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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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and usually around the . ready the widespread destruction in gaza at least 20 people are killed as is very strikes destroyed, protest and uniforms. in the north of the street. it's very attacking the southern city of arrest for the 7 people, the killed 3 children among the carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from day also coming out the head of the u. n's agency for protest in any refugees appeals to the security council for protection warning against israel's efforts to dismantle the schools about ending the
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risk, which is state choose of millions of palestinians. i have serious concerns about the safety of the 787, and triple 7. aircraft, and i'm willing to take on professional risk to talk about ongoing on the scrutiny again. a whistleblower tells us senate the company is switching out the district to across the we begin in does that where it's very forces of kind of without more tax across the street. several people, including 3 children, have been killed in the southern city of rough, or at least 1500000 people have been forcibly displaced, that their enduring conditions describe by agencies as catastrophic and in the north of this trip is very strikes of tongue through the group of palestinians gathering at one of the few faces
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a can come next to the internet. at least 7 people were killed that shake rod one in gaza. city 13 others were killed in the nearby residential building. honey mountain mood has moved out from rafa to major explosions took place one day or the rough idea of jim border that was mainly in an empty land, very near the border. no casual reported. but the other attacks the further the eastern part of robust city where an empty land also was targeted, administered reports confirmed that there were no casualties, but within half an hour people reach out to arrive to the area and they found out, in fact, there were displaced families inside that land, when it was targeted, 7 people were removed from the targeted sites and were transferred and the job hospital additional numbers was a 3. and then at a later, a leader, our for more people were found at the side of the, of the targeted. it plays 7 people are right now and the job hospital and dozen
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others of critical injuries arriving to the hospital and with a hospital like a new job that has insufficient medical stuff and very difficult times it intervene by providing an offering and proper medical intervention. it becomes very difficult . what are these people? the injuries are going to make it or not, but that's the latest where we're getting it from the city. as of this hour, it just happened to be a tragedy because people did not know until half an hour later there, there were people show drink and this place that was inside the land that was targeted accusations of torture, blindfolding and strip searches. and coming out of northern gauze, this soft to displace palestinian sheltering at the school, and they say is very troops besieged the building, carrying out the campaign of mass arrests before they withdrew into the reports
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from the elbow in central gaza. a lot of us in the men's and women's clothing, little above those told in between noon and nothing cause of the items left in the dirt. after what policy news is size, as a campaign of mass of asked more than a figure supply, is there any forces anybody missed? yeah, and the thought and all these really soldiers rounded up all the men in the area somewhat ordered to run for their lives. others stripped hancock, the line, folded, and brought to the spot for interrogation. somewhere, interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these riley's withdrew, they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area as well as military, both those roads and destroyed food a keeps an olive trees. as one journalist in the area uncovered. i'm talking to from a tenuous exactly from maybe a show,
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a school where there's where the forces see this quote for more than 24 hours. and this is cool. there's where the forces conducted a detailed search and a company in 1st thing. and they also investigated with own people and also for this washer during the school where homes once did, all that remains is rebel displaced, palestinians returning to the area, find few reminders of the lives they once knew of the model of, of the law. the destruction has affected us greatly. i left the full story house in another area within the city and enough to that we were displaced to another full areas with their homes destroyed. many palestinians have been trying to find child to no clue. but renewed is ready. bomb being in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those tried to burn their lives. hundreds of families have
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flooded beta, genuine since the latest is reading creation in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped of all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter and still building. oh, where should we go? tell us. where should we go? 2 of these palestinians are displeased. once again, many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose, military may have withdrawn, but for these pilots to use, the damage is already done. and i'll just see you to did it by the central gaza. they had the view ends agency for palestinian refugees, has appealed to the security council for protection for the advisory. and he says there's been a concerted efforts to dismantle it at a time when it's what is more crucial in that area of the sierra. the agency last system of its funding of the israel accused it some of its employees of involvement
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and that won't kobus 7th. the tax calls for only wants closure on. not about the difference to inventory principles, just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian the 6 to change the long standing political term interest for peace in the okay, by published in a territory set by the resolution of the general assembly on this concept acquisition, that's only what deliberate, the perpetrates refugee state use a false and dishonest. the agency exists because a political solution does not. gabriel, that is on that has more details from united nations headquarters in new york. jordan requested this meeting because the situation with unrest is so difficult
