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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how big a problem is global food insecurity counting the cost? oh no, just the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of i'm carry johnston. this is the news licenses are coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel assassinated 3 sons and 3 grandchildren, the message they don't need to be smell funnier. in northern gods. european union boats to overheard its migration policy off of the deadliest year on record for the people trying to cross the mediterranean
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a one year since we were over accounts and sit down, we report from a school that's become a shelter. some of the 8000000 displaced people live in south korea is exit. polls suggest opposition? policies are set for victory, parliamentary elections, and piece of statement with all your schools will definitely takes announces prize money for and then pick estimates for the 1st time and the street. and that's another nice going to in the champions legal reaction on the way the get in northern garza, the israel has assassinated 3 sons and 3 grandchildren of a message. let's go lead to several members of the smell honey is familiar with traveling in the shockey camp when the vehicle was hit. is there any minute she has confirmed its kind of without the strike and says, honey is 3 sons, where how many offer tips?
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speaking to, i'll just here near said the killings with only holding a message result. he also said it would not affect the groups, the mountains and cease found the conversation. why is it the a we with a product? they believe that if they kill recession id, it is all their next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will harden all results. make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road. the road of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom and the law full rights of the palestinian peoples are restored, meant by some name is a senior member of the masters political bureau. he says the assassination of the smell, honey, is family, is an attempt by israel as prime minister to the railroad ceased find the goose, jason's latino from the beginning. he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine any shots to reach as he toyota agreement. and so he
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hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the international community on sunday and tell them that it's for any is to say a t. v is not using all the other did the tools, but he couldn't go out of children in our lives by the us. anything the leaders or some people in the must course and live on on he is insisting on undermining any strong storage. if he failed agreements, how the math mood has more now from rafa in southern gaza in the past few hours have been very intense as more confirmed reports of but i intend the aerial attacks and the central area of the gaza strip me on the, on the side right, refugee camp and why do you have the area, the very particular a,
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a few where people were told to be evacuated to at the beginning of, of the initial weeks of, of this war on a separate attacks at earlier hours of this evening. there's really mandatory struck a vehicle in the shot records. you can just the be tragic. you got com in the north room, western parts of gaza city the targeted where the children of the political leader of how much to buy in any along with their children. those are the grandchildren of the political leader of how does this really military or should a statement stating that the killed the 3 operative of how much a political leader in gaza city. this attack on the, on the, it's the, the sons of the grand sons of how much leader viewed largely by people as the weight addicted. the course of the negotiations and the ceasefire talks entire, but also viewed largely by many people here as
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a way for these really military under prime minister benjamin netanyahu to use military power. and to further the ongoing, the threats of expanding the ground invasion in drop off city. and israel, there's been a mixed reaction to news of the assassination returns has the details of occupied these truism. the confirmation for this strike has come in the form of joint statements by israel's military action backs, which is the internal security agency. they say that they took this strikes because of intelligence gathered by the ministry and bison bats. and the strike was carried out by his ready ministry at crawl space confirmed that said the 3 men were killed . they were all sons of his mouth, honey. at the, how much political bureau chief and the names were, i mean in, in my home, in india and a has them. and they, they say that all 3, what, how much military operatives,
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they also say that they cannot confirm whether anybody else, including a minor, was hurt in the strike. now, was this dry, military and intelligence language doesn't reveal is whether this was a purely made it through decision or whether they said being or 5 pop the political food chain to the government data. benjamin netanyahu make the cold. that's the lowest strike. now someone who thinks that was politics at play because a man called jaeger line. now he used to be a high ranking military man and he was the full, the deputy chief of stuff in the military. now he's very critical of the government and he thinks whether or not this strikes militarily was the right idea politically . it was the wrong idea. he says, carrying out such dramatic actions on the eve of a possible deal for the release of the abductor. these constitutes another serious laugh and their lord, that's now
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a very different view coming from the other side of the political device. a member of the connect circle, our homo co and who's part of the far right nationalist and national security minister gets them up and gives policy. he says he's celebrates the assassination of honey ascends and says he's male hon the people back you on next in line. are we challenged? i'll just say era, you know, he, for the stress of the attack comes just a day off. the us presidents, joe biden, labels benjamin that to you all, his goal is a policy, a mistake simply how could, has more from the white house of us president joe biden made no mention of the strikes that claimed the lives of smell. hon. yeah, they have mos political leaders, 3 sons and 3 grandchildren. however, he was asked about whether or not he was considering withholding military aid is
