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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the system says no for most painters of working class people, so there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in a 5th generation change on al jazeera. the of israel is a tax on goal, is a continue full palestinians. including a child until near rasa and southern goes on the color that renaissance you take. this is all 0 life and are also coming in the optimal size of around the missile attack. israel's will cabinet is set to meet the planets response comes. i'm come out of high the mountains on the progress on the run it on board up with thousands of on read through g on about to be sent home
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against day rates. also report from eastern ukraine where russia is said to be taking advantage of delays and military aid to keep the schools in one states. and to don reopen for the 1st time since baffles for control of the country began. erica, the o, we begin and goes away. israel continues to attack targets across the strip. at least 8 palestinians have been killed after a police call was struck in central kansas city. women and children with their long wounded and overnight full palestinians, including a child, were killed in his way of showing west of gauze, the southern city of rasa and natal, our full time neighborhood. there were emotional scenes as family members of the victims gathered to prepare for the funeral of the ones he'd been telling them to
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strike. well, let's speak to honeymoon when he joins us now. live from southern gauze and from the city of ruffled tide. took us through these lights of stripes. what have they been targeting news? yes. well then within the past hour it is not unusual to see the correct deliberate attacks on law enforcement vehicles across the god forbid. happened before every rough i city and how i noticed the central area and just within the past hour was seeing the attack on a police vehicle that is believed to be one of the vehicle that was tasked with the uh, securing the delivery of aid admin. tanning some sort of corridor and preventing the k us as a the, or making their way through the northern part and gauze and city of the people that being killed. and they are believed told to be part of the law enforcement that were tasked with this mission. of protecting us, securing a delivery to bass neighborhood that the eastern part of garza city,
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a densely populated neighborhood. similar to show you in other neighborhoods, but it's within the past weeks and because of the intense bombing campaign and the ongoing artillery sitting there. yeah. that the vast majority of the population in the area was forced into further internal displacement and overnight a toxin and dropped off city. these really air strikes, targeted along with artillery, still ain't got a residential home at the western part of the city where 4 people reported gil displaced individuals including a child. meanwhile, in the, in jeff valley at where again the patterns of attacks and then and bombings is just becoming, as so normal. and we've seen it happen. and every day a mosque was targeted where hundreds of people have been filtering. and this is what people have been doing since the beginning of this for the, the late date, the residential homes and towns and cities that seeking shelters either and
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evacuation centers manage and operated by, by an order where these are honor was schools for inside mos, at a the a they are able to get in and some of the areas in the and the northern part of gus it is the mosque was targeted, the stock 9 people were reported injured. and one person reported skilled in the, in the tax. we don't see a lit up in the toxic process the, the gaza strip, including here in, in overcrowded roof i city and it's only increasing by the hour, despite the old, the clock. so there might, there might be a lit up or a slow down as these really military stated honeymoon once the, with a very nice as far as from the ground reporting from a rough on southern gauze that thank you, honey. was you would just hearing from honey and northern goal is that in his riley strike on a most image of all the refugee camp has killed one person and we now understand injured 11. imagine c team scrambled to rest you. survive is trapped under the rubble of it,
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and the alpha core area was out of pollute has been at the attack side. forrest in giovanni said, i want to come over one. this is why, because newton, i'm 52. so as a sort of neighborhood where the most cool fund for holder has been targeted yesterday night and the simplest one bass and having killed one civilized and living got injured at this place is a residential lo, i, by the way, this is the most here is the microphones, i'm not sure we're just can see it displays as you can see, the surrounding. all of the houses are residential houses and all of them at the throat as the most has been destroyed. israel is, will cabinet is set to meet for 3rd time as many days as ministers debate how to respond to a wrong, unprecedented weekend attack. around $300000.00 tax returns were launched in the 1st edit direct strike on israel from iran. that was in retaliation for the bombing
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of the rainy and come to that and damascus. 2 weeks ago. we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain that way, the highest level of readiness. you know, when the face, the consequences for its actions. we would choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to come to any for it, for milan, and it still prophecies as we continue our mission to defend the state. to visa it will be ready and president abraham racy has told the mirror of cancel the tyrone will respond to any is really attack against it's interest runs. foreign minister has also been warning is relevant, immediate response, how much in onset vision is ready? ration you make some mistake, this time around the response as around some other trick them on does announce will
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not be minimal. the media. and so the next 5 to have faced, one person has been killed. and then as rainy ray that the targeted call and the town of eyeball in southern lebanon, drone strikes are launched from 11 on, has injured 3 israeli soldiers. these really minute treat says the strikes has an area near the northern city of k extra. mona well fallacious but speak to a correspondent ali how shall he joins us now from involved in southern leather on all you've been up, the scene of that strike took us through how one of this unfolded. it doesn't do that. sure. actually we left the scene now, is it a lot a bit fall from the just the afternoon and it's really drone till i get to the car on the road between 2 villages via to saw. actually the one of the villages i live on slowly with one person was killed in the car. the plus target said several people that i enjoyed. some of them were possible wise. and then the place was
