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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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so that our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young men regions. and so many others. we go to them to make the effort. we care straight the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters, and so i'm telling you, navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes and is released right? kills 3 children and 3 grandchildren of how most of the political leader is. $900.00 a year in northern gods of a family killed and a home destroyed. bodies are recovered from the scene of israel's latest attack on central gaza,
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which killed 14 people. the pray for peace as is really or strikes continue. palestinians across cause on march are huge and the shadow afore ons. the european union votes to overhaul it's migration policy officer, the douglas here on record for people trying to cross the mediterranean and on piece of statement with your thoughts in a historic move. lasix has become the 1st sport to off of prize money at the olympic games will deflect. it says, announced the 40 i told middle school in $50000.00 each starting at this use games in paris. the . we begin with breaking news out of northern gaza and is released strikes have killed 3 sons and 3 grandchildren of thomas's political leader. several members of
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this 900 years family are travelling by vehicle and the saucer comp. when their car was hits, will not speak to your city, the one who is a journalist, he is also joining us on the line from the city. your city. tell us what you know about the strike and what's happened. yes, uh good afternoon and good evening and uh, um, yeah, i mean we so, um, is there a situation here in the shop? if you can, why do we what, what year? i think the build you and i know we didn't know what happened because it was the a close to an order. what's cool? but when we were red, man, you know, doing skate from the exposure and some of the, our neighbors said that i knew the drawers, but they did a beacon or a car. so i went back and i saw the uh, the uh, the car well,
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and money buy these letters uh the money but its jump and someone was severely injured. and uh, after that they said that the as well, how much the son of this my and then yeah, and he uh, killed off the death and the, and one of the, the, i think i had the children and to the brother children go and the boys and this uh what happens is it close to uh, shop on the market and the method of the mutual pg can. so usually you can confirm that this night and he has family, his children and grandchildren were in that vehicle and it was targeted by that is released. yes. yes, sure. they thought they could been why it would be a way to basic things, the time it is because for the is the 1st day of the 8th. so uh the better thing and then most then, but you think each other, so uh, so the children went to visit the i think uncles. so uh, i think in a drawing to get in the way they are visiting, uh, uh,
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the family and i know we knew them because uh its uh, a new side of a drone. it's not and it's 16 many sides. so we saw that phrase has, but the, unfortunately bit about this with got into pieces what, what, what is there to be said about the timing of this attack? as you're saying it is the 1st day of freed up because of this, my attorney, a lead that will come as in about the because she ation under the refuse the math of the is right. 80 uh, negotiation or the organ about what's happening right now by without the uh, the, the, the president earth. and then because not the is right, is it seems that these are 81 that's in that message to some and then yeah, to the, i'm asked uh, uh, calculate and, and, and neither of is that the biggest variety will try to get to the whole time and
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need to be a how much leaders in north guys. 2 north and south, does that mean right now because the out of civilians and they didn't do anything, not committed them see a group that's related even to him as they are just fun. so for these little pat math and they were able to just bring that by the vehicle to visit the data familiar with them their ankle. and that's what's happened to you yesterday. and i wonder if you can confirm whether or not, i mean this is, this is not the 1st time that the family members of massive leaders have been targeted. uh yeah, uh, uh, before grabbing thought to get this uh, cousins back uh they targeted his house because we live close to explain that i need a new house. and we sold the destruction of a house because it was the destroy, the whole area, not only the the golden gold with my son. yeah. house and also the other offices,
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which is related to where i had the house or to there have massive movement about what's happening before the, the, the targeted family. but this is the 1st time they thought this is funny before about the target they did come in and, and, and the other end, excuse me, be, but it's the 1st time they targeted uh, a month and then pad, and i mean, they were young and the oldest one of the young man auto tier 23 years old. okay. and thank you so much for that update just to get ahold of thanks for speaking to us from gaza. uh, let's bring in our uh, corresponding tiny, my food. tiny are obviously joining us from alpha. and i mean, as we're hearing people and guys are marketing this 1st day of read under the threat of is really are strikes. and now this news confirmed that as 9 he has family members of his family have been killed. a yes, well we,
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we were monitoring the situation since the early hours of this morning. and of course, from late hours of last night, when the, when we witnessed the stores in the air strikes across the gauze for that is started in the central area on the fire out, including an air in the hours of this afternoon once again. and they'll call you right refugee camp, that's a block through that was targeted relentlessly would not the very strikes, and many people reported to unlock the hospital. at the same time, these really military, i was talking eastern part of the city. it included in that densely populated neighborhood, the city i as they to never by comes to non stop artillery showing since early hours of this afternoon. and what we learned so far about what happened to the sons and the grand sons of is find any of that the political bureau chief of thomas in ga that'd be where on in a car. and on their way to pay
