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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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in bringing new husband loves to palestine for all to see said donates with confidence. knights with outcast foundation, we are in palestine together. we are changing the well one hawks, that's the time the . the low on money inside. this is the news out life from dive hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinians returning to their homes and con eunice in gauze of find only bodies and rubble less buy's ready for serious breaches of international humanitarian will pick out that the rent of the norm to pick to national, including genocide, taking place in palestine. nicaragua takes germany to court, arguing its supply of weapons to israel, announced a being out of best thing,
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genocide. several russian regions declare a state of emergency of to some of the west flooding in decades. plus the john entered in indianapolis, indiana, where people have come from all across the country into this only fatality. to watch a total sun eclipse. his fort remo drugs, headcount. she's calling on his team to shovel carriage when they take on manchester city and the champions league call on shut off these rail cycle. 51 loses when the cubs met in the competition last season. the hello welcome to the program is just gone. 15 gmc, and we begin in solving gone. so where is riley tillery fire has killed just
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h palestinians. in con eunice, people would talk to it as they returned to what was left of the homes to search for any belongings most as rarely, troops have withdrawn. now from the area as well as defense minister says that is aimed at preparing them for our ground defensive in rafa. some palestinians had hoped they might have homes to return to you, but there is almost nothing left standing honey. my mood is in rough or he has more on those. returning to the devastated homes for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to han. eunice, there isn't much recognizable left one's home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. what do you expect this kate of destruction? there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it's made of the people who have
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been living in tents or in the open for months on end. we're hoping there might be some way to start rebuilding their life. you know, in fact, given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kinda leave here . animals kind of leave you. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday it has withdrawn troops from han, eunice. it wraps up a key phase and it's battle with him. us drilled levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began 6 months ago. but there are still reminders that this is still a war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows and for the 1000000 and a half people. so during here and drop off the threat of and is really ground invasion remain mode. that'll just be
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a rough off in southern dog. let's go live now to tyra got the zoom e as in russia in southern gauze or for us to eric. so what is the situation on the ground now in the south and central guns? i also have this pull out of troops. yes. essentially the situation on the ground bus 2 very telling us specifically also that usability withdrawal as palestinian assembly just talked to gradually returned to the house as in order to check to own what has been left for them off to these very with the trouble the court found nothing over the destruction and devastation that completely struck the entire city. the palestinians also were short from what they have been seeing. the officer they use very with the drug was specifically that at least the 60 full palestinians have been found cubes in the city that have been recovered from multiple areas in con eunice. as the news people have been killed on the unknown circumstances. it's not yet clear,
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would that have been executed by the is very soldiers, or even the have been killed by is valley up abutment or strikes. so they have been transferred to multiple hospitals to the hospital in the central areas of casa, and the remaining have been delivered to both the repeated hospital um, to another hospital in the past, off of roughly, district bought a 2 now off. so that is what with the trouble there is on the on going button and by these, by the out to the rate of the eastern areas of han newness for at least a palestinian staff have to report that killed alongside with auto stop abutment in the middle areas were 2, palestinians have been killed. one palestinian women alongside with her at child has been have been hit within his ready onto new shilling in the town. as people have been telling us that they have been facing great difficulty to identify the location of houses in the city. all finally said, due to the wider scale destruction being absolutely close to the end to inflict it
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to the entire city they do today is by the ongoing compartment, a 1000 sales minutes reset that move them to, to try to send you those have been killed within the past 24 hours till now. okay, thank you for that update and talked about doing that for us in rafa and southern guns that off the days of mounting international pressure and warnings of famine from humanitarian organizations. israel says it's allow the largest number of a trucks in the gaza since the war began 6 months ago. is rarely authorities say $322.00 trucks of into the strip. now most of them carrying food, of course, before the war, 500 trucks used to arrive daily 8 organizations a case as well. if slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies, united nations has described the situation in gaza as not made starvation on his wound assignments. now some a deliveries have reached hospitals in northern gauze that over the weekend
