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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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of this business uptake, this makes this try the most talk, no bundle dash football to use the the low. this is in use our on out as 0 for the back. people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes a year of conflict in so don, fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces has kills more than for 2000 people. 11000000, all facing famine is there as well. cabinet is to meet again to discuss the brands attack the all divisions over the extent. and the timing of the response bom, crate is add on, is really add bass. the military release is video of what it says is the result of
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a bronze thrown and miss side attacks. also this, our palestinians attempt to return to that homes in northern gaza despite attacks by the is really ami. and we are live from a refugee camp in the shower pakistan where hundreds of off guns of the for the thank you for joining us. we begin this news our with special coverage from so don, it's been one years since the country plunged into a devastating conflict. now it's on the brink of famine with thousands killed and millions more displaced. the army has been fighting the power military rapids support forces whose integration into the sudanese army was one of the main causes of this conflict. so don had been trying to establish a civilian the government, but negotiations broke down after disagreements on high now and when they integrate
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those fighters, the violence as far as more than 11000000 people from their homes and what the un calls the wells worse displacement crisis nearly 2000000 sudanese have fled to neighboring countries. half of them have gone to either chad or egypt. the rest have entered southward on the field yet, and the central african republic, putting more pressure on already scarce resources there and the spread of the fighting to rural areas and restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid had also pushed down to the brink of finding the united nation says at least 5000000 people now facing catastrophic hunger. i'll just here is he. but morgan begins coverage with this report from under mine yet. so don's capital as a clock tower in ruins, along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of undermine sedan, 2nd largest city, and the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids
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support forces or r s. f repeated artillery. drone and strikes has left to devoid of any signs of life. much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters to control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital parts of the main airport. and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital in order to low fighting close at least $13000.00 people undermine city police. a major role in
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this conflict, serving as a supply line for the rapid support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the putting these armies to be respectful have been followed and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began. talk to try to find them into the blood shed, have failed to produce results. the iris stuff also took over much of the r 4 and does the, the state in the center of the country. the u. n. has accused the power i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and we're crimes in west dar for when it's an allied to malicious targets it ethnic muscle. each tribesman, the international agency, sets in that state alone were between 10 to 15000 people have been killed. and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence. in the past year. more than 9000000 for the news have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the missouri,
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yes on if she fell out and then about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes, were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families, the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i haven't the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called, this traffic human to terry in crisis efforts through 5 talks between the where and sites are ongoing, but for now the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and of the parts of the country. people, morgan, i'll just 0. i'm through mind let's go live to another correspondence in so don mohammed vaughn, who joins us live from 4 to don mohammed you've been just on many times in the past year. you reported on the prices from the beginning. what's been the impact of a year of war on the country and its people a
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rise not one off to one year of water is almost failed states. we don't have a copy. some cartoon has to be completely destroyed. and very many, very few people to deliver them to the end and consume itself on the mind the same . how do you the 3 components of the, of the national cops of us. so then millions have been driven from their homes between 8.5 to 12000000 people not lost the likelihood and more than 30000 people have been killed. hundreds of 1009000000 estates. it cannot imagine this is the difficulties they are facing. the un has talked about it, it's very clear that the country has faced, it's the, it's the deepest crisis. most complex since its independence. so that has seen was in the fall spot. it has never reach the comforts of itself. that is
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a make shift carpet some now here in parts of that and where i spent, the governments can barely handle the situation because of the distance those. some of that is affected off in those 5130 is a 2000 kilometers from, well, i'm know, i'm from, well, the seat of the government is located right now. the, the find me the big also you and says so be deeply affected by this conflict. that livelihoods prices have gone high, the inflation and is that you can talk about anything in this country about stability, anything but the piece, anything but um uh, but no normal seat in this country. so, i mean, even the political, the clause stuff has been, you know, a policy for us as in the beginning of this call. if not, i'll stick to the box. see if, because no one is listening to them and i'm not talking to each other properly. the, the, a military leaders in this country just a few days ago, they made it very clear. they are not stuck to any component, any political entity of housing, to participate in the campaign,
