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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the knowledge is the way the . ready ready ready the hello, i'm sammy say them this has been use our lives from del, coming up in the next 60 minutes. is rails wall cabinet considered as action against iran for its massive drone and miss on the tank overnight? drawn launch several 100 drones and missiles most were intercepted. israel's allies can damn you wrong, but the support for a counter strike against the header on these limits.
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and then gall, so is rarely falls is open fire on civilians trying to are a ton of and on piece of sandwich with your schools. also kick off showcase, they look to go back to the top of the premium league, but little pool of drops point a similar type of racist. they used to squeeze pallets the is just gone 1500 g m t that 6 pm. and telling me what it's rouse will cabinet is amazing to decide how to respond to the unprecedented arabian miss all and drug and attack overnight. it's the 1st time the arabians have directly targeted this route from iran. you're writing and say, was the only response to the bombing of the consulate in syria 2 weeks ago. and the kidding, a revolutionary god, come on this,
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which iran blames israel full speaking ahead of the main thing. more cabinet member then again says, is role respond when it feels the time is right as well that you should be gone. and in the face of your on that we will do the regional coordination, but an exact the price from it on you know, we, on the time that suits us on so on. most importantly in the face and for it was designed to harm us. we will unite and become strong and what is cool? around 300. the radian drains, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles, will find that israel on saturday night is all says most were intercepted bites. defense systems around joint chief of staff says it's operation against israel is over, but it's promising to continue if israel strikes again. i'm out of the yard as now we see this operation is completed in success. it's over from our perspective. what
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if design is for z and does anything against us and onto either in iran or elsewhere? our next operation will be much bigger if the us gets involved. none of it spaces in the region, it'll be safe to spread the last spring and from the south. hope she's joining us now from tele visa home. the 1st of all, how some of the statements from wall cabinet members, lank ben, against being interpreted. well, these really war cabinet consisting of benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister, the defense minister, jo. i've kalonde to, and benny gans an emergency member of the government since the war began. is going to decide if there is going to be any sort of retaliation against aid audience. now these relatives are saying that this is far from over. this is not the end. however, there are some members of israel's right wing who are members of nathaniel who's coalition. we're talking about known alter nationalists who want to see a response that is, has to be and they want it to be immediate would be, is really,
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is, are also speaking with american counterparts about all of this and reports in some american media outlets are indicating that perhaps and us and y'all, who was dissuaded from launching any sort of retaliatory attack in the hours after it on have launched it's retaliation for these really striking it's console and in damascus. so they. 1 are a lot of moving parts here. the war cabinet is scheduled to get a press conference sometime this evening where they're going answer questions about what's going to be next for israel will there, or won't there be a response? all right, that's, let's think this, i'll hold that for the update from tel aviv and iran, some took to the streets to celebrate the attack on israel, while others joined long queues, a gas stations more about what comes next. those have jabari revolts from to hong this is how radians learned that their government had launched the countries 1st
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ever direct attack on israel tv broadcasting. at the moment, a waste of ms 1000 drums were fired. but the country's foreign minister says that prior warning was given, or how much the mortality so deep as you know, last night, the forces of the, as long as the republic of your on struck design is resumes, military targets or actions were limited. we had informed the white house that our military actions were to be limited, precise with the intention for self defense, and to punish the is really wishing this newspaper headline reads, the time of revenge. those who talk to the media were equally supportive of her on actions. hey, to the eat on. um, it was very good. and the fact that iran showed israel that we are strong, and my opinion is that to this extent, israel to realize it now who they're dealing with. after each event, when they attack our embassy, it means they attacked s o l. so according to what the supreme leader said,
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it happened and they got punished. this poster went up early sunday morning as the attack against israel came to an end. it says in hebrew, the next slot in the face will be stronger, as both countries remain on the high alert. many here are hoping the worst is behind them. but with israel vowing a military response, the situation remains tense. nationwide with cars lighting up for fuel when then use 1st broke the currency at a record low and the threat of more economic sanctions. the repercussions from the runs of retaliation could soon be felt. door so safari ultra 0 to air on without the science editor, alex gets i'll pull this takes a closer look at the weaponry around launched. i'm the defense system. israel used to intercept it to run a tax as well last night with some $330.00 cruise missiles, drones and ballistic missiles. now in terms of flight times, the ballistic missile is only going to take less than 5 minutes to be able to get
