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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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now, what does the future hold for sedan and its people? the sedan context? one year, which is 0, the the services in use our own ouch is 0. i'm 40 back people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes is are as will cabinet debates, whether to retaliate against the rainforest, massive drone, and miss sila tax over nice avon launch several 100 jones and miss sides. and the attack most were intercepted is or as allies condemn me, runs the time for us supports for a counter strike against iran is limited also
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this hour in gaza is really forces open fire and civilians trying to return home will have a live updates in sports and other pivots will day in the primary title, race and live a pull a just about to kick off against a crystal palace a when we'll see them retake top spots. but the how long depends on most austin will do against estimates of that nature on sunday. so no time to work. the thank you for joining us. it's 13 g m t 4 pm in tennessee. where is there as well cabinet is meeting to decide how to respond to the unprecedented the rainy and miss side and drawing a tank over night. it was the 1st time iran use weapons that were directly targeted to israel on his route, from a radian territory. the rang and save the attack was in response so as arouse
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plumbing of the consulate in syria 2 weeks ago and the killing of republican god commanders. victoria gave him the beginning coverage of israel says the vast majority of a radium missiles and drones intercepted outside israel's territory, such as this one that was found in a bill in northern iraq. these really minute theresa is the few that did full in as well. only closed minded damage issue on the club and last night, ron launched an attack against israel and much more than $300.00 threats of various kinds on these. the rainy and threats met the air and technological superiority of the ideas combined with a strong slicing coalition. the attempt was the 1st time around his lunch to direct a minute result on these rail from rainy and soil attacked drains, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. we launch from around and its allies. i'm out of the yard as now that we see this operation is completed in successful task.
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it's over from our perspective. but if the as rarely army does anything against us either in iran or elsewhere, our next operation will be much bigger. if the u. s. gets involved title, none of it spaces in the region will be 6 into ram. the attacks were celebrated by government supporters who said they were satisfied with the risk on the so was retaliation for water ran, said was these really foaming of the rainy and diplomatic compounds? and the syrian capital damascus, earlier this month to each to study. i've not seen people this happy about toward before. people have given up their sleep to be here and show how important this work is to us. and how glad we all know about the set tackling is what have you as president joe biden phone, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu to re, if um, what he cooled america's on cloud support need is in bruce in canada and the
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european union condemned to rims, actions is reckless, unacceptable, and destabilizing for the region. israel has signaled it will respond to iran's attack, and an emergency meeting of the un security council is expected soon aim to preventing a direct rule between the 2 countries. victoria gave some b, l, g 0. to live not to address here is how to sound halting, tennessee. honda. these really will cabinet meeting as we speak to decide on a response, what's likely to come out of it. well this meeting starting around 3 30 pm local time and it will just be these really prime minister and these really defense minister and alaska launch and war cabinet member, veney, ganz. it was decided last night that the 3 of them would be able to make decisions regarding any sort of response if they wanted to respond to the at, on an attack. that consisted of more than $300.00 thrones crews and ballistic
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missiles. but also there is a lot of pressure on the war cabinet from the wider cabinet that meeting was cancelled earlier this morning. there is intense pressure from right wing members of mentioned y'all whose government known ultra nationalists like it's a more bend. we're the national security minister and best, and it smelt rich, the country's finance minister. they both want to see an intense response to what happened. but the war cabinet is going to decide about what they want to do next. it comes after nathan, yahoo spoke with the american president and you'll have golan spoke with his american counterpart, lloyd austin. so there are a lot of moving parts here, and some reports are perhaps indicating that those conversations with americans are going to perhaps weigh these rarely is not to respond. but there's still a lot of things that are up in the air as the war cabinet contains this afternoon. indeed, lots of moving parts and lots of conversations going on at the same time where it's been named back. uh huh. and i'll be raining, attack on israel. all schools and daycare is close,
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but the space has been reopened. how much instruction has they've been as well? the air space was closed before the attack and anticipation for it in fact, but it has since now opened, there are a lot of canceled flights, but they are trying to resume as normal in terms of schools. they have been cancelled until one day that doesn't include universities. there are guidelines that are still in place by homefront command, which means that gatherings and more than 1000 people can not take place. so that means large demonstrations or protests are not allowed until the guidelines change the is rarely a society is seemingly afraid of what is going to happen next. if there is going to be some sort of is really retaliation or response to what happened last night. they are afraid of something wider are happening throughout the region and specifically to israel. so still. busy like we've been mentioning a lot of moving parts, but in terms of here in israel to day life is seemingly as normal. despite these
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guidelines from the homefront command, there are certain workplaces that are not open, that is ones in the northern parts of the country. and one's in the southern parts of the country as well, and those guidelines will change as of monday at 11 pm. thank you. thank you very much. i'm to have a son who lives there in tennessee. it's not bringing defense editor alex, good populous for more on this breakdown. alex, how this unprecedented attack by iran on israel unfolded the wrong attacked israel with some 330 drones cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. and to tell you something about the flight times of these. so a ballistic missile is going to take less than 5 minutes to be able to get to as well. a cruise missile is gonna have to be launched an hour and a half before he gets to the country papa. but the drones, the slow moving, so ahead 136. i'm going to be lost 7 to 8 hours before they can even strike any targets within israel. and this is how as well stop them. this is what they used.
