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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the say in the, the time to me, the praying for peace about assuming and muslims in guys i opposite age in the middle of destroyed homes and mosques for many this eat has been a day of morning out. time is really bombing overnight, killed 14 people in central. gosh, the play you're watching all g 0 live from to have with me for these back. people also coming up fighting in myanmar is escalating as the military june bottles,
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rebels hoops to our gaming ground. near the thai border and exit polls in south korea's parliamentary election suggests a government good faith, a devastating locks the it is 14 gmc of watching out a 0. thank you for joining us. millions of muslims around the world are mocking the 8 on so to a holiday, which signifies the end of the fasting month of ramadan. but for palestinians across guys, i have a hasn't been much to celebrate. yet despite the months of them, bob meant families coming together to observe the special holiday worship is gathered for each outfits or prayers in the southern city. of rafa pray is having held in the streets because he is really strikes, have destroyed dozens of mosques at about 1500000 display spot us to means a sheltering in the city earlier in occupied east jerusalem. many came to praise at the alex. i'm aust compound,
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but he's really forces in force if you have restrictions on palestinians trying to enter the mosque. i'll just here is tie cup was on begins coverage from rafa in southern gast with ruffled cut to make a space to pray. was lin palestinians for a rough hold, it probably is next to the ruins of fargo. most men are it is the only part that said vines, and he's very palming eat of what they're supposed to be time of set at face and off to a month of down to doesn't cost. think last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat is filled with grief, agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and they cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me. these boys as families have managed to find these clips to month to day. but for most palestinians in cause you will get to eat like any other day in
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recent months, just trying to find enough food and more to suffice as well says it's moving more agent off to international pressure. but the united nations says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet humanitarian needs. this he does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father, my brother, and my own, that it is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months. they did the 2nd when, when i think about last, it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms. i did everything he wanted. i wish he was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, did my present for when id turn? now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone in terms of was
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not over, is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he has set dates for a major ground defensive. he had a rough ha, it's the last lot refuge were one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians. auction thing here, eric, up as a oh, just a rough, rough southern garza and you don't keep bind westbank palestinians of march the 1st day of age by visiting the grace of their loved ones is a tradition. many families observe on special occasions during the 6 months of its war on guys is really forces of care $465.00. this to me, ends in the occupied westbank, either abraham before some janine a viewing that people celebrate with time new to unions. but in the occupied westbank, there's little to celebrate. and the unions take place in semitic at the break of
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dawn on the 1st day of april for the families make the journey to breeze. to remember those one no longer here. you have been judged rod would have been at the g need refugee camp cemetery to visit the graves of his friends. but the 16 year old was killed by his weighty forces in november. now his mother and friends are spending a tombstone, number of food off the food. our children grow up too fast and too soon when a 16 year old groves up saying these really occupation is brutality in humanity against palestinians. would you expect this path to take him to the same park? of course the cemetery. this is a life that was imposed on us during the world. garza is really forces in some of those a few, at least $460.00 palestinians of the occupied west bank. nearly a quarter of them with you here and you need and it's refugee camp. this new cemetery was opened in july last year and it's already for the now. you said that
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we is the mother of 9. 4 of her children were killed in an is really don't strike in january. the communion mother i eat without them is very difficult. i had so many traditions with them before and they would take me to the outside who would buy the streets and clothes, a meat cookies together. if to sam says she comes here every day, know just doing a cooling and had them if i was deprived of helping them achieve the teams of getting married and establishing families are now. the only thing i could do for them is clump flowers. know that grace, they will never see their loved ones grow up. or girl families place photographs on the grave. at times, flowers, they tell us it's a way of bringing life to a place of death. i need the email address either. do you need the occupied westman, and at least for palestinians, i've been shot an injury advise early settlers in the occupied westbank. dozens of
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been storm. the village of bunker fire relied on relation and rubber coated police at people and homes. about a city in red crescent has confirmed 3 of the injured had been shot. the village near ramallah has seen frequent attacks by settlers. us present, joe biden has spoken out against these really prime ministers policies on garza in an interview with an american spanish language broadcaster bite and said benjamin this now we should call a ceasefire. immediately. article hang as well from washington dc. i know this could be a very interesting comment from us president joe biden. he was doing an interview with univision, trying to sure of some of his support was latino voters where he has been lagging in his re election campaign. so there was mostly domestic questions but there was one question on the. busy were in gaza, the reporter asked if the president believe that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was more concerned with political survival. then the interest of israel
