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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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us a good thoughts of china, which is where the will be further south. down towards southern most posit gavin's, it pushes out into the east china seem a garage. you see what the weather coming back in across the korean peninsula. and it's a southern pulse of japan. meanwhile, they've got some west weather coming into pockets. don, at present, this is the same system that brought the flooding rains at all full web into the u . a into i'm on pushing across iran now, few showers into the north west of india for much. i'll be in the us about the heat . actually. we have a heat was always wandering across the dish and into westbank goldfish. i was into the southern most pop over the next couple of days. still a challenge and a few showers into iran, either the next style side, but it is drawing up across the arabian peninsula, one or 2 shows that for you. amen. with rain to let's see. the illegal goals is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna,
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monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is underway. as the tribal chiefs had to your gold cloud corridors of power. not to seek help, but to demand the world he, the warnings of its indigenous people holding up the sky. a witness documentary on the jersey, the why is focused on expelling, asked on refugees. i've got a strong sense. the move is a legal part. castanan says it's for security reasons, is this politically motivated and how will telephone officials deal with the many thousands of people who may be arriving? this is inside store, the hello that on james pays hundreds of thousands of ask guns to being forced to leave
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pockets done as part of the government crackdown many of lives for decades and consider that home, but the pockets, donnie government claims, ask guns for search and attacks by on groups. human rights campaign is say the deportations violate international law, but many refugees face dangers if that falls through a ton to ask on a style. and we'll discuss all of this with our panel of guest shortly. but post this report from, for them on the visa scans are headed for an uncertain future. many have lived in pockets down for decades and call it their home. but now they've been told they have to leave the they to move in 40 years since we migrated to pocket stone. many of us were born here. we have businesses here many of working as labourers. it would be very difficult to return to a country where there was no education, no health facilities, and no work. both sides security is our major concern. for the audio of one, it was him that this would be great,
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just focused on granted us citizenship. often we spent decades here. afghans are peace, loving people. we don't want any conflicts or war as we will made victims of war. and today we are in the middle of nowhere. around 4000000 afghans live in pockets, done with nearly half believed to be undocumented. as many as 800000 fled here after the taliban took power in 2021. but now the pockets telling the government is cracking down its ordering hundreds of thousands to leave voluntarily. those who refused will face arrest and deportation. a half a 1000000 have already left, and that's now expanding to include those with pockets. donnie identity documents focused on his justifying this on national security grounds. there's been up search and attacks by our groups, and the government accused many outgoing nationals of involvement. the government has criticized the deportations saying they violated international law rights
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groups like amnesty pitbulls, who condemned the policy as arbitrary and lacking transparency. but despite the pressure pockets done, it determined to continue leaving many with little choice, but to leave a place they've called home for decades. fence and monahan how to 0 for inside story. the, we're going to dive deeper now into pocket stones plan and its consequences with all panel today. and as long as the middle of a free because the social worker by trade, who's also a public posted policy specialist in cobble fries, orland professor of political science and cobble university, is also the chief executive of the peace development and democracy organization. i'm in washington dc. devin code, the senior advocate for women and girls, refugees, international. thank you. all of you for joining us today. let me start with, you know, the, the, i know you don't represent the they puck, us down. government. but explain to us why is pockets don kicking out all
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of these off guns on this? thank you, james. if this is a complex a question and beyond sir, is not simple and he's gone to be explained in without looking at many aspects of risk. but in short, these a game being played and messaging between uh, some of the government and our security agencies which manage the site or on foreign policy in particular. now i added the dollar bond government. i'm as you know, the buttons one came into uh, power. uh, unfortunately no one is done with the assistance and the becky of the international community and certainly up to the door by some of odd. and now they have a problem in this relationship, primarily by the,
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the type of interest at the thought obama supporting which a impact to security forces. and of course, the civilian populations and creating in security on this side of all border in the middle of this messaging and are gone slate or by natural conflict. the most valuable i'm most affected. we have in boxes. don had a launch, we've gotten them now in modern languages, refugees, but the, the, it's a symbiotic relationship between amman living on the west side and bundle just on and keep the tribute but doing for a populations. we are one people in your all along. so to speak, back in 2 countries. so it's a symbiotic relationship and the is an ancient of back and forth and living trading set, their minds manages, you know, thoughts, book, culture,
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etc. so when the 2 states decides to stop talking to each other, when there is a weakness in the relationship, it's these populations which are undocumented in the modern sense, of course, traditionally on both sides are the 1st victims of this. so okay, we are, let me, let me bring in fights in kabul about this price. i mean, i was lucky and if it goes i've gotten refugees. are the 3rd largest the space population in the world of to syrians and ukrainians. many of these people of fled many, many years ago. i mean, it's been for say, more than 40 years of conflict and that's kind of stuff to uh, to uh, gems it said, but i sent the explanation of uh gun marjorie not outgunned, refugees from focused on. it's the more directly connected to the box on
