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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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use the frequency still, it is actually being representative. assistant generation change on al jazeera, the he's rouse, war cabinet, debates, whether to retaliate against the rainforest, massive drone and this file attack overnight. iran launched several 100 drawings and besides, in the attack most were interested in the play. you're watching, i'll just hear a lie from bill. how with me for the back to bo israel's allies condemned me. ron's response, but support for account to strike against avon is limited and also on the program in guys that is really forces open fire and civilians trying to return home. we'll have a live up the,
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it's 14 g m t 5 pm in tennessee, way as well as what cabinet is meeting to decide how to respond to the unprecedented the rainy and miss on and drawing a tank overnight. it was the 1st time a rainy and weapons had been directly targeted. uh, israel from yvonne the ring and say the attack was in response to it as well as the bombing of that conflict in syria 2 weeks ago and the killing of revolutionary god commanders. victoria gave me begins that coverage is real, says the damage was limited despite the size and scale of the attack by a red one child was injured in the town of arrived in southern israel, which rep know from a ballistic missile, intercepted by these really military fell on her home and i did so what do you have done? many rockets approached and this one fell over, so it happened is around 1 30 in the morning. the children were taken to shelters
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an arid, and i wasted here. the, the attack was the 1st time around his launch, the direct minutes result on israel from a rainy and soil attack drains, cruise missiles and listed. and this also launched from a rent and its allies. how many your 10 is on the 8 on in these actions are forces with precision use both drones and missiles to target the military site in israel, which houses f 35. okay? so they had to use the site to attack or consulate in damascus. time and it was this site which we strong into ran. the attacks were celebrated by government supposes he said they were satisfied with the results. the soul was retaliation for what they ran said was these random booming, it'd be raining and diplomatic compounds in the syrian capital. damascus, earlier this month, month to each case study. i've not seen people this happy about toward before.
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people have given up their sleep to be here and show how important this work is to us. and how glad we are about this attack on easily. we have these really with that 3 says that the vast majority of a range of missiles and drones with, intercepted outside as well as territory such as this one in bill in northern rec, emma she long but last night, ron launched an attack against israel and launch more than $300.00, the threats of various kinds. the rainy and threats met the air and technological superiority of the idea. yes, combined with a strong spice and coalition go. us president joe biden phone. this rose prime minister benjamin netanyahu, theresa multi cold, america's iron clad support leaders in britain, canada, and the european union condemned runs actions as reckless unacceptable and destabilizing so the region is, well, has signaled it will respond to iran's attack. how and when will be decided by the countries will cabinet, as international calls for restraint increase its hope to direct will between the 2
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countries can be prevented. victoria gates and b l g 0. that's bringing 100 us out in tennessee. so you have, these really won't cabinet meeting to decide on a response was likely to come out of it. or for calvin, administer. benny gans has released the statement. but before we get into what she said, that this is a meeting of the work cabinet that is just benjamin netanyahu. israel's prime minister and the defense minister jo after launch, and benny ganz, a war cabinet minister this in, in this group of individuals. they are, the ones weren't going to decide if there is sort of any sort of response to the audience but pending against releasing a statement saying that in fact, there will be a response at a time and place of israel's choosing. he said that what happened yesterday was a test of israel's military capabilities and they succeeded, but it needs to be strengthened. and along those lines, there needs to be more strategic partnerships. created in the region to assist is
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role because he says it on is a global problem. now there have been reports that after conversations with american counterparts like nathan young who's speaking with us president joe biden . and you'll have the last speaking with lloyd austin, that perhaps they did turn them from having a response almost immediately. but again, there are a lot of moving parts here. a lot is still up in the air and these rallies are saying that this is far from over. what's been named back come down the raining attack on israel. all schools and daycare is closed, the space has reopened, but how much disruption has they've been as well, those guidelines went into effect before the attack even took place schools. kindergartens, daycares and universities all cancelled until monday evening. gatherings of a 1000 people are banned, meaning that the demonstrations against israel's government cannot take place.
