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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 17, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model and plates the, [000:00:00;00] the problem. so rob and you want to know if 0 in use life. my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, dozens of people are killed across causa, including children and see is really minute, 3 targets the north and south of the street. has block. amanda has been killed and is ready drug and attack in southern lebanon, were also on the front lines in east and ukraine,
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where troops say they need more resources to find whole renewed russian attacks. and solomon islanders had to the poles for an election that could have a major impact on china's influence. in the south pacific. in sports power, sasha mot heading into the champions league semi finals the front side even signing a suspect deficit against ball selena. as they looked when the competition for the 1st time, the welcome to the news we saw it's in central gaza where at least 20 people, including several children have been killed in multiple is riley strikes. while in the knolls, at least 9 palestinians were killed after police car was struck in gauze of city. michael, apple begins our coverage of the dead and dying. lie side by side on the floor of isle. ok,
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so hospital in central guns and the majority of the victims of an attack on mcgasey refugee camp or children believe to have been playing together when the strike happened. the. 6 densely populated area of garza city is really flat, struck again this time fixing the vehicle carrying police officer. we received a report that there had been a targeting. we went there and found people torn to pieces by witness to say, the targeting was carried out to strikes those who survived the 1st rank. we're targeting the 2nd one. the did a load it up as well. any survive is all taken to hospitals that cannot we're operating with minimum capacity. we've received an unusually high number of injured people. were limited in staff so which split the cases between our alley and co ad one, hospitals, women and children continue to make up the vast majority of those killed in this
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war. children were playing and were taken by surprise with me. so i was pulling on the nothing was happening, things will come to our countries and not taking a side look at this. you can see these are not resistance fighters. it's a little child. besides, you know, touring of 3 days and you hear the hanging. surely if the world, so what was happening this far would in my example, how does the palestinians living in the goal is a strict continue to struggle to get access to food and medicines? truck. supposing food, transporting food, pardon me, continues to study trickling with a groups, accusing israel of using stylization as a weapon. avoiding the columns and strip honey, my mood has moved from alpha or the northern part. then garza city is still suffer from the spirit of family that has already caused the support of knowledge in nutrition, particularly among the most vulnerable group of children and women who are either
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pregnant or breastfeeding or those who have health complications. and the fact that we've, we've been seeing that the past 2 days, some of the ada trucks being allowed, the land of crossing that has often just with a drop, with a trickle amount of a been allowed to not sufficient enough to respond to the emergencies. and the, the, in the, the intense miserable situation is a created by the intense bombing campaign across the strip. and of the, the fact that we're seeing is really military allowing the reopening over 20 bakeries and supplying water to some areas is an indication that indeed these really military deliberately block the entry of 8 and use food as a weapon. it gets an entirely, a civilian defense, this population here and over credits that in part of this trip in 3 all the track . so you can count them by the numbers, the 15200 and some of the 300. not enough to respond to the emergencies,
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and the difficult living conditions are created by not only the engines bombing campaign across it, but also the restrictions and obstruction of the flow. but human at 3 and a people are still in desperate need of much of some of the most important supplies, including survival goods the are necessarily needed right now to compact to combat the difficult living conditions. but at least one person has died have to and is really dry and striking southern level, the man who was killed in the attack is believed to be a senior member of has put on to investigate to say he was targeted while driving in the area of a bar tensions along the 11th and israel border have escalated significantly since october. the 7th, not separately is really false, is i've also talked to the home in southern live in a more correspond alisha is in the tire district with more than that. i mean, the sound of the shop, sub 11 on the house wants to just buy is really wont clean. and so i
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talked to um to put off the fire. um, i see that on a schedule keys at this home. while we're best to close this fixture from fire, talking to emergency services on the fresh, fresh and receiving reports. moment by moment. just try to show you inside the house has gone completely gone. this was on the war it will play. strike is really will play strike and the same area. i'm
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a shot witness over the past. $48.00. 71 is really strikes. it's just part of this continuing confrontation. also, all the areas just fall from the for when we all are on trench. couldn't meet us for were behind the toner, find of all which is, which is it time goes to the city of mine, for skilled set to be a has will a member and several really injured. and this is the situation. this is the scene in south lebanon. so a lot of my shots are the hash images here. meanwhile, drones drives slowly from level and have injured 3 is really soldiers. these are images of one of the drawings, line navy is 11 on both of these really minutes where he says a strong sense in the area near the northern city of curious shimoda.
