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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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and the government challenges here with the, [000:00:00;00] the color i'm just as your time and this is and use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the engine palestinians are taken to hospitals and the roof of 7 people, including 3 children, killed and overnight as rainbow strikes on payroll and now the attack on an unrest
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. school building in northern gauze like killing full people. united states reimbursement sanctions on venezuelan oil. often the main or physician kansas was banned from this is election kenya says its troops are ready to help hate david's son, kenyon questioning the decisions and the toys the . all these really minute tree has been carrying out more strikes across calls us 56 people have been killed in the past 24 hours in the southern city of ross, at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children account over 1500000 pieces. you can force of the displaced or living in that city there and or in your,
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in conditions described by 8 agencies as catastrophic meanwhile, income. so cities that teen palestinians were killed when it is really strike. here's a residential building and alto law street and 7 others were killed in the shape road. one neighborhood on wednesday often is really will pay an attractive group of palestinians gathering one of the few places where people can connect to the internet as well. also targeted in unrest. school located in the all shop to camp in northern garza, at least 4 palestinians were killed. the children are among the dead. will that smell? speak to tarka boys in on the ground and rough in southern garza tart and all that night? another day strikes, no laptop, took us through the targets that have been hit a well over night to these very minute. team facts has carried out wides military attacks, of from glands as well, many areas in the territory. but one of the bloodiest was carried out in rough i
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district and the southern part of the gaza strip were at least 8 palestinians have 3 or 4 killed, including 5 children to attack has been carried out against a farm land that uh, that was a refuge for a palestinian family that was completely targeted without any prior warning. and clearly, as you can hear right now, that there is a clear, active minute treat movement for the is very surveillance of drugs since the hours of today's morning as a part of their ongoing security and intelligence gathering information on the ground. but clearly we have been recruiting more strikes, of course, many areas as well in regards district including laptop and there are invalid area which these 2 towns have been witnessing mass demolishing. processed by the is very military in terms of residential houses that completely become destroyed in that area as the military right now is operating to expand. that's great the, what's worth mentioning as well, that is very minute 3 has with the drone from the mr. ross, a refugee come off to
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a manager at the ration that last for software. the days in the middle areas of the territory and tower. it seems that they have been some new developments or around movements of is randy troops on the ground to as well. that's why today's really ministry in fact has with a drug that has with a drone from us, a rock for a future. i'm leaving behind mass destruction in civil infrastructure along with residential buildings. now civil defense crews are working right now in the another positive investor. right to recover the victims and the injuries from these locations. they have been finding out and i'm part of a palestinian did bodies that have been recovered and lisa being compared to that full perio part, yet the situation on the ground sounds really critical. i'm a move, use very media reports. imagine a from is barely touch, reciting that the as very at the united states have been saying that they are ready to support a military and cogent for roughly the district if they use while the prime minister
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benjamin. it's a yeah, we just try to, to carry out a controlled, originally ation to the around you and attack on is military trees in the past few days. but clearly also these reports have been stressing on the fact that it was a clue. political maneuver being made by the it's very prime minister benjamin netanyahu in order to win the permission from the american administration. just talked about a tree and cogent in a rough eye as reports. i've been saying that these by the military has been deployed in a more artillery tanks on what vehicles in areas thought jason to the board as with rough off in preparation for a potential military attack. from that very desk populated area, to have was in, in rough on southern causal for us with all the latest i think to tarry. or i choose ations of torture, blindfolding and strip such as coming out of northern casa to space, palestinians sheltering as a school in bay till noon. say that is rarely troops besieged the building, carrying out
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a campaign of mass arrests before they withdrew from the handle. to dory reports not from daryl by in central golfer. let us in the familiar men's and women's clothing, little above those drawers between noon and nothing cause of the items left in the dirt after what policy news describe as a campaign of mass over s. but is there any forces anybody missed? yeah, and the thought and from one of these really soldiers rounded up all the man in the area somewhere order to run for their lives. others stripped hancock to the blindfolded and brought to the spot for interrogation somewhere. interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these riley's withdrew, they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area as well as military, both those roads and destroyed food a keeps an olive trees. as one journalist in the area uncovered. i'm talking to from a tenuous exactly from the show us cause the this way,
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the forces see this quote for more than 24 hours. and this is cool. there's really forces conducted a detailed search and it can be 1st thing and they also investigated with own people. and also, if it is who i should be doing in the school, where holmes once did, all that remains is rebel displaced, palestinians returning to the area, find few reminders of the lives they once knew of the model of, of the destruction has affected us greatly. i left the full story house in another area within the city. and after that we were displaced to another full areas with their homes destroyed. many palestinians have been trying to find child, you know, to the latrine news is where the bomb being in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to burn their lives. hundreds of families have