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so they started off with a low level of targets using flight. the jets an iron, the missiles take out the low level drones and cruise missiles, then we a david sling comparable to the pockets defense we saw system taking out the more fun stuff. but really it was the arrows 3 this just be introduced into these really also, but 2 called the best. oh, very runs missile inventory. and that is really what they've been relying on ever since for the very, very interesting to hear that. thank you, alex for breaking that down for us. now you launch or administer. meanwhile, says pay want inform the us is the tax against is right. would be limited for saying, i mean i have to lie. i met with for num, boxes entire on to discuss the strikes. how much the mortality so these as you know, last night, the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is regimes. military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense,
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and to punish the is really wishing in these actions are forces with precision use both drones and missiles to target a military site in israel, which houses f $35.00 jets. they had use the site to attack a consulate in damascus, and it was this site which we struck. carpet 50 take dosage, a battery has no not has more. now from here on us, in terms of the general mood in the country on sunday morning and we news woke up to the news that their country had large launched an unprecedented attack. it guys is route many felt that it was an appropriate response, but they are now worried if israel will take this opportunity to strike back something at many have been worried about for a very long time. the rivalry between iran and israel is not you. israel has and assassinated at least 18 members. everyone's revolutionary guard in syria alone since october 7th, and carried out
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a number of assassination of nuclear scientists in iran since 2010. so there is a sense that this is a very pivotal moments. and from what we understand reading and forces remain on high alert for any possible response from israel door such a for alpha, 0 to her on the us prices and cut short his weekend away from washington and return to the white house. as the attacks were happening, joe biden has been meeting national security advisers, and he reaffirmed what he called americas. i am glad commitment to his real security. yvonne is wanting that any american threat that homes its interests will be met with reciprocal response, laughter. our white house correspondent, kimberly hawk it in washington, dc. uh company. as a honda was saying, there are lots of moving parts of this story. lots of conversations happening at the same time. talk to us about the us response. it says is continues to support israel, but it doesn't look like washington wants any further escalation. and there is no
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question about that. in fact, the national security council spokesperson john kirby has been making the rounds on the sunday shot shows here in the united states. and the message is very clear. he has reiterated repeatedly, on behalf of the us president. we do not seek to have war with iran, that is the message that he is conveying on behalf of the us president. and now the us president convening a conference with razor g 7 leaders as well as with his counterparts in terms of his cabinet. we know that the secretary state antony blinking will be discussing with his counter parts across western europe and elsewhere in order to try and bring the temperature down if you will. what they're hoping is that they can try and, and see that this does not broaden across the, the middle east. and so that is really the goal that they are trying to do. but in
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terms of what has taken place, what the white house has said repeatedly is that their position is, is that support for israel is iron clad? we saw this in terms of the messaging that was coming out of the white house as of friday. and john kirby saying that they had already positions their assets or military assets and made adjustments to the test the patient. and now they are saying that they will have to reevaluate as things go on based on the behavior of benjamin netanyahu. the is really prime minister and what he decides to do next in terms of whether or not he will respond to the actions of a ron. it's kimberly thank you very much. that's whitehouse correspondents. kimberly, how can we will, of course, be checking in with you throughout the day here. as more reaction comes in from around the world. the european union, meanwhile, and the u. k. i've condemned yvonne's attack on israel e foreign policy chief joseph morales called it a grace right to regional security funds also echoed his commitment to israel with
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a foreign minister saying, yvonne has reached a new level of this type of legislation. in his own words, the german chance that olaf shows has turned the bonds are sold on his route as unacceptable. we strongly condemn the rain in attack and one against any further escalation it. ronda must not continue down this spot. but the same time, it is absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity with israel, which has every right to defend itself. off on the reactions that go to poll brennan in london for us, for condemnation of yvonne's attack from a number of countries, but also counts for restraint. in days the messaging working on 2 levels is with. busy from kimberly earlier in the program that john cabby doing the rounds, trying to port royal on choppy waters. it's the same story on this side of the atlantic as well. europe and governments attains to condemn iran for launching this
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attack. scans mention of the april 1st attack on the rainy and concerts in damascus . but at the same time as contending around actions, the european governments across the board, appealing for restraints on fasick polk. it seems to me is being directed mainly towards the as rated governments of a statement from the canadian process to just intruder, for example, unequivocally conducting what around had done. but saying that the latest actions would destabilize the region and make peace more difficult on spanish, presidents, hetero, sanchez saying regional escalation must be avoided. now in the. 5 style, so we've also had from the u. k, a prime minister richie soon back. it is clear that iran is determined to so discontent and the stabilize the region. it's a backyard that's very clear from its actions. if this attack had been successful,
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the for now for regional stability will be hard to over the state and we stand by the security as well and the why to region, which is of course important for us security here at home to what we now need. it's a comm heads to prevail. now let's just say that one of the 77 leaders who are going to be meeting this afternoon. i just got off the phone with danny street. no indication yet that that meeting has yet started, or whether it's actually already underway. i'm just not ready to tell us about the contents of the meeting. yes, but we'll have more later on this afternoon. thank you paul. full. brandon lives there in london. well, joining us now to discuss this and other developments is alan leo, who is the former director of israel's foreign ministry, his life from tennessee. thank you so much for being with us on al jazeera well problem. and as soon as no heat international calls for restraint is shown up pensioned in the past for over reaction. what's likely to be next move i think a 00, right?
