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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the some size of the $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. i don't most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the visible on them, and this is the news our lives from. don't. how coming up in the next 60 minutes you on we to face the consequences for its actions. we would choose always funds accordingly. israel vows to respond to yvonne's drawing and missile attacks while the united states says it doesn't want an escalation on covering the dead in
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gaza. another mass grave is found on the grounds of all to the hospital recently occupied by is rarely salt, which is plus industry minutes effects that the killing game judy instead of rising ceilings for the amount what crimes and crimes against humanity one get into civil war on saddam and the un secretary general wants of times, a slicing continues on the 1st of a criminal trial. some of our former us president gets underway. donald trump faces charges of faults to find reco. it was during the 2016 presidential campaign the we begin this news out in israel with armies chief of staff is one of the consequences of ron, following its unprecedented attack on saturday, paid on 5 hundreds of missiles and drawings towards israel,
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saying the attack was retaliation for israel strive, 100 comes to listen to mass because 2 weeks ago, this is where the latest. so the assessing their options from mister benjamin netanyahu has convened. these rarely will cabinet for the 2nd consecutive day. and military officials say israel will respond when it sees fit. we could always be assessing the situation. we remain at our highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to crown through any for it. for milan, and it still perhaps is ivy, we continue our mission to defend the state to visit. let's go to a local respondent, stephanie deca. she's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and as well as military chief of staff reiterating that is rarely positioning stephanie, that they were told was,
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will respond to yvonne's attack. what else did he have to say? so yes, and he also mentioned the international coalition praising the international coalition that came together to counter around attack on israel, of course the americans. he also mentioned the french, she also mentioned the brits and they also mentioned other allies in the region. you can read between the lines that we also know. jordan was involved and also reports of saudi arabia and he signs them for coming together. but as you mentioned there, he also said that there will be a response, and this is in line also with what we've been hearing diplomatically from the leadership. we've had the war cabinet meeting for its 2nd day. it's going to reconvene again on tuesday from what we understand there is a consensus that there needs to be a response, but what that shape is going to take. and when it's going to take remains very much a part of a debate. also because of the increasing international pressure from the americans
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as well, for israel not to escalate what is a very facade and dangerous situation that can really result in a regional war. and what if anything, stephanie, haven't heard from his randy officials about cooperation with the us on this washington isn't saying anything about that. just saying that simply wants to come tensions in the region. i guess it was interesting. you had a state department spokesperson briefing just a few hours ago where he was saying that the americans remained very, you know, staunch in their message, that israel needs to de escalate. at the same time they stand, steadfast with his role and it's defense of itself. and they were china injured by some of the germans. they're saying that what you're saying contradicts itself, because surely you should be putting more pressure on his role not to respond. the reality is that there is absolute co ordination when it comes to israel and the
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americans about what the response will be. now the americans have made it very clear, joe biden cutting benjamin netanyahu. you've already won basically take the when he said, because over 99 percent, according to them of the missiles and rockets in droves that were newest israel were intercepted. this is seen as when, but as we've been saying these raise the saying that the scale of the attack needs some kind of response. now if you do look at what happened, iran gave days, warnings that gave warnings to israel, and it's all nice to ready for this attack. and now you're hearing that israel is saying, well, you know, according to the leads from the cabinet meeting today, the war cabinet saying that measuring yahoo tossed submitted to was coming up with targets that could send a message, but could prevent any form of the visual civilian casualties again, not to have this situation escalate any further. so i think when you're asking about coordination with the americans, 100 percent, that will be very much active and they will know what's going to happen and when it's going to happen. stephanie, thank you very much. for that,
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stephanie dec over the latest live and occupied east jerusalem. and as we're going to pull thing the united states says it's focused on a diplomatic response to iran attack on israel. alan official report from washington. the middle east has been very much front of mind in washington, iraq's top politicians, that in time, but the going conflict between iran and israel dominique's was from the white house . us president joe biden looking to claim joint credit for between back the hundreds of drawings in miss south fire. it's towards israel, as you know, around launched another trish of aerial attack against israel. and we monitor the impression that almost every effort to defend us together with our partners, we need to feed it's out of state is committed to issues. we're committed to a cease fire that will bring the hostages home. and preventing conflict from spreading beyond. the run had one double response of to israel said ms. selves into
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its diplomatic component in the city and capital of damascus, killing several people, including at least one top military commander. what happened to the weekend is the 1st time around his directly attacked israel. and that's the biggest us money. this sparks a much wider conflict and to get striked in by pledges to defend israel. we have been coordinating a diplomatic response to seek to prevent escalation. strength and wisdom need to be st. the same sides, the different sides at the same point. i've been in close communication with counterparts in the region and we will continue to do so in the hours and days ahead. it's been suggested around widely flag. it's authoration deliberately making it more symbolic than impactful. but the us rejected the idea that go to advance warning of what through when and where we were not given specifics by i ran
