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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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why i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland best produces the best spaces and those other people to ireland in order to be able to get that message out to the weld. the police in ecuador, still on the mexican embassy to arrest a full vice president, accused of bribery would have the nations from mexico associate on the diplomatic tension the the put on. and this is algebra. ly, from door hall. so coming up when the gates today that closed the door, there's not a vision of the un secretary general describes the crisis of gaza as an absolutely
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desperate and urges israel to rapidly increase food. deliveries. pressure grows on western allies to stop, to transfer a movie, to the weapons, to israel. and unveiling the wills me was to come and see the sick. as in bob boy's latest attempt to turn round, the crisis had to economy the mexico has caught diplomatic ties of ecuador of the police, doomed its embassy in the capital quito, and arrested a formal vice president. we'll take lots had been evading a rest of the mexican embassy since december. he's twice been convicted of corruption that says he's the victim of political persecution. the embassy raid follows increasing tensions between the countries and half of the hours off of the mexican government grants of gloss assigned them. very important. there's, how was it the criminals right in the mix? can embassy in ecuador?
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this is not possible economy. it's madness. i think they took the form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed. there's no basis to do it. let's go to the hospital and as manuel the doppler is live for us and mexico cities . so talk us through what you're hearing happened about what happened to the embassy. many is good to be with you, liz. it's quite late here in mexico city. it's a midnight's, just past 1 am and keep the equivalent at this time things. despite this do remain tense. i think there's a bit more confusion at this time, but more so than anything else over what happens next. now that diplomatic ties have been severed between mexico and echoed, or this is certainly a dramatic development. it was all ready has been a huge, a 10 cent dramatic 24 hours. ecuadorian police on friday, forcibly made their way way into the mexican embassy in kito to forcibly
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remove the former ecuadorian vice president jorge glass from the building where the glass had just uh, previously been granted political asylum by mexico. as you mentioned in your introduction, their lives glass was i had been requesting political asylum since december. he's been a beating arrest of accused of of corruption. he's already been twice convicted on matters of corruption. tea for his part has repeatedly said that the business part of a political persecution by part of ecuador, his attorney general. but what happened on friday certainly did catch many of us off guard. earlier on friday, i had just finished filing a story regarding how mexico's president was considering a slide to bring glass from ecuador to mexico, waiting for authorization on that. i think many of us were, or are still quite shock that things have escalated as much as,
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as they should. we should remember that for a country to forcibly make its way into the embassy. uh, its embassy in another country. it is, uh, it is certainly a violation of international law, and this is something that could have a very serious implications. moving forward. yeah, money we will be talking shortly to a lawyer and a political calling us more about that. but this is happening just a day off to ecuador expels, and mexico and bassett off to comments by president wolf as open to that. what about the election and equity last year? it's a fast moving story. there are different strands, give us the background. the right, as this is a developing story, and this is one that has developed quite quickly over the course of the last 24 hours on thursday authorities in ecuador data order, the expulsion of mexican ambassador, as i can say to this, um, this took place again less than a day after mexico had granted political asylum in mexico's embassy in keep the
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2 former ecuadorian vice president, jorge eyeglass. again, despite the the, the delayed hours here on this side of the world. we have already heard from mexico's president who is called this a flagrant violation. we've also heard from alicia, but as soon as she's the minister of foreign affairs here in mexico, who's speaking to reporters just moments ago saying that echo doors. government will have to assess what type of representation it will leave in mexico after the mexican government now has a separate diplomatic ties with ecuador, she added that mexico currently is not considering the expulsion of ecuadorian officials from mexico. but again, we're paying very close attention to what happens next. this is still a very a story that continues to develop. and again, the confusion is exactly what this means and, and what's coming next monday. thank you very much for that. that's on mexico correspondent model adolfo. those live in mexico city and other input. a
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salazar is an attorney also a political columnist, equitable as largest daily news paper and diverse so in his life whereas in gaia kids, thank you for your time. president lopez open the door, says that equity to has violated mexico sovereignty and international duel by storming the embassy and key to do you think that's the case? i do believe that is the case for her low. it's pretty clear and not to. busy our monthly parking and my mother was wanting to leave my house. so. busy please yes i believe ok now. busy what about mexico? his argument equity, his argument drive is that mexico was violating political asylum agreements by sheltering laws. they say that granting diplomatic asylum in this case constitutes
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an enlisted act that even supports an evasion of justice by the ecuadorian states and promotes infinity, does equity to have a valid argument. there was a very, very clear with the on the one hand that it is very cool that the the, the big, the crowd, he has the combination of 4 option charges on the theater for all the part of the way. busy it is on the and i will not that mr. glad to answer for 45 has to either to get the right. uh mr. salazar, i really into i really apologize for the interruption, but i'm afraid that we don't have very good connection and we're not able to hear you clearly. so we have to end the interview, but we will try to establish