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real. and whether or not there could be a shift in us policy, the us president instead saying that he had spoken to the is really prime minister . and he was still withholding that decision, given the fact that he believes there is still time to see whether or not is real will meet us benchmarks. i have been very blunt, straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work cabinet, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i b b and i had a long discussion and he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more agencies, both food and medicine in the gaza and reducing significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action taking in the regions now on thursday, you as president biden in addition to japanese, prime minister casita will also be joined by philippines president ferdinand
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marcos, junior for a tri, lateral summit. the focus will be on china's aggression in the south china sea. but the issue of israel's war on gaza is also expected to dominate. kimberly help it alger 0. the white house. this assault on the costs is professor public policy has been for the for university, joins us here in the catalog. thanks for joining us on the program. so already, more than $33000.00 palestinians killed. to what extent will this now be a major step back when it comes to negotiations? we've just heard that it's been confirmed. it was 3 sons and 4 grandchildren, smell on there have been killed. well, obviously i think is going to have an impact at the personal level as far as heavy as concerned, but also in sort of identity with him. i think the majority of the negotiators on
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the side to come us will want to show sort of sort of data g and we're one to so it seems a little bit. but also the same time they have shown so far that they're very pragmatic . and if you recall in november last year, and also he lost a grand daughter in november. and they also these various estimated days deputy police because they became better. and despite that, they continued with adults and they managed to reach the end of november and choose which, which lasted with less than a week or so. i think the bigger issue is going to be with the israel is going to compromise and accept a permanency expire so far. this to focus on a temporary cease fire. they want how much to release the captives, and then they will. they want to have the free hand to come back again and finish the job, which is a rational choice. and i think even the americans and they play by that himself has kind of question the idea of
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a temporary cease fire. so now they're trying to market a cease fire opponents. she's fire over phases. now for those phases to actually happen to be guaranteed, there's a minimum trust required to develop between the 2 sides. and i think this incident today has made it even much more difficult for that level of minimum trust develop amongst the negotiators. and it's, it does look as if nothing, you know, has intended it or he's got what i was going to ask. i mean that when you consider the timing of this, i mean, do you think this was a premeditated and calculated assassination from the highest levels? while i please, what we know is that it is the nicest submission that's required to human conformation is unlike much of what's happened in terms of the driven killing that the guys that had that has witnessed. this is very similar to the some drug kitchen case and the humanitarian aid workers getting. it does require that this one, if not to vary so you know,
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confirmation for it to go ahead. and the fact that they also observe would have observe children in the car that would have made it much more difficult choice that has been made and it was made specifically on this on this day. it's symbolically it's problem, isaac being a, but i think it's more at the timing, would the return of them go? she asian team to the table is, is the issue is present by and the set that is really is making a mistake in dogs. so how does this attack now leave the relationship with nothing else? i think is going to get worse. i mean, the model tide has already turned against nothing. yeah. one israel in this war, internationally and the united states, increasing the finding itself isolated and having to defend the defendable and the images that are coming up very difficult to to justify even this kidding today. these 3 children were civilians. they should not be. you should not have been targeted and, but i think the big,
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the bigger picture from biden's administration point of view is the actual focus of their destruction. he came in as a president and he's still standing on the agenda of everything away from those protracted conflicts in the middle east. and that's kind of style and you know, he wants to a joyce drops and focus on what matches to the united states and what the mattress is in south china sea. so sort of folks that you having today with a japanese probably minister of the philippine, the president and, and the russia. and for the last 6 months, they've not been able to do anything on those fronts. if anything, it's the other way around is being dragged again by israel into the middle east. is committed so much forces in the me to train in is going back, is desperate to, to avoid confrontation with the iran. and israel is like leading them yet again. similar to the days of a 2003 on the rock to for engagement in the middle east, where that interest is really somewhere else. but even there still somebody caught
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thank you very much indeed for your analysis. thank. thank you. or what kind of stadiums have been gathering to observe the elf. it's a hold of a mocking the end of the fasting month of ramadan. only a time of celebration. this is, it is vastly different. we're supposed to have been praying among the ruins of what used to be a musk. just one example of devastation left by more than 6 months. so it's very bombardment across the street. heard assume reports now from russia in southern dawson with russell crowe to make a space to pray. was lin palestinians for a rough hold? it probably is next to the ruins of his fargo. most men are. it is the only part that said vines, and he's very plumbing. he's supposed to be time of celebration of a month of down to doesn't cost. think last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat as filled with grief, agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition,
