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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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thing and how will that affect the global flies against inflation? symbolic way is launched a new power as in a bit to end its financial time. well, i've had 5 boy thought mcdonald's is now buying back o it says riley restaurant, counting the cost on out is era, the israel vast to respond to it, runs drone, and miss saw that talk $1.00. it's a lot of united states is warning against any escalation, the commentary. johnson, this is office here a lot from day. oh, so coming, uncovering the dead in gauze. another mass grave is found on the grounds of lc for hospital recently occupied by it is rarely soldiers. as well as from bottom to top, the strip continues at least 4 people have been killed in an attack on
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a home just outside the city of rough. and the 1st, as a criminal trials, the former us president gets on the way donald trump faces charges are full, see fine records. this 2016 inspection company. the as well as all the cheapest stuff is, won't have consequences for iran, for them. it's unprecedented to tackle and sat today around 5 hundreds of missiles and drugs towards israel, saying the attack was retaliation for israel striker it's conflicting damascus 2 weeks ago. is what i need to say. they are assessing their options for mr. benjamin netanyahu has convened the is there any will cabinets for the 2nd consecutive day, but it's for officials say israel will respond when it sees fit. we all could always be assessing the situation. we may not that way the highest level of
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readiness united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to crown through any for it. for milan and it still perhaps is ivy. we continue our mission to defend the state to be, but most definitely deca has more now from occupied east jerusalem. the message coming from the military leadership from the political leadership very much the same, but the scale of wrong to talk on israel demands a response. now how this response is going to come when it's going to come remains a real issue of debate. and of course, this is all within the context of the international community, particularly the americans putting pressure on israel, telling the know to escalate. what is the incredibly dangerous situation that could
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result in a real regional conflict prizes and joe biden told him to benjamin netanyahu saying, take the when saying this over the weekend. the fact that over 99 percent they say of the missiles and walk ups and drones newest at israel, where it disrupted it remains a question of when probably not if the word cabinet will reconvene again on tuesday . and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of that. stephanie decker, i'll just narrow it occupied east. jerusalem around says it's attack was the just the most action of the view in charlotte to foreign ministry spokesman. that's a cut on a has urged west donations to appreciate rounds restraint is all mess with on it. then what i hit on if the international community and the security council had reacted israel's aggressive actions in previous years. we would not have seen such bold acts by this regime now. we have carried out this action in the framework of
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deterrence. and then if another action is taken, our actions will be more serious. correspondent though such a bar is entirely wrong with more on it runs, we ex of the reigning for administer jose, and i'm here abdullah here on the phone conversation with his german counselor park on monday morning. stress the fact that the operation which the revolutionary guard carried out against israel on sunday morning was to prove a point. uh jose. and i'm gonna have to log in and set that israel had crossed a red line for ron when it attacked it's console. that section of it's embassy in damascus on april 1st, and that there has to be consequences for what israel does. iran will no longer tolerate the kind of behavior that israel has been conducting over the past few months. now this is not, of course, the 1st time that iran has delivered threats against israel, but this is the 1st time they've taken this kind of military action many who are seeing it as a historic event in iran. since the 2 countries have been rivals for over 4 decades,
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for the time being iranian officials are issuing more threats and warnings to israel, that if they retaliate against iran, then iranian response will be 10 folds to what they saw in operations to promise. in terms of the general public, there is a sense of fear because any kind of reaction from israel is sure to really affect the country in terms of its economy. and the reality has already lost more of its value over the past few days. and people are worried that any kind of retaliation will further put more pressure on the general population. in terms of the dire economic situation, the military has said they are prepared and they're on fuller alerts, as one would expect given the current tens climates that were in dorset avari algebra, 0 to her on well turning to the situation on the ground in gauze and now 2 weeks off to is rarely forces withdrew from i'll she,
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for hospital. the full extent of what happened during the 14 day siege is being uncovered. another mass grave has been found in the compound. doctors say they saw patients being killed, honey, monthly reports not from reference southern goza, and identify from the smallest details by those who knew them. these bodies will no longer be nameless, the sort of fee, and that's kind of the largest. since it, i've been monitoring the prices of assuming bodies from this mass grave. i came and found my mother's body, which identified by distinctive mark center of the health officials discovered this mass of grave in the courtyard of a ship, a hospital in garza city. it's one of several found in the grounds of gauze as largest hospital in the last few days. the doctors will say to witness the killing, knew exactly where to look. yeah, we'd been coming for the past 10 days to