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to as well. but the cruise missiles being launched here are going to take between one and 2 hours in flight time. and the slowest of all is going to be these drugs, the sure head 136, are going to take 7 to 8 hours before they can even hit anything within israel. plenty of warning for them and is, will use this equipment to be able to shoot down most of these. so what we have here, the lowest level we have, i are and um, and the flight to chat. so i'm going to take out the drugs and some of the more basic cruise missiles. and in the middle we have david sling. there's going to be taking out some of the more advanced stuff. it's on the level of the patrick missile battery. so a fairly complex, fairly capable. and then, but the most, most of the newest is arrows 3, just come on line in november of last year, but attacked and destroyed. who's the missile? this is going to be intercepting the most powerful over runs missile inventory
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between all the full things they managed to shoot down to 90 plus percent overruns, missile, and drone in victory. all the u. s. president has been meeting all the g 7. need us to discuss a diplomatic response to yvonne's attack. joe biden is also matthew's national security advisors. he reaffirmed what he calls americas iron clad commitment to israel security. now iran is wanting that and the american threat, that homes its interest will be met with a reciprocal response or a now joined by all white house correspondent, kimberly how could kimberly. so that's what the saying public, do we have an idea of what the us line is to israel right now as it pump visits next step? yeah, well we're learning more about that phone call that the us president had with the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on saturday. that phone call last night
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about 25 minutes. and i named us officials are now talking about what the message was that was conveyed. overall, it is that the us is not likely to or, or rather has sent a rather clear message to israel, that it will not support any counter attack against iran. if israel decides to launch what further, what the us president has tried to convey to israel is that essentially the fact that it was able to deflect, to shoot down virtually all of the mist files that were headed in its direction as well as drones, is a victory in and of itself, the defense, a successful defense is something to be so celebrated and there is no need to retaliate. the big fear among us officials is the concern about benjamin netanyahu . his self, the fact that he, it may be pulling the united states into a larger conflict that he may be acting rationally. but he's doing this for
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political survival and without strategy. and that he may not be making goods decisions. so as a result of what the us present is trying to do is to bring down the temperature and to make sure that the united states is not drawn into a larger conflict. according to the national security council spokesperson, john kirby. and clearly, you know, we stand with you and your self defense. that was the main message that the president delivered to the prime minister. he congratulated the prime minister and the idea for the extraordinary job. they did knocking things out of the sky, but i will go into more detail again. i just go back to, to what the president has said time and time again. we don't seek an escalation. we don't speak a wider war in the region. now the us president has convened a telephone call or video link call with a number of g 7 leaders. that is, we believe still i'm going them green is still standing outside the west wing of
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the oval office where the us president is taking those calls. so we know that that is still in going what we know is that the us president is trying to coordinate a bit of a diplomatic response to all of this in the, in the interim. what we also know is that up on capitol hill, what this is done is really rally the us congress. we know that in the house of representatives, there is going to be a legislation that will be taken up that has failed 2 times before. and that is to really put together standalone legislation for israel to put together yet even more military aid for israel's defense. all right, thank you so much. kimberly. how could it says continue this here to the studio is go. i'll just say we're a senior political analyst model on the shot. good. have you with us model on. so 1st of all, let start, i think with the obvious 1st big question, what will israel do next? you think we will know shortly our keys get assign. it has
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a good number of options, one not to do anything as the americans ask of it to retaliate in similar fashion, attack your one or attack. some of it space is outside of the country, or it could actually resort to cyber attack. and it could be a combination of one of them over the war. however, we look at the arabian strike intercepted how effective all, and all of it was has israel stuff, it's something of a strategic loss here by having another front opened up. well, the fact that iran, for the 1st time a tax directly is right of course means that there's drugs attempt, a deterrence has failed. iran is no longer deterred from attacking, is read directly in, not wash, just wasn't they liked it was by time, but be that as it may and it's threatens that. it could be
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a 1st among others if israel response with more of the same. so it's also at that time when a good number of the population is right, it has or they've been displaced. i'm sure they have been terrorized last night. that's not a good thing for stability. security and the economy is right. so you could say that a new chop that was opened has israel made a gain in terms of some of the support from the west, which was starting to sound critical. but clearly is there a, there's not i selected that's for sure. and western powers, including the main ones, the prize and united kingdom, germany, along with the united states are backing is or has not only a by words, but by deeds they jumped in in north time. health is red against the it on they are now implicated in military actions in the middle east highway. but we heard from kimberly, how could i was just talking about how the us is trying to reign in israel's next