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to defeats the out us of the bottom. going to tell the militia, in this war, cannot speak, evans cannot hope to be a part of any political system. once in the future. they said that what, because it can be no democracy, it could be no elections until the complete defeat of the apartment attorney forces us that they call the doctor. we saw, i mean it is we can, we can talk about this country for of a and what happened during just one year. and it's going to be very difficult. it's going to take a lot of time to fix them as that's how it's taking place here. for over a decade i'm the name of the law has been relying on the profits from the city of farming to feed his family the farm and go about if you east. i'm so that says most of his farming materials locally souls, but they are hard to find now after a year of fighting between us with in his army and the part of me to turn it off, it's support forces or let more product movie that the materials that we need for planting the paste the sides, the seeds,
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the 1st alliance of the story. they used to cost a certain amount before the war, but the price is more than doubled after the war. even the empty sacks that i used to put my habits then, now costs more than double what it used to be. the fighting has also affected collecting the harvest, even in states. well, there is no active conflict that's leading to less food being available in markets . and the ones that are of, if you want the city old farm is in my area, have crops that they couldn't, thomas, because the recession dropped us of our equipment and fuel to operate the machinery . if you do managed to haul or something, they chase you and take away what you've collected. you and says celia production alone has own most house in the past. yeah. and words of what may turn into the world small just congo crisis if it's not already given that there is no student ease in the entire country that is touched by the conflict. the people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are
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desperately concerned. are you, they just say at least 18000000. so then these are already going hungry with 5000000 of them. just one step away from finding most living areas where it's difficult to get food deliveries. what's complicating the situation even further is the f, a whitening scope of the conflict. also, i'm going to tell you have recently managed to strike us about east of the states of the body of government leaders have the competing priorities of humanitarian intervention to prevent funding and military action to provide security. how much fun desilva talks to that and we are not joined by michael dunford, who you just so a lot advisory for he's the well food programs regional director for east africa. and he's joining us from paris. mr. dunn for thank you very much for being with us on all to 0. so don, today's unfortunately not on top of most people's social fees, not on top of the international agenda. i know you're attending
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a donors conference for saddam in paris. how are you going to convince donors not just to open their wallets more than they have, but also that, that they put more political pressure on the warring parties. just office call. i actually agree it's essential that we get not only the funding, but also the political commitment to bring this conflict to an end until such time that the conflict, then it will be impossible for the world, for the program and others to be able to scale our preparations to the extent that is required to meet the needs of the population. so don, in many ways is already beyond the bring. what we need is a political investment to bring it back. and then for a lasting piece which would allow the humanitarian act is to scale and meet the needs of the population. now we, we seem to be far from that at the moment. right now we have with the united nations, as described as a largest displacement classes in the world with millions of food in these. having
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had to flee their homes, they need food, they need shelter, they need health care. how is the international community and how is wsp helping right now the people of saddam so it's estimated the today, there are over 18000000 people who are acutely food and secure and as indicated in your report, 5000000 who, irene, emergency levels. the next step will be a catastrophe, where we will see an increased risk of famine. so it's essential that all of the international community comes together and with the support and buy in from the various actors that would allow a humanitarian response to a good. this catastrophe the o. w. s. these level, what have you been doing? i mean, it's been going on for a year. how has it evolved? how has your response evolved in this past year? and so wsp has remained in saddam since the beginning of the conflict since the one
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year of the end of last year. we have been feeding and making a operations to reach people wherever we can. we're currently reaching on average $1800000.00 people per month inside the country. we are also feeding refugees as they stream across into the chad, into the central african republic and into south to don. we are the backbone of humanitarian, the infrastructure. we are providing logistics and communication support to all of the other stakeholders, but it's an extraordinarily difficult environment in which to be operating because of the in security because of the ongoing conflict and because of the scale of the country and the needs of the population. yeah, talk to us more about those difficulties in, in reaching people because we understand that aid is not getting to areas that are controlled by the recess is not being presented to happen from the government or
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the other factors at play. here is a whole range of factors that are contributing to the is this in security, the ongoing and conflicts. you solve images in the talk to a city that has been devastated as a result, millions of people we estimate about 8000000 people have been displaced within the country. so trying to access them in the new environment is very complicated. beyond that, it's just the logistics involved in moving comp, it 3rd across the country. that is a boss. as to don, we recently did a convoy from points it on to north uh for it took us over in 3 weeks because at every point we needed to negotiate, not just with the 2 major parties, but with the other militias to facilitate that transfer even once we arrived there
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was any questions of was the security sufficient for us to then do the distributions? so you put all of these factors in place, and of course it's not just the food security, it's all sectors, right. it's education itself that are impacted by this conflict. mr. done for just briefly before we let you go, i mean, this crisis has also put a lot of pressure on neighboring countries that are hosting people displaced on. so don chad, notably, what sort of assistance are these countries getting from the international community? so the support to date has not been sufficient. we need to be able to scale in chad in south dawn. and these are countries that already had significant humanitarian needs. even before this crisis, instead of south saddam today, 75 percent of the population needs humanitarian assistance. similar numbers in chad . so when you put all of these factors together,