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into my knowledge of any specifics in terms of exact times, dates, you know, we obviously have a robust intelligence network that provides uh indications and warning, as far as the us is concerned, the military did his job. it helped protect israel and blunted the runs the attacks . but no, from here it's diplomatic headquarters. it's working overtime to try and keep this conflict contain using all the leaders it has to are to restrain from israel, as well as seeking support for a new package of sanctions. to send a message to a ron. alec fisher, i'll just say to washington, the wrong says its attack was a legitimate action under the un joshua in response to the strike on his consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago. foreign ministry spokesman also cannot be made the comment that his weekly news briefing and urged west of nations to appreciate. yvonne's restraint is all messed with on it. then what i hit on if the
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international community and the security council had reacted to israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now . we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence. and then if another action is taken on, our actions will be more serious and i need to show it on a correspondent dosage of body is impaired. on with more on ron's reaction of the reigning foreign minister jose, and i'm here abdullah he on in a phone conversation with his german counsellor park on monday morning. stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point. uh jose. and i'm gonna have to log in and set that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked it's console. that section of it's embassy and damascus on april 1st, and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few
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months. now this is not, of course, the 1st time that iran has delivered threats against israel, but this is the 1st time they've taken this kind of military action many who are seeing it as a historic event in iran. since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades, for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel, that if they retaliate against their wrong, then reading and response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really if that's the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has said they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts,
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as one would expect, given the current tens climates that were in doors such a vari, alta 0 to air, on well diplomatic activity. in the middle. liza shockly increased countries twice the fuse. the 10 situation of defense had to to alex good off of the spoke to the dutch defense minister about her concerns over the rise intentions between yvonne and his room. i very much appreciate the role as katara is playing with the war and in gaza and trying to mediate, to get all parties to talk and to find a solution. and we also need to strengthen our corporation. i feel a cuts are, is of course, important and receiving, also coalitions here. we have to be active in the region. for instance, in iraq. your reaction is minister of defense to the retailer treaty strikes from the ron on israel a few days ago to talk about your impression so much in this already very fragile
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situation and the region having this type of strike, the air attack really massive. i think it's a dangerous thing to do, and we have therefore conducted and also us for a constraint because we feel it's extremely important to keep all heads cool now and not have any further escalation. that would be extremely dangerous for, for the, for many countries industry to what's happening to the situation on the ground and gaza. now in 2 weeks off to is very full of his, withdrew from all ship a hospital. the full extent of what happened there during the 14 day see just being uncovered. another mass grave has been found of the compound doctor say they so patients being killed, honey must know. it has more reporting from alpha and southern gaza. the
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identify from the smallest details by those who knew that these bodies will no longer be namely the sort of fee. and that's kind of the largest. since it i've been monitoring the prices of assuming bodies from this mass grave. i came and found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive marks on our feet. how's the officials discovered this mass grave in the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in gaza city? it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors will say to witness the killing, knew exactly where to look. yeah, we'd been coming for the past 10 days to a treat bodies. today we found the largest number 15 of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them really forces conducted a 2 week rate on guys the biggest hospital that ended on april 1st. it was severely damaged and is no longer functioning. these really armies say that battled with
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house city and fighters inside, but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered sense in, on the old minnesota lynn to show today we came here to treat the bodies of the victims who were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces inside the she for medical complex. my mothers among the victims who are very teeth by these ran the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and beat lie you the corpus is a 20 palestinians have been also on earth. local people say is really forced, is executed in 4 months ago. in the north of this trip, these bodies will now receive a proper burial. what is rated troops to plan more attacks in the south and even more vieira alpha. so turn garza to palestinians have been killed in the village of the kid about all the way in the annapolis and the occupied westbank. the palace in watson news agencies were holding that was shot by israeli settlers,
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the flare up in von and follows the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday. when the, when we got the ship is with a and is riley force has been 50 molar. settlers came in and they started pep a sprain. us then i was hit by a rock on the back of my head. i fell and they beat me with sticks too, but i kept running and tripping. but soldiers and settlers were shooting at us as we were less than 20 meters away. they kept running and shooting, and people looking. the only challenge has more, the latest is rarely settler attack. some of them on line the occupied westbank. it has been a significant flare up in secular violence since the body of that settler was, was found on last week. for palestinians have died. uh and 75 percent of students have been wounded 14 of those critical, but that's just the latest flare up and what has been
