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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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to come to like devastating disasters and abject poverty. donate use a cat to human appeal now to help save lives and transform communities. the ongoing the streets of tel aviv thousands cool for the resignation of israel's prime minister and demand the deal to bring the captives type the money inside. this is all just their life and also coming up how much says that it's killed. 14 is riley soldiers in an ambush and southern gauze a day before these 5 tulips. the set to resume in colorado, prussia targets ukraine. second largest city comp cave, with a series of strikes on residential buildings, plus think
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a regular becomes the latest country to comp toys with ecuador off to police store . mex goes embassy in quito to a rest of the vice president. we begin with hopes that a new round of negotiations will bring some respond to the people have gone to the latest round of talks is due to resume in cairo. on sunday, on his writing delegation is expected to attend. thomas has also confirmed that it will send representatives that says how mazda is on group says it is killed. 14 is riley soldiers during heavy fighting in con eunice and southern gaza. and off to all my 6 months of war, the israeli government is facing growing anger and discontent. launch crowns have been protesting on the streets of tel aviv cooling for the resignation of the prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu. and wrong con begins, he was out the protesting tel aviv this is a far larger process that we've seen in recent weeks. it stretches of is 2 miles in that direction. there are thousands of people on the street and they all have one message. the problem is that things have been that yahoo, it's bring the hostages and that will bring them back homepage as actually joined. 2 the anti government protest in a mood that they say is a reason for that frustration against the prime minister. he's not doing enough to bring them back. campaign was a political, but now it's very much political. this reaches the hearing, incredibly fiery. they're talking about what do you want me? what made you need regular people, but that wonderful. this is going on all ceasefire tools in colorado. a massive combine that attended israel still hasn't been attended. well,
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they're looking for is some concession amount for almost a said they're not going to compromise them, include them all. however, it will be a key. so if the head of the most out does go to try, right, for those tools, it does mean that if that happens, that has been something but they both are out. is there a telling me how much is on the waiting? the cast on brigade say it has killed 14 is really so just during confrontations in con eunice and southern gaza and his really spokesman house can phone that's been heavy fighting in the city, but there's been no confirmation of casualties. know that our military is still engaged in the gaza strip and southern guys were dates, 98 is engaged. and con eunice, particularly at the amount of the neighborhood model, their soldiers that are engaged in brutal and fierce combat from close range. we
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are also conducting very old strikes against con eunice in order to destroy a terrorist and press structure in the city. and currently we are finalizing the destruction of 3 tunnels that are used for attack purposes. one of which should traverses the border into israel. all 3 tunnels were in con eunice. the tunnels were actually discovered by the military, as they were establishing check points in the area. okay, let's go live to tarry combo. assume he is in rasa also in southern gaza, so tired once more, you hearing about this latest fussing in, on, eunice. yes. smelling in fact, uh, a whole thing to the is where the military spokes pass and the fighting has been described to be really harsh between how more spices and these very so just as in fact, the bottles in the eastern pause or con unit city has been again resumed,
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often a long months of fighting on the ground, specifically that this area which is as the neighborhoods in which the confrontation has happened were a police, according to the military wing of how much the statements that dr. 9 is beta. so we just the being killed as the military operation has included the use of explosive devices, an empty tank messiah's within, that's a military attack that had been carried out by him last flight isn't to also set that at least a 3 is when you get a cox's half landed in the eastern parts of han units in order to effectuate the index. so just from that location, the get, the city will find you. this had been 50 yourself for these very minutes reparations since last december, as these body forces drawing to take down the city and impose its full military control the a but also fighting has the raging from the neighborhood. were also according to the military of how much statement it has been mentioned that at least phones is
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very so we just have been attacked also in that part of the city. but it's absolutely important to mention that this area, which is then the neighborhood had been multiple targeted since the beginning of the conflict as the this attack has considered to be a one of the greatest since the beginning of this down to inclusion for the city of con you and as, as the, is by the military yet did not concern or provide any specific number in terms of because many casualties in this attack to them. now i'm really okay. thank you for that tire campers doing that for us in rough uh, a lawyer we had from that wrong wrap of ports he's in is writing political commentary is a he says that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is ignoring the political discontent of his own eyes, who is burning prints uh uh, in these, uh uh for this uh, deterioration of the relationship that especially with the us but the problem the we here also voice is in the, in the okay. and uh, calling to find about go on um,
