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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the colleges when the, [000:00:00;00] the nor kyle, this is the muse, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, reduced to rubble and still no trees, but israel says it's withdrawing old ground troops in southern galls us even only one bouquets in the street. some of the collaborations in one that's
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a month for 2 years since the 1994 genocide which pulled an 800000 people were killed during strikes cause habit. and ukraine 2nd largest, 15 months ago, says that in response to crating attacks on russian territory. i'm most at fox for me and most ministry rebels take control of an important town on the folder with find on his full max of staff and returns to winning ways before me. the one champion plays victory as a japanese ball k 6 and his lead the in the championship the it's 6 months since as well known, just as will on dollars, remotely, international court of justice with golf. as a plausible case of genocide, it began off to hum us attack. southern is right on october 7th. can we move in 1100 people? since the end, as well as bombardments at the strip has killed more than 53000 palestinians and
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the whole off of them children, most of the population around 1700000 people has been displaced. another round of seized upon negotiations is set to resume and cover laser on sunday, and his writing delegation is expected to attend. and how must have confirmed it is sending representatives with bringing m wrong con. now he's in occupies east jerusalem. so emerald reports that, as well, has withdrawn a ground troops from something galls that strip, leaving behind one a few 100 troops. what are you hearing from the as well, there might be 2 things that are going on here. this could be a re deployment of forces in anticipation for any ground defensive into rough. i remember these radius of loan threatened a ground defensive into roughly using troops on the ground. but that's something the americans do not want them to do. the americans are happy for them to go into
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the goals as a to go into rough or rather at, but they don't want to have a ground full is going. now. the reason for that is i want to avoid civilian casualties that plays in to the next thing that we're hearing is that by only having a few 100 troops, israel may well be getting ready to allow people from rock that's it goes back into those goals that that does something quite key, that how must have been demanding. it means that they are allowed to go back to their homes in the north of gauze, destroyed as those items might be. it also gives israel the opportunity to get a lot of civilians outside bravo. and into the northern territories which allows them to mount, but it's offensive where there's a ground defensive, like i said, the americans, they womack, or whether it's some of the type of defensive into rough or the fact that we've now seen movements and the sci fi tools in egypt with both these ratings and i'm asked confirming attendance,
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all of this could well be connected. and that's really what we're hearing right now . well, just tell us about the sci fi tools, because we have a will cabinet meeting to discuss who is going to be in that is really delegation. what's the significance of when we see who exactly will attend car, right, as well. i think if you see the head of the most, that that's the big is ready intelligence service. go to that meeting. that means that there is something to talk about. there is some sorts of negotiations going on that these right. these think it's worth the time sending somebody of that level. but remember, if they didn't see any future these tools, they wouldn't send anybody. so the fact that they sending somebody is quite key. well that somebody is going to be very senior. and the fact that i'm ass already that and already willing to, to whole means they could well be, might be movement on this. and that's really the kind of language that, that harry, everybody's still hedging their bets. and one thing that has been a breakthrough,
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but certainly there is something to talk about. okay, and wrong call and keeping console developments that and occupied is to resume this morning. thanks very much and run. we'll just go live now to gone. so which space will correspond that honey? my community joins us live from rafa in the south of the step in honey. despite everything that we're hearing from the inside israel, there is no less up in the fighting and goes off the 6 months of bullets relate to see what having on the ground the the yes, well it's, it's interesting time. if you hear about these really ever gave the point out or from the the box, but the majority of areas in the gods, for with the exception of by couple 100 to the troops are in the central air. and that's the, the central part. they have the nording guys are fitted up in air, a separate thing they centrally are. the southern part of it from the northern part is mainly better known as in gaza. mid 3 junction. and the reason not according to
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a statement made by b as really military. the reason for that to stay there is just to prevent people across going back to their homes and the northern part in java city. and right now what we're looking at is not a complete withdrawal. it's rather tactical, not part of the troops are still in there, but i see today's been part of the, the city at the 3 and juncture and right at the air itself across things. and largely viewed, the movement largely viewed either a tool of pressure on the talks in cairo, furthering the detox into getting into a deal. but the boxes, you know, people believe this is more of a tax, it goes re deployment. i'm more of a preparation for expanding the, the ground expensive and drop off city, which is very consistent with the ox on the ground so far from over night. as far as building dropbox city, including the major raids in han, you and it's including as the not area where the reports of extreme