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government and i just establishment political pressure on friday. but on to and i wrote the policies to out of the no support in the region for pakistan. it's not only the kind of form focused on to ask the button to fight against duty, but call so they cannot make the uh, there's a say once i martinez the and also the one to the fed as or on the button to be under the wing go to control and so you know of guns. busy of been dead for more than 40 gigs. some of these are going to see a claim when they already turn into cause what i've done is done that they have all the legal documentations. now they have the and i've got a citizen card. some of them are having reserves and all those legal documentation which in spiker for the legal documentation, they have been up there. do go to the man within a 24 hours. since some of the many, many of these,
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the refugees would have been exposed from a pack a box on top gun is. i'm going not to live in getting that when i close was send it to you on the do the line. my last number of them, of living and job to you send a we had the security in the situation was far more better than the push the button to do it. right. and we're sending it to you and i was really starting north and south. so all those claims that connecting good eddie connecting to my if huge expedition from focused on to the to, to be a problem. i think the, those are the yeah. not evidence based in the my father's intake of my claims. okay. well, it's just a few things you mentioned. the ttp is the pocket stone tabano. the durham line is the de facto border between afghanistan and pakistan. just so i'll view, is there a way devon this started last year?
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did it not phase one this i'm told it was about half a 1000000 of of guns were repacked created. they were ones with no papers, a tool as i understand it. now it's phase 2 people who have been issued with something called an ask um, citizen cod. so these are people that had don't comments to be in pockets, dawn and it seems like pockets tom is now arbitrarily changing. the village as he of the pos is itself. issued, it seems like it's hard luck. we change the rules. we do agree as well. exactly. i mean, the package that has not signed the national refugee convention, so they are little bit different than other states, but they certainly have given atkins legal paperwork like he said to ask him citizen car, which was issued to more than 800000 people. so more than 800000 atkins, that had been in pakistan for many years. i have this legal right to stay in
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pakistan or so they thought, but now they are being deported are being asked to return. and of those half 1000000 they've returned last year. you know, some of them weren't deported, but many of them, you know, were forced to return in the sense that they were told. if you don't return your styles, we are going to depart you. and as some of the other people said, people are deployed within 24 hours so. so atkins that were in the pakistan for a long time, didn't want to be deported without any their belongings without any of their family members. so instead, some of them, you know, chose to leave, but we, we actually just international certainly think that, that is compose, you know, that is, that is being coerced, i would say to leave rather than having to be a voluntary return to childcare, understand so, so certainly um, you know, pakistan has given some legal rights to, to refugees and to ask ends. but not enough. and those 800000 people with, um, i scan citizenship cards like you said, or in the next ones being you know, targeted and wave of deportations. then if i back to you,
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um this 1st phase that took place at the end of last year was on the interim government because pocket's done, how did selections turned out to be pretty controversial elections. now you have a new prime minister share basel sharif, who's in office, and it's the new government that's instituting phase 2. is that the bates on this impact? hassan? is it controversial? i told there is a case the supreme court and we have something called the bowman or 2 hours in focused on. so the government, common goal, but the 2nd foreign policy decisions every mean in the on elected box, which is the bombing and power. and certainly the owner see the, the, um, you mean the army, the exact so they make the decisions, these are the, you know, uh, i would relationship with, oh, honest on. and it really does not take into consideration uh what the
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sentiment as such are. but in this particular case of the sentiment oh, towards the hans, for example, amongst the pursuing population in a box on really very different to those in a job and got you. so like as one of the finalist from probably mentioned back, you know, they've been picked up many of on refugees had been picked up from punjab and, and send, send them particular has a problem, you know, with the book doing population, whether they are of hot or whether the fox on you citizens do it, feeds into an existing do you know to be are as well and the i a fear or be minority within their own. you know, uh cities in uh providence and in particular um and in punjab any way they are
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still disconnected from anything outside of the punjab that they pretty much follow the b line of what the stablish ment happens to be thinking at that time. so i would, i've answered that question. uh, okay, let me, let me bring in devon now about the legality of this. as we see here, there's a, there's a case in the pockets on supreme court, but um, the international law is this legal? um you mentioned earlier on the 1951 refugee convention pocket's done is not a signature treat to that. until the main principal of this is something called no food, no reform, all which is the principal of the refugee should not be returned to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedom. those thoughts apply to park a stop. well, certainly not as long as it is in a principle that applies to all states, whether they sign the refugee convention or convention or not. i mean it's,
