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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] news . ready the flow, this is in use our own ouch as 040 back to go live for my headquarters in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. an unprecedented attack is around intercepts, hundreds of attacked rooms and new size launched from e. ron, for the 1st time celebrations entire on as the lawn warrants of us stronger response . if israel retaliate international calls for restrains increase is rouse war
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cabinet and the un security council. odd you to meet present joe biden. we have far as what he calls. i am clash support for israel, but he is report at the tone when you minutes out that the us will not support any counter attack against his right. also on this, we use our community members into balkanized, jerry, a mock 10 years since the abduction of nearly 318 s students, bible, colorado, in school, with another big chaps in the premier lic title race. as much as the city go top for livable and also as much as on sunday and flashes of his own freely. it's as 8 times i don't know when at lino messy, it helps into miami to the top of the m l. s. standing the it's 10 g m t. thank you for joining us on algae sierra yvonne's president has warned israel against any retaliation after an unprecedented misaligned and drone
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attack overnight. it was the 1st iran has launch against israel from uranium. so else these really government says more than 300 at the top, drones ballistic and cruise may size target at its territory. most were intercepted . iran said the attack was in response to israel's farming of the ring and consulate in syria 2 weeks ago. and the killing of republican god commanders. victoria gave him b begins coverage of israel says the vast majority of a radium missiles and drones intercepted outside israel's territory, such as this one that was found in a bill in northern iraq. these really minute theresa is the few that did full in as well, only closed minded damage issues on because last night, ron launched an attack against israel and launch more than 300 threats of various kinds on these. iranian threats met the air and technological superiority of the ideas, combined with a strong slicing coalition. the tent was the 1st time around his lunch to direct
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minute results on israel from rainy. and so we attacked drains, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. we launch from around and its allies more. we see this operation is completed and successful or it's over from our perspective. but if design is per diem, does anything against us either in iran or elsewhere? our next operational, the much bigger. it's a us gets involved. none of it spaces in the region will be safe on the entire ram. the attacks were celebrated by government supporters who said they were satisfied with the response. the so was retaliation for water ran, said was the, is really foaming of the radiant diplomatic compound in the syrian capital, damascus. earlier this month to each to study. i've not seen people this happy about award before. people have given up their sleep to be here and show how important the store is to us,
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and how glad to be out. i bought the set deck on easily of us. president joe biden found israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. teresa and what he called america is iron clad support. he does in prison, canada and the european union condemned durance actions. it's reckless unacceptable, destabilizing to the region. israel has signaled it will respond to iran's attack and did emergency meeting of the un security council is expected at a few hours aimed at preventing a direct rule between the 2 countries. victoria gate and b l g 0 as well. we have correspondence following the latest developments from washington, d. c, london, baghdad, $711.00 on and occupied these tools and we begin with dosage of barry, anyone's capital t, ron. so doors that we now have the range in response to the attack on it's constant is the matter now close as far as the launch concert.
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well, fully as low as 2 as we've been hearing from your rating officials, the matter is concluded. now, we heard from the head of revolutionary guard forces, as commander of jose and telling me who said that this is a new equation that's been created by the actions that was carried out by his forces at early sunday morning. and he had a warning for israel saying any kind of a retaliation will be met with a stronger response. we also been hearing from re new president abraham bracy who issued a statement saying that this was a successful mission that was carried out by the revolutionary guard members. and that this is a new reality for israel, and they need to understand that any kind of an attempt to further attack iran movie met with a harsher response. you have seen celebrations in t, ron doors in response to this attack. but is there also concerned about what israel might do next?
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a certainly this is on the minds of most iranians, as they will come to the news on sunday morning to find out that their country has launched an unprecedented attack against one of its longest standing enemies. as many ranges i spoke to on this morning said that even though they believed iran was well within its right to retaliates and the scale of the attack was proportionate, there is a very strong sense of worry of how israel might respond. we saw lineups of the gas stations early this morning as the attack was happening. many radians rushing to they to fill up their cars. and we have been not getting any direction from the government as to what could the plans be in case they believe an attack by israeli forces would be imminence. but we do know that the 2 of airports enter on the
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domestic one and the international ones remain not operational at least until monday morning door. so thank you very much for that though. such a battery with the latest day of from t ron, that's cross over to him or on con, now in occupied these tools. and these really will cabinet in mine is supposed to be meeting later today to decide on a response. what can we expect as well, that cabinet meets in about 2 and a half hours time. and it's very interesting because we haven't had a response to the attack. i'm from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we have heard from these where you present the foreign minister. we've heard from the ministry spokesman, or we've heard from the defense minister praising the defense of israel as being a spectacular victory. not just the israel, but israel as the us and israel and these other allies. so we perhaps the thing can we, we are likely to hit something from the prime minister off to that meeting concludes,