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a friday and flashes between palestinians fighting groups on the ground is really in missouri as well as the western part of the city. and not only will looking at a level here level of destruction caused by the intensive bombing campaign on the ongoing grades, but also the math arrest and the mass going of, of palestinians here on the ground. and honey as well, has said that it would open the air as crossing into knolls and gauze. so this is what hundreds of thousands of people are facing, farm and conditions. do we know whether that's happened yet? so far, we're not seeing any things on the grounds. they make significant change on the ground haven't actually happened. yeah, there is still the talked about the new measures are presented. they do the until 8 organizations as they were, they already met with is really minutes. are you a 3 are at the crossing got to ensure the smooth flow of a human. it's very ne,
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but on the ground there's still reports of, of palestinians, mainly women and children on the boulder. but goods are, are dying because of the end for the hydration, and it start vision because of mountain dew. trish and then the 5. and that is a spreading really quick in the northern parts and gauze of city a week. we can literally see here is the signs of, of, of starvation is the started to spread here in overcrowded southern parts of this trip. for one simple reason, there are hundreds and hundreds of a trucks on the other side of the board that have been blocked. it from entering the gaza strip and the fact that we were there are 7 more land to crossings across the the goest, if that had been virtually blocked in the constant attacks on, on a convoys an aid seekers aid workers and law enforcement securing the delivery of 89, a statement that joined a statement by uh, 8 organizations describe the situation, the ground being very difficult and the,
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the conditions that created are preventing them from doing their job and delivering a too much desperate population because of the lack of a sense of safety on the ground floor to oregon. okay, honey, my friend brings the very latest uh from southern golf. thanks very much, honey. well, much of the wary joins is here in australia, and though he's the director of the gulf study center of the castle university could speak to again my job. so let's just talk about now with reports that as well as look for an old ground troops, ball one brigade from the south of the golf district. what are you reading into this festival? well, i think it's an important move. so especially after the operation and fun, eunice and the, the failure has already started, admitted that there was a failure. and also it comes just in a day where the negotiations for the stars and title and these ladies had already announced that this is sort of the step to prepare for the perpetration. and and uh and roughly, um, uh and, and,
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and basically that itself complicates negotiation to process because we know that that is a condition on the table from, from us that they need to complete these files. so there is an attempt to go to the offer to complete this out or not to be stated. so basically it's a, it's a, it's a more complete case and sign in a very critical time. talk a little bit more about this here. so i talked to the 2nd festival just looking at the situation on the ground, that reports that a brigade remains in southern israel and we understand that to be a few 1000 as rainy. so which is what do we know about what that tossed with the task? you know that the area of the art is to control those who are coming from south north or north south, right? that's all they have to ask of it. so basically is divided into the division division of those. so we know that this element was part of the negotiation and previous runs and and when her mess, she wants to show a flexibility. they said, we need this to be removed, we need all the stuff to be removed from that area. so that's itself telling
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because that's the only area we. we see that's a real magic now and tell them of, uh, uh, uh, is there any army presence in instance does. and we have to mention here, unimportant sign width in north. uh, because uh uh, united condition has confirmed that they have an approval to have uh, a water pipeline to guys uh to be open and also the open 20 baker these images. and that is so, you know, it tells me something about the outcome of the phone call between by the end its anyhow, we don't see much more comfortable or not it's, we haven't seen that, but i think that's the last thing we haven't seen as humanitarian aid already so now the tune does not. so the conditions, that's all as they are at the moment. but this withdrawal trips potentially preparing for an invasion, a graph for the remaining of a few 1000 troops on the division line to north and south cause or they don't really set helpful productive talks. and kyra, do this, why is as well, still sending a delegation again the,
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the water company's it's an in meeting now as we know. and we know that they decide that they do already announced that they would not sending the negotiation team unless they go to a positive feedback on how much, how much already has announced last night. the 4 conditions. and those, those 4 conditions or anything. it's in the house that he's a detective. so there is already out in a deadlock now. um, so i'm, i'm not sure which would be announced after the meeting and is where it would that would that would be more flexibility to be shown more us messages to about the dedication team. who are they? and the important thing is the mandate. it's remember by that has instructed and it's in the out. you'll have to give more mandate to the team on over to negotiate . and that is also another, another complicated matter now. so we need to see all of this after this cabinets were meeting that could so that's itself could tell us about the what would happen
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and just negotiation and other developments, but keeping an eye on today, much of great happiness today. why does this make sense? fidelity thanks very much. i a bell international failure to stop as well as well on goals or has parallels with the little ones in the genocide. some of these are taking place across rolanda to monk such he is so pissed off of the 1994 masika present. pul, cuz on they have let claim of remembrance in the caps ok gully to on of the victims . and over 100 days, who to munitions killed more than 800000 people, mostly from the ethnic tootsie minority. as well as who to moderates. was triggered by the assassination of the who to president juvenile. have the romano hutus accuse? took the rebels from little ones in patio sic front of shooting down his plane. the group denied enforcement between april and july, who to malicious and elements within the london army. so to put season political opponents, the killings finally stopped on july 4th. and the random pancreatic front backs
