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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:28pm AST

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at west bank, at least 9000 palestinians, families are missing. at least one loves one at the start table. the or is really set is a time policy mean village is in the occupied westbank after a missing teenage settling is found that the low um for the back to bo, you're watching colleges 0 live for my headquarters in the coming up in the next 15 minutes he binds revolutionary god, sees a container ship in the gateway to the gulf. the vessel is linked to our new streaming video. the page really
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as strikes targets 711 on hours after hezbollah fighters fired dozens of rockets across the board. and in avenue 64 that came in a stabbing attack, the shopping model, sidney, the suspect was shot dead by australian news . thank you very much for joining us. it's 14 gmc and these early settlers are attacking palestinian villages in the occupied westbank after a missing 14 year old settler was found dead. the circumstances surrounding his death or unclear bodies. really prime minister benjamin this now is calling it a heinous matter. in one of the latest attacks, settlers stormed a village south of novice burning several houses and opening fire. and during at least 3 palestinians have been seen of the scenes in other villages seems to
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teenagers disappearance on friday. at least one palestinian has been killed in the violets. we'll get the latest from israel in a moment when we speak to him this a hotel and tel aviv. but 1st we go to the occupied westbank where nita e brand is for us. she's in ramallah. he to an extremely volatile situation today across the occupied westbank bring us up to speed 1st with the latest about what started yesterday slowly with an attack of settlers against palestinians in the year village and some permissions around. it has really expanded today to include other villages including duma, as well as any a brew. then we've seeing also an heating no information about the subject as being outside a cell. we have village and there are reports of confrontations in need of posted, which is also to the north of the occupied westbank who was talking about the video . just sit down digging and what i you to, which is east of what i'm
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a lot already. we've been speaking to the local counsel and duma, who is the head of the local council was telling us that these really suckers have moved the way and it's a bit from inside the time itself. and they started counting the damages. and you know, again, the settlers are still at a distance, they can see them and they could be attacking them again. but so far, the damages that have been initially record the 10 palestinian homes have been initially or completely burnt by those settlers. and we went in the area that is close to a level that yet, and the village of a bull filled out yesterday and was seeing how dozens and dozens of it's really suck. liz made that way, you know, such as we're talking about some of those will take you to any high hills. so they were making their way down to those villages again this but as soon as or as, as a disadvantage, the only because the suckers are usually in high up his. but also because the subject has enjoyed the protection of these really soldiers. and we've seen today how these, when the soldiers with putting up checkpoints,
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making it impossible for palestinians to move from one place to another, including the funeral of the 25 year old, who has been killed by his really suff. there's on friday. but they were allowing is really sucking us to use the those same roads. so all in order for us to is with tell you that if you know, the, if the is really forces are not stuffing the attacks that have basically providing cover. it hasn't been the settlers continue that attacks against processing is not only in these villages. we've also seen palestinians have been attacks attacks while driving on roads need from the machine to shutter. we were in the streets. i was driving my car and there were many calls all over the place dentist such as blocked the road in front of us and attacked us the tombstones at us and had guns. i was scared to death. only god saved us. need a settler attack, so not new in the occupied westbank of course and level ne increase since
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a one guys i begun, but the death of this teenager seems to have increase tensions considerably. palestinians must be extremely word. yes they are. you know already some of those have been attacking palestinians that since the war began drawing pictures of dr. pitching across the occupied west bank. but this time the context of it always comes as said is really suff. this said that they've lost the traces of the 14 year old set that on friday, who was amazing. she is in the the league is really supplement outpost when he was living. and then the news came today. that's, that is really sources. and this really uh army and the security forces. i've found the body that they accuse palace to means of killing the 14 year old. you know, this, the only mean bad news for the palestinians who have suffering from subtler attacks . as you said, the money 40 years now, and they feel that there is no accountability against those settlers which has
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allowed those attacks by is really settlers to continue. but indeed, what we've been seeing yesterday and today is not what we've been seeing in the past. the year let's say in terms of attacks, but the much more organized when we're talking about hundreds and hundreds of stuff there's going and in one time the majority of them are on the remember when we were talking about these really such as we were saying already they with arms, but since the war started, we've seen is really ministers who some of suck. liz calling for more argument that for motor weapons to be accessed by these really some of those. so we're looking at the situation. this is very voltage, very dangerous. and palestinians feel that they've been left alone dealing with the growing, subtler as tasks need to. thank you very much for that, that sanchez here is need to a brain by 14 that live from rome. i live in the occupied westbank. let's cross over to tel aviv now have this on. who does that for is i'm to as need to say that a body of a teenage is really set that was found in the occupied westbank. what are these really authorities say about the situation?