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it will be tough woods against the wrong. that's for sure. that's what everybody is expecting to hear. but will that be a warning of a response, a by israel, a for the events taking place over the last 1514 hours. let's see. we don't know. the prime minister is on the, a tremendous amount of international prussia know to, to respond. he will be taking a very serious things. i do not into a very serious consideration, but it isn't unusual that we haven't heard from benjamin netanyahu, but we have heard from everybody else quite interesting indeed. now in the meantime, all schools and daycare has a closing his ro, but the space has reopened. i understand what sort of disruption have the attacks cost? remember, this was the beginning of the positive about holidays. so the airport in particular would have been very busy, were hearing some 53000 people were due to travel today. that figure is going to be closer to about $30000.00 to be asked. space is, as you say,
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we opened up many flights, were canceled, and airlines are looking very seriously about whether they go to saw flying back into ben gory and apple in tel aviv as at some point and next coming days. other restrictions remain in place. schools like you say, are shots, there's restrictions on gathering those restrictions get tougher, as you get to the voted with goals and the border website 11 on there were expecting those to stay in place until at least 11 pm on monday. and thank you very much for bringing us the need to stay from occupied east jerusalem. after the attack us present, joe biden cut short, a weekend trip and returned to washington. he has met with his national security team and says us commitment to israel remains. i am flat, live to john henry in washington dc. now john, talk to us then about the us response that continues to support israel, but doesn't want to see any further escalation. and that's right, fully iron clad is where that was used by several administration officials. they're
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obviously working off the same talking points. you had anthony blinking, the secretary of state issue in a statement saying, well, we do not seek escalation. we will continue to support israel's defense and present in biden, also saying something very similarly there, but we're told it privately in a 25 minute conversation with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that but i didn't emphasize the us would not participate in offensive operations against the wrong that the president conveyed that this was a win for is. ready oil, and there's nothing of value was really struck there. so clearly while publicly embracing israel privately, the administration here in the us is trying to tamp down any retaliatory attacks by israel. the president says he's going to meet with g 7 leaders. they've called a meeting for this afternoon european time and,
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and president bible will be discussing with those leaders diplomatic efforts that they can pursue in order to have a coordinated upfront against a ron. this could mean more sanctions. we're just not sure what that will involve, but it clearly divided administration is pressing for diplomacy here and hoping for not a major retaliatory attack by israel. thank you john. john henry lived there in washington dc. meanwhile, the european union and the u. k. have condemned alonza attack on israel. british prime minister wishes to enact flights. his government would continue to stand up for his ra secuity. the foreign policy chief joseph for out called old is a grave threat to regional security. that's bringing poll brendan in london for more on the reactions come to condemnation full. i'll be runs the attack from a number of countries, but also calls for restraint. indeed, i mean, the fact that he ran was going to strike out his route was widely anticipated. it had been telegraphed in diplomatic circles for
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a number of days now. perhaps the number of drums and massages involved is surprising alarming to the european governments and the reactions of the european governments in the hours since the attack fire out was launched has been too prone, frankly, on what elements is, is strong to come to a nation unequivocal combination, strong combination condemnation, but we're content nation basically ringing out through all of the statements that is being issued. and that combination being directed iran for launching these strikes. but in the statements that i'm scanning at the moment did a. ready a lot of i'm concerned about the possibility of regional escalation and a lot of the talk about the need for avoiding an escalation investors. the part that part of the, the statements i think is very friendly, directed as israel and judging israel. not to over react in its response
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to what iran has done overnight. i mean, let's look at the direct words of the, the european union's foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, of his statement issued said the d. u strongly condemned the unacceptable iranian attack against israel. this is an unprecedented escalation and a grave threats to regional security. and i won't go into the, the full text of where she's through next statement. but it was very similar to that. and i will say that the g 7 nations are going to meet virtually by video conference in perhaps a little over just a little over an hour from now it's, it's predicted to be early afternoon european time. so it took me in the us, canada, japan, italy, germany, france, and the u. k. and the focus i think, is gonna be very strongly on how to be escalate, have to defuse the to engines in that region. how to put pressure on israel and not
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to overreact to what's happened overnight and how to try and restore some sense of stability to what is a region that has been increasingly tense in recent weeks, paul, thank you very much for brandon with the reactions the from london now and it's response may size were 5 from 11 on the response from the line we size were 5 from 11 on and they targeted the occupied golden heights and israel in the last few hours as carried out as to mike's targeting multiple locations 11 on phosphor exchanges of fire have intensified between israel and the lebanese onto a pet spa since the war on guys have begun in october. that's bringing ali high sion in, in a cora in southern lebanon. so a number of, of me sizes were fired from lebanese territory overnight. talk to us about the situation at the board of the army and the it fully since this morning that was several is really strikes on different areas and 11 on and not only in the south level,