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buying guns as on a copse of the capital k gully without correspondence, definitely that could joins us live now from this army. so taking place in that could go late and stuff. tell us that how people are commemorating this, who risk periods and relentless history or yes are you currently have the president of the european commission giving as performances one day moving moment was one of the survivors was telling her story. she goes to my charge and the majority of this for most in the years, women and you know, this is really a very painful policy for people 30 years enough to hear about research and trust is not just about rwandans coming together to she you would forget to reconcile, you also have an array of international leaders here on the president's vice president and have the former us president bill clinton,
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who was in charge during 1994 and didn't do anything along with the international community. and it was always said that the failure to mapped in one of the biggest thing is, is the presidential so interesting we have, he's really president here. my doctor saw this is the country, it's right. of course, that is currently facing charges, potential charges of genocide and international criminal court in the hey, the world's highest court, attach it and defend itself. when it comes to south africa's code. he's sitting here too. so there's also a message too much as to for wanting reconciliation, but also of his failure. it's been casual communities and say never again. and then it does happen again and again. now as we can memory to your 30 years inside genocide, mass grades continue to be visited one of those just a few days ago. and this is our report in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills,
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the dead are being disturbed. despite never having found peace rooms done, i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found to so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm and was 30 years of to the one doing genocide . identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here is been identified. what is left of the name as victims is taken to shore, drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. surround 800000, to see in some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by some 2 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be
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identified. this was intimate, close, so slow to are. we also survivor, if with such a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness. miranda throws everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk, i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal to. so those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much. what happened is our history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select, vio, forties. those who lived here are believed to have known about and concealed the
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mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now one ernest. but their names who loved them to mrs. them would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure. stephanie decker all g 0. who ya? luanda? this further, what did i want to bring in or guess decorative director of the organization? never again, thank you for to read to us. what does this moment mean for what is the message, you know, the message was to come to the
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one on the level. so now the one that you to how does one reconcile? how does one forgive after such a painful past? it has been telling you because the 19 that to for genocide, i guess it was a genocide to fox and that way it hasn't been killed. the wife wife didn't put a time on children. so the government had to use some unconventional operatives. so of this a set that had been focused on con, live together. but it has been various initiatives, the national across the us and community initiatives, a sacrificial program. that kind of facilitate this i'll set to come together so that this has a family that has been destroyed on a bit of a good. have you seen changes in this while you've been working in your
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organization? how is people co tells the adopters? the of course we'll send the changes, but it's not the one uh, the business. so it's, it's a way of continuous efforts. and because the, the, the, the step to the end of gwinnett, a ton of goodness, due to almost 4 model. in fact, the, so to play on this almost model and that to you, to continuous indicate. now the, the spectrum of the civil meant that the also some studies that the psycho social ones, both within the, somebody was i'm the from what's always within this of leave us a condo for, forget the effects of the dentist, the dentist that goes on the head spits that is within the region. so those are some of the challenges that the phone system. it has been
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a 2. we were listening to the survivors speech and a lot of people here were in tears in a moment like this. this is re open old rooms this, that it does open the old ones because the pot to this, of a virus, us through some of the con, con content this time brings back those that come on minutes. but because that is um, the whole stipple. now have you quote i, so i just mix this is that not to route to the best, but the kind of they remember. so that's what happens for them to happen again. and also making sure that you briefly about the world of interest need to have international leaders here. bill