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step. how label is the us to set to limit right now. a lot of us says says it doesn't want this condition. that doesn't mean it doesn't want this condition. but in this case, yes, probably it does not want this collision. it's an election year, and an escalation means also american bases in the area could be attacked eventually. what we've seen that's now in the past. go ahead and do what he wants to do anyway. and my c c, the, as it says, actually in the, his political as a political interest to see the us dragged into a confrontation to the wrong. the thing is that by didn't have said a lot of done this year and last year and the year before and seen, no one is listening to them. but be that as it may, i don't think there's a question of done with that. you think it's a question of what price is it? i might to retaliate in one form or other and might stop from that issue or stop in with with then it's ruth died. yeah, a tori phase. if it gets something that a return from the by the administration,
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and then i come to belongs to the what it once in gaza. and then i'll find that's one possibility. it can get more age a more minute today, more to financial aid, it could get more support in terms of its operation on real fire. it could get more support in terms of it says, legal sacraments in the spring, so on so forth. i think there's a long list of things that probably, i'm sure nothing you know is preparing to discuss with by then moving forward. so. so what does this leave goss? and so what's happened in the last 24 hours and since last night. so this is my theory, right? unfortunately, for the palestinians, and i would say even for most adams, if this thing escalates the palestinians and data source code, if there is a pub, alice's, i think they are screwed as well. i think there is no way out for the palestinians from a confrontation or find out about this is on coldwater between iran and is right because either way is what is going to deflect away from kaiser. what is happening
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today? what happens in the past 24 hours is not necessarily good for guys. it's not good for palestine. it's not good for much of that. it was escalation means more death and destruction. and but alice is means more deflection away from what is important, which is the general side them, they hunger and then the simon, it will be us, try and build a stronger m t around alliance. now mid the distraction away from what's happening in gaza. i mean, i mean, look at it to be honest. the past 24 hours has proved that in fact, it is a strong and figuring out allies the fact that france and the u. k. and somehow germany and the united states all jump in. what about our governments will they want to be seen as moving. busy to as well as a time when the i c j is talking about a plausible genocide of the brother and, and gaza. some i've already, some are already boasting of supporting the coalition that goes to it on or in defense of is read. some are going get harsh, harsh, ambiguous,
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about what exactly they are doing. but i think a lot of the people in the, in government, in the out of world are happy with what's going on in guidelines. but they want us to have to know. no, i'm happy about how much of being destroyed, not to what's going on, cuz i would like also i don't want to be punished. i mean, they haven't hidden that in the past me would any is really strike on the wrong necessarily involves our best space. maybe even some of us spaces in the apple. sure. not today. their background said, well of course it's illegal to, for iran to attack from over out of space is right. i'm sure i you ever thought of the asian would not be condemned by the same measure? it's really ridiculous that use of international law and condemnation when it comes to iranian attack, after it's investigated, was that fact which the why have things going in gaza has been sold today and they are still hasn't condemned the attack on the reigning consulate in damascus.
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neither the fonts or the u. k that joined in, in the, in the, in the, in the conference. or if it's one on one, always good to talk to. maybe we'll pick up on some more points. i've got a long list table. maybe the next time we sit down, thanks so much more one, be sure to i have your opinion on. do you k have condemned ron's attack on this route? you foreign policy chief joseph borrow called it a grave, right to regional security. jim and john so that all i've showed says describe that runs a sultan, as well as unacceptable. and you have an account so that all of schultz is described. ron's a salt, as i said, as unacceptable guess what time should we strongly condemn the radiant attack and one against any for the escalation? iran must not continue down this spot. but the same time, it is absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity with israel, which has every right to defend itself. poll brennan joins
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us now live from london. it was all, only just jolts. who is speaking? we've heard from bushy, so not vowing to stand up for israel. what exactly is he referring to do going forward pull as well. we've had a whole raft of reactions in the as since around launched its attack and they all 2 pronged in their approach physically to condemn around for launching the attack in the 1st place. but the 2nd to judge, the avoidance of any escalation in the region. now i think court of u. k is a trusting ass we've versus tonight today is to tell it israel, that they are very much in support of israel defense, but not necessarily would be supportive of is really go israel going on the from 1st. i'd really soon like, for example, put project craft in the at and revealed it in it's you that we're gonna play
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a trick problem in a 2nd. about how there was british at graph that brought down a number of those projectiles that had been launched by around, along with american ad craft american ad defense systems. and joe damian at defense systems as well. the big thing that we're interested in, i can try to put a trust in a clip that we're going to play now, is the avoidance, the importance of avoiding a snowball effect in the region back would be in the, in the benefits of, of nobody. it's clear that iran is determined to so discontent and the stabilize the region. it's a backyard that's very clear from its actions. if this attack had been successful, the for now for regional stability will be hard to over the state. and we stand by the security as well, and the why to region, which is, of course, important for us security here at home to what we now need is a comm heads to prevail to, as i understand that from italy,