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one of the attacks was in the be called valley. that's like 70 kilometers from the border along with the all the attacks one very early on sunday and he um and another one to a small refund though. dot com is also part of the with his will as long shift today of dozens of midsize towards the goal and hi, mainly to what's on the defense base. now, the big question was over the, the past hours, how would they've been east from the affected by what's happening in the ring and retaliation? especially the principal logs i talked yesterday was linked in the way on a and all the to the iranian retaliation deluxe. i'm not, it says that this is part of the destruction not today. the big question is also with this red retaliate to this, i talk of how this is going to impact the new spot, the especially that, that they've been over the past the months and weeks to clear retorted from passing
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the fall of the d. that offices will love that any change in the dynamics. good beef off this confrontation. it's the moment limited within mid 3 targets on both sides. however, going beyond the ministry thought gets to what civilian targets oh, going into on maybe original confrontation could seats maybe new calculations on the has the laws. and the husband loves mindset, and this would have of, of course, a big impact on the situation here in southern 11 on. and of course this would be part of the, maybe a why that a solution. yeah, i was going to ask you about hezbollah. ali a little bit more and what the political calculations on now on the part of hezbollah, iran has responded. all we'd like you to see any, anything further from her as well. it was clearly if there is no, it is rarely a retaliation on the run. and there's no widening golf this situation then
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hezbollah will stick by the rules of engagement. and business as usual, is just like after the 8th of october, daily attacks on his really ministry basis. just like the ones behind me. yeah. enough. what all the other ones on the 120 kilometers above the stretch. and of course launching some cats, you shout, what gets to watch is ready. it's really true bases, docs filled and don't do what it goes to because that's what physical law said. it's an objective as the ending, the water is on so on. it's not going to stop launching, rocking so attacking this war comes to an end. however, we all know that is what has other objective which is bushing has blown away from the lights on it. if i, which is like 20 or 30 kilometers from the border, then here the clash of objective, the clash off of a retard x between is run the has blocked. and that's why we're actually witnessing over. he had a very complicated and very multi layered confrontation. it involves military, it involves a reward for the data, and so as everyone wants to the,
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to the other side. and also the assistant ations is written. this is, is doing consistent ations getting several issues. we'll lock them on those on hitting the infrastructure before any kind of, uh, a major escalation. thank you. i need for that anti hash and revolting, their life from 711 on a pause of the ringing and miss satisfied towards israel fell in or bill province in northern iraq. these really ami says some of the may sign launches aimed at its territory, were 5 by a rainy and back groups in iraq. iraq has reopened, it says face following the radian attack life to our correspondents in baghdad. mohammed jump june. uh, there's been a lot of concern mom and dad. iraq could be drawn into an escalating conflict between yvonne and israel. how does the rocks fit into all this right now? well finally we should mention 1st that although there were is really officials
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quoted in some media reports saying that there had been missiles fired from right up towards israel. there had been no confirmation with regard to that from either the right off the government or from any of those factions that comprise an umbrella group, in that at all known as the stomach resistance in the eye. doctor, that is a group that is comprised of factions that are either links to iran or back by iran, these paramilitary groups, these arm groups that have often in the past attacked us military assets in the region. and also in the past several months have attacked, is really targets as well. now, one of the reasons that people have been concerned the last few days and the build up to iran to attack on israel did because they were wondering if these groups are going to play a part in that iran attack against israel. now, just 2 days ago, there was a statement from the islamic resistance in, in their dog,
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which stated that if israel or the us were to launch attacks against iran, for any iran affiliated allied countries in the region that they would be forced to respond. that's one reason there was a lot of concern about at off potentially being drawn into any wider conflict between iran and israel and perhaps the us as well. now this is coming in and particularly for our time just because the adoptive prime minister of how much it has to damage she left a day and a half ago to go to washington d. c. he left it off. he's now in washington dc. on monday he is scheduled to meet with us president joe biden. you're going to be very important talks for a prime minister who's had to very delicately navigate a terrain that is very tricky in there at all. where there was a lot us way by iran and a lot of the iran that groups that back him and as well as his relationship with the us. now he wants to try to strengthen the bi lateral ties with us. but he also wants to come up with a spawn timeline timeline that would see the complete withdrawal of us troops in the, at off. there are, of course,
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still around $2500.00 us troops in there at all. he wants to see that come to an end, he wants to see a firm commitment from the us to that the and so it's going to a lot is going to hinge on his discussions with president biden coming up tomorrow . now we should just mention one more thing for the, as you said, there were parts of missiles that were reported to have fallen in northern it off when that volley of missiles and drones were headed toward israel from iran last night. now we were told by local media reports that there were at least a couple of drones in northern or it off that were over no $100.00 off that were shot down by us. forces are also, there are these reports that there are the remainder of some missiles that fell in northern at all. beyond that, it's been a quiet morning this for an at all people sort of breathing a sigh of relief right now. because right off, at least for the moment, has not seem to have been drawn into an escalating conflict. but people are still very worried about what might happen in the days to come for them. and thank you very much for that. that sounds as here as mama jump june reporting that live from bank that well let's discuss all these latest developments now. with me,
