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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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use the frequency still, it is actually being representative. assistant generation change on al jazeera. the no pausing is arouse bombardment of guys i despite the eat holiday, at least 5 thomas needs are killed in the center of the strait. been 6 others, me a rock by in the south. the play you're watching how g 0 life from to how with me for the back. people also ahead aid workers are still not safe unit says, says one of his vehicles was fired on while trying to engine. northern gosh. the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then ran away from the check point. and the gunfire hit us in use of real estate, tyco and his sentence to death and did not as big as ever financial fraud case.
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it's part of a nationwide anti corruption, dried and flooding in the russian city of arm. very good, expected to reach and speak on thursday. more than a $100000.00 people have been forced to meet their homes in russia and catholic sites just hours after israel assassinated the children and grandchildren of hamas, his political leader is mad nia. these really military says it's launched a targeted operation in central guys that overnight. it's happening on the outskirts of the on new se rocked refugee camp, where at least 5 policy needs have been killed. several others were injured in an as tried that hit a school and a residential building. meanwhile, in the south and he's really strike a scale at least 6 palestinians. a drone hate a group of people in the algae, in a neighborhood, east of a rasa local source to say that are on their way to visit relatives. so eat where
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we challenge is standing by, far as an occupied east through st. but 1st we go to tie blossom in rafa, southern gaza tarik. no pause in these really attacks, as we said, despite ede. talk to us about what's been happening in these last few hours. the yes fully and then use a step taken by the use very minute tree within the past 24 hours, the started top scale, the military attacks on this iraq refugee. com as a part of their ongoing expands and of the manager of operations. it was mentioned exhausted with a rock. so if you did, cam has witnessed mass attacks within the past few months. but today either is actually announcement by the is by the ministry to stop a military operation in that very densely populated area where it goes with where it tests, hundreds of thousands of palestinians in it's a street that is completely crowd. they have been attacking the another at cost of under the electric huge account alongside with ongoing confrontations in these
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areas. and the area between almost spices and the is very minute 3. do you have seen also up skating the minute, 3 compartments of residential house as we are talking about? similar scenarios for what happens in every single area that the is very military has operated. and since the beginning of the military operation encouraging in the territory, and we can see that they are using height, intense uh, fire power alongside with using also different kinds of military quite colt is on surveillance of drones over this kind of a, the middle area where they have been saying that the roughly will be the next target for them, but what we can see that they have it driven this side to focus on the middle area as a part of their operations. and also in the past hour, they have a tax number of houses in kansas city where each palestinians have to report killed in that part. alongside with 5 thomas indians here in a rough off in the far south of the territory as they were trying to visit their
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relatives in virginia and a neighbor who does. but it's funny. thank you very much for that topic. that sounds as here as terry cup was on reporting that live from a rough or less crossover to where we challenge now, you know, occupied east jerusalem. every, as we've heard that from tarik, no, that i've been these really a tax and it's now been a week since these radius promised to open the air as crossing to let more aiden so know them guys that but that still doesn't seem to have happened and now they're talking about setting up new crossings. i mean, new points of entry for 8. what's the deal with that? of the? yeah. is april. the 5th, sorry, wasn't this when we had from these riley's fat se era's crossing was going to be reopened, has been closed. since the beginning of the war to allow a to come in from the ports of ash dollars, which is 40 kilometers north and get that essentially didn't to northern garza where it's desperately needed since april the 5th. we have heard almost nothing
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about how those plans are coming. nothing about how ready arises to receive a nothing about how ready asked, of course is to receive a, a now after 7 days or so. we have these right minute treat, changing the scripts. well that's saying now is that arise is going to stay closed . a new crossing is going to be opened a little bit further west by that towards the coast line. and that is going to be used instead of arrows to bring in that's a from ash dogs. now why are they making this change now, these ready ministry, old reporting of what these men is ready ministry's thinking a is about this is the errors. it's too easy for protest as to disrupt as the end of a fatty major highway. so demonstrates as can get to advertise quite easily. they wants to move it further to the west to
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a more remote area so that they can control it better. now, we do know that the professors have been disrupting all the crossing points. indeed that has been disruption today. by another bachelor, a group of protest is and one of this, the southern crossings which is shown that southern crossing down. so these radius inside of that, uh, changing the plans because of that now you have good lands seriously. throughout the defense minister says least breakthroughs have a direct impact on the fly by by we plans of floods, gaza with age, and also streamline security checks and strength. and so with international posit pond is now the has bates i meetings day with international partners side. it is already ministry, southern come on together with co gas, which is the civilian agency. is there any agency that looks off to the flight of agents, a guy that has the meeting with an international aid organization, spots a week is going boss, since we heard about the opening of the air as crossing