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this is not across is solely for so donald, though, it's that absolute tragedy for the population. this has implications to the entire region and unless we bring it to an end, the risk of further destabilize ation is very real. thank you so much for talking to us, michael dunford, world food program, regional director for east africa joining his staff from paris. thank you. and as we heard back from mr. dunn for more than half a 1000000, so denise, i fled from the doubtful region across the border into chad, but not everyone was able to escape the electorate atrocities as a bus driver was. it is a burden of to done civil war hangs heavy over audrey, the border town. and chad has seen an influx of more than half a 1000000 refugees. forced displacement of people from the region of west are for the scale and conditions are so overwhelming. agencies regularly describe what is
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happening in and around so that as the worst humanitarian crisis to the work is in a boat has been living in this refugee camp since november. she fled her village trying to escape. i'm a riding gun to have a tax communities across the region, a parallel conflict to the battle for control of students capital for to. not everyone made it. the mother of 6 set and that is now one mother of 2. level one is it, it was part of the wrong, it goes up and i was standing like this among 20 people. stay pulverized them all the in front of my eyes. i had money on me. it was, it took me out among the bodies. they molested me and snatched the money. they hit us, slapped us. they killed my boys and abroad one here was badly wounded. we had nothing to take with us and nothing to feed the children. the bullet wounds left the stain of surviving sun with life altering injuries. what's left of her family, including 2 grandchildren, whose fathers were also killed,
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survive on food assistance. it's really important that we have robust assistance in sudan and robust support for refugees who have had to leave. so dad, in order to get support, some of the refugees have been telling us we didn't die in the war. now don't tell us. we're going to have to die from hunger of getting people what they need to survive and such a remote and rugged part of the world remains a daily challenge. when rations run out, people go hungry. sometimes they'll find work barely enough to buy a portion of salt or me a year into this conflict. they count the days the number of people last, but the suffering remains in measuring refugees here. say they see no way out to stay here is to suffer to go home is to die. st bus robbie ultra 0. so don's former prime minister,
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abdullah hum dock is calling for an end to the fighting. hum donkeys participating in that international aid conference in paris to highlight the pride of millions of sudanese affected by the slight di more. okay. from the coal comes to stop that will address the humanitarian situation. stop targeting civilians restore the path of democratic transformation, an open and expanded dialogue that leads to deformation of peaceful transition structures. and these positions in the interest of the nation and the citizens. and this will not be achieved except by returning to negotiations old possible on the politics incident. when i joined by conference 0, who's the president and ceo of international crisis school. and she's also in paris . thank you very much for being with us. so after year of war conference, where do things stand we anywhere near to getting the warring bodies lead us to talk about a cease fire and possibly a more sustainable end to the fighting powers
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. i'm think it will search for you. you will great, great coverage of ours is that this is the 1st time i'm in a, a spring. the key meters has the orange, the crucial to enable it from a ceasefire or p still together. so you've got the invoice here for the us. i'm found you right, but you're a chiral. the you and i here at the table. i'm built in my, to sharon's that's going to be crucial to apply pressure on both sides of the war and decide describe speakers sugars. that's been the weakest link. differentiates to kind of my get all the sides together to be consistent speaking here and i'm to get car is what a piece the look like. and what a ceasefire to look like. and the sustainable one as you like the point out, right. can you tell us comfort about what's been happening on the battlefield? we've seen recent gains by this within these army against the rockies support
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forces. we try to get to have the upper hand. would you say that we are in a new phase of the conflict? now and what might it look like? yeah, it's a real see. so development, you know, started last year of the hung up to correct and i need to be on the side or to mentees forces that reference to full forces. i'm here to gain strength. i'm taking back critical areas where the, the army have been strong. it seems as daunted this, yet. i'm with crucial reverend res. i'm drains and other supplies. this certainly is on policies. look to be kind of the ascendancy in the face of an eva, stretched our se, but 1000 hops, unnecessary supplies, doesn't have the necessary policies on the side. i'm upstairs to have recent style mates on his own. say right now we're seeing attempts and went to the on the can so, so it's own objectives. want, what are the ones to reclaim how to get
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a chance to be making some in res, around the surrounding, that there is a of consume but it's, it can read that i've seen, but it was so different balances of power shifted to it's to its side but right now we're in that see, so right that we see the risk grade spent in southern to other regions of the country. you talked about concepts and voice being in paris from the u. e for example. and i wanted to ask you about the role of outside powers in the conference, don egypt and yvonne have reportedly boxed the sudanese on me, sending them drones. among other things, d, u, a b, who you say is attending this parish conference is widely thought to be all mean the are assess how has for an involvement in the conflict evolved and all these countries today genuinely seeking an end to the conflict and stuff. but it's a good question. i think that's