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clinton was the form us president. the world didn't act as the see never again, but we've seen many cases of, of, of the atrocities against humanity happen again. and again, i'm as the world, the world certainly fails. we want to have the lessons been learned to be very honest, i kind of so that the loads didn't get on. because if they had lost, it wouldn't be see that there's some of that process but happened in around, around the globe. but this also comes from the fact that you found that while among this, the simple fact was that some of the interest. so the next depends on the interest of each of which typical those interest affecting the human kind. thank you so much for your time. so as a story here, certainly of the difficulties of forgiveness and reconciliation but also of the
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failure of the international community to act. and even though they say never again, looking back at this particular genocide that the international powers really do show the lack of will to involve themselves. busy in any of the other atrocities that have passed stephanie deck of opposing alive that from causality, thanks very much stuff. most of africa has highlighted the rolanda genocide during its case against israel, a be in special court of justice. it says in stuff what community failed to prevent the atrocities from being committed back in 1994 on one's history, it should not be repeated before i gave them your thoughts. the genocide and melinda unfolded in full view to belgium. peacekeepers were tortured murders on the 1st day of the killings. an appeal for reinforcements was denied and does the number of those killed increased the united nations security council
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condemned domestic has but refused on the insistence of the u. s. and the u. k. to use the term genocide, us president bill clinton admitted to require it when he visited rwanda in 1998. we did not act quickly enough after the killing began. we should not have allowed the refugee camps to become safe havens for the killer. the we did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name, genocide report published by one to in 2021. found friends for a significant responsibility for not stopping the mask, because despite prior knowledge they were being planned, some estimates put the number of debt as around 800000. friends was accused of covering up its role and even protecting some perpetrators. a french inquiry, blame the government for not forcing the slow to and said it more serious and
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overwhelming responsibility. boston to absolve the french government of direct complicity. the 2 of count, the mfc, the killers who stole the swamps, the hills. the touches did not have the face of france, france was not an accomplice, budget. the company's south africa has filed the case against israel at the international court of justice. accusing us of carrying out genocide in garza and says, history should not be repeated. the one that's been out of the statements, they've got a group to all of us for having food for, for the international coming, giving food to prevent it from hip. and that does not have it live with the similar to grid when it comes to publish type the international criminal tribunal for when the based intends in the convicted 61, people for that role in the killings. hundreds of thousands more. her face trial and community quotes in rwanda. so 2 years on many see the failings that led to that genocide as
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a time the less and i'm one that never seemed to more relevant. victoria gates and b l g 0, which all petri is for my assistant separate general of the united nations and united nations deputy coordinator in the line to join the 90 in 94 genocide. he joins us now from a man good to have you with us. he will arrive just peach tree in mulanda, about a month into the genocide. tell us about your role, the and the particular challenges you face the as a you and representative. yes, the thank you for having me. yeah, no, i arrived your rights in may early may a 94 a month into the genocide, about half of the people who were to be murdered were were killed. and i, as the death to humanity, trained coordinator, my responsibility was to try and get to a better sense of what was happening on the ground reporting it to new york. and
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then also facilitating the activities of the different humanitarian partners. the 1st was actually quite challenging because they, you know, we, we talk about the failure of the security council in rwanda. i mean, one has to remember that's, that's the security council was addressing the, the genocide in rwanda barely 4 weeks after the withdrawal of troops from somalia. for me, the fig, it's one that has paid paid the price for the failure of somalia of the international operation. and so the somalia and that, that really came to ahead with the baffling mortgage issue early october when the us the us special forces. last, i think up to 2020 of their men and the us another international, another countries decided that they, they, they weren't going to get involved in something that did not have a direct relevance to,
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to national interest. so you say that the un security council deliberately failed rwanda. do think that the same thing is happening today. when we look at garza, that the you and security council today is deliberately failing people that to uh well i, i would say the rwanda said the trend for what we been seeing ever since. i think, i mean, somalia was, was really the 1st post code word intervention and there was an attempt to try and, and sort of establish shoulders. i mean it's, it's pretentious to say, but almost a new world order, at least to get involved in, in promoting some of the basics, the basic values and, and it failed. and as a result of the failure, i think the, the will of the, in special community to get involved in something more than direct national interest. just dissipated survey. the to all of the correspondent was talking to
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just then said the wells is not learned from the lessons over one that would you agree with that? well, i think the world has become almost darwinian. so it's not a question of not learning it's, it's a question and the forces that are, that are confronting each other. it's just what this new world order looks like. and it makes it exceedingly difficult to sort of push through basic principles in, in such a context. when we talk about progress happening in rwanda, this drive for reconciliation. we've had a lot of people saying that it seems somewhat false that it's too politicized. when you're looking at rolanda today, are you seeing a nation that has healed or if it's still a long way to get, i mean, i think this, i mean one doesn't, you know, one doesn't t o over night from, from such a traumatic event. i mean, you look at this real today and how much the holocaust is defined, the trauma, the,