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i'm injured and cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me. these boys as families have managed to find these clips to market a lot for most palestinians and cause you will get to eat like any other day in recent months. just trying to find enough food and more to suffice as well says it's moving more agent off to international pressure a part of united nations and says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet humanitarian needs. this he does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father, my brother, and my own to that. it is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months. they did use the scan when, when i think about stuff,
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it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms. i did everything he wanted. i wish he was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone. comfortable was not over, is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he has said that useful. a major ground defensive. he had a rough ha. it's the last lot refuge were one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians auction thing here. the tower deposition. oh, just a rough, rough southern gaza occupied westbank palestinians of mountain the 1st day of 8 by visiting the graves of their loved ones is a tradition that many families observe on special occasions during the 6 months of its one gossip is very forces of killed 460 palestinians in the occupied west back the,
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the abraham reports from jeanine viewing. the people celebrate west palm new to unions . but in the occupied west bank, there's little to celebrate. and the unions take place in semitic. at the break of dawn on the 1st day of the foot, the families make the journey to breeze to remember those what no longer here. you haven't judged rod would have been at the g need refugee camp cemetery to visit the grapes of his friends. but the 16 year old was killed by his weighty forces in november. now his mother and friends are spending a tombstone to sit on the quarter to, to our children, grow up too fast and too soon when a 16 year old groves up seeing these really occupation is catalin and humanity against hosting is where do you expect this path to take him to the same park, of course the cemetery. this is
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a life that wasn't close on us during the world goes out is really forces in some of those a few, at least $460.00 palestinians of the occupied westbank. nearly a quarter of them with you here in geneva and its refugee camp. this new cemetery was opened in july last year and it's already so the now you said that we is the mother of 94 of her children were killed in and is really doing strike in january. the communion mother i eat without them is very difficult. i had so many traditions with them before they would take me to the outside who would buy the streets and clothes, a meat cookies together. if to sam says she comes here every day, know just doing a cooling and had them if i was deprived of helping them achieve the themes of getting married and establishing families are now. the only thing i could do for them is clump flowers. know that grace, they will never see their loved ones grow up. or girl families please photographs
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on the grave. at times, flowers, please tell us it's a way of bringing life to a place of death. you the same as your 0. do you need the occupied with been around supreme lead the how many has led e pres entire on the use of speech to coal for retaliation against israel for its attack on the rainy and consummate building in syria? earlier this month, dosage of ari has more from tara of accusations, sweats and mourning, spite around supreme leader, ayatollah ali comedy. during a speech of delivered following prayers that was done in the most solemn oscar in capital. to run on this eat at the supreme leader said israel is guilty of 2 crimes . first, the blood shed that has been carried out during the holy month of ramadan and gaza has left a bitter taste for muslims during this aid and also the western powers. and are
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responsible because they haven't done anything to stop the bloodshed. and also they've been ating, the occupying power. the 2nd crime he highlighted by israel was that strikes that was carried out on around the consulate in damascus on april. first, this is what you'd have to say on that. they had these the wicked sinus version. he made another mistake and staged an attack on your own counseling session, which means that attack on the country soil a violation of international norm. it made a mistake and the regime needs to be punished and will be punished. the question now is when and how around respond the hits that was a taken by the radians on april 1st end, damascus is being seen as an attack on the country's own soil. and the supreme leader made it very clear that a response is imminent when and how that will happen remains to be seen. what is clear is that iran will respond to israel door, such a bari al jazeera, to hon of humans. as we say,
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say they have targeted for vessels in the red sea to the what the group describes as us will ship. this latest attack on the commercial shipping, the in, in the gulf of aiden by the ring and back to arms group. on tuesday, the us minutes reconfirmed it to destroy them and to ship ballistic missile the who's they say the attacks will continue until, as well as on goals ends. the tenant to some other. well, he's now at least $58.00 migrants have died off the boat cap. size of the coast of tribute to the horn of africa nation is the main transit for people in the from ethiopia and somalia, trying to reach gulf nations through human. jo evans has this report, the cheese cosca recover the bodies of migrants, the search for a better life ended in tragedy. they drowned in the red sea when the boat capsized on the way to human,
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iowa and the international organization for migration can confirm that at least the t h. people perished in this latest tragedy. many of them women, children, and even babies unfortunately lost their lives. when this boat capsized, the number of migrants dying on journeys in the middle east and north africa is a 5 year high. according to the latest figures by the us. many of them headed east, rather than north across the mediterranean, the migrant route from the home of africa through yemen is one of the busiest and most dangerous many pos for the northern jupiter's, about parisian, to cross the red sea waters into southern yum. and in order to reach both countries like saudi arabia, the drivers are a bit mixed. some are going in search of employment because because of economic reasons, but many increasingly are fleeing untenable human rights situations, particularly in ethiopia, in eritrea. 22 people are rescues from the ship, right?