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a difficult part of those things that you didn't really go. there was a sense and everybody was on the, on the same page. but we seems to have proxy allies with their own agendas, with every notion of stipulation with aaron's version of what animals staples to them would look like. say you're right, the pointed out for role of egypt and i'm the you a, there's also sad you have a view that was why can initially say with the your a spencer and sees 5. and i think the challenge today is to get to a true line and get it sort of to hearings between all of the 4 countries, the us, chiron, you are e and saudi arabia, so they can decide and understand themselves. oh, so a 9 that there is an interest in the bank. so what i think found as being one is made mediation difficult as enabled form shopping. it's enabled by and started to
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continue to find some of the bumps in the field. it's given by besides the terms, the ability to kind of revise it because no one asset has been able to use this leverage of able to apply pressure and able to not just the others to fund it for the same truck is better, right? so hopefully powers, we can get bass players alone, all right. and more to lot tools to come together to agree on the principles of what of what a more structured mediation process could look like. otherwise we're going to continue with that. i'm puzzled. i come to tennessee the that's been going on in the last year. thank you so much. we're going to leave it the cafeteria president and ceo of the international crisis group joining a staff from paris. apologies to our view, is for the quality of the connection. thank you very much profit. thank you. or the
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pulling on to having use now. and these routes will cabinetry is due to hold a 2nd meeting within an hour or so to discuss yvonne's unprecedented attack on israel avon launch. hundreds of me size and drawing sad israel. iran says it was in response to israel's attack on his consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago, these really cabinets held several meetings on sunday and is reportedly in favor of a retaliation. but he remains divided over the timing and scale of the response. and new video released biased rails ami shows what it says is a damage to one of his bases after yvonne's attack, the barrage of drones and besides left a launch hole in the ground. i didn't about to med base in southern israel. israel says the vast majority of the launch project ties were intercepted, live to him, ron con, you know, q 5 east jerusalem. so another cabinet meeting expected in ron to discuss the response. they are reports of a split within the cabinet on how to proceed after this attack as
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well. the sleigh actually comes with in the general is really political landscape is not really specific. you women, the war cabinet is how, what is the split light? well, the far right, it's the hard right to being led by people like it's a motor bank of a little bit that was more attractive, a very clear. they want a direct and large scale, a strike on the heart of tyrone. but anything of not the know going to be satisfied with, i'm a woman that's very soon. however, under tremendous amounts of international pressure, v is right ease, perhaps lead in pa, to by many games. and the defense base, the glands of cool to slight something slightly different. what they would like to see is an international coalition build against iran that would give them cover for any potential strike against iran. interesting enough, but we haven't really heard from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these
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remained very silent so far from of this a man who has been talking about the threats of iran either 20. yes. and we've seen this large scale strike this come and he hasn't said a word yet. we are, we are expecting him to say something off of the cabinet meeting. but perhaps the best indication of this moving together, this pulling together of an international coalition came from you. i'm glad a just a little confused. i'm not. we have an opportunity to establish a strategic alliance against this grave threat by you wrong, which is threatening to mount nuclear explosives on these messiahs, which could be an extremely grave threat, the us israel and its allies stand shoulder to shoulder, to defend against this threat. so i, in israel defense most of it, yvonne meanwhile says this attack on israel was a legitimate action under the un charter in response to the strike on its conflict in damascus. on april 1st, foreign ministry spokesman nasa county made the comment that is weekly use briefing
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and urge west and nation. so appreciate yvonne's restraint on the streets of some people a celebrating the attack, while others joined the long queues at federal stations. worried about what comes next that's bringing dorsey jabari in taylor on. so those so what more are you reading and authorities saying and what sort of preparations are they making in case of retaliation from his rep? well, the iranian officials are saying that this is a done deal operation. true promise came to an end and they are saying it was a resounding success, according to military officials and the head of the revolutionary guard. what we're hearing now near the 48 hours later is that iran is taking the position of defending its action, say they responded to an acts of aggression by these rallies. that's all it was. and that there is no need to continue this narrative of whether or not there needs
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to be another further response by these or at least out at the where you need for administer jose. and i'm here at the law here on the speaking to his german counterpart on the phone earlier on monday. and he said, the aim of the operation wasn't to inflict any real damage on his riley military installations, but rather to deliver a message that if and when israel crosses their arms red lines, there are con secans. and that is what they saw happened on sunday morning. now the national, the supreme national security council of iran also issued a statement saying that should israel at respond directly to iran. then it runs counter response will be 10 times larger and stronger than what they saw happened on sunday morning or so. thank you very much for that. that sound is there is no such a binary reporting their life from tehran. still, i had on this vouchers here use our a decade after nigeria, she bought kidnappings,
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dozens of girls are still missing as a country struggling to stop trying to function the the hello the last few days has seen incredible rooms across positive se in your temperatures. good. 1050, maybe 20 celsius above the average full of the time if you up to the northwest. it's a good deal cooler. north. wesley winds driving in much cooler at what talk the practice of us. we do have wind bodies in force across the pot. so if the u. k. wells england spec to some very blessed 3 conditions, 3, the remainder of monday that'd be go with that risk northwest when bringing a few winfrey flyers in across the west side of scotland and all of them areas have in the northern parts of wealth as well. so what's the weather? how does that?