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right now. not only in gaza, but we're hearing also in the west bank as well. they're more than $25.00 countries . a ambassadors are on the speakers list. and we basically heard from people as a really on how difficult the situation is. it is, he said it's clear that is real, wants to dismantle unwrapped based on their actions. he said, israel is prohibiting unrest from delivering a to the north, not allowing unrest staff to take part in meetings with these really officials and other 8 organizations and even said in the west bank, now it's becoming increasingly difficult for unwrapped to do their work. because israel is restricting staff movements, which is making it harder for on road to maintain the facility such as health facilities and schools as well. so felipe last reading was basically saying if on right, is completely the funded and is forced to leave, it would have huge short term and long term ramifications. we heard from other
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security council members in other countries, they were using one word over and over backbone. he said that and right is the backbone of palestinian refugees and it must be protected and us and saved essentially what wonder is you and relief and works agency for palestinian refugees . it's the main humanitarian provide in gossip. let's take a look now. that's why the agency is so vital. we are supports 96000000 palestinian refugees who live within an outside kind of sign. it provides basic support including food, healthcare, education, relief and emergency assistance. operation spread across the occupied west bank and gaza as what of syria lebanon and jordan. when you are, doesn't have a mandate to resettle palestinian refugees and has no authority to st. last in solutions for refugees. a chris gunner says a former or no spokesman. he says,
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israel's criticism of the organization is dishonest and politically motivated. this is based on a lie. it's this old isn't that like, is that if you get rid of the, you suddenly magically get rid of the 5900000 refugees that are registered with under. but of course it's under disappeared at this very minute. these would remain human beings with, in a novel rights, the right switching the right to health the right to a broad range of political rights, including the right to self determination. so that's the law. that's the political life that underlies this attack be led by as well. and because as well as one member of a $195.00 plus members of the general assembly, which steve it's mandates. volleyball, original side as we were hearing from you. of correspondence in new york, the tax bureaucratic plenty of the headquarters building, for example, in the west bank, the lease. so not just being questions the bank accounts which as well which summer
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use this is all those old stuff being questions. and then the questions of permits and bases in god will save you some of the 22nd of march of law from a convoy to the north and the implications of that of the 300000 people that who are already facing salvation will split the into starbuck she as well many when were employees arrested by is rather than does i have a case? is there any forces of torture in them? although a housing defense in the us state department is not quoting for full investigation . we are aware of this recent report, but the un put out highlighting communities allegations of extensive human rights abuses were deeply concerned by these reports and will continue to press and engage directly with our is really a partners on the need for a full investigation into these allegations and accountability for any perpetrators . uh, but beyond that, i don't have any specific conversations to read out. we of course are in touch with
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our is really partners and all the time. but broadly though, we continue to call on all parties in the region, calling israel to do more, to protect humanitarian aid workers, to improve the conflictions mechanisms and to pursue full accountability for incidence of harm against a workers the case. foreign secretary has met the palestinian prime minister in romano david cameron, and i'm in the stuff are discussed, efforts to increase access to who might a tearing relief in gaza and a need for a pause in the fighting area. on wednesday, david cameron and german foreign minister under the ball commit to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the tensions with von carmen says as well, act often runs a tack on saturday hopes it will do so in a way that doesn't to escalate the situation around says it's drone on we saw strikes, but in response to israel is attacking the consulate building in syria. earlier
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this month, around the president says it's forces already to face any threat. embrace. he made the comments during national ami de dosage of already reports from the capital to iran, a show of military force in the wrong during its annual army day celebrations. the goal to show the nation's military preparedness. but the events this year comes just days after iran launched an unprecedented attack on israel for whose leaders the president had this warrant. i got to got automotive. if our action was to be large scale, then nothing would be left of design. this regime, their false ground door collapsed in operation. any attack on our soil will be dealt with fiercely and severely. iran launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles towards israel on saturday. in response to the attack on the console of the section in damascus on april 1st,
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which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guards. the operation of 2 promised by the military is being viewed here as a historic with but concerns about what comes next has put the country on high alerts. is israel target's a site in iran that is not that sensitive. for example, somewhere close to the border since iran is not looking for will then in this case a wrong could respond to is proxies. but if is 0 attacks, any sensitive sites, i think a wrong with respond on a larger scale. and even its allies like us interest could be targeted in the region as a radiant officials wait for israel to respond, they continue to highlight their military strength. the attack on israel has shown that iran leaders are willing to follow through on their threats while the daily life goes on without any major disruption. the historic tensions have put people on edge,
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fearing that an attack here could have far reaching consequences door. so safari al jazeera tech on this is what all has knowns, drones and missiles into northern israel that up in these groups as it talks to the ministry base in our, our, i'm sion. yeah. the boulder is ready, military says at least 14 soldiers were injured. his boss says it was in response to an, as many trend strike that killed at least 3 of its fighters in southern lebanon. and on the tuesday of this all, who has more from tennessee is really military has confirmed that at least 14 soldiers were injured. after his val lot launched an attack on israel's northern border, that consisted of both missiles and rhone. these really armies said that they had retaliated against this attack, striking an area around a 100 kilometers from loving on southern border, heading of his bowl outposts and the launching side of those rockets and drones.