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safe to use. so i think there is going concern uh, even with the in the government, even with the in the to me i was advised not smoked on the, in the a position, but uh at the moment it doesn't seem that changes the position of i met them. yeah. we self and the office government um they uh we asked to that still talking about the necessity to take about 5 to to doing grades and stuff um and their unwillingness for a cease fire and we lost his fire. so we don't see really a change in the policy and domain policy or fee. so meanwhile domestic pressure is increasing on president joe biden to stop weapons being sent from the us to israel, ki ally, and for my house beacon nancy pelosi is among those who signed
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a letter from thousands of congressional democrats. valesa says in life, if the reason strike against aid workers on the f, a worsening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is on justifiable to prove these weapon transfers goes on to say if it is found that the strike violated us all international law, all those responsible must be held accountable shepherd, todd's ease in washington, dc with no on the goals for the us to stop. weapon transfers is around, you know, and even many of the signature is also at alaska are quite happy then too. so i'll put that name is throw that in like this, and then bird. yes. when it comes to the appropriations for more weapons, for as well, sir, we have to be very careful as to what is being done. the weather is positioning here. that was really interesting. all the go, i think was nbc last week who spoke to the administration, official who said, quite if this goes bad,
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we want to be able to point to our past statements. we suggest trustworthy. ministration doesn't think it's already going badly, but we see a lot of positioning now as the full scale apparently took the wells central kitchen killings to get this through to washington off of the slaughter in gauze as the positioning here that they were actually oh, we are on the right side, perhaps, i don't know, maybe they worried about being accused of being present in, in genocide. but really in the ad we've got to see whether these on shipments are still waived, wave through. and there's no indication that like blinking that others have been very cab. that's not going to happen. don't cubby's been right to it? that's not gonna have the um, shipments will continue. and actually, you know, that certain cool last week between bite and yahoo were getting more information about just help confuse everyone was because if you remember that was that headline, biking calls for immediate holton devices. and even those ratings weren't quite sure what he meant was he d linking was he d, linking seems far from the hostages. and because he wasn't, it was just biting being bite. and i guess everyone being
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a bit confused. but there everyone w. salazer. once i've done a nice business as usual, so as far as the link to the, the release of hostages, which again just means business. as usual. the prussia has struck the ukrainian city of calking twice in just a few hours, getting at least 8 people and injuring 10. the may, a says the residential areas were targeted. tarry force that reports. russia is intensifying its attacks on ukraine, 2nd largest city, just 40 kilometers from the border. hockey. this come under increasing fire in recent weeks, just after midnight. another residential area struck from the new shopping centers that destroyed 9 to pop and buildings damaged. just for the i got the i was sleeping. i was walking by the explosion. the fuel station was on fire. they yelled at me, get out. i stood there and stared,
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only later i walked out and there was another explosion, and everything started falling. pretty straightforward one on thursday that killed people. a senior ukrainian official has won the hockey would be the likeliest tom, good of any summer offensive by russia. ukraine's military commander says, russian forces are on the attack along the front lines, day and night to the people of khaki, little to do, but trying to repair the damage in the knowledge more is 2nd to come. my stay with doing everything we can to pulled up the damage windows. according to our motors calculations, there was 3600 broken windows and 9 department blocks. explained to me that she says it destroyed 28th of 32 drones. and 3, a 6 missiles that russian launched over night. that was the got through the did the work, more desk will damage more fear harry force it out to 0. nicaragua has become the
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latest country to con diplomatic ties. busy ecuador, and comes off to mexico, is suspended relations with the country. that's off the police raided the mexican embassy increase. so an arrested equity was full, met vice president in georgia glass, who's been evading detention for months earlier on. sounds of a glass was transferred from the prosecutor's office, escorted by a security envoy. he's been convicted twice of corruption and so political asylum at the embassy in december. the rain came out as onto the mexican government granted his request. katya lopez heard a young, has more than this police store, mexico's embassy to arrest input doors, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who, with a grand total pick last political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador?