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that's running its way down across the low countries into front and a head of that. we've got to line of town and right associated with that cold front that's gonna sink its way further south was students with disabilities that you know just the bell grade at also for the crest cleaner with desktop. the talk is why in a good 10 degree dropped the full vienna by the time we come to tuesday, significant spiteful, coming in across the outs of his days, could see as much as that he maybe 40 centimeters of smoke for some here. so that was will make my way to south. i'm positive italy down towards the balkans, a few showers to into northern areas of algeria. meanwhile, lots of lift it up in the sand because the holler as the political debate, pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports the whole while goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every
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passing day. frank assessments, for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political economy service it's doing. and course the rivals inside story. on out just sierra every family carries it's within those in 65, the industry can take a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch crowd the ink cartridge. these families to finally discussed their cost in the hope of sparing youth youngstown by breaking the cycle. into generational trauma, my father new and died. a witness documentary on elegy sierra. the
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you're watching the news, our on knowledge is 0 with me for the black people. i reminder of our main stories . it's been one year since the don plunged into a devastating conflict. within 30000 people have been killed. 11000000 have fed their homes because of fighting between the army and power military rapids support forces. the war has also pushed millions to the brain, confront your video, released by israel as ami shows what it says is the damage to one of his head bases . after yvonne's the time the barrage of jones and besides left, a non told and the phone id never came as a student suddenly as round is or as will cabinet is to hold another meeting to discuss sundays at the time, the cabinet is reported leading faithful retaliation but remains divided over the timing and scale of the response to just got to discuss this further is now
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bringing the child has a cairo's associate professor of goals politics with the goals, studies center at the cottage university. thank you for being with us to shana. so we now seem to be in a holding pattern, israel saying it will respond to the rainy and attack, but we don't know the timing of the response all the extent of it. the american saying that the us will not support his route in any further retaliation or further escalation. where do you see things heading? do you think, let's yahoo will, he's us calls to deescalate or will he respond without going into the different things we, we can be this key of the by them said to anybody who don't do it's dawn for that. we, we know support you and we would not participate in any active in any action that they would take against it. so in the case, a start would be alone if they decide to do something, even though the united states and other countries report the door, be funded for when that happens is so it seems now that the, the mollys on, on, on,
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on these fairly side, eh, on how do we respond or which intensity do we do? we do. it depends on what kind of and so what kind of punishment can expect from the on your side. they don't, you said we don't we, we finish this. we don't want to do anything else, so it's up to you if you want to escalate or not so. so you don't think there's going to be an alliance us thoughts around israel if they decided to, to retire, which ones i don't think now the fact that there was no customer of the and the damages were very minor and do nothing justify an action or a continuation of this action by yourself. so it'd be complicated to justify why an alliance is necessary to contain. you don't need on what's very key or they wanted to do something they did the analysis in order to reduce the price on the car. so these, there is no need to create something much bigger than what is already there, and it's show that the most efficient, effective and does participate in many countries, including a drawer the bring the patient to my next question. question,
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which is what was significant about this attack also is that it brought together western and arab states like jordan in defense of israel. and this hasn't gone down well in some parts of this region. how vulnerable does it make a country like jordan today? how does the valuable does it make it to public opinion, jordan, having participated in defending israel seen? well, i don't think it looks very, very valuable for the out of the street. this, this call is a little bit a when also, when the jeremiah decided to sell it to, to tell me that the, because the against signing a whip us to is how you gotta be able to solve the area was also participated in this area. operation add to protect it. you start from that that's coming from from who it is. so it's not joined. it's on. do any other kinds of bodies participating with somebody like a i'm in the sub relative to, to protect the aside from external effects. and i don't think it looks good for
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that. are people eh, i still think that's the front. the beat on is the only the content that's there to effect directly at the style we make it on to be more popular. i'm writing that off people on the less popular data, briefly in china, where does it leave the war on guys and, and efforts to reach a sci fi? and i don't think it's his benefits in that and, but now who was expecting this to justify what they are doing in augusta? i think it is not good for, for anybody else. so this could be a good point for, for the, the, the, the, the piece thoughts, even though we don't see any, uh, any more, i mean move on and then the address and base. and we don't see that the story is willing to, to committing anything. and how about the rejected any, any other conversation possibly with, with the as well as possibly doing stuff that likes that it doesn't seem to to happen. so all right, the general, very good to hear your thoughts as always which one is a cash i'm katara university. joining us on the use our thank you very much. a