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which is hosting this g 7, a virtual meeting, this video meeting this afternoon. the meeting starts at about an hour ago at $1400.00 g and t. we haven't had any read out from it yet. it still seems still to be going on. but the message that i think is coming out from reading the, the pre statements from the, from the countries is the importance of israel calming, being. com. i'm not launching fresh around a strikes in retaliation. so there's that around launched. all right, thanks so much pull. brian the i'll to garza now and several palestinians have been injured off to is ready for us is open fire on them in kansas city. hundreds of displaced families were trying to return to the north along the coast. 2 roads. more than a 100 palestinians with killed vice riley snipers on the same route while
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collecting food a. in february, garza's media, our office says 6 is ready. the attacks within 24 hours on the side, all the refugee camp is killed. 19 people, the engine molds and 200 for the north to valley. it was also hit by a series of ass strikes, at least $33600.00 palestinians to be killed since the war began in october to go through hobby. my load who is involved in solving garza and so highly the dynamically the wrong does not mean any laptop for the people of gaza. given the really horrifying scenes that we can see in video coming from rashid straight. right? yes, that'd be on the wrong retaliation against these roles that due to the attack when
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it's conflict in damascus, is understandably not a view to something that would lead it to a lit up in the talk. just the late hours of last night at the height of the uh, the tax. this is really military. it continued to pound across the rest of the cab and eastern part of the city in the northern part of district. so we didn't see any lit up or slow down in the tax, but it's worth mentioning to get it provided in an environment that leads to a low profile. the presence of these really military, i closed the board that the rashid was the next thing, the northern part of the golf trip with the southern part of the central area. whole district dogs that low profile, the presence of these rated military force palestinians and give them the motivation to take decision in their hands of going back to their homes in the northern part. and garza city over staying here and over a private city. and on very, the very terrible living conditions for the past 6 months, more than 1500000 displays palestinians are for another rough i city on the have
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the deal is probably go off providing their families and himself with the not the very basic supplies including the food supplies, the water supply, the survival items of large at the same time during the ongoing attacks across rough activities, either from the top just or from the drones that have been targeting to city aggressively within the past 2 weeks. so far we look at at least one person killed as a really military that later our gathers, of course, is on the receipt board including garbage, vehicle, time, spent, a packet, drones. these are a drones with the guns attached to them. and as far as reading it this permanently one person was killed, the display of women as well as the close to 25 people were critically injured. forcing everyone to go back to the city of tanya and is that rough? i city where they came from? that's what's going on. the past 6 months has been very difficult and people get
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screwed up with the situation and wanted to get to the point where they are able to get back to their home and start to feel that there is some normality in their life . all right, thanks so much i me back mode. now some bakeries have reopened to northern casa, in a sausage setting small amounts of bread. these re, the army has destroyed bakeries right across garza and is prevented the entry of flour and other basic goods is palestinians struggle with full salvation. but it's got more on this with while i've got fluids. he joins us from jabante as so the opening of a small number of bakeries is that having an impact on the availability and price of bribes the you hit send me the uh, the normal garza markets with the sink. i looked at it cover. yeah. so the sensor
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and give a view amount of as low as eh, food, and also the supplies to the loss of garza throughout us get the street. and finally, you can see flow and the bulk it's fine that you can see a food. and to me to overtake those, the markets. so those have something to offer for after more then how funny. yeah. oh, being a close and markets destroyed. so eh, settlers here are offering uh some food supplies. after a little time of closing, spite the, the expensive of these products, but still uh the uh, price is getting down every day, every day is the process of getting down. so the process of today is uh, cheaper than the yesterday when it comes to flaw floors. finally, eh, offered in the markets, and there was one only
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a factory in north of gauze and gaza city, which has come out of the old cabinet. jewel jewel bakery in this, in the gaza city, that to provide a dread for the b bowls. and if you want to buy these a dread, these 3 kilos are for bread for 5 straight because you would a wait for a very low line in, in the big curry the so uh these trucks and these are fluids, thats arriving to the noise. then the to the north of garza is evaluating the, the problem and the human turner price is about so much solving get. so people who are, are here asking for little trucks asking for not killing the echo or denise it was between the a freighters and the other side. and so people are asking for it.
