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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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as they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is which is here as new series died. last futures, the nicaraguan plains with the international court of justice to order germany to stop supplying westminster is around to help us for ongoing just an opportunity to break dispute your cycle without support of states like too many issue, i will not be like connect with totally to the color that i'm the sounds you tell you, this is out of the red line from the also coming. the biggest a delivery into goal is that since the war began 6 months ago,
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the un says it's not enough to feed millions of stopping cost pertaining to run palestinians and con units trying to solve which ones less often is really strong and intense problem. and how political parties in south africa, i'm focusing on hot button issues such as crime and corruption, twin birds, and next month, the only begin in the hague, where the united nations top course has been hearing arguments that germany is aging israel and its genocide and gaza. the case was broad, find the corolla, and it caused but imagine c measures to order jump need to stop selling weapons to israel is also wants to, i'm need to restore funding to the ones agency for palestinian refugees. on ro holden, fuzzy, $3000.00 palestinians have now been killed in garza and 6 months from boston, nearly half of them children. this is the actions of this will continue
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unrestrained as they have since his birth plus the state. and they continue to receive the discriminant support of states like germany. then i'm due to innovation with other students with rice up again in the near future. and we will hear a few to the secretary general convincing. this did not have to hear back from the case before the court is an opportunity to break disability cycle. we have supported states like you have any history. i mean, that's new, like connect with totally tunic because i was hopeful that states, particularly with the history of germany. would he, he the decisions with his court. well, that's bringing out correspondence that boss and she's been keeping an eye on proceedings for us in the hague today. step some strong words i heard from nicaragua in their submission today, calling jeremy's behavior and sending a to garza an alms to israel basset. yes, absolutely. there must have been a very uncomfortable morning here for jeremy,
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a 2 years after the holocaust being in the docks for facilitating genocide. we heard savvy storm words from the ambassador's who did not listen, make drago in the best of the colors go mass. he also said that germany doesn't seem to see the difference between self defense and genocide. and he also said this a german policy, which is called to cancel on the job, basically connecting a germany existence very much to the existence of, of israel is misleading because it's not only about moral gal to the germany is feeling. but this also does business. and to you political aspect to it, he says that even though germany is now acknowledging that there might be breaches of international law in as well, that it's still selling weapons. and it's not only business as usual, but it's better business. so that's why the, the, the argument for a fairly strong coming from me go, i go out here in the last few hours and stuff. i understand the germans will be
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giving their official response in court tomorrow. when should we then potentially expect a ruling on a yes, it's germany's a turn tomorrow. and the german delegation headed by the highest legal advisor to the foreign ministry just came out and calling all the allegations by making hogwash go sleep biased. the she didn't want to go into any details, didn't want to answer any questions, but tomorrow we will hear germany's defense and then a professional mattress or a decision for provisional mattress. we will expect only in a few weeks we've seen, of course, in the last few months that the same court has already ruled twice on provisional measures against its route. in the case of south africa, also additional matches for a rule in over a week ago of urgent israel to allow unitarian aid in. but so far, we haven't seen much result of the sub provisional measures,
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but they take our goal and best of us, very optimistic that germany would feel the pressure. he said the public opinion and then make a decision also to stop sending um, stories around step by summit that watching all those proceedings for us this week at the hague. thank you very much to speaking of international impression, off the days of it and warnings assignment from to monetary and organizations. israel says it's allowed the largest number of a trucks into goes up since this will be counted 6 months ago. his radio star sees say, 322 trucks into the strip, most of them carrying food before the water, 500 trucks used to arrive daily. 8 organizations accuse israel of slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies. the u. n. has described the situation and calls as mandated starvation and husband warning of famine. so meanwhile, at least 8 people have been killed and is really artillery 5 in con eunice. and
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that's happened as displays. palestinians have been returning to that devastated city and southern gaza. most is where the troops have now withdrawn from that area of to 5th bottles of palestinian fighters. some had heard that there might be homes to go about too, but there's always nothing left standing. bennett smith's reports for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to con eunice, there's not much less to recognize that one's home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel. the military the city looks hot, grey kids, it's unbelievable. we didn't expect this kind of destruction. there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it's how many of the people who've been living in tens or in the open for months on end. well hoping that might be some way to stop rebuilding deadlocks. you know. so given that we came to see
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what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kinda leave here . animals kindly too. so how's that person supposed to go to? destruction is unreal. israel's military announced on sunday isn't withdrawal, and most of it streams from con eunice. it wraps up a keith a is and it's bundled with some us troop levels. and now some of the lowest levels in gaza since the will become 6 months ago. so there are reminders that this is still a, was a, rebuilding, hey, will take many, many years. if israel allows bernard smith alger 0, all the withdrawal as many as really forces. and the increase in a to gaza has all come as a new round of sees. 5 talks has gotten on the way, but how much is down playing the reports of progress? it's total down to 0. that israel is not responding to its demands. these really answer must allegations we understand have left kyra,