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floods based genuine. since the latest is reading creation in search of another place to find child to know the law is the men were rounded up taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building hallway. where should we go? tell us, where should we go to? all of these palestinians are displeased. one second. many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose, military may have withdrawn. but for these pilots to use, the damage is already done. and of who did the odyssey to did it by the central cause that's all now says it's reassessing. it's rolled as a mediation between him. us and israel. the prime minister made the comments of to him using with a tucker's foreign minister. he says the negotiations have stalled. yes, he could be of them and, but unfortunately, there are many political went up men, ships from politicians,
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with narrow interests. we were trying to conduct their election campaigns by hurting the state of cut off. and this is unacceptable to hear something in closed rooms, i mean, public se, make destructive statements to own. well, that's bringing the china is a car, a he is an associate professor of golf politics at castle university. he joins me now in the studio. here in the hot new china that was really quite the statement and then looking at some of that rhetoric saying that they've been abuse and home done to the house role in the tools. i want to unpack some of that. there's been some accusations from us. it'll make is in the last few days, is that what's triggered this. it feels like this goes deeper than that, the, and, well, i mean in 6 months we kind of some the frustration of color and fine and to which, to bridge the gap that existed between the 2 of us, the something between these fella, i'm us, after the 1st, initial success in that and he said to us that they, they got in the 1st of the month. but after that there was no improvement with the
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2 books. he shows not very willing to engage. and as he was an invitation, mainly from the sort of how you would see that was what, what was going on. we don't even send him the visuals on with this increase in criticism because it has to be in a facing from israel. and also from within the united states, cuz i have too many times to go in to defend themselves in terms of what's accusations have been done in terms of test reports in february. so much of the typical and just the find that's the fact of how much the office is with us policy . it was because of east roland. even have these types of requests in order to have someone to talk to it. so we can understand that that is because of the frustration that's engaging in this conversation did not bear any any foot. i'm on the other hand is attracting much more negative opinion from the united states from low make us. i mean, we know that's in the us the most probably from we we know,
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we know what happened when fund was president of the united states. how it got there was label us that there was a country or country that was supposed to interest them as a see that was uh, reduce their stuff to us. uh yes, china, united states. so we know what can happen in the future if the administration that they say come in in the us is not the democrats that so far. and by then it has some very good relations. we've got them. so what we're hearing now from the cast reapply minister that could have a very direct short term impact as well on the tools. i'm curious about where you think this leaves that if so how takes a step back. is there anyone who can step into, into their shoes, or basically it is cairo, then left as a mediator? exactly. there the only the only way the any conversion and kind of contiguous to get on with through the participation of the united states, easiest on france to some extent and in the, in the conversations a, so far as the problem is in the last 4 months, it wasn't the improvement even though cause i was really engaging during the
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discussion so we don't see that anything would change. i mean, if there was no improvement, we've got the how this is going to improve without the customer being engaged, started with, with a have us office, say, if you didn't know how. so i don't think at the end of the day, we impact the negotiations. basically there is no negotiation, so people not to be worse than they come into play. so you say no negotiations at the moment. i mean both parties have seem to have taken a step back to reassess what's going on. what is the state of the tools and, and just how far apart to both sides right now. as far as we know, i mean the point is that the things on that was right is looking at other sites. i mean the conformation between a file i need and therefore nobody's spend too much attention on what is going on. but actually there is no improvement that says file name. there were no if plan meetings lately, it was to start discussing something. it seems that the, that the negotiations to free the hostages is totally if before was the 2nd
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priority. now is the 3rd priority because the protection of israel again. so you know, i can became the biggest annoying for them. i probably would be for the whole world, not only for, for a spend, as you say, regional tensions of announcing, especially between around and is around stay with me. luciano, because it feels like that have been some different gnostic efforts around that. now your pin union leaders have now agreed to impose new sanctions on iran in the coming days after it's during a nissan attack on israel. tyrone says that saturday is attacked was in response to these ready bombing of it's come to that and damascus 2 weeks ago. i deb this tax looks like you are doing studies where we have decided to put to essentially to put in place sections against the new one. and so if a clear signal that the 212 to send 8, we also want to do a receipt to protect the savings interested in life. let us restore on the
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release. we start to introduce a for hostages, which one of the ceasefire images a ceasefire. luciano now, what we're hearing from the you comes off the back of what we had from the us about the us wanting to look at fresh functions on or on is what will any of this make a difference? poorly. yes. i mean, we have to remember that the me side of the program is going to be separate on what's under function. i'm feel at frontier october 2023, precisely when the war started. and i mean, where functions that they would impose and combination with the implementation of then it disappeared in 2015 on the central to expire the world of kansas, that'd be requested. and i mean the continuation of the sanctions people because it's because here, but they onions and you said for them was danger or somebody wasn't creating, it's not anything the region at the front of that you done what's on the functions, the admin disputed for the site from the lots are lice, they even gave me solve this program. so we know that you don't,