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israel's will cabinet has met for a 5th time since the wrong unprecedented attack on saturday, administered. so being debating how to respond around $300.00 missiles that a truck attacked drones were lost in the 1st of a direct strike on israel from the raw. now that was in retaliation for the bombing of the rainy and cold. see that in damascus. 2 weeks ago, stephanie duncan is our correspondent, live person occupied east jerusalem evening stuff. so i'll see you saturday morning where you are as well. it seems that there's no concrete statement coming out of these ready will cabinets. i mean, what are we to make of it? and the lack of a statement. it's all very, an easy at the moment, isn't as but i think it highlights just how complicated the situation is, how complicated the matcher in front of foreign minister benjamin netanyahu is also why we haven't heard from him. a man who was for, for years, for 2 decades, i talked about the threat of vermont dx, essential threat to israel from
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a wrong really hasn't said anything. and i think this is really underlying just the tricky situation that he is in. on the one hand, the international community, putting a lot of pressure on him, not to escalate the situation. the americans, he spoke to prime minister or the british prime minister, which is do not today. you have the german foreign minister and british foreign secretary coming here tomorrow to bring that message again. we stand with you, but we need to calm things down. on the other hand, he has the pressure from within his coalition government, the men that he bought in the extreme right. the only way that he could return to power as prime minister. while they want a far more radical respond, striking directly at a role. and he has options, what are the options, either a direct strike as you say, what iran did was a game changer or the relations between the 2 countries always been targeting through their proxies. so, you know, are they what they're discussing? and some leaks. and these really media today saying that there was a consensus on how to react,
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that the timing was the issue of their leaks. and these really media saying that actually the war cabinet didn't meet today that natural yahoo met with members of the security establishment in the ministry of defense until i believe so. a pretty murky picture are, but i think again, as we're saying talks are ongoing. it's extremely complicated and, and i think on the table and also interesting with the americans leaking today in the american media that the americans believe that israel, who probably straightened back at her aunt's proxies and not directly so very, very complicated. i think the understanding is from both the ministry and the political establishment here is that there will be a response in some form. the timing is a big question mark, also significant pos over a major jewish with a just holiday happens to the beginning of next week for around 10 days. are many unless will tell you that these rating government will not want to risk anything during that time. so whether they'll be astride beforehand, ofter or not at all still remains to be seen,
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but certainly the message coming out of the senior political imagery establishment is that something will happen. what shape that's going to take? we certainly don't know when we'll join us through the night if something does happen, the stuff ticket that for smoky pipe history. so thank you. so running and present . abraham lacy has told the mayor of cats all the to her on will respond to any is really attack against is interest. the wrong phone, administer also warning as well of an immediate response. how much in ontario pressure is ready ration you make some mistake. this time around the response, as it runs ministry, commodities announced will not be minimal. the media and so the 5 corresponding dosage of all reason to wrong with the latest of the world wards continue between your reigning officials. and there is really counter parts, the uranium president abraham receipt, received a phone call from the mirror of katara. she's coming been home adel sony on monday evening. during that conversation,
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the in mirror of cuts are expressed in their praise for the actions that iran took against israel and the mirror. it said that it conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the reading president for his part at set that's it. should israel continue at these threats and make good on their threats? so they've been making against their on and carry out any kind of actions. iran will respond much stronger, and there will be a broader at response to israel than what we've seen in operation to promise the way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly a dozen other foreign ministers around the world at highlighting sharon's position . and yeah, same issue and further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response by iranian officials. for now, there is a waiting see moved here in iran. of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next,
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but they are urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of behavior a door such a bar, a l, g 0 tower on the spring in hudson body. he's a professor of international size that counts all universe tickets. have you with us again, but just wanna pick up on something that staff actually just said, you know, he parties to re slim was the potential for that. if israel doesn't, to target iran directly, it's proxies might be hit the full yeah, man and syria come into the frame. what do you think the options that wrong? well, obviously you know, you're, i'm cannot afford to respond to any is way to attack again if it's on the phone and then present to bring him by, you see made it perfectly clear and you can read the message to everyone else to the. i mean, if that's the way you told them that you're on with, with, with this point, and this is something very important for the audience. they are supposed to use their status in the region. and they don't want to be seen as weak in front of their uh, approx is. so when is well attack they have comes to let you know,
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they just tell you to do we the way they did. and now is what it is also feel. feel that it should do tele 8th and respond to the, to the uranium at tech. and then, and this actually create a psychologist. second, i think without international. so someone from the, in a, in the international community step and fight to me the attend fine to come around to these, to mitigate the impact of what is what is going to do. i think this might actually develop into a wider confidence and you're on probably with not just phone immediately or directly, but we'll definitely use that as a process, but in a more length and way of assign they're all to. so did you say moving parts here as always sort of look into this a little bit more in depth. we've seen the who teasing you haven't been able to respond to any attack. and we've seen that coalition of you might say western ships in the red sea trying to deal with who it is an adult,