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well this really prime minister has released a statement calling a quote, a heinous murder and a grave crime is saying that the perpetrator or perpetrators will be found by both the really military and the sion bed who are actively searching the area within the occupied at west bank now additionally we've been hearing from israel defense minister and your wife go on saying that he's extremely sad and by what's going on . and both of these statements called on quote, is rarely citizens to let law enforcement do their job. there was no mention whatsoever of these is rarely settlers rampaging these palestinian villages in the occupied west bank and even killing a palestinian in their attacks jo of the lawns. the defense minister in his remarks said that, quote, revenge actions are going to get in the way of what authorities need to do, but pay attention to that word. revenge actions not attacks, not assaults,
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not murder, not anything else, but actions. that is what these really government is, categorizing these settler rampages as at this moment in time. probably stay with this hemmed up because i want to get reaction to another story that's developing in the region. e, rainy and forces of seized a container, ship in the gateway to the golf, the m a c aries link to an is really billionaire, was voted in the strait of homeless by a revolutionary gods. it's not the same thing. they, they are sailing rather di dropped vessel into iranian territorial waters. let's find out more for us with dosage a battery in tave on the door. so what, what more do we know about this incident? which obviously plays into a much larger story within the region, right? now, is certainly far away. this incident comes out of time is the height intentions of the region as a result of that air. striped on the consulate section of the range,
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an embassy in damascus on april 1st, that killed 7 revolutionary guard officials. now, as far as we understand that according to states tv in iran, the revolutionary guards enabled division and took control of this cargo ship that was sailing towards the straight before moves the ship was allegedly going from the united arab emirates to india. what it was seized by the revolutionary guards, and it is now being taken to iranian ports, most likely and horn was gone province in the south. now we don't have an official statement as of yet from the revolutionary guards, as to the reason that this vessel was sure was, sees. what is interesting to note is, this is not an oil tanker that is usually what we've seen being targeted by the revolutionary guard in the past when they've seize various vessels in the strait of 4 moves. this cargo ship was seized at in the northwest at region of the ways
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port city of for gera, and the revolutionary guards haven't released an official statement as to the reason. so we're waiting to find out more of a certainly at a time when we're expecting an arabian reaction to the killing of its high ranking revolutionary guard commanders in syria. the certainly poses a lot more questions at the moment about why this act was carried out at this particular time door. so thank you very much. joseph jabari in taylor on let's go back to tell of eve now and hummed us on hold him to what are these really saying about this incident in the gulf? well initially we heard from these really army spokesperson, daniel, how guardy, who actually did not address the issue at hand directly, but rather set that 8 on. we'll pay the consequences if it chooses to escalate the situation within the region. and here's a statement that was pre recorded and advice saying that israel is prepared to
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quote, defend itself in the space of a retaliation by the it audience. but additionally, to act in retaliation to that as well. but they will respond if there is any sort of attack against them. now we have heard from israel's foreign minister, israel tots, who said in a post on x, formerly known as twitter, that the audience are, quote, engaging in piracy and should be sanctioned for it. but again, these really have not directly comments and there's been no word from these really prime minister or the defense minister. jo, i've go on to on the issue with hands. thank you for that. i'm the, i'm to sound hoops in tennessee. 59711 on where is ready just to launch a new series of fast strikes. local media reporting loud explosions and several faces including mount hit re on the area is, has seen a regular cross border attacks between is really forces in has full of fighters since the war on guys began in october. these are the s rank solid. has the rocket
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attacks from $711.00 on at least 50 were fi towards propagating late in northern israel and the occupied the golden hi somewhere intercepted by these are the defense system. highly hash and has moved from the correct in 711 on in the last few minutes have been heading explosion, explosions on the other side of the mountain. now this re mountain, he has the volume between 11 on and is right. it's actually the, the border and just like 30 minutes from now though a couple of missed sizes launched from around this area and then decided to sound it from the united nations headquarters, which are, which isn't not what i hear. and it said the level to olive is on, which means that there might be, is really a tax at any time now we've been hearing explosions. it seems that there's artillery prior to what's the total final, which is just,
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it's close to the next hour enough to hear what we are. but the expos, all the explosions were, has from the behind that means from inside is really bold as this is what's been happening over the past 30 minutes. however, during this day, there were many is really strikes in gaza is really as try so intensify in northern and central parts of the strip killing. dozens of people will say right, refugee camp in the center was heavily bombarded. you and run evacuation south to shelter and residential towers were among the targets for the nose. jabante i have seen has been hit by a series of ass strikes. more than 33600 policy means have been killed since the war on gods have begun in october. sorry, god was on has the latest from rough. that is what has been run me, got this minute cheap compartment and strikes in almost a rock refugee campbell, according to initial report that the is where the military had the composite. are
