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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the cynics, warren garza changed the situation, and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in, gone to the the club. so rahman, you're watching the, i'll just have a news on life. my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, had spell out 5 mold and 50 rockets from the southern lebanon towards northern israel, bracing phase of a why the complex us president j. pardon golds around the games. detecting as well saying he expects turn around to retaliate for an ass strikes on it's embassy last week in damascus. even though it is why the bombings and goals and said he killed 5
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palestinians both and so 2 others in just the plus of just dropped the reporting from the call. keep region crane. we're off to you. praying in a different system as washer continues. one of his heaviest, baldwin crated energy infrastructure. civil began the welcome to the program is 700 gmc modems. 50 rockets have been launched in southern lebanon tools up the gallery, in northern israel, and the occupied golden heights. some of the rockies, intercepted by the is riley and a defense system. the lebanese arm group has block, has claimed responsibility for the attack. the as rarely army says no injuries have been reported. 90100 was a correspondence. joining us some time in the southern 11 on the ali attends board of situation after these over like bizarre launch is what's the situation like
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right now? and inside the tension is been mounting over the past night. and this morning is when laws set aside the se, off level on which is going to be one of the, has the last tumbles. and for the moment we don't have the any casualties. good indeed is really a talk this area with that on 5 strikes out on the other side. as you've been saying, the some of the long she's tens of launches. yes, a day from 11 on towards the golan heights occupied the heights also his beloved launch deck. a couple of the exclusive laden drones to upset i'm on the left study, which is also a community and all that is real situation is escalating. got a minute, 5 minutes, and everyone is anticipating what's going to be the next step,
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except especially that this comes into the context of the great, the context where everyone is on dissipating and is an iranian retaliation at the beginning of the general in damascus. this is putting the lab and also as a main frontier, i'm on the brink of the times too much, the tech will leave with that. so now to keep in touch with you through the day moving on the us presence a bite and says that he expects around to a talk as well, sooner rather than late. so it does issued a one word warning don't then follows, destroy commentary runs, comes in the building in damascus early this month around says was carried out by israel. it wrong leaders have threatened to retaliation. and the, as randy army says it's on high alert, due to cancer has moved from washington, dc on the us point of view, a strong words to the wrong. i'm coming from both the american president and the white house, with
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a spokesperson saying that the us believes iran threat to attack israel is real, credible, and viable is a direct attack from you run against israel does take place. that would be one of the worst case scenarios for the by that administration that has been working to try to contain this regional war from escalating the latest sending the us secretary of state to try to put pressure diplomatically on a run through other countries. and now with president and joe biden, himself speaking to reporters issuing a direct warning to a ron semerano expectation sooner than later it wrong in this moment. don't our american personality americans use that risk as well. and we are devoted to the
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defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not succeed. thank you very much. and the u. s. has sent one of its top generals to israel, that is general eric carrillo, head of us central command. who is there coordinating with top is really officials about defensive strategy against iran. what that would look like and coordination with us forces that is an open question that the pentagon has refused to shed any light on. however, a u. s. defense official has told out a 0 that the us has moved military assets in the region to better protect. they said us troops that are there and also to bolster regional deterrence. hydro castro, elders 0 washington. let's close the table and condo standing by for us to talk you parties to reach the morning and, but i'll speak to you in a moment about the biden's comments. we just get your reaction or as wells reaction
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to those walk. it launches from across the northern border into his royal life and nights a well, the big question that's being stay is whether this is either pulse of the iranian response of the attack on the consulate in damascus. or whether it's the whole response that has come in this 40 our deadline. the is way these have been talking about they these right? these were expecting some sorts of attack, possibly by hezbollah, within 48 hours. so it meets the timeline, but it's not the kind of attack that perhaps the, the is raise, was expecting they were pushing the i did it wrong with the tech, from it running territory into is ready to or to that hasn't happened yet, but the supreme need of iran, i tell ali how many did say that that was going to be a response. so these writing, these will take
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a look at this particular attack. i'm wondering if it's the openings, how, but in another attack that's yet to come. but like i say they have been talking about this for j. our deadline. we don't know where that 48 hour window would actually come from. but we've seen this massive attack by has below the 50 rockets ends is ready surgery. and that did happen within that 48 hour window. these ladies were talking about the says pivot to, to the us know, echols is ryan, is reassured when it comes to iran, that the us has its back for now. certainly from those comments from press the button. so that's, that's the right. just one simple word, douglas and vitamins use that word before. it's not the 1st time that he's actually said a warning in that kind of language to iran, but he's also reading the fuels, understands the iran is going to have to melt a serious response. this was a ronnie and suffering territory that was attacked in damascus. a was
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a cons less and that full yvonne has to respond in some so what do you run and the americans are actually bringing in a lot more assets perhaps more the we've seen since own type of a sudden into the region. eric carrillo, who's the a senior, come on to assign, come effectively the man who's in charge of us forces in the region is actually spending an extra day in israel. talking to his council, thoughts to look into the ministry of defense. they'll be getting a joint coordination, effort ready, in case things do escalate. so the americans, once again backing their strongest highlights to the hills, thoughts. no one really knows what this iranian response is going to look like. people are saying it is going to be from iranian territory into his writing type of trade. how much of an escalation that is. it all depends on what the iranians, if they do decide to hit is right, is hardly walk. they hit if it's a military base, perhaps that can be contained anything large. and then we're looking at serious
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escalation, even comp or is that an occupied east joyce? and thank you. so these are the bombing of calls that has killed at least $89.00 palestinians. the past 24 hours on engine mold and a $120.00 of those dozens of and strong. so hit the new sweat refugee camp in central garza, in downtown through spoke to some of the displaced palestinians of the comp are currently in the so you got in and out of the hospital with all of the injuries and the killings are coming here from the say it off after that is really forced to southern the invaded the area, the situation in the say about their feet. you can, it's very dangerous. now we're a couple of meters away from under say, right? if did you come? this situation is very hard. people are not being able to evacuate, they're not even able to move. even i'm getting into is are having a lot of difficulties to reach the areas. we can hear the drones, we can hear the artillery selling and also air strikes. and what's very scary.