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a visit for their relatives. good city marks the 1st do a very it on this is the, the traditions that palestinians here at here together and do own the 1st do of 8 is to pay a visit to their relative this the close ones and family, a members what the description we had from an eye witness on the ground, the car was targeted by at least 2 missiles, fired from a drone and completely incentive rated the car. beyond recognition bodies were removed from the car and few were coming off in pieces. as do, we're also in center rated beyond recognition, the car, that's a 3. it's shows the 3 sons of 9 honey, and the 3 of the grand children, 2 boys and one girls of the, of the grand children. now the incidents including the con, suspence, a tox starting from last night on all day long is if you would, lars, the by many people here across the golf strip as the a tool of pressure to dictate the course of that piece of the seas. fire talks in
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cairo and it's also a sign by it is very military that there's no lit up in the tax on these really military will continue a talking palestinians across the go through, including those who are associated or family members of, of thomas or any other palestinians, a groove is also viewed as the way to inflect as much pay and as much damage on people who are already so far already traumatized by this ongoing board for the past 6 months. yeah, and honey, i mean we uh, the last leader is night honey. a has says in fact that the killing of my sons will not affect the from a ceasefire demands. that's what we're hearing right now. and he's also accused israel of killing his sons in quote, the spirit of revenge and murder. so that is what the political leader has, have to say about the killing of his sons as well as his grandchildren. but i had
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a speaking of the cease fires. how, how are people and just at least where you are feeling about the cease fire talks at the same time though, we understand that there is a threat to all food off the ground defensive. yes. well, to put things in confidence, palestinians have been largely drained by the older, the league reports, and the ongoing going on and off talks of the potential ceasefire, zealand. and the fact the matter that this has been going on for quite some time then got to the point where palestinians are ready to receive some solid news about their about a ceasefire. not some lead for report that there is a potential seized by it has been very exhausting, very, very tiring for people who are suffering on daily basis. still, there is a famine going on and no, no,
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the park there are signs of starvation. people are still dying at the record base and it was the whole, the people that run month of ramadan was going to be somehow peaceful and they would not want to see their children wrapped in white streets and be in the hospital with no medical attention whatsoever. the parent talks right now though they are somehow they are constructed, but it's still, they haven't got to the point where, where people can for sure feel there is a ceasefire coming up anytime soon, particularly the older, the rejection of from those really 5 and one of the major demands, which is the return of display as a palestinians here in the, in, over crowded robust city to their homes is really, military is still a rejecting this demand. and we know how mazda and other palestinian groups on the ground. they're making this as a priority because they want to see or relieve of the ongoing,
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a trauma and ongoing suffering and misery for the 1500000 this way is spent palestinians in overcrowded southern part of the, of district and tiny. uh while i have you with us, just give us an update if you my to on the past few hours in gaza city and whether there has been any strikes a not only in gaza city but right across the gaza strip. and thereafter now a yes . well, we were able to monitor this thursday and the talks of from last night when just it's the night and just hours before the day is parted, where and these really military and massive areas tried targeted residential home. and then also i brought refuge account killing at least 14 people, mostly women and children. at the same time, there on boeing, the constance showing all of the eastern part of hon. you and it's an area that has been repeatedly targeted on and based on what we heard from people who went back after the monetary pulled data from the area,
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particularly of this on and then the area, those are days for neighborhoods upon units have been destroyed beyond recognition for a lot of people very, it was on known for them. it's completely alien to what they used to know so far about the the city, the eastern part of, of the city also including jerry and other parts were under heavy artillery shilling and, and the fact that there are drones, those are the talking drones in the area just costing many beer and concert for people to go back to these to these areas including the attacks within the past few if the in the past hour and earlier in this early hours of this afternoon. okay. thank you, honey. thank you so much. my number, who is reporting for us from alpha in the gaza strip. well, i'll do 0 has gained access to the data stated city of con eunice after the withdrawal, if is really troops on sunday. more than 80 bodies were recovered,
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many of them were lying under the rubble for weeks. henders has already has this report from the ruined city where the scale of the destruction is now emerging. so we're currently in a bus and in the city of con eunice, the destruction is mazda. if we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses, they say that there is nothing left. and the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure. there's no electricity, as there is no water. like even if they want to put and setup, there's tons. here everywhere is rubble. and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense. and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is really forces to in face newness, once again, just like they did in the north of the gods of city in garza,
