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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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leads and much more. so to get to use the promo code from it that the palestinians return to the ruins of con eunice and something dollars or 8 people killed by his randy option to re file the head of them or kyle, this is alex, is there a live from the also coming up nicaragua, uh, just the international court of justice to order jeremy to hold weapon supplies to israel. you sign up for trinity to break this, this recycle without support of states like too many issues, and that's new, like connect with totally tune it also has several russian regions declare a state of emergency office on the west flooding in decades. and the excitement
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builds ahead of a total solar eclipse in north america assigned to some making the most the big, the beginning gone. so at least 8 people have been killed and not as rarely. alt henry 5 in hon. eunice, that happened just as place palestinians with tons of the devastates and city and southern gaza. most is rarely troops of withdrawn from the area of the fis baffles with palestinian flights as some had hopes that might be homes to go back to. but there's almost nothing left standing about us bank reports for some of the 1st policy needs to go back to con. eunice does not much like to recognize that one's home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel. the military the city looks heartbreaking. its envelope suitable,
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who didn't expect this kind of destruction. there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it. many of the people who been living in tens or in the open for months on end. well hoping that might be some way to stop rebuilding deadlocks. you know? so given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just a rubble of how we kinda leave here. animals kindly too. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announced on sunday is withdrawal, and most of its troops from con eunice in wraps of a key phase and its butter with hum us troop levels. and now some of the lowest levels in gaza since the will become 6 months ago. so there are reminders that this is still a, was a, rebuilding, hey, will take many, many years. if israel allows it, bernard smith, alger,
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their honey mackwood has the latest. now from rafa in southern garza, and then there is a risk, particularly for areas that are the eastern part of the city of han. you and it's where so far we're looking at at least 8 people were killed in nearly our hours of the day as the work include getting a close to an area where there's really mandatory, operated, aggressively and destroyed at the vast majority of their homes and, and public facilities in, in the area and paramedics and civil defense, the crew members were able to remove these bodies of from a, from the areas. but what we're looking at right now, this year devastation across the city of pioneer and is that close to 90 for 95 percent of the city has been turned into a pile of rubble vents and into rollings. they just consistent with what the, these really defense minister and is really prime minister at the initial weeks of the or who promised to send gaza back to the stone age. and just looking at the pile of rubble, the mens pile of rubble across the city of han,
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you and is that literally destroyed the remains of, of life to do today. and since the bombing campaign, we can see that was a practical interpretation of the statements made earlier at the air. the initial weeks of the war and similar situations are, are quite visible in the northern parts and gauze as it is particularly the deliberate attacks on public health facilities, including a c vac. i'm allowed one hospital then an agent hospitals that are now completely out of service and do not have the capacity to intervene and it provides necessary medical intervention off the days of mounting international pressure and warnings of finding israel says it's allowed the largest number of 8 trucks into garza, since the war began 6 months ago as radio far to say 322 trucks entered the strip. most of them carrying food before the war, 500 trucks used to arrive daily. 8 organizations accused as well. of slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies un has describe the situation and gaza as
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my maid stall vacation and won't of famine. but otherwise folks test ingram communication specialist as unit stuff. she says a delivery ends, a garza must be consistent. when i came into guys the last way, i know that that would 1200 un and n g r a truck backed up waiting to enter. so the fact that we've said more trucks coming in is really good news. but we need this to happen consistently because of cost guides is on the precipice of assignment. these food has to get in and across the gaza strip with agency. most of the children dying of bound nutrition are in the north and our access to that area with 3rd high that has been so limited. so it's really important that the side comes in at scale and is continued for the days to come. it's a really challenging part that is one of the most challenging places in the world to be and i'm a cherry network or at the moment, largely because of the safety concerns as we saw with colleagues that was sent to