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but they are expected to return to the egyptian capital in 2 days. is ready negotiates as were being led to by the head of its intelligence. h. same with sides, plus not bringing in wrong con, unoccupied, east jerusalem around how mazda is really not sounding very positive on progress of these tools. what are you hearing from these ratings of the? well what we're hearing is that the tools that have gone well to these, right, these are coming back now to discuss a legit framework for a ceasefire that has been put in place. now i use the word a legit very tacitly because we don't know the details of based on we have been it before with that seems to be a break during the very last minute. there is no way to know for sure is that the tools are contending now and these randy side these right, these have been very clear. they accuse a mass of, of extreme at the moment is that they simply cannot compromise on. however, the paid uh,
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the leader of the bill position or all that has actually said to publicly that he's willing to give the government a safety net in order to get a deal done. also at the far right ministers within the coalition that you came in and says that that was smart traits and the model been very of hold for a security cabinet meeting to be updated on any progress within those top to sound like you. that meeting will happen, but it looks likely that there will be a won't cabinet meeting in the coming days before they go back to car, right in 48 hours time. remember, this was supposed to be a grandmother and ceased by told the tools had begun a long time before the whole of the month that actually begun. it comes to an end in the next 24 hours. so it wouldn't be a rundown ceasefire that they'll be talking about, but there is perhaps cautious optimism from the language that is coming out that they're released, discussing something that may will have progress within that meeting. so i guess that comes in the next 48 hours. we'll continue watching very closely and the name
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on com, then also many stories and for us with the laces. thanks so much. i and meanwhile, is rarely forced as have rated the city of durham and the occupied westbank resting 10 palestinians. the on the vehicles moved into the city and troops stormed several homes. they were also confrontations with palestinian fighters rates and the occupied west fight has increased in frequency and intensity during its 41 garza, a palestinian prisoner who spent more than 30 years and is ready. giles has now died in custody. 62 year old while leave dock out was diagnosed with cancer. 2 years ago. he was one of 19 palestinians convicted felons to an armed group and killed him. his rarely soldier. 1984 demonstrates is gathered in ramallah and the occupied westbank to remember dot com. and other college students who are still in is randy prisons. dock on himself was due to be released to next year. for decades,
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the palestinians have challenged is really oppression with resistance. but right script say the occupied westbank is now divided essentially into a 16510 homes. each of them is surrounded by is ready, checkpoint and skates bypass roads and settlements. and that's making nationwide movements increasingly difficult and dangerous to maintain your account reports from the occupied west bank. this is a town of beta and the occupied westbank. it hits headlines 3 years ago to being a model of non violent resistance against is ready, settler, cold nights ation. local people use tactics to confuse settlers who tried to pitch up on the hill. their persistence drove them out. rebecca, lady kent did not. confusion activities consisted of men, women, and children, and the elderly lodges of men would like 5 and slash heights of assessing one hand . another unit would use floodlights and lasers, and another would make loud noises on the spot. the assessment has since been
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transformed into an is ray, the military base will follow up, the rest of them has spent nearly 2 decades leading and g o. supporting posting and douglas covering uprisings, negotiations, all unknown violent resistance. she says fatigue is growing in the occupied westbank division in the west bank and it didn't happen again overnight or, and it go but or last year it has been happening. it was, or guess 3 did. it's a policy of dividing the land and that's dividing the people. it's like the swiss cheese to make it worse is where it is out of 10 rounding and, and shutting down each a clean by itself. so the noise is broken to this jeanine, the boss that's fine to is there a model of armed resistance reflect in 2021, soon spread to nablus to boss and talk to them. but one research says this point is
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the most the defending the refugee camps. on the left, the, let's see, the occupation separates and city 3 divisions between regions by destroying the economy and dividing societal structures, including camp up in cities and villages. while resistance violent and non violence is mostly contained in camps, towns, the villages rights group, se, bed wins a mostly defense listed to being pushed from the land. we attempt to reach one displace community, but as a roadblock prevents us from reaching them to come up, which is a way we find another community. a sarah 8 families living in the sped one tub. they don't want to go on camera, but they did tell us they were false from that land. just a few comments away from that live violence. they say they are most vulnerable to displacement. they have very few options to defend themselves. those with the option said they'll continue to defend the land, but few holding onto the hope of
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a collective struggle while they were being physically divided north on out to 0. the occupied westbank in southern lebanon at least 3 people, including it, has the fine to have been killed and then is really as striking at target at the town of stilton, the 11 he's on the group and does really mean has on me, has been exchanging across the board of funds since the will ongoing so began back in october. i have some has one out from southern governor, still something mid life is really what thing is the fact this building in the town of so funny out on 15 kilometers from the emergency services said that the police for people account questions will issue a statement later saying that's one of its feelings. colonda is what killed in this . i know this is just part of why the context, the confrontation that's involving different elements. one of these elements is progress in clinics. and this one is using different kinds of weapons. and