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a basic connection. i know it's very late where you are, but we will try to establish a basic connection for mesa bulletin. but thank you for now. the pressure as mounting on as well to dramatically increase the flow of food and supplies into gaza, offered promise to open a new route for the delivery of humanitarian aid. as well as pledge to open the air as crossing came off through a phone call with us president joe biden on the ground and gaza. there is skepticism over whether these plans will bring adequate release to those in desperate need. they have to add on to the reports everywhere in rough or, and solving gaza displaced, balanced in use, have to queue for toilets for drinking water to try to get a piece of bread. these make shift scans are set to provide besides, on the schools were most displaced, people in gaza,
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shelter the place is over crowded, and more people arise every day. monday to solve my 7 of them, of the garden of the schools are now very over crowded and they don't want to receive us. so we have to get some of wood and we set up. this tends to be optimized. sometimes we're not even able to get any water and for the toilet, so they going to have to have my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um, we don't have any toilets and for us, the man, and we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms if the school is forced to leave their homes. facebook to get the flimsy tens using separate co plastic sheets which provide very little protection, causing many to become ill. below and have the lead, which is the most my daughter has been ill since the war began. the unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever, and,
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and which limited medical health and overcrowded living spaces. there was an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases use spread easily, making it tough for families to stay healthy. incleanse tends notated when coming on this. so should we came to con eunice in life. he was extremely difficult. there are 8 of us living in this tiny tent and my daughters are getting sick because of the unsanitary conditions. we have no other options. this is the only place my phone. so i should be more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the notes of the gaza strip are trapped in rough by 63 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies are scarce due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza. and often nearly 6 months of israel's will and gaza getting basic needs remains the daily challenge. he has a liability which is 0. the un secretary general says he hopes as well as cook to
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open you a card. it was cooling the situation and gaza, absolutely desperate. antonio gutierrez says, long lines of a trucks remain stuck on the egypt and side of the good off of crossing. having the entry to gauze are restricted when the gates to a that closed the doors through starvation. at open martin and also the population over the 1000000 people are facing catastrophic tongue of children and gaza to the out of dying for lack of foods. and lots of these easy even comprehensible. and then finally available. nothing can justify the collect these punishments of the palestinian people, but your opinions, farm policy chief joseph bought a has commented on plans for more aid routes and a toy. and he said one on one side condemnation of the killing of 7 will central kitchen stuff is by the idea of and mounting international pressure. the israeli
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government will open some cards for humanitarian aid. though he says it's not enough to prevent salvation in gaza. but a goes on to demand his role immediately implement the un security council resolution demanding a cx 5 which was adopted nearly 2 weeks ago and is increasing domestic pressure on us president joe biden to halt weapons transfers to as well. t allied and full of how speak and nancy pelosi is among those who signed a message from dozens of congressional democrats. it says and launch the reason strike against aid workers and the eval, worsening humanitarian crisis. we believe it is on justifiable to approve these weapons transfers. the less it goes on to say if it's found that the strike violations us, orange nationals, or those responsible must be held accountable and destroyed these formulas depending how long has cooled for full accountability for them. as well for the killing of the foreign aid workers and gaza. you certainly government has makes a,
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our expectations we expect full accountability for this and full that those, the policies of her, the wealth, central kitchen colleagues who will side parish with her. we believe these dates are awfully an excuse of clear practical action is needed to ensure all these tragedies never repeat that we have night clear of to we will liberally braced that we have not yet received sufficient information to satisfy our expectations, the deputy prime minister and i wrote to our account of pots, either not to raise right to strike these expectations and power and foreign minister has criticized these writing investigations, saying it falls short of assigned and criminal liability. for the death of a polish aid worker, garza at 1st tested on the polar side is the protest. now given to these ready and pass, it says the month that the preliminary findings we now see be turns into criminal liability. and this case is so outrages,
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it is an exceptional case in the history of more than one. yeah. on the faith of thousands of people and helping others in various conflicts around the world will depends on the way this is sold or challenges. joining us live from occupied east of islam and roy growling international pressure on israel even after was conducted that conduct to its own investigation. and to what happened during the attack on the aid workers. yeah, i think these ready governments and stays ready. ministry will have been how do you think that it's internal investigation? it's apologies. it's dismissal. was added. promise to learn from those mistakes will allow it's uh, it's a drawer line onto this the incidents and these on, but that doesn't seem to be happening quite yes. now, the white house rhetoric is that it is going to be watching very closely to make sure that israel is living off to its promises indicating that although it's not