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where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some lemons, some blankets. as you see, the streets are completely demolished, the ins for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been. cook these to the bombs and, and, and, and like locked into the ground of the people and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from a month of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not
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bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawal from this area, they're still homeless. and this paste. this is into who the odyssey to us on newness, well polish, stay in top and gathering, to observe their items without holiday marking the end of the fasting month for amazon. normally a time of celebration this year, as our age is vastly different, worshippers have been praying among the ruins of what used to be a mosque. just one example of the devastation last by more than 6 months of is really bombardments across the strip thought it was to has more from vanessa and southern gaza with russell that to make a space to pray. was lin palestinians for a rough hold? it probably is next to the ruins of in fargo commotion. it's mentor, which is the only part that survives and it's very plumbing. ease of what there's
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supposed to be time of celebration of a month of down to doesn't cost. think. last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat is filled with grief, agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me. these boys as families have managed to find these clips to market a lot for most palestinians and cause you will get to eat like any other day in recent months. just trying to find enough food and more to suffice as well says it's moving more agents off to international pressure, a part of united nations and says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet humanitarian needs. this he does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father, my brother,
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and my own to that. it is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months. they did use the scan when, when i think about stuff, it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms. i did everything he wanted. i wish he was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone. comfortable was not over is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that he has said that useful a major ground defense. if he had a rough off, it's the last lot refute. we're one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians auction bring here patrick up as a oh, just a rough, rough southern gaza or worshippers gathered for
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a prayers at the oaks on last compound wednesday morning is really forces and post severe restrictions on any palestinians trying to enter the mosque iran con, was there a present now of a and it has been a subdued up most of it hit the i like so most comp time just like the thousands of people of actually come to visit and there's 2 reasons for that. firstly, the restrictions you can probably just say the police over the they're checking the id of young man, the restrictions. all of this man over the age of 60 are allowed to come women over the age of 50 are allowed to come know on a very few people are either from the occupied westbank. i've been allowed to come here, but still thousands of people have arrived. they've given that price and they've offered that price for the people of garza. that's the real reason that things also subdued here that the rest of it isn't like it would be normally people who are hoping for a c spy that was supposed to be
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a drama on the safe spot. that's the reason why it didn't come to a policy. those negotiations are still ongoing and the people that are hoping that that might be, that could be they're hoping for a breakthrough in the coming days and wrong code, which is 0. yeah. like so most compound occupied east jerusalem. please for palestinians have been shot and injured by is really settlers and they occupied westbank. dozens of them store the village of butterfly firing live i munition and rubber coated bullets of people and homes. they also threw stones and they are sold to the villagers. the palestinian red crescent has confirmed 3 of the injured had been shocked that village and near at i'm a law and it seemed frequent attacks by is early settlers. well, in the occupied westbank, palestinians of mark the 1st day of far used by visiting the graves of their loved ones. it's a tradition many families observed on special occasions and during the 6 months of
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fits were on gaza is really forces. i've killed 460 palestinians and they occupied westbank, me that, but i am reports from jeanine and they occupied westbank, a viewing that people celebrate with time new to unions. but in the occupied westbank, there's little to celebrate. and the unions take place in semitic at the break of dawn on the 1st day of the families make the journey to breeze to remember those what no longer here. you haven't judged rod would have been at the g need refugee camp cemetery to visit the grapes of his friends. but the 16 year old was killed by his weighty forces in november. now his mother and friends are spending a tombstone to sit on. the feeder are children grow up too fast and too soon when a 16 year old groves up saying these really occupation is brutality in humanity against