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a significant escalation consecutive audience since october the 7th. now the united nation says that in that pay rates in scope, type of the segments that are being $704.00, secular tax and average are about 4 dates with 16 palestinians kills now is ready. politicians like new york alliance, the defense minister has warned against his ready vigilante as him, and he is deployed more troops to the west bank. but as we've just heard so many palestinians more is ready troops in the west bank. there's no any guarantees of the safety and the often they say that the is where the troops around the participants in the violence against them the it is the 1st anniversary of the bachelors a pallet. and so don, 12 months of fighting has killed, at least $50000.00 sudanese for millions from their homes and put millions more on the brink of famine. and there's no end in sight to the fighting between government
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troops and the power and the treat bracket. support forces. one of the main causes of the conflict was disagreements. so the integration, the power meant if you personnel into saddam's forces. so don had been trying to establish a civilian that government. the negotiations broke down off the disagreements of how and when to integrate those faces, while the fighting has forced more than 11000000 people from the homes and what the un has cold wills, worst displacement crisis. maybe too many uncertainties have fled to neighboring countries. half of them have gone to either chad or egypt and the rest have entered south to down ethiopia and central african republic. pushing added pressure on already scarce resources there on the spread of the flies into rural areas. and the restrictions of the delivery of humanitarian aid have also pushed to sit down to the brink of famine. the u. s. has at least 5000000 people and now facing
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catastrophic hunger have a move and report from on the mon, near the student who's capital a block tower and ruins along with many of the buildings. this was the municipal headquarters of i'm through mine to dance, 2nd largest city and the capital have to be destroyed by a year of conflict between the sudanese army and the power and military rapids support forces or r s. f repeated artillery drone and s tribes has left it void of any signs of life . much of the city was once a strong cold of the recess during the 1st days of the fighting, which began a year ago. the army and the recess had been battling it out to have the upper hand in the capital. in the 1st days of the conflict iris, the fighters took control of the presidential palace state tv headquarters, a major oil refinery in the capital,
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parts of the main airport and many residential areas. the armies offensive came in december and started in, undermine resulting in the recapture of tv headquarters. government forces have also regained some territory in the northern parts of the capital and how to alone, fighting close at least $13000.00 people under mine city plays a major role in this conflict. serving as a supply line for the rapid support forces in the 1st few months of the fighting. it's also where the power military and the student needs obviously, fee respectful, have been followed and where some of the worst disruption in the capital region can be seen. a year after the battle began, it talks to try to find a dentist the blood shed have failed to produce results. the recess also took over much of the r 4 and to view the state in the center of the country, the u. n. has accused the power, i'm going to treat group of ethnic cleansing and we're crimes in west dar for when it's an allied, malicious, targeted ethnic muscle. each tribesman,
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the international agency, said in that state alone were between 10 to 15000 people have been killed and more than half a 1000000, displaced by violence in the past year. more than 9000000 for denise have been forced from their homes. it's the world's largest displacement crisis. the yes on it's about 3 or 2 refills fell on our homes. we were not able to sleep the night before we left in the morning we took off with only the clothes we were wearing. we were many families. the kids had no food or water for days, setting that much, i didn't, i hire the you and has words that the fighting is preaching what it's called a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. efforts through you 5 talks between the wearing sites are ongoing. what's for now? the sounds of artillery and gunfire continued to dominate the capital and other parts of the country, even more than all just 0. i'm through mind,
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kate phillips are also there's the vice president for global policy and advocacy at mercy cooling. she's joining us live from washington dc. thank you for your time today. so one year on, how would you describe life for people then sit on a one year on lives for people in sue them is barely level. as a report noted, this has rapidly become the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, both in terms of the displacement level, you have 6 and a half 1000000 people who have been forced to flee in town to sue downs, borders, and 2000000 people who have to leave the country into surrounding neighboring countries that have difficulty supporting them. and for those who are remain behind, we are entering closer towards catastrophic food and security. something like 18000000 people are basing severe knowledge friction and food
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and security. and we fear that those numbers will only creep closer to the threshold. the family that's to down enters its main season. and finally, the situation is made worse by the ongoing violence and the threat of violence which is really disrupted people's lives in a conflict that has been marked by widespread violence attacks on civilians and the infrastructure upon which they depend. and widespread sexual and gender based files . and how much of the reason why things have got as bad as they are, is because of, you know, what your organization has said is global indifference to what's happening in saddam, you're not the only one saying that why do you think that is and you know, what does it mean for things like financial resources needed to help millions of people that are as a salute me, i think for as large as this crisis is, i have personally never witnessed somebody heaps of experience in the humanitarian
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community. this level of a difference in deafening silence to a year long conflict, which not only is, is as large as it stands now in terms of the humanitarian impact that scottish but stands to guess far worse, if the situation is not addressed expeditiously. um, you know, it's hard to say why the silence has been, has been so deafening. there are a number of different situations going on around the world. but if you look at the statistics that are coming out of student, i'm and where the, my kind of the international community has no choice, but to address the situation pat on before it gets even further out of control. there was an international donors conference and, and i parents today where we saw something i just put on the table, but we fear that they will not be enough to turn the tide unless they are dramatically reduced and couples with significant diplomatic energy to bring this crisis to an end, but are you in college by?