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but even if they made it to them and they would have still faced the most dangerous part of the journey in 2020 to 795, mostly ethiopians. who killed between yemen and saudi arabia with violence against migrants as intensified. they've survived this part of the journey that the future looks around. so it was that the goal, evans, how does their 3 children have died off to a migrant boat capsized off the coast of the greek orange appeals. their bodies were recovered by the coast guard. also rescued, 14 people including 8 other children. greek medias say they were all from afghanistan. a dozens of migrants have been rescued off the tongue in the island does not produce 57 people or a board, a small boats when it came into trouble in the mediterranean. i have been a safety transfer to the on and for assessment european parliament says approved and over hold of immigration policies that hold an entry procedures for assign him c,
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cuz the decisions for those years of tensions and divisions requires all member states to share responsibility. charities and n g o say the reforms will not help migrant. some f t cheese on the far right policies across your website doesn't go far enough from that kind reports from bullet. a small boat is helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scout on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials, same olden 6 times. as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year, compared to the same period last year, which helps explain why the european parliament is just invited to change its assignment policy. it is crucial that starts to take back control from the
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smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the repeal union. we need to strengthen our common border because only so can we also ensure that we move towards a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this still has faced strong criticism for the form of the coming during the field. asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean, and not at any of your p and x 2 and
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a borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this, the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the extra and the boldest european far right to parties say the changes don't go far enough, but anyhow, so there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european populations. our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations, they want less. this deal still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers, but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of is going to k houses era, holy camille, because he's an associate direct to the think tank migration policy institute europe. she says the outcome of the vote shows you can reach agreement on the
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migration policy, but members need to address all the issues. this is a culmination, you know, the peak of years of negotiation and on the topic that's, that's probably the most sensitive one at your level, especially as you know where we're not entering and electro, competing with the european parliament being renewed in june. and, and so these are the 3 man, like the votes that's playing out today. it's a particle signal for the european project that policy maker can come to an agreement on how to manage migration together. you know, we live in a way that is binding and you mentioned this, the sold, dirty principal. and this is also a major political william for this european commission of given that base negotiation. this reform has been into making slips to a 16 having set that up. it's also an agreement that stuff are on iceland seekers. that's tougher on you know what, what, what's gonna happen at you borders. and he so, so in a way opposed to the agreement that fails to answer many of the college, many of the east,
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but he was facing when he comes to organizing the conference. if migration policy, i'm speaking on labor migration, for instance, you know, attracting student, attracting workers, and, but also creating safe pathways for refugees. so that they don't have to go through these dentures root and can find, you know, safety in europe, in any monitors that's, that's better organized, better my next that, that is today. so it's a coming out of her record floods in itself in the rush, or are leaving residents with just a little no time to save their belongings and prize money for sleep. certainly, let me pick games for the 1st time. as a pizza, the, the big lanes have produced big waves in western france. everyone. so here's the
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prove, look at these waves crashing in here in this area of france, we saw there was winds pushed past a 100 kilometers prior. but i'll tell you what this is now dragging it and some warmer error. so let's go to the northwest for a closer look. especially when we look at the u. k. look at this monday. 19 degrees, maybe 20 for you on thursday, but i think not. it's going to the mostly cloudy sky on thursday. now the real ones can be found in eastern europe. i mean romania look at the sun in the forecast and your temperature up to 27 degrees on thursday. but here's where we run into problems at eastern side of turkey are pushing into northern iraq. there's been more flooding in or bill and most so, and we've got more rain falling over a top of these areas. meantime, for the other end of the mediterranean, a hot day for portugal, capital, lisbon, 28th. it's almost 10 above where you should be for this time of the year. and what whether dives out if you're a pretty much anywhere from elders to tripoli, we've got some showers and wind in the forecast here. as we dive to the south, we've got a very what day for his and bob boy's capital harry,
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some rounds of rain here. your temperature will fall in the days to come, but we're looking at a months worth of rain in 24 hours. so certainly, saki conditions to be expected here, the other line so that they come groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most contest, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote comp. since find, find battles, shouts, the progress of an idealist. the young generation of ripples as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble history on the phones, me and mom on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, a drama time is a time of mercy transformation worship, reward for every good deed is multiplied by 70. it's also brings nice due to the