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post simians, where do you expect this path to take him to the same park? of course the cemetery. this is a life that wasn't close on us during the world. garza is really forces in some of those a few at least $460.00 palestinians of the occupied westbank. nearly a quarter of them with you here in geneva and its refugee camp. this new cemetery was opened in july last year and it's already so they know you said that we is the mother of 94 of her children were killed in and is really doing strike in january. so the communion mother i eat without them is very difficult. i had so many traditions with them for e, and they would take me to the outside who would buy the streets and clothes, a meat cookies together. if to sam says she comes here every day, not just doing a goodly and had them if i was deprived of helping them achieve the themes of getting married and this w families are now. the only thing that could do for them is clump flowers that
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grace, they will never see their loved ones grow up. or girl families please photographs on the grave. upon flowers, they tell us it's a way of bringing life to a place of death. i need the email address either. do you need the occupied west van iran? supreme leader on uncommon a has led to, i used to prayers into her on can use her speech to call for retaliation against israel for its attack on the iranian consulate building and syria, earlier this month or so. jabari has more for me to run accusations, threats, and mornings by iran supreme leader. i totally common a during a speech of delivered following prayers that was done in most of the mosque and capital to run on this eat at the supreme leader said, israel is guilty of 2 crimes. first, the blood shed that has been carried out during the holy month of ramadan and gaza has left
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a bitter taste for muslims during this aid and also the western powers and are responsible because they haven't done anything to stop the bloodshed. and also they've been ating, the occupying power. the 2nd crime he highlighted by israel was that strikes that was carried out on around the consulate in damascus on april. first, this is what you have to say on that. the bees, the wicked zine, this regime, made another mistake and staged an attack on the runs, constantly official, which means that attack on the countries soil, a violation of international norm. it made a mistake, and the regime needs to be punished and will be punished. the question now is when and how around response the hits that was taken by the iranians on april. first end, damascus has been seen as an attack on the country's own soil, and the supreme leader made it very clear that a response is imminent. when and how that will happen remains to be seen. what is
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clear is that iran will respond to israel door, such a bari al jazeera to hon. okay, well now bringing forward challenge where is joining us for an occupied east jerusalem. so the is really for administer has already responded to this. what do they have to say, rory of the while the rest of it is getting pretty static? i sat for by countries of them. i mean, yes. so we just have dosa. we've had those comments from a, from an a, we now have some responses from less than 3 is ready. officials are bringing you to fast from defense minister us calamity was speaking at a, an i and dime a battery at defense batteries. so into the troops that are on today and he said, we will know how to react very quickly with the decisive offensive action against the territory of whoever attacks our territory. no matter where it is. in the, in time at least, we added that a potential is right,
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the response will be very effective and very powerful. we also heard from a member of the war cabinet, the opposition politician, many kents. he says, in terms of the writing of threats. i'm certain that as well as capabilities, defensive or offensive, or above any other country in the middle east. and this fact is not into our enemies. we know how to employ these capabilities anyway, at any time, against any threats. i mean, so the site responds from israel's foreign minister as well. his code is there a caps? he said in a tweets, if iran attacks from his territory as well as ro, will react out attack in iran. putting a bit of a, a muffin spin on a hillside, set that sweeps again impassioned tags from an ace official, switzer accounts in his tweet. so the ministry is still on very high that off to the attack on the constant of buildings in, in damascus, on the,
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on the west of april. but in general, the government to the manager tried to calm these ready population down saying that there is no real cause for alarm at the moment. generally, i cite the move in israel is is less panic. so that was several days ago, despite the fact that for this bennet cards, rhetoric is being thrown around february, that's exactly what i wanted to talk to about. in fact, is the public and, and how this is all get going down amongst people in israel, of the yeah, i mean, it is a, it has cons. i mean, basically in the media, off them off of that attack when the expectation based on intelligence that the is radius had. but also what was coming out of the united states as well. was that perhaps that would be some kind of drone on slower. so a ballistic missile on snow. so these ready ministry took
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a separable precautions they can't. so who leave for any comb back units in the country. and they also have pulled up reserves in the defense batteries. they started chumming gps to or around the country, taxi drivers and delivery drives, and people try to navigate around their way around. and they cause finding that, you know, the route. so they will be told to take the tight and 3 by roots over into syria, or cetera. so there was quite a lot of alarm in those days off the attack. but since then things have subsided. the ministry, as we understand it's still very much prepared for what might be coming. but generally the mood in the country has, has got less advertising on paperless yet and started getting around the business again without thinking too much about things sorting from the sky. all right, thank you for which on this. thank you for that update from occupied east jerusalem . it will take you back to our breaking news story out of northern gaza and is
