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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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i'm best place to understand the max and so if we do continue with the animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions that does not mean that we don't harm. we don't touch, we do, we exploit, the israel says is pulling some of his troops out of gauze as con eunice area as a sense of delegation to cairo to $65.00 towards the, until mccrae, this is ellen just here in line from dell. ha. also coming up cause a mock 6 months for more than 53000 palestinians have been killed. billy half of them children. it was the international equipment in which faded
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us. it's been 30 years since the start of the rwandan genocide. the country has been honoring the victims and hockey's comes under attack again as russia launch is most strikes on you cry and 2nd largest city. the, is there any defense minister says a troops of pulled out of guns that to prepay for future operations, including and offensive on the rasa, the alia, the israeli military said it had withdrawal. and most of its troops from latan eunice area in gaza, leaving behind just one brief guys. and this is the devastation they left in their wake. as well as the pullout is in order to recuperate and prepare for future operations. it comes 6 months up to as well launched. it's more and more the international court of justice is, is a plausible case of genocide. but the assault began off to him also. tact something is right low looked of the 7th killing more than a live in
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a 100 people and taking over $200.00 captive now. since then, as well as bombardment of the strip has killed more than 33000 palestinians, nearly half of them children. and another round of 6 fine negotiations is it to resume in cairo on sunday, delegations from israel and mos are expected to attend. meanwhile, domestic pressure is piling up once again on is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but his handling of the boy and gas and now these of live pictures from west jerusalem, thousands of antique government protest is demanding the return of captives that are held in garza the 6 months since the wall sconces bass. i ceased find negotiations and notes prioritizing, captives lives. who can, let's bring in for a challenge, who is at those protests and rory. meanwhile, you know, it's another nice have, as we've seen there a anti government protest how big an effect of having is missing yahoo,
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impervious to domestic pressure, as well as the international pressure that we have seen him on the in recent dies no one man. well, so far he said to domestic pressure, you referenced domestic pressure in the speech that he gave you on say why he said that the protest is being taken to the streets of israel, the weeks and months of a half a year. now since october, the 7th. well, they should be focusing their attention on how much not on the trying to on a see to as a prime minister. there are 2 different strands of protests going on. even in this country, one is the span, the army as environment. now these protest is not necessary to coding for destiny are here to step down. this is about bringing the captives her businesses about getting their loved ones out of gaza. i'm back to their families. these protests have been going on uh week off the week, month after month since october,
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the 7th. the all the strand to process going on at the moment is there and see government process, and that is much more political. what they want is for the elections to happen as soon as possible, and elections that hold the power suggest vanessa. yahoo! that is coalition government with lucas highly, are on this week. we sold the 1st time. those different strands of protest is coming together. that would break protests instead of being at the beginning of week 3 nights, a private test. so i'm doing that jerusalem as well. some of which ended with the fatty vaughn and the with heavy handed policing. certainly, uh, going on. this part to specifically the volume in much smaller the noise at the beginning of the week. and the moment it seems that the police are standing off, that's no violence at the moment to see how that comes out in maria. israel is finally convinced they will be sending a delegation to colorado for another round of negotiations. what more can you tell
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us about their ability to actually negotiate this time around me? well, this step like ation is a high level delegation, includes the head of most that the foreign intelligence service. it includes the head of shouldn't batch the domestic intelligence service representatives from the military as well as they are going. we understand just to tie ro, i to take part in those top this evening with what is being reported in these writing media as an expanded mandates. now. well, that means as they are going out, see with how was of negotiation in previous rounds of copyright souls. these already delegations have gone essentially with very fixed parameters, dictated to them by netanyahu's governments. they with that. so it's a monetary lesson, but essentially do nothing more than that. and then to come home, this expanded mind, i might suggest the battery is driving, the man said for some sort of deal. some of the sort of agreement being or the
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framework for that would have to, we'd have to wait and see how our times out. there is still a huge scale of costs between these, where the government's position and how much position netanyahu was speaking. how do you want today? and he was saying that it's not israel, the standing of the way all of the of a deal of, of a hostage deal. it is how much space listen to what he said on the see. can y'all do show to come us stuff, show that. so how mass hopes that the pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen. israel is ready for a deal. israel is not ready to surrender. instead of international pressure being directed at israel, which only causes hum us too hot in its positions, the pressure of the international community should be directed against thomas, a cub us luck. washington has also been waiting and on the troop withdrawal his wont winehouse, national security communications advising june could be had to say
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a short time ago. so it's hard to know exactly what that tells us right now. this was just an announcement that they made. i'd certainly let them speak to their operations as we understand it and through their public announcements, it is really just about rest and reset for these troops that have been on the ground for 4 months. and not necessarily that we can tell indicative of some coming new operation for these troops. they've been on the ground for 4 months. the word we're getting is they're tired. they need to be reset some displace palestinians of venturing out of cams to visit what is left of their homes off to these ready troop withdrawals. many areas had been raised to the grounds during bombing, and gary visited some of the streets and homes destroyed by israel's military. i am currently in the heart of can eunice after that, is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and lis violence? is there any forces where stations here we can see in the houses,
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right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready. authorities the destruction is massive. these are is right in the writings and they are all over this building. and we witnessed that a couple of houses have been also having the same words in the same drawings. they literally left their writing on every house. they invaded and stormed income unit. we don't really understand what these are written. some people use google translate to understand the messages. is there any forces left in their houses and on their walls? and we're also talking to some people. they're saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. all of the streets are completely demolished.