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a week in which nothing has happened. this being a wasted week, some people in cars that might well say that exactly part of these ready plan rolling. thank you very much for that. really challenged lives there. you know, keep bodies, jerusalem. well, getting 8 into gaza is still a dangerous operation unit such as one of his vehicles has been hit with live munition and a statement on x. it said the vehicle was hedge while waiting to enter northern gaza. they are no reports of any injuries to the agency staff. unicef also added that it had raised the incident with these really authorities. this statement went on to say that unless aid workers are protected in accordance with international humanitarian law, a cannot reach people a need. we spoke a testing ground who is uni, assess volkswagen. she was in that convoy that came under 5. it was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unison and row. we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss
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saving nutrition and medical supplies to come allowed one hospital. we left a rough uh, after some delays, we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting there. when gunfire broke out in the vicinity, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point. and the gun 5 hit us. we were really lucky, we had some colleagues outside of because checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is for humanitarian aid workers and
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how, you know, missions like these are made impossible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident. the units of stuff have experienced during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost series into there, but it's not isolated. site is not guaranteed even when we type all of the required steps, as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that the, the 2 out of world use now and in vietnam, a billionaire real estate tyco and has been sentenced to death for her role in masterminding. the country's biggest case of financial fraud from milan was found guilty of bribery, violating banking regulations and embezzlement for stiffening off more than
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$12000000000.00 from one of getting on the commercial banks. as jessica washington reports, thousands of people fell victim to the scab. on the streets of her team in the city this week, protest, dozens of people gathered outside of branch going commercials and give us back a money they choose. they just hold off in vietnam's biggest financial scandals at the people's go to the whole team and city building a real estate tycoon. tro milan was found guilty as embezzlement, bribery and violations bank regulations and sentenced to death. earlier stage media had announced the court intended to give land the harshest possible sentence, and to make an example of the quote said she paid bribes to government officials and controlled the side on commercial bank illegally through hundreds of show company seems to be counting the court heard that land pay, deprived of more than $5000000.00 to senior central bank inspectors. millions for
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land can launch and appeal. vietnam has emerged as a global business hub and quoted for an investment positioning itself as an alternative to china, to phone companies wanting to manufacture in asia. but experts say cases like this can affect the willingness of corporations to do business here. so right now with this situation, you are having both the economic risk market risk and government risk at the same time, right? because of the regulating bodies didn't regulate the banks which allow firms to me like to do what you did. as long as you say more than 40000 people on the victims of the sky, you in time to stop at the bank, convince her to buy corporate phones. she didn't know these phones willing to show companies owned by line until i know of to working in a cigarette factory and as a street vendor for decades. she says she has lost her life savings nearly $30000.00. i'm getting thankful. dollars channels i've now. okay, yeah, yeah,
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a couple of my couple i will come you know, when come, when i found out i sat in the park and cried by myself. i'll die if i can't get my money back. i put each and every penny i had and then i just want my money back. i don't care about the vatike. i go home life e won't be there now. no. she says she now lives on just $2.00 a day and who lives on free food from temples for her meals. there will be a separate trial for the food case involving corporate phones. meaning for now people like hun, don't know how they will get their money back if they ever will. jessica washington of the voters in south korea have handed the majority of seats in parliament to the opposition democratic party and wednesdays election. as a result, the remainder of present use so fuels time could be a difficult one, even says he accepts the election results. mexico is calling for ecuador to be
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suspended from the united nations until issues of public apology for reading the mexican embassy. police raided the embassy last friday to arrest secular doors for my vice president, jorge glass. he was granted political asylum by mexico after being twice convicted of corruption. glass has gone on hunger striking protests against his arrest. his lawyer say he attempted to do it is attempted suicide while in prison area. this week, if his in service says he was taken to hospital on monday after he refused to eat food and became l. as guatemala, as president has issued a natural disaster declaration to mobilize more close to title launch for aspires within $45.00 as a burning one of them close to the capital president bell novel out of alo says, most of the flames were started by people and they are investigating the source of the fires i still had on alger 0. i'm john henry in washington where the
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by did ministration, is set the limits on so called forever chemicals in drinking water, the spain, and just closer to recognizing it. palestinian state prime minister petro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground newsletter acceptable as an immediate cease firing god. so there's an urgency to stop this terrible war until open a new phase of stability. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to algae 0. the latest news as it breaks the message, they say they're going to carry on the details coverage. these really prime ministers spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off.