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really strikes have killed 3 sons and 3 grandchildren of hemispheres, political liter. it's $900.00 a year. several members office. finally we're traveling by car by vehicle and the shots, a refugee camp when their car was fits. so this task just comes just one day after the us president joe biden spoke out against the is really prime ministers policies on goes on in an interview with an american spanish language broadcaster biden said that benjamin netanyahu should policies far immediately saying he was making a mistake and got them. we'll bring an elder zeros white house correspondent, kimberly how could joining us from the white house. hi there. kimberly. so have we heard anything from the white house yet on this and, and how does this is really a talk on how to use family members look, considering what we were just saying that bite and made these comments yesterday that nothing. yeah. who's making a mistake? yeah, that's right, of the white house and the national security team are following the developments as
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this breaking new story is just developing the it has not reacted. the white house is consumed with a state visit that is taking place right now with the prime minister of japan casita. and the 1st lady is uh, also consumed with entertaining his wife uh as well. so there is a lot going on in terms of pomp and circumstance. and so that is consuming the white house at the moment. who is the 4 impress, but there is a joint press conference that will be taking place in about an hour's time, where there is no question, but the israel's war, i'm dasa and these latest developments are certain to come up. have a said that as you point out, the fact that the u. s. president has sharpened his criticism of the as rarely prime minister benjamin method. yahoo will certainly be on the agenda, given the fact that he has said the actions of
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b is really military and how this war is being conducted by the prime minister is a mistake. this is certainly something that the president has gone further than he ever has before calling for a cease fire saying it needs to be at least 8 weeks and duration, allowing for food to get in is something that is certainly pointed, given the fact that the president so it's not clear if this is a shift in policy or whether the president is, has made a slip of tongue. so there's no question that this is something that reporters will be trying to drill down on to find out if the president, man, this is a policy shift given the fact that he indicated that if just a few days ago, that if the israel had not made measurable steps to change its behavior. there would be a shift in his really policy. so, so what we know as well is that there is another difference of opinion between these 2 man,
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the us president and the as rarely prime minister. and that is with regard to that ground defensive in rasa, the facts where there is more than a 1000000 people sheltering in place, palestinians in place. and the fact is that even as the as rarely prime minister has said, there is a date for that ground defense of it has not been made available to the united states. it's tough allied, something that we know has been a raised concern since the united states. the national security advisers at sullivan is said that the united states has cautions the uh, is really military not to go in. they see that as yet another mistake and are advising against that. so we know, and these are going to be the 2 big things that the presses forward to ask about in this joint press conference. again, that is due to happen in about an hour's time. and so we'll be watching very carefully to see what the us president says about that,
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as well as the latest braking developing story about the death of the 3 sons and 3 grandchildren of israel, him the thank you so much. kimberly, we'll check in with you a little later on. still a has on the i'll to 0 news our we will reach half an interest training nights of champions league action. that's on the way in story. the, the hello. it is beginning to feel a little like autumn, full well, possibly river play. we got this little area x out here just off shore coal from that's making its way through and cool. refresh the conditions coming back in behind one of services around the 20 celsius time. on wednesday, off the, the few shelves into moving parts of oz and theater up towards power g y, and those temperatures for the way further as we go through with fast ice shipping
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logic drive one is there's 18 celsius logic to on the other side of the ad is the 2 full santiago, 24 celsius. but shell is the 3 bolivia weston, and central pa. so present all the way up towards the southern and west in areas of columbia. still some showers to adjust around the panama, and it's a costa rica is a bit of a, with a weather that so just around the way would islands and must still csr. go to the, into jamaica. much of central america will be fine and drive it this long line of cloud and rain that will bring some live the showers into southern possibly us the showers already in the process of gathering breakdown pools. that is part of the coast flash flooding. certainly something to keep an eye on and some big tornadoes . this is really going to be rather active as we go on through the next couple of days at suite 6 way towards the appalachians, up towards that northeast in kona attending dr. behind the.
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so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest? wow. the, the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most contests since the 2021 with the exclusive access to remote camps and frontline baffles shots. the progress of an idealistic young generation of ripples as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries trouble history on the phones . me and mom on the, on the ropes on al jazeera,
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the time again, the fox stories on the al jazeera news hour and is really strike has killed 3 sons and 3 grandchildren, a pharmacist, political leader in gossip, several among various stuff aside honey, his family were travelling in the north of the strife when their vehicle was hits, bodies had been recovered from the scene of and is really straight on central garza which killed 14 people. children were among the victims of tuesday, evenings attack it up on a home, and that in some ways on the family was preparing for our ease and fits our celebrations. adopt strike came just ahead of the 1st day of the raids marketing.