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you know that it has not approved interests, fos, as so, way. and america has said that the show me so inclusive is one way to know this form for a while. and then we'll go back to our business. because we still have the to on so problems that of the stages of the how much of the data around is. so i think with the business in 24 hours and what does back to business mean? exactly. as i say, let them know might use face a label so full phrase where they're doing the to go down to a by doing we go with the ladies 40. we got married cuz this
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is the issue that gets really bothering because we don't want to run the general describe the words the way the story. so the the think we go from dallas falls, we long to rock and the i see the initial stages. we also bought very quickly because we are on the bus. so the a which is the freedom and the families when the law is what we're the only days. and that's the song soon after each door searches us, do the so i be wrong. and also just we still don't, and i, and the rest of the all the way to get as far as you talk about guys. uh and you
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said that for israel it will be back to business in guys. i can i ask who mr. leo, whether these actions that israel initiated against yvonne the the attack on the radian consulate in damascus on april 1st. and all this was this, perhaps prime minister initially out trying to distract from what's happening in gaza. the humanitarian situation in gaza. the bombing fee is really hot. the kept is still in does that, was that a way for him to distract from what's happening in gaza? and as you said, yourself get more western support for what he might do next in the gaza strip. the answers, as you know, we are 30 in syria all the time and the all the time the seeing about this list, the day was very close. even then they offered the wrong and also to
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just close to the see the canadian embassy and this was the why the breeze b, we'll see when we're done. there's a big metal days money there just now it goes as we say libraries where it's due at the bottom of days. this is the law. this is about the 2 bedroom. the only rule is where they says the reason i ask is because today we're talking more body rondon what's actually happening in gaza. and i also ask because there was an interesting article in high rates 2 days ago by chime livingston, who said that it was basically time to admit that israel had lost the war. that he believed that was the wars and the wars on guys as aims won't, won't be
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a cheese at the captives won't be returned to a military pressure and that is or as security won't be restored. this was in one of the most respect to these really newspapers. what is your take on that is again israel using iran to try and distract from its failures in god's this is the voice where they say the weight, the weight of this one guy. but for a while i say, well good with the wow. yeah. help us finish the whole got some people dispense the days will be that will be a yesterday 9, e c is a big issue. yeah. so what they did with the american, it was coordinated with the americans and the radians warranty americans about via tax, 72 hours before. so how could it be a successful if for, for israel when there was so much coordination and so much planning ahead of the
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attack? well that's a really do see is a big issue, but you still need to have all this my dislike the how to finalize the warning guys are because the isn't please. this is legal. some it only is i and we we have high level. so i think we shall bring the hostages, which will finish ordering. god, boy, to file we live, all the, all the things i should, but the americans don't want as route to go into rafa. they don't what that, the invasion of ross a, how is this road going to go out? is alone without americans support the so we found a very simple the easily probably is great for the liberals that by
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this is what we do. i can only imagine us doing it major, so we need to remove now we go for the full united be with the spot they might. oh boy, the way we moving the situation out to the you know, to, you know, a go down. good morning to run with all the with a little bit of especially down there. thank you for joining us. miss sent me out and the former director of israel's foreign ministry lived there in tennessee. this is the parent of guys. and now several palestinians have been injured after he's really forces open fire on them in gaza. city
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hundreds of displaced families were trying to return from central guys into the north along a coastal road. more than a 100 policy means what kids buy is really sizes on the same boat in february was collecting food 8 guys as media office says 6 is really a tax within 24 hours on on new c, a rod refugee camp, a scale of 19 people that injured more than 200 for the north jabante, i was also haste by a series of ass strikes. at least 33600 policy means up in care of since the war began in october. that check in with our correspondent uh, tire cap was in ron for, for us instead of guys. uh uh, what happened to tarik and uh on our should rashid state street. tell us more about the incident fairly well. uh, since the early hours of today is morning, in fact uh number as palestinian. somebody is managed to partially get access to
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the north under a north 2nd most times as relates up. paperless. talked it together on a receipt roads. uh we're talking about thousands of palestinians have just been on . that's where i was heading to the newest spot is where the ministry at the roads . they have been deploying the minute 3 times, talking to fire, and the also a smoke coordinates with a different shooting operations on the bottom into the entire area just to force people to return back again to the houses, to their even shelters in the south. where a number of casualties have to reported to are talking about more than 20 palestinians have been injured and they have been transferred to the locks. the hosp. so full medical treatment. but yet, this is this attack that had been carried out they show was how much power citizens are really eager. and looking forward the days that they can return back to the house has bought the general situation on the ground. sounds really dia assemblies . as taught it to gradually return back again to the areas that they were