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despite criticisms from allies, from the heart of the story, everyone is terrified. thank you. shelter in the hospital for more than 6 months right now. nowhere is case and kind of seen. these are targeted. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a lie from doha. recap about top stories phase be know,
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pausing these routes from bond meant of cause i despise the eat holiday. at least 5 kind of means have been killed in any 30 strike on the, on the see a rock, refugee camp and central guy. the attack targeted a school and a residential building. these really military release, a statement saying it's launched over 9 operations in the center of the street and delivering aid to guys till a dangerous operation. the united nations agency for children says one of his vehicles has been hit with live ammunition units that said the vehicle was st while waiting to enter northern dasa. it also added that he has raised the incident with these radio. and i haven't used i've yet, and these property tyco has been sentenced to death after being found guilty of embezzlement. from milan, the chair of major property developed by the father was found guilty of swindling $12500000000.00 from side on commercial buying. she denies wrong doing
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house where i so the flood zone effecting towns and cities across southern russia and cosmic sign after europe's 3rd long. this river burst its banks. thousands of people have been forced to feed their homes off and with little warning, the water level of the euro river in the southern russian city of horem, burke has reached record highs. officials say the worst is yet to come in some places. there is currently a very serious flood situation in the city. we see an increase in the level of the euro river almost every day. over the past 24 hours, it has grown by another 80 centimeters. and this has been happening for 3 days. now . our main task at the moment is to or event flooding of apartment buildings and to prevent the shut down of the water intake and treatment facilities in which are now operating. normally, we are currently building additional protective structures, embankments, fortifications, and are doing everything to ensure that residents of apartment buildings do not
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experience any difficulties. some of the most intense flooding has occurred in roches southern neighbour of cosmetics on the western part of the country relies on irrigation from the euro. river authorities have been trying to divert water into the caspian sea and away from populated areas. houses here is usually a shop of oliver has more from the village of missing cotton, near the hottest hit russian city of orange berks, a ride behind made a rescue operation to rescue a couch and a copy isn't going if i move my time or money is able to show you what's coming on here. so basically your ride the level of the, your river in oregon bug, where we had succeeded the quizzical level by a half and meter and it continues to ride. the volts continues to rise and we are in a sub of which was one of the funds to find itself in the flood zone. the will to level here has region one was to me is in some places only be for use of houses is
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visible and because we are completely flooded the and if we talk about the old town and all, this is the 2nd largest city here. um, where some residents refuse to evacuate and uh its still remaining and some houses here. the buildings are completely empty. no people that at so all of them have left the houses. as you can see, people salem bose to pick up the belongings uh, in the walls. so you can stumble various things. uh, they're floating fridges, microwaves, pieces of furniture. um, i can tell you that the, the new or 3 of us have both the box not only here and or in the region, but also in the core gun. and 2 men regions and some of heroes and so be, are as well as in the neighboring cuz our son, so read his notes to the euro, really about people and that it shouldn't worry about. they have also bus stop buying. so the situation continues to be quite crisco here. the ukranian region of car keys has been under relentless,
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russian bombardment. in the past 2 days. the air raid sirens and explosions could be heard from car keys city early on thursday morning. the message it was trunk by russian miss size. on wednesday, 3 people were killed in another mist style attacking the kind of lipsy in northern khaki child stratford. before some khaki preaching another massive attack by russian forces targeting various locations across the ukraine. this morning. those areas include levine in the fall. west cave is operation. odessa, i'm here to talk give you credit, the 2nd largest city and the wide region. i suppose. it wouldn't be in around 4 35 o'clock in the morning where city was woken up by the sound of sirens. and they would have been about a minute later, i suppose, when the 1st explosions. we managed to capture
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a couple of the impacts on camera. we understand what you're looking at that could well be some form of energy infrastructure that was being solved. and of course, russia has been targeting energy infrastructure right, the way across ukraine in recent weeks, in an escalation of those targeted attacks. certainly the local authorities here and called k was saying, so father, no casualties, i've been reported. but i also saying that at least 200000 people, all without electricity this morning. and the metro system has also been put out of action. now we were given red access to one of you cranes largest electricity plants. now the authorities were very reluctance to give us full access in order to be able to show you the full extent of the damage to this bond because of the security concerns. but this is our report this is the off the mouth of a russian ballistic missile on the tank on the ukrainians thermal electric pond.
