on monday, which killed $74.00 and $8.00. well, because in garza now, the killings caused global outrage, including amongst, as well as the top allies. the armies admission that it carried out. those strikes comes is draped bite and says future us support as well. will depend on it, doing more to protect civilians and 8 well cuz i'm the city has both bulky bodies, jerusalem on the investigation of their reaction to israel's findings. a rare admission of wrong doing by the use really military commanders say on air strike on a convoy and carrying humanitarian workers. was a serious mistake. and violation of operating procedures and internal is rarely army investigation. found the attack that killed 7, a personnel from the world, central kitchen, or w. c. k, was ordered despite
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a low level of confidence about the intended target. the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have occurred. those who approve the strike were convinced that they were targeting arm thomas operatives and not w c. k employees. the strike on the 8 vehicles is a grave mistake, stemming from a serious failure due to a mistaken identification errors and decision making and then attack. contrary to the standard operating procedures. the army says to senior officers will be fired and several other senior commanders formerly censured the united states says civilians in dogs must be protected as israel pursues any military operations against from us. it has to prioritize the protection of civilians. it has to make that job number one, to many people have been caught in this cross fire of a mazda is making children, women, man,
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losing their lives. a. their safety has to be a priority, and military operations needs to be designed around their protection. but world central kitchen says these really army cannot credibly investigate its own failures and it deployed deadly force without regard to its own protocol chain of command. emily of engagement. their apologies for the outrages killing of our colleagues represent cold comfort. israel needs to take concrete steps to assure the safety of humanitarian aid workers. our operations remain suspended after nearly 6 months of war is really forces to have killed more than 33000 people in the besieged cause a strip. the army has still not admitted to any unlawful killings from the central woods as ito occupied east jerusalem. you're next but so we'll need security council that's waiting for simon to be declared in garza, after it happens,
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is indefensible. it was part of an emergency meeting on the increasing risk assignment in gaza and the targeting of aid work is trying to ease the suffering caused by israel's continued will on the strip. gabriel alexander, upholstered off from you and h q in new york. as the un secretary general said it's not enough for israel to admit to killing 7 international aid workers with world central kitchen. the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that's allow for those mistakes to multiply by him and by the gate at an emergency security council meeting to address threats to aid workers and increasing levels of hunger and gaza, the palestinian envoys rejected israel's claims. the strike on a convoy was a mistake. is a, it is not a good thing. those. the laws of war will establish to protect,
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save the children who preached the council on the experiences of humanitarians trying to prevent famine. rejected israel's claims, they are trying to protect civilians still pretending the protection of civilians is prioritized here. we are overwhelmed with impediments. human life is nothing prioritize, not the lives of civilians of children and certainly not the lives of humanitarian . some council members said israel's practices leading to starvation are intentional. the strategy of collective punishment that is being inflicted on the palestinian people has incorporated starvation as a method of warfare. one un official suggested military support to israel should be conditioned under compliance with international humanitarian law. and all member states cabinet must use the loops to prevent stop populations of international law . 2 different method getting to know big picture conditioning problems exposed in
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compliance with the rules of below the drizzle corporation. and come back in chemistry a no action was taken at this meeting. that wasn't its intent. instead, council members unanimously agreed that those who provide humanitarian relief to those starving and armed conflict deserve to be protected and not targeted gabriel's on don't. how does either at united nations in new york? he was president j button as opposed to the sunglasses to the lead to the kind of our egypt edging them to press them off for a deal with israel. mike kind of has moved from washington dc. the president biden is reported to have sent letters to the leaders of kata and egypt, asking them to bring pressure to bear on her most to agree to an immediate cease fire to allow for humanitarian aid to get into gaza. and also to allow for the
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exchange of captives being held in gaza along with palestinian prisoners being held in israel. now this follows on to a conversation that the president had with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in whom he also press to agree to a cease fire. now old of this is coming to a head at a meeting in cairo on sunday, when among others, the director of the c i, a william burns will be representing the us, as well as intelligence feed us from other parties to this ongoing crisis. they will be discussing the possibility of a c spy along with ways in which to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. so this is a critical point, but very clearly the united states is now in box on a multi pronged way of attempt to get agreement on a ceasefire among all the parties. and this is something that it hopes will be achieved on sunday in cairo. now the us has made very clear that in order to get to
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mandatory an 8 into gaza, to alleviate the absolute crisis, the it is actually essential that a cease fire be put in place by kind of, i'll just sierra washington colombia. it has to join south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice. and it's application, columbia cold on the u as high as court to ensure the safety and the very existence of the palestinian people. last week, the i c. j judges ordered israel to take all necessary actions to ensure basic food supplies and to gaza. lawyers for israel have rejected south africa's case and the keys of appeasing the genocide convention. alison's around p i. t has more on this from bulk, a tall, the columbia seeking to actively intervene in the case to support south africa to offer tangible support for the palestinian cause. well also sending another message