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now important perspective. this happened shortly after there was that attack that we know biden was outraged by on the world central kitchen staff. but so put that in context. and the question was asked for, as we know, was very angry in that moment. but here's what he had to say. so i think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his problem. i think it's outrages that those for, for 3 vehicles were hit by new towns and taken out on the highway where it wasn't like it was along. the sure wasn't like, it was a con. we moved here center. so i would i call it for is for the israel is to just call for a ceasefire. allow for the next $68.00 weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. i've spoken with said removed from the studies to the jordanians today. and champions, they're prepared to move in,
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are prepared to move this route in. and i think there's a vendor, there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and the, and the, and the, and the food needs of those people, they should be done. now, what could be important here is that you as president biden has always said that there should be a ceasefire in exchange for trading of the captives. now, did he just misspeak, as he sometimes does? and then his doctor comes out and says, well, you didn't mean that it's not a change of policy. we'll know more on wednesday cuz we expect to hear from president binding himself of the press conference at. so we'll see if this is a change of policy. but he's definitely sending the message that he is angry with the way is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been conducting this war on gossip particularly algebra. washington. the
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has turned to me on more now where fighting is escalating between the military june to end a rebel groups in the east. the violence has been focused near the border time of the our de unimportant trade hub and source of revenue for the cash drops. military rebels say hundreds of soldiers have surrendered thailand has increased security along its border as people in young law tried to flee the fighting. the rebel groups have made significant gains in recent weeks weakening the military's grape on power outages. here is tony, changes on the time in my border with more on the growing tensions of the time. military are on high alert here on the boat it with me. i'm a can see how these move again, all along the boat area with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns and all along this pathway. today we've been seeing soldiers patrolling alone. this is a friendship bridge that goes across and to me, what do we understand? that was fighting since early this morning. probably seen that could be heard on
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this side of the boulder. the seems to have been a seesaw since about 4 hours ago. but the bridge remains open. people have still been going across. hundreds have come across from me a while the trying to escape the fighting that they fit could get worse. and it is just a ceasefire. we think for the moment the battalion battalion 275, that still remains inside me and what is clearly not given up. as i think the korean army that's fighting the military hopes that it might. and we understand they may have being reinforced today from the professionals. capitals, this is a vice, sole trader. it's a $1000000000.00 passes across this bridge every year. and that is vital revenue for a military government, enough adults. it's facing very difficult times. tony checking out to 0 on the time me on my board, exit falls in south korea, suggest opposition parties could win
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a big victory in parliamentary elections. they are expected to gain a $197.00 seats out of a total of $300.00 in the national assembly. the vote is seen as a referendum on president union, so kills administration. his approval ratings had been low going into the poles, soaring food prices and a health care crisis caused by dr. strike had to are among the biggest issues for voters you just came has this update from salt as the people have spoken? and the 22nd problem entry elections and it's shaping up to be a disappointing night for the conservative people power party and president humans on yacht exit polls. point to a landslide victory for the main opposition democratic party. together with the new miners over rebuilding korea party, they could hold 2 thirds of a national assembly and wide powers that come with it when election results are certified come thursday. so how do we get here despite gains president you and has made diplomatically including radically improving relations with tokyo,
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has been praised by washington to allow for a close try lateral alliance. he's not exactly been known for being conciliatory in domestic affairs. while he's held several town halls to talk about shared economic growth across south korea. he has generally shunned media and side step traditional new year press conferences. critics have accused him of being less than forthright on a number of scandals involving his wife and mother in law. add to that the pressure as of rising through the prices and a resident doctors walk out that's now it's 8 week. the voters have spoken and it appears that they are calling for a change to business as usual unit is kim also sarah. so early i spoke to moon chung in a professor of an, a professor emeritus said, you don't say university. and a former presidential advisor explains why the routing party has suffered this huge
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drops. it's loading potty was relying on the negative campaign, not a take a taking on to the latest of all position parties. but on the other hand, a push in parties worked capitalizing on the policy failure. so, but using a government, i see that kind of, you know, criticism you know, brought about a positive result for the opposition parties from the position of all partition needed gigi to create site. the government knows it does or not the fact that there is what the style of governance by president use on, you know, you know, he promised to be, you know, mr. communication prices and, but he failed to be dead. and where so he promised to be the president of the national unity of and national consensus, but he failed to, to deliberate his august. and he style of governors which is not really familiar with the democratic system. was one of the big factors in a leading to the defeat of the ruling party. a student,
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a head on alger 0 water levels of a rising across southern russia in the worst spending in decades. and with a conflict incident approaching a year, we report from across from my children are seeking shelter rather than knowledge the color. there's plenty of all the spring sun side on the cots full northern china of the korean peninsula and also for good positive japan high pressure dominating the weather here. so settled in sunny pretty much summed up over the next couple of days. not quite so settled in sunny into pots of southern china, some weather weather coming through here, using little as it makes his wife or the east was the support of very heavy rain to come full, many beam off at the ne, warming up by using 27 degrees celsius,