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a train bodies. today we found the largest number 15 of patients who suffered injury and a lot of them for me. really forces conducted a 2 week rate on guys the biggest hospital that ended on april 1st. it was severely damaged and is no longer functioning. these really armies say that battled with house city and fighters inside, but many patients were also clearly among the victim. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered sense in, on the old minnesota lynn to show today we came here to treat the bodies of the victims who were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces inside the i'll she for medical complex. my mothers among the victims who would vary to buy these rings. the occupation forces on the 4th and further north and beat lie. the corpses of 20 palestinians have been also on earth. local people say is really forced, is executed in 4 months ago. in the north of this trip, these bodies will now receive
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a proper burial. what is ready to troops to plan more attacks in the south and even more vieira alpha. so turn garza for people have been killed off the on these really bombing west of gauze as the southern city of rafa house was, hates intel also tongue children among the dead. several of the people were injured in the attack could have been taken to the nearby to h e hospital to palestinians having chosen the village of it so that to alto wheel nest tablets and occupies westbank, the palestinian one foot news agencies reporting. they was shocked by it is very settlers. the flare up involved as far as the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday. when the, when we got a safe is with a and is riley force has been 50 molar. settlers came and they started pep, a sprain, us then i was hit by a rock on the back of my head. i fell and they beat me with sticks too. but i kept running and tripping. but soldiers and settlers were shooting at us as we were less
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than 20 meters away. they kept running and shooting, and people looking for a challenge has more on the latest, is very circular attack from about a in the occupied westbank. it has been a significant flare up in secular violence since the body of that settler was, was found on last week. full palestinians have died and 75 percent of students have been wounded. 14 is always critical, but that's just the latest flare up and what has been a significant escalation consecutive audience since october the 7th. now the united nation, the says that in that pay rates in scope type of the segments that are being $704.00 secular tax map ridge are about 4 dates with 16 palestinians kills now is ready. politicians like your clients, the defense minister has warned against it is ready vigilante as him and he is
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deployed more troops to the west bank. but as we've just heard so many palestinians more is ready troops in the west bank. there's no any guarantees of the safety and the often they say that the is ready troops around the participants in the violence against them. the jerry selection has begun in donald trump circle. the hush, muddy trail is the 1st to for criminal trials the for what president is facing, as a campaigns to attend to the white house. trump is accused of disclosing payments made to an adult film start to hide an extramarital affair. kristen salumi report from new york city. the former president donald trump arrived admin hadn't district court on monday for jury selection. in the 1st of 4 criminal trials. he's spacing as usual. he wasn't shy about expressing his opinion.
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the the $34.00 charges against him stem from a $130000.00 payment made to this one, the former adult film star known as stormy daniel. she says she received it in the run up to the 2016 election to buy her silence about a sexual encounter which trump denies ever happened. but pain. daniel's itself is an illegal. the crime is the alleged attempt to disguise it as a payment for legal services. you can pay harsh money. this is america. if you want to pay someone to not speak and not talk about it, that's okay. as long as they are consenting to it, the crime comes in is the way these payments were characterized in 2 different
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places, both in the trump organization. and in michael cohen this record, the president's former fix or lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to those payments in 2018. here is trump speaking to reporters on air force one earlier that deer over cohen and daniel's testimony will be key to the prosecution's case. other potential witnesses include karen mcdougall, the former model of his claim of an affair with trump was also silenced. and former white house insiders like ho pecks, and kelly and conway, before the prosecution can begin presenting its case. they and the defense must
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agree on 12 jurors who will decide the president's guilt or innocence. that process alone could take days or even weeks if found guilty, the former president could face jail time to be expected. appeal would likely drag into next year after the election. kristin salumi, i'll just here a new york. well, the sides dollars natalia, the, the amir and 80 though 5. she joins us from the stands, is welcome to the program. not this really is extraordinary, isn't it? the former president, facing a criminal trial and what kind of on shot to territory all we i mean this is a historic 1st this has never happened before. we've had presidents be investigated for criminal charges back of richard nixon, but obviously never a child. so, but he's being treated like any other criminal defendant in that new york court room, they're going to jury selection right now to try to determine if they can find 12
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people who are unbiased enough to be able to look at the facts and the law on a case and give them as fair of a trial as any other criminal defendant. many potential 2 is obviously have already been excused. um, saying they comp being partial. how much does that on the line, how potent arising a character donald trump is? i mean very polarizing it in this country, perhaps the most polarizing person in this country and many people have very fixed views of him. and not only that, but that the facts of this case had been publicized for years this had to do with the 2016 election. so people have been talking about this for quite some time. hopefully are also used to doing high profile cases in this country where there's quite a bit of publicity around them. so the, the job of the lawyers, the job of the judge is to they get a huge amount of who potential jurors to come. first of the court room and then they ask them questions and then the 1st one being can you being partial and then