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has been producing throwing some of the size and that they were some exports to the rest of the day or before then the worst talk you're doing. okay. and so essentially the not work at the end of the day to finalize the, the beside program even has to be in there more than maybe since the expansion of the sanctions, the, the program accelerated the base. and that's why you don't have to say, well, now to, to have an option of the, comes out on $3000.00 uh, nissan, according to the, from the technician. we don't know exactly how many they are. a sanctions can reduce the capacity of your feet onto to continue about the size of the sofa proved to be inefficient in order to, to stop it. needed that activities in order to build up the cause of bonds, the army or non conventional, unconventional unitary equipments with no problem technology. well, we'll certainly see how that continues to pay out and especially attention is continue tries between around and as well. thank you so much for joining us. it was great to speak to on the news as
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a chunk of ahead of you and the agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection for that because it really says there's been a concerted effort to dismantle and run out of time when it's what is more crucial than ever earlier this year some countries withdrew their funding of to is really curious. some of the agencies employees as involvement annual terms of 7th attacks given that was on their reports from un headquarters. and you, i ask you all to rise of diplomats and the un security council. pause for a moment of silence for aid workers killed in these reels war on. gotcha. over the past 6 months, after the reflection, the focus shifted to the work of unreal and israel's attempt to dismantle and discredited the government of each 162, and $1.00 was activities. agencies request to deliver it to the knows
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repeatedly denied all stuff above from coordination meetings between israel and mandatory and actors luxury. and he said is rio is also limiting. unrest staff movements in the west bank and it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep schools and how centers they're open. israel's ambassador to the un said unwrapped should be defended and shut down. honora is creating a sea of palestinian refugees. millions of them indoctrinated to believe that israel belongs to them, calls for own was closer and not about the difference to inventory principles. just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian acquisition. that's only what deliberate the perpetrates risk reduced states use
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a false. and these honest the agency exists because a political solution does not. this before the meeting, jordan's foreign minister said israel's attempts to dismantle unrest, go back many years long before october 7 under what has been the target to the political assassination campaign by it is really a government that wants to do so in order to kill the palestinian the teachers issued in january, israel accused 12 unreal staff, members of taking part in the october 7th attack to this day is realized, provided no evidence to back up those claims to either the head of unrest or to be un secretary general. never the less the secretary general has ordered 2 investigations into the matter. one is concluded and the results are expected to be released publicly. on monday. gabriel is under. how does it at the united nations in new york? or chris got us as
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a phone on our spokesman. he says as well as criticism of the organization is dishonest and politic came reservations. this is based on a line gives this all this and that line is that if you get rid of the, you suddenly magically get rid of the 5900000 refugees that are registered with on . right. but of course, if i'm gonna disappear at this very minute, these would remain human beings with, in the 80 animal rights, the rights which of the right to health, the right to a broad range of political rights, including the right to self determination. so that's the, that's the political lie that underlies this attack, be led by israel and because as well as one member of a $195.00 plus members of the general assembly received under a it's mandates, volleyball, original side, as we were hearing from you. all correspondence in new york, the attacks bureaucratically, the headquarters building, for example,
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in the west bank. the lease will not just be questions bank accounts which as well which summer use this is all those also being questions and the questions of permits and bases in god will save you some of the 22nd of march of law from a convoy to the north and the implications of that of the 300000 people there who are already facing salvation will split the into starbuck. she too many on rotten toys, arrested by israel and garza, have accused his rarely forces of torturing them while they were held in detention . the state department is not working for a full investigation. we are aware of this recent report, but the un put out highlighting movies allegations of extensive human rights abuses . were chiefly concerned by these reports and will continue to press and engage directly with our is really a partners on the need for a full investigation into these allegations and accountability for any perpetrators
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. but beyond that, i don't have any specific conversations to read out. we of course, are in touch with our is really partners and all the time. but broadly then we continue to call on all parties in the region, calling israel to do more, to protect humanitarian aid workers, to improve the conflictions mechanisms and to pursue full accountability for incidence of harm against dave workers. while the vs foreign secretary has met the palestinian prime minister in ramallah, david cameron uncommon was stuff and discussed efforts to increase access to q amount of tearing relief in gaza. and the need for a pause in the fighting for at least 2 people have been killed and then is really rate and southern 11 on early on thursday. that total is a drone and miss all attacks on northern israel by 11 on based, has by the group says it targeted military base along the board to is there any military says at least 14 soldiers were injured?