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bringing desperately needed medical supplies. but doctors at the come all at one hospital will say the shipments on just a drop in the ocean compared to what is actually needed us. and the audience, the arrival of a shipment of medicines yesterday is not enough compared to the urgent needs of citizens due to the high rates of mount nutrition among them, along with a shortage of some food and medicines for these children whom you can see in the background behind me in the children's mastery, most of the children come into the hospital with mel nutrition, especially premier troll babies due to the mound nutrition on the mother, and that affects the mother and other patients. this is the best thing to done. i'm not only suffering because of her, but also because of all the children, every child is suffering from malnutrition and every day we lose 5 or 10 children. it's not just the young children, men, the elderly. all of them have become ill due to the lack of nutrition because it has been destroyed life and goes, it has been destroyed, no one can find enough food or water test. ingram is with the united nations
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childrens agency, eunice stuff. she's in rough and southern gone, so she says a trucks going in is good news, but they need to be allowed all across the street. when i came into the guys the last way, i know that that would 1200 un and, and your truck backed up waiting to enter. so the fact that we've seen more trucks coming in is really good news. but we need this to happen consistently because of cost because it's on the precipice of assignment this food has to get in and across the gaza strip with agency. most of the children dying of bound nutrition are in the north and our access to that area with 3rd high that has been so limited. so it's really important that these i comes in at scale and is continued for the days to come. it's a really challenging part. it's one of the most challenging places in the world to be and i'm a cherry and i baker at the moment loudly because of the safety concerns. as we saw with colleagues that was sent to the kitchen on monday. even when we coordinated
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mission with israel that we had told is that we are still put at risk and that's part of the challenge and getting the i to the north, we just not getting the safety assurance is way made. and then of course, there's other challenges, damages to roads, restrictions on where we can travel, a serious lack of trucks now and fuel that we can use to transport the i. so the obstacles are many, but we're still doing our best in these really difficult circumstances to bring food and water and medicine and nutrition, treatment to the vulnerable children. that data will be withdrawal of some is there any forces on the increase in aids and gallons that comes as a new round of sci fi tools have wrapped up, but how much is downplaying earlier reports of progress, its totalled down to 0 is roll is not responding to its demands is riley and how much delegations have now left cairo, but they expected to return to the egyptian capital in 2 days, as rarely negotiates as were led by the head of the intelligence agency. most sad.
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let's go to war each island season. okey potties jerusalem said warry, what are you hearing from the is riley is about how the tools have gone so far. of the yeah, well, these totes are broken up now and those made that a good fit for it. so now i'm to discuss things. so with this, with that seeing is what with less with a is a lot of noise and it's quite difficult at the moment to account what a signal is in for that noise. now, this is what we're hearing from the categories and the objections. we're getting some cautious optimism. my just i'm sorry, the category foreign ministry, you say administer spike specimens. saying that without getting into the details, i hope they will see reason the grievance on the 3 stage see spot with the 1st stage focusing mainly on humanitarian issues. the addiction officials are saying that the progress and adults in colorado and as there is a grievance on the main issues between o policies. but that's not the message we're getting from how mass,
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how much as we speaking throughout his era and says that these rays still create obstacles to reaching an agreement. these ready response we receive does not include a permanency slash or withdrawal from the cause a strip. now in these row, it's being discussed like this is where the officials being tokens that channel 12, which is a news channel here. so these are critical hours. we've reached the moment of truth . we will know if we're going for a deal or not. we are approaching the stage of difficult decisions, difficult decisions as also have how your client's, uh, the defense minister described in the room is the progress i have done enough to cause the fall rights in the government to re he that long standing threat. so they will torpedo benjamin, that's not his government. if he goes for a deal that they don't like now, national security, the minute step and it's a lot, think of it has said that if next in yahoo accepts the safe spot there will end the
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war without carrying out a raffle operation. he wouldn't have a mandate to continue operating as prime minister and he's cody finance when it's a, a bit of smoke which has tree goods at a meeting tomorrow also. but let's go security cabinet where you can pay the spot right minutes. so we put a huge amount of pressure on benjamin netanyahu, not to go for a deal will to make a deal as limited as possible. okay, thank you for that, rory challenge that for us in occupied east jerusalem. a well, we have in the studio with us all out. is there a senior political on this my one sure. good to see you again. more one. so as we had from a worry that conflicting reports on these, these by a toolbox in car, the categories and the objections, again, a very positive saying that there's significant progress being made. we've heard that from them the full, but then how about us? and these rarely official will say, no agreement in any way is close. what is your reading of where we are at?