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catch in on monday. even when we coordinated mission with these rail that we had told is that we are still put at risk. and that's part of the challenge and getting the i to the north with just not getting the safety insurance is way made. and then of course, is other challenges damages to roads, restrictions on where we can travel, a serious lack of trucks now and fuel that we can use to transport the i. so the obstacles are many, but we're still doing our best in these really difficult circumstances to bring food and water, and medicine and nutrition treatments to the vulnerable children that need an increase in a to gauze. i came as a new rounds of cx. 5 tools got underway and kyra, but am i sit down paying the progress reports of progressive told down to 0 that as well as not responding to his demands is right in how my celebrations have left cairo, but they are expected to attend subjection capital in 2 days is way negotiate, as well as by the heads of the intelligence agency, most sides as bringing what we talents now he's an occupied east, jerusalem,
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and what were you, what are you hearing from israel on the progress or lack called in these tools? the lower lice talks have broken off and most of the delegates have returned home to discuss things, work out whether there is a way for it. now, what we're getting is a lot of noise. when difference officials briefing different media organizations. it's they, it's difficult at the moments to walk out if there was any signal in that noise. but here's what we're hearing injections. they're optimistic as they have been through previous rounds. adults usually are very optimistic, but an egyptian official has been saying that has been progress and the talks in colorado and that these agreements on the main issues between old policies. a senior is radia official, has been talking to 10 channel 12. that's a and is ready. now news channels saying these are critical,
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ours. we've reached the bottom of truth. we will know if we all going for a deal or not. we're approaching the stage of difficult decisions. i sort of fall off. so cautiously optimistic. yes. how mass has been so into out 0 and so royces and saying there's no change in the position of the occupation and therefore there's nothing new in the car. right? so there's no progress. yes, however, room is a progress. i have still rouse the file rights in israel enough for them to reach death threats against benjamin netanyahu. you say this is national security minutes . that's. it's a me up and give a sight he met some yahoo accepts us the spot that will end the war without carrying out a wrathful operation. then he will not have a mandate to continue operating as prime minister. he say what he said before. he started the deal. he's going to torpedo the government's now, the other foreign minister, pits it, a small church has just met with nets and yahoo. and despite can pick an asset
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b and recess at the moment that we'll be meeting some. all right. of the political security cabinet that is, the war cabinets expanded to include the far right ministers. it's my bank of it and that's what else makes it as well. in that meeting, we can be pretty confident that they will be trying to use that influence with nothing. you all have to try and either stop a deal will make it as limited as possible. but of course nothing yahoo is on a huge international pressure, not least from the americans to come up with something. okay, really challenges thanks very much for being salacious. the from occupied east jerusalem. germany has been a case of aging and a best thing, genocide and gaza in a case brought before the us top quote. it was built by the curricula and cause for emergency measures to stop me from selling weapons to israel. those are ones balance, restore funding to view as agencies upon us and in refugees. unreal on the 33000 palestinians have been killed in gall, so in 6 months and from 5 minutes
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a half of them children if the action. so please continue unrestrained as they have since this burst of the state, and they continue to receive the discriminated support of states like germany. then i'm due to innovation, you'll find the students with rice up again in the near future. and we will hear future secondary general inventing this. did that have to hear back from the case before the court is an opportunity to break disability cycle. we have support of states like to have many issues and that's newly connect with totally tunic because i was hopeful that states, particularly with the history of germany when he, he, the decisions with this court correspondence that boston is at the hague with more it must have been an uncomfortable 2 hours here for germany at the world's highest court in the hague. nicaragua had some harsh words for germany, saying it, this facilitating turn aside in gaza. it's an interesting and unprecedented case
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because the 2 countries here at the core of negative aguilar and so many, i'm not directly involved in the atrocities that are happening. and guys have left me graduate. i use a germany as a signatory to the genocide from science and has the obligation to do everything i can to prevent genocide. let alone, not facilitated germany is the 2nd floor just supplier of weapons to as roll off to the united states. and in 2023. it's supplies have a growing time falls compared to the year before. and many of these weapons have still been exported after october 7, uh, antique tank weapons, amunition, drones, all used according to him because a lot or at least a lot of it in guy against the civilian population there. so this is an unprecedented case. a new cut august set that germany has to be held accountable and order to for, to a so germany immediately to stop supplying these weapons and the arguments germany,