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over 50 people today said no, we can't. and they were automatically excused. and they start to whittle down the jurors based on that to ultimately find not somebody who's never heard about the case before, but somebody that's heard about it, but can also set aside any opinion they may have made to judge it based on what they hear in the court room, what kind of domain might we expect from donald trump? during this trial? i mean, he's not really known for being passive is this is a fascinating question because he's really using this trial as his political campaign. he's fundraising off of it. he's trying to say that he's been a martyr, and so he likes to make this a bluster or that he is, it's him against the justice system. but a criminal defendant in a court room has to be quiet and they can actually be removed from the judge. we take these things quite seriously. so to be a good, come out, defend it, and not actually to upset the jury who may be deciding his guilt or innocence. he
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needs to be passed up. he needs to be quiet. and donald trump do that for 6 weeks, while at the same time having this outside image of being this david and goliath. and i think that's going to be the one of the more fascinating things about this trial of really be able to control themselves in the court room and have pathetically speaking. and of course, many things can still happen. the democrats might have something to say about this as well, but could trump end up being convicted and elected at the same time? yes, he could be, and this is literally, as you said earlier on chartered territories. so it is really anybody's guess on how that could ultimately play out, but there is nothing in our constitution that says that convicted felon cannot become a president. the more sticky, obviously situation would be if you were actually in jail and became elected president. how would that be handled so definitely on charter territory, most likely he even has convicted probably wouldn't get
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a jail time or anything severe. a black this is going to be unusual. he could be convicted felon and still be president if elected in november. genocide though, thanks so much indeed, we appreciate your time. thanks for having me. so, to come on out just here, i will tell you why game ranges ends in probably between 8 and a 6 with 9 the tracking device. the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states i left sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very,
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very painful here. the story on talk to how does era ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts, and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. there's a deliberate mission of health in western and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the
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the, the without just a reminder of a main storage. is ro as ami cheat says the country will respond, often runs unprecedented. the time is ready, war cabinet met on monday to discuss the situation of the 2nd time. in 2 days. the offices of i'll see for hospital in kansas city have discovered another mass graves and the medical complex in the withdrawal is ready for 69 bodies for these to be of patients have been found. so jury selection has begun in donald trump's circle cost money. charles is the 1st of full criminal trials. the fullest president is facing the kind of things to attend to the white house. the 934 charges against the head of the international atomic energy agency is one of
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a possible nuclear disaster in ukraine during an address to not to nations. i feel okay, see, set a tax on is that for visa, nuclear, how long must start immediately? i'll just say it was gabriel at his own day, spoke to him following his briefing. the security council metz again for the 7th time since the beginning of the war between russia and ukraine. to discuss the issue of safety and security and the separation nuclear power plant there once again briefed by mister rafael grossi, the head of the i, a. e. a who said, among other things that we're getting dangerously close to a nuclear accidents, i'm not going to speak to mr. grossey himself. thank you for joining us. i shared clearly the situation is still very delicate at the nuclear power plant. you talked about how just in the last 10 days there have been drone attacks. how worried are you by that, whether we have to be very worried since the beginning of the war,
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the is pressing there. we have a permanent deployment of experts and the inspectors on for the past few days. and very concretely on april 7th, there was a rating of drones attacking the pound very, very seriously. the several hits one on the roof, top of one of the reactors. uh, not the us and then other uh, the area seem to be seeing the deal there reactors. extremely serious. really. i wanna ask you your brief account. so, and you said that the all 6 reactors at the separation nuclear power plant now are in cold. yes. shut down, people might think, oh, it's off. there's no more worry anymore. is that the case or no, i think that would be that would be dangerous. because it being shut down means that the reactors are not producing energy purchasing power. they are
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operating, they come to operating at the very low level, but that doesn't mean that they are not taught. that doesn't mean that you don't have all the nuclear material inside their, their, their reactors. so the possibility or the, or even trying off a physical attack, there would be a radioactive release. anyway, as we're standing here sir. israel is threatening to strike iran. what would be the consequences if israel was to retaliate against any of the runs nuclear sites, where the we cause cedar, that new care sites should not be targeted. the dissemination of nuclear material cause due to use and environmental hazard, which desktops big, oh, nice borders, by the way, thank you very much for joining us. thank you for speaking with me. i appreciate it . thank you. clearly, you heard there from the head of the i a mr. gross. these things very concerned about the situation in ukraine. it still is potentially