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millions of people around the world to us suffering traps, injury to conflict, devastating disasters, and abject poverty. donate use a cat to human appeal. now, to help save lives and transform communities the, [000:00:00;00] the work about hormones about top stories best. and he's very strive because assess 93 sons and full grandchildren, the masses, political lead and cancer. several members of is now, honey, is family with traveling in the north for this trip when that vehicle was hit. that
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strike came on the 1st day of eat our fit to mocking the end of the fasting. month of ramadan worshippers in garza, half of training, millions of mosques, european pine, and has approved an overhaul of immigration policies, that housing entry procedures for asylum seekers. and require all member states to share responsibility. decision policies of tensions and positions that these 2 people have been shot sites in events celebrating even the us, the shooting happens in the park side, neighborhood of philadelphia. the injured had been taken to hospital is on clear how many shooters were involved. as i said in these ami and power minutes, we rapid support forces have been fighting for nearly a year. the conflicts has killed more than 12000 people and displaced about 8000000 is close. widespread devastation, food shortages, some of the regional refugee crosses,
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given morgan reports from get us in eastern sit on what he monitoring groups are running out of 8 a what's used to be a school classroom is now home to death for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the para military rapids support forces, or r s f took over what made any the state capital of to the, to the, the sounds a lot of to the, the word and then with a lot of explosions and you get a free to stay. we got into i would car to leave, but turn out to fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital hoc to win the battle for control of sudan started
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a year ago between the city news army and the rest half. the united nations says at least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the country borders. another 1500000 people are refugees in neighboring countries, making this, the largest displacement crisis in the world. for a 1000000 of those displaced our children, the most in any country. among them are my what the but they could a song that they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict. her eldest son had to drop out of school. as a result, he keeps talking about his friends who live in the same neighborhood. we used to live in n y the got the chance to finish their school year before the war started. but he didn't. they wrote out a cartoon was tough, and we didn't have food. the children kept crying, and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the u. s. refugee agency says the needs of the displaced are huge. but there's the to the response to
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the international appeal for help. the thing with a very limited the not young uh, the sources we continue to provide for fiction and basic assistance to the i d, p to affect this population. but also the to the house. uh, community. uh we also hope that um, with the doing of support will be able to, to more we are aware of what we are providing a data doesn't lock them off with the actual needs. they just says what she really needs is to be able to return to her home. but the 2nd tier of fighting has begun and there's no end in sight to the conflict or too many so denise, reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he bum, oregon ultra 0, the body of eastern sedan. it's turned out to me in the way of fighting is escalating between emitted children. certain level groups in the east. yvonne, it has been focused on the board at the time. you know why the important trade hub and source of revenue for the cash strapped to ministry rebels, say,
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hundreds of soldiers have surrendered thailand has increased security along its board as people in tried to flee the fighting rebel groups have made significant gains in recent weeks weakening the miniatures, grip on power attorney changes on the tightening and my board with more on the ground intentions. a tele middle tray are on high alert here on the boat with me. i'm a can see how these move again, all along the boat area with grenade launchers. and heavy machine guns and all along this pathway. today we've been seeing soldiers patrolling alone. this is a friendship bridge that goes across and to me, what do we understand that was fighting since early this morning. policy that could be heard on this side of the boulder. the seems to have been a seesaw since about 4 hours ago. but the bridge remains open. people have still been going across. hundreds have come across from me
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a while the trying to escape the fighting. that they fit could get worse, and it is just a ceasefire. we think for the moment the battalion battalion 275, that still remains inside me and what is clearly not given up. as i think the korean army that's fighting the military hopes that it might, and we understand they may have been reinforced today from the provincials capitals . this is a vice, sole trader. it's a $1000000000.00 passes across this bridge every year. and that is vital revenue for a military government, enough adults, it's facing very difficult times. tony checking out to 0 on the time me on my board . so the spring floods are impacting cities and towns across the southern russian context on onto you upstairs. longest with the best it's banks. well, 100000 people been forced to flee the homes, the water level of the year over the thing. the russian city of all right,
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but as we record highs, as you in our shop, a lot of the pulse to in times this is and the villages are in the volta people here hope they'll be able to salvage, at least part of that prophecy. but as little hope left for the residents of the flooded sab zip over in bag. on the 5th of april, people evacuated as best as they could. but there was no warning. we monitor the water level of the euro river, but it's impossible to assess the damage. now houses are flooded. we also give you a far as he's not to forget about us. how can we now prove that we live to many of our documents have been lost? how can we simplify the issuance of benefits? ladiva has been unsuccessfully tracing a visiting official from most a task. him what is next for him and his family? yeah, the car to please do was to what i wanted to find out from the authorities, whether they would be any help for restoration or compensation. they say they will give us $100000.00 roubles, but only off the conducting examination. but what kind of examination of the going to do with everything's on the goals?