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i think it was $2000000000.00 in a that's been patched at the conference in paris today. the united nation saying that something like 2700000000 is needed. sure. absolutely. it's actually something more like $4000000000.00 that's needed if you combine that, the amount of training needs into down and in the neighboring countries in the region. so to answer your question, i'm encouraged because it is a big step forward. compare to the, the complete lack of steps that have been taken over the past 12 months to, to acknowledge an attempt to respond to these needs. but it is important that we don't stop at this moment in a make sure that these, these classes that were made today in paris are deliver expeditiously because the clock is ticking on his food and security situation. and that the intention is maintained because without the diplomatic efforts to make sure those resources can reach people on the ground in organizations like murphy core can access people in
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desperate need. and again, that we focus as an international community on ending the crisis, driving the humana training needs. those resources will not go far as an on humanitarian needs. on the food and security, you mentioned lean season earlier. your organization has spoken about the shrewd impact of the wall on the agriculture sector in a country where 80 percent of the population relies on funding for income. how have fun is being affected and what does that mean for the hunger crisis as well? i'm glad you asked this because this is a feature concept. obviously people lose their lives in violence of scribes in your report. but oftentimes the impact on the disruption on lively funds and people's ability to feed themselves is where we really see lives are being lost and see down is no exception. i do know that 80 percent of the economy relies on finally we've just been disrupted as people have to flee as a supply chains have been disrupted as,
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as market connections have been disrupted. and without significant efforts to make sure again that the conflict comes to a close, we will likely see that situation get worse. so she monitoring 8 is absolutely necessary and more needs to be plunged. but nothing can replace the significant disruption to the students own ability to, to feed its population that's been exhausted by this crisis. so we would encourage more humanitarian assistance be provided in the immediate term. but certainly that efforts are made to support farmers, these markets. and again, ends of violence, that is disrupting sedans, agricultural sector and supply chains. that is really driving a catastrophic kind of congress situation. kate phillips, the roster of messy. cool. thank you so much for your time on this today. we really appreciate it. thank you. it's now 10 years on from the kid. nothing of $276.00 goes from
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a school to northern lodge area. one of the victims has told algebra a voucher of experience. some of the goals are still on accounted for. i mean on the, the k k spoke of the hardships you enjoyed seeing local head on need of a bulk of chicago. and the moment she escaped i'm in uh, named kiki right now is the end of my school because that was for the us and medicaid was name to this and i'm since, so he is so head for somebody to been separate that would say somebody. and then a leave with the people that or with cohen's the, the, to the right the to go in and do it is i me went to the send yourself was to fly this book on people. so that's how i get to with
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where we, i is, the new sense that we use when chicago is lucien up to a for me, i never us enhances the 5th of to the 5th. did the oh, go with us dad. so he's kim instead is nice, slowly push for us to that is from is and you don't want anything to happen to us for us. that's a flea with tongue with for that was as today a kesha and i see, or the parents of my colleagues that sit in because it is i to them do with the uh on how i was a guy and did the power to go in there and been den bucks still the head on the news, our tens of thousands abandoned bay homes of slugs ravaged parts of russia and catholic
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song and rising from the ashes of the powers 5 years after the devastation 5, we'll see how close not to dom continue to this to being the store the and how is the weather sloshy set fare across smotts, frustrated, also sunshine, sunshine towards the west was the temperatures really getting up across the w way in particular? got a few showers just nowadays the side of us will see you. as i said, i was just clinging onto that eastern side of new south west as we go through a tuesday position as around the top and just around the golf commentary. i know the pos a queen and i could see some live house from time to time. is that for the west side? yeah, celsius him for him. so if he wants celsius the full path, i just had w way already fading the heat type of the next couple of days. it's a similar pitch as we go on
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a through what is the central possible how to draw all the motion. i was just creeping through southern, posit queensland, east, the pa sofa new south wells as well. should stay logic dry. in victoria, the eastern part of the states could catch a shot or 2. what's the, what's the 1st time? it's a new say to, but bylaws is essentially settled here much better than it was last week, or at least just a little bit of the cloud for the most part big while the crowd is taken out to produce a west, a weather across japan, over the next dial said sliding further, reese was running into when she was going through with this type, right. as guys come back in behind for the green financial, both a positive charter, but essentially the southern areas it is looking for teen what the latest news as it breaks iran has given a cause that people come out. but the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage,
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but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world . people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using fruits. p, use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the