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happy, the white house would like to move on, but elsewhere as be, have been hearing just then that is significant criticism of israel and the mon for israel to the more demands abide, is whitehouse to do more as well as sites that congressional democrats. oh, that's that has been signed and sent to the white house, signed by nancy pelosi as well. a big hit in the democratic policies, it says that the w c. k instead with is a shockingly unacceptable mistake. and as we heard is urging biden's white house to withhold comes for transfers to israel. if certain conditions are met. one of those conditions being a full investigation who wants the white house to do an investigation? something that body is uh, it's like no to the body rents at all, say once as well. so make sure that it doesn't comments the innocent civilians and it allows more age into gauze. and now most of the names on that on that let's us the more left wing democrats within the policy. but as i said, nancy pelosi is
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a big headset, quite main streets, indicating that that position is getting traction in the main stream of the democrat policy. and we will hear you well straight there as well. australia i think is trying to make sure that that internal investigation done by the is righty . minute tree isn't the end of it. that is not used as a whitewash and a ways for these bodies to, to get away with it essentially. so it's a pointed, a special investigator to what with these right is to make sure that all of the investigation was done properly. so it was tough was but at the moment we're not hearing of any sanctions or measures that these countries are taking legally against israel. so this is, was at the moment harsh words, but are you was or thank you for that role i challenge. joining us with the life is live and occupied east jerusalem. still ahead on that one to 0, at least 6 people, the code of the license russian strong icon that ukrainian city of cod. can we be
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live from keys for the nicest the a critical the bank. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports the home all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political economy service doing submit a been course. the arrival inside story on al jazeera injustice. for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war, a natural disaster,
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whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland best produces the best fixes, and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the the the, the watching all just they are of me. elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories the sound. mexico has caught diplomatic ties with
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ecuador off. the police told me that the embassy and tito and arrested a formalized present. and we'll take lots have been evading arrest in the embassy since december. the rate follows increasing tensions between the countries. the foreign ministry is of poland in australia have reacted to the king of foreign aid . whereas in gaza, among them astray, to be an unpublished nationalist that demanding accountability for the kennings. and there's still no sign of an increase flow of 8 into gaza on thursday as we're on the balanced it will open age groups following pressure from us present, enjoyed by and. and the number of children who stop to death has risen to 31 russian drawing and missile strikes of code 6 people and ukraine's the 2nd largest city. all those were injured and concave residential areas were hit along with administrative buildings and a petrol station. it's got the license for one correspondent charles trust that he's joining us live from the capital k, even childs ukrainian police,
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saying that these were russian drug strikes on residential areas of concave. but more can you tell us that's right. yeah, this is just the latest in a concentrated by raj on your credit. second largest city, car cave. you carnival for 2 things. 32 russian shaheed kind of causey drones wants to watch the city on 6 me. so i'll sort you saying that at least 6 people have been killed, 11 others injured, were expecting potentially for that death soul to rise in the coming out. ready the current resort use a saying that they manage to into 628 of those drugs. and 2 of those missiles, we understand that at least not in a high rise when assembly, some of them could have been residential buildings were destroyed in this striking as i say, this is just the latest 3 months seems to be an escalating concentration of nightly
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attacks. on the car, key of car cube is around, so the color which is from the russian pulled the criminal over the last few days has said that it's trying to create what it describes as a safe zone around the area in that border area around the city. of belgrade, where we have seen in recent weeks, a number of attacks by ukrainian falls is believed ukrainian paramilitaries operating across the front lines across the border in side. russia. and the credit is saying these uh, describing these as being revenge attacks. but as i say, we have seen this large scale escalation in the last couple of weeks. and increasingly the same old, are they happy in attacks, right? the way across the country, car cube now seems to be the focus of attention for russian policies. they're all a number of people here in the ukranian, military establishment of ministry having lists that all scared that the russian
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forces could well be planning some sort of major push in the early the early summer as early as may. and there was some that are even saying that that push could be towards car kids. but in the meantime, as i say these crews, these cruise missiles and drug or an attack continue on a nightly basis in the car case. kidding civilians. a charles, thank you very much for that, that charles trusted with the latest live and cheve the wills, newest car, and see has been unveiled and zimbabwe, the thing which is the short name f, as in bob way go replace c as in bob land dollar. if last around 75 percent of its value, the sea has inflation, stools and decades of economic costs, as wilson's latasha reports from the capital head out a the people have just heard the news. and by way now has a new tire and see another one. and this one is called zoom gold or zig that i g.