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close, the area was close and the the, the body was removed from that. of course, the injured well taken to the hospital golf course. as we understood the man who was killed, there is a handful of a senior commander. now we don't know the identity of the person who was killed, but this is not the 1st time that is run is targeting cause will lock them on does through drones or sometimes through the war planes. but in general, this is a was we've been saying over the past days has several, several layers. one of these dams is targeted killings that is what i have working on. i'm kind of focusing on how to eliminate as much fields from those of possible fonts as the law during this campaign and let them know how people claim to responsibility for the talking the area. all they
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telling me the, the iron door and according to reports the casualties there is really reports are saying that the 3 people in judge says will last statement claim that there are casualties without stating whether they are killed or, or, and just there are also all the stocks why has the last today on a is really a targets on the border. and israel also been launching as strikes a huge effect on a recorded yesterday in the town of funny what a 3 story building was completely destroyed at a house. and that was a very nice list for us from the ground in southern lebanon that thank you very much. i of all to palestinians have been killed and the village of care about out. so we are near novice and the occupied westbank. the palestinian watson use agency is reporting that they were stopped by is really sensitive. the flare off and violence follows the disappearance of a 14 year old settler, whose body was found on saturday. when the, when we got the city is with
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a and is really force has been 50 molar settlers came and they started pep of spring us. then i was hit by a rock on the back of my head. it was, i fell and they beat me with sticks too, but i kept running and tripping. but soldiers and settlers were shooting at us as we were less than 20 meters away. they kept running and shooting at people, looking the. well that's bring in with some of the land. he is the head of the center for applied international, the power steering and human rights organization at hawk. he joins us now from ramada. was i'm from the pictures we've been seeing over the last few days. the whole the call set on fine and feels a little like the character of the set to violence. we've been saying has changed, become even more vicious. is that something you've noticed? well, i think it's important to see the connection between the seller of violence and the west bank and the ongoing a genocide being perpetrated. and as an all fueled by this in bold,
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in the sensor. impunity that is real enjoys and the settlers are in integral part of this colonial regime. and then the, the tip of the spear in these subtler colonial policies that continue to be fueled by uh, is really policy for sutler expansion in the continued colonization of palestine. and you talk about imperative they have been reports of israeli soldiers to present during some of the set to violent incidents. we've seen how come to such as the army as well. i think there's a strong somebody out, a good relationship between that's the, is really occupying the forces and the is really settlers the working and collaboration to the various levels. and we're at the very least the, the is really occupying forces, allowing at the settlers to, to carry out that these attacks may without the doing anything to prevent your
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in ramallah. and i've been wondering what kind of the palestinian or far as you do is there anything they can do and in terms of response or trying to keep people safe? well, i mean, the custom, you know, somebody has the very limited capacity within the occupied posting and territory. but i think it sits in, in having to upon the, the, the international commute step in this is the context of the colonizer and colonizing the idea of the colonizer and its limited capacity to confront, to the colonizer in this, a symmetrical power dynamics is, is absurd. this is where the international community needs to step up and play the role to enforce and ensure the respective for international law. otherwise, the continued infinity, the israel will enjoy, will trickle down into the mindset of its population as a whole. specifically,
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these is really settlers. the that there are very much of benefiting from this a colonial policy that continues to be fueled. the buyer is really policies, but when it comes to international, we know these supplements are unequal. united nations has said so they are now also your pin and us sanctions and paste. so some people have as any of that made a difference as well. i think these are uh, token measures that, that, um, attempt to, uh, provide some sort of facade that the action is being taken when inherently, it is the settler colonial regime as a whole that needs to be sanctioned. and unless that happens, unless the entirety of the economic incentive structure that continues to perpetuate the conversation of palestine is address that these uh, individual token piece, meal motors that will have no effect. on the contrary, they further in bold in the these kind of actions because of the sense that there
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is no real desire to address the root cause of the problem. which is, this is really settler colonial regime that is reaching the international law on uh, in the us. hey, you talk about the relationship with the war and costs that we've obviously seen a massive escalation and set to evaluate how. 8 should this has been sped on by, by the right wing government rhetoric that we've been hearing from this very specific. is there any government? well, no doubt that this particular government is further emboldening. these kind of the actions that met through their ideological uh, connections. but this government is, shouldn't be disconnected from the previous governments that have continued to expand the settlements throughout occupied tuscany and territory in breach of international law. and so long as those violations continue to happen, regardless of the nature of the governments that, that it will only send the message that this kind of the continued expansion is the