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now this comes as these really prime minister met with several foreign ministers from the u. k. and germany to discuss b is rarely response to it on and when it will be well members of the international community allies and flows both urging com. these really prime minister has spoken in his weekly cabinet meetings saying that israel will decide on his own self defense at a time and place that works for them. the international pressure has been mounting on these rarely as not to sparks some sort of wider regional escalation or conflict after the audience has launched their attack on saturday evening. but remember that they had launched this attack in retaliation. so these really air strike on the it on you and cancel it in damascus on april. first, israel's war and security cabinets are scheduled to convince, according to is really media on thursday to discuss possible outcomes from the social address ito televi. so it's a coming out just a rock races, runing
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a policy set of rates, early election results that show them in the lease of the tool. deadlock looks like leaving no thoughts evening enough seats to form a majority on this 100 days to go until the terrace and then pick games. some locals on less than enthusiastic the let's go with your weather story across the america. so one storm system moves away from patagonia and we've got another one on winding rain and wind for chile that moves over the other side of the border into argentina as well. now winds off the atlantic, also pushing in quite a bit of rain into zillow is the north coast that extends right into the amazon jungle. now for central america here sound, the story goes on thursday for the quiet picture. we've got some hitting the
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showers, but also spells of sunshine to be expected. and it is hot and humid for texas and louisiana with this breeze coming in off the gulf of mexico. we've got storms extending from the southern us straight through into the central plains. got to tell you some of these could be severe as a do creep closer into the mid west and quite a divide we've got going on here between cool and warm air. so dc 26, but new york best i can do for you is 10 degrees on thursday, arctic air. well, that's starting to dominate the canadian prairies here. so we'll be cold enough for a snow for a time in bridge on it. and when it pick, looking to pick up a couple of sending meters, looking good though for the west coast and same goes for california. there's some of those storms though, moving away from kansas city, coming in at 14 degrees on thursday. bye for now of the
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coveted beyond well taken without hesitation. fulton died. phone power defines how well we live here. we make the rule. not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that and the people in power, investigate, explodes, this and questions they use them to be use of power around now to sierra the the, the one thing i'll just say a reminder of the headlines is very strikes of killed at least 7 palestinians in the southern city of reference. dozens more died in central and southern areas. it
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brings the total number of palestinians killed seems to be down to almost 34000 the head of the u. n's agencies of palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection. police. as a rainy says, there's been a concerted efforts, dismantled. and the refugee status of millions of palestinians, lebanese group has been on, has north drones and this house targeting and that you facing moving israel. the army says at least 14 soldiers were injured with us as it was in response to this very drug strike, killed these treatments. frances opponents, a california university has banned muslim student from speaking. it's a graduation certainly because of our positions as well as one goes up. last year, several university presidents reside and off the hostile congressional questioning pressure campaigns from pro israel groups. for reynolds reports from the center.
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these are a muslim american student, us now to boss. i'm being chosen as valid victoria for the university of southern california was cause for celebration, but then usc abruptly band to buy some from speaking because of a pressure campaign by pro israel activist. she says she feels surprised, disappointed, and betrayed. our university is suppose to in race this course, it's supposed to embrace ideological inquiry. if you silence one person, you're effective, we silencing a lot of people, campus jewish groups opposed to boss and selection, and the campaign to silence or was fired up by social media posts like this one from self help book author and self described. jewish activism. samantha edis feature, the muslim anti semitic anti israel students to bottoms detractors pointed to links from her instagram page to a site that criticizes zionism as quote a racist,
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subtler colonial ideology. not an anti semite. and i think any conflation of anti zionism and anti semitism is deeply deep. we problem matic usc provost andrew guzman wrote to the university community, saying that the decision was all about campus safety. say the intensity of feelings fueled by social media has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement. the council of american is lumnick relations called us sees decision, cowardly messages. obviously, the messages we don't stand by our students, especially those students happen to be most of the students, especially if they are students who are there to speak for palestinian human rights . and the message they said is that we reward the bigots who,
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who engage in deformation and threats against the security of a university. last year, the heads of harvard and the university of pennsylvania were forced to resign. after being ruled by conservative republicans in a congressional hearing about alleged anti semitism on campus today. on wednesday, the president of columbia university named much of peak faces questions from the same congressional committee about anti war activism, student protests and freedom of speech, rob reynolds, l. g 0, los angeles. early results show correlations, routing conservatives, their own costs to in the most states, wednesdays parliamentary elections. however, the exit polls suggest the corporation, democratic, you know, h d said before sort of an outright majority is closest arrival. there's a sense of left coalition that by the social democrats. let's take a closer look at the 2 main candidates who have been vine for the role of prime minister incumbent 100 thank of which was 1st elected in 2016. and as one,
