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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the others fear god, by the police on purpose. the way they do tell the story is what can make a difference. the piece while incense, hundreds of missiles and drives managed by a wrong and unprecedented attack. the strike saw celebrated into the wrong. the government says that they were in response to israel's plumbing of it's can see lots in syria, 2 weeks ago, the colored so rahman, you're watching over there life,
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my headquarters here in the also coming up international calls, cries full restraints as israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu and his little cabinet consider better options and postage. i bought it and purchase a pool to israel, saying us false is help to take down any all of the tribes. i miss aisles from iran, [000:00:00;00] the welcome to the photograph of the days of the threat serrano has lost an unprecedented attack holidays rail. these really guzman says more than 300 trains ballistic. i'm cruise missiles, with 5 towards its territory. most of them were intercepted. now the attack came in response, as wells, as dry commentary runs, can see their offices in damascus 2 weeks ago. it's the 1st time that around has lost the direct military assault on israel. i'll just there is how does your
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construct begins on coverage of the explosions later israel's night? sky is interceptors took down dozens upon dozens of you, ronnie, and launch drones. israel's military spokesman to the nation's defense systems detected incoming drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, launched from iran and its proxies together with the allies and faith moves across the region. we're operating at this very moment to defend these real familiar arms with tech. so for we have intercepted the vast majority of incoming me sides by eas, rarely systems the damage to israel was far less than had been feared, is really official said one child was hurt and a military base suffered minor damage. schools and israel had closed early, and civilians had been warned to seek shelter from the attack that many had
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suspected was coming. as it unfolded, jordan, iraq and lebanon closed their air space. and you as president joe biden, cut short a trip to delaware, rushing back to the white house to meet with his national security council in a statement bite and said us forces health israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles and bite and spoke with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone of firming the us is iron clad support. a he wants to the weekends attack was retaliation for is real strike on any rainy and diplomatic count found in damascus earlier this month. even as the drones ran down on is real, you runs mission to the united nations, dead, the matter can be deemed concluded, but warrant more violence would come is real or the us retaliated. iranians rallied in front of the british embassy into run after the attack concluded,
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months to each case. i have never seen in any country anywhere that attacking another country and war makes people happy. but to night, people gave up their sleep so that they can come here and show how important this 4 is to us. and how glad we are from this attack on these are leaders in the u. k. europe and canada condemned. he runs actions as reckless unacceptable and the stabilizing for the region. you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, also called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. but israel has signaled it will respond to your was attack. the un security council is expected to discuss efforts to prevent a direct or between the 2 countries on sunday. high digital castro, l g 0. we have correspondence around the world, so we can developments joan engine well, have reaction from a washington dc pulled. brennan isn't our london broadcast center with the latest from europe. a mountain con will be unoccupied. east jerusalem. new developments
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for israel and dosage of all res. live for us in the arabian capital problem. not iran has warned against any town to a tax following its miss arlington, assault on his ro, saying that it's next actions could be much bigger mall in payroll. we see this operation as completed and successful. there is no intention to continue it, and it's over from our perspective. yet if desire just rejected them, does anything against us, either inside or toys or anywhere in syria or other countries on next operation will be much bigger. if the u. s. gets involved in any action against us, not nobody's basis will remain safe in the region be named the dosage of all the joys as though uh from tyrone. good morning dosa. it seems that tyrone is saying it because it is the matter closed. is that what we can infer from the statement?