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sheltering and within the past hour as these families returned to eric, what sort of what, what are they finding is, is food available, for example, as well as we have been talking to uh, the indices in the know that part of the gaza strip recently in today, one of the main bakeries and garza city had started to re evaluate and to be functional again of to move assets being made by humanitarian organizations. to provide this bakery with flour, in order to help people to get right in other parts of the cars. and now it's worth mentioning that the majority of population and then other parts of the gaza strip has been suffering from high rates or amount nutrition. and will say we would insecurity indeed when did the past few months. and recently there is a kind of the grad you will mitigation. and that condition for that cannot be
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really sufficient in terms of the humanitarian comb, voice, getting the box relatively he and the south people have kinds of plenty of. busy let's say of a thread services in the a baker isn't the solver of parts of guns of you to the flu overflow to the territory here. but at the same time, what the gaza strip is of it is a very desperate need for is to increase the capacity of a because people in the majority of the territory had been suffering from a rustic consequences of from the east valley. the brave ation policy of a diversion barely. it's a so it's a kind of an, a cumulative process on suffering that palestinians have been completely going through since day one of the fighting. but recently the situation relatively started to mitigate and palestinians are holding for a general c spy that can really guarantee a good progress in terms of the human at charging conditions. of course the gaza strip as the are their sites are hitting to totes being huge in cairo and the reason to mitigate those efforts to the state the situation,
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the grounds direct. thank you very much for your reporting terry. god bless whom live in rafa. southern gaza. time now for a check on the world, whether on this news hour he is rob with the unusually wet weather in some parts of the middle east to this ongoing flooding. you know, mind this is very wet, spring continues is a streak of kind across age may look behind but certainly has not been on social media postings and pick this up for us all in a video mine which is in land over the mountain. so that's flash funding down the street is not alone. there is fairly what was the use while the means drive very well. they for the, for, for the name and, and you might think that's it for the rest, the day things will improve and they probably will. but that is not the end of the story. if i take you overnight tonight, it looks like this last stretch of the past, and that's kind of stand. nothing much happens to the west, but that's go on a little bit more for probably 24 hours ahead. and it's clear development taking place. eastern side of society, which has got multi through at all of us,
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at least from a backbone right inside the within that already you center is focusing more or less on the way with strong winds to beat. so you're going to inland potential deaf storms and yet more flooding. it's a certain t rosalyn, a possibility device, full cost in $75.00 degrees, flashed up potential. when the weather it cools down a little bit as the shadows go away and it certainly doesn't improve. so the rain moves away from a mile through iran, where funding is also a risk and eventually catches southern impact is done and that's probably not the end of it. seeing i had on al jazeera, a sombre anniversary in nigeria is 10 years since the kidnapping of almost $300.00 school girls, bible, colorado government, and the shot of it the day at the masters. but what does that mean for the need of or going into the final details terminate? the pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not something
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to say. tyler sees, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is something for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era celebrate need we'd be in and say big get up to 3 months, free subscription for free set cell phones in most yourself. unique. so i've been to the european league and the 3 in champions league quotes of final indulge, you'll pass you up to speed with the formula. one grand prix once rode on g r o, d m b a more exclusive votes on be the a news
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the, you're watching the news, our analogy 0 reminder about 12 stories, israel's prime minister benjamin, it's now has full cabinet, is meeting to decide how to respond to the unprecedented uranium miss side, and jonas ok overnight. it's now is under pressure from the us to avoid any further escalation. yvonne's president has one does run against any retaliation came on said the attack was in response to his wrath farming of the rainy and consummate in syria. 2 weeks ago. instead, he had informed washington, if attacks against israel would be limited to governments around the world, including russia and china, calling for restraint on all sides. the un security council is holding an emergency
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meeting in the coming hours. our senior political analyst, my one bushera, joins is not on the news out to discuss this. and the latest developments in these are as well on guys that lots happening in the last 24 hours. that's not with the rainy and attack my one evening and foreign minister saying that iran notified its neighbors. and the us of these retaliatory attacks 72 hours in advance. this was many of described as a measured response from the radians, well choreographed. what do you make, 1st of all of the fact that they notified everyone including the americans? what does it suggest about how, what yvonne intended to do? well, the system they wanted through that by the know that he needs to get back to washington from delaware? well, he was spending the weekend, i mean, the old man needed some time to get back to that cabinet. right. i think it was, as you said, and i think, you know, everyone is basically, i think