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not only thing is here on that are okay. yeah, i mean in general they are asking to see fire. all right, thank you so much. one of the fluids hundreds of is right. the size lives of attacks, palestinian villages and the occupied westbank prophecies was set on fire to palestinians were killed in the confrontations. they began off to the disappearance of a 14 year old, satisfied his body was found on saturday. knew that abraham reports from the occupied westbank a has of time. it says he lives in a small prison, isolated by his real separation wall and surrounded by an and leaking his way to supplement his father built the family home in the 1970s before the supplement of it. as a new drama law was established. late on saturday, the postilion families were attacked by his ready suckers. how they're related to the sol took place last night at 11 p. m. local time. we will shortly dental. we
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have 2 little girls who are 6 years old. they were very scared. they were crying, so our neighbors came and took them a week since the start of the war on gauze that is really forces. i've established the gates, you're saying it would prevent palestinians from attacking is really such as what's, what's happened late on saturday is that is really subtler, attacked palestinian families here. and that gave me the difficult palestinian to come and offer help until they to the in other villages. it was possible for palestinians to rush to the rescue is where the forces news through leading to the villages under attacked. the dusk barely settled in one place before 3 appears in the village over the years. this home was attacked not once, but twice on friday and again on saturday and we were inside. oh, look, we were having lunch when we were exposed to gunfire, shells and stones. this up to the run page store through the after and is really
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teenager went missing. the 14 year olds body was found on saturday, needed his house in an illegal supplement out post. circulars spread out their attacks from the center of the occupied west bank to the north. soon after these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu described the killing of these really teenager as a heinous murder and pledge to bring those responsible to justice. if such justice published and you see there denied just since the start of the world goes on, the one has recorded more than $700.00 sets or a tax against palestinians rights groups say 94 percent of the poor to the tax go on punished. many see the policy being authority has undermined people's ability to defend themselves and how to pull them off. it's a complicated political situation. well, the international community is silent again, that's what's happening and guys are as if it's normal, the kind of thing enough tote is doing. it's huge. withdrawal with supporting
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tested fastness of a bunch of things on their land. see a circular groups calling for more violence. the result is, i mean the on, on palestinian population facing many heavy arms is really such, there's been growing in numbers and increasing their violence. but he is he to be occupied westbank still ahead on al jazeera, a somber anniversary. and nigeria, it's 10 years since the kidnapping of almost $300.00 civil school goes wide book a hold on gunman flashes of his own freely and says, do not mess. he gets on the score sheet for him to miami or yes for coming up with the the, there's been recent st. siding in paraguay because to some of the stones in this
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part of the world, kind of going down to was here to go in the southeast of brazil have been slow moving and current heavy. and that story carries on through sunday and quite possibly monday is of assistance. this circulation. so attempted to come right down the change of seasons. kaylee is upon us all the southern options. he is probably enjoying us warm sunshine at about $23.00 degrees. north of this and the seasonal range once again, becoming heavy in the fondles east of reserve and is a bit of a break. and they show themselves up again as ecuador, west, and columbia, as quite heavy as well. and beyond. that's the trade been to pick top so fairly frequent light shows in some of the smaller ones, and then bigger share of maybe in the some of the house techs and k cost, haiti and jamaica not line can be stretched back to nicaragua, wherever a few showers are likely the us and canada, different story now the want to spread again, the northeastern states eastern kindly. where recently, i mean,
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recently we saw snow. can you still snow potential over the rockies, all right, safe in california. i'm sure you are feeling disappointed with the on demand is but right, right. that's the case from san francisco to ally on sunday. the you're watching out just to remind you about top stories now. israel's prime minister, benyamin that's in the hours will cabinet, is meetings to decide how to deal with the unprecedented arabian miss allan drone attack overnight is under pressure from the us to avoid any further escalation
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around this presidency is wanting, is rarely against any retaliation that are on the sides via the tank was in response to as well as the bombing of uranium comes to looks in syria 2 weeks ago. because cited, informed washington is attacks against israel with the limits is what are the forces of opens fire on a group of palestinians in garza city would find to return to the north. several people were wounded in the attack. more than a 100 palestinians killed vice, right? these sites is the same roots in february, while collecting food. i will get in the v is an also and columnist with these read, the newspaper ha, read say, joins us now from tennessee. is good to have you with us. so what i'm thinking, do you think will prevail as the war cabinet decides on its next steps get in and hopefully not state. you'll see some a, a phase where it is going to lunch now and,
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and take on your on. we have a senior regional war. i cannot even imagine my save this happening. especially know that's the last night, especially no, not the very year. and impressive, hey, this is what i just states for this. red is where it has the photo right now. the american advise dr. intel yates is rated channels retaliates without the support of the united states. do you think that prime minister benjamin nothing. yeah. who sees it? that way those they say it's in his personal political interest to launch an attack and to even have a further escalation with the wrong that might drag us into it. i think now we didn't hear him saying anything which is a good sign. and i've seen that that he understands at least the fact that
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without a bet king of the united states is an kennel judge such and such. i think in the expos then, who may be it was i think the last night we going to put the juice. right? that is going to do it independently, a games they advise so precedent by the so as long as no g prevails by all the gays is or does not have an option or they didn't show the story. by the way, the room to the issue was yesterday defense. the thing about penetrate the defensive system base way is in the a just listening to what you're saying has what happened last night highlighted this rose dependence on the us and it's western allies. many of the missiles and drugs were told was shot down by israel's allies before the entities. right?