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people are not even able to leave their houses because there are lives in munition and clubs, carpenters everywhere. this is the only hospital currently operating at in, on this a refugee camp. and most of the severe injuries are transferred to the hospital for more than 2 days. now on this i ran a refugee camp has been under intensive funding. under intensive fighting and policy news cannot leave the house garden fisher zone and we were sitting peacefully and all of a sudden explosions were dropped to his head when black get us off. we were initially displaced from kansas city to news around then to rafa. and then back to news around again, there was no safe inch in the entire own place. and i know more about them, these really forces destroyed our homes and we were forced to go on eunice, up to one and a half months. we were again forced to hit the ortho where we spent 2 months and
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tense, under ruthless bombardment last night in the state. it was the worst in 10 shelling, missiles and bombardment. when we reached the area that we would see people seeing evacuating to did it but or any other area, but unfortunately, they do not even have the ability or the right to evacuate their houses. this isn't the odyssey. to uninstall it out to the 5 people being killed and over the buildings in gauze, a city rescue is a still looking for survivors often is raining attack on a residential building, at least the 2 others have been injured. according to the civil defense as casa to time recovers him, his in rasa in southern garza, of course, the strikes continued day and night. why should we be focusing in terms of our attention of what's going on on saturday morning in terms of those strikes of the well so hell, in fact, the attacks have did not really stop on the majority of areas in the gaza strip.
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but the main focus for these very minute tree was directed to a rock refugee camp where they are right now. there's many, many treat is operating by there are stationed in the know the route part of the account. they have been carrying out why the scale raising operations for agriculture land on the intense fi, come up from the fight to get some of the author units that are along with the troops on the ground that they've been destroying the residential houses. eye witnesses that they've been contacting us. they've been saying that they have been an hourly basis has allowed last sunday explosions for the majority of the loose built instruct, parssi and completely reduced to the russell they are facing please. so very so you in terms of having access to the victims and the injuries as more appeal being made by the people who are trapped in the northern areas for the civil defense teams to evacuate them. but till now, new efforts being made due to the great and press keys, danger and risk,
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the dangerous nature of the place. the other parts of the gaza strip was a witness wide from abutment, specifically on the value of a speech account where 2 palestinians have been killed, sir, um, as to re bombardments on bay town town and the fox news of because of strep. now these bombardments actually did not stop as people have been completely saying that the situation now was on bearable as there was no new safe place. of course the stairs route until now. so have taught me thanks very much for the up the topic. eyebrows in the thank you or let's bring you some breaking news can be eligible straight. what police and sydney are responding to reports when attack as a shopping. now it's happening at the westfield. now the what is called the bone di junction. we're hearing that a number of people have been stabbed and the gun file has been had those the, the, the latest pictures, live pictures coming to us from bone died junctions that let's close eva to alex
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thomas, who's live for us in sydney as those pictures continue to be broadcast around the alex, this is a developing story of what seems to be the circumstances behind what's going on right now on the junction. a yeah, lots of mixed reports. so you can imagine that the latest we have especially is from new south wales police who in the last hoffman at taking the social media to say this, a critical incident has commenced following the shooting of a mail up on the junction just before the fee paid for pm, local time, emergency services will go to westfield, one by junction, following reports of multiple people, stabs people or roads to avoid the area. inquiries are continuing in relation to the incidence and there are no further details. so it makes 2 big questions. what has happened to the alleged attacker? they've been shot by police. it seems, but we don't know if they are still alive or not. a police in australia opens the
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all roms, but looking at the videos being sent from the scene on social media specialist units were dispatched to the scene along with other emergency vehicles because of the alleged victims. and that's the other major question. we just don't know how many people injured or even killed. it's still like very fluid situation. pants. i'm reporting from the no show of sidney, one by junctions on the south show the other side of the hall, but the other side of the opera house and hop of rage and sidney's eastern suburbs, one by junction, a massive shopping center. not right on the beach. on the beach itself, what was the as well famous shopping centers, a little bit more in line from that a major, major shopping center would've been very busy on a saturday afternoon into evening. and clearly, judging from the social media reaction, this incidents cost huge kind of the shopping center was evacuated and also said, certainly a developing situation. it is a can commute to hub as well as the chopping up as we just mentioned, the lakes of your size saturday afternoon. it's busy people out shopping that it's
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also a big up the taurus as well. and i believe that the trial or the train line ends at button di junction and people take buses from the to go into different directions towards so you might say beach life to yeah, absolutely. it's kind of in between the, those that enjoy living right by the beach and enjoying what's that sydney has to offer the lifestyle i most work in the cbd. so any popular with lots of young people living, i'm working mass, co, signing more affordable housing in the area. so very desirable of course, i'm very busy. as you say, a major shopping center there is more than one westfield in sydney. and that's one of the, depending on one's alex, of course, we'll continue symbol this events at bottom junction in sydney and come back to as that situation, develop topics. thomas for us back in sydney. let's bring some of the days of the news. the thailand is also preparing for mold migrants from neighboring. meanwhile, after the full of a boat to town, to rebels fighting the military home to the about some of the displaced people
