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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 16, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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most important translation award from an into the outer big language world wide shade come out. award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. a conflict with no end in sight. the warranty dawn is taking a heavy tolling civilians with millions falls from that homes. and on the verge of permanent, or does it take to stop the humanitarian crisis? and can diplomacy stopped the fighting? this is inside school, the hello, the on change space, sit down is facing
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a humanitarian crisis. a civil war drags on with no end in sight. the un say 25000000 people off the population need urgent assistance. thousands, a dad and 1000000 small hoping forced from that homes. diplomacy has sold an a groups face major challenges getting to those in need. so is there a pos to ending this conflict and can anything be done to ease the suffering of the people of saddam will go to our power in a moment. but 1st, this report from sent him on to don is on the brink of famine, 80000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat with children, especially at risk. when a, how do i get that to you? see, i guess that we suffer from many things here at the most important is children down of children are suffering, they need milk diapers, they need shelter once. the civil wars killed more than 30000 people around 8000000 up in force from their homes and motives who don't interest structure lies
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in ruins. for the past 12 months, the army has been battling the rapids support forces, power, military group for control the country. neither side as close to winning an international efforts to end the conflict have failed. the un secretary general is called for you push for peace. this is more than the conflict between 2 wanting, but this is a water being waged on this to these people. it is the war on the many thousands of civilians that'd be killed in tens of thousands mains for life. as diplomacy stalls, the focus turns to 8. international donors recently placed $2000000000.00 but much more as needed. and getting vital supplies of those in need is dangerous. it is very clear that the war in policies on not respecting international humanitarian, little a lot of what we're seeing as we speak a war crimes say of deliberately presenting to monetary and access the
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a targeting humanitarian actors, medical professionals, medical facilities, looting, pillaging tea, medical and to monetary and supplies, we've no clear path to peace its peers. the conflict could drag on indefinitely with no end in sight. it's student needs civilians who continue to suffer a fence monahan al jazeera for inside story. the, well, we're bringing you the knowledge of sit down today with all guess contributors in kampala, uganda ha, i'll cut it is a suit. and these pro democracy and feminist activist who's worked across the whole of africa for more than 20 years. she's the regional director of the strategic initiative for women and the whole of african network in sit down with not revealing his exact location for security reasons. we have done, can with dial up in the legion refugee council. he's worked as a humanitarian and doubtful since 2011. thank you both for joining me today to
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discuss the situation. let me start with you how. how bad would you say things are and so down it's extremely bad. it's devastating. um, you know, as you know, i have had done have conversations with many humanitarian and you and no guys ation . this is the, was human to get in and human rights crisis that's happened in africa, you know, over the past few decades. extremely devastating. was millions of people who are forced to leave their homes, and really is alix, was the atrocities and the violence that the stop and do, you know, according to unicef, we have over 20000000 children things below the age of 18 that they
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are not accessing it to patients 70 percent of the house facilities in the country are not functioning and was associate social services, public's facilities. and there being areas that are still under the control of so down all parks is, are in a very nice little ones share, you know, of public facilities and social service facilities and about assess, consult areas are completely caught our lives them of function. how do we know the true desks total i've been looking through trying to find estimates and you know, we don't do we it's very difficult to exactly, you know, the, to the store. you know, for example, you know, what, we have had a tentative need that being read just like invoice the score. you know that this
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probably could be easily between 10 to 15. so then the point across. so then the numbers are speaking about, you know, uh, between 15 to 20000 people. um, you know, because the truth of the matter that on daily bids is, the number keeps accumulating. so i would say tentatively, you know, uh, being um, you know, trying to follow up with this situation and working on just situations. you know, for the past 12 months, i would say easily there wouldn't be around 60, so these people have lost their lives upset. so the new civilians have lost their life changes as the pro telegraph paying the trust, such as that's happening. done cuz we had mentioned that request stuff full. that's an area that you have worked in. and you and investigators say they believe it
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could be in as many as 15000 people killed in one masika in janina. that's also a place you being to can you tell us what you know about that particular event? and i think i will not talking about particular events, but what i will say is, every one that we encounter and i work in west off for and janina have lost loved ones. in this conflict, friends and families have been killed and in very brutal fashions, and everybody has been traumatized by the killings that have happened here. the like was said, it's very difficult to get estimations on the exact numbers we are. we're facing that for challenges as limited network to communicate. many, many people have been killed and buried in mass graves, so they're getting any accurate figure on the, the numbers killed is a, has been very, very difficult. but that's difficult for closure as well,
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for those who are grieving many, many people whose it has had family and friends going missing likely counts won't get the closure that they deserve because of this conflict. okay, let's just pause for a moment for a little bit of context of how we got to this point. that will pottage history 5 years ago that will mass protest against the long time need an old last year. he was out sit off to more than 3 decades in power, especially. it was replaced by civilian government, but that didn't last long. 2 and a half years ago, the ministry once again seized power, general abdel thought to elbow hom took control. but one year ago there was a splitting the on forces mohammed having done douglas also knows known as had met . he tried to seize power, his power, military group, the rapids, support forces. i've been fighting the army ever since. how the would you describe this as a civil war? or is it just a war between 2 men?