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really having much success. and then you have this statement made by the europeans, especially the us as well that so they will not support israel if israel attacks again yet to a hearing, the american say they have israel, as i implied support from the the so many mixed messages going on here it's very confusing, not just the viewer, you're all set for the politics of the region. well, you know what, we have to understand that american present cannot afford not to stand by as well. and so when he said on many occasions that you know, it's like his phone support for his well, it doesn't mean that the sanction what is what it was going to do. and he made it perfectly clear that it was, i should not the attack iran and should be satisfied with the success of the defense. but also he adds, he added on many occasions, that if you're on a tax, you know, the american will just have an end with, with his weight as close be through us with his way. it is in order to respond to
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the attack, beating emerick. and so forth is it would be defensive in this, in this case, but will not support the offensive leaning kind of politicians want to take the whole region into war. and this is august, 1 of the main statements it was made when it wrong long states, messiahs and dry ins by the west and allies was unprecedented, unheard of. they condemned it. yes. in the biology of 9300 missiles, nobody was killed. and that field was damaged yet when 33000 palestinians, a large majority of them being women and children are killed. western nations who support as well, don't use the word unprecedented. the problem is that, you know, we're here, we're dealing with the sensors and the parts of the western countries that they support as little. they don't seem to put a scene in as even a human. i mean, i'm casting aside all of their statements and talking about the need to have him. they tell you in a day to set that up, but they look at the scene in those figures and numbers. and so when,
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and this really is the victim, i, you know, everybody's sitting in a, standing up and talking about the unprecedented attack or when the area is effect as well, is as if is unprecedented. but isabel is attacking has been attacking your on for almost 10 years now in syria and lebanon everywhere. and also they moved into inside iran and they said with tags, they have nuclear sites. that can be a scientist. so with the war or actually last night is way they had been on for almost 10 years. and, and when you find this founded at here, i'm not really, you know, supporting girl, but i'm here and i'm analyzing. so when you run support to attack, you know, the idea are like a up and um, saying that the median days have a tax as well as if it's unprovoked. okay, we'll see what happens is obviously very complicated. it already had lots of moving parts. have somebody think he was trying to help us with that. thank you. now the wind has cooled on his way the forces to stop supporting attack spies, ready,
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settlers against palestinians. we will compiled west bank, at least full palestinians have been killed in such a time since friday and doesn't have been injured. meanwhile, the us state department spokesman, not the miller says, is where the officials have a responsibility to still suck la finance. as we do remain incredibly concerned about the increase in violence in the west bank up without a statement on that. yesterday we seem attentions continue since then we have made absolutely clear that the governor of israel has a responsibility to police. extreme is settler violence. it has the responsibility to hold extreme is settlers responsible when they commit acts of violence. and as we have done in the past, if we don't see sufficient action, we are prepared to take actions of our own google employees of stage citizens to protest the tech joints business with the israeli government protest as violating the companies offices in new york times california google and rival tex than amazon report to be signed a $1200000000.00 contract with these rated government back in 2021. the products
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and nimbus steel is said to provide cloud computing, infrastructure, and services to as well as all sovereignties and military. the spring is in the days of the news now new queens president assigned a new military recruitment low. it's aimed at boosting. treat them both as commanders face and then how shortages for the water gains. russia. the legislation increases payments to volunteers as well as adding new penalties for draft dodging charles franklin possible from eastern ukraine. the fishing you mobilize ation little has taken months of debate repeated amendments up to full 1000 amendments made in the 2nd draft in parliament zalinski signing over it. now, highlights the kind of problems that ukraine is facing on the front lines, a massive manpower crisis. and that's how it's,
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we've described by numerous people in the military establishment here. and certainly, western intelligence just to give you an idea of some of the provisions of this beautiful, ancient gypsies now mandatory medical checks for those people who initially work and see that you have only partial eligible states as a whole. so it's heavy penalties for those trying to dodge the draft that we know. mandatory conscription for women, 18 to 25 year old will be expected to go to basic military training, but will not be conscripted. and i think one of the most important and controversial elements is, was highlighted, and that is the one on de mobilization. that provision was taken out of this lower and is going to be separate separately. debated in parliament. the previous provision gave soldiers the rights to come out of the military. if they hits up 36 months, they can no longer do that. so you can imagine that he's going to cause quite a lot of control to see quite a lot of anger,
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amongst many members of ukraine's military establishment. meanwhile, heavy fighting continues around 10 kilometers from here. the small town of chess, if you all the town of constance, and if go in front of us here, where we all is also coming under increasing. shelly, we've been visiting some of the front line towns that were initially occupied by russian forces at the beginning of the war, and then we'll liberate to buy ukrainian forces. those towns now seemingly, again, in the cross hairs of russian full seas in we expect expectation of a potential russian involved in the next few weeks. and this is the report. the people still live here around to thousands of them struggling to exist among the destruction russian forces captured the town of lee mine in may 2022 ukraine and all me then recapture the important railway help with