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the space yes, to somebody years. you're right. part of the me. so swear, launched by the but with the buy nice. but by the end of the day was also interest rate is by these are the air force base where the air polls the technology of the systems part of they've uh, is really made. and i wouldn't under estimate the capability which is where it is. so they view crane and the same system and, and i like user and ukraine would have been in a different place. the thing. mm hm. although most of the reading and rockets and drugs it seems where intercepted is the a strategic turning point that has happened here. in that for the 1st time, you have an attack being launched from iran on israel and israel
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losing the concept of the tyrants with the wrong yes, on one hand 0, they turn so near on the, on the other hand, we gained a very efficient and the fancies that we use is what i was right of this. they, they, this you run with tech is right. and you cause this day or is to be both, besides denied and nothing happens. this officer list is right and i don't think it's a guarantee for the future. by the way. you shouldn't be sure that the order is like this, and we would always have the same analyze, was the same to both yesterday, or one of them is way to know the difference on the other end is games. they're a good patient of a very, very good defense exist. okay, thanks so much gary and left me the thank you the
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but it's 10 years to the day since 276 school girls were kidnapped from the school in northern nigeria. thousands of the girls remained missing off to their adoption by bulk ahead on finances. no one has ever been charged for the crime which made headlines worldwide. the anniversaries being commemorated, the town of chip book. i'm going to dress as more from the it's tough for the students who have been released. it's also tough for carrying stuff, also being released right now. what do we, what's happening in this particular hole is a commemoration of the 10th anniversary and the keeping up of the school. the children were here and the government, the 2nd to school here in chicago. and parents have been in the mental 10 years, often non, most, many of the children i have to come home right now we talking about 82 was too much
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. so they was several speakers and this for them to down to demand action of the company. they were asking questions, asking button question is, how come, what was it that some keeping of victims in other parts of nigeria hopkins released yet the government was unable to secure the release of old book goes up to 10 years . so those are some of the key questions being raised by people who are here now i'm to stay international, says many of the 276 goals were freed or escaped. but 80, to remain on the accounted for amnesty once the nigerian authorities to investigate allegations of false marriages between 22 bulk women who are rescued and form a bulk of hold on fights as well. since to bulk nigeria has suffered at least 17 similar abductions with government. seizing many 1700 school children on to my on that a is
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a visiting professor at new york university. she's less than i do. and government could have done more to secure the release of the missing goals of the company, just making that achieved collective action. trying to pressure the nigerian government to bring back these girls that were kidnapped by football. her on the questionnaire. if the 10 years of age i she your correspondence, i know that the parents of the remaining abductor girls have really reported that there is this lack of political commitment by the nigerian authorities to ensure that all the goals are accounted for and or found. we have seen unfortunately, the last 5. yes. the a lot of non state i'm groups in northern nigeria or adopting this book are i'm strategy of masking nothings and wonder of the populations such as women and school children are particularly are risk because this month, the abductions are, during this significant domestic and international pressure as well as media attention that'd be in order to press the 2 minds to the nigerian government. the
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african union is urging molly's ministry latest to provide a road map to stay of the country back to democratic rule. jones has seized power in the military coup in 2020. the lead is facing international pressure of the failing to meet the problem is to hold the presidential election in february. the ami come on, does me and morrow being accused of ordering the false recruitment over. i think most of them is to find the games for this rebels. i to the say the mid trees using them as human shields. lametre did not respond to. i'll just say when asked to come and tell him the allegations, how did chandry reports may need? well, hang up teenagers and young man have recently flat rock kind state emily on my or they have gone into hiding in the jungle to avoid transcription into the me and my army. oh yes, i spoke to a 21 year old or hang up recently managed to escape to bangladesh from
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a military camp and put it on the sides. many off his comrades were killed in reese and fighting against rebel forces with no legal refugee status in bangladesh. he doesn't know where he'll end up next. the duties, someone says you, we were facing a very difficult situation over there with very this will suit the ace in the camps . after just 10 days of basic military training. they forced us to take pots and battles against our account, rebel groups, mobiles and video secretly filmed by ro hang a have surfaced on social media revealing the recruitment process. that is to objective from the military side, that we can see. one is to use a routing to use as many as you at the better fee. and now that is to create the tension between the 2 communities. what kind of, what is the mostly uh, because uh, this is a very sensitive issue. tensions remain high on the border between bangladesh and me on my because of fighting and what kind state between government forces an arc
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and army to rebel good. dark an army, but this condemned uh for 600 men of reading the most things, citing their historical co existence. you told me to bury us like it we becomes and it be a, as a religious conflict between what i can community and within the community. this is the plan which hello, we have a message on the menu to hang out describing arrested the nighttime raids course with false promises of citizenship and threatened with arrest, abduction and feelings. you know, the force of the people or they, you decide. what did this, people have no choice, they cannot themselves, this is the against the bent, and that's the law. we can uh, push it through into an ethical mood. even the un, more than a 1000000 drawing a refugee is possibly displaced from me on my upside shelter here in bangladesh. additionally, an estimate of 630000 ethnic growing. i mostly designated the state bless by the