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i think it's beyond the war between too many. um, i think it's a war advantage. so then these people i saw are again a civilian. so again, it's women and children. thanks all for this has been use as a weapon, a far says everett of 15, and that's what is happening until now. from the month of the dispute between sit on our foss, who's under a big support. par says, is ministers in the low boston mass, it's a throw. se that's been happening again is again the civilians. um and so it's so it's, it's send extremely devastating situation because there is a knock off your responsibility and care about the situation off. so then these people about the situation of civilly as across the country and up.
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so it's very difficult, you know, to reduce what's happening is to dive into award between 2. but it is, you know, this is way beyond that. of course you getting the level of thrust up is the all happening duncan, you're dealing with odin rate suit and these people every single day. how would you say the situation has evolved over this? yeah. um, what i, what i would say is that through this war the, the, the biggest victims are on the civilian populations, especially in the peripheries of dial 4. and so i'm calling to find those areas of high conflict. and these people have, have gone through a year of conflict, mostly in silence without international recognition or awareness. they have gone through losses. and now we are walking into
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a simon. so those that were did not survive the conflict. there are also going into levels of, of starvation across the dock voice. so i would want to say things are getting better, but then not things are deteriorating quickly. and the people on the ground are the ones that are suffering from this for how looking at this as i've been trying to read as much as i can from a fall and obviously watching out as there is coverage of this. it seems like there was huge battles in the capital which was laid waste. then by the end of last year, the rapids support forces seemed i think, to have the all hands, they seem to be making gains and taking significant ground. but then since the beginning of this year is, am i right in thinking things have changed again, a very significant change. you know,
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that happened on the ground. and you know, we understand that saddam armed forces are taking control off. uh, you know, like parts of on demand part of the, of the national mission capital. but beyond that, so the situation remains the same. um, actually the situation in jersey are now, you know, one of the most popular st john is so then i would just go see the bread baskets of the country. it's getting deteriorating every day. cyrus, as are moving one village to the other building and destroying farming communities. that's where the most part of historically they have not been part of any conflict. this is a very peaceful regions. this is the region the provide the 3 fields to many 1000000 so, so the news, you know, from the, for,
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from core defined from different parts of the country and it's, uh, it city june, that's fit the country. and this is one of the primary reasons why suzanne is very quickly sliding into assignments. so um, you know, that destruction's off of, you know, of, of communities is ongoing, also induct for they have been numerous attack on villages and with certain, no 55 here by the big support for says there is also numerous villages on farming communities insightsquared to find the past, equally being under attack. and so those are all the communities that has been feeding themselves underlying, you know, on, on was themselves primarily, or i know, you know, they have been subjected to noting and telling a federal rising and, and ultimately becoming displays. so it's,
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it's actually getting worse in my view, the situation and how the, one of the facts are, of course, in all of this is, and we, we have to what, with the reports we have of this is foreign involvement on both sides. tell me what you know about that because the rapid support forces. there are allegations that the united arab emirates has been closely involved in supporting them obligations that have been supported by, by reports to the united nations, a now in a reports on the other side, the radian drones and now being used by the suited names that ensued nissan forces . there are other players, i mean, the why can a group, the russian, why can a great, apparently of the, there's even talks of ukrainian forces on, on the other side and lots of other players. how worried all you about all of these are the regional and international actors getting involved? a 6 team new wording. alex team. the frightening that saddam is turned into
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a lot of a bucket of sale between various global energy and then upstairs means that i see a chance between the big support forces and the u. a is a, is known, is done. the expulsion of food and natural resources particularly well, you know, it's something that, you know, it's evidence that, you know, it's the way is one of the biggest markets having said that, you know, of so down off forces as well. prior to this war has been equally involved in this pick up in a while it thought i vision officer then use use a young man of florida communities across. so then i paused either or so to be boxed of this properly. you know, suzanne has allowed it, you know, it's country and it's young people to be utilize as fuel floors in different parts