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and now if you could, serena, the mother of soul was hoping to vote with bypass the village together with her husband. they took a mortgage last year. now she says her family is homeless to go through. oh yeah, put them around for you in the afternoon last friday and my husband called me crying cause to just drop avarice and then getting the car get out because it always will be floated in 15 minutes. and you'll get trapped. so we left everything behind all the equipment, all of the clothes us, my whole life started from scratch, whichever we for what if we could household appliances and televisions into the asset because the water was rising. we so the neighbors caused floating before the eyes. the road got covered with water and we immediately began evacuating. most people was folks who blamed bill sowards. he's for negligence, but they are reluctance to express the criticisms on camera presents many residents
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. he is say that dealing with the situation launch the on the without enough help from the source. he's, as the crisis is unprecedented. i know such a large scale, but the chain you'll see here is the people's anger and outrage about the way the all sorts who is handling the situation will wind zone as soon as the water levels killed and few lessons will villa. and meanwhile, the flushing is spreading to new areas. several rivers have buzz that buying, send the southern bureaus and side vera, bringing more human stories of despair and hopelessness. you leadership of all of us, ultra 0, orient bug, russia or the different method crosses, photo and eco doors rate on a mexican in the scene, keith spilled over into that just session at least 3 echo door in ministers with someone before a commission for questing which quickly became heated. meanwhile, form ecuador and vice president, jorge eyeglass says,
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go on hunger strike in protest against his arrests on the mexican embassy on friday . he's been convicted twice for corruption and he's now facing more challenges. more than 90 percent of the votes counted in the south careers election opposition parties are set to control a commodity majority in parliament. they're expected to win more than $180.00 seats south of a total of $300.00. the national assembly, full official results are expected to be released in the coming hours. and the vote is seen as a referendum on the present units of use administration. soaring food prices on the health care process, among the biggest issues for voters and eunice came in. so for us now, so eunice, where things stand at this out to good morning to carry with nearly all votes counted, i can tell you that the president's party, the people power party stands to secure 109 seats. that's compared to the
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$174.00 that's paid for the main opposition. democratic party, also 12 seats for the rebuilding for a, a party that's the new dark course. minor party, giving 3 5th of the national assembly seats to the opposition block this morning. that would come into play in the month of june. now for the president's people power party, this is a better picture than what the exit polls had showed. late on wednesday after the pose closed, which had suggested that nearly 2 thirds of national assemblies, these could have gone to the opposition block, which would have given it some significant powers including overriding presidential vetoes. but still, nonetheless, this is considered a loss for the president's party. know if and bus around it, because they were aiming for
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a simple majority in order to get the presidents legislative agenda through parliament. so where does this leave the government then? what happens next? a yeah, this is a great question and that will be explored and this morning after about so far, what we are hearing from alice's a more pessimistic outlook. they don't see any major changes upcoming when it comes to this stalemate that's really riddled. the legislative branch here in south korea, with little negotiation or dialogue between the top 2 parties, now voters did their part 29000000 of them came out to vote. and there's 22nd parliamentary election and we spoke to some of them on wednesday and they had told us they wanted to see their politicians talk to each other. they wanted to see consensus. they wanted to see unity that the president had pledged. he would work toward as a candidate, now should the approach that the president has
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a take in, according to critics of, of not being more open to other ideas continue. however, he has also, i should know it exercise the most number of vetoes, for example, for our president at this juncture, in his term the deadlock at the national assembly and by extension south cram politics is likely to continue. yes. came thanks very much indeed for that. for the after the break, spending time. pinot monthly call, i was dumped silence and the 3rd round pizza will cover the this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash
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before he is the
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these business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football is he is the best time for sports news now his peach care you. thank you so much off the loan. i have the advantage against patterson, german for 32 champions. we quoted final 1st leg when the 5 times european champions took the lead in paris preventing or when uh roughly. yeah, with the opening go right. i totally off the off time. most sweet level is mom, then bell, a living message is for p a. c. because main waiting for him, 3 minutes late to retain the missing full the french club. so it's a new 1st reframe you equalize to chevy side when the school in sick in the evening go to prescribe them and raise. christensen popped up with what would prove to be the when the 2nd leg will be played in spain next week from the french capital to