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it's not possible. it can't be it's madness. yes. they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in ecuador. as former vice president had been evading arrest and staying in mexico, some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted philip convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017. after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes, more accusations are being investigated for medical dorians. he still looked like a mockery of justice. the that he was a grant that the asylum in the, in the embassy and glass, and the locals, or laura, are they wanted to go? oh, i said in the ideological connection, they're like, well, dorians felt that this was, this was our way of,
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of smoking class has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the work as it ends on that is montoya, nope. is still gonna load, has suspended diplomatic ties with that would or maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country immediately . and mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to accountable for violations of international law. ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain. well before the arrest. now they've reached a new low in a case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official. again, i'll just hear still ahead on the al jazeera on stephanie decker. and we wonder where the country is getting ready to commemorate 13 years since the genocide that mosse grades continue to be found. we'll have that story coming up
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and stranded on the show in iraq. how freshman, say that being put out of where because of a territorial dispute with neighbors, the, spain, it just closer to recognizing it, palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation will be gladly sought acceptable as an immediate cease firing. garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of stability. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g 0 or injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day.
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whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best produced as the best fixes. and those are the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the welcome back here watching out is there a 9 to 5 top stories this our launch crowns of demonstrations have gathered on the
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streets of tel aviv cooling for the resignation of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu approach has come with a government facing increase and get at home and abroad, over time length of the war on concepts beyond reading is how must be cast some brigade say it has to. it has killed 14 is reading soldiers during fighting income units in southern dogs. that is already spokesman, has confirmed that has been heavy fighting in the city, but there's been no number of casualties. have my says it will attend the seats, find told set to is human car, right. on sunday us president joe find and repeatedly sent letters to mediate just in both counsel on egypt, judging them to pressure how most except to deal onto months and negotiations of the world health organization says even restoring basic functionality to gauze launches hospital any time seeing seems implausible, she found,
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has been severely damaged following a series of rain since october. the 7th by is riley forces. we joined now by tarik, your shot of it. she's the spokesman asked the w h o he joins us now from geneva. thank you so much for your time. i believe you've just had a team return from our chief a hospital, which is of course, the largest hospital in northern garza, which is, has been on the 2 week siege at the just the latest siege by the israeli army. tell us exactly what your team found, as well as the days of trying to get to policy file and all our requests to get there be denied to our to use the finally got there yesterday. and when they found is, is, are this trash or not? so the policy for austin that was the largest hospital in guys i made a referral sensor with central apartments or even various cell services being uh, being provided there is no longer so uh,
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a most of the lease i have seen extensive damage. uh, everything's basically reduced to rubble and what's uh, what's even more disturbing use that they have seen bodies lying around with the smell of all that bodies. so it looks really difficult at the near future at this hospital could be a re by that all you have for is that we have the last 6 months to bring supplies to, to revive some of the services. and i'll see about, uh now i think we lost so this is really the system i think dismantling the health system. oh god. and again, it's, it's really difficult to, to be in a position now to see how, how things uh, can improve when the 2 most important hospitals, all she find out on us are under functional. as you say, uh so many previous attempts to try and get aid to that hospital. uh,
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because thousands of palestinian civilians were taking shelter then receiving medical treatments i what's happened to all those people as well just to remind you that i'll see if i had the more than 700 beds instead of 26 a search computers. you had $32.00 invested care rooms, so all that is going now people who need dialysis at the top heavy. so there is a, there's almost normal number 3, a serious is available. so really what we are saying is that most people being injured more than 70000 people have been injured in bombard myself. in the past, most of people with chronic diseases, pregnant women, that people have infectious diseases that us pretty can no longer get the care. they need only 10 out of $36.00 hospitals. but the god, the holy parsley fossil and what is even worse. he said us a few,
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a darian visual and others we call simply be uh, the spacing obstacles while trying to get to, to, to, to, to sort of those to provide that whenever you have more than a half of the request reach, austin's being denied. we are seeing 2 ways that the check points people are being detained, but we have to postpone the distance. so we don't have that too many there in space that we should have drawn to bring us as a. i'm just going back to what your team that has just returned from the hospital found. uh you talked about a number of bodies that base or lying around. what about those that they found to live in what condition where they, i mean we, we took often of assignments that has hit move in gaza, people in, in the middle of famine. now, i mean, what was, how, how, how did they describe the people that they saw in the hospital that, that had survived as well. there are no longer bases, you know, she fucks but,