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certainly as to how we heard from the head of the armed forces. there we also been hearing from the head of the revolutionary guard, as the commander of the hosting, selling me has also been speaking on state to be here extensively saying that the operation, the true promise, has been a resolving success. and that the operation exceeded the renewed officials expectations of how successful it was. but uh the officials are making it very clear that this was their response and that is the end of it. they don't want to see any counter attack by israel or us forces against iranian interest, or rainy and personnel, or rainy and soil, and that any retaliation at this stage will be matched by a harsher response by the radians, as the officials here said that the attack that was launched against israel on saturday evening early into sunday morning was a calculated and measure and limited one,
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and that iran hasn't fully use the vast majority of its arsenal, that it has a edits disposal within its army a military. and that's a dangerous mission that was carried out was really to deliver a message to israel as that they are a continuous behavior against a rainy and personnel. an interest in the region will not continue without a harsh response by iran adults result of the late sunday morning where you are perhaps too early to gauge opinion on the street. but the lead up to this way radians concerned about a potential attack or even retaliation form is royal in today's a has full in the days leading up to the attack. it was the $1000000.00 question here. really, everybody wondering whether or not iran will add to follow through on the rhetoric and the threats that it's been making. and when this finally happened this morning, on my way into the office, i asked the number of people as i could. and they told me that one person told me
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finally, after 45 years of these dominic republic, they finally did something that they said they were going to do. and that is to respond to israel. the other person told me that certainly this was a, a, an appropriate response by the radians, given the fact that israel attacked the rain and console it in damascus. on april 1st, my taxi driver said to me that when somebody slaps who you expect to swap them back, that is a general consensus here from the people that we've spoken to so far. that's the radians were well within their rights to respond in the manner that they did against is really aggression, not only just the one that was carried out in damascus, but over the past 2 decades. dosage of all the the force and the rainy and capital bank stores. so cool will continue to monitor what happens to acetate around us. the hours progress that's close over to him. i'm calling it occupied east jerusalem . good morning and we're on these really millet trees now. speaking significant
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mean getting more detail about the trying to miss all attack heading to who are heading headed towards them overnight. what more are they saying about this? no, as well that revise the numbers initially. it was the about $200.00 drawings and miss also were using the attack. that number is now 331 bit talking of these ready minutes. we've been hearing um from daniel gallery. we've also heard from israel katz the foreign minister. what was i heard from these ready person? isaac has ok, and we've also heard from the defense minister, you're collab. they will pretty much said the same thing that this was an over whelming victory. the is riley defense systems did. what they needed to do. this was a victory, not just as ralph of israel in the us and israel and its allies. but it's also what parts again, was a casualty. a 7 year old baby wouldn't go,
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was injured in the south, our region. so ultimately they all saying this is a success of victory for them, but privately they will be looking at this as a matter of strategy. how this attack taking place closer to his role site from some level and the defense systems. what overwhelmed, we might well be looking at a very different reality this morning. so that's something that the israelis will be looking into. they'll also be looking to see what kind of response if any, that they might mount in the face of this or on the intact was my colleague goes to jabar who's supporting that he's running seem to have joined a line under this and said that's it for now, unless they react, it's that reaction. now the people be looking at talking about, i'm wondering if and perhaps when it might come. yeah. and did we want the best the inkling of that a month later in the day the little tablet meets? doesn't say it's the prime minister. netanyahu is pretty quiet right now. might say something we assume it was interesting that he hasn't
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said something. he's only very quick to react, particularly when it comes to around run the last 20 years. probably. so benjamin netanyahu, even when he wasn't probably minister, always played up the threat from iraq and it was useful for him domestically. it was useful for him politically, certainly before april the 1st and the attack on your own. in counseling, he was facing tremendous amounts of criticism from the us from the bring him home campaign. the episode is good for the captives and from your government, who's defense for the stuff who wanted to cool elections. now what was that chris is and went away as soon as the attack on april 1st happened, and the americans withdrawn and to develop defend israel. so that was a success by him politically. so it is old, but he hasn't spoken yet, but perhaps he's waiting for that little cabinet meeting to try and formulate a response, whatever the response will be. you can almost guarantee that the wording is going