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there are no streets anymore. it is converted into a part of town. even the houses the r since tom days, they are unsuitable for living, where it's obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces on the policy and resistance the infrastructure. the infrastructure has been also g. p damaged in this area. residents of con eunice were forced to flee from noon as under good fire air strikes, larger munitions, and they evacuated to the very bela and to the floor. but the question is, are these people going back? and if they're going back, going back where there is no where that's suitable for them to live.
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some people are also seen looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble. people in 10 units have been witnessing and list violations by that is really forced, as they were arrested from announcer hospital. they were killed in bombs. and now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. this is the hold of the odyssey to newness as, as israel continues its for on cause of which the i c, j has said as a plausible case of genocide for wanda is mocking through the years since the 1994 genocide. the president. polk accommodate has used the occasion to point out the failures of the international community that strong parallels to the gallons of strip got me was joined by 37,
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the heads of state as he left the flame of remembrance. at the memorial in the capital of cali, commemorations that taking place across the country to remember the 800000 people who were messages over the course of a 100 day killing spree, who to malicious laws and people from the ethnic tootsie minority. as well as who to motor its matter over the country is represented to get to they also send their sons and daughters to serve as peacekeepers. yolanda bowed sod. yes. did not fav honda it was an international equipment in which faded us. maria of the way, was only 12 years old when she lost her father and there were ones in genocide she reflects on her journey of reconciliation. we thought it was only 42 years
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old, the same age the today. and so today came as a very important, i told my kids all the time, the top i really got to have made it 43 years old, especially having a dog who was out there who was a professional so completely who was young, who was full life ending was taken on that day. i have forgiven a 100 percent and i wish that there were many people in wanda dot who did really guess about forgiveness instead of taking up the general science of just the opposite to size. is that and so the advocate has highlights a different one to genocide during its case against israel at the international court of justice. it says the international community failed to prevent the atrocities from being committed back in 1994. and once history should not be repeated, victoria guy can be report, send a warning that some of the images in his story,
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disturbing the genocide in rwanda and pulled it in full views to belgium. peacekeepers were tortured murders on the 1st day of the killings. an appeal for reinforcements was denied and does the number of those killed increased the united nations security council condemned domestic has but refused. on the insistence of the u. s. and the u. k. to use the term genocide, us president bill clinton admitted require it when he visited were when the in 1998 . we did not act quickly enough after the killing began. we should not have allowed the refugee camps to become safe havens for the killer. the we did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name, genocide report published by one to in 2021. found
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friends for a significant responsibility for not stopping the mask, because despite prior knowledge they were being planned, some estimates put the number of debt as around 800000 friends was accused of covering off its role and even protecting some perpetrators. a french inquiry, blame the government for not for seeing the slaughter and said it more serious and overwhelming responsibility, boston to absolve the french government of direct complicity. did you just count the money, the killers who stole the swamps, the hills? the touches did not have the face of france, france was not an accomplice. budget to complete south africa has filed the case against israel at the international court of justice. accusing is of carrying out genocide in garza and says, history should not be repeated. the one that's been out as a stem and they've got a group to all of us for having food for, for the international coming, giving food to prevent it from hip. and that does not have it live with the same
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but a grid when it comes to published by the international criminal tribunal for when the based intends and the convicted. 61 people for that role in the killings. hundreds of thousands more, her face trial and community quotes in rewind. so 2 years on many see the failings that led to that genocide as a time the less. and i'm one that never seem to more relevant. victoria gates and b l g 0. also a hit here on down to 0. so finally thing on donations, we made cancer, patients and argentina feeling abandoned by the new governments. the it must be the emotions in their own words. 3, i'll just leave a general as described,
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working at survive through israel's us. so yeah, of course a lot of my dad was i was calling and especially as much the short term journalism on the genocide on the jersey. you want to report, but at the same time you want to feed your company. you also want to stay a life the colleges. when this is took, took years, the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view. rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical,