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okay, so it does. how does uh, this very particular uh, session of negotiations. i think, as you said, the reactions or the statements not quite predictable. the parties immediately concerned is it on how much are cautiously pessimistic. and the 2 parties of, i'm not immediately concerned, are cautiously optimistic. which means that the immediate, there's want to, uh, pick up the momentum and push for the and that the, the, how my son is right, are going to have to some to get with the program. the point that interest be most is not what they've been saying is the fact that they were going to convenient 2 days to collect before when they would convenient 2 weeks or 3 weeks. oh, god knows when i think the fact that this is a, this gets a bit in the logic of
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a continuous momentum that, that basically is there's momentum as means there is some serious pressure, i think, or part is not what under pressure, how mouse is or the united states got started. everyone is under pressure now to reach of the, of the problem. mostly for how much is, how, what are the nature of beasts this 3 stages and how they are connected. because how much wants to get to the 3rd stage. and when to secure the 3rd stage when there is a permanent ceasefire as a and what did you make of what laurie was saying that about the pressure fitness and yahoo is facing domestically uh, by the opposition. because it's interesting, while these uh, moving parts are going on, we have is rosa position, lead a yard lot, pete also in washington today meeting with key at us politicians. and it seems quite significant to me that washington is missing nursing, yahoo, his opponents while this is going on. well, a month ago they met also with guns was not was,
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although he is on the war. cabinets here is not exactly an outline of prime interest. and nothing now, i don't think that any health care is very much for the opposition domestically because he has a secure minimum of $64.00 out of $120.00 majority. and that 64 is quite listed on to him. they are uh, you know, quite as i mentioned, continues to be in power. i think what would have, what it to him before i might spend. what i have now is the fact that the fascists and the government, the fanatics like being viewed on, on smart rich, they have been making noise about quitting the, the government. quick thing that correlation. which means that what it means the actual implosion of the go. if nothing, you know, acts under pressure means he accepts american or rejection or how much big. of course, the thing now says, i'm not going to accept whatever the test that they think that might be doing. and here is the new ones that we should not take what people say for their words,
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especially in is right. i think the fascists and the fanatics in the government has pasted power of being in government. getting the budgets dictating the policy, increasing the supplements on the west bank dictating the pace of war. the last thing they would want to do to my mind is quit the government and allow the opposition to be elected. okay, now on a stay with us, because i'm gonna come back to uh, because uh, gemini, has been accused of a doing a blessing, genocide in gaza in a case before the united nations top court. and was brought by nicaragua and calls for emergency measures. just don't germinate from selling weapons as well. it will say want spending to restore funding to the u. n's agency for palestinian refugees, monroe nicaragua. his lawyer had ha swigs for the dual role, jeremy's playing, and what the i, c, j is ready room to be a plausible case of genocide. it is indeed
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a pathetic excuse to the path to seeing in children, women and men and goss onto provides for many tabby and aids. including 2 ad drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and many of them. and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen and the other had us had more now from steph bass and she is in the hague. with me, it must have been an uncomfortable 2 hours here for germany at the world's highest court in the hague. nicaragua had some harsh words for germany, saying if this facilitating turn aside in gaza, it's an interesting and unprecedented case because of the 2 countries here at the core of nicaragua. and so many, i'm not directly involved in the atrocities that are happening. and guys have left
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a new car aguilar, i use a germany as a signatory to the genocide. some sanction has the obligation to do everything it can to prevent genocide. let alone, not facilitate a germany is the 2nd largest supplier of weapons to israel off to the united states . and in 2023. it's supplies have a growing time full compared to the year before. and many of these weapons have still been exported after october 7, uh, antique tank weapons, amunition, drones, all used according to nicaragua, or at least a lot of it in gaza against the civilian population there. so this is an unprecedented case, a new cargo upset that germany has to be held accountable and order to for, to a. so a germany immediately to stop supplying these weapons and the arguments, germany as used as for example, and that it's commitment unconditionally to israel comes from of his all data
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basically connecting its own existence to the existence of israel is misleading because this applies to the jewish population jewish people but not to as well. and it also says that the business has gone really up. i'm sales, the manufacturers are making lots more money, so it's not just business as usual, germany supplying weapons, but the business even has gone better. so we will hear on tuesday from germany, it has the chance to defend itself. and then in a few weeks, we will hear if the courts will have professional mattress against germany. steps last and else is the around the hey, a lawyer and diplomat, tanya von will start in, collision is representing germany before the international court of justice. she says the government is upholding international germany rejecting the allegations made by me, colorado to do so. many does not,
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and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law, or that directly no in direct on the country. germany is committed to the uphold of international law and this is what we work for internationally. we will tomorrow present our position in detail to this court. so much i can already tell you today . to nick, our rock was presentation was cross lead biased and who will be telling you tomorrow how we fully live up to our responsibilities. let's go. so you don't to. kane who is alive for us and valen gemini, kelly, saying it's being mis representing fine. nicaragua, in court today, is that the general feeling inside germany? the thing to, to remember when considering the situation in the hey age and the way that the german government is planning it is the that's what we were just hearing, that they haven't changed the view going back some considerable time. now remember
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the situation here, they say that what they are doing is entirely consistent with the commitment to the existence of the states of israel. that is a polarization in society between those who endorsed that he who believes that israel has a right to exist and the policy, if the government and other governments going back through time. these are the israel, is entirely appropriate. then you have those on the other side, you don't accept the point of view of the government and who say that the way that they all refused the right to demonstrate the disagreement with it is not consistent with human rights, which explains why we see the sorts of cases being brought against germany, which have been starting to gather some momentum in recent months. okay, thank you for that. i'm nick kane, the for us in berlin. let's discuss this further with my one discharge. more one.