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the the, the watching beyond just the one use our me, elizabeth, put on and doha reminder of on top stories. the solid as well as on the shapes as the country will respond off to yvonne's on the 1st of the dentist attack. that is rarely will cabinet mesh on monday to discuss the situation for the 2nd time in 2 days. doctors it also for hospital and goddesses, he has discovered another mass graves and medical complex following the withdrawal of israeli, for instance, 9 bodies believes to be of patience have been found so far as being one. yes. since vote for catherine. so don, more than 11000000 people have fed they homes because of fighting between the army, empower, military rapids support systems. now that you, one is the one in the country. it is on the brink of 7. while the us special envoy for saddam tom perio has visited the vision and met display cities outside the
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country. my colleagues, how do you say don began by asking him if he'd spoken to the one finds in the conflict? we are in communication with the sides, but mostly with the sudanese people who are very clear about what they want. they want an end to this war and a returned to the constitutional transition that they had just 5 years ago. this week. they want to see fewer x, terminal actors, fueling this conflict, and finding more who are going to be partners in a peace process. and we are engaged with our african counterparts and others in the region. and particularly the neighboring countries who are paying such a price for the instability as more and more refugees flow across borders, facing hunger and atrocities inside. so there's an renewed urgency, i think, from all actors to get these sides to the table and to get a peace deal that ends this war. you mentioned getting the 2 sides of the table. so have you heard anything you have any reason to be optimistic about the possibility
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of getting the 2 sides to the table and trying to resolve this through diplomacy rather than through finding? unfortunately, i think we see the 2 sides largely negotiating with guns at great expense to the civilians rather than at the table. but on the more hopeful side, i think we are seeing more and more of the countries in the region to understand how urgent the situation is. first and foremost, as a horrific humanitarian prices, but also as a regional in the source of instability, particularly as more and more actors engage more foreign fighters come in. so we are seeing, i think, a much higher degree of diplomatic interest in ending the war. and of course, the voice of the suicide student needs people who are very clear in the urgency of ending the war. returning to civilian rule and addressing this horrific humanitarian crisis, it's clear that the sudanese, particularly the youth under $25.00 who make up so much of the population they know the future they want. they want that to be an inclusive democratic sudan. they want
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it to be a stable sudan, and that's a good thing for the whole region and uh, for partners like us around the world. so we want to do more to try to learn lessons from that period and build back. but we also know right now that we must urgently build the political will to end this war. and right now it does not seem like the 2 belligerents themselves have that well. so that's going to have to be a combination of the sudanese people and those of us on the outside who care deeply about the people of sudan, a, do you have a date so when you plan to visit? so then uh, well we have some security issues there. uh, we were on the border uh with the child camps and been meeting with hundreds of civilians in kampala and nairobi and add us in cairo and other areas. and we'll look forward for the right moment to be able to return there. but i can tell you that what we are doing every day is working on the negotiations and the political will. uh so that everybody can return into sudan, the sudanese people who are so eager to get back to their homes. now 2 decades ago
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with a small photos of smiling, do a soldier's posing with humiliation. detain needs at the rocks, abu ghraib, prison cost worldwide shock. and after years of legal batch was the law suited for by 3 prisoners began on monday, john hand and reports from alexandria, virginia of the abu ghraib pictures tell us sordid tale of torture, prisoners stack naked and a pyramid handcuffed on the ground. drag by a leash and attached to electrical wires, the soldier giving a thumbs up next to a corpse. now, 20 years after the release of those photos of the us run prison at abu ghraib and a rock set off global outrage. 3 survivors are getting their day in court with upgrade and the revelations i thought was happening and i would grade that open the eyes of the united states and the world to shift away from the law and treatment of those in custody in the name of the war on terror,
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the survivors are suing c a c on the virginia base military contractor that supplied the interrogators who worked at the prison. just as had been a long delay this case has been bouncing around the court since 2008. c a c. i a has tried to have it dismissed around 20 times in 2021. the us supreme court sent it back here to district court, where it will finally go on trial. the company denies wrong doing and says it's employees have not directly inflicted abuse of the prisoners, but the plaintiffs in the case they, the company set the conditions that resulted in torture by ordering military police to quote, soften up detainees for interrogations. there's been so little, no accountability, really for what happened at abu good god and, and beyond. i think a case of just one person is tremendously significant. among those expect it to testify. army general antonio, to a group who led an investigation into the abu ghraib scandal and former staff