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6 of them seriously. the united states has reinstated oil sanctions against venezuela's government, arguing that it has not met conditions to hold fit and competitive elections. but the us oil companies, chevron will be allowed to continue a joint venture with the and is when state oil company out there is less than america editor, lucy and human reports for decision to reimpose oil sanctions against venezuela was the likely us response to president nicholas my buddhist decision to ben his most competitive opponents from running in july's presidential elections. my brutal and his representatives prevented the democratic opposition from registering the candidate of their choice. harris, unintimidated political opponents and justly detained numerous political actors and members of civil society shows the us state department,
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head of the us announcements president. my rudo showed his disdain for american sanctions. aimed at forcing him to allow competitive elections settled on you by one thing to homeless. you home yourselves with going ahead with the without a license, we don't a yankee colony. we own your colony. that is way that will move on with its economic pace. no one will stop us mr. yankee. know that the renewal of sanctions against the country with the was largest oil reserves is not as devastating as it may sound according to venezuela. oil minister who says he expects the us treasury to allow companies to request individual licenses for the oil sector. not this does not impact our economy, a tool on the country. there's maximum stability and maximum growth. the binding
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administration concedes that more than a decade of harsh economic, political, and my natural sanctions against my google have failed to dislodge him. in fact, pushing him closer to us adversaries like russia, china, and iran. and in the wake of the russia, ukraine conflict, the white house admits that it was hurting its own economy by banning but as wayland oil production and sales the elections which are expected to reinstate president my buddha for a 3rd consecutive term are being widely criticized by the international community, but even with the reading position of some us oil sanctions, they're likely to go on ahead as planned. see, and human algebra, brazilian president jewish in australia. so that is in columbia to meet the president, gustavo petra. they signed corporation deals on fighting crime, hunger and human trafficking, the to lead as also discuss the security crisis in haiti and the political
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situation. and then his way to the thunder on peace. he reports from boca time of the 2 presidents samantha playing bobo on wednesday. at a time in which that region isn't golf in counseling, diplomatic and security crisis. and they've addressed some of those crisis in their meeting. at the end of their meeting talking to the press up the president of columbia, it was have a 5th row, said that in particular they spoke about haiti and that they went to work to gather a to help find that democratic solution. out of the security crisis there, they also spoke about venezuela in the upcoming election saying that they have already proposed to the president of any. so let me class them. i do it in the opposition, the possibility of a plebiscite to ensure the safety of whoever will lose the next elections. there was a young lady seat, it has to do with the possibility of a plebiscite during the coming elections and the guarantee,
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a democratic pact to ensure that the life and political rights of whoever loses are guaranteed. the 2 countries also signed a number of a trade in develop mindset agreements on a wide ranging number of issues and presidents, new life, in particular, insisted on the need to increase economic integration between columbia and brazil at to spearhead the larger integration in the region. so a new relationship between brazil and columbia is born a new way of handling this relationship is bone. and you mentality for entrepreneurs is bone to help convert his into 2 great nations that can attend all the demands and the aspirations of millions of colombians, brazilians. finally, front and center was the issue of the amazon, the amazon rain forest,
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that the 2 countries said they are working together to save that. also announcing a serious of new agreements in both security and development of the region to protect the environment. the adair. something that the 2 countries will present that to next to united nations bio diversity conference that will be held here in the columbia city of kindly in october. alison that i'm 50, i'm just the both the journalist and permanent critic of tennessee and president chi side has been sentenced to 6 months in prison. mamma and book aloud was charged with insulting a public official. the country's national union for john le says his arrest on conviction is aimed financing the free press. co shows governing conservative policy has one wednesday's parliamentary elections with 60 seats. that means that incumbent prime, minnesota, andre plank of which will have to enter into coalition troops in order to form a majority. they want some control the same officer,
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the president decided to run for the prime minister as job the full resigning his post. his sons left, the social democrats came in 2nd with 42 seats. yeah, the also to as of tomorrow morning, we will begin the process of forming a new palomina true majority in order to form out the government to meet them. all of course, we're going to continue with that policy which over the past 8 years, is protected probation. citizens from crises preserve the christ and economy, and enabled us, which is a series of strategic objectives both at home and abroad. a mass protest has been held in georgia against us, so for foreign influence or the around 20000 purchases rallied in the capital tbilisi. also, the proposed legislation passed its fast title and parliament opposition and peas, void cost of the voters. the law will require organizations receiving funds from