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how significant is this case by nicaragua? at the i c j, could it potentially set a legal precedent to deter countries from supporting ministry operations involving serious international crimes. but of course i'm no legal scholar. i mean, you to underline that, but it's stephanie, it's certainly an interesting precedence that i saw the nation is putting another nation on the stand at the i c j. that's kind of a bit of a 1st in the context of genocide. i think the most part of books that got part of it is the fact that germany is being or being put on the stand a 2 years after that committed the hold of the genocide against the jews and others in europe. and this time it's actually a consistent with the so called jewish state that is apparently plausibly cutting genocide in guys according to the i c j. so now what is
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troubling and all of that is the fact the germans continue, you know, to play innocent and naive about the something that's unfolded in front of our eyes for the past 6 months. you said brad, the e u for them policy chief says is red weaponized hunger. that's a walk. so the chief says foreign policy is right, it's getting a lower price. it's what pricing hunger famine is not something that is coming from and is a state of affairs in guys of the american presidents, germany's patron in the west says that is a bombs, guys that indiscriminately, that's a war crime. everybody. jo, dick and harry and sarah. no, that is there and has used disproportionate weapon for spin guys, the 2000 pounds bones on residential buildings. and jo, minnesota saying, oh no,
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what the war crimes? oh no, no. we're not complicit. when you are selling arms, you are financially politically diplomatically supporting the country that is getting all these war crimes and guys are against your very commitment to that during the fight convention so that it's not about me. could i bought their site, it's about everything we've been reporting the facts of the matter, the past 6 months also, but it looks up in the same context is that germany continues to support israel and condition of despite all of that to the, the, the, the, the killing the desk, an injury, tens of thousands of palestinians, including some $20000.00 children and women and guys can buy is riley weapons. and yet some 6 members of one other was 15000 staff are accused accused of joining on in the induct over 7 and germany until today
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froze. it's assistance to you on agency in guys. so it's quite disturbing for germany to play innocent when in fact it's, it's, it's arms to the pits are really sunk in guys as blood and soaking of this more one. do you feel that there is this growing momentum now a of stopping western governments, providing weapons to israel now? well, certainly what we're seeing in the u. k. for example, you know, the big protest movements on the front of the trade office and now a number of functionalities within the trade office saying we cannot continue licensing. what is sales to is read the proximal event in europe. secondly, in the united states. so the whole bunch of democrats, including the former uh congress as a speaker, nancy pelosi saying we need to stop the weapons done. is there
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a that continues to deny food and medicine to the people continues to use bomb against the people in gaza? so i think certainly there was a momentum towards a towards punishing his right or towards a cutting for freezing military and other age to is right. because i think everyone is coming to the understanding. speaking with germany like also of, you know, u. k and the united states is right. of course it's not like that. one thing to support is that and to continue to say, you know, we need to support this. right. another thing is to support vanessa now. government, which by then has explicitly said this is basically a very extreme government that needs to change because it is a governmental fascists. and fanatics to confuse that with is read in general, right? by that u. k, the germany and the united states is not on the foolish it's, it's also short sighted. and in the context of gaza, it's not on the sadistic,
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it's also aimless cause why at this point in time, 6 months into genocide, do they continue to support this redwood watkins? always good to speak to out, is there a senior political analyst more one star that for us now the united nations security council has met in new york to discuss policy tons, bid for a membership of the united nations. we're hearing that it was a close to the session. it's just wrapped up let's head to the united nations and you will can speak to all corresponding gabriel, as on that sort of gave that meeting has just ended. what have you learned about what's taking place as well? you're right, that closed door meeting just did in did we are hearing that the application by palestine for full un membership is moving forward. the security council president for this month,
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the investor of malta said that behind closed doors, the security council has decided on a couple key things here. and these are important number one is that they will refer to this case or palestine. so application, if you will, to what's called the membership committee of the security council that membership committee is made up of the current 15 security council members. and were told that the 1st meeting by the committee could happen as early as this afternoon. were also told that out of that meeting, that they decided they being the 15 security council members that they will expedite this application, meaning that they expect to deal with this entire process and the security council in the month of april. and we're just heard from the russian ambassador to the un. uh he was asked about this and he says, we expect this to be a matter of days if not just weeks, but not months. so that's important in
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a sense that the security council seems like they've got an expedited track, if you will, to try to make a decision on this. the big picture here is that according to the, the un charter, it's the security council that 1st has to make a decision on palestine to request to get full membership. if the security council agrees, then it would go to the general assembly where it would need a 2 thirds vote, which by all accounts it has. so the key aspect here is, uh, will it get past the security council brief history of 2011 palestine applied for full un membership. and it did not even get out of committee due to a threat by the united states for a veto. right. as you say, uh they have tried before. uh, this is quite a significant step forward. uh, give us a bit of, uh, a context as to why, why this is so important. why did they want to be part of the united nations like