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to a thrill that it needs to stop its actions in gaza. it's also a way for the president of columbia left this gustavo pay through to put its money where its mouth has been since the beginning of the war. he has incessantly denounced the israel's actions in a gas that he was the 1st health american president to talk about the genocide. so this intervention was that in many ways, expected that i spoke to a source inside the colombian government who told me that in addition to the colombian governments, 2 ports of the palace seen in the cause. also a columbia international stance on human rights justifies intervention. in this case, the columbia is going even further that trying to convince other countries to participate . and, and this source told me that the expectation is that in coming days we'll see other latin american countries doing the same in particular brazil, mexico, sheila,
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and believe you sort of creating a larger front in south america in support of south africa's case against the israel. so has his own, which is that it will explain why diplomatic tension is between mexico and deck. we do a showing signs of easing plus plat pallet. black count says title consequences in dollars public hospitals. as the states medic, tricity companies struggles to stay afloat. the, it's been very what's in southern china, just recently. i'm usually early in the season. i have to say on the matter. right . and it falls out of any one shower or say a few hours with the right has been significant. it's. he's going along with talk
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about the a 117, going to be in 12 miles recorded right off in sundry, almost a hold of naples average. this is just one example. it's been repeated throughout southern china and south of the young c with result in flooding and it will carry on throughout saturday and sunday. however, although it extends through time around the rain here isn't quite as heavy as it is mostly of a wall. so when you come to the small ons of japan and also the toll mice of all essentially going up steadily as they should be, you'd expect to be at least in spring in east asia. so little change during sunday except in detail. martin some more writing, kyushu, for example, on the shelves. the big was a mover and in southern china, south of this and still the risk from big shows or flash flooding somewhere in indonesia, maybe in malaysia, at least on board here, but mostly push them allies. you and the rest of the se, extra is hudson treatment. again, as you might expect, this time of year, heat, wave warnings are being generated through the good part of india and ours. temperatures are in excess of the average by 2 to 4 degrees on
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the if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety in the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to the the
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book about kill watching of just bear with me. so robin and i'll remind you of all the top stories. pressure is bound to go to israel to deliver on its promise to open new root. since the concepts assumed on t, monetary and age. israel's pledge to open the air, its crossing came after a phone call from the us president j 5 to inspector general attending gutierrez says that needs to happen quickly. calling the situation in johnson desperately because that rush has also called for an independent investigation into the killings at 74, and 8 workers by israels ministry. on monday, the you inspected account view and security council possibly has met to discuss students security industry wide. a security concerns across the middle east and columbia has asked to join south africa's genocide case against israel, the international court of justice. this application, columbia cold on the us, highest quote, to ensure the safety and the very existence of the palestinian people still
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doesn't use. russia has always 5 missiles on ukraine, southern city of jeopardy checking in at least 2 people. and they drink 19 others including a 9 year old boy, the tax damage several residential buildings and an industrial facility. the short keys keeper of attacking these operation nuclear power plant. the ukraine denied it both sides of previously accused each other of targeting the plans. you pain has low each one of its largest drain attacks, solved, rushman weeks. officials say they destroyed at least 6 military planes and an ad base and the southern roll stuff region. most good sense that repel the attack. by doubting 53 drones, charles profit has moved from keith. you currently miller trees do the line rushes claims. the russian full series of into the outskirts of the small town of chests. if you all trust, if you all sit, sit around 10 kilometers west of buff moved a bunch of larger cities. of course, russia took control of in my last year,
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just if you all are, is that a high l evaluation? and that's one of the reasons why i speculate it, it's taken russian full season, so long to potentially if indeed this claim is true. get anywhere near that town. we visit visit on numerous occasions last year and already the majority of the pre was $12000.00 people, but if the had already left, but it wouldn't be a total, the inconceivable that many have either refused to leave all cattle to get out. meanwhile, the russians also claiming that they have taken full control of the village of the one. yeah. which is west of, of the washing policies took control of that vehicle in february again after a fist fight. and they have been making increment to games in that area. and a numerous other areas along the front line ever since the ukrainians will tell you that one of the reasons is because they are suffering such
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a massive deficit in weaponry. waiting for that money to be released. hopefully they say by congress in the us and for these problem is weapons to start arriving from european nations. there's also been another rocket attack on the city of zach for risha. the governor of the regional governor of separation saying at least 2 people were killed and those attacks 6 people injured, including a 9 year old boy child stop it. i'll just keep in mind that, but right, right. it's quite strictly ne, in the united states on friday, while the image of damage was reported, it will stop by millions of people from maryland to massachusetts. of there was kristen salumi, the pulse a 4.8 magnitude. earthquake gave me yorkers paws on friday morning. i felt my bad shape that's new lately. um. i mean i was just laying in bed and suddenly i like it pushing me to the side. and i, i,