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the end of the fostering mazda for amazon, worshippers. i've been praying among the ruins of moss, how mazda, as a political leader as night hunting, it has told al jazeera, the killing of several of his family members, will only harden the group's resolve. he also said the attack will not affect its demands and cease fire negotiations that we will call the they believe that if they killer assessing id, it is all there next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road, throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom. and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored event, turning to other world who is now and at least $38.00 my friends have died after their boat capsized off the coast of g. a booty. the horn of africa nation is the main transit for people, mainly from if you,
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if you're on somalia or trying to reach and goals. nations through human jo evans has this reports, the cheese cosca recover the bodies of migrants. the search for a better life ended in tragedy. they drowned in the red sea when the boat capsized on the way to a human well, iowa and the international organization for migration can confirm that at least the t h. people perished in this latest tragedy. many of them women, children, and even babies unfortunately lost their lives. when this boat capsized, the number of migrants dying on journeys in the middle east and north africa is a 5 year high. according to the latest figures by the us. many of them headed east, rather than north across the mediterranean, the migrant route from the home of africa through yemen is one of the busiest and most dangerous many pos for the northern securities about parisian to cross the red sea waters into southern yum. and in order to reach both countries like saudi
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arabia, the drivers are a bit mixed. some are going in search of employment because because of economic reasons, but many increasingly are fleeing untenable human rights situations, particularly in ethiopia, in eritrea. 22 people are rescues from the ship, right? but even if they made it to them and they would have still faced the most dangerous part of the journey in 2020 to 795, mostly ethiopians. who killed between yemen and saudi arabia with violence against migrants as intensified. they've survived this part of the journey that the future looks up with onset and was that the goal, evans, how does your o on 3 children have died after a migrant. both capsized off the coast of the greek island of cios. their bodies were recovered by the coast guard, which also rescued. 14 people including 8 other children. greek media say the migraines were from us, was honest on to after years of political deadlock,
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the european union is voting on legislation to overall it's asylum and migration policy. the reforms have been into work since 2016 and they're aimed at easing pressure on southern countries like recent italy. it comes with the annual number of migrant just in the mediterranean. it continues to grow with more than $3000.00 dots last year alone. while the reforms would implement stronger border controls, while also ensuring that o e u countries share responsibility for handling asylum requests fairly under the new system. those who arrived without proper documents, which faced the tension and accelerated deportation if their asylum application is rejected. children as young as 6 years old will be fingerprinted on rights groups of race. concern saying this will create a cruel system that amounts to having prison camps on you borders. we can also reach the community, causes an associated director of the migration policy institute to your pink time
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joining us from parents. welcome to l, just the room. so this pack, the aims to get new countries all with different national priorities to act together on the issue of migration using the same rule. rule book, how likely is that? i mean, this pact have gone through years of talks and compromises. yes, this is a combination, you know, the peaks of years of legal cation and on the topic that's, that's probably the most sensitive want to you levels, especially as you know, where we're not entering and electro, competing with the european parliament being renewed in june and, and so these are the 3 men, like the votes that spring out today. it's a particle signal for the european project that policy maker can come to an agreement on how to manage migration together. you know, we do it in a way that is binding and you mentioned this the solidarity principle. this is also a major political being for this european commission of given. but these
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negotiation, this reform has been in the making seems to a 16. having said that, it's also an agreement that stuff or on islip seekers, that's tougher on you know, what, what, what's gonna happen a, you borders. and he so, so in a way opposed to the agreement that fails to answer many of the tonnage many of the east. but he was facing when he comes to organizing the comprehensive migration policy. i'm speaking on labor migration, for instance, you know, attracting student, attracting workers, but also creating safe pathways for renfrew, cheese, so that they don't have to go through these dentures root and can find, you know, safety in europe in any monitors that's, that's been organized, betterment upset the needs today, right, and uh, we do have an update, in fact, uh miss la cause, but we're just hearing now that the e u parliament has indeed adopted this asylum overall. so what's your reaction to that? and are there any sort of gray areas in the package for you that stand out?
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yes, it's no surprise, but this is adopted. you know, either way, the fact that you members, state i from to an agreement put the volume in the difficult position. they were asking away to, to target long and the position, but had been a degree with the member states. now the key question is, what happened was implementation. this is a tech that extremely complex, that you will have 2 years. you know, the timeline a set by, by to take is 2 years for implementation, was many open question as to what, what is it going to look like a lot of points. what said guards are going to be in place to monitor the situation in the different processing centers. so i think there's still so much that needs to be, that needs to be discussed, but needs to be set up. and we're also seeing that this close of solar dougherty making it mandatory that everyone needs to contribute to the system. either through relocation. we've asked them seekers arrive big, you know, in the country or 1st entry being, being splits in