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ron come bravo! who's professor of government at georgetown university in contact, an officer of triumph and despair in search of the lines is let me clear topic. thank you so much for joining us. a mirror on the facts that yvonne launched, a drones and miss size from his territory is significant. but it also gives the israel, i think, considerable more time, considerably more time to intercept these drones. do you think, with this response, yvonne has saved face above all? no doubt a wrong had domestic audience as it had to address. and of course it's uh, the so called access of resistance administrative groups across the region that it has to somehow address and, and make them satisfied. so it has saved face. but i think it's also important to keep in mind fully that what the wrong has tried to do was to be somebody measured,
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believe it or not. and it's response to kind of not necessary to go overboard and to kind of have a portion in response to the attack on its diplomatic building in damascus. so you think a measured response, we have heard condemnation from a number of countries internationally. what do you think the consequences might be for yvonne? well, when will they likely face more sanctions? no doubt it wrong is going to be punished economically. uh, some additional sanctions if that's at all possible by the european union by the united states. and there will be some additional pressures commercial, a diplomatic called the wrong to the united nations, for example, and other forms. but this was sent to the wrong in state. felt that it had to do in order to satisfy domestic audiences. i'm not to have left,
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these are the attack on its diplomatic. come on answer. yeah. what will the says that the response be seen a sufficient by the domestic audiences to yes. yes, it's actually played well or at least the state media is presenting it as a, as having had its desired consequences. it's resulted in panic. it's kind of exposed is a, the head defenses. and so it has, at least for the iranian government, it has had its desired impact so far. all right. as you said, this response is seen as being a measured one and it would appear that yvonne has avoided being dropped into the conflict. the war and guys are and it's repercussions, but what could be the potential response? i mean, these really respond to this attack. everyone is waiting for it. keeping in mind that bite in has reportedly told next. now that the us will not participate in any
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offensive actions against the wrong, do you think we're likely to see the situation de escalate? we can only hope so, but i think that's a remote possibility. nothing. yahoo has shown that pension. busy over a reaction, i don't know the wrong answer openly said that this concludes the military campaign a response. i don't think this is the end of the story. i think we're on the break of a catastrophic escalation of the conflict on fortune this. thank you so much for talking to us. always good to get your inside maryland. come rob a professor of government at georgetown university here in kata. thank you for your time. i as thank you and to guys and now several palestinians have been injured. entrees. really forces open fire on the mean, gaza city,
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hundreds of display some. these were trying to return from central guys. i to the north along a coastal road. more than a 100 palestinians were killed by his release. knife is on the same road in february, while collecting 2 dates. guys, as media in office says 19 people have been killed and more than 200 injured in the past day. and 6 is really a tax on the, on the say, right, refuge account for the north. jamalia was also hit by a series of ass strikes. more than 33600 palestinians have been killed since the war on guys that began in october is, let's get the latest to my correspondent power capitalism in of office. so target would seem that despite the range and attack is run, has continued to pound the gaza strip in the last few hours, bring us up to speed with the situation on the ground. yes, that's was completely the reality you've got and what was happening in the past couple of hours, whether it was very military, had drummed up its military,
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bombardments and village operations on the ground. one of the latest had targeted a, a, a group of palestinians who were prepared to return back to the north of the gaza strip. some families earlier this hour and in the days and hours these morning managed to return to the north. so people started to gather in large groups in order to push an. busy to the know that part of kansas took part the user, the ministry had blocked the road. 5 minute, 3 times had thrown bombing coordinates, grenades, opponent smoking grenades, and also targeted people informing them to return back to the south as there was no . any decision yet being made by the as wait a minute, 3 to allow for people to return to the another part of the gaza strip and that's not the only attack that has happened. but also, isabel had talked to the number of residential houses and on the side ross, a refugee camp where a number of casualties have for reported delivered to the fox, the hospital for medical treatment. and the area had vehicles a widely bounded by the it's very,
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very well to tell us the names that have been seen just lot generally within the past 24 hours. because of the health ministry said that at least 43 palestinians have been reported killed as the ongoing expansion of the east, very fighting. we're here and rough off already we. what we can hear is that on going buzzing up is very surveillance of drugs with new attacks. yet on the past, off of the touch we hear. thank you, terry, for that, terry cup was on bringing us the latest the from gaza and still ahead on this sounds as if and use our will be live in nigeria has community members in chicago to memorize the objection of nearly 300 teen s 5 before i'm a decade ago and the shot of a day at the master's. but what does that mean? so the need
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a board going into the final rounds details with jenna coming up with the ra. this will be the last day of extraordinary spring. won't for a good positive year, at least the noise in the off, the cloud is clear already sinking, increasing your desktop and using the well it's actually going to happen is more cloud is goes develop, i think over the middle. so this is sunday's picture. this is still the end of the nice warm days for the nice problem. that rate equally. it is cooler and part of and then it's raining down the voltage states and this very windy weather through ireland and scotland. but parasites woods, losey sunshine, and quite warm sunshine after sizes. so the picture then more closely observed is of a fairly windy one, but the time she's in the teens is cold enough in from time. and in central sweden for yet most day with a case mid april, with a lot of that there is a bit of a cold push coming down to the british advocate. this now on the hills and reading, developing for the science and much of northern europe, will see