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level ready started moving across the border. thailand's government says that it's willing to temporarily shall to as many as a 100000 from me, in my phone call, cuz also increased its military presence in the region. the thailand, foreign minister has will. and the governments of neighboring me amount not to respond with violence to the law. so they board the town to rebel groups. tiny triangle pulls now from may thoughts on the tie me and mumbled, turned on, foreign minister visiting the boat to check points through which thousands of refugees passed and the last 7 days. is it to make a point? he much right to the center of the friendship bridge, the message, despite the chaos to me and my thailand is in some control. speaking to the media, he said the time that is prepared for a $100000.00 refugees, the crisis gets worse. the day we sent messages to the state administration counts, so that means that we don't wish to see violence. we've recently told us in members
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about issuing a statement so that violence can be decreased and me and my a so the a and her children on. so confident they fled from the home outside the town. and me a what in me a month, a week ago, the, like many of those pulling into thailand, they have a network of friends and assembly to rely on model. we don't need any humanitarian support. we came here to stay briefly because of the fighting. my children are working at a factory in mass. all right, so i have a place to live and i don't have any food problems because the factory provides food and they bring it home. the greater humanitarian need is in myanmar itself. foreign ministry officials met with the u ins refugee agency in may. so during the ministers visit, now the control of the board of crossing has changed hands. they'll be hoping aid can play more freely. this is the exact point at which thailand crosses into
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myanmar in the middle of the moines river. and now there is a different military force and control of the border of the head. many people would like to see a flying in to me and to the people, desperately need people such as these that account. so those displaced by fighting in kind of state. no, send me a body. you an estimate small than 10000000 people inside me on my own getting enough to eat fuel is also in desperately short supply. will let people have funding ingenious ways to get by. with the rainy season approaching, the shortages will learn to get worse, as even the heaviest beast button struggle to get through the month to month. tony chung out 0 on the timing on mobile. bolton, you joins us now from the time being mobile the morning. tiny, i mean, what's the situation like sort of now on the board of 72 hours of to sort of the across the board a concern began well, we got
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a rather strange situation. the me a lot a which is just behind me seems remarkably quotes, i think some might say disturbingly. so from, from off on to this point, we can see the check point underneath the friendship bridge. one, which has been a guided by a troops of a separate militia, the board a gone for what originally with the current and asked me to call me more recently they've been a lie to the government forces within the last few months, they seem to remove themselves we're not entirely sure what the position is, but they all patrolling the city of milwaukee on the outskirts we understand the korean ethnic um is a still waiting to come into the town. me a while the a couple of kilometers down from here. there's friendship, bridge number 2, where the remains of the government forces been sheltered. now for 2 days nobody
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seems to have moved upon them. and yet they don't seem to have moved across the river in time and as expected. and we heard from china environment. so yesterday that they've had no request for assigned them all for them to come over. so they seem pretty happy there. and there is a column of government forces we understand moving towards me a while the we don't know the state is exactly, we think they're about 10 kilometers away. at this stage, we don't know what their intention is, but that is causing a lot of people here, a considerable amount of anxiety. a colleague of mine said yesterday, speaking to somebody who just come across the bridge from me a while the that it is disturbing. the clock and that was what was lowering the residents if there was noise, if they knew what was happening, that would be fine. in the absence of that, they were coming across the time attorney, as correspondents, you and i've also been in situations where, you know, things can change. suddenly you're sort of giving us the pages of that sort of a picture where you sort of get the sense of nervousness onto the patient of the
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unknown happening. i mean a, a both sides just taking this by the, our old old one day at the time as i say they are. and this is the problem. it's not just the 2 side type of issue. we've called this um militia, which is occupying the force behind me. the area behind me. we've got the middle tree coming in with a release column from out of town. they've got the snake army who regarding the outskirts of town. and here on this side, we've got the ties. so there are lots of moving parts. this is a place where there is a very fine balance of power and it has been upset by the events of the last couple of days. we have seen a president for those in northern shan state rebels over rent, a most say the bought a town with china. then the chinese intervened to make sure that the government didn't fall and the town and, and throughout the flow of trade. we don't know what the type of foreign minister said yesterday. this message may well have been the same,