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but i see the cost of every time we move is the best for people and hungry people. every time we go out with our trucks, there are crowns coming to the truck, hoping they would be some food. then what do we get to hospitals that are functional patients asking 1st for the food? so it's such a level of desperation. and again, not, not allowing us to go into the into northern garza and others will be able to do supplies to be deemed as a is really making things much worse. and this is most heavily the p. o box of the coffee table with jason, to be sure there is a, there's a say. and finally, the delivery of humanitarian assistance. okay, thank you so much for your time. talk to service by expressing at the world health organization. now ceremony and rolanda on sunday will knock the sachi of anniversary on the beginning of the 1994 genocide. and just
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a 100 days who 2 minutes just killed over $800000.00 of the tootsie minority and political opponents of the who to it will be down with the assassination off the who to president. you choose blame the tootsie rebel group, the london, patrick. i'll take from the shooting down his plane, the op us denied involvement between april and july, who, to munitions and elements within the london armies floated the tutsis, the kennings find the stones on july, the 4th when the all p. f backed by you down as ami captured, the london capital gully. stephanie deco reports from we a and lawanda in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills, the dead are being disturbed. despite never having found peace ready when it's done, i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found so
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many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land. 30 years after they were one to in genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name as victims is taken shore drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoy the most on imaginable of death. surround 800000, to see in some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by 22 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we also survivor, if with such a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness. we're going to throw everyone to
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we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us a teaches about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president pull cook, i'm a runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal to. so those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much. what happened is that what history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believe to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now on earth. but their names whose off of them,
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who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure . stephanie decker oh, g 0. who you, who wonder? now aetna is captivating visitors to southern italy with a display of volcanic vortex rings. scientists say recent activity to increase of the right conditions for the rat phenomena in auburn, go back, explains people here, renaming europe's largest volcano, and the lady of rings that's off to mount. aetna began blowing, smoke rings and drawer and crowds to stop. and it's a need to witness the raft. phenomenon, vortex rings. the created by a rapid release of gas. and the change in the shape of the volcano is creates a property that generates by deep seated explosives. gives insight to conduit. gases are being released, bubbles, explode of gas,
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that creek pressure waves, the travel up to come to it, and if the condo, it has the right good geometry if the pressure is just right. great. these wonderful baltics is the appearance of the south coast changes as they rise, sometimes smoky black all the time spanning i'm but as a catch the light despite the exciting activity now and is expecting the volcano to erupt anytime soon. the last speaker optional was on december 1st, 2023. the crazy guy is quiet now and there and we're working every day. enjoying every single moments with hundreds of people here and it's not working. it isn't clear how long my at now will continue puffing it smoke rings. bucks from now . visitors are all struck. barbara and go out to 0. okay,
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that's it for me. not inside lots more information on the website out there. they'll come through, check it out. the news continues off to tool to out there that's coming up next to stay with us. the the. so that's a pretty poor new south wales, including sidney with the system going service there was flooding, but that's gone. now the rain has also stopped. that'll be something on the ground still dictate of admittedly, it's all going safe. so the task been just catching the edge of tasmania charles on show for tropical queens and, and just off show for west australia is old right now. it should stay off showed, might just bring a few shares of the coast with it. i'll probably get to monday. the picture is still pretty good for new south wales. not so good. both allied in melbourne is now
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the wind to swamp directions and bring you to writing with it in using it and does not rain cavity or frustrated comes across the task than inducing the only way in which means temperatures will go up considerably trash church, for example, up to 25, i'll try to get to wednesday above the average, but not the record. java should have a couple of days or from really be dying pools. have been funding is result recently. but i wouldn't say the same football and they're also matched with the risk has increased for, you know, also that most of the philippines and mainland south east asia. it's held shumate. now last, the driving not entirely. this is a little unusual, but a warning sign for the matcher, right? and for the at the sky itself in charlotte mall flooding to come for sunday. and monday the ramadan is a time of mercy transformation worship, reward for every good deed is multiplied by 70. it's also brings nicely to the
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millions of people around the world to us suffering traps, injury to complex, devastating disasters, and abject poverty. domains use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives and transform communities the the space, probably minutes, the petro sanchez ends. he's late to smooth lease toward catch all at a crucial time for the wider reach and the gulf states has hosted several tops and ending israel's war on concept private as to sanchez calls for c spa and israel to respect. international law resonated world wide while he strongly condemned the october the 7th attack sanchez's also demanded the protection of civilian.


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