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a way between different members. state are through financial contribution of all of the system also needs to be to be implemented to be a correctional lies. it'll contex were based questionnaire or, you know, they meet immensely and sensitive how. how do you think that this is going to affect migrants who are actually making these treacherous journeys? i mean, we know from the i a when the international organization for migration that 2023 was the deadliest year on record with about $8600.00. that's, i mean, why has there been an increase in migrant deaths recently? there are many reason why why we're seeing this just increase. and 1st i want to say like the un recorded 4000 that's in the mediterranean, but it's very likely. but the number of this is much higher, because so many boards are recorded, and they are also many dest, you know, long, this rude look in geneva,
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and elsewhere. and what we're seeing is increasingly constrained foods on, for instance, n g o, is that our re skewering people. let's see on the alteration. and they can only do, you know, one tree one was cute version at a time, which of course leads more people to last. it likes to lose their life, etc. and not the same time. we're also seeing condition in several of these countries of trends of the target your, your rating. i'm thinking for instance, about tanisha were in the past few years has been increasing unit harassment of my branch of sub saharan africa. and so in all of this context, there was a question, how do we make sure that we, we organize? how can we organized safe pathways for people from language worker for refugees so that they can travel in a way that they don't have to reach their life? all right, thank you so much for speaking to us from parents coming the calls. thank you. still out on the i'll just hear a news our the sports is coming up and john rom will be looking to defend his
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master's title in the 1st gulf major of the year. built up coming up with theater in a moment. the the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business later. steve spencer bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the us forces. here's peter 3. thank you very much. well, in a start, move to basic science become the 1st say to ration ever to offer the prize money at the olympic games. well, that's what it takes, has announced that the 48 gold med list in paris. well, in $50000.00 each a total price of $2400000.00. this will be extended to silver and bronze made lists
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at the los angeles games in 2028 athletics, both small participants and tv audiences than any other federation. well, the fedex president, sebastian, co cobra decision. a pivotal moments in a statement co said while it is impossible to put a marketable value on winning and, and then pick middle. i think it is important. we start some way and make sure some of the revenues generated by our athletes at the olympic games. so directly returned to those who make the games, the global spectacle, that it is with just a few months to go until the events in paris, 5000 meter and then pick champion joshua, chip, the gay. is it a race against time to win? the 10000 i should come of the show caught up with the you can install and come paula. the had what is well underway to we olympic gold. when it comes to the 5 and 10000 meters? no one has ever lived has run as fast as just certificate that you get done,
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hose the walls because over both distances. he's the olympic 5000 meters champions . but despite being a 3 time, well jumping into 10000, that goes meadows till a new team. something does it tell me to put right in powers later this year. i'm really excited for the body skins. us and uh, i look forward to, you know, an amazing, uh, uh, olympics and uh, i feel really good and really to just my dreams. the dream of, uh, again, once again regarding the campaign trip, today is the mazda on the truck, but made his debut in tomorrow. so in, in valencia last year, he finished down in such a 7th place. but he loved the lessons he hopes will help him. but the reason for the short distance is perhaps allowing him to go even faster. what is that important? and i did for me. so at least to, you know, like being that i had more than an student, be hungry for 4 months at those. and i,
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i think that the most important thing for me now is to just wind guard me. those today runs about 150 kilometers per week average in 15 kilometers per hour at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level. he observes a very light and precise new plan with calculated sleeping time. i'm like many either you've done at least that i'm up to, to leave that home country and training other nations. just the guy has decided to have his base full time and you've done to, it says it's his duty to stay and inspire the next generation overrun is difficult for me. it's a very important to train from home and inspire the young boys and the young guys. i understand that additive, before people used to believe that you have to go as far as going to illiterate it 10 cup that god in order to become a champion. if he can add the elusive $10000.00 olympic gold, his collection,
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it will cement his place among the long distance running grades. i 2nd guess i'll just see you are a compiler. uganda. it's on is even in the champions to the quarter finals of the 2 entertaining girls in london and madrid on tuesday, tom sizes and has more. he's trying to do it. so i'm the much just finished to h in the next to didn't re controversial ending. but the press was needed in both games at full time, also salvaging the 22 drawer home to buy munich for rel, madrid, and mentors to citizenship, to 6 go through the same kind of sucker was frustrated by not being awarded the penalty at the end needs to bind equally agrees by pelting up being a what is the this incident and the parents, gabrielle hand bowl, which left promise to cool, frustrated st. going on here. what makes us really angry as the explanation of the field, he told our class that it's a kids mistake and he will not give a penalty like this in the quote, the final. this is a horrible,
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horrible explanation. ok. all right, this a 22 things on i'll totally even envious of you as a 2nd. like to play part 2nd, open the scoring just 12 minutes in these memories of those 51 defeats to bind in, the post faded, but then the inevitable happens. and how retains which comes as going from from a total and then hurricane is 6. go with the emeralds, putting fine in front, leandro trustworthy go means it's anyone's getting going into the return leg, then the kettle set to what's left to re mistakes. then in terms of sneak, you can not give anything to the appointment we have given to us today and the when, when you have the situation of the average of one issue and the other because less than stokes manchester city. gabriel, madrid. 3 goals at dependable the base school 3 themselves is the quest continues to repeat the triple winning campaign from last season. it was a game of memorable goals,