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a pretty will will population of all the $20000.00 around 5 months later crushing miss all and so who do i boma tax it increased in recent weeks targeting ukrainian positions in the surrounding forests. taking advantage of what you crane says it's potentially catastrophic. lack of width and defense. tens of billions of dollars with the ministry 80 to stop by arguments in the us congress will not getting hit fast enough from european allies, western intelligence, ukrainian ministry, say russia is now gaining momentum on the battlefield, shedding by russian full series of lead man and the surrounding countryside is closing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the people still living inside lima and are afraid, the russian forces could push through nearby ukrainian defensive lines. there's
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no running water or gas in town. the tiny, afflicted in the pro before russian forces occupied the place she is live also life, she returned when are you crazy and allow me to control the daughter and granddaughter went to poland and the don't want to come back. ringback if you go not the focus groups of she leads us into her basement. she's had to start sheltering on the ground like games couldn't use the image. i do. of course i'm very anxious. god willing, it won't happen. we don't need them here. they should go back where they came from . give us back the life we had before. it was a beautiful life and we never asked anything from anyone. we had worked. we had a railway, we had a town, look what they have done to us in our life. no one lives here. now most people left and this is our land. few people come to the tiny sunday market. police check people's ideas, hunting for suspected russian and fullness. all exams live to throughout the
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russian armies of the patient. because i don't want to talk about it, he says, well, he's here in the shelter of a 2 hours during yesterday's attacks. it's all he has had to blame and spy department. he says he's been on now more than ever valuable to attack. is they tried to save lives the sadly, the shelling has recently increased the enemy of hit civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian sofa, the shutting schools, many fires. we receive up to 10, call out, and the given to just while period. there are many towns near the front lines like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance. charles profit algebra, lima us present. dr. barton and the republican leader of the congress may be close
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to a deal that will see foreign aid packages dated on for ukraine, israel and countries in the pacific region, including taiwan proposals from the house beacon mike johnson. and now being considered by the us administration, a white house correspondent, kimberly house that has no it passed the senate, but for weeks the house of representatives refused to vote on a white house of prove 95000000000 dollar a package providing for and assistance for is really you frame and also taiwan, but now the white house confirmed is considering separate a proposal. put forward by how speaker mike johnson is the speaker called the us president joe biden to put forward the idea. and now national security council spokesperson, john kirby says that as long as is real ukraine and the in the pacific get the resources that are needed. they say at 1st blush,
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this could work. they are just reviewing the proposal right now at the white house . and even though the white house push for a stand alone bill, john kirby says that the separate bills are not a deal breaker. like johnson says that each of these individual 8 packages could be loaded on as early as this week. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house, 6 of the 18 years needed for double drums cycled hush money trial have been chosen on day 2 of the selection of the phone. but us president is the 1st to face a criminal trial. and he's accused of the payments to an adult film star child tours, and 6 ultimates on needed. none which isn't on day one. trump was admonished by the judge full muttering and gesturing while a potential juror was being questioned. still ahead here on the news that i'm come out of. hi there in the mountains on the progress on the run,
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it's on board with thousands of on read through dates about could be sent home against dave reading and rough failed. it all makes a waiting attention to that is that the ball? so an open action from its 1st round, much coming up is the hello. we have something of a big tool down on the way across the eastern path. so if you're up now you can see robin little cloud coming into central and eastern areas where the systems associated with that. and this one here. this is the coolest side of the system at the head of that. that's why we still have a little bit of won't same place, but it's going to get squeezed out. so the way, remember a couple of days ago, but chris is getting up to 33 degrees celsius. it's 22. i'm forwarding as we go through the next couple of days,
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and by fast i would be lucky to get to around 30 degrees as a 20 degree drop in just a matter of a 4 or 5 days. and at the moment we're looking at some for you right, whether on that same whether system that will continue to drive his wife or the south woods and east with some heavier pockets of rain coming down into grace easing down across the balkans. scattering a shell assist brushing off up towards the northwest as well outlined snow coming in as well for good measure. meanwhile, is fine and dry across the op air, and potentially i move warm sunshine across spain and portugal in the warm sunshine continues to across north africa. colorado 37 sale just suddenly when switches around as we go on into that 1st. i so not quite as holt at that stage may to some sand storms across the hall right here. probably the showers meanwhile, across southern parts of west africa. the 300 years ago, the belt is the full season, the celebrated,
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the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating and the disturbing like performance himself career. dis nokia or of sold on al jazeera you will see caught a duty and a growth using fruits. p, use a caught to contribute to and losing the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems caught on red chris,