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while in guy's side, south hundreds of display sammy's are still trying to return to the north along a coastal road. large crowds of people moved along irish 8th street in the hope of being allowed. in fact, some people walked on foot wide as use will barrows or donkey carts to make their journeys many a trying to leave the song of the guns. this trip i made a looming tract of and is really invasion of the weight on sunday is really soldiers fight on palestinians and gases. city were trying to return to their homes using that coastal road. several people were injured. more than a 100 honest simians were killed by is really sideways on that same route. why collecting food aid in february? that's find that the late to supply the situation and guys and speak to tie capitalism, who's in rafa and guys that bring us up to speed topic with what's been happening on the ground. what are the areas that the latest is really a strikes of targeted yes, there is
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a site just curious on the ground right now fully in the gaza strip as the is where the military is expanding its military bombardment and it's military campaign. and of course, the entire garza's trip. now it's early in the hours of today's morning, hundreds of palestinians. families tried to return back to the north as they have been taking that receipt coastal road. but they have been rejected. and a, confronted by these very military tents, which blow up the road, opened the fire and force the majority of palestinians to return back to the shelters in the south, where a number of entries have been recorded. and some of the situation is relatively di, in every single part of the goal is to start the main focus of these reparations right now is in the number at pos open. was that right to refuge account? we have been revolting about this for a couple of days, but today it's one of the bloodiest. they were at least full palestinians have for reported killed. i'm more than 32. others being who the only sense between the hours of this morning as the to the civil defense teams are trying to do the best
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in order to recover the injuries and the victims from under the rustle of the destroyed houses. because right now, as well as demolishing and attacking residential building in the know the right part during the entire area into a great the out the a. terry. thank you very much for bringing us the latest back from guys i tarry, cup was with him in a rough any occupied westbank. meanwhile, at least one policy name has been killed by is really forces that the military storm, the city of novice and rated at home. confrontations took place between the fighters and soldiers to palestinians had also been wounded. and one is in a critical condition and tensions remain high across the occupied westbank. where is really settlers have been targeting policy and villages? this was the scene in the 10 e. so from my last settlers, a scene here setting a car, a light, the latest finance was fox by the disappearance. only 14 jo settler,
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whose body was later found dozens of properties. i've been set on fire with 2 palestinian scales and confrontations this week. the now hundreds of thousands of off con refugees will be forced to leave pakistan, including those who have pakistani legal documents. this is the 2nd phase of a controversial time by the pakistani government to expel off guns in the country. last october, thousands of off guns without official documentation, what order to leave within 30 days will be forcibly deported. we go live to, i'll just here is come all higher in special or novice the northwest in pakistan near the border of wave. i've got his son come on, i understand you are out of refuge account for off guns. talk to us about the situation there and how many of these refugees are expected to leave pakistan. and
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when the come on hi to, can you hear me skype? oh, okay, we seem to have something here. you know. okay, great. you're with us. come on. i was asking you to tell us about where you are. you are at a refugee camp. i understand for off guns, i talk to us about the situation there. how many of these refugees are expected to be focused on soon and when is that likely topic as well? if i heard you correctly, there are about 1700000 unregistered outbound refugees in the country or do not have any proof of registration. out of that over uh, off a 1000000 and have already been forced to leave focused on their head,
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florida wellness dawn back in the early 1980 days after the russian invasion of a run is done. many of them had been living in refugee camp stores. do i registered, and even the young registered one, as you can see behind me, this is the cut donna rep, your j can bridges on to about 750. i've run families. they were over a 1000. i've run families. yeah. but the main problem right now is that many of these all von refugees do, are unregistered. i'm moving around and therefore it is great, quite different. good for the our daughter did around them up our human rights organized nature. and of course, have raised the lob, saying that the demand in which these people are being deported to our country ridge are still not stable. economically, we're just suffered from all the more 2 decades. the wall is something that did not accept it, but however the government are focused on say that because of the security rates