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inevitable to keep things under control. of course, we'll come back to as that situation develop studies showing that for us on the time being level to a decline in wisdom, military support for ukraine has left its 2nd largest city on the surrounding region, dangerously exposed to russian attack. it's governance as, as now facing a catastrophic shortage of a defense systems. withdrawal, stratford reports troops and civilians paying the price clear sky is over ne, in ukraine. no cloud cover means the soldiers with the 77th and mobile brigade aren't especially high or low. and the tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian border. they're trying to intercept russian drones. the recognizance will kind of cause the threats. it seemed cooling those up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle dis, twice them are 10 to russian lines. it was so high we couldn't intercept if it was cloudy,
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then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. then we could take it out with this width and it was, it goes all the guessing allies on what the man here say are increasingly sophisticated on man and russian. drones able to fly long out at high altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. are you currently middle teresa is being out gunned, an outlined in various locations along the front line. this comes as an escalation in russian targeting attacks facing ukraine's energy infrastructure continues. but there are a villages in this area that are also being hit villages where they're still thousands of people living the farm. it works in these fields among the newly set lines of anti tank defenses. the so called dragon's teeth trots across the nit flat expanse. freshly dug trenches exact towards the rise and
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ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community, a small town which is being published day and night. joining bomb craters, the consulted remains of homes, aris in memory of the dead. so then what do myself i do for me yet? the man was changing the oil in his car. he was blind to pieces. it was 130 in the afternoon. though strikes almost every day, the center of town is hit every night. as of the playgrounds that empty, many families have left in recent days. getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. she's move to children as a town, but it has to keep working despite the danger. plus we do, but the still have to take my kids away because they couldn't endure anymore because you couldn't sleep. the children were terrified, so i took them to is you. but as long as my job is to have to come here to work every day,
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and all the air raid siren a russian ballistic missile on that says this woman and she ducks inside an apartment block across the fields. soldiers scan the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the on demand russian threat. charles profit, i'll just air a cube region ne, in ukraine that will post has been killed. and some of the introductory cable collided with a collapsed pole in the tech is coastal city of other tell you the entire cable cost system was then shut down, leaving more than a $130.00 people stranded and they suspended pods. firefighters and 1st respondents have been conducting rescue operations throughout the night. the cause of the accident is being investigated. i had here on the news out. we already have reports of non nutrition desk in the dock toward states of reports
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of people leading leaves off of trees and not eating of us once every 3 days. holdings on a was thinking about as heavy and crisis in sit on the when says 5000000 people, one step away from summit the that much of europe is still caught in most effectively. is a nice room bubble of a around the edge of which is frontier cloud. and when doing right now, it's been very new, exactly where it falls. i'm currently in it, it just has to be still going to be across the northern, off the british house. and southern scandinavia, so most of the places it's just warm sunshine with not much wind hammond could be shared and quite adequately by just inserting color for temperatures of a reasoning behind nature. having pushed cause a good case in point. i'll show breeze in lisbon. just give me 20,
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not on the size of the 32 directly with but 20 c offers. so we went above average. and this reflects that most countries in europe and payment the measurements are grab, gets the same sort of treatment on sunday up to about. so if you very close to the record for april, but either side, it's a little bit cooler. and the reason for that is usually encouragement to title when and during sundays, client or window will come across part of the barrels and beyond. and that's where cool spring temperatures down a little bit with it. otherwise, it's continued sunshine, which is the case for a good part of north africa, but nickel wasn't about to pain out you area, a storm, a footstool now bring of cool sandstone for the front of the storms. and some very interesting weather. the system a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle with envoy today can be
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deal with a human only robot like me will be everywhere which is 0 documentary, which to lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learned things for you and even trust. i feel like i'm alive. but i know i am a machine origin of this which is some direction is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of the 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the
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the book about sales that when you saw with me, so robin in doha, reminder of all the top stories, police and sidney are responding to the polls for stopping attacks for the shopping mouth. it's the number of people that being at the westfield center, that phone died junction and the tax, it was reported to being sholtes by police mold, in 50 volk. it's a be loss from southern lebanon tools and all of this rosemont some of the rockets when septic buying is ralph and david system, film boot. hezbollah has claimed responsibility for the attack on us present. dr. barton has ward involved not to attack his royal wrong leaders upfront. so it's holly, i talked to israel bowman, tyrone this close to the building and damascus button and says the us is devoted to the defense of his route. one palestinian has been killed and 25 others injured at