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targeting says the law system on those, i'll fight this war planes. drones, well, sometimes side bunk. now if we want to take this into maybe why the context is just spots of the confrontation that's already going on and ranging once it's finished shots from being identified as a war. it's a full scale confrontation with uh, with the fog. it is really wants to hit me that free fog. it's on the east side or no one got involved ministry infrastructure. oh, flushing though, i'm having a lot of the same time. also retarding anything by hitting is really monitoring infrastructure on the other side. also funny. yeah. it's also been on the hash, what does it, it's still a head here on out as in mexico, as leading presidential candidates trade bob's in the 1st of 3 debates ahead of
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elections that into the reporting from the action. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing this thoughts, palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. if president lucky saw reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sense to the part of the story unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices, we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you
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weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot, it's right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around or on counting the costs to india is economy is on the vines for the nation's wealth gap is whitening us as spending millions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities. plus millions of uses around the world. will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out as the era the the welcome back to watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound germany has been accused of aging and assessing genocide and garza and the case before you ends popcorn and calls for emergency measures to stop by then from
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providing as well with germany will respond to those accusations in coach on tuesday. israel says $322.00 trucks, most of them carrying food have and took cost is the largest delivery of humanitarian age to enter the street in 6 months. and the one says it's not enough for the 500 truck cease to arrive every day. and of direction in his writing media on proposing some progress. and the goal is to seize, find negotiations, but how much is down playing this report saying that israel is not responding to us to moms. the delegations are expected to return to the results in kyra on tuesday. at least $94.00 people, many of them children have died off to a mix up to ferry sancho off the coast of northern mozambique $130.00 people on board. a converted fishing boat when it went down off now before the province on sunday was already say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers. 5 as
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advisors, we understand had been rescued. thousands the all still missing. with ours, you say that some passengers were trying to escape a color outbreak in mozambique as well. that's bringing on new seo de sales. i use the editorial direct tied to quality newspaper. he joins us from non polar in northern mozambique, honestly the desk told or has been rising from the shipwreck. i want to put it in a bit of context. officials are saying that people are panicking. they were trying to flee a color outbreak. and the, or the loading of the boat just how bad is the cold or a situation in florida right now. it is with us. uh uh, just in case i thought we knew i was going to special ladies this summer because he said the see when he has it. but okay, that's fine with the people the time about that is why the cause of these uh, this is uh the, in the, in nearby a more that live i finally saw more than i, the one out of the,
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in the people know, so then uh, we met and insured this drive right away from my wound. uh, is there something boston cost the me easily. yeah, because i mean, i'm sorry i'm trying to run away. i'm gonna try to, andy, it'd be way just the way the uh gosh, we've vacation bought away the fall. what it was that the guy that he knock this out on the, on the independent beam. busy that you guys did, he should be, it sounds like there's a lot of fear and panic at the moment and i'm for the ministry of health. i see you're saying that there had been more than 15000 cases of color, some fancy to death, about a 3rd of those cases in number of problems. but there's also been a lot of this information right and release of violence towards health officials. they're yes, yes. now man,
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oh good. so i can to find the was a virus and the center on the more that can you both the virus was investigated with a live c in these but also saw that looking okay. both sides. okay. i so i'm so sorry you're talking about the ship prac, i'm asking you about the color a situation in um pool. uh, obviously a lot of people are very worried about the situation. and so many people getting on the boat. how bad is it on the ground then? now obviously you were saying people are panicking, but that has been a lot of this information to yes, the most the most the most that the, there is a porch in quite a different meanings. so beats machine, you might have to find them in the community and the way people also i run away from the meetings this evening. they have to be leaving. they need
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a base things and run away from anyway. if they think that it will be saying they're off a car that sort of give you, i saw i saw the be the me just look at going to be the vitamin supplement back on. that could mean this. i to them that the, the info we bought, that actually the bondage they are expanding call into the communities. so it is may and so my apologies a we ever came by to nonsense to the dc. so i think people seem to be to be these be sort of the, the, he's been disputed we did by the uncertain lots of that misinformation is causing so much chronic and, and such an awful tragedy on you, sir, to so that the speaking to us from them for the city in northern there's some big thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera, the political parties in south africa on the campaign trail ahead of next month's
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parliamentary elections. the governing african national congress is expected to face a tough challenge. it's paula mentoring. the jersey could even be threatened for the 1st time since it came to a pallet in 1994. some politicians have time to populous dresser x to try to appeal to versus somebody. the miller reports from janice back on how these tactics are being received. the. the amc has been in power for 3 decades, with the african national congress school days appear to be stating the parties govern since the end of apartheid. as to the country's 1st democratic vote in 1994 and so, but its popularity has dropped to less than 50 percent. and the poor governance corruption, struggling economy and fast rising crime is the, this is the opposition action is the party made by the form a may of 200 is buck omen. my siobhan is fighting crime and corruption is a top of his agenda when mid to late be a total,