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this? yeah, that's a good question. i mean, right now a palestine is part of the united nations, but they are a non voting observer, a member of the united nations. so palestine can be part of the un. they can take part in meetings that are related to palestine or the broad or middle east issues. they can enter into agreements with other countries as part of the un. but the key thing the palestine cannot do because they are not a full member, is vote. they have no voting rights in the general assembly, which is very, very important obviously. and so that is why palestine wants equal footing they want equal rights as the other 193 nations that are part of the un. and that is the key issue. they're basically palestine is facing wide disenfranchisement and that is what they're trying to change with this new renewed
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push to get for you and membership. okay, thank you for that. gabriel. as on to that for us in new york, still ahead on out to 0. so the moon shudder will 1st touch down and the pacific ocean, it'll come racing from that direction. they'll come washing over us. and the 1st bill will be from here. counting down to darkness eclipse watches in north america, caring out. so one of nature's gracious and insult in the tennis player who celebration headlights has victory with her. i guess that is coming up in school with the the, the
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color we have more live, a shout was affecting the south east of his hope. every x. now his spilling out the power of why northern argentina bring you some very heavy writing across the se, open seal in central and west apostles. i sing live, you shelves, shower, stretching the way over towards the equitable pushing up towards the cost of columbia. some of the picture as we go on into tuesday that where the weather will extend its way towards the southern parts of central america. much of the car being fine and dry and that is some what the weather the i have to was a great to run to least find it dry for the sonata is fine and dry too for good parts of mexico. so that best, well, you're hoping to catch a glimpse of the eclipse here. we have got to allows the clear sky, so low cloud never too far away from my southern parts of the us. this is a positive totality. for today's solar eclipse, you can see how it runs across texas right up to was new york and into that southeastern corner of canada. there will be some cloud around. we'll have coffee will go talk. never the last of if you can see the sun directly and attempt to will
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phone away sharply heavy a shabbas will be of course, southern most pop best charles, a seeing that eclipse will be up to was moving areas of new england east. some costs are kind of looking pretty good as well. cloud down towards the south, we'll bring heavy showers. if we can look on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a jersey the examining. the headline is there is of publicity for forms of life and
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does unflinching journalism awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience. i want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility. around the the book and back and watching out. just bear in mind top stories based our emergency workers have retrieve the bodies of at least 64 people in con eunice, in southern gaza. many of the bodies were recovered from under the rubble of
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following the recent wasteful. if is there any troops from the area of to days of mounting international pressure and warnings of famine from through monetary and organizations is already authorities say $322.00 trucks have entered the gaza strip . most of them carrying food before the war, 500 trucks used to arrive daily. nicaragua has cooled germany before the u. n's top code for what is key for what they say is the aging. and the best thing of genocide in casa, they're accusing gemini, of serious breaches of international law and failing in the g t to prevent genocide. the alice changed types a little bit and millions of people in north america are gathering now for an incredibly rare event, a total solar eclipse, the so called pulse of tile a t. that's where a full solar eclipse will block the sun will reach from ms. alton and mexico to
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corner burke in canada. cooling vacant fast explains how scientists are preparing for the moment. is just after 11 am local time on monday morning on mexico's pacific coast, the sun will disappear and across north america, hundreds of science experiments will be prepared for launch. total solar eclipse is over populated areas are rare enough to be excited about. the sun is $400.00 times bigger than the moon, but it's also $400.00 times further away. so when all 3 line up just right, one covers the other perfectly, like a lid sliding onto a pot. the 200 kilometer wide shadow they make will drift from mexico across the us to newfoundland in canada, in just an hour. plunging locations below into total darkness for 4 and a half minutes. and that's when researchers, the national space agency and thousands of citizens scientists will embark on
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a data gathering bonanza. $600.00 high altitude balloons will be released a 4 kilometer long, tight will point to measuring instrument at the sun. rockets will launch from an island in virginia, and jets will take off to flight inside the passive totality. nose is open cameras on these experiments will aim to unravel the mysteries of 2 boundary areas where some of the rules of our solar system remain unknown. on the sun, that's the corona, the stars vast atmosphere. the corona is millions of degrees hotter than the sun surface below, but that's a bit backwards, and scientists still don't know exactly why. back on earth, the look at the area above our breathable atmosphere called the ionosphere here, satellites, and radio operators communicate and global positioning systems function. but the honest fear fluctuates with the sun's energy. and it's especially sensitive to solar flares. the sun, you know, all the, you know, it's, it's warm, it's bright,
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it's, it's, it's, you know, 80 gives us life at the same time it's or itself sustain thermo nuclear explosion in space that we have to live next to. and so the more of that we understand how those other layers work better. we can kind of predict the violin activity of us on and try to protect ourselves squares with better tools. more smartphones and more research centers under its past, more data will likely be gathered during this total solar eclipse than ever before . it's an hour that scientists will study for years to come, calling baker elder 0. okay, and a minute will be live with and john henry, who's in indianapolis, which will feed totality in about 4 hours time and 19 gmc fest. let's go to j grey . he's in junction, texas went to thomas. he happens in just over 3 hours. so j u in the city of junction in texas, what is the weather like?