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to be incredibly strong. calling the forest occupied east jerusalem. thank you. now after the attack, you as president j barton, controlled a weekend trip and returned to washington, he met with his national security team and says us commitment to as well, security remains and client. as you can see in front of you, john 100, it's something by for us in washington, d. c, a, john, the radians have drawing a line. under this scenario. the americans seem to want to draw a line under this scenario. the unknown quantity is whether israel does and that's what the us is hoping for. it's it's right, the president, the joe biden spoke for about 25 minutes with benjamin netanyahu earlier, and were told that among other things he told in the u. s. will not participate in any direct offensive maneuvers against a ron. so he's clearly trying to deal with his through diplomatic channels. the
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president also said in an announcement that he was going to be asking for the g 7 leaders to can to convene a meeting on sunday, so that they can talk about a diplomatic unified response to this. us clearly wants to minimize this tit for tat acceleration of this conflict. and by projecting that the u. s. is not going to be directly involved in any retaliatory, attacks against iran. one of the things you could imagine that they're hoping is that there won't be any attacks on us personnel in the middle east. and you heard that a scratch that around and for say, you know, they're running and officials were saying that if the us where to participate, then none of its military forces would be safe in the area. that's something that us is very sensitive to and it does not wanna escalate this. it doesn't want to be involved in any escalation of jones. i mean, the us government, somebody which is on the bank foot with so many things having to deal with, especially if they're eligible, wrong cause or,
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and how the american public of dealing with that add to that to, you know, we're heading towards the us presidential election as the you, as america wakes up on sunday in the us, talk shows begin. whatever the politicians say to the american mass is on sunday is going to be invested and analyzed as to which way the americans good to deal. certainly with this row in the coming weeks. busy absolutely, and it's already become a political issue, the leaders of the house, which is controlled by the republican party and have put out statement saying that they, they're going to immediately consider legislation that supports israel and homes iran and its proxy accountable. but they go on to criticize biden as well. this is the speaker mike johnson of the house, a republican he says, and abiding administrations undermining of his real, an appeasement of iran,
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have contributed to these terrible developments. there used to be that the u. s. a partisanship was supposed to end the border that when it came to foreign policy, the both parties would unite and that's not really happening anymore. so i expect we can hear some more of that. but essentially, what we are expecting is more unifying support of the us government for is really at least verbally, while the administration pushes back, asking israel not to overreact and asking it to use diplomacy. here's a typical statement from the administration by antony blinking. the secretary of state, he says, well, we do not seek escalation. we will continue to support israel's defense and we will defend us personnel. that seems to be the administration's approach encapsulated in a sense we don't want to get involved. busy involved any further, but we will if we have to go on this, i'm showing us as the sun rises across the us in a few hours time for the move. and john,
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thank you. now the european union and the u. k. has condemned around the time colonies riley, british prime minister of if you see that close to is government would continue to stand up for israel. security. you foreign policy, teach us a bro cole. they say grave threat to regional security pull brandon his life for us in london, pull the european reaction. swift and straight to the point. that's what i need. i mean, the fact of iran's launching of attacks against israel had been telegraphed for days in advance by the radians and perhaps the scale. i mean i'm fission of it's hesitate. can your opinion leaders by some surprise and caused some alarm, and the reaction that's been coming out in the hours of an item and since the attacks were launched, i mean my, i scrolls down the list. i mean, essentially it's, it's universal content, nation of canada, friends den off no way i can them to them on the currently on the critically condemn, strongly condemn. and that's pretty much
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a uniform across the european concepts. i mean, a direct quote from joseph burrell view, or pin unions high commission, the responsible for foreign policy, the you strongly condemns the unacceptable and you know, attack against israel. this is an unprecedented escalation, and a grave threats to regional security. and it's fast that really is worrying about everybody, but particularly from my perspective, sitting here in london, the european leaders that, that threat to regional security, for example, the case prime minister wishes to access. he condemns in the strongest times the right number of genes attack against israel. the rod is once again demonstrated, it's intent on certain chaos in its own backyard. and the u. k. will continue to stand up for israel security and that of all our regional partners, including incidentally, jordan and erect. but here's the other part of it along sorta allies. the statement says we are originally working to stabilize the situation and prevent further
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escalation. no one wants to see more bloodshed. now, vast parts of the statement is quite clearly aimed at israel. the bowl now being in israel is causes how it's a chip, how it chooses to respond to around overnight attack. but the messages on the one out of condemnation are generally combined with a, a, an, a feel for the to be no, no ad dangerous escalation from here on in, on it's important says, well, the g 7 countries, america, canada, japan, it's me, france, germany, u. k. we'll have a video conference together around late lunch time, a late lunch time, your p and size for about 3 hours from now at which they will discuss the implications is going forward from here. full button to the 4th and the defense polls. cost was a check in with pull later in the day. uh, but with me right now on site is all different about together james, baseball defense. i just, i see a topless to discuss this