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the end of the attack by dozens of his right exactly as the occupied west bank. the group swept into town near ramallah after a teenager settler went missing early on friday. dozens of homes and vehicles was set on fire. the, the abraham has moved from apple fall out just north of my law in the occupied westbank. this is the most recent, subtler attacks against spell as many as here in a booth for that. this is the village that this closest to the impala city is here, has been seeing abilene says, rushing to go to, i didn't buy it with settlers. upsets failure to more than 40 vehicles and homes, according to the local council, after as really subtler is re the village in the afternoon saying that they were looking for a 14 year old is really subtler from and illegal supplements out suppose to has been missing after he was raising with his sheep. now the sheep have came back,
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according to these really sources bought the subtler has not. we've seen these really subtler is wrecking havoc and the you and 2 other villages. but just recently as we were standing here, we saw them coming dozens by the dozens through this area and setting this structure ablaze. people here are concerned that in addition to the one palestinian killed in addition to the dozens of processing is, will have been injured. then the ambulance has couldn't reach. so now that it's dark, they fear this more is really stuck. those are going to be attacking palestinians in their homes, in the villages here in the occupied west bank. it's worth noting that sucks or attacks have been on the rise and 2023 has been the highest on record when it comes to attacks by settlers against palestinians. but the read you to see if we've been seeing that tax increase from 3 per day to 4 per day, palestinian said that the lack of accountability give set to live in unity to continue attacking. palestinians knew that, but i just need to,
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i didn't buy it. and before i left villages the occupied westbank as i'm joined in the studio and only by mohammed l. mastery is a professor at the the institute for graduate studies. good talking with us on the product of great deal of speculation going on right now with no real hard facts about what might happen next. especially when we see in the rocket fire from 11 on into, into northern israel, i have a nice weather. this is the retaliation that i have, but he's been waiting for what's who general assessment of what's going on? yeah, my sense is that that's not the retaliation, but that's maybe a kind of warning shot. but if you look at what's transpired, iran is in a, is in a difficult position. they don't want and all out war with israel. all the analysis suggests that they're not prepared for an all out war. at this time. on the other hand, they have to respond, it was a very provocative act to attack
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a protective site and diplomatic side of consulate. and so iran has to respond in some way. but if it responds it's, it's kind of a balancing act, or if the response is deemed to make it will look and the running government will look bad inside of iran in front of its own public. on the other hand, if they respond in a way that is too strong, then they risk this kind of all out war, a major response from israel. and there have been some back channel communications between iran and the us and the us. and it has suggested to it wrong that if they respond, it should be something sort of along the lines of something minor. yeah, we talked in the last 44 hours with other analysts about back channel communication does happen. it. we're not privy to it, nor is the general public. we have to assume something is happening to us as a, as you say, it does want to deescalate the situation. but it's also sending messages to regional capitals, hoping that they to come put pressure or get the message across to tyrone how do
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you again assess the role of countries or capitals like amman, doe, hall, cairo, even baghdad. so i think it's interesting that we're having a conversation about pressure being exerted on a wrong. i mean, that's a fascinating discourse because it was iran that had it's a console, it attacked, it wasn't the issues. and then because what we would really, hopefully they are, they are and i think it shows the extent to which israel is able to wield influence to possibly. and we have to emphasize, possibly because it hasn't happened yet, but possibly drag the united states into a war with the run. this is something we have to remind viewers. this is something that is real has wanted to do. now. for 15 or 20 years there been successive american administrations, that is real, has tried to convince to go to war with the wrong is or i would like nothing more then for the united states to help it or for the united states itself to attack the, the iranian regime, and it's and it's nuclear program and administration. so the united states have
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a res discovery existed that they resisted taking the bait, but biden is more different to the state or israel than any president we've seen in recent memory. and i think we're getting dangerously close now. the messages, but the us a sunday, the 1st of all, they did not censure israel after this illegal attack on, on the consulate. they've sent the head of central command to the region to strategize with israel. they're sharing intelligence, they're warning the wrong, and this is uh, these are all messages as to what might be coming next. we don't give the impression of sidney from our correspondents in the us who will also advising us, but not everybody in the white house or the state department is fully behind. the us stands that we are a 100 percent behind this row. we seen state department officials resigned. we seen other sorts of pushback from the bite administration. she himself is also will you have a refined, tight rape,
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isn't the full sort of the whole hearted backing of as well to looking behind the shoulder. i think he's going to support me as i had towards this presidential elect should. yeah, i mean, it's stunning to me as an observer to see the extent to which the us is still supporting israel 6 months or 6 and a half months into this. despite all of, you know, what we've seen with the genocide charges and everything else in the us as last standing biden is really struggling in the polls. if you look at the opinion pulling data, especially the data that has come out recently, it's quite damning for biden, and indications are that there's a real chance now that biden's going to lose this election in november to donald trump. that's something the democrats obviously don't want to see um yet. the white house hasn't shown a willingness to really change course or use it to leverage to, to pressure israel into a ceasefire. it looks like there was some shifting momentum with that kind of that letter from chron, congressional democrats, about a week ago, nancy pelosi signed off on that or sign that letter. and now she's kind of walking