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the book about to be able to that when you sign with me. so he'll rom, and in the hall reminder, all the top stories is very strong singles that have killed at least 20 palestinians. witnesses say a group of children with finding that the out of my house, the refugee comes during one of the attacks. at least one person is dead after it is very dry and striking stuff is a lot going on. the man who was killed and we are talking please be a senior member of has pulled out and there owns president few plays president. pardon me, is assigned a new military recruitment blow it same that boosting soup members as commend the site's done power shortages for the war against russia to the polls of open denise solomon islands and the pacific ocean boats. as i were to about the
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rising cost of living, and there are some who fit the government's case of ties with china and also a problem. but this isn't the only challenge the island nation faces. with around 900 islands spread over a huge area, accounting the pallets will take weeks, has bonded below reports gearing up for what's being described as the most important election since independence from britain almost 50 years ago. voters in the country of 3 quarters of a 1000000 are choosing local officials in electing 50 and peace. who will then select the next prime minister prime minister, minnesota. so go about it is seeking the 2nd term. he's brought his country closer to china. first, by separating diplomatic ties, which i won then by signing a security agreement that has raised pierce by the us and its allies of a chinese military base. their opposition politicians. what the review of the chinese pat this something that is very uh, containing,
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like in place of the ccv in this country like people are not really making decisions that comes from the on the way. the thing of the things they built in for those grant money, gods and things. so that is something that we didn't want to see in this country. so the body argues deeper ties would paging, brings much needed. developing solomon's was proud to host the pacific games and been use built and funded by china best. and i suppose other pacific nations will be looking to see what the consequences are of taking a very of the pro china stance. i mean, of course, they won't, the connections with china. they like the chinese aid projects, but they don't like the political pressures. but you politics is far from the minds of many voters. they say they want to cnn to both buying and the better quality of
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life. the change you want to see is a government, but the people that just the one of the meetings that they didn't want to see people 1st is everything that they do is a cation in education, in health. and as well as employees in the country where progress and development have yet to reach many of the remote islands, it's the core issues that will likely determine the results. find it below alj a 0 puckett i back is a known residence all over the atlantic councils in the pacific security initiative and join us on line from washington dc. just to know if i could help you with this on out. was there a, i mean there's a great deal of stake isn't the full, the incumbent probably minutes. so he sort of nailed his colors to a partnership with china. but since 2019 and the last election, how's the islands really see it, any benefit from that new alliance of the sites for having the bills? great to be with you this evening. you know that for the pay over whether mr. side
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of our res bracelet they shang, since 2019. when the solomon islands change the diplomatic recognition from taiwan to the people's republic of china, it's been hardly defeated during the election campaign. mr. so far it has been claiming as the 6 re election, that it is bought, development benefits that i hope, my dentist said it'd be every day. why as solomon islanders well as opponents like mass you, why, why is the opposite issue leader of the national parliament has criticized mister, shut it all right, for someone else, a country solver to gain of are you that and sex has not want to tell that benefits to the country as well, daughters go to the post tonight. certainly issues are going to have on their months. i mean, they said the only issue that votes as a being asked to consider. i mean, honestly you, we've seen so many elections over the last 2 years. the cost of living is, is high on the agenda and normally health education and transport. i mean, they will feature doesn't really matter what election you have or yeah, no, i think that's very true. and that's why when you see during the camp on the
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campaign trail, when politicians are discussing this issue, whatever their position may be, they're often discussing it's for the ones of domestic issues. so i know solomon islands has a lot of challenges with reducing poverty, improving infrastructure, and putting that, improving the state of the health care system. and those are the issues that are front of mysore voters. it's not like they're sitting there thinking about rand politics in grand geo political strategy every day. you know, they're really concerned with pocket ish book issues and they're wellbeing. and that's why you see politicians when they talk about form policy in the selection. framing it through the ones of domestic issues of the solomon islands. does ryan quote $155.00 out of a $199.00 countries in the united nations human development index for mineral rich nation. the accusation of mismanagement has been made by the options. opposition and that's running, right? so i'm in all the, is it all day or is it a valid point to make what it is? there's
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a long history of corruption around extractive industries. not just in the solomon islands, but the wider pacific islands region as well. i will take countries like pop when you get any of that. i've encountered some more issues. there are credible accusations, but there's something new accusations that are also tired of brew and solomon islands politics. the also speaks to the importance of extracted industries like mine and like walking to the economy of the solomon islands, which as you noted quite on heard about australia on the us when we called ignore them. they were alarmed by that change in the same policy after the last election. how do you view the way they've tried to, you might say re establish a relationship or influence with the government in the solomon islands. and tried to count to that china or effect. has there been any, has it was not there has been, i mean, you've seen increases and development need for countries like australia as united states and countries aligned with that. he's also seen