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of dairy june and to be in a court date and where you know, um, pretty cool thing. i'm really taught as it shows becoming a source of income. you know, um, so that's also another um, challenging elements and to various various on file reports. and i think, you know, if we are talking about, you know, a serious political process such as we put 10 and disease of trust safety. we need us to be serious about exacting pressure on actors who are fueling this war was causing this bloodshed then causing this killing and, and, you know, on destruction how the, i've been reading some of the human rights reports by human rights organization. i'm by the us human rights office, and they are quite a polling, particularly the volunteers against women and girls on this
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particular war, you know, using we mean, but this has been sent from in it from day one of my organizations have documented so afraid of sexual violence case is on evidence 15. women has been primarily events and sexually assaulted by the big support forces throughout the past 12 months. but this is most new data, but support forces and they farm are affiliated melisha to them. the genuine melisha and the floor has been committing crimes to going to civilize so sexual violence for the past 20 years. you know, menu. so, so that is politician from the international community has decided to, you know, following the environmental pressure here. not to look into this, you know,
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so whatever is happening at the moment in, across to done, you know, and this magic comes in of my sexual violence. you know, it has, it's sort of the level of impunity lack of consequences. you know it normalized of sexual violence against women not to go. i know i would say it's uploaded and it's hard to take, you know, the scale of sexual violence that's happening. it's um, you know, it's in my view that is definitely a footprints of genocide because of sexual violence, you know, is, or, so i do decide, particularly my sexual was and most of the cases that were documented they were damaged. if this is, i'm a diagram, it means that this is not a i know, but tennis date. great. this is the well done. if you know is structured stomach
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by those 3 and that's managed, you know, to use again a civilian to terrorize civilians to lead them to leave their homes and leave their villages and cities and towns and to brick them. and unfortunately, this is what has been happening across so that you know women where they have in front of their parents, you know, mother squared wrapped in front of their children's goals where they have in front of that far as ours, you know, sexual disabilities, pipe prevalent and get all sudden young women what i'll talk to and get to way of for days, many women they have taken away their lives. and this is happening again is lack of protection, complete lack of protection, lack of access to health services, or any support. so it is only the secret society,
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only the front line work cars, you know, being the emergency rooms. all graduates, women organization are the one who are left to heart of the disorder and fix situation, which is beyond our capacity to well, this week that has been a humanitarian. don't a conference taking place in paris duncan, before this conference, global donors before this we could give them just a $155000000.00. that's just 6 percent of what was needed. i read an interesting comment by the end, jo. save the children that made the comparison, the amount of money raised until the suite was less than the 5th. the most have been placed in 2 days to rebuild one of the landmark buildings in the city where the humanitarian during the conference was taking place, noted on the street, cathedral trickles. but down in 2019. yes, that's a wonderful building, but we're talking about a country of nearly 50000000 people. well at this conference now,
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we believe they pledged, of course they haven't come up and written the checks yet, but they pledged $2000000000.00. that's now when they have what's needed solicit that's exactly right. um and i think it's wonderful that 1000000000 has been pledged, but to remember that's only 50 percent of the needed amount to be able to respond into time for the incredible amount of needs undergrads here. um and i wish we hadn't had to wait to the to the year anniversary of this awful conflict before holding the event for, for the governments to, to support the humanitarian efforts on the ground. and like you said, i think now the need is to translate those pledges to work on the ground to, to support the communities here because they can't wait any longer. we've been to rights are in agencies have been raising the wanting funds for the upcoming farm
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and since november of last year. so we, we don't have much time left. and so that to 1000000000 and really, really needs to translate not just to the easy to access areas, but also to those that are facing, facing tremendous number of impediments to be able to access like the doc for is that like south dakota fund and cartoon cartoon which hasn't received any aid in 5 months, and the full is where recently the, the main border crossing for your monitoring aid, the approval is where replicated on your organization. the one you for duncan is one of the few organizations that still operating in, sued on many, many other organizations and not the fuel they're able to operate. i noticed the quote from one of your colleagues and the hall off of the g 20 countries. those of the wealthiest countries on us contributing even off to this,