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back her position. and so the us is right back to this kind of iron clad support of israel, and that's the word that bite in use. and just yesterday look into the to and pick this throughout today has situation develops, moment elementary. thank you to the china where the military junta has cooled for protests against the presence of us troops that'd be full last year as to the us, had to find the relations with address government. some of the office, as he sees power, had been trained by american forces the transmitter to realize that now seeking place of ties with russia. laws, relations with washington continued to sour. moscow has sent to the defense system to india, along with trading pass. now, being struck to the part of the african cole, it's seen as the successor to the russian mass and recruit. wagner has everybody to whiteness right? is important to the united states, the west african nation who's a us military base, which is home to around 1100 soldiers. it's the hubs of military operations and
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this a hell region fighting groups linked to al qaeda. and i, so of the last as to the us suspended, most military age must go seeking to expand its influence and the region through security partnerships and became a saucer. and molly, as well, to be a tom, it is a, it's a health security analyst on the managing director of beacon security or risk management company focusing on nigeria on this the whole region and joins us now from a boot. you missed a job, it could help you with this on the program. the us said that it would leave the country and just wanted time for an exit plan which was granted. but sort of why the sucking mood swing in sort of the public domain. but the us should go and go now thank you. i'm through the timing of the this call called protest. it's also coin cited with the arrival of russian, a technical team to train the new ran military. so it appears that new jersey to june time the job is focused on the within the stronger relationship with nausea.
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and to do that, i think it has to get the us troops out of new jersey and all that time since july, when did june to go up are they relied on some sort of policing to build consensus around the fact that this is on to west and june top, and so every time they want to get any width on country out, do you see them funding, december of, of protest, we didn't new job ways of anti imperialism across the region. bali, the gain of fast. so the jet, we see the departure of the french as well in parts of the region to the arrival of the russians. how much of an impact do you think the russians and the strategy is going to be when it comes to the problems of this a, how dealing with groups linked to al qaeda or even ice so as well. um, i mean, the best example of that is to look at monday and booking a fast, where rochelle already has an active presence. unfortunately,
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the indicator does not show any progress, especially in dealing with ex treatment groups and the violent conflict situations in the region. if anything, we've seen on expansion of defect to reduce situation in board money on what you know, 5, so new jersey, coastal feed facing the same challenge. so continue on with the same strategy. reach if the deployed the method of the walk, not through an influx, that's an instance. it's the part the military's of this concrete. and unfortunately this, the health will continue along this trajectory of i'm, you know, develop the pro ration of, i'm sick, you read the situation within the region. to a certain extent, there's always a honeymoon period, isn't when i'm electric, who happens to the public. the clock behind the sense of been taught of anti imperialism. uh, when it sort of raises its head. how long do you think this is going to last? because the, the load everybody's happy about the americans leaving, but they are
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a minority at the moment. yeah. um, so i mean its festal, new jersey collision is quite, you know, unique uh, the june time is yet to relieve the transition plan or more than 9 months into the cool. now the put, the put, the likelihood is that the more the russian military becomes, in green, within new jersey, the less likely that transition planning is going to be released. and it's also very likely that the civic speed will continue to be restricted. and so a lot of civil society organizations in new jar, woodstock, for testing that you know, like coke liability to operate and continuing what they're doing. and i think that is when the resentment was done a few weeks back. the economic cycle incentive, the re re new job with diet. but of course with the opening of the bought a vehicle that's part of that is being relaxed at the moment. but i think
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specifically the civic speeds would be due to timing and going forward. it's good to get your analysis, give a at me. thanks so much for joining us from a boot. jeff in nigeria. thank you. thank you for having me. now the united nations, as well not thinking about as having crisis is on code, wasn't dramatically in the coming months to bring some regions into simon fonts again. saddam broke out last year between the army and the power of military rapids support forces. i was just there it was gabriel, its on the reports now from you in headquarters in new york. the monday will mark one year since the start of the war in sudan. a war that doctors without borders is calling a colossal man, made catastrophe. and these womic relief worldwide organization is saying that sudan is at the risk of imminent collapse. listen to these latest numbers from the un. you re 25000000000 people should be in, are in need of humanitarian assistance. 5000000 people are just to step away from