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a stepped up diplomatic presence with more frequent high level visits from those nations. the solomon islands. you also saw the united states opened an embassy past year and solomon islands with my capital hon yara, to your career, say more attention paid to the country, and more resources being directed towards it. in response to the psalm and i would switch to china and the birch name relationship. and i do since that is certainly helps those countries make their case. although we're going to see it for purposes of the part of the election and supposed to get those results and it'd be really good to get your analysis at once. you might say the dust has settled, but for the moment pocket pocket i'd like thanks so much for joining us in washington dc. right, thanks so much for asking ma'am. so of course president has apologized for his policies, massive defeats, and last week's parliamentary elections. the last by the people party is seen as units accused, toughest challenge yet now the opposition will have that chance to tackle rising
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living costs and health coworkers strongly communities can, has moved from the capital, sol 6 days after voters gave the opposition a rezoning election victory over the president's people, power party use on your broke, his silence will don't kill you. we'll continue our reform drive. so if a labor education pension and the medical systems and listen to reasonable opinion of the government will need to fulfill its responsibilities while cooperating more closely with the national assembly. of his words fell short to the apology of the democratic party was looking for. but they'll stay in the driver's seat with the power to reject to use legislative agenda over the next 3 years. the opposition block when nearly 2 thirds of seats in the national assembly. many view use landslide law says the people's judgment against his uncompromising leadership style. you know, you've been chosen, google would hope the results of the selection would shift to you and government
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spawns. but his remark was unilateral declaration to continue the non communicative politics of his office as before, without any interest fiction decision. this was an election so driven by the anger of a disenchanted public that the election watchdog band green onions from pulling boots that followed the media parents by the president meant to highlight falling festival prices. it went viral for being out of touch. just as controversies involving the 1st lady remain, as prizes continue to rise, hospitals across the country remain under pressure. a 3rd month of a strike by thousands of junior doctors is about to begin. a presidential aid told reporters, the president did apologize for failing to manage the people's expectations as adjusted. he's not ruled out and meeting with the leader of the parliamentary majority party. you know, with the president's party now in emergency mode, it remains to be seen how you will work with the democrats,
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whose support he will need to confirm a new prime minister after several senior presidential aid submitted their resignation last week. you know, skim all to 0, so the venezuela is too close, it's embassy and could on the move is in solidarity with mexico of the equity o rated the mexican embassy in key to earlier this month, or the rest of the kudos full. but the vice president who hate glass, he'd been evading, detention by staying in the mexican embassy glass, has been convicted in corruption cases. as an investigation is underway into the discovery of a boat, full of colts is found to drift off the northeast in coast. to present will please say the 9 bodies were like the african migraines from molly and mo, retain the vice is similar to vessel often used by west african migrants trying to reach spain's canary islands. the treacherous route means that boats but missed the destination, can be swept towards the west of atlantic. bulk, his phone is beginning. the 2nd phase of
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a controversial plan to default hundreds of thousands of ask and refugees living in the country. have a half a 1000000 and documented ask a national so being expelled since last october. the government is extending its deportation. planned to include many off guns who still hold boxes, funding documents. many ask guns and bulk is found, say that hot breaking being falls to leave a place they call home 12 high. the reports now from london calculating, focused on on the boulder with i've gotten some, a very bad creation of millions of, of lawns is continuing or the sturdy face. most of the people that we talk to say they're leaving with a heavy heart. they have configured focused on to be that home. they're also going to say that one is done to be that and sister at home. but they said that the government moved to push these people out. it's something that there's an acceptable because they said that even if the government go focused on wanted to
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send them out, it should have been get it out in a more dignified manner. well, i'll send it to them as a contact is done at the mobile. and so many images of what you saw. well though we, after nations, this is the country we call home, but we were born today. it's hot breaking leaving cuz we are grateful to the people who accepted a whole. i'll try to hold off. why do i want it? while? assume that this would be what the greatest punk has done. granted us citizenship off. do we spend decades here? afghans are peace, loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war, and today we are in the middle of nowhere. so right now we're in the 2nd phase of the pad creation. they're going to focus on the nouns, that it is not just the unregistered. i've gone by to even dogs who have registered and have proof of residency or the other one citizenship, god, to really have to go. that of gods is thrown the future of many that if you're getting into uncertainty, they have lived in this country for decades. their children don't know any other
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country, like focused on their home. it is a moving experience. and many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. they say that it should have been done in a more dignified manner. international organizations have condemned focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. although the addendum dollar bond government said they would want the rug and the other one is the dentist to come back to that and says, threat of home, the feeling had monthly of one is uncertainty. we have been talking to some of the families who are on the move on the back of the truck. it has been a difficult journey. it dig several days sometimes to raise the border. and then of course, the long way of loans are telling us that the gotten rid of buckets on should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. and most of them, of course,