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a lot of the men issue has been lines here that the radians simply wanted to re establish a strong de terrance with those rad, without leaving the image at a solution that was the point, but do you think the radians, i've done enough to be seen as credibly responding to these really attack on the concert? i mean, there's so many ways of looking at this, right? so let's just fix some simple ways of, of approaching that. one, this is the 1st time they don't have access directly from each standard to them. so what does that mean? it means that nothing you always been boasting for the past 30 years that he has established that that was where they were on that the wrong was not that attack is right. exactly. that's proving to be wrong at this point in time. so it on, did that, that kind of been attacked by one or 2 and messiahs hit that apparently with more than 300, missed thousands don't. so there's that to, that was or could be the 1st all or among many, right? is there ever thought it so apparently iran has
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a capacity to do with again and again. so there's that too. i think most of the people is sitting instead of even an haifa. i'm not thinking what you on. i've said suddenly the site is we're going off is there is we're not exactly feeling secure and so it's not just about how much damage is about how much better you establish it when you, when you mix such an attack. but yes, do you think it'll deter israel, this attack? now that they've seen what yvonne is capable? what would that we don't know that right? we don't know that yet. we know that one is capable of using messiahs and drones. it doesn't have the air force to make to create any major damage. what is there a does have the air force but is there, i cannot really use it at force on such a long distance without serious america support. right. i mean it been back in the year in 1981 that was almost 40 years ago when it attacked it. you're walk nuclear
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program in o. c, a dock in 1981. today it does have sophisticated air force with 55 and fifties, and sixties and so on, so forth. this is probably can get through on, i'm not sure how it's going to get back. it's going to need a sophisticated american support. america has made clear that it is not supporting an american is right, the response that would lead to direct attack when he won. right. that, you know, that's why is really spokesperson and not is ready to put attention. sorry, american spokesman, go to be me, not american politicians has been doing all the rounds on all of us on the adults in the united states saying one thing, actually, you said one thing about 100 different ways. this was a major success on the part of is there a united states and friends and the u. k, because they did get help from that from a number of countries have. so it just wasn't mentioned responses. this was a major success. fact, it was an incredible success. it was that incredible achievement. success on the
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point being is does not need to respond because it's read succeeded in defending himself against such an attack and it's good to continue business as usual, as you heard. yeah, yes. yeah. and got so but one that's now listen and not respond. do you think? so here's another thing, right? i am, i've, i've heard a lot of the comment through the past of, of 24 hours of 18 hours. that that was boxed in between his private gold for shifting ministers, pansy, united states. he's not much that. and he is the architect of the was that relationship with the united states. and he's the architect of this call issue in government. and he's the one who has many politic, both the united states and quite a sions, a members. and as far as he's concerned, he's looking for the his best options. mm. i think he is already discussing this
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already negotiating was by then about the price for not responding to on the way something might expect or his ministers want. what would he want from the americans? i mean, gaza is what we're not talking about too much today because we're still focused on the run, but the bombing there still continues catastrophic humanitarian situation. the kept his a sale not release. was that a way to distract from guys? and then so what happens now when it comes to the war and gas, or is he looking for american support for this invasion that he plans on roughly these are very important questions and they really go to the heart of the political . now we're getting our going through the political aspect of it. so every time the past 20 years someone has nothing you know and think about palestine. his response was the one for us. find this one. yeah. right. so now he got his, his chance, but he made his lock. he wasn't lucky. he attacks that uranium concert. it is syria, in order to do exactly that. so it's not that pre of just talking about your one
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and is, are out today he made us talk about your line is on today because he does want to deflect from guys. all right, so now that he did create the hope law and that succeeded in republic, the range that there is a price to be paid by the united states for him not to do anything in terms of retaliation. now the price could be a number of things, one more back, a support, more unconditioned, not at the end. they're back on support is definitely to clear in his red from any of the so called by dens. accusations that disagree with is a is right, is not doing when it's residence disc and discriminatory bombing and god's on so so for he would probably get money. he would get more a, he would get more support and the green light fall in for invading roughly. you think, well that's certainly it, he has a green light sort of thing at all. it's just the and how he's going to do it the way that this agreement really being by doing nothing. you know,