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abroad to register as foreign agents. the us and european union are concerned by the law, widely seen as a barrier to georgia has been a membership. i'll still ahead here on al jazeera kind of thing down on dusty money . so the goal is new governance season a rec, hold for one of counts of, of cash and drugs and electricity is ration. did that go to and why the government is having to impose how it comes to major cities the there in your records for the month of april, to a bit of snow on the ground. i'll let you know where and one sec, but 1st here's the forecast for europe on thursday. it is pretty don't cloudy, and showers to go around. i think longer spells of rain to be expected in scotland . that includes edinburgh at 10 degrees. but let's go to where the big changes have
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been. that's right across the bulk. and so yeah, with san diego, the other day are about 30 degrees. that was close to a record for the month of april. then you had a bit of snow on the ground and i'd be surprised if you get to 10 degrees on thursday. heads up there is some snow come into the else. we've got a good clue of that ground level zurich, just 6 degrees for you on thursday. what weather slides into that western side of the turkey a that includes is stumble, but different story for the other end of the mediterranean. it's been hot, it's been dry. so wildfires of wrapped in an eastern span around valencia, fairly breezy conditions there on thursday. so that's not going to help with this situation. and also when the day for the south of france, keeping with this theme of wind, we've lost the sea breeze for new auction and bonds will. so your temperature is going to be about 40 degrees. and for a south africa, there's been, some foggy, starts to the day along the west coast. we're looking at a fairly sunny day though in cape town with a height of 22 degrees on thursday. c, a on
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the go to goes to the polls on april, the 21st to book, to new plans to come back. criminal games and find toby. nice crime. can president daniel limbo, a convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional performance to expand police and military power and follow the story one now to sierra. now, scientists say primates remain crucial for biomedical research. the but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is nothing in the century for all kinds of found a move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired lab monkeys from across europe. this female recess, mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the
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1st lab funky to be given a new form at lot, then yet the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching alger 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound, is there any strikes on goals that have killed 56 people in the past 24 hours in the southern city of rough, at least 7 palestinians were killed. dozens more dive in, central and southern areas. the head of the you and the agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection for that love. it really says as
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a concert effort to dismantle and run and ends with the refugee status of millions of policy and european union need as have agreed to impose new sanctions on iran, often launched an attack on israel. tyrone says subsidies raiders in response to these way, the bombing of it's come to the muskets 2 weeks ago. meanwhile, rawlins foreign minister has arrived in new york to participate in the un security council meeting on garza. his visit comes days of to tear on the orange that drawing and missile strike on israel was on me out. the lion has said that iran knows of fine to be us all the cons, to attack israel through a switch diplomatic channel. meanwhile, around this president's has his forces all ready to face any threats. these really will cabinet is now considering its next move. abraham racing made his comments on national army to joseph jabari reports from the capital to run a show of military force in iran during its annual army day celebrations. the goal
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to show the nation's military preparedness. but the events this year comes just days after iran launched an unprecedented attack on israel for whose leaders the president had this warrant. it's got a got automotive. if our action was to be large scale, then nothing would be left of design. this regime, their false ground door collapsed in operation. any attack on our soil will be dealt with fiercely and severely. iran launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles towards israel on saturday. in response to the attack on this console of the section in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guards. the operation of 2 promised by the military is being viewed here as a historic width. but concerns about what comes next has put the country on high alerts. so if israel target's a site in iran, that is not that sensitive, for example,
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somewhere close to the border since iran is not looking for will. then in this case, a wrong could respond to his proxies. but if is 0 attacks, any sensitive sites, i think a wrong respond on a larger scale. and even its allies like us interests could be targeted in the region. as a radiant officials wait for israel to respond, they continue to highlight their military strength. the attack on israel has shown that airlines leaders are willing to follow through on their threats while the daily life goes on without any major disruption. the historic tensions have put people on edge fearing that an attack here could have far reaching consequences. door. so safari, l 2010. the students at new york's columbia university have staged a certain in support of palestinians. the purchase come as the school as president appeared before congress to testify on allegations of anti semitism on campus christians during the holidays house students flooded the main lawn of the columbia