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united nation phase of restrictions on their movement or are confined to camps in direct kind of state in western man mar, of the me on my military's floors recruitment of ring. i is the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic community that has long complain of persecution and marginalization to enrich all 3. i'll just say to dot com still ahead and i'll just say era, why prime minister in the end remote is favorite to win this time in upcoming election wells, most popular snakes, the critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people of starving, and we actually have to experts. oh wow. good. because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every
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passing day. frank assessments politicians with the often in the highest level they've been using games for the political economy service to implement dave and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera. this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered of the
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the. let's find out what's going on in the world, a sport with pizza savvy. thank you very much. no, we will begin with the premium, the type of race and level pool of some of the major players. they last one know to crystal palace. they midway 0 defeats as well. and so it was a 1st and so for over a year. now it's happened twice in the space of 4 days. ever richie as a school for 14 minutes you can talk 3 actions saying it, oh, it's good. i mean to know, but it's nice, andy robinson. and so the rest of them a gold mine from the pool, the 2nd office for the me and this is for the own side, not to be here for to, to jones the 1st away with the policies for them to accept sign remaining states. awesome. it will be looking to take advantage of that level result. they can retake top spot in the standings if they be destined hello. but still no middle investment
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at the end is equal to one from the by labor case and can win the gym and buddhist. and he gets the item for the 1st time in the history . they need to beat vertebrae, man in a match that is just kicked off. they've gone into the fix, it has more 13 points clarify, munich, chevy alonso side are also looking to switch the beats and run to $43.00 matches with a storage triples. the possibility to the, you know, messy school, these 1st goal of the season in some style as into miami beach, sports in kansas city, 32872000 fence pests into the arrowhead stadium. the 3rd largest defenders in may just need saca history and they will treat to their to go for the host. eric told me, but the majority with the see may see and coming action and the a ton. i don't know when it delivered the strike, putting into miami to one a to do we saw is also waiting with the crucial goals. i hand them a $32.00 victory which lifts miami to the top of the stand. the scottish athletes,
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top of the most, is readable going into the final round. that'll gusta, the 2022 champion, has a narrow one short advantage of, of over column or recall of some size of half the story of the, for the ground. the, the store thing as he needs to go on. suppose he shifts little one hit 2 years ago. he's 18 holes away from potentially doing it again. he'll be favorite to put on the green jacket on sunday, plus one. so it leads means is to play for yeah, i played today, it was a good fight out there. the golf course was extremely challenging. i mean, the greens were very firm very fast and it was, it was extremely difficult again to hold on more a couple of short, one of the rounds of the day to lift himself into contention for the major. he's the man in seconds. anything happened? there's still a lot of guys, right?
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so we don't know what conditions are in the life, but at the end of the day, you know, i'm, i know where my head's out. i know what i need to focus on, and i know what needs to be done if i wanna, you know, cause it altima a joint leader going into the 3rd round price in december. i found it tough on leaving today. but this shot to change everything straight into the buddy. he's full of the pace. 163 point. 17, almost $3.00 hole i just figured was easier. the buddy jokingly, obviously there are 2 masters debutantes and the top 10. 1 of them is nichol. i fully good. you actually have the outright lead of one points. and then there's the big all book. you don't need to and professional 10 months ago, but was the 10 months it's been a shock, right? a couple selection last year. he's now in full. i don't gusta, obviously i'm gonna continue and i want to end tournaments and obviously i feel
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very fortunate to be in this position to be here playing golf and um but yeah, so i don't think there's a shy away from me. i don't think you should try to push it away. i try to embrace it and i try to be okay with all that comes with it. i guess. click on conditions expected for the final round. as we waits to find out who john rome will be handing the green jacket over to some sizes and i'll just 0. on monday the w n b i dropped is likely to begin with and it started pick. the indiana fever will have the 1st chance to choose a phenomenon. there's not any said the college scoring record, but he's done it well. funding stadiums around the us. many for the 1st time in a women's game, john handwritten has our story from evanston, illinois. it's possible many say likely that the best women's basketball player ever is about to step on a pro court for the 1st time. at this point you feel like she walks in as the greatest player of all time. caitlin clark average is more than $28.00 points,
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a game. often more than half for teams total. the university of iowa sensation broke the all time scoring record for women's and men's college basketball earlier this year. and hardly seem to notice now she's going pro, as the indian a fever is expected to make her the 1st choice in the women's national basketball association. draft, you know, i said it's not as fun to watch. i can correspond to watch. as clerk sings one rings, 3 pointers. she's also shown she's got game when it comes to bowl. the w. n. b a has found elusive. putting bodies in the stands, there are 7039 seats here at wealth. ryan arena, northwestern university, and every one of them was occupied earlier this year. when katelyn clark came to town, it was the 1st time ever a women's game sold out here. fans lined up for 9 hours, the w n. b a is hoping to see that kind of enthusiasm when clark joins the li