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are leaving with a heavy heart. come out of hi there. i just did all i learned because the fuck is gone. no one has done boredom. so he to waive is bringing scorching temperatures too many polls the southeast asia, the philippines, thailand's death and indonesia, otterbox countries baking in the intense heat. jessica washington has moved from jakarta in the streets of human city in vietnam. it's a struggle for many to get through the de la. com. it's so tiring, pushing this car under industry feet. i'm used to the work with the heat. it's unbearable. the heat wave is having a wide squared effect and you're like a good time. what do you mean? the whole city is under receipt wave and it's affecting life in the city. many children fell sick due to the heat. we don't have the infrastructure needed to adapt to a hospital with a yeah. it's a stimulus. seen in the philippines. filipinos in manila are trying to cool down
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any way they can. even if we have an umbrella, the heat hits us in our faces. thousands of schools across the philippines suspended clauses earlier this month or switched to online learning due to the scorching heat. the annual dry season has already started in some provinces in indonesia, which can result in more intense heat due to reduced cloud cover. side to say this month's extreme heat is partly due to the 2nd year of the all new weather phenomenon, as well as climate change up on january, february model. so i looked at the, this was the hottest 3 months in 100 years of old duration shows that this year is likely to reach the hardest global temperature in history. and it's likely this april will be the hottest on record to in thailand, daniel. so i'm trying to most of festival over the weekend specials, high temperatures in the traditional way. the time industry is public health warns
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that temperatures in many areas a set to exceed 40 degree celsius. unicef ones that high temperatures and humidity this month could put children at serious risk of heat related illnesses, including breathing problems and cardiovascular 2nd, vietnam motorbike taxi right. is like millions around the region, no choice but to work outdoors all day long. i don't know. i spend a lot of time also in the street in this hot weather is hosting the thing. i would say the huge isn't likely to continue for weeks. jessica washington to 0 to comes in while still out of hey all the i'll just say of, of the man why they regarded as the greatest for whole time and stuff his career may soon be a,
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but that's coming up with jeff in spoke to stay with us the these business uptake the school by the city bank growth, partner of bung the dashboard to use the this business uptake. this makes this try this exact restaurant,
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no bundle dash football to use the buckets of the school know his job with thank you. so how is be the 9th of come back? so the wife of champions league parents, sasha, my are a step closer to within the competition for the 1st time. they went to the semi finals off a memorable away went against buffalo to it looks please early on for the student. i'm 3 to from the 1st like rough senior put inside the behind less than 15 minutes in the box. the task was made easy. i went to go to a row, was sent off off the founding a p a c. i s 3 wont go to the front side made that one not advantage account for my boss. the plan has been done by the school to full house on the surface and then it
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goes to the kenya. there it is. and susan's kicking and last night in the 2nd hall helps. yes. the advanced 6 foot on advocates and the night to that also. so boss elaine, the coach chevy center, gsp will pay per se, adult and english. that means the jam inside, which one down on aggravated pleasure. time the grid for it went to the left on the 9th to go ahead and 5 boxes, 2 goals. is that right? which means at that point today, what edging free thoughts that came. don't mind nicholas who took heading in to make it 3. see really i miss and just 3 minutes i set myself to the school. i don't mind to the children progress. slice on academics there into the law school for the 1st time and nothing is or where i found it out has made a winning respond to tennis. that the boss selena opens the 22 time grand slam champion is playing just a 2nd tournament of the at as fast as since january to, to entries on its way to side. it's lisa flavio,
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a couple of the 6263 months was assessed much on quite since winning a vote. extending 14 franchise entitled in twins 2 twins and see the double face full seed. alex, the middle in the 2nd you see people to, to manage all these things to make logical things. when you are competing today, i was able to manage because i was more or less i'm going to on. i just, i have to know make amazing efforts in terms of uh, physical uh, demanding, just trying to push when i really need to push if i can. so let's see and just keep it's flowing the ways the, the limits a little bit torch has been lifted in grease as it gets ready for its 5000 comments . a journey across the country before heading to front side of the games in paris late to the ship. it mocks, the final stretch of the 70 of preparations for the games which stopped in july,
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watched on by us the president thomas bass. read. actress mary mean, and it's the torch with his thoughts of a relay, which will coordinate with the lighting of the limpid flame and the french consulate, the opening ceremony. so size, size, and has more on the history behind to choose those events. it's a tradition going back to 1928. we've seen some memorable moments over the years as the olympic quadrant gets, let to signal the source of the and then pick games. but how did it get there in the 1st place? it's a journey that stops in southern greece, and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on this journey to the south coast of france and most say it's an ancient greek tradition, but goes back centuries. the sun's rays reflect from the mirror to produce the flame, like we do in a more simple way. but the idea is to show the link between finishing games which happened here. we started here 2800 years ago and the modern games which were
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recreated at the end of the 19th century. 48 performance take part in the carefully reverse. 13 minutes ceremony before the torch is taken on the 10 day relay, 3 grease. i think that brings something really nice and motions for this magical moment. it goes to magical moment. every time that we share the pray to apollo, and we see the flame coming out from that closure. and this is the ship that will then take the torch to fronts. the pelham was built in $1896.00 the same year. the 1st button olympics was staged in athens. it's one of the last see where the ships of her kind, where very proud to to can carries of claim for the 1st time visor seat on the move is, is she by say, so he's going to impact the world, develops the history of the, from the link between greece on front and falls, the ecological way of