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a little bit further. let's, let's just begin with actually, what we don't know about these missiles. what was a, how were they actually launch from iran because they've been very impressive. you're not to be reaching is right. yes. so we had 3 different types. you have a long range drones for those kind of causey drones there. sure. head 136 is go to a range of about 2000 kilometers. very small boy head though and they launched but a 185 of those. and then we have the most sophisticated cruise missiles, the cavity, much larger warheads, and they would be flying at several 100 miles from columbus has an huh. and then you have ballistic missiles, which all would arrive over as well in a matter of minutes. and would it be launched about 85 of those will launched some of those by the way, moving it incredibly high speed. some of those did get through damaging the is really at bass in the south is and they give doesn't james, you know, we've now seen the military response from
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a wrong. we've been waiting for this for was 13 days. they've been talking it up tit for tat scenarios that happened. i mean, how do you assess what's going on right now, and what might happen in the next few hours at least? well, when you've got a situation like this, it's clearly dangerous because that could be a miscalculation, but we have had one cycle. we've had one attack on the consulate in the mass just and then we've had one response by iran in terms of that massive mishondra embarrassed alex was just talking about the cycle is completed. now from ron's point of view, they put out a tweet, and they said that the matter can be deemed concluded. however, should these ready raise, you make another mistake around this response will be considerably more severe, and iran believes there's a line to it onto this. the us once a line drawn on drugs as well, it doesn't want to see this escalating the question now is what the thinking in tel
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aviv and jerusalem and whether the us about 25 minute cold between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. you've got your when take the when the, when big the fact that old the missile defense as well and everything was shut down . and the one know desperate. this attack is not going to be enough for a prime minister of israel, whose main enemy, throughout his top period in politics has been wrong. and the prime minister of israel, who surrounded by the most right wing cabinet, is riley history. i think we need to watch very closely what these really cabinet does. and these ready prime minister does in the coming, asked to see if there's a line to 100 or whether they'll be some limited symbolic response from these riley side or. and this is the nightmare scenario for the region. and i think for the us president, that as a, a major is riley response, a major bombardment of a wrong coming. and the question isn't to alex, where they will get pops up more, a better education in about 4 or 5 hours left about what kind of meeting can visa, $1300.00 g is whether it is
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a targeted type of attack. the israel likes to initiate whether it might be a bit more widespread. i mean these, the questions and the types of municipal munitions will be involved because we know the americans already said we don't want this to escalate to wants. we will not allow this to happen. but if, whether that happens, almost another thing, yes. and also whether it's great that is available attack uh, around proxies and not been known or given, or indeed attack iran proper actually sold positions within the country itself, which is a huge escalation. mean they're being leaked room is now that done, the is really self jets will carry e m p bones the peas, electromagnetic pulse, only designate by nuclear weapons. but this is, this is conventional into site decided it's designed to destroy full electronics within an area that this would be used in the opening phase, where the attack by, as well as well,
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and the eyes that you would just blind around at defense systems. now what this is going to go ahead is james alluded to, it's not a scenario. nobody wants to know when the tool so i, i think it would be dishonest if they actually went down this road. however, it is all the con james in different magic the we obviously hearing about in the front of the g 7 video. cool meeting is convenient for sunday. you talked about, you know, what we don't see underneath the water line earlier in the day. there all, besides the unified, you might say voice in the g 7, there's also fractures, isn't there about the way is right, let's conduct it as something, not just in the war and galls destabilizing to a certain extent. the me least in, in poking various elements are either either poker and i can be bad to you, but this is what's going on right now. when does they really know what's going on? yeah, i think from the g 7 in public, you're going to see a strong message condemning what has happened condemning it, runs action,
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not condemning, i don't think israel is action on the 1st of april. the many, many experts say that probably was illegal on the international bull, but yes, you're right, but behind the scenes, they'll be great deal of pressure on his route. they would not happy. i don't think any of these western leaders were happy with that attack on the 1st of april, and they'll be really left with to a restraint. a probably very tough to work in that conversation, that 25 minute conversation that happened between binding netanyahu that will be echoed in from some of these other allies of the us. and i think they'll be all sorts of back channels being worked. lots of countries in the region, lots of countries here in the gulf cutoff may be a mon, lots of countries be working back channels. and remember that the current us administration has pretty good um, contacts in with the wrong. uh they, they broke off the around nuclear deal, but these, the people who are in the white house, so many of them were the ones who were involved in that nuclear deal when it was