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we've been seeing those on almost a daily and weekly basis, but in terms of damage there has been trap. no that has been found all over the country. remnants of a ballistic missile that was found in the dead sea but is really, society is on edge. they are afraid of some sort of wider regional conflict of some sort of broader war throughout the region. if israel response and then there is another retaliation from the it audience, as they have said, there wouldn't be. so there's still a lot of moving parts as roles. war cabinet is going to have to make a lot of important decisions that might reshape history. as we know it in the middle east to thank you very much for bringing us a way to save from 10 of eve. well, let's now take a closer look at the weapon rate, yvonne launch, and the defense system. israel used to intercept the miss size defense editor alix got helpless task more to run a tax as well last night with some $330.00 cruise missiles, drones and ballistic missiles. now in terms of flight times, the ballistic missile is only going to take less than 5 minutes to be able to get
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to as well. but the cruise missiles being launched here are going to take between one and 2 hours in flight time. and the slowest of all is going to be these drugs, the sure head 136, are going to take 7 to 8 hours before they can even hit anything within israel. plenty of warning for them and is, will use this equipment to be able to shoot down most of these. so what we have here, the lowest level we have island um and the flight to chat. so i'm going to take out the drugs and some of the more basic cruise missiles. and in the middle we have david sling. there's going to be taking out some of the more advanced stuff. it's on the level of the patrick missile battery. so a fairly complex, fairly capable. and then, but the most bolton, the newest is arrow 3. just come on line in november of last year, but attacked and destroyed. who's the missile? this is going to be intercepting the most powerful over runs missile inventory between all the full things they managed to shoot down to 90 plus percent overruns,
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missile, and drone infantry as well. a reference for administer as as t ron inform the us, it's a tax against his or i would be limited to saying, i mean, i've the lie. i met with 4 and basses into iran to discuss the strikes. how much the most talent should these, as you know, last night the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is regimes military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing in these actions are forces with precision use both drones and missiles to target a military site in israel, which houses f $35.00 jets. they had use the site to attack a consulate in damascus, and it was this site which we struck and dosage. a battery has more not from tape on on how the strikes are being seen by the rain in public in terms of the general
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mood in the country on sunday morning, it renews, woke up to the news that their country had large launched an unprecedented attack. it guys is route many felt that it was an appropriate response, but they are no worries. if israel will take this opportunity to strike back something at many have been worried about for a very long time. the rivalry between iran and israel is not you. israel has a assessing a to at least 18 members. everyone's revolutionary guard in syria alone since october 7th, and carried out a number of assassination of nuclear scientists in iran since 2010. so there is a sense that this is a very pivotal moments and from what we understand reading and forces remain on high alert for any possible response from israel door such a part alpha 0 to air on a while the us president kept sure his weekend away from washington and return to the white house as the attacks were happening,
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joe biden has been meeting national security advisers and for you for what he calls the americas. i am proud commitment to as well security. iran is wanting that any american threats that hom state's interest will be met with a research report response. kimberly hawk it is our white house correspondent joining us now live from washington. kimberly, talk to us about the us response. it continues to support it as well. but at the same time doesn't want to see any further escalation. yeah, that is absolutely right. in fact, that is the message that is being reiterated by the national security council's folks person john kirby. he has been making the rounds on the sunday chat shows and the message is clear as the representative for the national security council and also speaking on behalf of the president that what he's saying is we do not seek war with iran. and that was also very clear from the president statement the, the issue following the phone call that he held for 25 minutes and duration with
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the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the keels of the completion of the attack by iran on israel. that air attack, what that was very clear is that the message that was being sent by the us presidents and that phone call was not only trying to persuade israel not to further escalate this, but that the us president now wants to try and work with the g 7 leaders, he is convincing them today that he will be trying to hold a ron accountable and to look for alternatives other than sort of military action in order to try and de escalate or bring down the temperature. having said that, there are still military assets in the region, there were adjustments made prior to ron taking this action and those will remain
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in place according to the white house national security council. so what we know is that the counterparts, that means the secretary of state, the defense secretary and others, will be meeting with there and discussing the with their counterparts options moving forward. but at the same time i can also tell you on capitol hill very quickly. this has re ignited the debates that will take place this week on further military aid to israel. kimberly, thank you very much. kimberly how could whitehouse correspondence is there in washington dc. meanwhile, the european union and the u. k of condemned data runs the attack on israel. you foreign policy chief, joseph brown, called it a grave threat to regional security. france also echoed his commitment to israel with a foreign minister saying, yvonne has reached a new level of the seventy's ation. and he's on was driven chance that all actual tests termed yvonne's as sold on these rocks on israel as unacceptable. what time
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we strongly condemn the rainy and attack and one against any further escalation. your honor must not continue down this spot. but the same time, it is absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity with israel, which has every right to defend itself off on the reactions this spring in poll brennan, in london. so condemnation, paul, if he runs at times. but a number of countries also calling for restrict so that's indeed, i mean the messaging that's coming out from european capitals this morning. and during the course of today, it's very similar to what we had kimberly report on just a couple of minutes ago. and that is very much a combination of iran for launching the attack in the 1st place. but great fears for the possibility of military misstep, the more of unintended consequences if you like. and the possibility that this could lead to a great to escalation of tensions in that very tense region. already the statements