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famine and almost 2000000 sudanese have fled to neighboring countries. on friday, michael dunford, a top world food program official in east africa. told reporters here at the you when the 18000000 sudanese are now being classified. as acutely hungry, given the livelihoods of pain impact they've given that so many of the population is placed over a 1000000 inside the country, given that there is no student ease in the entire country, that is touched by the conflict. people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned that the 5000000 in 5000000 population in emergency levels of food and security a likely or to move into catastrophic levels in the coming months. this is really a very real risk of becoming the largest thunder crisis anywhere in the world,
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if not already. also on friday, the un released a sudan famine prevention plan. this 46 page document looks at many different aspects of this, but also focuses on expanding treatment programs for malnourished children. also increasing preventative measures, like breast feeding support and coordinating efforts across multiple a groups all aimed at addressing this humanitarian disaster. and preventing further famine, catastrophe. gabriel's on the, i'll just here at the united nations, new york. so at least the same people have died in 10 years during weeks of heavy rain and sledging the united nations estimates more than 15000 people have been displaced across the country since the stalls of the wet season. last month. several villages have been completely uninvited by flood waters leaving many hands destroyed and forcing thousands to seek shelter in schools all forward to use
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a full cost more heavy rain until june. so china and those crew holding the highest level folks in 5 years. i am not increasing cooperation. the chairman of the china is national people's congress isn't feeling young until saturday. north korea has been trying to strengthen times of basing. and moscow, as tension is great with the united states. jean lee is a ride from compensation on those career and the fellow with the east west centers . she says these tools carry a lot of weights. the timing is interesting, this is a very important time of the year for north korea. april 15th is the biggest holiday of the year. this is when they typically do bring in foreigners try to show up north korea at its best. so in a sense, aside from the reassurance that north korea will get, that china has its back, the leader of north creek in general, can also project that to his people and tell them look, we've been an extremely installation for 4 years. but our best friends, china,
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and russia, are still there for us. so the message, it goes both directions back to his people, to reassure them, but also to the wider world to let them know where we may have been an isolation. we're forging these ties and have certainly has a lot of partners in the region on edge. i think that china, for china, this is an opportunity for these officials to go in and try to get a sense of what's happening inside north korea. and also to try to exert some influence at a time when they are trying to exert more influence being the region. so certainly trying to use their own leverage to try to perhaps restrain north korea from testing a nuclear device. uh, perhaps restrain them some further publications in the region that have them concerns as well. and i think a big thing would be whether north korea has a nuclear device, a 7th declared test. so certainly looking to regain a little bit of an edge in its influence over north korea. it still has here on out
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as a we look at why climate change is being blamed in pause for an outbreak of things, even across the americas. the seeing how believes that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from the mother's ad. it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated. they are how complex they are. and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should light the and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking, that if i have a degree,
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if i look in the research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't claim that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the both about a transitional governing council as being formally created in haiti after weeks of intense negotiations. the gang wave of gang violence, fulton trim, prime minister rail oh rate to announce his resignation. last month, the only said that he'd step down was the council was in place. the 9 men the panel
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will show up how with a nearly appointed prime minister. so, governance of the next 2 years with the aim of creating a past world selections, that members are yet to be named. kim, i have is a list that they hate to live with. a newspaper, a says the political causes in hazy is a long way from being resolved. the 1st thing is, the only thing they've done so far is they've published it in the journal of record called the monitor monitor. it doesn't actually install them. in fact, it doesn't even state who exactly the 7 voting members are. this is because they keep swapping in and out. and you know, there's all kinds of infighting and even division among the various groups that are pointing the representative on the council. so this council, if it ever even gets in place and you know, frankly the already on re,
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is still the prime minister defacto, because he said he would turn over power once this council was in place and it's not in place yet. so it's been coming coming coming, but it's not there yet. and the whole thing is so completely a dysfunctional because all the different corners of the very fractured political class are represented. and so they're, they're just going to be a squabbling mess. many, many, most patients, all even venture are opposed to it because this was concocted, and washington, uh, sold to the world by carol. com and all the people who are taking part in it are seen as traitors. basically, it's not a haitian lead solution. it's not a huge solution in any way. it's in washington. so or she, they sold me
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a step lot to admit it to spiteful. cuba has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. victor monroe. little huh. or what full, the state department for more than 20, as it also served as unbiased to that, to bolivia who was arrested in december of to and think of a federal agents colton. boasting about his spying activities. for most of his life, mister rocher lived a lie while holding various senior positions in the us government, he was secretly acting as the cuban government's agents. that is a staggering the trail of the american people. well, the temperature is all causing a spike, and then you see the cases across the world and through the number of deaths caused by the most capable of disease, has more than tripled the sheer to a 117. that's been a similar search in brazil, argentina, and pull to because they all knew where the path none the longer monsoon res i'll closing deadly then yeah. break so that in indonesia, at least $455.00 people have died since january of that. so it was 3 times and then,