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university campus before dawn, setting up dozens of tents in what they have described as a cause of solidarity encampment, their calling on the university to completely divest from israel. their active protest coinciding with university president, much of fuchs testimony before a congressional subcommittee in washington, d. c. today. house republicans, the university has faced accusations of anti semitism by some house republicans columbia, as leadership refuses to enforce their own policies and condemned jewish hatred on campus, creating a breeding ground for anti semitism and a hot bed of support for terrorism from radicalized faculty and students the university president said the vast majority of campus protests have been peaceful. anti semitism has no place on our campus, and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. i have
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a police presence here at columbia university barricades have been set up all around the campus and they won't let media or anyone without a school id beyond the gates. and you can see that some demonstrators now have actually set up outside of the gates as well as on campus, like other colleges in the united states. columbia has seen regular demonstrations, some in support of israel, but the loudest and most persistent had been protest calling for a ceasefire. some jewish students told us they feel threatened, recognizing, posting suffering, shouldn't mcgee, too, or something. but that's what we've seen. we've seen that the immunization of jews as well as on campus, but those who camped on the lawn wednesday say they're the ones being harassed by the university. now because of the encampment, believe they will be suspended from school. this young woman said she was afraid to
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give her name or show her face. i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of all estimates of these races and face who supports post any liberation, demonstrate or say they won't stop protesting as long as civilians are dying and gaza and until the university ends with they describe as its complicity in genocide . kristen salumi alger 0 new york, the kenya says it's prepared to lead you in back commission to haiti aimed at stopping the gang was a bug canyon lead is all facing increasing pressure to justify the risk intervention . catherine, so it has the details from the canyon capital. and i wrote the launch deployment of canyon forces to a t has been controversial from the start
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a 1000 police officers from and the 2 units are due to be sent to help stop the bomb was and to restore order, the caribbean country kenya is expected to meet the un mission, doing nothing in the field. so the human stop party is therefore up. so get leap out of west many canyon said, concerned about getting involved in another crises will to seize canyon. police have been deployed to several peacekeeping missions in the past, including the democratic republic of congo. the mind yet is the more and elsewhere . well, many people who are asking is whether they are capable of handling a security crisis as big as that of paint in one of their robes, most dangerous lawns, guns, fight for control of garbage sites and other resources for tax collection. anthony mcgintey was part of
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a gun. now he helps young people stay away from crime. asked about the hated deployment. he says menu residents in my sorry, think the police needs to deal with domestic security motus. heads of everything else. i don't think i'll police can be able to handle high if not a set of uh, they still claim that he's waiting on the a few. some of these young men who are still giving police of really have time to sleep last night. i know a position politician or a quote went to quotes to block the deployment it sure that there must be received pre, called by law troll security agreement between the haitian government and can use president a court plans to go back to court or to block any of the plans to deployed canyon police to haiti is an occupational mission does nothing to do with this keeping. it's not even peacekeeping. i've seen to, it's really, it's laughable and they say that the is going to is,
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don't know and or the we have not wrist or no, i know they know on country a dimension by the un in haiti is not new. it has happened 3 times for the last 3 decades. the last mission was marked by human rights violations. and one of the countries west cholera, epidemics government officials here say if it does go ahead, this deployment will be different. but many kenyans. i'm not social. catherine, so i'll just sarah nairobi. how the bridge is governments con to deport asylum seekers. total one that has is another stumbling block in parliament for the 4th time. the of the house of lords rejected legislation needed for the go ahead. both houses of parliament need to agree the wedding, the 4th, and then become law. and then slides throw one to can begin. nothing have taken off so far because of legal challenges to the conservative governments, flagship policy, to reduce the number of asylum seekers arriving legally charged. 5 minutes to a success master has formerly launched
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a bid for the presidency. he's of the opposition data, and he was appointed to head the transitional government back in january, other opposition, policies accusing the collaborating with the child's minutes really didn't know how much interest debbie. the 1st round version is such take place in the, the customs officials in senegal have seized a record $8000000.00 worth of fate. bank notes alongside a separate launch drug bust as old pounds of a drive to fight crime and corruption by the countries newly elected government. nicholas hawk reports from the capital one record seizure after the other. this is the latest by sending goals. police. these black notes are fake money worth $5000000000.00, say if i francs or the equivalent of about $8000000.00 found in the back of a car parked at the small guest house since in a goals southern region of cuz i'm on this video circulating or social media