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from all of the european nations festival said that i would condemn we condemn we condemn. it was almost a uniform approach but was also as the 2nd strand of the messaging said, we worry about for the escalation, it must be avoided, more bloodshed must be avoided. and that i think is targeted towards the is really, is they don't want israel to take what happened overnight as far as the launching of it right in the text. the don't want is around now to, to keep it going. the trying to port oil on die choppy was as we've heard in the last couple of hours when the u. k. prime minister really soon back. it is clear that iran is determined to so discontent and the stabilize the region. it's a backyard that's very clear from its actions. if this attack had been successful, the for the house, the regional stability would be hard to over the state and we stand by the security
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as well and the wider region, which is of course, important for our security here at home to what we now need is a comm heads to prevail. now i spoke an hour ago about the g 7, which is going to have a virtual meeting. we didn't know when we die. we do now because it's the italians who are going to be hosting it. and they said that it gets underway at 14 g, which by my reckoning is about 15 minutes ago. so there's need is a currently talking as far as we know about how to proceed. well thank you very much for the update there from london, poll brennan, still head on algae 0. it will be live in guys or where several palestinians have been injured. entrees really forces opened fire on the the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause. that's great, but it does come out in large numbers. your guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the recent prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse
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before they get better. it's driving some residents to the break from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share with that. so they have the hard hitch. i mean, to be used as the i, r c suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler sees, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us . any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era on accounting the cost will oil prices keep rising and how will that affect the global flight against inflation? symbolic way, it's launched a new power and seeing that bit to end this financial time. well, i've had 5 boy thought mcdonald's is now buying back o. it says,
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really restaurant counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. a reminder about top stories on how to sierra israel's prime minister . benjamin netanyahu war cabinet has been meeting to decide how to respond to the unprecedented re reading and miss side enjoying a talk over night. he's under pressure from the us to avoid any further explanation . yvonne's president has one of his rel, against any retaliation came on, said the attack as in response to the address the bombing of the rainy and consummating celia. 2 weeks ago, it said it had informed washington, its attacks against israel would be limited to governments around the world,
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including russia and china, are calling for restraint on all sides. the un security council is held in an emergency meeting in the coming hours the, the war on guys and now and several palestinians have been injured actually is really forces open fire on them in gaza. city hundreds of displaced families were trying to return from central guys or to the north along a coastal road. more than a 100 pallets to means with kids by is really smart based on the same road in february. why collecting food? 8 guys, media office says 6 is really a tax within 24 hours on the on new say abroad refugee county has scale of 19 people in aged more than $200.00 for the know if giovanni, i was also hate by a series of as strikes at least 33600 policy needs have been killed since the war
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on guys began in october. let's get the latest wave out just here as honey. my mode was in rafa for us in the south. so i need, despite the reigning attack, is around has continued to found the gaza strip. tell us more about the incident on our sheets street. what happened? yes. well, we have been monitoring this involving a story since the early hours of this morning. i know perhaps the most accurate description of what happened in the palace videos. this waste families in and over and over crowded for the part of this trip dot took the decision in their hands and decided to go back to their homes in the northern part done and got the city and just stop making that decision. one important by actors that encouraged people to give them the motivation of making that decision to go back to their homes. as the absence of these really military from a rashid road that's the coast of work,
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conducting the northern part with the southern part of the gaza. strip band that used to be highly controlled by army vehicles. tags then by the presence of across the captors. now, within just a couple hours of people started to move to the northern part where if a just small number of people, matt is due to cross to the other side of the god spread barely, the guys and the northern part is really a military gather. this is true, but it started firing a dis, permanently out people with a glass cap. there's the, those are the talk of drugs with going to attach on them with arms vehicles as well as with a top just that the blue at a very low levels. it just scaring people off. one person report is called a that's a display of women who was trying to get through. these are the her home and the northern part and gaza city as close to 25 people were critically injure them. the vast majority of people were turned back under the rest of indiscriminate a buyer from machine guns. in a talk of drugs, meanwhile,
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is really military continue to pounds. at the new toyota refugee account were close to 5 people reported killed, and more people are still under the rebels of the bond building within the past due or targeted within the past 2 days. at the beginning of the escalation and the surgeon, the attacks of the northern parts of a new toyota, refugee camp and the area between the compound. why the a, just a reminder to our viewer, this is the very particular area. these really military is designated as a safe area for all this ways. then evacuated from the point of goes to just to take it as a saved on the shoulder in honey. thank you very much for bringing us the latest and from gaza. honey, my most pain out of world news. now india is foreign minister, and a vendor emoji is widely favor to secure a 3rd term, as well as the most populous nation goes to the full starting on april 19th. but critics argue his enhanced his popularity by promoting he and do nationalism at the