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sergeant ivan frederick sentenced a more than 8 years in prison for inflicting abuse. john henry and al jazeera, alexandria virginia, the war crimes tried if one of sylvia's highest ranking, former military officials, has begun in a swedish court. well homeless, homeless, accused of violating international humanitarian law during sylvia 7. for the 65 year old face is a life sentence for his alleged involvement, and what prosecutions argue? what indiscriminate attacks on the city of homes and 2012 as well. i think the vixen this, the visa card is there just a few boxes, a place in homes. and i'm a 2012. a new fact similar elsewhere in syria have resulted in houses with losing their family members living their homes. and it's all happening. patient is claiming that this
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is walters wordpress. and so if the court degrees, the defendants will be receiving up to 18 years in prison and even life jury selection has begun. and donald trump, so for that hush money trial is the 1st the full criminal trials. he's facing his, he campaigns to return to the white house. trump is accused of this guys and payments made to an adult film star to hide an extramarital affair. first and salumi reports from new york city. the former president donald trump arrived admin hatton district court on monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials he's facing. as usual,
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he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. the the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one, the former adult film star known as stormy daniel. she says she received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter. which trumps denies ever happened. but pain daniels itself is an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay hush money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it, the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this record. the president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance
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violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters on air force one earlier that. dear. okay, cohen and daniel's testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include karen mcdougal, the former model, whose claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like who picks and kelly and conway, before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must agree on 12 jurors who will just size the president's guilt or innocence. that process alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time be expected,
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appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi al jazeera, new york. debbie hines is the form of baltimore city prosecutor, and she says, cases involving charges like those trumpets facing a usually straightforward of what he's charged with is $34.00 accounts, mostly mister new years and a felony falsifying documents. so i'll have to prosecute should really have to prove is payments for may, they were may not for the purpose that they are stated for if they were not made for a re payment of lawyer fees to michael cohen. but they were made for the purpose of hushing money that was paid to stormy damaged. so we had an affair with why he was there, and he's charged with by making the home that he was motivated to make the payment . so his intent and making the payment was to not get out that he had paid the money to stormy dance because he wanted to keep his standing with the female women voters that respected women of ours. and yeah,
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so that's the most important that i've been bred has against all the other accounts here, falsifying documents at the corporation. he is saying that he's paying for legal fees, but he's not paying for legal fees. and it does run into different dummy shell corporations in order to access what he was trying to do. but again, the most important, the most important one is to validate the account that involves a stormy daniels account. and they actually interference with the election because that payment was actually made within days of november 2016 election. and so it's very clear, at least in my mind as the prosecutor, that that's what he was trying to do is to avoid and not have that get out. but he had done that. i have to say in all honesty, you know, it's still a touchy course because there's many things that can happen before the truck gets to a bird or even a hung jury. and what i mean by that is there things that can happen during the course of the trial that can cause
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a missed trial that can cause it not to even go to mary. we've had 1000000000 appeals in the other cases. and so it's also likely not as likely that he might be able to appeal. so ruling in the judge his case that's less likely, but it's not as smooth pass for alvin frank to actually get a conviction because he actually is, yeah it's, it's not us, pat styles of ask on refugees will be forced to leave pockets on, including those who have legal to pocket sony documents. this is the 2nd phase of a controversial planned by the government to expel afghans from the country. last of 12 of thousands of afghans without official documentation will order to leave within 30 days, will be forcibly deported. a correspondence come on high that has more of them because on the refugee camps and charlotte, the millions of of gone refugees are now facing an uncertain future. and buckets, dawn,
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after their government are focused on door them to leave within 30 day. last yeah, i'd rather unfortunate, but in the dodge human rights organizations of course, condemned to move things that are going rent. uh, and most of these people who have been living in this country for decades after they've fled the country window. gotcha. and then rated, i've run it's gone, gone, know what really happened to them. many of these children that you see behind me were born in this country. young man, some of them also who of course have no, no other players like focused on their home. then now after labor that heavy heart, many have already left over half a 1000000. and according to the report from the government, we've been talking to some of these editors here to tell us how they feel about being forced out of this country, which they have got at home and what they are likely to see when they go back to a run it's done, you know, who do you just have one assigned to budget?