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during the national collegiate athletic association, march madness, tournament fans packed into wheels pub in chicago. hundreds of miles from iowa to cheer herat. she's aggressive, um, she's passionate and then she's also a team player as well. she's amazing what id like beyond what any email player i've done is a report take seriously. you know, women are pretty great so, so i'm just happy to be a part of it and have so many supported people around me and you know, he making history after dribbling circles around related to opponent. clerk recently gave her autograph seekers to a girl wearing her number 22 jersey. caitlin is different and i don't know if it's because she's having shots that usually the med can hit and she's doing it with such ease. but i think it's mostly her persona. she understands the celebrity that comes with what she's doing. she's able to connect with young kids. she takes time to do that. that's a legacy clark hopes to leave women's basketball. and the next generation getting
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ready to step in her shoes. john henry and l g 0. evanston, illinois. yeah, that's another huge accomplishment for rick some and a hollywood stall and is ryan reynolds and robot niccolini. they've been promoted to english ripples through till after receiving back to back promotions on saturday . well, stub beat, 1st screen 6 low to ensure they promotion to be one for the 1st on the line. so you can use defense letting the field at full time to send a base a success. it continues a rapid rise for the 159 year old club, which is taken over by rentals and the committee in november 2020 the club gained worldwide attention due to the hollywood pays ownership. as well as the popularity that arose from the documentary. welcome to rick some so i, that's what was full of thanks for the time being. i'll be here again in a couple of hours with more savvy. thank you so much pizza. now, india's prime minister and their under moody is expected to witness the tub as the world's most populous nation goes to the poles tossing on april 19th. critics argue
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the 73 year old has enhanced his popularity by promoting religious division between hindus and most of them's opposition, voices that are also complaining of suppression. mental fernandez reports the governing board at the agenda pod to you'll be popular among the countries. he knew majority is choosing a certain impala, and this is the man, the police will achieve that. money is a good leader with a strong determination, he has done what he promised stood with a if you want to approach development to everyone. you got a slick publicity machine works overtime to market the conduct as movie present to him as a decisive leader who has delivered his capital across the image analyst see as made him the beach. if he's most powerful weapons, are pro a pop up by friends to fulfill the dream is it developed india every minute. every
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single 2nd of my life is dedicated to this country. the economies one has both of these major achievements. india has become the was 5th largest economy, and it's projected to become the 3rd biggest by 2027. but why g d p is going up? some of the economy see it only benefiting a very small segment of the population. unemployment is on the rise and the informal sector which accounts for up to 90 percent of employment is struggling to this. so this behind the multi machine is easy and due to political ideology which promotes hinduism as the domain in political and cultural force in india. in january, he opened a partially complete syndrome of the the $270000000.00 handed temper was built on the ruins of a 16th century most that was destroyed by him to mumble in 1992 is no longer considered politically in clinic. to see that this is the country of speaking,
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those if the religious minorities wants to stay, they all will come to stay. but on our terms and conditions, minorities, especially muslims, are felt increasingly discriminated against any of these india. the recent amendment of citizenship rules, which excludes muslims and fall struck citizenship as not to mentally say the mainstream media has been bullied or boats or leaving few critical voices. but this hasn't affected the prime minister's international to does his work. that was stage with confidence featured and celebrated around the globe. movie says is motivation is ensuring a license dignity for every indian where they can achieve their dreams. he's test as a leader, will know the winning of the but all of the countries, 1400000000 people benefiting from his policies, mean that fernandez g 0,
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a full that set for this new sound, but i'm back again with another full show, the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series that seem to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that will talk about our problems. know how come from a generation? because 0, this is being seem the groups the size of the system as know for most dangers of working class people, there's a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera. examining the headline is an, is popularly today for the forms of life and unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe or,
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or do you want to create wealth for women? come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest. wow. the into the now more the us army use the highly toxic her with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon,
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these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case. for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world, the people versus agents orange analogies 0 the israel is wall cabinet considered as well the action to take your gains to the wrong officer. it's massive drone and miss hall attack over not israel's allies condemning ron's response, but support for accounts. a strike against that are on is limited. the i'm sammy's a them, this is i'll just say we're alive from the hall. so coming up.


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