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1st done, for example, the c i, a chief bill burns was involved in the very, very starts of the rom nuclear deal, so they may be working the funds themselves, the americans trying to ensure that we don't get another cycle off to the attack in the counter attack to another cycle that have risks, spiraling things totally out of control. the crucial few hours ahead, i think drugs and goals will be getting more analysis for me by so trade space of diplomats get to the how this could helpless or defensive to, to thank you. tell us any villages meal combined with buying hall really from 2 days of a ton expires. right, exactly as the property was. that's on file at at least one listed in killed in this confrontation. so they began after the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday. now the circumstances surrounding his death run clear, but these very probably minutes about him and that's now he called it a scene. this matter that a brain jones is not from ramallah in the occupied westbank. i'm to say it's been
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a tense 48 hours. nita is an understatement. that tension continues. absolutely. so had already we've been speaking about so to let us talk since the war started. but this has been the largest wave of sutler attacks because it did not centre in the village. the village which they believed is ready, sceptre has body has been found directly. if needed, but it's continue then spans through many places in the north of the occupied west bank as well. and even as it, we were seeing the skies lighting up with the interceptions from the, the is really a, i didn't go back to the damien strides and seen people in here in this area near the league and is really suffering adult beth l being subjected to this review settler, i've taught this is a home that you can probably see. this is a gauge. that was, it was, it gave here that the owners of this house can use to open an exits and answer that home. but what happened late last night the after the attack and
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a dozens of cala city is coming here. they were trying to keep that person. ringback but also what they did is that they took the case with them and they match this outside of here. this is just one location. this is considered a minor attack because it has less no casualties, but the food and all in the occupied to us bank we're talking about at least 50 palestinians who would injured by is really suck the inspired. who, according to locals, with working with the protection under the protection of these radio army, we have to kind of see the as will have been killed. and one of them funeral for just past due to us as the palestinians with taking the body from the hospitals to the find the resting place in between villages. it remains a very sensitive duration because some of the people here we were speaking to say that even as the attack was happening, the fact that there's continued attacking is alarming and may be, but it's kind of lower product city is that the risk as the day goes by,
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it will continue to move into events with you in ramallah, thanks so much into the abraham that it was really as strong, so intensifying and, and all that and central part of the gaza strip. my goal is, is media office has at least 19 people account more than 200 injured and 6 major is really a time. so that in this a refugee camp for the noise to bali, it was also hit by a series of strikes, molten, $33686.00 palestinians have been killed since the will began in october. let's close the time like i presume, in rafa and southern gaza. just bring us up to speed uh tara co, what's called over night set the across the street. why should we be focusing our attention on sunday? a yes to hell. i think it's been a military indeed has been escaped, is placing it, smell it, treats bombardments, and strikes. of course, many areas in the town, 3. now in the past hour there,
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who would think more attacks on the font and then what was the territory base handle in town that has been hate with onto the re up apartments, by the way, the, all the units that are stationed to the outskirts of the city alongside that, the main focus is really mandatory strikes, always on completely in the middle areas, but then also a rock refuge account where on going bottom and by the it's very ministry still the where people are trapped on april to sleep on the civil defense teams. are doing their best in order to recover the injuries from the location of the target. and one of the latest attacks has the injury of one palestinian, a boy who has been critically injured and his body has been transferred to the hospital for medical treatment. and according to the minister defense minister, according to the civil defense themes in gauze that they have been saying that the managed to recover a number of victims and injuries from on the so right, a refugee common the know the right part where it confrontations and both of us to ongoing job, but clearly we can clearly see that officer the is what do you withdrawal was from
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han noticed that you more bodies also have been recovered for at least 13 bodies have been a recovery, evacuated from the area that they have been for pad liza for perio, so generally what we can see on the ground to you and rough as well as on going cold spring is really surveillance of drugs is a completely here right now the becky ground was a part of it's going intelligence efforts and operations here type of thing that for a say and rasa and gaza. thank you. or a this where you some of the days of the news, the officials in southern russia say around 1000 homes are flooded in the city of all room. the again, the last 24 hours bullshit levels in the year over event, which runs through all the good, now sold to be subsiding. having reached nearly 12 meters full authorities and the


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