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but compared to the whole of 2023. jessica washington has moved from the capital to come to introduce central java patients. q to into the emergency room at commodities behind the hospital. yes. have to one of my children, got sick on saturday. the other on sunday. high fever. i'm bloody noses. but the wound is already as capacity. it's dozens of children and teenagers experiencing symptoms of doing the fever. to take a look at our inpatient rooms are full. we hope there will be no increase in patients after either fits if it's in the lab because the hospital is already full bottom one of the hospitals around it. visa are also under strain. data from the health ministry indicates more than $60000.00 cases of daily fever this year, and at least $450.00 deaths, with most cases in west java. that makes
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a sharp rise compared to last year. in 2023, they were 162 deaths and more than 20000 cases for the entire year. get them um we lost theater, lost it from july to november. then there is the transition to the new season, which makes the most acute, the x hedge. and we thought a lot if you needed to it is easier for them. we'll skip to a lot of a, to develop into adults mosquitoes. the ministry says most the feet of patients are children and teens. she must see it as somebody else him. i still feel emotions of feverish. i don't have an appetite on my body does not feel good. with that. a public awareness campaign is underway, urging people to use repellent, and to drain stagnant water, new their homes. meanwhile, the government has launched a pilot project to controlled a long term sprint of doing a visa mosquitoes brand with a naturally occurring bacteria known as well back here has been released in some
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areas. these mosquitoes have a reduced ability to transmit the fever and other viral diseases to people. and the, so the search has already succeeded in jump to kind of the end, we are expanding to 5 cities. the government has such a target as 0 being dest. my 2013 jessica washington, which is 0 to come to. it's not cold as rule. that equitable is full. the vice president hold, hey, gloss must remain in jail despite judges confirming that his address last week was indeed go. the 3 judge type general rule that last must complete his present sentences for to previous corruption. convictions. office lawyer says that he'll be appealing the ruling. he was arrested a week ago during a raid by police on mexico's epicene quito, where he had sold asylum since to send a car bomb has injured, at least 4 people in columbia. and the explosion happened a few minutes as for the police station in who state it comes, a week comes to
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a symbol of bombing by an offshoot of the fault rebel group called the e n. c. the call is one of the 3 reasons why the government suspended a c side with the n c. after the murder of an indigenous woman in march, peace talks with the group because last year a severe dropped is false in columbia as comfortable guitar to russian war to. for the 1st time in 40 years, neighborhoods will be cut from liquid for 24 hours. every 10 days, the battery is encouraging couples to take shows together to safe water. the reservoir that supplies most of the cities, 9000000 residents is at 16 percent capacity. the lowest level on record. will guatemala, as president has declared the state of disaster to tackle dozens of forest fires, smoke from a vending landfill is injured. mold in 200 people, 80 percent of the funds. i suspect it has been stocked to deliberately the declaration by present about now the unavailable allows for funding to assist the
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fighting. now tell me loki, ologist, and the ribbons that he had pompei ivan cover with an ancient banquet hole. well present mural paintings also found the famous figures such as helen of troy, apollo, and cassandra from pay was destroyed by interrupting volcano in the $7980.00. is it a no need? if it'd be side of the walls of painted black to prevent the smoke from the oil lamps being seen on the walls, people would meet to dine off to sunset. the flickering lights of the lamps had the effect of making the images appear to move away. so let's bring you an update. tell all breaking news coming out of sydney in australia where police have shop one person following of the talk to shopping. now though it happened at west steel. now they, the button died junction. we're hearing about a number of people with stopped and gun. the fire was these are live pictures now is the sunsets over walter is incredibly busy shopping every on
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a saturday evening. is us around to police and will bring you the latest of what's happening that you know further do you spell it and stay with us here and i'll just the guns. 292014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the deaf and devastation seems with the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead hama who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life, including its own garza, the last picture on, on to 0. the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day,
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whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the city is already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best, produces the best spaces. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand this highlands. the idea is moving, lies in use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system as know for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera,
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investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the the israel lopez strikes on southern 11 on racing se is a why the conflict has the law fights as in southern lebanon, 5 moldings 50 rockets towards mold and israel. eva nights. the thoughts of robin you're watching, obviously are life coming up. the us president ones that are on the games to talking israel j button says he expects retaliation.


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