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i've got any studies facing a list of challenges even if we go back, we don't have houses to live in or jobs to any living and supports all families. it will be difficult to survive in a war torn country out of advantage. that is why we wanted to do the problem. so if this gets more than 40 years since we migrated to pocket stone, many of us were born here. we have businesses here many a working as labor is it would be very difficult to return to a country where there was no education, no health facilities, and no work. full social security is our major concern with it. let's see how was that karl k? but it is important to know that the government is using and executed by saying that because there is a spike and get into them and violence, they cannot control the figure. this situation if they have undocumented of law and order a part in n and living in this country. oh, well, how familiar enough runs. i've already left the country and many more are on the
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way. because you did it all a day and a rather than clement them not being able to move across the board for the past few days. that protested likely to begin again. and it is not just the unregistered, i've run record is already be part of the back. but the government adults are announced that all the doors of one refugees who are registered with the daughter did. dad will also have to go, there's an unpopular move that did likely to affect relations between the hours of on dollar bond government and i've run it on. and they're going to focused on tension that also high on the board to. and most of these people ever and uncertain future their what it, what happens to them when they go back, come out of the data, cut down their records, you can show more than 110000 people have been forced from their homes. and because it's done by flooding, which has also hedge rushes, 7 year round mountains,
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the state of emergency has been to create an h region, some conflicts down and more than 80 villages remain cash off. you'll need to shop a lot of the reports from multiple. the nature is taking its toll, flooding more and more land and rushes southern euros and northern cause. a stone issue out of the houses filled with water over me, through deep zones, pulled our belongings or here we left everything behind us. a call them the close of the spring floods and nothing new in this part of the world. but this yeah, the scale of the dissolves to is unprecedented. george's was of course i've lived there before. she goes in the south one more. it's the 1st time i see such a mess of the flood, the house, the barn, all the appliances and clothes, everything went under water. you can see the unusable refrigerator. and so the washing machine kind of in a heater lying there in the north of context on the water level in the ition reba reached a record 9 meters. they both have busta with
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a dime and the safety of petrol pablo and rushed into the streets. people began evacuating, imagines the services had been deployed to help almost 9500000 cubic meters. the roles had been pumped out by thousands of houses remained flooded because of the floods has been b, a good know low web. it has like stones and rushes southern zeroes lost all some heavy rains, increase the water level in the do route issue and to bull rivers and the soil became chose is saturated. then severe for us to have a laser. during the winter, i must have snow tap was full. so at the beginning of the spring, the frozen ground wasn't able to absorb the melting snow, and the walls is rushed trades and so the rivers. this situation in kazakhstan has been complicated by ice floes drifting with the current. they demolished power lines, leaving posts of the city of petro pablo without electricity, and drinking water. now traffic to kazakhstan from russia's 2 men, crew gun entry. 11th regions is partially blogs,
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only trucks all out through calls have to turn around. the peak of the disaster is you have to come, you live ship of all of the older 0 most guy and still ahead of them use our telephone calls to white weiss on just the sound in vietnam or another mass leech and eventually wells,
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or ship. the, [000:00:00;00] the scientist say more than half of the race areas in the world's oceans of experience
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and stress as a result of woman c, temperatures. the u. s. national shianna could atmospheric administration says at least 50 full countries have experienced bleaching of the reef since february last year. is it set to be the full such mass bleaching event in the last 30 years? caller re so estimated to provide 20 ends of dollars of value to the global economy each year. there at cummins, that a is an ecologist and he explains what bleaching means for carls. of course, are animals that live in a symbiotic relationship with the type of l g. now these l g provide the coral about 95 percent of its nutritional requirements. however, its various, the symbiosis is very sensitive to heat stress. so when the coils experience huge stress, expelled these elegy, and they turn white. and this basically means the corals are starving to that. and is the heat stress persist for long enough?