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the last 2 votes, gratiot has maintained relative political stability on these leadership. he's taking the pro western position and supporting ukraine. his rival is the president has on, but none of which you announced his surprise paid for prime minister shortly off the court in an early election. but this was ruled, unconstitutional, unconstitutional quote. and all of it shows opposed to supporting ukraine. and the shots as late as now from the capital is all good. the votes are still being counted in the number of seats in the problem. and so we'll certainly change because we are still waiting for the votes from the largest cities, the in the price uh for now on the plane for each end he's causes a are in the lead, feel blank for because i haven't majority for the fall of men is still defense for selection of qualities up to date in the selection we had the highest that
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their knowledge to even the parliamentary election increased in last 20 years as you can. so this elections took place in the middle of the week instead of usual sundays. and some reports says, this is the reason for a such a high there now to because people go to the additional day off for voting. when a certain milan i'm, is president of grace a surprise. everyone a and the cold parliament, 3 elections. he said that the river of justice will a lot of the streets and we actually had the flooded streets is august of the to day, but obviously not into way milan. and we wanted the, we had some heavy rain in the afternoon hours, but still we saw hundreds of people standing in lines waiting for give their vote for the final results. of course, we have to wait some longer usaa croft,
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manufacturer. boeing is in the spotlight again. the us congress is holding back to back here is on wednesday examining the safety phases of the companies and across last month, the 787 dreamliner flying from city to oakland and went into a southern dive, entering more than 50 passages, industry officials told the wall street journal newspaper, the plunge was likely caused by switch being activated by accident from the pots to pushing him forwards into the controls. in the same month, will from the land thing. you have a balance. triple 7, start off. the plane climb from the san francisco apple damaging pump cause beneath it on in january and boeing it 737, max 95 is well grounded off the door panel. do out on an alaska airlines flight. it was forced to make an emergency landing safety inspect to say bolts were missing a one, but an employee has not come forward and has testified to a senate hearing quality engine this. i'm so therefore raised questions about
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safety issues on the at cross. i'm not here today because i want to be here. i'm here today because i felt that i must come forward because i do not want to see another 787. i do not want to see 787 or 7, triple 7, crash. i have serious concerns about the safety of the 787, and triple 7 aircraft. and i'm willing to take on professional risk to talk about them. i have analyzed boeing's own data to conclude that the company's taking manufacturing shortcuts on the 787 program that may significantly reduce the airplane safety and the life cycle. since 2013, that had been serious issues on the 7 day things on program, not properly closing thousands of gaps and it's assembly of the few slots. on major jones for sons of a house, apartments has rejected for a full time, a piece of legislation need to to, to send the signed them, see,
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cuz to one to the up a time the vote to, to change the version they receive. both changes, apartments must agree on the wording of the deal before it can become new. pausing this legislation is crucial for the government to stop sending asylum seekers. they say have arrived in britain legally to orlando to have the claims process content. at least 117000 people have been forced from the homes in kazakhstan for the west floods their decades and receding us to meet treatment for then, reports from bad to worse anti regions of conflicts done in the north and the west underwater. some houses are badly identifiable with water up to the roofs . evacuations have been underway for 2 weeks now, before which is beside the strike. rescuers help us, but transporting people, delivering us food, water, and gasoline. all generators in the village are working now. presidents costumes. i
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want to kind of visited some of the worst it areas. he's called on the government's to limit any non essential spending and use the money to help the people usually leave a message just the way we're going through difficult times. this is a nationwide as austin, but positive changes are coming now. the water is receding. gradually. i think the upcoming 10 days will be the most critical. several 100000 people have said the houses west submerged or even washed away by the floods of the around river. it's europe's the longest causing extensive damage across the pots of conflicts done and southern russia in the past few weeks, due to melting ice other rivers and russia, like the bowl in siberia, have also bus that banks thousands of had to leave the area authorities in rochelle . being criticized but not paying enough attention to full costing water levels and responding more effectively. to meet them into the bank, go out to 0 police over 8 of the largest squats in front $100.00 days ahead of the
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pirates of lympics. 450 migrants evicted from the warehouse and the southern side of all the capital. the most well documented with the move to camps outside paris. what with the games, just around the corner, it should be a ton of excitement and anticipation of the capitalist residence. what has been met with mixed reactions from sizes as well. it's been 7 years in the making for paris as the city finalizes preparations for the start of the games come july, 10 and a half 1000 athletes from 206 countries will descend on francis capital for an event that's expected to drawing $13000000.00 spectators so the $2100000.00 inhabitants who lived the spinet, disruptive period for lots of them. the.


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