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us use as for example, at that it's commitment unconditionally to israel comes from. it's all data basically connecting its own existence to the existence of israel is misleading because this applies to the jewish population, jewish people, but not to as well. and it also says that the business has gone really up. i'm sales the manufacturers are making lots more money, so it's not just business as usual, germany supplying weapons, but the business even has gone better. so we will hear on tuesday from germany. it has the chance to defend itself. and then in a few weeks, we will hear if the courts will have professional matches against germany. steps last some else's era. they a lawyer and diplomat, tanya, of on those floodlights, and as representing germany before the international court of justice. she says the government is upholding international germany rejects the allegations made by
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me, colorado today. germany does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law, or that directly no in direct on the country. germany is committed to the upholds of international law and this is what we work for internationally. we will tomorrow present our position in detail to this court. so much i can already tell you today . to nick our rog was presentation was grossly biased and we will be telling you tomorrow how we fully live up to our responsibilities. someone that came joins us now live from land and they'll make germany says that that has been misrepresented . find the correct you are in court today. is that the general feeling inside germany the thing to say is that as the situation in gaza has unfolded since october, the 7th, that there has been
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a polarization of view in wider society and to some extent, amongst the political policies. but the government's position has been relatively steadfast, and so far as israel is concerned, the has been some weakening of the state foss, this of support from the german government to the israeli government. but it has been a slow diminution as it were, of the point of view from the government. there are people in society who really don't agree with the sorts of measures. policies that the german government has implemented that we were hearing in the course of the last few minutes just now from the lawyer. also from from step estimate, the hague, that there is some section of german society that doesn't endorse the government's position. but also there are many people who do endorsed the government's position . well, don't like, how do you see that opposition in germany?
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how does it manifests itself? is interestingly, it has in the course of the last 24 hours manifesto, must have manifested itself, excuse me, easy by, was manifested itself in the form of a statement by what appears to be many hundreds of jim and civil servants, specifically from the foreign office here in boston, who have chosen to express the particular disagreement with the german government visa v. it's approach to gaza to israel. and it has made a productive statement and a cold for the german government to implement several things. now there are many of them, but the ones stand out to me, i should retire because they do not come across as a sort of thing that a civil servant with a commitment to neutrality would push across and they are the gemini missed call for an immediate cease fine stuff, i'm sort of raised to these ready government immediately to try to get israel to allow aid into the gaza strip immediately. sanction israel if it delays the
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implementation of that, including potentially freezing political and economic relations with israel. it that's germany shift call on it is realtor to actively support the recognition of a palestinian state under the resolution to fall to from the united nations security council. in 1967, germany should resume payments to henri, which we're hearing over the course of the last few minutes. the importance of sunrise in the gaza strip of that. so coming from civil servants who have a contractual obligation, not to cool things like that, whose careers are predicated about that is based on us and you trying to see that these people say in the statement, they believe that the german government is using it for looking at the particular statement saying that they all be, they feel that they would be penalized so criminalized. these are people shielded by on an embassy who have chosen to express the us of disagreement with german government policy. they all the people whose job it is to advise the german
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government highway exercises that policy might came to any is live that from the land. thanks very much stomach. we'll talk more about the i c j case off to the break. i'm also still a heads here on out is there i'm to mexico is leading presidential candidates trade fonts in the 1st of 3 debates. that's the head of elections into the color. we've got more cloud. i'm writing in the full costs and snow for the time. we've got a fair but if the weather just piling its way through this weather system is developing area of light pressure ready announcing the samples across southern areas of japan pushing across into home. sure, eastern side of the country. so these things are very wet weather here. we go 13, tuesday, and some snowed over the mountains, for good measure, replace the se,
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drives up it brightens up as we go on through why the state increased avalon for risk of cold 19 sales, you still have to take care in the sunshine a some of the temperature that 2 full sal southware is looking losey dry fusion i was in to north korea the fusion i was students in northern piles of china that teen celsius. the inviting place just as a little drive down towards the south home called at $25.00 celsius in the sunshine sunshine in chiles. meanwhile, across in that china melisha, i was looking a little lively into west of the northern parts of todd and pushing the costs into laos for choose dice. got to initially i was a cost malaysia and indonesia as well. have you samples still lot is to be towards us in the way. see still some live you down, pull us into central and eastern parts of india. but for the most part of the story is about the feet. we're touching 40 inch and i on tuesday. well, it's enough in the valley to talk to you now about this time of the