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it's against the law to return people to places where they will face potentially case torture of where their human rights will not be recognized. um, so, so certainly the principle itself is important and then applies to pakistan. also, i think we need to be aware that you know this, we're talking about this phase 2 of deportations. and this is for the act in citizenship cardholders. but the proof of registration cardholders are the only legally recognized refugees in pakistan. and while they have been told they are not part of this plan, they could be in the future. and certainly we've also seen that even in this 1st phase of deportations, some people have proof of registration cards for the part as well. so, and, you know, police and the pakistani authorities don't necessarily always go to law. they're not, you know, it depends on where they are and who they are as to how they're going to implement . and just to be to minute, just to be clear, devin, the proof of registration, todd, which is the one that is supposed to at least guarantee you the ability to stay
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that that was jointly issued by the government to boxed on you and i see all the un agency, i'm told you haven't been able to get one of those for 15 years, but not issued the last the day. they issued them in 2007 or the last time he issued them. now they sometimes get prof registration cards to children, or people have registration cards. but other than that did not issue new proof registration cards to anyone just becoming recently. so for example, we were in pakistan last year speaking to people who had fled since the taliban took power and were, you know, extreme risk, especially for their individual, you know, work or identities. and they cannot get approved registration cards. so certainly anyone after 2021 has not been able to get them. but like he said, since 2007, they have not issued new ones. flies from these people who all the in pockets. dawn, as he was saying earlier, many of lift that for decades. in fact some of them have lived in pockets dawn
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longer. they've lived in afghanistan. if it gets worse than that, some of them were born in pockets. dont know i've done this on the tow. it took that split it to unfortunately of math focused on government to the, into the previous and also the current government and the, the item you deal with my doing on this job guns just to disrupt the, to the public opinion from the failure to said that you had in the past few years, especially in a political failure to solve the government that they could have had the previous government to complete that to them and been that have toppling down and brown hot in his government. and then not having the election, there is a tough day election as everybody knows is not the we the. busy the deluxe dani and the nation and the people to be with assuming the default. so frigging and. busy
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my laptop. busy because uh uh, uh, controversies, uh that has, uh, created a new government so it's much more flawed of a domestic consumption. so just to disrupt like opinion the tico we the publics. uh huh. the sentiment from uh the main to the penny. it is of the government, the army within the country. they are blaming golf guns, 12 live data club for no. busy and many of them have been given said data to be a good life depfa. busy contribution to the economy, they have gotten to future to the stability but good, now blooming each and every one. the photo. and the affinity is that the government of priest and i've been reading through some of the reports from human rights organizations and it looks like human rights watch. and amnesty international, i say, as well as these deportations, that means all sorts of facility towards this community, including from the police,
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please beatings, night rate, priest the bonding bribes, confiscating jewelry, live stock, bulldozing homes. what do you make of those sort of reports? yes, it is. unfortunate, i mean i'm from a town called machine, which was a, have a 50 percent, would be a long refugees who have settled there for forever. i'm and when the deportations were happening, it was the largest in gunman gas. so the feedback that one was getting was exactly um, as we were saying that in, you know, like uh, in an undocumented landscape where you're dies, it's a invisible, there's very little media coverage to put this on. not accounted for impact on the economy of the area by the move of this hon. population which has been very much part in integrated into the grid economy,
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whether documented regarding the you aren't documented. but it certainly is part of the economy of that, of just on and to some extent in get, be, has had a dire impact as when. so yes, they have been and they have been stories as well on, you know, the and why the board thing, you know, are these are a legally activities by the police and the default to the 14, the agencies and heis. one of the things i'm told is that the pockets tony of sources of limit to how much money you can take out of pocket st on 250000 pockets down rupees that's about a 175 dollars. so these people, many of whom had the money and had businesses in some cases arriving in afghanistan . destitute and does, we've heard 30 poor,
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so you cannot make situations in pockets, dawn, but it's was so on your side of the board or is it not that suited to that serve my very panic? and when did it to then talk on a sunday term to that? does it a try to touch no country which is not recognized politically, which is under the stick nomic function. so it doesn't cover legitimate government debt, which is, which is banning the money. the government that if i thought it easier to beginning to go to the school, women to participation. so you're facing like a nightmare to go to a push to a far better to an area with that they don't see any future good to. why many of these people, many of these are guns they. oh, my god, i'm this huge in august on a need on and a bus screen house. he is in millions of them out for a go to the fusion past a 3 or 4 digits. so destruction, water, and catastrophe. so it's really, you know, very much not been expected from
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a country a neighboring country, which is established based on the carlos islam and muslim unity and the country, which is my my, which has given us about 12 guns during the a completion deal with and get nutrition and being part or for i've gotten it started as a major, collaborate to religion and the support and a bus to in our fuse buckets. time has been a coincidence mode as an enemy by these all kind of sort of live data for the gauge . 1212 and twisted the alive stage occasion, their minds and money and the impact to start the cables that devon and some of these i think i think as i could find about 600000, arrived in the image, it off them off of the telephone takeover in august 2021. some of these people, a people like human rights defend is like journalists,