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a big change in type even shall come for the south. could see the changing temperatures here. so i grab still in the room that saves our, grab the 3 day full cap, 28 down to 20, then down to 10. a huge shift. is that right and has your way as well? we also have castille windy, no destiny if not sand. and libby and algeria was rain potential flash flooding here, which is suppressing some of the chairs for the sense the. the unique perspective cannot separate claimants, such as from gender justice connects with all community and tapped into conversations you won't find elsewhere. while we're seeing is that we can come together on the bigger issues, finding against the global abuses of power, the stream on out to 0, pump the months of fight with thousands of people killed
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and millions from the house. what does the future hold full sit down and it's people to sit down context one year on out to 0. on accounting, the cost will oil prices keep rising and how will that affect the global flies against inflation? symbolic way, it's launched a new power and seeing that bit to end this financial time. well, i've had 5 boy thought mcdonald's is now buying back o, it says really restaurant counting the cost on out to 0 as the the welcome back you watching the news, our on algae 0 reminder of our main stories,
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yvonne surprises and has warned israel against any retaliation after an unprecedented miss side and joan attack over night. it was the 1st avon has launched against his rattle from the rainy and soil. here on said the a tank was in response to his rouse foaming of the rainy and costs living syria, 2 weeks ago. governments around the world calling for restraint on all sides. russia says it's extremely concerned about another dangerous destination in the middle east. well, i'll just here as defense, as alex got topless joins us now for more on the me side and joy attacks that we so launched our towards is really territory. not all of them came from a radian territory. some, as we heard, were launched from a southern lebanon from iraq as well. just how big of an escalation was this military biotics? yes. so over $330.00 missiles and drones we launched from the wrong and also from yemen,
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and also from 11 on it seems tracking the target. and now most of those were intercepted both in the south in the one of the bases is ready at bases when they get deserts. the we had strikes here, putting one of the bases out of action. so not all of them were intercepted. we few feed, some targets, also the north of the golan heights the were also struck. so just as well as a defense system is efficient, it suddenly works, but it's never been put under this kind of strain before. so what we're going to see like some of the, some of the iranian missiles that we use, this is the head, 136, very distinctive shape. it's called about a 2000 kilometer range and also a 50 kilogram bullhead, which makes it very, very manual. but then this, we have these ballistic missiles here that are lined up. these are obviously going to be fall big overheads move up for the biggest speeds. they're going to be grieving outside the atmosphere, plunging back into the us. now what's going to be stopping these?
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what's going to be bringing the against them, is this extremely sophisticated is really a defense system as well. so there we always saying it last arrows, 3 is stage of the odd, literally, the 1st time it was used was in december last year gets across the missile load from yemen. and we are seeing this multi tiered, highly sophisticated is really a defense system working too near 100 percent efficiency. we talking like 90 to 95 percent. but that still means that some iranian missile getting through on a hitting some is really targets as alex. thank you very much, alex, thank you for bringing us the details of the range and massage and drones that were used in this attack. let's head to the occupied westbank now without assuming villages are really from 2 days of attacks by is really settlers. property was set on fire and at least one palestinian killed in the confrontations. they began after
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the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday. the 2nd census surrounding you, steph enclave. buddy's dress prime minister, has called it a heinous motor. that's where you need an uber, he mean run my line. the occupied westbank for us. so $49.00 palestinians be that were injured in is really have no attacks across the occupied westbank on friday and on saturday after this is really teenager wasn't missing and was made of found dead. talk to us about the situation right now, is it still is sense as it was yesterday we can say that the wave of subtler attacks has subdued, but it does not stop because we've been seeing some of those attacking palestinians across the occupied with beckoning the just before the, the, it on and drones arrived here. we've seen this place being subjected to a set to the attack. this is the area of a july zone. and you can see there is
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a gap in these really separation walls. that basically is the entrance of the house of the have made family but place yesterday. nice. the is really such as a breath tax palestinians in the homes, in the as a result, the palestinians from as well as the fuel cap. here they came to the rescue of the hamid's family. and they found this gave, that has stopped them from going in. they took the gates out down and, and so the inside, this is kind of like a small scale attack. when we look at the bits of tallahassee of a, the attacks by set there's against palestinians already we've seen in the. yeah, they're the ones that are most size stuff. there's rom projects through, through the, these villages, burning homes, one of the homes that has been bred let's just once but twice by is really such. there's basically the fact that the palestinians would able to go in and it is friends settlers away from here has not been possible in other places in the other villages in the occupies westbank. because also these really forces have been posed
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a road closers. it check points that have prevented palestinians from going through those villages and housing one another and has been kind of simeon, the few know the of the 14 year old according to what sources is going to be held to need to get his rating supplement, which could be, you know, we could be seeing more really set to the attack against palestinians over or it's, we mean it sense situation here. we, we had yes, talking about this wave of set that aside. but let's not forget the since thoughtful toward we have reported. and according to you, in figures within 700 attacks by is very sensitive against palestinians need to thank you for reading as late as they have from around my lot any occupied westbank . while as discuss all these latest developments now with mom it on mastery professor at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank you very much for joining us. as we heard the attendance situation from out of sydney and jamie occupied westbank, the war on guys a continues,