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appears to show how the notes are transformed into counterfeit us dollars. using powder and chemicals for man have been arrested to have them foreigners. this comes days after one ton of cocaine worth nearly $150000000.00 was found hidden in the back of a truck. both of these record seizures come from tip offs from whistle blowers, sending goals new government has made fighting corruption. a priority must have a pledge made by its new young president, but sir, would you might find the young guys. it is not that they will promptly initiate a bold policy of economic and financial good governance by a relentless, the combat and corruption penal repression of the tax fraud and the elicit financial flows. protecting whistleblower is fighting against embezzlement on public funds and money laundering. my baptism and before the elections fall, you know probably minutes to spend some co were sent to prison after they denounce state corruption in the criminal activities of previous government officials. the
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court saw their claims as defamation. fine sancho want to introduce a new law to protect whistle doors. okay. and there is a culture for no one really wants to denounce legal activities because it's not easy given the reprisals. so to have a little that can protect whistle blows, of it can encourage others to break the silence and reveal crime scene and goals. new leadership is asking all of those who have stolen from the state to return the money or face justice. custom officials, as well as government authorities who were once accused of being corrupt or ignoring crime, now appear eager to show they are doing their work for a senegalese public that wants to see an end to impunity. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car. now the us aircraft manufacturer, boeing is facing increased governance cruise. any of the series of accidents and
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manufacturing families. u. s. senate has held back to back meetings on wednesdays to investigate aircraft safety faults. a company engineer and whistle blower told sentences that kayla had management of alarming deficiencies on assembly lines, but he's been told to being wise, i have the size of a human hair can be a matter of a life and that in the rice to address that, it's bottlenecks in production. boeing had problems pushing pieces together with the excessive force to make him appear that the gaps don't exist even though they exist. the gap didn't actually go away and this made result in pretty mature for the failure. effectively they are putting out effective airplanes, but i don't deal is a former national transportation safety board investigation and he says it appears that boeing has been cutting corners since they merged. was mcdonnell douglas uh back in uh, 96 up a quality a slip that boeing and now i'm not the 1st to say that i, i think many people observe that it's uh,
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trying to compete with our boss is really costs blowing dearly because a cut corners on the quality and on are inspections and try to move the production too fast. so they, uh, they have certainly paid the price with billions of dollars of, of lost the value in their stock because of what's happened. this has gone or gone on over a period of decades. we uh, they had to do a mandate to both uh, promot and regulate the ation industry. so that was the problem that was years ago in the 96. congress said no more promoting, just regulate congress in 78, the regulated the entire airline system in the states. and they didn't give the ha anymore inspector. so that was a ticking time bomb. that's come back and that's not just boeing's problem. that's what congress has problem. and then lastly, they started allowing delegation of authority when they didn't have enough
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inspectors, they allowed the companies like boeing to inspect themselves. it was sort of an honor and that is also come back to, to, to bite boeing. and frankly, the congress human induce climate change is said to, of course, the reco breaking heat wave that has advocates the hell region earlier this month. temperatures in between, if also not resort to above 45 degrees celsius and the wild weather attribution estimates at hundreds, if not thousands of people died as a result. it also added to the extreme heat was a once in a 200 year event over the trends will likely continue with future warming. a government in columbia, meanwhile, is dealing with a severe energy and water crisis prolong drought that has reduced the nation's reservoir to less than 30 percent of their usual level. most of columbia is energy comes from hydro electric sources. so it's had to suspend its electricity exports
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to neighboring. it could or to avoid blood counts of home that google is also suffering from that trash. and the government that has the gun rationing power and all of its major cities to raise the bar has more widespread power, tots impacting everything from street lights to homes and businesses on tuesday, a quite or declared a national emergency and began rationing electricity for us to them then, you know, whole of lane because when the lack of planning and corruption by the previous administrations and then ongoing drought or so when i see them for that, we took a strong decision once again because it's necessary, which is to declare that countries energy sector to be in the state of emergency i've asked before the resignation of the minister will cover 50 percent of the electricity bills households for the month of april. i don't even know who i highlighted the severity of the situation by implicating saboteurs and threatening severe consequences for anyone involved in disrupting the country's power supply.