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policies that through the different means and methods, whether it's through the military or individual settlers. that will go on past my son last month at the head of the center for applied international at the palestinian human rights organization. i'll hug. thank you so much for that. so for joining us on al jazeera, thank you for it's all still a head for your head on al jazeera feeling. the claim is banning. once again, reactor says, and don says like the torch ahead of the paris summer olympics, the weather was nicely set fast for japan. now we are looking at the clear sky is coming through there's, that's a cloud just pulling out of the way of follow next line of cloud. the menu from that spring, some big down pulls into central china. and that will be the case. as we go through
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the next couple of days, it pulses this way further east was floods with some positive q shape, but for much of japan it does stay dry, dry, warm, and sunny across the creepiness of solar at 26 celsius. now some of the temperature to full basing by the time we come to the state that went to weather will slip a little further south was into southern china. could also see a few showers just developing around the northern parts of the maybe in the louse as well. fine and dry so much of the philippines, plenty of showers that into malaysia. i'm a heavy down, paused to continue. of course, a good part of indonesia. some weather to some heavy of down polls just wanting to was a southern part so, so i think maybe up the west coast of india some share was due to the final taste of india. so it was a north west where it will try to increase the unsettled as we go through the next couple of days. this area of a stones that's a rolling out. so that ron into pakistan, southern positive afghanistan and will continue to make his way across northern park. this done as we go through friday and eventually it's a north west india,
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a unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist. issue to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god and that the stories that middlefield us having a normal life in his web connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot, it's right here. and right now the stream on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the welcome back to watching al jazeera. that's remind you about top stories, the sound, least 8 palestinians have been killed. and there's really strive targeting a police call and central golf assisting in a separate attack for palestinians including a child killed and is really showing west of gauze, is something that you have rough on natal, full time neighborhood, as well as army chief says the country will respond off to around 5 hundreds of missiles and drones towards israel on subsidy. he's reading will cabinet is expected to meet in the coming hours to discuss how to respond at least one person has been killed. and, and is there any way that targeted com in the town is involved in southern never known during strikes, launched from 11 on have injured 3 is really soldiers. these are any minute tree says the strikes has an area near the northern city of k s. mon,
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widespread funding and no lawn has left at least 18 people that dead. and one incident, a call carrying 10 children on the drive was swept away. violent thunder storms, heavy rain and strong winds caused flash floods. thousands of people have been evacuated as a precaution. heavy rains of also hit the nearby united arab emirates and you buy motorists were forced to abandon their calls on major highways as roads flooded and flight said you binds national ample. the wants of busiest for international travel have also been disrupted. and at least $33.00 people have been killed in afghanistan, off the heavy rains that triggered flash flooding to move in $27.00 people also injured by the flooding which is damaged hundreds of homes and even close roofs. to collapse. a text on his mouse tossing a 2nd phase of a controversial plan to deport hundreds of thousands of african refugees living in the country. over half a 1000000 undocumented ask on nationals have been expelled since last october. the
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government has now extending its deportation plan to include many afghans who hold pockets. tony documents the they will be to move in 40 years since we migrated to pucky stone. many of us would bone here. we have businesses here many a working as labor as it would be very difficult to return to a country where there is no education, no health facilities and no work. also security is our major concern. many outcomes and pockets. don't say the hot person being forced to leave a place that they call home come all high to reports from lundy cortez and pack us down on the border with that kind of stuff. a very bad creation of millions of, of loans is continuing or the 30 day. most of the people that we talk to say they're living with a heavy heart. they have considered focused on to be that home. they're also considered around this time to be that and sister at home. but they said that the
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government moved to push these people out. it's something that they've gotten acceptable because they said that even if the government go focused on warranty to send them out, it should have been gathered out in a more dignified manner. well, i'll send it gives them as a and i'm not just on it's another line. so many things as well though we often nations, this is the country we call home, but we were born today. it's hot breaking, leaving, but we are grateful to the people who accepted a phone call to get a hold off. why do i want it? why did you me that would be great. just focused on granted us citizenship often we spend decades here. afghans are peace, loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war. and today we are in the middle of nowhere. so right now we're in the 2nd phase of the bag creation. they're going to focus on had the nouns, that it is not just the unregistered. i've gone by to even dogs who have registered and have proof of residency or the of one citizenship, god. to really have to go,
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that of gods is thrown the future of many and if you're getting into uncertainty, they have lived in this country for decades. that children don't know any other country, like focused on their home. it is a moving experience. and many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. they said that it should have been done in a more dignified manner. international organizations have condemned focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. although the addendum dollar bond government said they would want to welcome and the other ones that they've done is to come back to that and says credit home. the feeling had monkey of one is uncertainty. we have been talking to some of the families who are on the move on the back of their truck. it has been a difficult journey. it dig several days sometimes to raise the border. and then of course,