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it's really s y is continuing there, even as israel was under attack from yvonne yesterday. how do you see the rainy in a time? where does it leave policy me is whether the occupied westbank or guys are and what impact on the war and gaza and efforts to achieve a ceasefire that yeah, i mean there's a lot to unpack. and certainly the situations in both the west bank and gaza are disastrous to varying degrees. i think we should remind everyone that in the 1st 8 months of 202-3241 palestinians were killed in the west. but this is before october, 7th, and then since october 7th, it's gotten infinitely worse and situation is unbearable for, for palestinians living under occupation in the west bank. obviously in gauze as you all have been reporting its continued disaster, the bombardment is continuing. and actually i think the ron strikes, i gave israel some cover. so as i said earlier,
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notice what we're not talking about as much as we do. yeah, we're not talking as much about god humanitarian crisis. a trucks getting in. the bombings the attacks. we're not talking about the west bank as much so, so this has been kind of a distraction in a way for is this intentional? do you think on the front of these really? i think this was purposeful. i do, i think they, they initiated all of this for multiple reasons, but i think that is one reason. certainly they're in a, in a sense, they're losing the war in gaza. they're, they've proven that they can kill a very large number of civilians, but they haven't been able to achieve their military objectives and they're receiving this widespread condemnation globally. now they've been able to shift the script a little bit. now they're distracting from what they're doing and in gaza and also in the west bank. and instead of getting condemnation for killing aid workers and for killing palestinians, they're getting praise and statements of support from western capital's. so it's sort of turning back the clock to early october when they were getting all these
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statements of support. so in that sense, this is a victory public relations wise for nothing yahoo, where, at least in the short term, it seems that when you look at a bronze response, as we said, it's been measured. even if they launched some, some of the attacks from their own territory, yvonne, it seems, doesn't want this war, but these really do. do you do, how do you see that? yeah, well then responding. are we likely to see another escalation? yeah, so i'm kind of 2 minds on the one hand as i just described. he's sort of gotten what he, what he wanted in a sense, um from this, this attack on the other hand, also kind of agree with professor and the on that netanyahu is not one to opt for sort of a slow approach or calling or, or for, for com, he's, he's one to escalate and that's what he's been doing for the better part of, of 6 months. so i think we're going to learn a lot more and the next couple of hours as the war cabinet needs. and we'll see,
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i'll, i'll be very interested to hear what statements come, come in the aftermath of about meeting. and i think by this evening, adobe a lot more clarity indeed. and we'll look forward to hearing your insight gonzales's throughout the day here on out. just a reminder of most recently decide to shoot for graduate studies. thank you very much. the best not to into the days i've been use any nigeria commemorations of being house 10 years after the abduction of nearly 300 school girls, 5 book hall room, they were kidnapped by the envelope in 2014, in the northeastern town of cheap book. some of them are still unaccounted for live to. i'm a dangerous who's in she box. so 10 years on how the 2 book goes being remembered on it, it's it's, it's tough for the students who have been released. it's also tough for carrying
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stuff. also been released right now. what do we, what's happening in this particular hole is a commemoration of the tents and the rest of it and the kidnapped of the school children were here. and the government's to come to school here in chicago. and parents talk finished the mentoring. that's 10 years after non most, many of the children i have to come home right now we're talking about a 2 to horse 2 more. so there are several speakers in this triple who's to down to demand action of the government. and they were asking questions, asking part and question is, how come, what does that to some kid now victims in other parts of nigeria, i've been released yet. the government was unable to secure the release of old triple goes after 10 years. so those are some of the key questions being raised by people who are here. it has, you know, 10 minutes pairings of girls who are still missing parents to every couple of their children. and also some of these go as that covers,
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keep the keep that wonderful 14th of february 14th of several, in 2014, as well as those who the government negotiate to their release. we understand that runs an open page, but again, parents, the web system that it takes the whole year to ring, negotiate around some that should be done so that they can secure the release of their kids. right now is the chairman of triple 4 much and one of the triple the look of government find on the one the what's the council chairman when the goals watch it from here on april 14, to 2014. and it was talk to us about the conditions of parents here and those go, so i've been released how, why they adopt into my after captive it very much. i went to, i was sure to okay, i mean now we're waiving was where i had to pay on the providers to come face to gigi is to work with tongue go to find it for
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the songs. understood under as yet some so not. so we are pretty that one the i'm not sure a bit of done on. ready that to death. how a parent reacting to parents what my student, their children, what conditions are the tools that i most invisible and trauma. so we're asking for them at least for the day. what do you mean? i don't know my life. i'm going to talk to us about rehabilitation because some of them have been traumatized just as from day one when they start to release and including those of course ways. kate, from the 14th of april, 2014. has there been any support in terms of psychological support to manage their conditions? was obviously the odd release receiving support from the board for the government and to come with the community as the community lead on, what do you want to see done by the government?