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all the cost has defined the politics and, and, and society. it's exactly the same thing. and one to it is, there's a trauma. the, there is an x, i mean, i'm not even sure time is, is the, the, the only factor that will really help overcome that. that trauma. no, i, i think it's something profound and, and, and as a result of something exceedingly complex to understand from the outside as a witness to such horrific champs in human history. what of it do you carry with you? uh, i would say profound sadness. uh um that i think many of us who are there have never been able to let go. and, and, and uh, you know, the feeling that we were allowed to see, uh, what existing behind the veil of,
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uh, normal social behavior. you know, that, you know, and, and i think we've seen it even more. i mean, it's not specific to rwanda specific to africa. it's, it's, we've seen, we, we were, we were, we were allowed to see a dimension of, of, of human nature that really exists. and as an asked to be, has to be under, it has to be understood that it exists until so to this day tells petri and thank you very much for taking the time to join us to bill thoughts and experiences him on al jazeera. thank you. it was still a head hair on alex's era. i am how sham injured this sense of what restoration is under way to breed life until one why being trades and cultural home thoughts will have all of us full time. are we talking about the spanish football club? that has one,
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it's fast trophy in force. he is the 5, i'm not sure if you will continue to enjoy some warm sunshine logically as guys for central at east and pos, but i, which was the northwest. we are looking get some very heavy rain. i have some very windy weather as well. storm kathleen continues to make his way further northwards and east was on this line. a blue line that co from will continue to just easiest way for the east was how does that what we're picking up, but very womack solely williams lifting those type of just went up into the 20. so i'm going to central past the 26. the 4 bowling and rising as we go one into the next couple of days, you can see that. so that was very much in place as we go for tuesday. the 28 celsius in the bell. and as i've stated in the won't, there's nothing
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a little further east was, but the hide, it's good cool facts. the 12 celsius, the full white london, some of the temperature to full paris. as we go on into the rest of the day, we are going to say some more showers just creeping the way across scandinavia. where when the weather coming in, it costs much off the british charles, see some wet weather to coming into. that's a little them area of spite pushing across into a good concert, frost creeping farther east, which as we go through monday, more rain coming into the northwest. but the central policies type form and sunny of the s pain. it just closer to recognizing it palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law. what i can tell you is that the situation on the quantities flexible as an immediate cease firing, garza, there's an urgency to stop disturbing war and to open
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a new phase of stability piece for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l g 0. examining the headlines. is there any is of publicity for forms of life and god's unflinching journalism? awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience, only $48.00 it welts for women, come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the,
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[000:00:00;00] the oregon you're watching out, is there a has remind you of our top story is this, our israel says it's pulling most of its troops out of southern dall. so i'm leaving one of the gate behind. it's unclear what's behind the move. this comes as a rule on this trip and says it's 7 months late. you're trying to cease monica associations is to, to get on the way in cairo, in the coming hours is ready to engage and is expected to attend on hemlocks as confirmed as well. so sending representative academic reasons are being held in one that's a month, especially yes, since 1994 genocide present pool cook. com is leading the events of the leaders and former heads of state from several countries of insight that russian forces have launched a new wave of trade and a missile strikes on the ukrainian city of khaki. one person was killed and 3 inches in the latest attacks, which struck
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a kindergarten and residential buildings. that being reports of widespread power cops rushes intensified its attacks when we print the 2nd largest city in recent weeks, correspondent child stratford joins us now from the scene of these types in khaki. even charles was the rule of the strikes in the past few hours. where are you and what's the situation the as well, this is the 2nd impact site that we have visited this morning to my left to it because i just pans around. you'll see where, what is believes to potentially be a new kind of weapon, the russians or testing ouch. uh, that's according to certainly the military that we've spoken to here on the car cube. this is a residential area. there are no immediate signs of any strategic or military targets here. but if you can see these, these are the buildings where people obviously have, i believe we've spoken to injured people here in the last haul for now. obviously,
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as you can imagine, absolutely terrified with these ongoing and as you mentioned, intensifying attacks in recent days and weeks every hour, i suppose here in car cave, the alarm goes off, we get a looks on our phones. and the reason why you didn't cements emergency services you might expect to is because we just had an alarm literally 2 or 3 minutes ago. and a lot of people flipped to the shelter because there was an increasing concern of cycled double tax. that's basically one strike. the russians will leave it for a while and then hit the same place again, once emergency services, the ministry arrives. so the situation here is you can imagine is very tense in days, right? the way across the city there accounts, great areas without any power supply whatsoever local solar to say to the concave region, around 400000 families without electricity, and no sign of any lights up in these attacks. but so now rush,