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and the fact that our growing number of attacks inside buckets on, they have no other option. but to let the dog run rep your gaze, go back, and if that darn go back, then of course they have different the consequences as well as the registered outbound rep. your dates are concerned. that is right now, the grid in the 2nd phase of work, the buckets on the government calls the repack creation process. and it wouldn't be, i've called several months before all the rep your days. are they? but it's really focused on, but this is a difficult task difficult because most of the rep who did were born and focused on raised the dev livelihoods their business, is there. and therefore, disproving ready a difficulty because they have to upload themselves and go back to a country and go back to uncertainty. come all. thank you very much for that. that sounds easier has come all hide reporting their live from a refugee camp in the shower near the border with i've got his son. thank you. well,
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let's take a closer look at some of the numbers come, i was mentioning day of african refugees, according to the united nations by kasanya authorities have already forced more than 450000 to return home and human rights watch. organizations say more than 2020000 has been directly to forty's, they include women, human rights, defenders, journalist and former government employees who fled afghanistan. after the fact taliban took over in 2021. they are risk of persecution when they return. like hassan estimates more than 1800000 off guns have been living in the country without documents for years. most arrived in waves following the soviet invasion of afghanistan in 1979. to talk to us more about this now we joined by in jazz goal was executive director of the center for research and security studies, his life from his lombard, thank you for being with us. missed a goal. are these 4353 ations? by the pakistani government of these off gun refugees justified
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or just if i don't want you to the extent of that every country does need to document all the people where the local are aliens living in that country. uh for the sake of the brand. and now we're talking here also over a 1000000 people. but being all listing the visas in buckets on our own do not have any document at all. a box on initially had use the excuse of security of the mounting in security in the country and tried to justify that, but merely by defaulting such people you cannot insure security. we have seen this, and i don't see the idea of the justification for the boarding people in the haste without consultation, without due process, without any giving any deadline. because this process,
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particularly the clock of austin, those people who possess either the proof of residence or the font citizens ship card. this has happened with the support of the international organization for migration and united nations and focused on a dental to or should not be doing a deep ordination or sending people backs without asking and consulting in the store interaction organizations before have right. so, so then you, you believe there's no genuine security concern with these refugees? i mean, you cannot leg the security where they are, we did have virginia with all those people who have been living here illegally. you know, we have to drive a distinction between the contractor juice. they had the funded guard, either the proof of presidents or the law offices of citizenship card. but then the people who did not, why they came in like 2 years ago on,
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on the visitor visa and then it stayed on without getting it to renewed all who did not have any of these uh, toner, who came on fake spurious trouble of documents. so this is what focused on government has been trying to do. and i think the many united nations had no objection to that. do objection as to the mode is up and the, the way it is being done. right. and as we heard from our correspondent briefly, so many of the return is the 2nd or 3rd generation of guns was never lived enough. got his son. and i imagine there no provisions for i've got by. i've got an old forties when they return to wisconsin. is what are they doing in some cases it should be to the 2nd or 3rd generation, but uh, i think uh, the 2nd or 3rd generation people, the majority of them do have a means to stay on in the country. a lot of them are doing businesses, a lot of them are studying here to education institutions, universities,
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colleges. so the problem is a mist governance, very hasty steps that are taken, which basically provide an excuse to the tardies to the police, to cut it off of some of the people. also, i think it's a trumpet of human rights in some cases. so that is one where i think the problem begins. when do you allow the officials to just apply of drug garage to all the people outside is do off cons living and buy cosign without doing due diligence and the due process. thank you very much for talking to us. thank you for your insight into school executive director of the center for research and security studies in islamabad. i spend 10 years since the abduction of 276 school girls. somebody's secondary school in northern nigeria by the onto a book or dozens of still missing. i'll just here is armitage, or 3 for some to bulk where there's still hope that all the girls will return
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10 years on the emotions us to roy. she woke in nigeria is northeast and board the state of the 276 goals taken 194 back among them 57 who escaped captive in the early days of the kidnapping bible quite out by just for the parents of the 2 girls who are still missing the weight continuous. on the 10th anniversary of the most objection, parents inactive is gather to remember what happened, and to mount pressure on the government. we want them to be free from that's a visa. to be united with us in the whole at home. and that's what we want. after a decade of competing parents to you, i worried that international interest in the goals plight is we we don't know,
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we kind of 10 what the 0 is and they have with golf on. i don't, we don't know. we parents, we don't know. what do we asked them to call on them? they should not lift bus laptops, but we need the assistance we knew hello. when i print 42014 ball court on fight is apparently looking to steal food for my secondary school. that was supposed to be shot because up to 10 of your ratings security situation. important to state, re, did the typical go 2nd to school. they counted hundreds of students and took them away. late response by security forces, complicated the rescue, and caused blow from the outrage. before leaving the fight to set the school in 5, a simple click on close the retail just as it goes sometimes. but it's always continued to be haunted by what time the school has become a shrine for victims and their families will gather here and want to moan. and to