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it's been 10 years. wow. people are angry, differently stuck up to now the government has the code. the release of the students were actually put into the government. put more effort to restore the results to get my ducks by another one to my chairman of to book local governments. here was in charge of this council area when they took goes, why take and now we're back here in the whole people leading to complaints through the phone just to quickly resolve this crisis. it's taken too long. 10 years, the side is too long and they want to see the gorgeous weather, dead or alive, the message they want to send to the not just in government. and we also spoke to one problem. what's the next story they come to understand what the why the international community has lost interest in this case, a med thank you very much. that sounds as areas on maybe trace reporting that live from to bunk in northeast and nigeria to myanmar. now, where army commanders are being accused of ordering the abduction and force recruitment of ro hang up,
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people to fight against bodies rebels in we're kind stage human rights watch says the myanmar military has abducted enforce would be recorded more than a 1000 will hang a men and boys from the kind stage in the past 2 months. they describe being arrested in nighttime race course with false promises of citizenship and threatened with arrest and beatings. the will hang up was the minority, has long been denied citizenship under the 1982 citizenship law around 300, drawing a from comp since that way was sent for 2 weeks military training. then the 4th records were given $24.00 and some sent to the front lines in fighting between young mars military and kind of con, call me rebels, know, citizenship, causeway issued an estimated 630000. going to remain in what kind of state they say under a regime of apartheid in persecution. they include around a $150000.00,
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held in open ad detention caps for joining us to talk more about the plight of the growing i in the and more is ronan lee who's a researcher laurel university of london and author of me on laws where he can a genocide, thank you so much for joining us. run and talk to us about the extent of these force recruitment because that's what they are right. force recruitment and what effect they've had on the well hang of communities that have remained in were kind state or whether it's correct task. i mean these, these for him to communities or those who were not able to flee in 2017. so when the me and my me the train genocide to lead to portage a random 1000000 working guy in 2017, these were, these were the civilians who were not able to leave and they leave now with the me in law in i'm pretty shocking circumstances the genocide continues, of course there are access to health care severely to tie or human rights abuses, very common and their, their, their ability to, in a living severely can child as well. right. so they're living with the trish of
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genocide hanging over them. and what they've now discovered is that the me, a non military hasn't changed its mind it's, it's more than happy to instrumental the lines the rigging got a not because the me and my military is losing, losing a civil war in the country. it's trying to use bringing a civilians, basically as cannon fodder as, as human shields, and as expendable troops on the front line. it's, it's a shopping situation, and we'll make, we'll make those ranking go who remain in me in law. i have a fully aware that the only place that they will be safe from the genocide only in the military is if they can escape the country. among the incentives offered to the rowing as apparently citizenship, the freedom of movement in exchange for the formation of a local munitions to fight against the icon ami. do you think that these pharmacies will be kept a promise? a simply white be kept? i mean the, me, i'm, i'm new a tree is desperate there. they're losing a civil war. they're,
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they're trying desperately to hang onto power. and they'll say anything if they think it will give them the manpower that they, they not know they need to try and hang on to power the me and my military will never give the ringing your citizenship and the reading your community will understand that. but they also understand, but when these promises are made, it comes with the implied threats of extreme violence towards reading disobedience . so when i group the all heavily um to me and my soldiers tons up and everything good community makes promises at the implied threat. there is betty. if you don't go with them and do what they tell you to do, and this is a bad recruiting young men, primarily that, that they will, they will likely move to their families and, but in the villages as they have done many times before started. so there's no expectation really on the pod for he gets civilians that they going to be given citizenship or anything, all of the sort, but they will be desperately concerned for their wrong and their families safety in these circumstances. so are we likely to see that a new begging fact, so overall,
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hang on to camps and find the dish as a result of these false recruitment, or will they say or if they're able to escape? so i will, i mean, the situation with the me and my currently ease, ease incredibly full for the rec and get a civil war on going a control of the border to, to, back to bangladesh. now he's not necessarily a between the bangladesh authorities and the me and my job to they said the, our tanami is because you've mentioned i, i pulled a script from recline stage at both. so control significant positive backboard as of the situation. the reading, it is incredibly dangerous. i thought those who can escape the pleasures of the me, i'm under the tree, will do everything that they can do. so i but, but there are, there are more than a 100000 ringing, attracting in refuge in displacement, kept in in a row constant. many of them have been, this is 2012. i'm a been not able to escape like by simply talking about the situation. see a full where he gets civilians. these is continues to be genocidal. and continues
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to be incredibly dangerous that they've been living with the threat constant. they open been burdened by the me and my military or saint to the front line to be murdered in a, in a, in a war. as the military tries to hang on to power. i'd be understandably ready to civilians expect can, will sleep. thank you so much for talking to us, evelyn and lee. thank you for your insightful ronan lee joining us a lot for monday. the right time not to catch up on sports is gemma. thank you fully. now could that be more twists and turns into primarily tied to a slice, a little pull and also bodies in action on sunday, looking to retake top spot from monitors to city who beat newton 5 on on saturday since he was ahead just to 65 seconds off to kick off, such a 14 about that right now. they have to wait until 64 minutes to the 2nd boss. it was plus the weights and the tape over to it's finding the top corner and make it so you know, at a 100 and the surfaces heat from the penalties, spots before jeremy, definitely for $31.00 up for the right side of the f and my celebration as well. ok