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it's not over intriguing, but they did when and how bright went and how the americans understand the needs to be cleared of how much media because americans are on board with the to they come us. question is how, but definitely down at the i was going to have more say about how to invade that off. my one always interesting to talk to you. thank you so much. i wish we had more time, but we don't. thank you. my member shower is i've seen it from this plan, this not a runs. the attack on israel has disrupted at travel in the region as space was close in iraq, jordan, syria, and israel. several landline suspended operations, but a non resuming services as a space reopens the cancellations of some flights from major release. and at hobbs as calls travel days around the world. to talk to us about this is alex smith, chair is the navigation list and consultant joining us live from doha. so a number of countries, as we saw, including jordan, iran level and closed there as base of reopen. now, how much disruption has that cost with traffic and,
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and what's going on right now as well. funny, as you know, the international and traffic is inherently exposed to just about everything. not least geopolitical tensions. and of course, when the tensions are not into escalations the picture last night, we talking about the media least, this is one of the busiest at trouble regions on uh, no, just because of the hops that on. okay, today, for example, dow hodgen by not be dummy process because it's a key of applied area for any tropics line long between east and west. so no matter what time of day is ways going to be busy and that's what we saw it last night. we had just minutes away from the rock as space. a rocky space is a pretty sight. ready portion of best buy in the middle east. very key of applied sites that are going to southeast asia from your, for example, or the going back to the gold hops,
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minutes away before close. iraq announcing the pleasure of best buys, knowing that they would be heading, driving activity from neighboring iran, heading towards israel. the impact is significant. we had hundreds of that cost effected. we had many, i call that had to die. not that likes to east on both ends. high road in order to review, as they didn't have enough fuel to continue to that. those pumps as when they had left becky punch. and once everything was business, as usual said it's been a very the costly 24 hours to red lines in this region. a costly to 24 hours for the airlines. what about the passengers as well for passengers we have a situation where passengers across are in the wrong place. well, have been in the wrong place about the last 12 to 16 hours on site. and it's been a case of getting these that complex, where they need to be re accommodating passengers who ended up in the wrong place. now on the how that has been pretty smooth, i've spoken to
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a variety of different target passengers are either re book my lazy today or have already flown on my audio today and this morning. because when s i did reopen that, be gold rush that we usually see here in the middle east. bounce back as business as usual. it's something but the airlines and monitoring. but if the space is open and the airlines perceive it's safe to fly, then that is what tends to then go ahead and start on the whole disruption hasn't been too bad because they have had today to kind of smooth things out on my truck. but i understand i like that most airlines are still avoiding a range and asked race. and so for a run a wrong, never actually close this as space. so it's up to the lines to make our individual risk assessments a to whether or not that guarantee overlying your own for some the headlines. but i felt that the site to apply here on the verify attitudes, but wouldn't actually be lansing for example. we are on the council last night while everything was that was getting onto way. now the majority of the car is
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continuing to avoid a line iran, except those in the gulf that offline or the iran at high asked use. and i think over the next day or so, we will see some airlines return operations to power on actually fine to and from the top. so, but the majority of carriers, as i say at the moment, does bruce remain suspended and not just walk outlines allowed, admitted to assess, you know, a brief time because these escalations kind of the kind of boss last night and day as i say that the action being exposed to just about everything, it's a constant monitoring risk assessment to ensure safety capacity. just thank you, alex, always good to get your inside and your expertise on the sonics. mature is aviation on list and consultant joining us a lot from don't thank you. the best one to have the world news. now. andy nigeria commemorations of being house 10
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years after the abduction of nearly 300 school girls, bible, colorado, they were kept announced by the onto been 27. 14 in the northeast and kind of to book some. i still unaccounted for. houses here is um, edris attended event in to book it's tough for the students who have been released . it's also tough for caring, so also been released right now. what do we, what's happening in this particular hole is a commemoration on the 10th and the rest of it and the kidnapped of the school children were here, and the governments to come to school here in chicago. and parents have been lamenting that 10 years after non most, many of the children i have to come home. right now we're talking about a 2 or 2 missing. there was several speakers and this for them to down to demand action of the company. they were asking questions, asking button question is how come that some keeping of victims in other parts of
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nigeria have been released yet the government was unable to secure the release of old timber goes after 10 years. so those are some of the key questions being raised by people who are here. joining us out on the news our is jewel i and daily who is visiting professor at new york university and senior nigeria advisor for the armed conflict and location and event the days of project. thank you very much for joining us on al jazeera, the capture of the 2 bunk girls set off, of course, as we remember eligible campaign to, to bring back home girls. but as we heard, many is still missing and keep nothings in. nigeria have in fact proliferated. so what, what did the campaign achieve when you look at things 10 years, all to thank you very much to have in your, your segment. i would say that the company definitely is she collecting action, trying to pressure the nigerian government to bring back these girls several kids up to 5 to 4 of questionnaire that the 10?