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it says that is punishing this region. 4 attacks with ukraine is coming across the border, which is around. so 2 kilometers away, the bells are all 3. and it says that he wants to basically create some sort of site design. and here, the spring and evacuation across the border as well, but meanwhile, the population here of called k dave is living in perpetual fit. and as i say alarms constantly and we actually so find expressed by people who are the local man has to end up and he was originally verbally attacked by one man accusing the shortage of not doing enough. we know so he is suffering a huge deficit in the defense systems. it's something the presence of landscape for him and it's a difficult but constantly talking about there are promises from the west, but they're not coming through quick enough. there's even concern. certainly, according to president zalinski that a,
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this kind of scale size and frequency of these attacks continue, they may actually run out of sufficient defense and certainly in this area last night was very interesting to consider alarms. we saw twice a 5 being direct. you don't what we understood were drones, a number of which were intersected. but yes, as i say, a 2nd here that you could, you could find in, in, in multiple other areas across the city. as these attacks continue. okay, tough stuff, but thanks very much for bringing us that reporting from the call came in that area, which is just being a stressful leaving out to go and get some what say for a child strep that the new crime of the us bring you back. now to our top story, the will on garza and the u. k. foreign sex treat to have a camera in hudson. what's your support for israel is not unconditional. you made
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those comments on that as well. last as strikes on monday that killed 78 was pre of them, buttons, schedule correspondents in london. how are full said, how are we tell us about the phone secretaries, comments? we not as a, not they to a course of disapproval of the israel's talks of killing of the a black as well. yeah, that's right. as being a statement both from david cameron, i'm from the prime minister, receives student academic kind of writing the sunday times the prime minister, putting out of statements on his twitter or x feet and not uh he talks about it being 6 months since when he pulls the tires, outrage of a sense of october. uh so is that what was the country is something to hold. what happens by what happens to the uh, wells central kitchen, uh, conroy last week and he says the gaza is suffering hot. good desperation, loss of life on an awful scale, no shift to the essential british policy of to non degree,
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the media to monetary and pause as opposed to an immediate cease fire. that is something that's that code by david cameron in his office. cool. in that british newspaper, but his statement is a little bit more interesting, particularly given the political backdrop tool, this tyrant. because as well as referring to what he calls the most motors program since the 2nd world war in terms of what happened on the 7th of october and talking about his real not being able to escape, blame. being clear of the weather blade lies for the attack on the world. central kitchen aid workers. a few days ago he does talk about british supports the israel right to self defense, not being unconditional, saying that's a 5 national humanitarian more now why that's really crucial is because the increasing questions. so exactly what legal advice the british government has received about israel is, comes out of the war last week. there was
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a letter signed by more than a 100 and these involvements pointing out that kind of do in other countries or change their approach to, on sales to israel and tell you that kind of the businesses, usually when it comes to that matter, for the k i that david allow me, the main may the policy all positions folks know i'm part of says he has said that the british government that a david cameron is dodging scrutiny on exactly what kind of legal advice it has received. so i ratcheting up again, of david cameron's words, we wait to see if any actions on arms sales might fall. meanwhile, harry, on the aid from varied amount of pressures naval ship to be deployed to help deliver supplies by renew maritime cargo. what do we know about that? so let's try that again. david cameron has been more forceful in recent weeks on the question of aide. i've been publicly critical
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of israel in terms of holding up british aid in his words arbitrarily and has welcome now the opening, the stop port and the arrows crossing and north of gaza. saying that suddenly the impossible has become possible on top of that. so the statement from the phone office saying that that needs to be as many avenues as possible of a into a garza and so put in is adding more infrastructure and the british naval ship to the efforts coming from cyprus to gaza and committing within $12000000.00 to assisting in that along with international partners. so that's, that's the message sofa on the aide front here on sunday. okay. how are we supposed to bring installations lines that from london. thanks so much. sorry. dozens of rockets have been launched from 11 and then to be occupied. going on heights that's below fi. so say they talk to them is really based on the ad defense post it talk, photos is really strikes and nothing's back on volley. 100 columbus is from the
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boulder, as well as middle tree said they were in response to the downing of one of its trains, or even lebanese space. the, to me, i'm on now where the military government have lost control of a key boat, a town. most of the countries trade with thailand passes through my one team. yeah, the korean national union says hundreds of government traits gone thing the town have surrendered. it's published photos of celebrations on weapons. it says with seas. soccer invites, has and other anti military groups that may significant gains against the junction waste weeks. they seize territories and catching states in the north chin in the west, and in the south. meanwhile, the highlighted regions below, once on the full military control, but they've shrunk since the 23 years ago. filled up with some is the deputy