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a tron spelt about such and if i'm psycho or empty, same over the years, the torches re space, it's going up mount everest. it's even going underwater trying to tell where it's jenny, lies this year. as it set sail from the greek capital's pool per reyes on april, the 28th come size and alj a 0 and the relay across the country is on the way. let me pick running champions the phone us disclose, receive the torch, disclose one gold of the men's singles. skulls. take care of 2020. i've completed the traditional run it to the monument of piet, to cooper to the founder of the international olympic committee. household cricket has picked up a big witness. they look to qualify for the asia comp and for the 1st time they beat neighbors. saudi arabia by 15, runs in the premier cup. the winter of the t 20 competition of foxes next year, a show piece event, which will feature cricketing heavyweights, india, and focused on among others, titles, victory and m on means. they sit 2nd and group
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a high nipple. we could have tumbling kate and clock was chosen as number one, drops back in the women's and be the 22 year old as widely viewed as one of us college bosco's greatest prodigies. she's the full time top score at college level in the women's and men's game, and will now be playing city, indiana fever, fever after. as mike tyson is stepping up his training ahead of fighting jake pool in july and he's issue issued a warning to the social media icon that bothers man on the planet sauzie's 9 case to this video on hex with the message. i'm coming for you. it follows other reason pace of tyson sparring as he passed to batch report. he's 30 years younger than him . the form allowed have great champions. last flight was a drill and an exhibition against boy james junior in 2020 i am the man. why is he regarded as the greatest of all time is getting ready to hang up his board 11 time while champion kelly's slice as missed the world softly mid season costs of margaret river in western australia. and what could prove to be
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his final acts on 1252, you know, types of stuff. one more time in fiji as a wildcard, but accepts his illustrious career spending more than 3 decades at the very top is close to being i thought everything comes to an end. and if you don't adapt to those who arrive and my, my motivation just hasn't quite been there to really put in that 100 percent that everyone's doing now. you know, it's just so much emotion for so long. you know so much dedication and you know, it's not all, it's not all roses, you know, but it's, it's been the best times in my life. and that is, oh, it will support. so now it's back to say, thanks. i have a shipment. the fine it has destroyed one of the best in landmarks and done months, complicate and taken. the city 17th century stock exchange, known as the balsam, was engulfed in flames. charlie angela has the story one of copenhagen's,
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most iconic landmarks collapsing in flames. the old stock exchange coat fire early on tuesday, leaving the nation, devastated the dutch renee from style building was being renovated to restore it to its former glory. but it was the scaffolding and covering the ultimately hung put emergency services, allowing the fire to take hold and it celebrated spice to topple the . yeah, it's terrible. i can't put into words what the stock exchange means for us as a building and does a symbol for copenhagen. the full dragons are a part of our sky line, and a lot of people from copenhagen move past it every day. it's a full 100 year old cultural history that has been lost and i'm finding copenhagen, but also in denmark. no longer an active stock exchange. the building is headquarters to the danish change that called us. there were no reports of injuries, but there was huge concern for its many priceless aut. well,
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it's an all american ford building on the 28th. so it's very story. buildings have a lot of valuable facing inside the building as well as i am trying to raise the most could on the stand instead. but some pauses by helped emergency crew rescue. some of the historic paintings and all to fax when the building it was actually the most impressive hole in copenhagen, denmark, the oregon and the golden elements all around, all the changes we launched something big today. as the plains receded, it became evident much of the damages to the front of the building. the rid damage being less severe, to eddie, to tell if this piece of data is, history can be salvaged. charlie angela out to 0. of course you can follow that story, anybody else recovering here on out is everybody logging on to
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a website at all because they don't comes up, takes it from the day. and that is the news off the by which i'll have more on the other side of the break. so to stay with us here for an officer in the vietnam war, the us army use the highly toxic herbicide with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the care for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies. 0 unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to
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have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is home us, it's right here. and right now, the stream on al jazeera getting close to the people most effective by those in power is often dangerous, but it's absolutely vital that the story is told we pushed as far forward as we can to the front line. now the smells upset our a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always, is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. the listings in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media,
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and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of way, tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the, [000:00:00;00] the on. so robin, you want to be able to save and use our lives in my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinians will and dozens kills, including children and is writing strikes across the gaza strip. is really security forces must immediately enter their active participation in and support for set
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their attacks on palestinians. the you and condemns is right in the military involve goods and secular violence to be occupied. westbank a gains palestinian civilians,


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