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and cultural beauties. news the villages here a reminder about top stores, the salad is riley miller treat says its withdrawal. and most of its troops from the con eunice area in southern guns that they've been just one brigade behind as well says the pull out is an order to recuperate and prepare for future operations . there's been heavy finding between now and we get the milestones ready, phones and conkiness. he's ready, um he has now consumed at least 4 of its soldiers with cubes and commemorations being held under wonder to monks choosing here since the start of the 1994 to the
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sides, which it forces killed more than a 100000 tutsis and motor scooters present fulton county has been joined. finally, he will the latest. as a remembrance, events and kick out with dozens of rockets had been launch from live and on into the occupied golden hinds. his bluff, i did say they targeted in this riley base and a defense paused. the tech follows as ready strikes and living owns big and valley . 100 kilometers from the buddha. across the border fi has been common since the war on gaza began in earlier on sunday as royal's military sit. it has completed another phase of preparations for a possible f alone will with living on and syria. how sion has more from cover in southern living on the south. i was ready as strikes today in different areas of south 11 on from p. i'm in the east to to it off in the west and also in pennsylvania and quite a few left. this is just the invitation. how's the situation in government has been
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evolving since 6 months when this sold 6 sauces. yesterday only the 7 on the tax seem to be 5 valley 100 to meet as from the board on this keyboard. it gives us a kind of an understanding of how the dynamics have been changing over the past months that are more than 100000 people. now, this phase from the border area, what are the beginning? the conflict was contained, but now we can say that it's any more the ration itself anymore. same desk with as you be safe, as i said, the default value and also has will on the other side, trying to expand the front. how does that play with us? it's saw you think committed to bases in the golan heights, which is also something unprecedented in, in previous was over the past 6 months. they've been more than 50 civilian skills
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along with a 100. so for his beloved or the militants, the price is also killed during this conflict. we are having some, a lot of this house was destroyed. as far such scenes can be seen in different and many, although living these thousands across the board as i should, much as he had, i'll drop it off, saw the living room into the seat of the coast. god has recovered the bodies of at least 13 people. they were found off the coast of facts, wheel authority side. they're both sick. as went attends to spring and the was of the mediterranean, become thomas. the number of migrants heading from tennessee to the italian coast has increased significantly, or the ukranian president below them is zalinski has said his country will lose the war against russia. if it doesn't get military age from the u. s. if sho,
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get asked the was ok if the congress does not help you, crane ukraine will lose the war. if you green loses the war, other states will be attacked. and this is a fact. all right, you will seen the coming weeks that russia will be more and more persistent and will involve nuclear weapons in this question. and we only from a nuclear weapons, they can put pressure on the other in the 2 countries, including the united states on society. so the society is afraid and then they will react to their leaders and i was a landscape comments. kime is russian forces launched a new wave of drone and missile strikes on the ukrainian city of hockey's. at least 4 people were injured in the latest attacks that struck a kindergarten and residential buildings. the once per pallet council being reported, russia has intensified as a tax on your credit. the 2nd largest city in recent weeks shall strip. it has moved from high case weird and impact site. just outside central car cave. you can see emergency services here sifting through
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the rubble. so i'll show you the impact site here. we're unsure as to exactly what the projectile was, but there were 2 very large explosions about half an hour ago as we were filming at another site where a drone has a need to set to destroy policies in that area. so some yourself, oh, it was truly terrifying. there were 2 explosions. the 1st blew all the windows out and it was thrown to the floor by the shockwave. i was slightly can cost. i think now it's time to leave the city. police attacks by russia are increasing frequency and intensity of the time. and of course, as you can imagine, they're having a massive impact on electricity. surprise as well. many of the strikes would be targeting electricity infrastructures, believe around $400000.00 households in the car. keep region, all without electricity and a re arrow. so there is another alarm which more often than not,
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is quickly accompanied by a large, glossy before i got another explosion, either another impact or another interception there, a growing phase here in car case, ukraine's 2nd largest city. this could well be a pretty to some sort of law job full scale operation by russian forces that we know a situation just be on the border around 30 kilometers from here to all the stuff that i was just sarah concave to this of ocoee. i hesitated a new president's piece of pellegrini. who is the country's car in speaking with parliament? pellegrini is seen as a close elijah as the voc is prime minister robot fico, who has implemented some probably with russia, policies. the office of president has the luxury symbolic function, is the key, which is the means of but the european union and nato the us treasury secretary says the ability to hold frank talks with china has put relations on the most