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like people who worked for the united states, worked for nato people who will read me, ask un security forces, how worried? oh you about these people going back and the risk that they might face? i mean all they returning some of them to a death sentence? oh yes, we are incredibly worried which is why we think these deportations are not to mention like the other kind of upset about people having lived in pakistan for decades and making their lives back their people the newly arrived pakistan that left afghanistan because of taliban took over and because they are individually targeted by the child in and they will be upon return. so again, i mean especially i would say women, human rights defenders and female journalists and women that really stood up against the ideals of the taliban. little tab in are now in charge and they are at great risk. they and even, you know, the women many girls more generally. i mean, they're going back to why do you and others have called
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a gender apartheid state. so that it's not, you know, we're worried about them for, for general reasons, but also certainly for specific reasons like you said, because some of them were specifically working with united states with other western allies and working on ideals that are contrary to the taliban and put them at great risk, they return and we have no way to protect them. i mean, we have no way to help them really or protect them and they get some assistance upon arrival. but after that day, they're really on their own. and, and that's incredibly concerning. notify on that issue of the women and girls because some have said that women and goes now live most of their lives enough kind of stone on that's on the effective house arrest. these outcomes women in pockets, dawn who some of them had jobs. the raf gun goals, some of them who were going to school or university. what's your reaction to to that site now? okay. um, before i understood that i want to respond that you know,
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the international community which brought the thought back to of on his son and supported it and pushed it and uh, fox. the son was supposed to be for at pocket stone was the telephones biggest support. it wasn't not pushed by the by the americans that don't last you know, uh, alliance and negotiations pushed and lobbied by the americans and would be of hon. refugees in august on let's not forget that the americans by natural, as you will need c, r has stopped funding the refugees. why in boxed on. so a bach hassan, which is under enormous economic spiraling down. um, as pointed out by our panelists as well, hasn't started using the outlines as the low hanging fruit to locate the
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books. but to go back to my point on but go back to my point on the women and girls . the, i mean, you're terrified, you know, like the rest of the panel about what might happen to these people, of course. absolutely. but then why did the international community supports that dollar bond coming into power? i mean, those of us who have been fighting for human rights and democracy in women's rights, both 80 focused on was certainly not in support of the disaster community. uh, pushing that donavon coming into, i'm honest on the i want to go back to face of the, at the end because we've been talking all of this program about pockets, dawn. but there is another perspective. another aspect to this, there are ask guns being the policy, it's some from to key, but huge numbers from the wrong as well. the ip, yes, but the, the, the partition that is happening from a to key audit on. it's too many delay,
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but the probation like that they, they don't uh, the default and my spark is done is doing good. the family's one second. the those, the petitions happen somehow in quite the nation with the the defect. i thought of these here in the cop when they do the paper, to what degree do they do concert at the negative process and then the my the bring that in to my legal to china. it was like, uh it and uh my florida. but to top one is in uh, august on its 5 more to get this stuff. it can be different because uh, they do mazda partition without considering the legal process. you understand without the, you know, taking depo to authorities, oregon has done center of the, the, into managing the utilities. uh, but a small, uh, support has been provided through unix yard and i thought he genesee's on the bought it. but what happens later on there is nothing going on. nobody knows what,
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you know, nothing, nothing going on. if you look at the international appeal of full afghanistan's $3000000000.00 us dollars for 2024, it is currently only 7 percent funded. thank you very much for all guess today for joining us and did a, a free because the 5 sell on on devin code. we do this program 7 days a week and you can watch it at any time on our mobile app or on the website out. is there a dot com with you and once your contribution to what do you think about the expulsion event outcomes? what do you think we should discuss next time? add your comments on facebook. facebook dot com forward slash ha, inside story on x while we are at a inside story from the james space and the team here, please stay safe. bye bye for now the
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the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people come out and logged on. but the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residence to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. the us is always of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number 50 price, but you see the report 3400 connecting perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important impacts the lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by, hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good that bringing the news to the world. from here,
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the challenges here with the . i'm sammy's a down in the hall with a look at the headlines. now these right imagery has been counting out more as strikes across garza, but more than $71.00, palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours in the southern city of an offer at least 12 palestinians, including 3 children, died as a result of an ass strikes more than 1500000 people. they've been forcibly displaced among those living in the city. the.


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