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because that's the key question at this point, isn't it? yeah, it really has been over the last couple of days modeling and, and i want to give you a 1st and look at what the weather is like right now. i'm going to tell you overnight. it was clear we can see the stars here in the texas hill country, and then as the sun came up today, the cloud really built strong there with big clouds and, and everybody was worried that was in the forecast. look what it's done. know it's cleared out most of the clouds of fan and with be up there and, and as it stands right now, we can see the sun of so if this weather holds on, if we stay the way we are right now, it is going to be perfect. viewing whether for this total eclipse, like you said, we're about to 3 little less than 3 hours from totality here. but we'll begin to see a partial eclipse just after noon, central daylight time here in texas. and so we'll,
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we'll get to see this thing build as a moon continues to move across and then fully cover the sun's rays for a better than 3 minutes here. so a lot of people, very anxious, very excited. people have trouble not only from across the country, but around the world to this small part of the state, a rural area that's not used to these kind of crowds not used to this kind of build up. but over the last couple of days, especially here at the tex codes, the music festival. they've had a celebration here with music, with games, with dancing. they had a chilli cook off here. they had a margarita gun test. they even have a, a wine bottle by a texas winery and eclipse wine that they had a tasting of. so they really didn't brace this and, and been building towards this day. and it looks like again fingers crossed. if we can keep the weather just like it is right now, it's going to pay off with quite a beautiful site. and what are these people saying to you as you say, uh millions of people from all around the world, just just head to this part of the well just to,
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to experience this moment. it's not, it's not just about seeing it. right. it's, it's about feeling it, what are they, what are they telling you why that's so key, you know, you're, you're absolutely right. for those that have seen a total eclipse in the past. the most will tell you it's been a very emotional time for them that they feel the temperature start to drop as things get darker and that the entire at must be your surrounding. this area changes as the total eclipse moves in. you'll see animals doing things that they normally do is the sunset that you hear different sounds. they say it should be quite an experience, a very emotional and, and, and very physical for a lot of people who experience this. and that's why they begin to chase. these eclipses total eclipse is. and that's, that's what we've seen here is a lot of people who try to follow and give them the best position to be at a spot where they will see it. i can tell you talking with research or including
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nasa scientists to have studied this over the last couple of years looking at the weather data and the places that they can go. they're going to stream this live for the rest of the world. they chose, junction text is based on that data and running and analysis. they said that this was likely the best spot in the us to see the eclipse without any instructions from the whether it's still a gamble, even with all of that data. and it did not look good just a couple of hours ago, but right now we are in the clear and very excited molly in about what could happen over the next several hours here. okay, fantastic stuff today and will be speaking to you over the next couple of hours as we look forward to that. and i'm and jay gray that for us in the city of junction in texas, let's get the mood of a in indianapolis, john henderson. all correspondent is that for us? so i guess the same crucial question applies to you. what's the weather launch on where you will a well, it's been
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a lucky day here. the weather is looking very good. there are a few clouds in the sky, but we are told that's not expected to make much difference here. so a beautiful sunny day that's important because people travel hundreds, thousands of miles here in order to see this. some people have come here from california about 3000 kilometers away. and they've been lucky to catch just the right kind of day. i've got somebody can tell us a little more about what's going on here though. this is brian murphy and astronomer, here at butler university, which is hosting us. first of all, thank you for hosting us. and 2nd of all, what can we expect today? you've been through this all before? yeah, we're going through the partial portion 1st, but that's nothing compared to 3 o 6 today. when we entering the number of shares of the moon, that's when it really becomes what i call magic. and this last quite a long time, right. the, the full eclipse. uh, the total eclipse. last 3 and
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a half minutes or so. yeah. but it last for a long time before and after, right? we have 75 minutes before roughly 75 minutes after that. but that totality. that's why people travel those several 1000 kilometers to get here to see the sun or basically the sky darkened to almost like twilight to see the planets come out to see a good cooler things like that that just make it such an incredible experience. this might seem like a silly question, but once you've seen one eclipse, have you seen them all, or are they different? each total is different, but they're addictive. unlike partial solar eclipse, as you see, one told that you start looking on the calendar where and when the next total eclipse is. and it was a little about what happens just before and after their waves on the ground. there are these young bailey's beads. you see in the valleys of the moon. ready and then you see something really scratch. i see the diamond ring effect. that's a special thing. it's about 5 seconds before to tile. it. that's when that last little speck of sunlight is coming to a ballet in the moon. and you just see the kronos with looks like the diamond ring,