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the again, you are watching ours is there a has reminder of our top stories this i'll at least to 8 people have been killed in his radio, tennessee fire, and con eunice it happened as displaced palestinians with tons of a devastated city in southern costa mesa is ready troops of withdrawal and from the area, we're off to 5th bottles with palestinian fighters, egyptian, i'm just writing these here. remember forcing progress and the goal is to seize fund negotiations, but how much is down playing the reports? thing as well as not responding to it to moms. allegations are expected to attend to congress on tuesday. and germany has been accused of aging and assessing genocide and gauze that in a case before the u. n's to quote,
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it goes for emergency measures to stop in from providing as well with weapons time they will respond on tuesday. let's talk a little bit more about this with senior political unless long the shot joins us now. hit in the studio, most of by uncomfortable day for gemini, is being forced to defend itself against the charge of violating the genocide convention of this 80 is often the holocaust. yeah, absolutely. it's quite dramatic to watch the germans, who uh, you know, stood the accused of committing genocide against the jews of german in europe. today are our stand accused of complicity with the jewish state. so called jo state of genocide in guys all. and i think that all goes back to what, what are the lessons learned from that general side of the 19 4th is a 19 thirty's. what's the question of tribalism in europe?
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you know the, the germans against the jews? is that what it is? or is the racism something that is universal, that we see it everywhere from africa, latin america, asia and you know, and elsewhere. and that's colonialism and i'll part it is also a form of racism. and racism is not about one specific religion or one specific nation or nationalism. it is about the abuse of power, like the germans, the nazis. i'm just the power against the jews. now, colonial is right. i've uses its pilot. i guess i better thing, isn't garza and germany should've known better. now what, why do we serve germany? should've known better because it understands it's quite smart. it's quite savvy towards what's going on. it's fine for germany, even even to support colonial is right. right. a wire dr. itself to the finish dangerous criminal policies of the nothing you know government to me it could say i am windows are at 100 percent. i am not with nothing you know 100 percent. that's
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not so difficult to say. well, the other thing is we've, we've gotten the car, i get his voice coming from the global south room, talk about racism. we talk about divisions. i mean, this really does for the decent divisions that we're seeing out ways that are from the label so fast as the west and other countries, you know, in general, i think what's interesting is the fact that the global soft is putting the global north on trial we haven't seen that before, right. the most of the people ever face trials in general, aside from serbia. and that's, you know, eastern europe where it generally from the global south, usually you don't, you know, you don't see um, you know, west european american what have you. but that's why if the united states, it's not even part due to germany, it has to be bought through the unified convention. so there is an understanding that the costs for palestine has really become universal with the irish and the spanish, as well as the south africans and the algerians, and the indians and so on, so forth. i, i thought it was really interesting. speaking of the global south or what is the
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fact that the v you photo policy chief, right, mr. brad? mr. bradley and all i have an issue with him for a long time. you know, he's the one who categorized due to being, you know, that the garden and the rest of the world, the jungle. you know that mr. morales is that mister bradley has said in the past few weeks, that is read what, but noises hung getting got. so he is the you for them policy chief is not the you under the assembly or the you on general secretary, this is, you know, ps for on the policy chief saying is as use is hunger as a weapon of what he said. 5 men is not coming, it's the state of affairs and guys are so big. the question why german leadership here is this and continues to on is right. instead of saying, allow way, then, or else we're going, i'm going to send you want that, we'll have more about that from germany tomorrow. and the 2nd day it says,
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i see j 12, thanks my one. several regions in russia have declared a state of emergency also some of that was flooding in decades. siberia and the girls are amongst the west. hit well than 10000 times have been flooded them to reach them out of it and reports. this is what the coming of spring can look like in russia. the around river europe's the longest, best thing, it's banks and rising. flood waters caused by winter snow melting, and they didn't board regions have swept through thousands of homes. the mass says people should leave if they can before it's too late. you said you didn't want to leave. i feel time too old and wouldn't go. but they persuaded me to post that or but i want to, well, no, just cry. i feel terrible. it's usually the river 1st bus to, through this damn in, oscar flooding, the city,