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director of asia with human rights. what he's has been most battery has been stretched very sent across the country and is forced to fight on multiple fronts. a well, this is a major blow of them. yeah, i'm our military hotel. this is the largest most important of the 6 additional type burma border crossings. give you an idea of the perspective between april 20, 2023 and march 2024 over a 1000000000 us dollars and bilateral trade was conducted through this check point . during peacetime, uh that figure was twice as high. so i mean, it's quite clear that this is a major, major blow to them. yeah. more military. and with the fall of that town in maya, while the much of a ethnic run state is now liberated from any sort of control by them, young bar military. so it is a very big deal. this is something that is surprising and how fast it fell. and it shows a real debilitation of the military's forces,
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particularly in the rural areas in the, in the periphery of the country. while there is very clearly a renewed purpose amongst the ethnic organizations working with people's defense forces, these are the militias that were created by people after the military coup and 2021 . they have been working with the ethnic groups. they're working together, they're stretching the military very staying across the country. they're, they're, the military is being forced to fight on multiple for us. and i think that there's are a real decline of popular support in the military and the difficulty in recruiting new people. that's why they've now imposed a new mandatory conscription law where they're going to start drafting people against their will into the military, starting in april later this month. so it is, uh, it is a situation where they, the military is really backed itself into a corner waging a very unpopular war against the people of myanmar who refused to go back to the
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military dictatorship and all the abuses that entails. and so it has hit on al jazeera, an unexpected moment for best. a goal for playing at the texas open sun over here with the rest of the action in school. the over 30 years of to the assignment was, was 0 was tell us the behind the scenes, the story of nor waynesville, and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what they froze and i ability and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed this room decided to go back to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering and forth was the price of all us. all just examining the
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headlines is there is of publicity for forms of life and got unflinching journalism . awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor or do you want to create a world where women come and feel niche, it relates to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the world now and his center. thank you very much, laura. well, max for stop and has extended his leave at the top of the formula. one drivers championship. he won the japanese co pay ahead of his wed full team. it says you paid us,
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david stokes report the fact to winning ways after his rabbit time is less time out in australia. next we stop and lead from start to finish its zuka claiming the japanese growing pre for the 3rd year in a row 3 winds from for the season. i put in 13 points clear and the championship. yeah, very nice. everything just runs really well. pick something well started year thing worked out well. so could have been any better. the race had been delayed after a heavy crash on the new app between alex albums, williams and the up and down your ricardo. so i did that by so much done hurt, but the clean up job took 30 minutes while because it didn't put the stepping off though, cruising to the check and flag nearly 13 seconds ahead of his rental teammate. so do you have perez carlos science who went in australia edged out this for army team? i chose the click to complete the podium in the place. i think we know the i've already been raised with some what over, thanks for the in. uh yeah, i one point in the race, i thought it was not going to to happen to pull your mind,
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but then he made us think when i put the new hard the that i gave me a really good feeling and i could push i need on science is being replaced at the end of the seasons by lewis hamilton. the 7th time champion continues to struggle in his final campaign with, besides finishing down and notes in this rice. i don't know if you can take many processing or we can. i mean the, the cost finished, which is good, but we're like, you know, $79.00 boxes. so next step is the chinese going pre in 2 weeks time where the should happen. well, once again, be the heavy favorites. it's hard to see anyone stuff in human, these quest when will title number for david stokes, which is ever moving on to the premier league title race and august, and i'll have return to the top off so they'd be bright. and the 3 now is to be for my just the city area and then that might catalog to, to side and needed to end the tense game. and 11 to move from said to top. and they were given the opportunity to do so. and gabrielle faces that was filed in the bulk
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. okay, o sized stepping up to take the penalty for his full teams. that goal of the season . i have its made it to before former bryce and then enjoy suicide made it sure. victory with his size that it listened to a point above. livable vermont just the city area on size today. put them in level and points with livable off the beating crystal palace to balls from kevin to brian a golf on recall. louis and the early had on the top of 22, wind city, remain and said with one point separating this helps we are there 7 games left for us? small a city, but live a pool. have a chance to go top when they play their game and hands. it gets the long time rivals matches the united states on sunday is paying. i've talked to the bill bo