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yes me, i, she corresponded notes at the end of the remaining i've dropped it goes, have really reported that there's a lot of political commitment by the night, june or thursday, is to ensure that all the goals are accounted for and or found we have seen unfortunately the last 5, yes. but a lot of non state i'm groups in northern nigeria are adopting this book around the strategy of masking nothings and warner and populations such as women and school children are. that's clear risk because this must abductions, are drawing this significant domestic and international pressure as well as media attention that'd be in order to press dirty minds. janet during government. yeah. and just last month we, we saw more than $250.00 school children, abducted in could do 9 the northwest. you talked about the lack of political will. i mean, do these mass kidnappings continue to plague nigeria a decade after she bought it? seems that kidnappings have become
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a business almost. why hasn't i do in government? not been able to address this issue effectively? is it just down to a lack of political will, as you say, of the issue of kidnapping? i would say major, it's very complex, multifaceted, and it is because of very many is it connected challenges? so yes, we do have the economic hardships that we have seen in the countries such as unemployment and vision. and you know, the, the, the required steps that the government has gone through. but we are also seeing that the nigerian and forces are stretched to seen us and 6, your political zones of the country. so we have in the north east for example, the book on her on such and see in the north west. we have the banditry in the south south have piracy used to read that regard said the, the armed forces are stretched to seen. however, i would say this inability to tackle the getting up in crisis, it's not solely the responsibility of the security forces of the military. it does
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reflect a broader across government feature that you're seeing when comes to security ones . so i would say that there is a need for a stronger collaboration between the community members and the government and security forces in really trying to encourage just energy that is needed in building trust between citizens and the state security agencies. and this is going to be very quick for me. so if you want to talk about getting up in crisis, right. interesting that you talked about typical communities, the general because i wanted to address that. i mean, she bought 270 girls kidnapped in their lives, took a different turn since the abductions san escaped. as we know immediately others were released and a few years later in many a still missing. but for those who manage to escape or to be released, what has it been like, you know, you talked about the local communities to be a to bunker like imagine carries a lot of stigma. what has it re, integration into their communities been like it's it's been, it's been buried in some parts of the country in the northeast. some of these guys
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have been welcome back. i mean, some other parts, some of these guys have not been welcome back. and that is the issue when it comes to the technicians strategies that the state government is trying to implement with all communities sharing for their lives that this victims are spies. fuller, i'm especially when it has been so long that they have been found or least so it is very, very varied. and there are some girls that do not want to be integrated. i would rather go back to their husbands and some of the stuff for us. and we're hoping that in the next couple of years that the government does something where community doesn't and populations do not feel. i'm scared in embracing book around victims. thank you, jim. all for talking to us, so interesting to hear your thoughts about this jewel i and deli visiting professor at n y you joining us at from new york. thank you for your time. thank you. the
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time now for a check on sports is gemma. thank you fully. we start with another big day in the premier league title res livable can go talk with victory against the crystal palace, thoughts as palace. they've gone in front of rate to as a, with his 7th goal is the season 14 minutes in cops reaction says it will to it kind of thing to, you know, just a minute slice and a little bit sense of the rest of you on the goals for livable and matter what happens here also we'll go back to the top is a feat, estimates of that nature. mm. and the pressure on, by facing loose in 51 on sas today is talk to for, to about cities. item the here. they have to wait until 60 full minutes for the 2nd, but it was, was the waste with a competence of finding the top corner to make it so you know, having holland got a substitute from the penalties. thoughts before jeremy, just being for and 3 went up for the right side of efforts my celebration as well.
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so i'll see you then setup. you'll stay with audio to defend that with a loved please try can stop in time as it finished 51. i think the specifics go difference, which could prove crucial. come the end of the season. a hey, unless he's good. his fish, gold of the season in some style is into miami beach sports in kansas city. 32. i have a 72000 fans pack since the arrowhead stadium, that's the 3rd largest attendance and major mix. okay, history. and they would treat us with any go for the high street. eric told me, but the majority of that is the mfc and co and action, and the 8 times i don't know when it delivered the strong present ins. miami, so you went ahead mess. these are full of us when to see might be swap as well. so i waited with the crew shall go to hand them a free, easy victory, which list miami to the top of the sunday. the schools, he's just, that is tough with the world rankings. and also top of the mazda is lead aboard going into the final round, actual gusta, the 2022 champion has
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a not right. one shows the advantage of a calling or a color. keep an eye outlay. so looks like old book in full face, 3 shots of the face, looking to become the sus plant, and 45 years to in the green jackets or his mazda state, the tom sizes. and how's the story of the said around the store? thing as he needs to go on school, see shiffler one here 2 years ago. he's 18 holes away from potentially doing it again. so we favorite to put on the green jacket on sunday plus one. so it leads means it's going to play for oh yeah, i'm glad hopefully today was a good fight out there. the golf course was extremely challenging. i mean, the greens were, were very firm very fast and it was extremely difficult again to hold on for a couple of short, one of the rounds of the dates and lift himself into contention for the major. he's the man in seconds. anything happened?