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this power as during the conference, what would be your message to those other countries around the world? not giving into things saying, well, it's not about business. i think because this, the sudan crisis has suffered in silence. there hasn't been enough attention drawn to it the, the scale of the crisis it's ongoing here is unprecedented. it's the biggest displacement crisis in the world. and because it's blowing under the radar for so long, i think there is a need for more attention, more funding. and i would request for them to, to look at the, the reports that are being written on of the needs and the scale of the mile nutrition across the country. and i think that would be sufficient evidence to, to, to and to support this, this crisis here. hello. yes, we talked about now nutrition. we talked about from in blooming and i was looking at the official reports. there is this thing called the ip,
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see the integrated feet foods security phase classification. and that seemed to really be able to get the data because of the security situation. and one of the things i was most shocked by a duncan mentioned at the moment to go sit down. so boss country and there is famine definitely in the country, but there is time in, in the capital city. ok. so you would please do you know, um on my own neighborhoods i gave me messages um that shows that things are unable to walk because of lack of food. um so um you know, cartoon particularly cartoons city its a city thats occupied by there a bit supports forces and um they are the one who are in control of the food chain . it's a no, no the, the caught because you know, of cartoon sitting particularly on an order i'm parked almost for to my city. and,
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and those are the 2 locations where the supporting is really beyond imaginations. and that takes me to the issue. all of you know, the importance of having, you know, some sort of protection is strategy when it comes to providing you monetary and it support. i think avoid need the conversations about protection and not to look at that as a protection prices will only exactly bid this crisis and would make we make it more difficult because how can we get in humanitarians come voice, internet stories and areas where compose sends us you know, good, so many ted in scoots are subjected to be, are all arctic. and i think both aspects should have been held accountable because this is a crime against humanity and you know,
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violating the international law. and, you know, it's part of the civilians in the sensitivity as an innocence just brings it should be, it should be a crime. so i think, you know, the question of protections, the questions off, you know, serious consequences to this naturally consent and responsibilities and undermining of civilian supplies should be taken also as well. um, seriously done, can you are dealing with people who don't have shelter, doesn't have food, perhaps we can get your perspective. now as we come to the end of the discussion, the message you'd like to send to people watching this i. i completely agree, but it's allowed that this is a protection crisis and, and the amount of suffering that the populations and that's who died has gone through is really on speak about i visited adult so he's a compound central dot for recently. so most of the majority of the population
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there where the camp was attacked, that everything from the shelters have been through to the roof, their door as their windows. and they are sleeping on the ground under the stars. and they're going to bed hungry. and i think it's important for the finding classification. however, i think it's a misunderstanding that people have already started dying enough for us to, to stop ation and myself reported in sam's, i'm time for a child dying every 2 hours from my own experience. visiting the different communities across the west themselves. drill down for is, is the same that we're seeing already, people dying to, to starvation. and so we really need to improve access and scale
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funding to be able to, to support the community so that it doesn't deteriorate further. thank you very much to both of you all guess today. i'll, i'll cut it on duncan riddle, sit down has been cool. difficult in conflict without is there maintains a full time bureau in the country. you can find coverage, context and analysis at all website alger 0 dot com. we want to hear from you to find us on facebook, facebook dot com, forward slash ha, inside story on x. just look for at a inside story for me, james space, and the whole thing here, please stay safe. i'll see you soon. bye bye. for now the the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom, of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0
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world looks at the number of journalists killed into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding anyone accountable for 3rd task shooting. the messenger $1.00 0 to 0. business latest is brought to you by, i guess as i live slowly on, one of your rooms makes modern plates. the
12:00 am
business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your ex makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the problem. so rob, and you want to know if 0 in use life, my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, dozens of people are killed across causa, including children and see is really minute, 3 targets the north and south of the street. a has block commander, has been killed and is ready drug and attack in southern lebanon were also on the


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