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you on run school in the know the route possible bundles iraq, a refugee camp. this school, as everyone knows since the beginning of the school, it has been time to be in the back. you ation center for thousands of palestinians . there are still people the truck insight coding for the risk to, to be made within the coming hours for civil defense crews are facing please a problem in terms of accessing and reaching to the location of that time. you think because of because very intensive farming company in the us of the entire areas that have been what this collateral destruction because of the, is very ongoing bombardments over residential houses. but yet not only on mr. ross has been attacked to day, but also the northern parts of the territory were to palestinians have been killed in a value of refuge account in the north. and also most in a direct neighborhood has been reduced through the rubble. but clearly it is very minute to support to us and said that within the past few hours the is very forces . i found that within 30 targets of course the to 3 still i had on knowledge is
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here i food for thought, you knowledge and tina, why shoppers, orange, convinced by government claims that it's winning the battle against recognizing face the the still some big thunderstorms right there being made bigger, i think over borneo west and jonathan sumatra over the next day or so. and possibly in sooner ways the philippines are still relatively quiet and waltz. it's getting hotter the thunderstorms, all that big if they are told in me and not, and thailand but significant, right. he's on his way through the be sending this through eastern china not going to tempt you back in badging by that 10 degrees. it'll do the same as it goes across the saves the korean financial sol from 30 down to 19 significant. right in
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this flash funding is a possibility it is moving through. but if you follow is thailand is regenerating now in the south west of china where it's been hauled. i'm fairly wet a little too early in the season. now when it's gone through things in our spacing, it 24 can be enjoyed. same sort of story in, in india and maybe the temperature has been really well up. a few minutes has come up with them. and they're built that have been some charles generated for land because the case important carol. but those are for the northeast, they have gone this full cost because the impetus is to the northwest running ice of yes, i'm on the wrong into pakistan. and that's kind of started significant sherry some re, re, was significant. stay in the fondles, the ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of set tasks and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis of insect goza through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be bless, more than a 1000 people had been stabbed, including a 9 month old baby on the terrified side for the for to the baby. a stray b as prime minister, addressing the sharps nation within hours. the only consolation for a country in morning of the tales of bravery and heroism that all remoting staff to whom they should have been a noble shift shelf was placed fully going about their lives. i need it for these. the strata insect 1st instinct and the vice of danger was to help someone else. local police have declared this
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a critical incidents and hours off the attack. this normally bustling area remains cold and off while investigations continue. well, the officials insist there is no ongoing threats. new south wales police are convinced the assailants acted alone. and the biggest unanswered question is why he mode seemingly at random. alex thomas, how does the iraq, sidney police and pakistan are searching for gunmen who killed 9 migrant workers in the southwest and below just on province. their boss was stopped at a roadblock where it goes from the foot job region were abducted and their bodies were found later. the same attack is early a, kill 2 people and one to 6. after stopping a car, no group has claimed responsibility by separate yourself and target security forces and migrant workers. thailand is preparing to accept some more migrant sling fighting in neighboring young mar. after the fall of
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a border time in the on lot 2 rebels fighting government forces some displace people have already crossed the border. the tie government says it's willing to temporarily shelter a $100000.00 refugees. and the time military has reinforced border areas with a certainty high about what is next for the region. the moved along the border is tense. tony chang before some may saw it on the tie side of the border with me and more. a quad has fallen over the town me a while the on a day when it would normally be full of life. people out celebrating the balmy's new year thing jen today, muted celebrations. we can still see the militia who, being guarding the boat of crossing for the last few days. the still the in greater numbers than we've seen before. the behind the screen relaxing in hammocks. they don't appear to feel the position is on the immediate stress. there is much less traffic going across the bridge into thailand. we've seen that very busy in the
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last few days. but i think those who have wanted to come across, taking century on this side of the border have already come. we understand the current as they call me and their allies that maintain that positions on the outskirts of milwaukee. we don't know is the position of the government forces who'd be moving in a column to relieve the troops inside the city troops who already fled to friendship. bridge. number 2, we think there about 10 kilometers outside the city. but at this stage nobody's entirely sure. no one knows what their intentions are when they arrive, ties still maintaining, very tight security along the board. and we heard from the foreign minister, the message he's been sending to them in that region to inevitable. at all costs, they want to see peace maintained across the border in tony cheng elders. they're