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oh my god. i was scared. i've never felt one before because i grew up in new york and we don't really have them often. so i thought it was a train personally, and then it just kept going. the city that considers itself the crossroads of the world, just 80 kilometers east of its epa center here in new jersey where these coffee shop customers decided to take it to go. and then i started getting texts from my friends. i did you did you send me? yeah. the earthquake wasn't enough to stop in emergency security council meeting on gaza. the president. i'm ok to continue. what city and state official spring into action warning of possible aftershocks. this is one of the largest earthquakes on the east coast occur in the last century. so i immediately directed my emergency management team. the 2nd we received word of this to start doing damage assessments
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. any life in danger. the holland tunnel under the hudson river into manhattan was closed for inspection and air travel at local airports was briefly grounded. but no major damages reported. earthquakes here on the east coast are relatively rare. the last time there was something comparable, was 1884 when a 5.2 magnitude quick struck the city. that said a recent study by columbia university warns that even greater magnitude quakes are more possible here in new york than scientist previously thought. christian salumi al jazeera new york. it's no us present job item describes to reopen the bolt of baltimore by the end of may it close to congo traffic after the funds the scope cambridge was hit by a cargo ship and collapsed. she, everytime she has will from baltimore, president biden took an aerial tour of
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a side of the collision, was briefed on recovery efforts and met with the families of the 6 construction workers killed. full bodies remain missing, such as the tangle of debris under the surface of the top sco river, divers of un, unable to reach them. or 1st is that for our to reopen, the port is one of the nation's largest shipping hubs. and it's a top port in america and both an important next point of cars, light trucks, the number one simply put the tractor as a significant impact everywhere up and down the coast and around the country. a thousands of tons of michael still remain lodge and the water blocking shifting, moving in and out of the harbor to shallow channels have been established among some belgians and tugged birds to bypass the wreckage in and out of the port of baltimore authorities hope to have cleared enough debris to open a deeper trouble by the end of april and for normal for the operations, the resume by the end of may. some locals are skeptical though i think people here definitely bracing for a much longer shut down that paintwork is accounts for up to 30 percent of daily
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business, which i'm going to doc is a seafood restaurant. while national and global supply chains of large, we've been on affected by the ports closure, the local economy is going to take a major hit with over a 150000 drugs. estimated to be dependent on the pulse operations in one way or another. it's pretty catastrophic, honestly, there's no way to cedar code. it is really the backbone of the region, similar to steel workers and pennsylvania coal miners in west virginia. i don't think there's a family in the region that doesn't have somebody that directly works in a port related position or job more than 50 percent of inputs into baltimore destined for all the problems of us, not the local region. and the fear is that a prolonged pleasure of support for me important starting return and having a stablish alternative supply rates. the white house hasn't received assurances from several manufacturers that they will come back. but ultimately that will
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depend on whether this board does swiftly reopen. she advertise the al jazeera, multiple diplomatic teshan tensions between mexico and decorative all showing signs of easing mexico. the president says that he will not break ties with a cut off, even after it declared mexico's ambassador to the country presented and brought to my little rock le, explains, from mexico city of a militarized presence. outside mexico's embassy in ecuador, the attentions have been on the rise since ecuador announced the expulsion of mexican ambassador black institute a year land, but a lot of mexican president under his mind will base over the doors has assured that diplomatic relations between the 2 countries have not been separate. most of the most size, the, we're not going to break the diplomatic ties with equal no, with leaving move the ecuadorian and best that. we will go fitch, our investigator. i gave the armed forces instructions today to help bring back our
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invested up the order to expel mexico's ambassador, comes after comments made by lopez over the where he drew comparisons between the assassination of ecuador and presidential candidate for it. and then they'll be of you since your last year with recent violence that's taken place during mexico's current election season, where several local candidates have been murdered. adding to the tension is the case of former ecuadorian vice president jorge glance who has been evading arrest in mexico's embassy in detail since december of last year. not as has been convicted twice on corruption charges, but argues he's the victim of a political persecution. by echo doors, attorney general, mexico's president says he would be open to bringing the former ecuadorian, vice president to mexico, where he would be granted political asylum. if you know the reason is the, the english. if they authorize it, we can bring him, but it hasn't been authorized yet. i asked the foreign ministry to put out
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a statement saying the right to a silent and sovereignty should be respected. eco doors for administered, emphasizing a statement that the country continues to greet the assassination of former presidential candidate 59. do you have any sense you? it also affirmed the ecuadorian government's commitment to the principle of non intervention in the international affairs of other nations. when was it up a little alger 0? mexico said. then finally, going to state hutton's electricity company is causing of customers who have them pay the bills, including government institutions. public hospitals are amongst those not facing power outages of the effects. a devastating kind of latasha explains proceed to eval becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at a public hospital in gone as capital across. her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen to to so i went to check on him in the evening. there was no electricity in the morning the.


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