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then you can going into tallies, chairs will go up. people actually have to hear a screaming down the rise quite often at that time. and they travel for thousands of miles, hundreds of miles, in some cases they go through or the traffic. they spend ridiculous amounts on hotels just in order to do this. when you talk to people afterwards, they say it's worth it. definitely. in fact, i would call it the most amazing sight i have seen in my life and nothing compares to it. while i say each of the total solar eclipses just because, you know, put everything else to ship. and that's part of your. ready being part right, these are a 160 kilometers across this zone of to tow talary that we chose. we talked about the passive to deliberate and, you know, people have to gauge, you know, the forecasters have to be just right. ready people miss out on, you know, we know what the moon must position very accurately to meters. so that's pretty easy to do. and so, you know, most people have fear within
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a few miles of that path to, to tell the inside that they're going to do fine. great. well, brian murphy, thank you so much for talking to us here at butler university. if we could just have one more pan, i just want to show you, you know, these are the people i'm talking about and this isn't the only place they are doing . there's nearby at the, in indianapolis speedway. there are, i think thousands of people doing the same thing and of course, all across that zone of the passive to tell any of it to j grey was talking about just a few minutes ago. so here we can feel the excitement. there's some people over there from california, we're going to talk to them and we'll let you know afterwards if they think it was worth it. okay, good to speak to you, john. 100. that for us in indianapolis. the, the president of cyprus, nico cristo, donita, says, hell talks and lebanon's capital bay route to discuss the record in flux of syrian refugees to the islands. cyprus says lebanon is the starting point of school,
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illegal crossings. and once the year to provide financial aid to stem, the flow, santa holder has moved from tripling. it takes 10 hours on a small boat to reach cypress, the closest european territory from lebanon's northern shores. it's a journey will lead, wants to make, once he saves enough money. he is a refugee from syria, with no job in recent weeks, traffic increased on this migration route at a time of unprecedented poverty in lebanon, and in neighboring syria. that if somebody lives with us and i prefer to leave despite the dangers of such a journey, already 10 members of my family have died at sea. we are not able to survive here. the heading, a high level delegation, cypriot president nicholas krista dollar. this came to 11 on after more than 700, mainly syrian migrants arrived on his country shores last week. he didn't speak
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after talks with officials in bay boot, but the president has said, reception centers have reached breaking point and is discussing with the european union how to condition 8 to 11 on to stop the flow of migrants. last year the you and refugee agency said nearly 4000 people made or tried to make the journey to europe from here. and the 1st 3 months of this year, separate officials documented more than 2000 arrivals on the islands compared to 78 in the same period last year, 11 on his being criticized for not doing enough to police its waters. but the authorities here say there is so much a country facing multiple crises can do well enough, but most of the us. but we don't want to exploit our refugee problem to any other country. but the world needs to understand that the syrians are entering our country illegally, and when we want to deport them back, we are accused of violating human rights a while the united nations believes conditions and syria prevented from promoting
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returns, lebanon. cyber say there are parts of syria that are now safe and refugees, n migrants should be sent home. a keep long on these. all of a sudden i'm afraid to return to celia. everyone knows what to reach him does to those who do. we are also afraid because the libby, news government keeps talking about the porting syrians 11 on has the highest population of refugees per capita in the world. while the number of asylum seekers inside, per se, has reached 4 percent of the population. both countries say they're facing a crisis. their relationship is about to be tested as milder whether likely lead to more attempts to reach your center for their eligibility to north 11 on so head on the al jazeera in school, the show the scope a place on the 1st major season. here the
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the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the size of the support his ending. thank you so much. marlene will remo drifts, so head coach says this thing need to show up. it will mental strength when they take on lunch just to sit in the champions league caught on chelsea's rail side, but finally form loses when it comes to matt's in this competition last season. the 1st like of that size and spain on choose day. $38.00 in a row, that sounds like tight each other on the when it has gone on to lift the trophy on the last 2 occasions, rail 8 points clear at the top of the spanish league, thanks in no small part to jude failing, and whose school 20 goals, you know,
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competitions, this is only 20 years old, but there's more of my door than the my 2 up then he's a hey, just a really professional to really see if you are really on the right and also the prize as a play at about the was it that sort of a rush, surprising, the sense for the h a that he has is really a really matter for his age. he's already very much old. but you know, like, uh, he's just professional. he's just professional and everything he does and the is a good lot. and yeah, they bought the skids think we don't need to talk just hope and pray that he stays healthy. i'll say, think still in contention for a bunch of unc tribal trustees, the season has not lost since the 6th of december. i 25 games and will compensations. now cordell's team for the 70 funds of the english as a cup, and they just one point behind permit need latest,