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on the time them about to africa now. and the military who is of new share calling for protests against us forces based at the pen and gone, had friendly relations with the jazz government before the coo last year. some of the offices will cease firewood trains by american soldiers is as military who is a now seeking closer ties with russia. as relations with washington sour, russia has sent an ad, defend system, tunisia along with training personnel. the instructors are part of the african pores. it's seen as the successor to the russian mercenary, go back that security forces in total have prevented 3 days of planned demonstrations against proposed constitutional reforms. the changes would end direct election of the president and hand that responsibility to parliament. critics accuse president fornia, same day of trying to extend is to decades in power. the dispute comes ahead of the need parliamentary elections stopped as
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a john where rising temperatures are worsening, the long running shortage of drinking water in the largest 4th. another factor is the influx of people for some that homes by fighting. and so don mohammed vaughan has the story. one of the toughest daily struggles in parts of that is to get fund that he needed drinking water in many places, basic facilities off by the inefficient, broken point under existence. people here he live mostly on water sellers, who has done keys and modified oil bottles to transport the flights of commodity. they've got a specific locations to fill up the guy. this is olga shock. we just wait for the lots of tags here, of the popular market. people off the street. we don't know when the water was or where it comes from. we have to wait as long as it takes, because all our livelihood depends also like water. we have no alternative just the head of the item. most of these people have been waiting kia, silsbee, early hours of the morning for the best was to talk to our life. another doctor,
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it has a life. the scene is one of the incident has suffered from water shortages for decades, but it needs to be a level of this year because of increasing temperatures and the influx of civilians is taping the fighting. you know, the pots of food on the need for water has increased from a 120000 to a 180000 cubic meters, according to local expense. in an attempt to ease the suffering, the state of thought of these have launched an emergency plan of action headed and closely monitored by port. so then the government that dana nodded. bob, but we have urgent and long term plans to deal with the problem with you. we've launch studies for the construction of the roof them. but right now we're going to operate the $32.00 wells. we have and start clearing the settlement assessment from the auto body data for this might mean one of the 3 major sources of water for the
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city, of course, of that as well as a static, if that was built in 2004. but now it has lost 75 percent of its in storing capacity of the initial capacity was 16000000 cubic meters. but after 20 years it can only hold a quarter of that for you. another way to obtain 3 can watch a is the funding nation. the state has a plot, but it's 4 bucks and capacity is far below a very, quite a level for the what the cost is to be overcome. people here say more than one type of facility is needed. how much fun are the 0 parts of that or that people in argentina has struggled with bracket, high inflation for decades. president harvey and the lady who took over in december brought in widespread spending caught same that risk rescuing the long, struggling economy. now the government claims its measures to reduce one of the world's highest race is working, but many people struggling with the cost of living prices remain unconvinced. image
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and came back as a story some shall pose implant is that is hoping to catch you bulk. and as, according to the government, the soaring rate of inflation everyone has suffered for decades has become dislike . nobody can see why i made i draw up. the price is a little the same. i took advantage of coming to the market. thank you. they were going to be cheaper, but there's no drop in inflation. it's just what's economy say argentina's monthly inflation, right? picked in december a 25 percent and started to 11 percent last month. the origin tenens. so shopkeepers haven't reacted and the cost of living prices continues. low, low prices rose successively with the rice of the dollar. now the dollar dropped and stabilized, but no one would lower the prices if there is no pressure from the forty's, the price is won't lower. when the right wing presidents have you, i mean they took office in december the fact and what he called decades of decadence and decline and introduced austerity measures,
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including costing states subsidies in energy and transport in a bid to cut the deficit on the pay. so was devalued by 50 percent, right? guess what? the r t eyes are going to validate what, when this government took office, they stopped issuing money altogether, even at the cost of making this gold adjustment. in order to cutoff hyper inflation . you have to stop issuing money, so the government decided, well, let's go for it. but the annual rates and inflation is almost 290 percent. that's a 30. yeah. hi. i'm one of the world's worst. the presidential spokesman touch that the government ken installation, but it's hard to say how quickly for more and no money bad your sense on the money tree side, we are doing everything we need to do the end of inflation a will be a reality one when of course we don't know because we don't have a crystal balls to tell the future. but the end of inflation can't come quickly enough. with an estimated 40 percent of the 46000000 origin kenyans stuck in
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poverty image and came out to 0, guatemala as president has declared a state of disaster to tackle dozens of forest fires. smoke from a burning landfill has injured the more than 200 people. 80 percent of the fires are suspected to us been started deliberately. the declaration by president donado auto follow a loss of funding to assist with fire fighting night investigation is on the way after a cable car crash above a mountain in southern took it, one person died and 7 others were injured. when upon burst open. yeah, the city of on talia 1st. so say die has more offensive rescue mission installed in turkey at 1.4 hours. a cuban cock would like to be the bro compiling in the tourist. the result of on top of the crash, the cabin verse,
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open sound, and passengers plummeting to the mountain side below the detection. 10 minutes reported the death of 54 year old turkish man and easily to 7 others. they were old .


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