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the long wait of ones are telling us that the gotten rid of buckets on should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. and most of them, of course, are leaving where the heavy hearts come out of. hi there. i just did all i learned because the plug is gone, no one has done boredom. the ukraine's army chief says the situation on the eastern front line has escalated significantly and recent days. ukrainian and weston intelligence agencies, so that russia is taking advantage of delays and military educators and preparing for major offensive. charles trots it has this report from the town of leman, of the people still live here around to thousands of them struggling to exist among the destruction. russian forces captured the town of lee mine in may
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2022 ukraine and all me then recapture the important railway help with a pretty will will population of all the 20000 around 5 months later crushing miss all and so cool. do i boma tax it increased in recent weeks? targeting you, creating positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what you crane says it's potentially catastrophic. lack of width and defense. tens of billions of dollars with the ministry 80 to stop by arguments in the us congress will not getting hit fast enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian ministry, say russia is now gaining momentum on the battlefield, shedding by russian full series of lead man and the surrounding countryside is closing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid, the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's
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no running water or gas in town. the tiny, afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she is live also life, she returned when are you crazy and allow me to control the daughter and granddaughter went to poland and the don't want to come back. ringback if you go not the focus groups, she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground. like games couldn't use the table. of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from . give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked. we had a railway, we had a town, look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check
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people's id, something suspected russian informers, all exams live to throughout the russian armies of occupation. because i don't want to talk about it. he says, well, he's here in the shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. it's all he has had to blame and spy department. he says he's been on now more than ever abominable to attack. is they tried to save lives. the sadly the shelling has recently increased the enemy of hits civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian stuff, up the shutting schools, many fives. we receive up to 10, call out and a given to just while period. there are many towns near the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance. charles profit algebra,
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lima major fires burning, and copenhagen just drawing one of the best moons on box in denmark. the 17th century stock exchange with its famous by the gc that was undergoing renovation in the capital known as the boss. some it's next to the danish parliament and the old city roads were blocked as 5 fighters for to limit the damage. so many students around the world, the school. yeah. as now. well, most of the time, but for some people's in northeastern, through dawn it's just beginning. it's now been a yeah, since fighting between the national army and the power of military rapids support forces broke out getting tens of thousands of people and the spacing millions. and for the 1st time schools and red c state have reopened, mama ball has the story from the city of 4 to down the or anything. let's cool them for the 1st time, you know, get in this conflict with them. continue ease in activity files, saves your forty's behind the decision on the and then on the fat. and then we have
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decided to reopen schools today, april 14th, across the entire rest of the state. so the education can continue the ways being sites, the tremendous challenges. but we have managed to succeed thanks to the cooperation of every one that it hasn't to be an easy task because a $118.00 schools across the state. tough being used to house thousands of display civilians will flip fighting in other parts of so then many of them had to be located on the other hand that economically my body. so after that we continue to dedicate some schools for the id piece, and we provided tents for the id piece that had to be moved by the students will have to share the available schools by rotation. i found out that the cds, the national in front of the state governor. these are students say they feel proud of people who used
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a bail school is the 5th cindy outside the country to reopen following a get of no education. the, the so about house, whether because of the conflict, the high school diploma exams weren't organized, this has deeply affected students. we will few that we wasted an entire year of our life while animal pull the say, the last number that is with a has, i'm extremely happy about a school is reopening. we've wasted a whole year sitting at home. we want to vote and for security to return to our country and for all students to go back to the schools and universities for the millions of students in other parts of the country. it's not just clear if some of the decisions with some be taken, but it is very unlikely of police in the states of thought for court to find comfortable and to 0. well, there are no signs. the fighting is about to and how much fun. 042 them. a coal raced across the wilds have turned white. and the 4th mass i'm bleaching event. in
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fact, he is the us national issue, oceanic and atmospheric administration reports that at least $54.00 countries are affected, signed to say that one half of the race and the world's oceans are experiencing heat stress. results of warming, c, temperatures due to climate change. while the land pick claim has been let in greece as it prepares for its 5000 kilometer johnny to france ahead of the games and paris lays to this you tell the size of the half of details. it's a tradition going back to 1928. we've seen some memorable moments over the years, as the olympic quadrant gets switched to signal distorts of the and then pick games . but how does it get there in the 1st place? it's a journey that stops in southern greece. and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on this journey to the south coast of france and


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