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there's so want to guys rep new thoughts. we don't know what conditions are in the life, but at the end of the day, you know, i'm, i know where my head is out. i know what i need to focus on, and i know what needs to be done. if i wanna, you know, close it off from a joint leader going into the 3rd round price in december. i found it tough on moving day, but this shot could change everything straight into the buddy. he's for the pace. 163 point. 17. almost 3.19 hole. i just figured it was easy with the buddy jokingly, obviously there are 2 masters debutantes and the top 10. 1 of them is nichol. i fully good. you actually have the outright lead of one points. and then there's the big all book you know, need to and professional 10 months ago, but was to 10 months it's been a shock, right? a cup selection last year. he's now in full. i don't gusta, obviously i'm gonna continue and i want to end tournaments and obviously i feel
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very fortunate to be in this position to be here playing golf and but yes, i don't think you should shy away from me. i don't think you should try to push it away. i try to embrace it and i try to be okay with all that comes with it. i guess what said he was in the fights officers brickle breaking cuss on friday. this challenge is faded away off to his was the performance of the major. he said he's still got a major victory in him. it might be at a cost to 2024. my team a get me ready? codes been awesome and you know, i'll, well, it'll be a long night and long term long term up session, but we'll be ready the clear calm conditions expected for the final round as we waits to find out. who john rome will be handing the green jacket over to tom size, and i'll just 0 on monday, the w and the i draft is likely to begin with an historic pick the indiana fee. but we'll have to assess jones to choose a phenomena and whose daughter needs shots at the college scoring record for women
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and men. but she's done it while i'm feeling stadiums around the us many for the 1st time in a women's game. so 100 and has a history from evanston, illinois, and it's possible many say likely that the best women's basketball player ever is about to step on a pro court for the 1st time. at this point you feel like she walks in as the greatest player of all time. caitlin clark averages more than $28.00 points, a game off in more than half for teams. total. the university of iowa sensation broke the all time scoring record for women's in men's college basketball earlier this year. and hardly seem to notice now she's going pro, as the indian a fever is expected to make her the 1st choice in the women's national basketball association. draft, you know, i said it's not as fun to watch. i can correspond to watch. as clerk sings one rings, 3 pointers. she's also shown she's got game when it comes to bowl. the w. n. b a
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has found lucy, putting bodies in the stands. there are 7039 seats here at welsh. ryan arena, northwestern university, and every one of them was occupied earlier this year. when katelyn clark came to town, it was the 1st time ever a women's games sold out. here. fans lined up for 9 hours, the w n. b, a is hoping to see that kind of enthusiasm when clark joins the lee during the national collegiate athletic associations, march madness, tournament fans packed into willie wheels pub in chicago. hundreds of miles from iowa to cheer herat. she's aggressive, she's passionate and then she's also a team player as well. she's amazing. what do you like beyond what any email player i've done is a report take seriously. you know, women are pretty great so, so i'm just happy to be a part of it. and have so many supported people around me and you know, he making history after dribbling circles around related their opponent. clerk
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recently gave her autograph sneakers to a girl wearing her number 22 jersey. caitlin is different and i don't know if it's because she's had in shots that usually the men can hit and she's doing it with such ease. but i think it's mostly her persona. she understands the celebrity that comes with what she's doing. she's able to connect with young kids, she takes time to do that. that's what legacy clark hopes to leave women's basketball and the next generation getting ready to step in her shoes. john henry and l g 0. evanston, illinois, in the and a child in new york rangers secured a franchise record of 50 full. so when is they beat to do rivals the island is the item is a closing in on the stanley cup file and they had a 21 leave here, but it was just stuck and made the 2 full sized state 2 sites i the time and the ranges and one, the shoes house ranges edging closer to the president's tracy awarded to the site with the best regular season record in the n h l. and it's in of a huge accomplishment for rex of and the hollywood star right is ryan reynolds.
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enrolled michael honey. they've been promoted to england's for english football, so i should say that to offer cheating back to back promotions on saturday. the welsh club, the forest green is 6, failed to ensure the information to leak on for the 1st time. 19. yes, the funds are full. i think the pets full time, it's a set of right the success. it continues a rapid rise for the 159 year old club, which was taken over by reynolds and mcelhanney in november 2020. the club gains worldwide attention due to the hollywood, pests ownership, as well as the popularity that arise from the documentary. welcome to rec, some. a. just a quick update for you from and see what a live report trial of crystal palace one there at tough time pizza will bring you that results and on that sports medicine. as well as keeping you updated with us. no aspen village and the fine around the mazda level, actually say thank you so much tim, i for that. and that's it for this new zone on to 0. but to stay with this, i'll be back in just
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a few minutes with the latest and all of our top stories. thank you for watching the these are the mythologies on the drum as they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really mandatory precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the st cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies in charge for is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around. i think i would say could be different and exploring. going to change the situation in nablus
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. we had 70 percent more business people here, say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa, didn't want the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was gonna go. buy lead is seeking the profits of the industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last, futures, growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems,
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know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system as know for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera, the, it is raz won't cabinet debates whether to retaliate against the lawn force massive drone and this final attack. overnight iran launch several 100 drones and the size in the attack most were interested while you're watching, i'll just hear a lie from bill. how with me for the back to bo israel's allies condemned me. ron's response but support for account to strike against a line is limited.


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