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the regions governance says flooding has been recorded along the entire 2 and a half 1000 kilometer long river that flows through conflicts down into the caspian sea of russian officials say $39.00 regents have or will be affected, controlled explosions of being carried out in the ice and snow in some regions to prevent further flooding and farmers pulling out the capital. stuck in the mud. rescue and relief efforts underway. the russian emergencies, minnesota says the flooding is the worst, the region that's seen in decades. we even bought a boat yesterday so that we can reach our relatives if something happens to bring them for state or medicine. water levels are expected to continue rising for at least another 2 days to meet. remember that go out to 0 at least $94.00 people. many of them children have died off to a make shift, very sign of northern mozambique. 130 people were on board the converse and fishing
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boat when it went down off and i'm full of province on sunday. will forward you say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers. 5 survivors have been rescued, but dozens of missing all sorts. you say some passengers were trying to escape a color outbreak in mozambique brazil supreme court is investigating, been in that, you know, mosque off to he presents a defy a court order, reactivate some accounts on his social media platform. a judge had ordered ex fleming notice twice to, to book the accounts which were accused of spreading this information, my success, but the decision is unconstitutional. and that he plans to lift the restrictions the times that sneezing mexico's presidential race of squared off. and the 1st of 3 televised debates ahead of national elections and the 5 to exchange corruption and access to health care emerged as the big issues. faces heads, the poles in june to choose
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a successor. so present under his manual lopez overdue and irregular reports for mexico city. some of them in a lively 1st debate among presidential hopefuls of the mexican capital on sunday morning. and he said a lot of us to maybe come in here. national access to health care took center stage . let's not forget to ask for a project is suspended from prevention to the most complex cash for any health condition and provide for you medication. we have the budget to do at some point time again. is it the support today? 50000000 people like access to health care services. the vaccination system has been destroyed. now only one and every 3 children receives complete vaccination. cancer patients are no longer guaranteed their medication. nearly 40 percent of the population is considered vulnerable because they are unable to consult medical professionals to diagnose, treat and manage diseases, illnesses and disorders. and it's not just access challenges. we spoke to one
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physician who showed us a list of dozens of prescription drugs that are in short supply nationally. he asked us to hide his identity for fear of rubber cushions, which says that some of these medicines could mean the difference between life and death. for tens of thousands of patients are interesting because there are many specific indications to show the health care system as well as of today. then it was 6 years ago. low income citizens are worse affected by drug shortages. people like jorge lee is a psychiatric patient who tells us he struggles to fill his prescriptions for anti anxiety and depression medication. if could validate his grade, i see on the end of the display ration the physical and mental symptoms. one experiences are extremely harsh. so to the point that if you see medicine anywhere, no guilty, you buy it because the suffering is enormous. mexico's health care budget has increased in recent years. but despite more spending,
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the government is failing to meet the needs of millions of patients. name tackling corruption was also hot topic and all 3 politicians that seem to agree that public funds loss to corruption is a significant reason for shortcomings in public services and does moving a part for the proposed solutions to mexico, worsening health care crisis. presidential candidates also debated other topics like historic levels of violence, shortfalls of education and curbing migration. a 2nd presidential debate is scheduled for the 28th of april and a 3rd and final debate on may 19th. monday visit up a little alger 0 mexico city. millions of people arriving in the circled pulse of tow tallahassee across north america, where a full solar eclipse will soon block the sun. this is the scene now at niagara falls, where people are gathering tubs of the event called. and baker explains how scientists all preparing for the big moment. just after 11 am local time. on monday morning on
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mexico's pacific coast, the sun will disappear and across north america, hundreds of science experiments will be prepared for launch. total solar eclipses over populated areas are rare enough to be excited about. the sun is $400.00 times bigger than the moon, but it's also $400.00 times further away. so when all 3 lineup just write one covers the other perfectly, like a lid sliding onto a popped. the 200 kilometer wide shadow they make will drift from mexico across the us to newfoundland in canada, in just an hour. plunging locations below into total darkness for 4 and a half minutes. and that's when researchers, the national space agency and thousands of citizens scientists will embark on a data gathering bonanza. 600 high altitude balloons will be released a 4 kilometer long, tight will point to measuring instant.


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