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stable pos, janet yellow, and made the comments at amazing with premier li, crying in beijing, they say the 2 countries need to respect each other and should be partners visser as well. we have more to do. i believe that over the past year we've put our bilateral relationship on a more stable funding. this is not meant during our differences or avoiding tough conversations. it has meant understanding that we can only make progress if we directly and openly communicate with one another. a jim changes president harvey and maliah took office promising to end the welfare state. he says has ruined the economy. but while he implements his plans, people struggling to find medication and some dying because they are not getting what they need. because i submit reports from both sides. the past year hasn't
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been easy. football of the windows 10 to 15 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia in the middle of an economic crisis. in argentina. he social security benefits don't cover the medication he needs. the law says that federal government is responsible, but pablo has been struggling to get the came of therapy that will save him. he's surviving on donations because his family can't afford the treatment, which costs more than a $100000.00. i feel better now. i was in hospital for awhile and it was terrible, but my mother was able to find a donor for some chemotherapy, and i'm better now. many are believing heavier to relate to the office promising to reduce government spending. he's twins and reforms are having an impact on poor argentines and those in need of medical help finish base 31 and has to be diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer that attacks the immune system. it can be cured if treated early.
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the government says that they were irregularities and the handling of the medicines, but they never stopped giving them away. they have created a list of people with the cases that they were taken care of and left this case is right there. but until now, she has not received the medicines that she desperately needs. the last time she received a full treatment within december. when a complaint that much and then they would, i will go into cancer charity. she says the government department in charge of handling the medication is being audited, needs in responding to patients needs see here. and you can see the most. we have been assisting families for 13 years. but since december, we have been getting doses of cases with people calling us crying and every hour. we don't know what else to do to helping many of those fighting to get the medicines have ended up in court. so when the government follow the latest hasn't rear crony can only take any mia condition, which means his red blood cells are being destroyed faster than his body can
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replace them a contract. i don't know, we contacted a lawyer and we made it public. so our case wasn't rejected, and that's why he has the medicine until maybe 6. after that we will have to start again. these are just some people whose lives direct risk because they rely on the state to save them. but they are in getting the help they need, at least to cancer patients have died in recent weeks. the survivors, i hoping they knew government won't forget them. i said the biggest i will. i just see that when a site is finally we have some kids dividing pictures from iceland showcasing to have nature's most spectacular events happening simultaneously, interrupting volcano and the northern lights. it is the 2nd time and as many weeks that people in iceland had been lucky enough to see the spectacle.
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okay, well that's all for me. tell me the cry for the moment. whither is coming on next? and inside story, we'll take a closer look at what does it steak as yet another round of tools to reach a truce and casa, finally, get onto way to stay with us. the the hello. we have some raining, the full cost full, the radium financial, a little bit of clouds moving out of the way, moving out to a vermont. the cloud could just produce a shadow to, into a saudi arabia. i think here we go, how we will stay fine. and dry asked the 29th sales just but notice i'm sure i was just cropping up a little further west. we got wanting to choose the item of just picking up $35.00 south eastern time. happy early for that sort of number. still some showers over towards the western side of saudi arabia, nitrous the office and where,
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where we're coming in to the event that is to sort of the mediterranean slide for us all away from that is to sort of took a up to was a cool cuz he's right down to gaza and the rainbow watched by more heavy as we go. one is a tuesday, so some really nasty weather coming in here as we make our way into the pots middle part of this week. meanwhile, across the northern africa of it is 10 retry listed dustin sat a possibility around this, a harvest still a little below. we just have one or 2 shouts to cause the north west of africa, choose the good scattering the showers. meanwhile, across southern parts of west africa into the gulf of getting a met, whether actually stretched it down for a central africa. i still pretty went very into south africa pushing into central policy slowly, but surely making his way further east of the every year. thousands of monkeys to use twisted into fit per se. activity
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conservation is saving testings into main 101 east. investigate. assuming illegal trade and meet scientists who need to keep them on to some lies beyond the tree cock to run for business on out to 0. we know what's happening in our region. we know have to get to places that others can know. as far as i said, i'm going all the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. yes, another round of talks to reach exclusive goza repeated attempts have so far failed to end this route, 6 months more on the strip with both israel and the mass sticking to the positions . will this round be any different and is it, do you even possible this is inside store the hello again i.


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