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the spanish capital. now we're late to cut madrid, have defeated literacy. it opens to one. so if we go, the pole took advantage of the gold, deep enough clearing his lines and then lino insure the, i guess, i mean he's made into to, to go lead at off time. but it will flip charts because it is to it's selena. they couldn't add to a boat and the buddhist cvw able to pull one back to me. so i'm here to see of, i've only in front of sebastian highlight in a sorry move after lasix has become the 1st federation ever to of a prize money at the olympic games. well, that play takes, has announced that the $48.00 goldman lists in paris within $50000.00 each total price of $2400000.00. this will be extended to silver and bronze med list at the los angeles games in 2028 athletics. both small participants and tv audiences than
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any of the federation. well, that's late expressive and sebastian co code the decision. a pivotal moments in a statement co said, while it is impossible to put a marketable value on winning and the limbic metal, i think it is important. we start some way and make sure some of the revenues generated by our athletes at the olympic games are directly with to, into those who make the games, the global spectacle, that it is with just a few months to go until the events in paris, 5000 b to remember jump in joshua, chip, the game is in a race against time to win the 10000 should come. a geisha goes up what you can install income. paula of the had what is well underway to when olympic gold, when it comes to the 5 and 10000 meters, no one has ever lived has run as fast as just certificate the uganda and holds the walls because over both distances. he's the olympic 5000 meters champions, but despite being
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a 3 time well jumping into 10000 that gold medals still eludes him. something does it tell me to put right in powers later this year? i'm really excited for the body skins. and i look forward to, you know, an amazing olympics and i feel really good and really to just my dreams. the dream of again, once again regarding the campaign trip. today is the mazda on the truck but made his debut in tomorrow. so in, in valencia last year, he finished down in such a 7th place, but he loved the lessons he hopes will help his prepare reason for the short distance is perhaps allowing him to go even faster. what these are very important and i did for me. so at least to, you know, like being that i had more than an student, be hungry for 4 months, 8 those. and i, i think that the most important thing for me now is to just wind guard me. those
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today runs about 150 kilometers per week average in 15 kilometers per hour. at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level. he observes a very light and precise new plan we've calculated sleeping time. i'm like many either you've done at least that i'm up to, to leave that home country and training other nations. just the guy has decided to have his base full time and you've done to. it says it's his duty to stay and inspire the next generation overrun is difficult for me, it's a very important to train from home and inspire the young boys and the young guys. i understand that additive, before people used to believe that you have to go as far as going to illiterate the 10 cup that got in order to become a champion. if he can add the elusive $10000.00 olympic gold, his collection, it will cement his place among the long distance running grades. i 2nd guess i'll
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just see you are a compiler, uganda and the po but good. you're a ty simms that have pulled up a loss. bull wind against the rock just on royals, but just don't pass. it 1st gets in some through some, some heating and beats, and 6858 because he was a be assisted by top score. a young pa dog who posted 76 from 48 deliveries. the royal finishing on 196 with 3 in response vigilance. skip this shipment, you made the challenge with 72 from 44 and it was left to afghanistan all around the rashid. com to hit the winning ones with the last 2 of the match, the ty simms winning by 3 wickets to the monte carlo moss isn't defending champion under group. life is be knocked out the succeed suffering. a straight fits defeats to alex a popular and it continues it frustrating period for the russian who has failed to make it post around the city to in his last 3 tournaments. replay of losing 646
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full to the australian. even though face comes from an, a seminal for facing the last day. no problem. so will number 2 genic center the utility and took care of american sebastian, cool to 616 terms and a straight fits with books and a 3rd round meeting with young related stuff not long ago now. and so goals 1st major of the year, the mazda is diesel, federal gusta, on thursday. tom sizes has all the details. if everything comes together, i think i can get one more to grab any more letter defined tiger woods speaking on the even the most is the 15 time major when it was forced to withdrawal from last year's tournament. as compounding injuries from a car crash in 2021 continued to effect in. but now the 48 year old, his basketball gusta. and the 2019 window says he still has another major victory.