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strikes from phil photon and then just go to the audio allowing city to take the lead in the 2nd hall. but this was the moment role madrid equalized. they've had a strike leaving manager call her and she'll, if he's satisfied that they can upset their opponents and the return like next week the quality the to point us the games big are, those are to us in the right product. and then uh the other gave me matches that i the for on my website we, i don't know. so this fight for what we did and we up to repeat. and the same way they might just that, well, we can, might just our people who are to be sold out there. what else could help us to score one? we'll, we'll do the rest and we'll try again to, you know, to resume your find the simple x ray city head back to the eyes. he had 9, they won this fixture phone middle last year as a to reach the semi finals for the 4th year in a row. come size and i was just 0 passenger man. welcome to many a football saloon and the 1st leg of
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a champions. because final place on wednesday and the french capital part time champions, barcelona all playing at this stage of the composition for the 1st time in 4 years . the last time these 2 met was 3 years ago and p. s to dispatch the spanish giants at their own ground. when a full one with a chicken and bump, patrick they bought for my boss alone. and actually we send retail p. s g or on the 22nd game i'm beacon running it will competitions to go. bench was already thought differential. this one is a 48 guns, and i really think that they are the favorite ones. they bought. it was fun. them buy from us. they've spent much more than us, they have a team mates to win the champions league, and that is the main objective of the club. the owners are from cutoff, and it must be the main goal, unless the to the monte carlo mazda is and defending champion andre rude life has been knocked out. the succeed suffering, a straight sets defeat to alexi pepper, and it continues a frustrating period for the russian who has failed to make it costs around $32.00 and his last 3 tournaments. the guy now until the 1st gulf major of the year,
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the mazda is t's off on thursday and for rolling back roy, it's another chance to end these 10 your major trouts mcelroy last one of major up to 20 folding pga championship and was a runner up it'll gusta 2 years ago. 15 time major when it tiger woods has recently saved macro. it has the capabilities to win it for the 1st time and become just the 6th gulf. it's when all full majors something the northern irishman is determined to d. i mean, yeah it's, it's, it's flattering through lights and it's nice to, to here, in my opinion, the best player ever to play it again say something like that. so yeah, i mean, does that mean that it's going to happen? um, obviously not, but i, you know, he's being around the game long enough to know that i at least have the potential to do it. and i mean, i know i've got the potential to do it to a french woman has such a will, wrinkled for rope climbing, and she's done it at the eiffel tower in paris, obstacle coast race, a new economy,
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a climb to 110 meters. it's 20 minutes since high than the previous break. we'll sit by mail, south african athlete. i'm more than 18 inches above the women's robe climbing, wrinkled. over, and i'll be here again later with another spoke to these updates 3. we will see you later peter. thank you so much for the time being well exit polls and south korea suggests that opposition parties are set for a big victory in parliamentary elections. they are expected to gain a $197.00 states out of a total of $300.00 in the national assembly. and the vote, as seen as a referendum on president to use accruals administration. soaring food prices and the health care crisis are among the biggest issues for voters. moving strong in is a professor emeritus that young se university and a former presidential advisor. and he explains why the ruling party has suffered
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a huge loss. the loading party was relying on the negative campaign, not a take a taking on to the latest of all position parties. but on the other hand, i will put you in parties walk capitalizing on the policy failure. so, but using a government, i see that kind of, you know, criticism you know, wrote about the positive result for the opposition parties from the position of all partition needed gigi to create site. the government knows it does or not the fact that there is what the style of governance by president use on, you know, you know, he promised to be, you know, mr. communication prices and, but he failed to be dead. and where so he promised to be the president of the national unity of and national consensus. but he failed to, to deliberate his august. and his style of governors, which is not really familiar with the democratic system, was one of the big baptists in a leading to the defeat of the ruling party. we're going to take
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a short break right here and also is there a subset for the news hour, but we're back in just a moment with much more of today's news and all the latest headlines auto plaza. but you need to be aware of the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to experts a whole lot because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments, politicians who may be opened in the highest level have been using games for the policy currently konami for doing some of the even course, the rivals inside story on al jazeera. these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs by mobile ocean temperatures and pollution. first call to expel the algae, the get the coal,
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a range of college and extreme reinstate wise over an extended period of time, making some structures to being severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full, a mass bleaching events. what's happening here on the great fire, rafe? it's also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the engineer conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. for rainbow village is jodi roma says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it. heavy pricing in the we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's the consequence of war. the human suffering victory, the 4th time. we brave bulletin bombs and some of the world's most troubles regents
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. the army fled in the face of idols, advance. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence in recent years. in some instances we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom, the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides the and is really strike hills, 3 children and 3 grandchildren up from us as a political leader. it's 900 a year in northern glass, all the you're watching, all the 0 life or my headquarters and downtime during obligate. also coming off, a family killed and a home destroyed. bodies are recovered from the scene of another is really a talk which killed 14 people in central 1000.
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the praying for peace is,


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