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the power of these missiles, evidence, into sheer scale of destruction. billions of dollars worth of damage to ukrainian energy infrastructure across the country. that will need huge international helps. and bill russia says the surgeon is a taxi's revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. some of them would say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds. good. the good one of them because the restoration, we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with the western partner and our specialists are now in the baltic. states with a transfer of their preserves equipment is being considered rather than you could look. this mobile phone footage with shouts, moments off to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its allies say needs to admit solves
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a more delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus a $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by other friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to ukraine. foster what you're going to hear there is another, and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest, so plants in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of calls the trojan since the beginning of the war. on march, the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile attack. we had to the underground shelter, tired men and women sits in virtual silence. they spend an increasing amounts of
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the day hung good on the ground. alexa is worth to 21 years and incredibly, he and all his co workers who were here at the time, survive the attack, a whole parcel, commercial unbuttoning and blowing up. what's the 1st thing you've done to band and work and equipment out of which and 2nd will need to know for sure where the missiles located future now. so we stayed by were machines before hiding at the last moment we. it's hard to describe the size of explosions. so the one the lesson created was allowed the facilitators flash enough for because we were so very close publisher i shake when i think of a barcode with my list, i'm on the spare time. you so the workers get the oakley back to the dock on developing plant 10 minutes after they begin work again. is another song, and they have to pay it back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians subpoenaed during blackouts in recent weeks. the streets of some areas and called keith,
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almost pitch black of them like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. knowing that another attack could happen any time. charleston orthodontia zeros may have scott called keep regent ukraine or us of only. so let me take the amount of the dangerous p fast chemical allowed in drinking water. it's used in the production of non stick pads and other products, but it's also linked to diseases including cancer. john hendern has already for the 1st time the us who said limits on the so called forever chemicals pouring from drinking water tasks. these chemicals, entering our environment in an uncontrolled manner, are harmful to our families, harmful to our communities, and harmful to our economy. the us environmental protection agency says the new standards for p fast or poly floral elk. a little substances are expected to protect
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a 100000000 people from exposure and prevent tens of thousands of the serious illnesses in depths. i raised my children on this water. a $130000.00 parts per trillion of total key fast is the current estimate that we likely to break every day during the peak of our contamination crisis. i know we can't change the past, but we can fight for a more just a future, and that is exactly what we are doing today. the new limits for to 10 parts per trillion are dramatically lower than the levels found in north carolina and elsewhere. p 1st found in such products as non stick pins, firefighting foam and water proof clothing had been linked to cancer and other serious illness. water utilities will now have to filter out handful of common forever chemicals. but there are $12000.00 individual types, and they're found in half of americans drinking water supply. and according to the
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us centers for disease control and prevention in the blood of 97 percent of americans divide and administration has focused on clean water following the discovery of water heavily polluted with lead over the past decade, especially in poor communities in flint, michigan, jackson mississippi and elsewhere, environmental watch dogs and prosecutors say manufacturers knew that compounds were dangerous and here's a go for years. companies have dumped p fos, and other chemicals that last forever into our lakes and rivers, even when they knew that these chemicals damaged people's health and our natural resources wellbeing. the epa is providing $9000000000.00 for p 1st contamination from an existing $20000000000.00 fund to rebuild drinking water infrastructure. john henry and l g 0. washington. and more on this and other stories were covering on algae 0 on our website that al jazeera dot com, the very latest on all about top stories on that. that's it. from me fully back to
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bo, during obligated, we'll have another use our for you in 30 minutes from now to sierra right after talk to office. thanks on the the glass heavy along. let's get going with your weather uptake. beginning in india, things are turning calmer through central india where we did have the highest level alerts issue for thunderstorms and method per dash. but i think most of the action now will be around for a long time with that do and careless states, but specifically for sherlock or the potential, just want you to be on the know that we could see some flooding here, especially around colombo, dark, the blue the more intense that rain is falling or pumping in some humidity here of the south china sea in china is high in an island and northern vietnam. so although it says 30 to 31,
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it will certainly feel hotter than that when you factor in that humidity. we are dealing with some storms for china is a bungee province here. once again, great ling getting hammered by these, but april to july. it's your what a sponsor of the year. so this is to be expected. so dr. pitcher in japan, but this disturbance here, i think it's going to throw a bit of cloud cover, maybe catch a few drops in tokyo and it's getting quite warm in beijing 27 degrees for you on friday and those temperatures will continue to climb, ended off in indonesia, what is parts of the country will be central southern sumatra and west java profit and some potential to see some big down pores in and around jakarta on friday. okay, i'm out of time. see, the examining the headlines is there is hopefully today for the close of life and got unflinching journalism just like the war sharing
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personal stories with a globe or, or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on which is the era the space prime minister, petro sanchez ends, he's late to smooth lease tour and cats a but a crucial time for the wider reach in the gulf. states has hosted several tops and ending israel's war on concept private as to sanchez calls for c spa and israel to respect. international law resonated world wide while he strongly condemned the october the 7th attack. sanchez's also demanded the protection of civilians. co top in israel's will run godsa. as the death toll now stands at around $33000.00


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