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and the magnitude of the heat is high enough to cause can die in the problem with this is that the corals themselves are providing that 3 dimensional structure. it's so much file diversity is dependent on in tropical rates. was estimated that about 25 percent or one and for every living organism in the world's oceans associated with co reached at some point in their life cycle. also cro reese provide protection to shorelines during catastrophic storm. and that's like hurricane site loans and type foods. furthermore, call readers generate billions of dollars to the us economy is estimated, they generate trillions of dollars to the global economy. ultimately, the pollution problem will not go away until there is some kind of international agreement and collaboration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. in the meantime, it's important that we reduce additional stressors impacting quarries. so things like land base sources of pollution for water quality and fishing practices that
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are unsustainable or damaging the caller we should really be limited to provide call reach the best opportunity and the best chance to cope with these rise in ocean temperatures and going for swim at venezuela's beaches isn't a good idea at the moment. an unusual invasion of jelly fish has caused an alarm for the tourism in the fishing industries. alexander bias has more local fishermen calling it the plague. millions of cannibal jelly fish choking waters across the venezuela's coastline. q and the way, yeah, well no, nothing much of it used to see a little on every now and then. now it's like the flowers in the sea floor. now it's too much too much, too much silly. most young. this warm seemed to appear out of nowhere. it's thousands of miles from where this species is normally found in the atlantic pacific and gulf coast. the invasive jelly fish is filling fishing net and
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crowding out other species and is having a severe impact on the fishing and tourism that locals depend on what our no problem i know. see, i don't know, could tell one of them. when you dive in the worst look proficient you brush against a lot of jelly fish with your head. you body get stung along. it can't look for fish right now with completely stuck up in a moment. the dougherty weekly halls have dropped to less than a 5th of what they once were. local organizers say it's the industry's biggest decline in recent years. and then as well as environment ministry says, warming water is caused by climate change, pollution and over fishing, maybe to blame. scientists in the capital are trying to pinpoint the exact cause, the invasion, if they ask when it rains to add the people, this isn't a typical event that's occurring, it's a complete and normally, in previous years only a few has been observed. however, the increase in the population of this year has completely exceeded previous
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estimates. what i'm saying, daniel jellyfish populations around the world have seward in recent years. the thrive and harsh conditions and need very little oxygen. and researchers are warning of a looming tipping point, where jelly fish could overwhelm other species and dominate the world's ocean. alexandra buyers algebra. it's been 5 years since of 5 destroyed, one of the world's most famous cathedrals, and one of the office not working on the unique project has been explaining what's being done to restore dr. tom to splendor. so that's all. so i just, i just want to just, any of us has to ernie. this is all to look to the 2nd set to do. so that's the jingles. and then basically i see except to that right. no noun, i hope was 80 to 90. see that message that's going to,
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you know, some of the 12 plus all 40 is that cash sheet just in mind you typically do minus recruiting solution. so anytime between the school and the value of issue, so not to sound if we have to lose the cd, correct? a takes action in each man move with the punch realty neutral. so this was a c, d, or municipal customer x. if you had, i'm sorry, period to a video, cool, national, cheapest, chantix. it's how long i chose the wrong little bed. just get in there for them. the next will be the stuff with as are the songs that you then to good, i'm clear on a lot of these walk on from the previous i for that, as i said,
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i to strip the specifics. it's going to put them some tie on when you most. i'm sick folk who own that easy chef with as room. as i met you to the top, i noticed your which one is that set for the news? hello. thank you for watching the reporting from the action. how do you mean a great winning hearing to fox, how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators? it's presidents must, he saw strengthening the stability of the country. well, i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store. after a 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the outer
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a big language world wide. shea come out of old for translation and international understanding of nonsense. the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest? wow. the sun goes down. right, so it's a fairly challenging place to work from. as a journalist, even though you can't do it, it's not allowed to be
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a field pushing. we always pushing a boundary for people. we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the israel vast to respond to a ron's drone on this side attack want it's all the united states is warning against any escalation. the problem carry johnston. this is all just there are a lot from the also coming out uncovering the dead in gaza. another mass grave is found on the grounds of,


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