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i'll be getting into the mid twenties there across the korean peninsula. what's the weather across? southern china bills. i bring a few shots to north america. vietnam into northern, allows into northern positive type of marketing that china will be dry and sunny laws. you try and sunny to cost a good part of the philippines on the 2 showers, but nothing too much to speak of. the heavier rain will be by the south, indonesia job a sing, some live you down pose. could cause some localized flooding, lobby down poles. could also cause localized flooding into ser lanka, big and heavy showers, coming in here. still what orange one is in force across central parts of india with some shop shows on the cards over the next couple of days where to where the rolls and making his way out of afghanistan in to buckets don over the next day or 2 as pushing his way further east was. meanwhile, middle east, as long as you drive the . now let me tell you almost suffice. equal results. the 1st of its kind in west
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africa, we will start owned by a wild life. from the moment we entered the a coupon outside. right, not able to practice much luck. the now be used only electron very close here, like common here, sits on with a large stairs face with a look in my privacy. let me know. thanks. if royal, i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun of the the, you're watching l g 0 live from doha. a reminder about top stories, thousands of palestinians have monster eat out federal holiday with pray is i'd be
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ok. so most compound, dean, occupied, east jerusalem in guys of prayers were held on the streets of a rock far because these really strikes have destroyed thousands of miles despite the holiday. these are the ami has a time to residential tower. a. now let's see, right? refugee camp overnight, killing 14 people, most of the victims where women and children and us present. joe biden has spoken out against these really prime minister benjamin this now in an interview with us broadcast or he said his ross actions and guy are mistaken or change. now to call a ceasefire immediately or the us present as welcome to japanese prime minister for me. ok. she died in the us at the white house on a state visit, which is focused on mutual security concerns. name the china, present biden and case should i expected to announce steps to expand the joint military and defense equipment because she will be addressing the us congress on thursday. but even as they work together as allies,
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a japanese steel companies bit to buy an american firm is facing fee us resistance . christian slow may report from the town of mon hole in pennsylvania. of the united states steel company has been part of the landscape of western pennsylvania for over 100 years. its presence remains larger than life, even as many of its mills have closed or relocated and its workforce dwindled. at the local union hall, those steel workers who remain c, a japanese companies, plans to acquire us steel. as a bi trail by management, us still should stay us so plain and simple. it's in the name, nothing to guess, no japanese company or whatever it is, but i can always take her home if you know what i mean. last december nip on steel, agreed to pay nearly $15000000000.00 for the company and also promised to maintain the workforce and the company name. but like the union, local politicians aren't on board. take jon feder, man, us, senator,
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who lives across the street from a mil. it's absolutely outrages that they have sold themselves too. of were nation . other law makers have written to the white house encouraging the administration to examine new pods, financial ties to china as a national security threat. china now surpasses the united states as the world's largest steel producer. to fully appreciate local opposition to the plan, you have to understand the history of us steel. this 12000 ton press once made the armor plates for american battleships during world war 2. and it was on one of those ships that the japanese signed the articles of surrender ending the war. that press now sits as a memorial in a shopping center parking lot. it was here that the largest steel mill in the world operated until 1986. in the last decade, however, us still has back tracked on plans to modernize local facilities. the question is
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which of these potential buyers may or may not re, invest in the plants here in the region? because without a lot of re investment they really won't be around much longer. natasha is probably us to invest an additional $1400000000.00 to grow the company. but union leaders are skeptical and they have pulled little power and then election year. any responsible politician should go against this deal if it's going to put our country at risk. infrastructure wise or defense wise, president joe biden and former president donald trump, have both spoken out against the purchase, which company shareholders will vote on later this month. christian salumi al jazeera western pennsylvania extend washer water levels have been rising in the southern or in burg region 10 and a half 1000 homes have been flooded, and an oil refinery has been shut down to reduce ecological risks. you'll need to shop a lot of, i report some wineburgh in southern russia. behind me is the village of devolving
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tools. it's quite a procedures, a rural side that looks going bug. it's not visible. now it's all slot is you can save yourselves. so we're witnessing the evacuation of the residents of this village. however, most people left his lands. uh they. so last week that the houses started to floods and we just spoke to one of the families here and they say they left the house when they was which that unclosed. so well, slot was, has, are expected here in the coming hours. the peak is believe has not yet passed the water level in the you will river in oregon, but has risen to more than a 9 me to knock the day before we visited the 2nd largest in the regions say to of rules the rules level has full in that and then also continues to decrease in forcing settlements in the over, in the region according to sources. but the situation remains quite critical. original. imagine c has also been to class in the neighboring regions like the crew