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then setup, use case of audio and send that with a lovely start and stop as time as it finishes 5, once a big beast. so she's going difference which fits refresh. who's coming in to see now it's so if it's a little pool, they kick off again. it's crystal palace in a few hours a window of a palace wouldn't leave them one point above months between the table and they would go talk to the how long depends on also those results. later in the day, you have some top sided looking to bounce back from the shocks. 3 now defeats with highly inside atlanta, in the right place on thursday. yes, we have to show reaction. definitely 100 percent. that's clear. it's not the 1st time in my life that i lost a football game, unfortunately. and yes, be the show reaction. i can problems also face a tricky test against full placed aston villa, but got off the side and grateful. i'm having 110. if i lost 11 premier late games, even if livable when and retake top spot, also will go above them with a victory as they have
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a superior goal difference. it is the only thing possible to look at the one day. one game is the only thing that is possible because he's the only thing that month and you focus on the time and then the task that you have does on the day, which is the only thing that your time is on the last month. so i could things go wrong i don't think this was, i think about why would have to the next to be the next opponent and to in one thing, the position that we are in state of the very file name, unless they scored his face goal of the season in southern style as into miami beach, sports in kansas city, 33 of a 72005. is that since the arrowhead stadium, the said largest attendance and major lead software history, and they with theresa to an audi, go for the heis through every to me. but the majority with that to see messy and come in action. and the 8 times i wonder when it delivered lovely started laughing
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into miami to one ahead. betsy's form up offline to see me new suarez will say wait in with a cruise, you'll go to him. it's $32.00 victory which lift miami, the sunday school, he's definitely is top of the world rankings, and we'll say top of the mazda is lead aboard, going into the final round, actual gusta, the 2022 champion has a narrow one shot advantage of a call in more count, keep an eye out for lexical. bugging for these 3 shots of the paste. looking to become the 1st plant in 45 years to win the green jacket on his master's davy, tom size and house the story of the said round of the store thing as he needs to go on school. see shiffler one here 2 years ago. he's 18 holes away from potentially doing it again. he'll be favorites puts on the green jacket on sunday, plus one. so it leads means is to play for yeah, i played today. it was a good fight out there. the golf course was extremely challenging. i mean, the greens were,
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were very firm very fast and it was extremely difficult again to hold them or accomplish shop one of the rounds of the day to lift himself into contention for the major. he's the man in seconds. anything happened? there's still a lot of guys rep nissan, so we don't know what conditions are in the life. but at the end of the day, you know, i'm, i know where my head's out. i know what i need to focus on, and i know what needs to be done if i wanna, you know, close it off for me. a joint leader going into the 3rd round price in december. i found it tough on moving day. but this shot to change everything straight into the buddy. he's for the pace. 163 point. 17, almost $3.00 hole i just figured was easy. the buddy jokingly, obviously there are 2 most has debutantes in the top 10. 1 of them is nikolai,
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holy god. you actually had the outright lead of one points. and then there's the big all book you need to and professional 10 months ago. that was the 10 months. it's being shocked, right? a couple selection last year. he's now in full, i don't gusta, obviously i'm a competitor and i want to end tournaments and obviously i feel very fortunate to be in this position to be here playing golf and but yeah, so i don't think you should shy away from me. i don't think you should try to push it away. i try to embrace it and i try to be ok with all that comes with it. i guess what said he was in the fights. officer is brickle breaking costs on friday. his challenge has faded away off to his worst, if the performance of the major. he said he's still got a major victory in him. it might be at a cost to 2024. my team will get me ready. codes been awesome and you know, i'll, it'll be a long night and long term long term up session, but we'll be ready click on conditions,
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expect it to the final round. as we waits to find out who john rome will be handling the green jacket over to some sizes and i'll just 0 would still play as final round along side ama to neil shipley. somebody gets under what? 1815 gmc, even some of the shows like old book is playing with max high on the final parent sees lead a chef let to you off with mark howl at 1835 gmc and do the edit childs in new york . right? just to get a franchise record 50 falls, when does they beat new arrivals? the island is brought into the closing in on the stanley cup playoffs, and they had a one me, this is your stuff in made to us to full size take assigned to a the fine i'm the ranges and one issue out. the ranges edging closer to the president's tracy awarded to the side with the best regular season record in the nfl. that is always full for now. melissa gemma. thank you very much. we look forward to seeing you later. that's it for this news our on algae 0, but just stay with us till rahman we back in just
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a few minutes with another round up of use. thanks so much. i i didn't want the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was gonna go? buy lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emerge in this area? which is here as new series died last for the future. one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render moody's b j t increase its rule across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote really unfairly ongoing coverage. the in the, as an action on,
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i'll just be around, over 30 years after the signing, under 0 word tells the behind the scenes the story of nor wasteful. and the also, of course, they wanted to have what the phrase deny abilities and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed is from decided to quote, love to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering and forth was the price of those analogies here, the individual now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ribs, bring something and they didn't even see the case. for 2 women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange
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analogies 0. the iran launches several 100 drones and missiles on is running a retaliate tree attack the 1st time most are intercepted, the thoughts that hold on and what you want to say were life. my headquarters here in the also coming up celebrations into the wrong us. iran was of a stronger response. israel retaliates international calls for


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