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most of us and i've left more premier league points due to a breach of financial roles. the cause of being hit with a 2 point following that dropped since the 16th and the table. this penalty, in addition to the 6 point deduction they received earlier in the season, evanson have said they will be appealing against the ruling. now actually about say, hey, got a power of the cowboy base to winning the texas. i've been and, or impulse in the a place. this week's must has begun his final run with the full shortly, but so that it, right? if i sent him a coffee to hold 7 straight bodies to full supply off, i have to reply the 18th hole and the coffee, my big mistake, finding the water the a 22 year old betsy took advantage stop. so the subject to the victory. i'm a chose to place the, the nature of the here are the put this one in perspective, realize that i'm playing in the masters next week. so history. it's absolutely
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crazy and it's all my mind all week. but, you know, i try to stick to my game plan and i'm a bigger goals and just playing the masters, i have more goals that i want to achieve. and you know, this kind of helps me for that. so as you go say, what else i beta augusta for the masters, but it's white for when on the left. so goes on. the one is the final running miami with a 2 shot lead ended up losing a plan for the 3rd time since joining the tow instead, sometimes contain things to the claiming the victory and the full 1000000 dollar price. and it's now full wins in a wrong finale. code on the women's tool, the well number one getting highlights is victory at the much fights. ornaments in las vegas next. so kind of 1st major at the gateway. so have the chance to match the record of finally straight wins. non c like posted, it's in 1978 and it concerns them in 2005 on sentence. but daniel collins is heading towards retirement in style. the american is one a 2nd cycle in a row. this time of the charleston opened in south carolina federal collins has
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already confirmed. this will be the last season on the w t. c. h. so it has found itself in the full of her life issues, basing rushes 30. it hasn't came to 6261 in the final expending a winning streak, a dispos seeing matches to which she comes a week after clinching the biggest benefit for the miami open. afterwards celebrates with phone calls with adult quincy. there is a have quincy, a part of the trophy presentation and to be able to share it with him. what a special day. and i think the fans loved it. his loved it too. so many dog lovers watching our sport and yeah, our family friend, john and rachel says, has driven overnight and there are we get here in time for the match and what a special special support we get to have with our inner circle. and so this means the world to me or about us how useful is looking for not molly. thank you. so
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several regions in russia have declared a state of emergency on to some of these. i was flooding in decades, santeria and the urals are among the west hits more than 10000 homes have been flooded that to be treatment. but then co reports. this is what the coming of spring can look like in russia. the around river, europe's the longest, best thing, it's banks and rising flood waters caused by winter snow melting, and the unemployed region have swept through thousands of homes. the mass says people should leave if they can before it's too late. you thought you didn't want to leave, i feel time too old and wouldn't go. but they persuaded me which supposed that are, but i want to well know just cry. i feel terrible. it's usually the river 1st bus to through this damn and oscar flooding the city. the regions governance says flooding has been recorded along the entire 2 and
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a half 1000 kilometer long river that flows through conflicts down into the caspian sea. the russian officials say $39.00 regions have or will be affected, controlled explosions of being carried out in the ice and snow in some regions to prevent further flooding and farmers pulling out the capital, stuck in the mud. rescue and relief efforts underway. the russian emergencies, minnesota says the flooding is the worst, the region that's seen in decades. we bought a boat yesterday so that we can reach our relatives if something happens to bring them for state or medicine. water levels are expected to continue rising for at least another 2 days to meet them at that and go out to 0. be like cobra volcano and the glass i guess islands has a ruptured with a lot of a flowing into the pacific ocean y'all and is inhabited by humans,
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but it's home to a number of animal species. okay, that's it for me mounting fights, this is i'll be back there and just to make the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand the challenge is mobilizing use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seem to groups the size of the system as know for most the interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera. so how is your vacation in this a show? the
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the says, wow. the now scientists say prime aides remain crucial for biomedical research the but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is nothing is essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired live monkeys from across europe. this female recess mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given to you home at lot then yet on counting, the costs to india is economy is on the vines for the nations. well,
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scott is whitening us as spending millions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities costs. millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out of the era, the palestinians returning to their homes in con units and gallons of find only bodies on rubble left by is really for the money inside. this is all just their life and of all also coming up serious beaches of international humanitarian. little thing that they're into the norm slip international, including genocide, taking place in palestine in colorado. it takes germany to court.


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