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i guess those who commit crimes like what robinson made though, and drug trafficking and so forth. see those coincidences i think of right now, 12 of the guys is really very soft on, on, on criminals. we've got to the of the look at this issue of puddle and way of present as the extra need to take our prison as, as some kind of law or the, or the date address or the pop industry to rec seems to be working. i've had to go into the go in, we've ex and i think, you know, because of it also stays in depth, like in, like on the exit and we'll fix the creek. i'm hoping they would fall down mostly like it's been so many years where they've had time to prove themselves. change that guns are in some ways, but it says getting was to pub prime. some parties are promising to reinstate the death penalty and other say they can turn the economy around. but it's unclear how such boxes will live up to the promises they're making. it is all much more of a license. and it's very much corporate kind of politics if i, they do not have
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a team and date of how they'll actually go into development outcomes. nationalists belonged to the economic freedom fighters was established 11 years ago and is known for disrupting parliamentary proceedings. the total avoids needed to use my name and making inflammatory and racist statements, but his popularity is also rising along with that of the outspoken politicians and their parties meet them in the ultra 02 hundreds. but while the us treasury secretary is roughing up a 4 day visit to china, china valence the 2nd trip. and the idea is aimed at easing strange relations. she's just phasing to reduce industrial capacity warning. the surge of low cost exports poses a threat to global market. it's china there has dismissed the concerns as grounds us all the various katrina you has more from the chinese capital. just arriving on thursday, jenny ellen has met with several high level chinese officials and her or her old
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message was a positive one. said that the us china relationship was now on the most stable forcing. and that the u. s. had no interest in the coupling or seeing the economic relationship deteriorates. in terms of outcomes, she announced to you working groups. the 1st was about balancing global and domestic growth. now this one is really about tackling us concerns about chinese oversupply and another working group around slicing money laundering. joseph said that would be the creation of new hotline to discuss economic issues and that both sides would continue to work together to flight this, the type of sentinel coming into the us, as well as on climate change. my team and i've been able to advance the interest of the american people with ship force error, own economic policy priorities and came, didn't improve understanding of china's. we've advocated for specific steps to ensure american workers and firms are treated fairly as we have directly
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communicated american national security concerns. and both countries have clarified potential misunderstandings, to prevent unintentional escalation issues around the house. the crating was not the only concern raised by janet ellen during had time here. she also said that the us would not tolerate any time you spent contributing it any way to russia's little machine in your brain. and the 2nd big a warning was again around twenty's or the capacity said that the us with no next steps, cheap chinese goods flooding, the global and us markets, particularly in the industries of solar energy, electric vehicles, and batteries. just a similar thing happened about 10 years ago when it came to the skew industries, and as a result, us funds for crushed. so she said that the bought in administration did not want to see that happen again. and that they are asking chinese officials to over the whole, china is industrial policy. katrina,
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you all to 0 agent. so that's it for me and the stones, you to remember, you can always find a much more on a website that's out of there. a don't come next. inside story. takes a closer look at the latest round of tools to reach a truth. garza, the the hello, we're struggling to shake off when serving to japan. we have got cloud and rain or rolling out of china pushing across towards southern and eastern parts of japan. this weather system never really too far away as we go on through the next couple of days that you've got some really heavy rain coming into a good bottle function. as we go through to say that there's a lot, it's a cool some localized or flash flooding, something to keep an eye on winter weather right. with a high, a ground, the temperatures in tokyo, at around 17 degrees,
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it'll pull outs into the motors as we go through where the stay a much better the more the west, sunshine temps getting up to around 19 celsius cable increase a little bit of whether they are into north korea south, we should be fine and drive tiny as sunshine feel cold, our little west as a full beijing central pa. so try to sing the chat, but i'm pleased to say somebody will try down towards the south. try help. i'm sorry for a good parts of the south asia at present. well, let me do still have those showers just rumbling away. it's a central pos, around much of but this using a little further west was that was the fall south. we could catch a shot or 2 over the next day or so, because the temperature is 3940 celsius that for many away from those showers. when they get tempted to do a search, he's having to offer a to one degree celsius and very unsettled for the east met the over 30 years of to the assignment. also 0 world tells the behind the scenes the
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story of nor waynesville and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what they present deniability and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed his phone decided to call back to talk to the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering and forth was the price of holes on, on to 0. yes, another round of talks to reach existing goza repeated attempts have so far failed to end this route, 6 months more on the strip with both israel and from us sticking to that positions . will this round be any different? and is it the even possible? this is inside still the hello again i.


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