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gunn region due to the rapid rise in water levels in the 2 bowl river. and in the 2 men region as they ition rebecca has also bust. it's a bind. so the question people have is whether they will sources will leave them in trouble or help them. many people have invested in these cottages in these dot and floats full. we had and just a moment ago, people recorded the petition to the government's asking for help. i'll seem to bring something to that situational. they look for a little step properties and looked at homes, which have started issuing one time payments for those affected and all promising compensations for the damages. but it will take time and sold them to assess the damage. and also they, they say that they promise sums of money is way too small to restore what they have lost. and many people express a lot of discontent. we even saw process in the city or, or in particular,
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you leadership of oliver ultra 0, the city or in bog, russia. and more than 97000 people, the neighboring caustic sign have been moved to safety because of the severe floods . 8 regions near the euro and total river exhaust of managed of only say water level as well as 5 meters in a matter of hours, nearly 70 residential areas are cut off from the rest of a country. at least 15 migraines have died after a boat capsized off the coast of the booty. it was on its way to yemen. 22 others were rescued to vote to use the main transit country for migraines from the field. your end somebody are trying to reach gulf nations many of them women, children, and even babies unfortunately lost their lives when this boat capsized, at least 22 people have survived an iowa in, in coordination. and partnership with local authorities is helping to respond to
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the needs of those who survive. and of course help them to deal with that for me that they are facing. and these now don, danny is the regional advocacy and campaign manager for aux i may not africa, she says children often being sent on these migrant journeys because of a lack of educational opportunities in their home countries. the children are especially vulnerable, but have the idea is, of course, that now that all these young people have moved, there's a chance that these children can be reviewed fired with their family members abroad and their they have a better childhood education and to come up with the pover to trap, so the children are encouraged to leave. of course there's also the refugee children. so east africa host, a surprisingly large number of refugees. africa is the single largest host of refugee's east africa. i was actually holding a lot of the rest of the population as well. so
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a lot of these children in the refugee camps or house community, they're living in have absolutely no educational opportunities. nothing is one relative is abroad. the idea is let some of these kids to that relative and they're at least they can get we know educational opportunities may be a little bit of health care. it's because our, if you use both, those are very badly funded here in east africa. facilities, army and paramilitary rapids, the 4 forces have been fighting for nearly a year. now. the conflict has caused widespread devastation, food shortages and a regional refugee crisis report by save the children has call for more protection of young people. it says one in 2 children has been living in an active config zone for the past year. it says more than 10000000 minus have been exposed to bottles, bombs, motor and missile strikes and direct attacks. this is a 60 percent increase from the 1st month and shows how the conflict test brayden
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intensified. 4000000 young people have been displaced within sedans, borders the highest number in the world, while the charity and says the international community must increase its support. the un needs more than needs another $2500000000.00, force it on give a morgan re for some good are if you eastern, so don, way humanitarian groups are running out of a a what's used to be a school classroom is now home to death for the and her family, they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the parent military rapids support forces or r s f took over what made any the state capital of to the, to the, the sounds a lot of to the, the word and then with a lot of explosions. and you get a free to stay. we got into i would car to leave, but turn out to fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of
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other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital hoc to win the battle for control of sudan started a year ago between the city news army and the rest half to the united nations says at least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the countries borders. another 1500000 people are refugees in neighboring countries, making this the largest displacement crisis in the world. for 1000000 of those displaced our children, the most in any country among them are my what about the concern was either because they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict, her eldest son had to drop out of school as a result he keeps talking about his friends who lived in the same neighborhood we used to live in and why they got the chance to finish their school year before the war started. but he didn't. they wrote out a cartoon, was tough, and we didn't have food. the children kept crying,
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and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the us refugee agency says the needs of the displaced are huge, but there's within response to the international appeal for help. but it thing with a very limited to for not young uh the sources. we continue to provide for fiction and basic assistance to the id piece for this population, but also the to the house community. we also hope that with the doing of support will be able to, to more we are aware of what we are providing that really doesn't want to match with the actual needs. they just says what you really need is to be able to return to her home. but the 2nd tier of fighting has begun and there's no ends inside to the conflict or too many. so denise, reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he bum oregon alta 0, the body of eastern sedan and thousands of displaced people in northeast. and so
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don, have been celebrating aid, they say despite the hardships, ramadan has been a month of generosity, houses here, his mom advisory for some for to don. the faults, events may football stadium is filling up with worshippers. it's important to choose the most a spacious open fights to accommodate the largest number of people. this is the 2nd and from a bunch that abrasion since the will started. the sam is focused on the theme of will the need for unity and the hope for peace. not up on this. so what i'm gonna are, we pray for peace and security. and as muslims us, that god purifies us from within grunts us victory over our enemies. and wishing the same for our brothers in palestine no.


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