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have won the 1st trophy in 40 years. they beat my oak of $42.00 on penalties to claim the culprit delray. it says 24th corporate typos. let's 1st since 1984. it had lost the previous 6 finals, and also they are fairly final to its ethical, my deed, in 2012 filled by a managed by x barcelona coach at list of identity and also in contention. so it's helpful finish and lanita is still on the sign that says of bhaskar region of those that have come to their academy of the game. it was say this as well, but there was a sell crowd watching back at bill bell stadium more than $50000.00 gathered to watch on joint screens about uh, the full oldest spanish club. longer, we never to have been relegated with barza enrollment with over the united states. they're now missing maybe some back up for inter miami in the analysts after nearly a month out into a peaceful doctor coming on in the 2nd hostage roll them level against colorado
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rapids. um and then went ahead. but colorado madison level, it's meant to finish to, to yeah, it'd be a defending champion then. but now get to have moved the top of the west and come 1st. thanks to a big win over the atlanta hawks 100. $42.00 points to a $110.00. it's a lot. ok to the school. he's 25th, triple double of the season. and he didn't even play the 4th cool to the mountain. always cool. the 16 points off the 7 a games out within the injury, then that will play 2nd place minnesota temples on wednesday. less than a week to the mazda is in full. i'm a champion. sergio garcia has had a good phone espana. it has a to a short lived at the live tour event in miami. it's been played at donald trump's course as well, which foiled garcia, hold 6 birdies, one such a day for 4 on the pa, 68th is not one live farm and to yet despite being one of the 1st place to during
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the series in 2022 garcia, one of the boxes in 2017. so has a lifetime exemption to play in the tournament on the pga tool x a. but i is the man to attach a texas open to indian american, and a has moved to a 15 on the pa, overall 4 shots clear of the field. if he gets his 2nd to victory, it will give him a place at the mazda is meanwhile, and there was a funny moment for sweden's big alvarez had not to offer his drive at the 17 full. but amazingly, he still ended up getting the ball on the queen. overhead was all ready booked, his place at the masses, which will be his 1st major championship. and that's always full for me, a $100.00 the laura a summit. thanks very much. indeed. now a saudi arabia pulls billions of dollars into his tourism sector is also investing heavily and preserving its cultural heritage. one area that's beneficial, thing is the old town and it says you have jetta,
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unesco listed sites known as our ballade auction. all of our explains how it's which history is coming back to life. as soon as you get into the old center of jet, you find yourself lost in and these are all the ways and buildings, hundreds of years. so spread over an area of just one my as better these home to move than 650 historic buildings made of portals, stones, and woods. i have cause problems to be honest because it's a very ord, it's a nice area to take to. so the people, it's amazing, i revisit many of a a rabbit countries before. uh, but uh, what city like was we never meet before. so before the see, the house is a landmark building. it was one's a temporary residence of sante radius found the king of the disease or was a 100 years ago for more than a 1000 years,
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muslims from off because i live around and south east asia passed through here all the way to america. turning the old city into a vibrant, cosmopolitan and culturally diverse hub for sound is preserving bath heritage is crucial, not only to attracting to risk well so said the stands out of the city with a vibrancy of its own demand. and how we has a degree in traditional artworks she enjoys showing visitors, the dedicated geometric patterns and vote is used in the architect to get the admin and those have to continue to minister. yeah, visitors tell us they feel a sense of peace and tranquility when they come to the old town and i tell them that it's because of the masons who put their love in crafting those beautiful buildings to which will flush yeah, so that has been one of the oldest most this most is one of the oldest in jet. the more that it's recently renovated open courtyard was kept intact on teams. and the
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buildings. and the city district program is, is not about restoring buildings only. it's more than that. it's to revise the old town to bring back life again to the old town like it was in the past. has ended with stacy is it would call the professor that was in decline. but now things have changed and his business is booming. and then see, i'm a new i'm and could be there is hope for 2 years and i have trained hundreds of craftsmen they will become, would cover themselves. manual craft gives you a great sense of satisfaction and it's a cultural value that needs to stay. 8 who's traditions of why the the most of how do i have to books around beating his drum to remind people to wake up for that to kneel before the start of the done fast. the old town,
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also known as a ballot, is a live once again, hash about about a 100. so you get and that's it from the laura kyle for this news off while the basketball will be back in just a moment. but more of the days these for you, the we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to every family carries it's within those and $65.00. or in this case, you can take
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a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch crowd the ink cartridge, these families to finally discussed their cost. in the hope of sparing youth young son by breaking the cycle intergenerational trauma my father new and died. a witness documentary on elegy sierra, the last 2 weeks.
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so the total does not contain or the after 6 months of war is well says it's withdrawn. most ground troops from the 7 guys leaving one brigades behind the are you watching how to 0 live from to how with me for the back. people also coming up sombre commemorations in one that's


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