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remember that nigeria is you have to overcome. active has blamed governments past and present, fulfilling just q a. schools and students as most abductions, reach a crisis point to nigeria for my captive ledia joshua. a sense of freedom is incomplete as long as how school meets remain missing. i'm not really happy because i'm in here though. it's my phone. many press of them down the 2 years on day so far. pays that quarterly bindham buck. but this year, not old is blue. all the evils, the terms that advisory a few heard, which is one of the kidnapped school goes now a university graduate. got chose among those whose rescue was the goal shifted along with dozens of others by the previous night general government and the commitment ration parents mock the end of the gathering with pray that when they
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meet to get mixed other parents will be mocking vocation with their missing children, or at least have found closure to the doc moment in general, recent history. how many degrees? i'll just yeah. i get a saying i had on algae 0. how jenny fisher taking over in venezuela as fishermen and tories both found the along the the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination, and due by the
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business, latest expenses by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by the welcome back in the us to police officers have been killed in a shootout with
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a suspected coffee. it happened near the city of syracuse in new york state, as the sheriff's deputy and another officer investigated reports of a robbery. at least one person is in custody for questions. going for a swim off the coast of venezuela isn't a good idea at the moment. an unusual invasion of jelly fish is causing alarm for both the tourism and fishing industries. alexandra bias has just a local fisherman. i calling it the plague, millions of cannibal jelly fish choking waters across the venezuela's coastline. q and the way. yeah, well no, nothing much of it used to see a little going to every now and then. now it's like there were flowers in the sea floor. now it's too much too much, too much salary. my salary about selling the swarm seem to appear out of nowhere. it's thousands of miles from where this species is normally found in the
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atlantic pacific and gulf coast. the invasive jelly fish is filling fishing net and crowding out other species and is having a severe impact on the fishing and tourism that locals depend on. what i want to put on, i know, see, i don't know when you dive in the works to look proficient you brush against a lot of jelly fish with your head. you body you get stung along. it looks at fish right now with completely stuck up anymore. when diagram, dougherty, weekly halls have dropped to less than a 5th of what they once were. local organizers say it's the industries biggest decline in recent years. and then as well as environment ministry says, warming water is caused by climate change, pollution and over fishing, maybe to blame. scientists in the capital are trying to pinpoint the exact cause, the invasion. this is a school named to add the because this isn't a typical event that's occurring, it's
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a complete and normally in previous he is only a few has been observed once. however, the increase in the population of this year has completely exceeded previous estimates. what i'm saying, the annual jelly fish populations around the world have sowards in recent years. the thrive and harsh conditions and need very little oxygen. and researchers are warning of a looming tipping point. we're jelly fish could over well other species and dominate the world's ocean. alexandra buyers, alda 0, that's 5 years since via destroyed one of the world's most famous cathedral. since then, no tra, dime in paris has been a construction site. every construction site even is hope. the famous french landmark will reopen later this year. and that's it for this news. our analogy is here to stay with us. so i'm going to have more today's top stories coming up. the
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one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment suede boots as in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie and fairly ongoing coverage in the selections on our tuesday era. and the lines of ethnic groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with the exclusive access to remote camps and frontline battles, shouts, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones, me and my on the, on the ropes on al jazeera,
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unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories of the field us having a normal life in these with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now the stream announces era we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict, is the human sufferings actually report to us. we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides in thailand. defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to silence with the lowest 101 east investigate. so allocations, that defamation case is being used to bring to invitations and concealing corruption. speaking up in time, 91020. the
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a year of conflict ensued on fighting between the army and the power of military rapids simple forces as killed more than $30000.00 people. 11000000 a facing simon, the problem. so robin, you're watching of their life, my headquarters here in the also coming up israel's will cabinet is due to mutual fees to discuss the rounds of tax there all divisions over the extent and the timing of any of his phones will have a lot.


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