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the drought is happening because of patterns linked to the weather phenomenon and new that are decreasing the countries the rest of wars to historic lows of this week. neighboring columbia actually deals with severe drought hold electricity. exports to make what order restaurant toner cutting. but it always says, without electricity, it's going to be a huge challenge to run her business. the effect of a sudden, the full effect quite a lot because you know that in restaurants we have products that can boil. if electricity shuts down all the time, it affects us. besides the restaurant requires electricity, because we need to blend for juices, it affects us quite a lot. it's not clear how long the power cuts we left on wednesday, the government order all public and private workers to stay home for the next few days for maybe more at least, who owns a store in the capital key to the decision hertz. her bottom line came up for that and then i left a center. i can serve people because it's dark. you can make the payment work. it
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affects me a lot because i need to keep the store closed 2 days in and i've seen fewer clients . people come in, but leave to see is doc pressing and noble. i had promised financial power cuts when he passed an energy little earlier this year. 3 months later, the power cuts are back with no end in sight status. i will, i'll just see what kind of corruptions and nose and indonesia have forced thousands of people to flee their homes mount through on the 1st stones, is spewing ash and smoke on choose an interrupted 4 times on wednesday and other efforts in the capital. as we'll see, the ways to present it has also been close to protect against showers of ash. expense fed parts of the volcano could even collapse into the sea and cause us to know me. well, still a head here on out a 0. let's just under a 100 days to go until the olympic games,
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but find out why some regions are less than enthusiastic plus the that will take you to a make shift kindergarten and cause
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a when children are learning as is right, the prize flyers, the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. police in canada have a rest and 6 people as possible. they are going the largest gold, highest in the country's history. $60000000.00 worth of gold and currency went
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missing. as an ad, canada congress facility and toronto a year ago. police say the suspects including to canada, work is forged an airway bill to steal the cargo that arrived from switzerland, such as still on to 3 more people thought have been involved. so police and friends have raises the largest squash account, a 100 days ahead of the powers olympics. 450 microns, some tutoring refugees were evicted from the abandoned warehouse. and a southern somebody is a capital. it's believe that most of them well documented and will be moved to camps outside paris with a games not far off. it should be a time for excitement and anticipation of abrasions. but there have been mixed reactions as 2500 pounds. it's been 7 years in the making for parents as the city finalize preparations for the starts of the games. come july 10 and a half 1000 athletes from $206.00 countries will descend on francis capital for an
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event that's expected to drawing $13000000.00 spectators. so the 2100000 inhabitants who lives the spinet, disruptive period for lots of the, the low links is as shown on busily on the self and excited no story. that's certainly not the answer. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's still a great event for parents. i have a lot of concerns about the organization, transportation. the fact that we'll continue to work and concerns for those who are going to swim in that water. that is just disgusting. really disgusting. yes, i have a lot of concerns organized as a set, the confidence, the mood and the system will change as the event is. the many parisians are said they would like to leave the city during the games, if they could have doubts over whether the sitting is ready as possible as possible . and then a minute. small spike is what i don't think the city of paris itself is ready. in fact, there are things that we should have planned for sooner, like i'm thinking of the month upon us tower construction side. in fact, we were promised a lot of stuff. i even remember that we were promised that transportation would be
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free and nothing has been done. so i don't think we're ready. no. i'm simple, spoken to some locals be of interest, be met with optimism and insurance for the city to show as qualities as it goes up for its 1st is thing of the games for a 100 years. the opening ceremony is set to take place on the river send, but it could be moved to the step the fronts due to concerns of a security and cleanliness retail. so they give us your own specificity insurance bone. yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance to say the olympic games in france. so we're happy and we can't wait. we know the whole world is watching us, so we'll do our best walk in the world. france. lucky you have a big deal in sierra falls here. think ceremony will kick off the games on the 26th of july, tom size ins out 0 a value and says roughly 80 percent of cause the schools have been destroyed since the war on cost of again. one, kindergarten and southern gauze either has kept its classes going by pitching
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a tent of the is really strikes destroyed the building. so do you call reports in a make shift classroom? you kind of eunice palestinian children, practice their reading the the home of his really drones overhead doesn't dump in there on tuesday as those drones alongside the rest of israel's arsenal. have destroyed schools across, gather, forcing these children to learn and attend the, the name that i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro, kindergarten. and it was bombarded, i don't like learning and attempt, i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to, he's released, have destroyed that kindergarten, and i wish it would come back because they don't have a permanent school to go to kindergarten running. these classes says it's doing what i can to help them continue to study. i think i can. a remove all
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the ideas this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here to you and says close to 400 schools across guys. there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten aren't just missing, as i learned. many are missing families and carrying trauma. my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza russell. my father remained in garzo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn an inside this tent palestinian children and get
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a rare chance to live as they did before israel's invasion of causes. but the war still awaits them at side for the a car, which is here. well that's it for means does you pay for this news out, but don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with another part of the point. the illegal goals mind this is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is underway. as the tribal chiefs had to your gold club, the corridors of power not to seek help, but to demand the world, the warnings of its indigenous people holding up the sky. a witness documentary on the jersey though, the killing of under the return of this shooting of the hawk. there was not an
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isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom, of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed in the occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding anyone accountable for the death shooting. the messenger reporting from the action. how do you mean a great winning? hearing this thoughts, palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. if president, much himself reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sensitive the fonts at the store. ok,
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foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. well suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world. 100 percent of sec, thoughts, and emotions to donation spends on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates. we've come, it is the wide spread destruction and gauze. at least 20 people are killed, as is rarely strikes destroy palace thing in the notes of the street. the fellow i'm associated hey, this is all just


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