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expense of minority communities and opposition politicians say his misuse, tax, and other government agencies to unfairly target them. now fernandez reports to the governing board at the agenda. padeo bgp. popular among the countries came to the jersey is choosing a certain impala. and this is the man dbi leesville achieve that. money is a good leader with a strong determination. he has done what he promised stood with a if you want to approach development to everyone. you got a slick publicity machine works over time to market because it is moody present to him as a decisive leader who has delivered his capital across the image analyst see as made him the beach, if he's most powerful weapon to all of our friends, to fulfill the dream is the developed india every minute. every single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one is will these media
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achievements, india has become the was 5th largest economy. and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. but why g d p is going up? some economy, see it's only benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector, which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to this. so this behind, the multi machine is easy to do to political ideology, which promotes hinduism as the domain in political and cultural force in india. in january, he opened a partially completed drum, the. the $270000000.00 handed temper was built on the ruins of a 16th century most that was destroyed by him to mumble in 1992. because no longer considered politically in clinic. to see that this is the country of speaking, those if the religious minorities wants to stay,
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they all will come to stay by one hour terms and conditions, minorities, especially muslims, are felt increasingly discriminated against in one of these india, the recent amendment of citizenship rules which excludes muslims and foss, direct citizenship as not to mentally say the mainstream media has been bullied or brought or leaving few critical voices. but this hasn't affected the prime minister's international to does his work. that was stage with confidence featured and celebrated around the globe move. he says is, motivation is ensuring a license dignity for every indian with they can achieve their dreams. he's test as a leader with no the winning of the but all of the countries, 1400000000 people benefiting from his policies. mean that fernandez g 0
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in australia, police investigating the canning of 6 people and as driving a taxi, the attacker had a history of mental health problems for killed joe. coke chief was shot dead during his rampage at a shopping mall in sidney. on saturday, a 9 month old baby was among 12 people needing hospital treatments for their entries. alex thomas reports, hey. steven 20 fluoride zone confessed that i sent the motion as being clear to see you on the faces of so many who have come to late trip flowers, candles, a balloon, even a teddy bed laid suit distance away shopping center one by junction with so many messages including one from you all straight in 5 minutes. easy and the new south wales sight finance, which means results of cutting through the individual stories of the sea thank cubes to complete strangers, rushing into health as well as axes,
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carriage and bravery. main that with you know, the individuals who's been killed or not, you grieving today, more detail is had on those throughout the day with one of the big savings names as 38 year old actually good. see was the mother of a 9 month old baby girl who was injured in the attack and it's still being casual in hospital. we also know the identity of the killer is full to your old jo, count, chief from queensland. you know, he moved to sydney last month and although he was no until authorities were having mental health issues, he has never been prosecuted, arrested, or even charged with any criminal offense. police also say he had no ties to any extreme religious or political ideologies. really need to stress, people need to be patient. this is not only a desperado, it's also a critical incident investigation where and officers discharge they play around. so it's very, very complex and it will take on the police officer to show that the public's right
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to has also been named as inspector ab scouts. officials say hub bravery, save many lives. alex thomas out is era. sidney. a land slide has struck villages in a mountainous region in central, in denisia kidding. at least 19 people. the tar and tips to finally t as in south as in a way c. and on saturday nights, let's do teams are searching for 2 missing people. see a buried under the debris. the head of the local disaster agency says a landslide was triggered by soil you've ocean caused by heavy rainfall. officials in southern russia say 10 days of devastating spring size have passed. the peak water levels are falling in the badly histories of or in bergen horse. thousands of homes have been flooded in the region. any neighboring causes, accent. and in nigeria, commemorations that being house 10 years after the abduction of nearly 300 school girls, bible hall room, they were kidnapped by the onto in 2014, in the northeastern town of cheap book. some of the girls are still on accounted
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for. and that's the news for now. now to 0, that says from me for the buy board to stay with us, talk to al jazeera is up next. thank you for watching the the, the. well, the shares have been big recently, locally in indonesia, and they've been focusing in west and job. and i think that is still the focus for another 24 hours or so along with west kind of on time on southern c marcher. and as you go for the race, yes or pockets where it could be particularly went for a few more, shall tries develop in southeast asia, mainland. but really the emphasis is to the north of that through southern china. the rain is re developing, but the lineup here is come out to china, particularly heavy units drop temperatures by 10 degrees on its way from west to east is doing that in. so during the day then it becomes rather weak or
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a failed attempt is where it dropped very much beyond that freeze on for a softer job just to degrees of the ring comes through. and once it's all through, most of the cree implants are central and northern china, rebecca and to enjoying the warm sunshine. but there is more rain guthrie, not real, produce yet more flooding. almost already. more or less or fairly sudden, some glen dawn released by does go further west. the heat warnings have been more or less compressed to andrew production for the service. there been some big shells recently as fontose as new delhi, but as more significant rain coming across the active mode. this doesn't look too bad except in northern facts. dian with heavy rain and stuff, but there is more to come through around later of the individual. now more the us army use the highly toxic her with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare. a
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decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fox for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange. one now to 0, the, the dominican republic and he shared this caribbean, i that much more ways than one. the distance neighbors one speaks french, the other spanish. but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty, extreme political instability,


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