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people have 21 days to change these notes to the new knows that will be coming soon and every time there's a new car and see change, the ends involved way. people get another. and then use the currency as for me, for now i don't really know how he's been to help us in the future. or he's just there for the us. you know, for how we're be next me to your printer just telling you in this country. i don't know if it's going to help us the good for us officials as a central bank hope of this new car and see it will help stabilize the markets in rain in inflation for the big question is, is it going to what it could work? the short term or leave they maintain discipline and they stay away from printing and they need to also guarantee um couldn't visibility between that and us dollars . um it might not work because they use the balance is a very small, 90 percent is on your sd. so 10 percent really everyone is looking for us the so that will not stop the demand for us dollars above and have been here before prior
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to changes every couple of years. and when the tires the changes. so there's a name, for example, they used to be such a thing called special ed gro tech, and then they moved to be called barricade for the implied notes in ocoee, j, 6 cetera, etc. and now when these new notes come to 60 days and the signal most and bob was to try and change them to install it, before they get hit. by installation, adam tossed out is there. as the us president has tries to have the portables more reopened by the end of next month, job items being to see the skate of the task ahead to rebuild the bridge. which collapse last week when it was rammed by a container ship from this, she have her tons. the reports president biden took an aerial tour of a site of the collision was briefed on recovery efforts and met with the families of the 6 construction workers killed. full bodies remain missing, such as the tangle of debris under the surface of the top. sco river divers have
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been unable to reach them or 1st, as i tried to reopen, the port is one of the nation's largest shipping hubs. and it's a top port in america at both an important export and the cars, light trucks, the number one simply put they have tractor has a significant impact everywhere. up and down the coast and around the country. a thousands of tons of michael still remain lodge and the water blockage is moving in and out of the harbor. to shallow channels have been established along some belgians and tugged words to bypass the records in and out of the portable demo. authorities have to have cleared enough debris to open a deeper trouble by the end of april and for normal for the operations. the resume by the end of may. some locals are skeptical though i think people here are definitely bracing for a much longer shut down. that paintwork is accounts for up to 30 percent of daily business, which i'm going to doc is a seafood restaurant. while national and global supply chains of large, we've been on affected by the foreclosure, the local economy is going to take
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a major hit with over a $150000.00 drugs, estimated to be dependent on the pulse operations in one way or another. it's pretty catastrophic, honestly. there's no way to say to code it is really the backbone of the region, similar to the steel workers and pennsylvania coal miners in west virginia. i don't think there's a family in the region that doesn't have somebody that directly works in a port related position or job more than 50 percent of imports into baltimore, destined for all the problems of us multiple local region. and the fear is that a prolonged pleasure of support for me important starting return, having a stablish alternative supply rates. the white house hasn't received assurances from several manufacturers that they will come back, but ultimately that will depend on whether this board does swiftly reopen. shepherd has the al jazeera, both of the flood warnings of being issued and australia, new south wales and parts of queensland have been drenched in heavy rain. both of
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the months worth of rain felt around sidney. a boat had to go to the rescue of a farmer who became trapped in his track to emergency services have reported around a 155 rescues and 4000 coin outs. where the rex this a one of the worst, is yet to come as well. it does look like blue sky is across sidney at the mine and, and the a emergency ryan situation seems to be aging. and it's important tonight that flood levels in some of the rivers, particularly in western city, continuing to rise. and that presents a real danger to some community. so it's very important for those who live in communities at a low lying flood prone areas that you continue to listen to emergency broadcast them as best in russia. forcing people to be evacuated from the city of oscar officials say the breach could lead to flooding, potentially affecting around $10000.00 people. emergency service is
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a working to show up to them and the you are mountains. and that's it for me, elizabeth put on them whether was next to the inside story looks at the diplomatic tensions between somalia and the deals here over the breakaway region of some on the land. thank you for watching the the. so once again, if you look back from space, you'll see clouds shrinking across the raving peninsula, but he's basically saying highest because it doesn't really indicate generation of any showers. and indeed, if you look at the forecast society, there are very few. the higher drive or west than you have been inside, you might generate went through and they all stretching across towards re add. you'll notice and the something on the eastern side or took care of running into a room. but these are light shelves and nothing spectacular. otherwise, the client looking picture attempt is rising and $35.00 and q right $36.00 in
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baghdad. but it wouldn't stay that way. by the time we get to sunday, there's a generation of winds, either the sand to the dust or pick up the potential for the sandstone, maybe in something the rock of q, right? temperatures will be about the same, but it's done to generate showers. now these blue blogs, and that's true also sad to you, i'd be across to a spot right. possibly and cut that as well. sounds of that looks generally fine or month enjoying yourself, and maybe tropical pulse of africa would expect long range measurement. that's what they call the seasonal range, moving slowly north, and certainly that really extends into ethiopia bits. and some of the, the heavy stuff is biase again, has to be expected. but for the science where we've had a failure of the seasonal range, they're coming back to mozambique. and if you're lucky, zimbabwe the, a level up your experience. this is where i'm at that and say big we'd be one of the enjoy up to 3 months,
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