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and, and i don't know when that day is when that day comes, but i still think that i can i haven't got to that point where i don't think i can't, which also discussed where we mcelroy st. john's is saying it's just a matter of time before he adds and lost his title to his collection. mcelroy hasn't won a major for 10 years, and he's never want to know gusta, it's flattering true lights, and it's nice to to here. in my opinion, the best player ever to play it again, say something like that. so, i mean, does that mean that it's going to happen? um, obviously not, but you know, he's being around the game long enough to know that at least having the potential to do it. and i mean, i know i've got the potential to do it to macro it will be up against a number of favorites including well number one, skokie shiffler and defending champion john rom, rome shops, the gulf world with a split from the pga towards the joint live in december, the said putting on the green jacket last year was the most special moment of his career. he hopes to one day during the pga tour again. you know,
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i still love the pga tour and i still hope everything the best and they're still hold that at some point i can compete. i can compete there again and yeah, i mean, you do me is compete and make a certain people, right. countryman, sergio garcia, has been on the live tool for 2 years, the spaniards, so he's not bothered by the divide anymore, as he looks to when it will cost it for the 1st time and 7 years. you guys love to kind of dig in, just kinda try to make it sound like, you know, like we get on the locker room. no, we're fighting. so the like that is nothing like that. so i've, you know, the game is golf. we're all trying to play the best way we can and, and that's shifflett mccoy. i'm sound a shuffle a is the stand out. pairing in the 1st round would stays off with jason day and max home a tom size and i was is there history will be made when the new nfl season kicks off in september when brazil hosts 1st. they have a game, the philadelphia eagles will take on the green bay packers on september 6th and sell palumbo at the corinthians arena. it will be the 1st nfl game in south america
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. and the 1st week one game played on a friday evening since 1970. now that's all the small things hold tonight. carrie, thank you. thanks very much for attending to the war on golf. so now with people in rafa are doing their best to keep the traditions of life during this age on a day. have a judging, has despite the horrors of israel's hor, on gauze at this toy shopping the fine children and adults seek a bit of fun. customers are looking for gifts to give during what supposed to be a festive season. the shopkeeper, i committed somebody says this what i'm up on and it even fit the or nothing like years past the. there is no joy or appetite for celebrating the whole the occasions, even children, they have no interest in choice as it was in the best. this is the worst season. we have a lift. a sentiment resoundingly echoed throughout the series market. at
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this clothing store, sales would typically be booming and the final days of normal dawn. but this year, it's different than the last year we used to keep our shop to open until the early hours of the next morning. throughout the month of ramadan. these days will put 10 am to close at 5 pm. there are about 1500000 displays, palestinian sheltering in the southern gaza city over. they are among those most in need. we are suffering on all fronts. people can hardly survive, can hardly feed that families. we no longer think of aid or celebration or any other form of joy. and while joy may be in short supply, it doesn't stop others from doing all they can to uphold some holiday traditions were less or less annoying. honestly, it's very tough, especially staying in attempts instead of our house in this warm weather. however, we're trying our best to uplift ourselves. we're attempting to create the aid of
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the sphere by making heat cakes, which has been very challenging. imagine preparing 8 cakes when there is no water or food available. with some and gaza now facing famine. and wood worries only increasing that israel's promise ground invasion of breath. i may start at any time finding the right ingredients to make the spiced holiday suite has been extremely difficult to to most of us. yeah. ready we are using very basic ingredients. we used to buy the ingredients at an affordable price. however, everything is now expensive. so medina and dates are now way more expensive. so we are trying, for instance, to use less the best to stuff the cookies as well as reducing vicki, the flour and other ingredients that are now scarce. but in this makeshift shelter, scarcity is no match for result. where these palestinian women and girls find
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little solace, but do everything in their power to find and give a bit of comfort. how much i'm just here. i'll be back in a few moments with more of a days. staying with this head on the award winning in depth investigations, the gift from telling insights into total storms from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east. on out to 0. the same day shift is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these
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bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. a week to look at the world's top business stores. how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets? and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just the or the in
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the center i bet is due to the tom carriage on smith's has the news on life from coming up the next 60 minutes in northern gauze. israel assess nice. 3 sons and full grandchildren, masters physically the smell from the european parliament votes to types and
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procedures for asylum seekers trying to enter the blog as number of migrant steps


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