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a very dangerous situation. should a worst case scenario happen? i think, which is what everyone is trying to avoid. and that would be a nuclear accident gabriel's on the outer zeta at the united nations in new york. more than 100 and, and styles and people have been forced from their homes in kazakhstan by flooding, which is also he rushes southern europe mountains. the state of emergency has been declared in 8 regions of causing stone. i'm more than 80 villages remain, cut off the shock of out of the reports from us again, the nature is taking its toll, flooding more and more lined, and rushes southern euros and northern cause. a stone issue out of the houses filled with water over me through deep zones, pulled our belongings or here we left. everything behind doesn't call them the close of the spring floods and nothing new in this part of the world. but this, yeah, the scale of the dissolves to is unprecedented. georgia is what i've lived there before. she goes in the south one north. it's the 1st time i see such a mess of
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a flood, the house, the barn, all the appliances and clothes. everything went under water, you can see the unusable refrigerator. and so the washing machine kind of in a heater lying there in the north of context on the water level in the ition reba reached a record knowing me twos. they both have busta with a dime and the safety of petrol pablo and rushed into the streets. people began evacuating imagines the services had been deployed to health, almost 9500000 cubic meters. the roles had been pumped out by thousands of houses, remained flooded. because of the floods has been b, a good know low web in how's that stuff and rushes southern zero's last or some heavy raise increase the water level in the do route is shame on to boil rivers and the soil became chose is saturated. then severe for us to have a laser during the winter months of snow capitals formed. so at the beginning of
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the spring, the frozen ground wasn't able to absorb the melting snow, and the walls is rushed trades and so the rivers. this situation in kazakhstan has been complicated by ice floes drifting with the current. they demolished power lines, leaving posts of the city of petro pablo without electricity, and drinking water. now traffic to kazakhstan from rushes, 2 men, crew gun enter. 11th regions is partially blogs, only trucks all out through calls have to turn around. the peak of the disaster is you have to come, you live ship of all of the older 0 most guy, or at least 33 people have been killed in afghanistan and also heavy rains triggered flash floods. within 27 people have also been injured by the flooding, which has damage hundreds of homes and close roofs to collapse, locks stock roads and a good cultural land of also been affected by the 3 days of something. game ranges involve way of fixing h elephants with real time trucking causes to monitor their movements. more than
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$100000.00 elephants ends in broadway, some stray from protected areas and end up in dangerous confrontations of humans. from in the middle of all of this is one of 8 and a sense at one good national park. and it's being fitted with the tracking content is the animal is identified using drones and by wayne designs put the trolls. it's in dr to sedated and the color installed with these colors basically tell them when the cutting into can actually put tuesday mips. it's october locations with the end of funds. what also is attracting you live funds even outside the, the, the park, most households and bob who's a 100000 elephant population, live in this was of but the about growing their habitats and then now encroaching into communities as the animals search for food and water. gideon, do they was trampled by innocence while holding catch them at the valley village. 3
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years ago, his knee was broken. spinning ginny davie, 80 someone visage, it is painful. i'm no longer able to work for my family. i can go to the field and look up to my casual my wife has to do most of the joys before the taxes were installed. they would know early warnings to a load of dishes. when elephants had left the protected area. but we have been able to use this type of the ability to take the elephant as an electronic fence with the moment to get out of the designated to park area. we're able to pick that from checking the colors and then deployed. but i've been disappointed unions to go and scared them back into the park and also send any warning systems to the community to avoid sit in the areas where the elections go last year and this is killed. 63 people in zimbabwe. polk ranges are hoping the gps colors will provide one way to
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minimize home to both humans and animals. come back and meet them in a oh to 0. as i can find more information on our website, elders 0 dot com, please continue set off the top. the highlight of the rates gathering once again for japan, we've seen a little bit of weather coming through the country here. every cloud and right also making his way across the grand peninsula. hard pressure not too far away, but it's still a cluster of storms that will continue to drive its way for the race. was we some pagan fund? teresa was coming through was a go one through choose die process got pulled. the cream financial got space 20 celsius and so try and brought the advertising of around $26.00 degrees. but for
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central china it's looking a little likely over the next hour. so some big showers coming back in here, gathering, pushing a little further east with over to will shanghai as we go on through wednesday to catch a shout all the way down toward home call. know the parts of it, and i might see a shower would say, but essentially it does look long as you're driving. what's a good possible in the china actually driving to the phillip, the scottish guy was 3 malaysia, whether they're just a monitor and i'm afraid shala's because the signal right. do continue across indonesia included by splunk shit, parts of the country, but can get some large showers to just around the southern india, into ssl lanka. much of injuries, logic dry. we have got a few showers the up towards the pool where it's a weather making his way across, focused on as we go through wednesday, running over to the north west of india. this week, the examining the headlines is there is hopefully today for the forms of life and
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unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel niche, it relates to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, the dominican republic and have him share this caribbean island much more ways than one . the distance neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty, extreme political instability, and now and controllable violence. on the other side.


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