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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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towards the best of judgment of an independent state or by the sign on the borders of 90. 67 with east of chicago was an, as it's got to do with the listing, and people enjoy your own that is unable to try it. and the enjoyment helps by the state of palestine over it says, texas as a food member to do. and in this connection, the state of color supports these dressers of ocean to be submitted by a julia the out of the members to the concert that the comments that the acceptance of the state will fall assigned as a full fledged member to the u. n. and chords and other members of the content to support this request and which is an important steps that supports those to solution and the settlement of the student because i think you made them present. so can say that i use. thank you my the president at the outset we associate. oh so, so the statement of judy on the present, the different the security council and with the statement of case a on behalf of data. okay, so just a moment ago you were listening to the category impasse that are to the united
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nations arlia and sony. and she was saying that the only way to achieve peace is through a ceasefire when it comes to the palestinians. and then eventually through a 2 state solution and she was calling on the implementation of resolution to 7 to 8 with calls for a cease fire in gaza. and these comments that are taking place right now with the un security council are coming just ahead of an upcoming votes on upgrading policy lines. membership of the united nations. it currently has non member of service status and it is seeking full recognition will bring and i'll just there as gabriel is on the joining us not from the un headquarters in new york. so we just heard from the category delegation gabriel's talk to us about what the take away message was from that and also um, what should we be looking out for uh, sort of over the next few hours a quote from the cutter for him. uh, guthrie and bass, or the un that you just heard there speak. i think the big takeaway was it got there. we'll continue to work with egypt. of course, the united states and that very delicate,
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but important efforts that are taking place on you know, these diplomatic efforts to bring forth a cease fire and release of captives that cut there has been working so long for now. she also called again for an immediate cease fire and, and, and condemned israel's targeting of civilians in guys but also in the west bank as well. and also called for more funding for under on that there's continued support for unreal, talking about another $25000000.00 on top of what the cuts are already gives to under a to help bring up the gap that their fund, their funding gap that they have right now because up to the other countries that have pulled funding in terms of what we should be looking for the next couple hours, we expect that in about 2 hours there should be the vote by the security council on palestine to bid for full membership. it will be very critical vote of course, but if it receives the 9 votes to past will then have to watch if the us decides to
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be taught. all indications are that the us is planning to do that. and gabriel, i mean, speaking of the us for years, it kept palestine application for un membership off limits. but this time around algeria has presented this draft resolution on the issue. and as we see where it is going to be put to a vote, why now though, and i think because a lot of countries that support palestine and that's the majority of the 193 member states of the u. n. are frustrated, frustrated by what they see happening in gaza with the israel's continued bombardment of guys are for nearly 7 months now. and the fact that a palestine has been pushing for full membership since 2011 and they have not got it. and, and a lot of people feel a lot of member states feel that of course, palestine is disenfranchised from this. this organization that they are part of,
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but not fully part of is only observer status. they're not allowed to vote in the general assembly. they're not allowed to attend all of the meetings unless invited to. so i think that's why all jerry, even though they know that there's a high probability that the us would veto this. and we'll be told this that they want security council members to be on record where they stand on this, not only us, but the countries they both in favor of palestine membership as well. so i think the time is right if you will. and i think you're seeing momentum here at the u. n . to want to really put this again on the record and front and center is very critical issue of palestine, what they wanted for so long and that's full membership in the u. n. all right, thank you so much. gabriel is on the reporting from the u. n. well, air strikes have intensified in central gaza after the withdrawal if is really ground forces civilians attempted to return to the new site on the refugee. com.
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following the announcement that a military operation had of chief to its objectives. but then hours later there was a wave of artillery and air bombardment in that area. the total number of palestinians killed since the war began. stands at almost 34000, including more than 14500 children. i'll just, there was and then for 30 gains, access to the said off comp and does on. she sent this report shortly before the bombardment resumed. as you see, this destruction is massive. people are left homeless, but palestinians are very desperate for more than 6 months. now, this is still going on evacuating from a place to another. setting up tends dismantling. tons going to uh your, your, your relatives house leaving and being forced to evacuate with your relatives house . every single area in the gaza strip is currently being targeted. people are
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left this appraisals and homeless. they're telling us, like i asked the woman, where are you going after your house has been born? she said, i do not know how to move across the tower behind me. my home was flattened by the is read the army as simple as dr. our homes, our lives, our memories and our children's future are all gone. the next big basic everything we've worked so hard for our kingdom home and that's all destroyed. but thank god we are alive. how listing is believe that there is no play safe? there are no plays, they could go to because everywhere is crowded and they're left with nothing. not none of their belongings, none of their stuff and they are left without anything. and this continues. there has been, at least a dozens of bodies still trapped under the rubble of the houses.
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and the civil defense are telling, announcing that they could not reach these bodies because they need to have the equipments and they're not capable to do that 6 months. and this is still going on as you see, children are trying to have their families to bring blankets. hello us, and what's left of anything they could find from their apartments and fluff. this is one of the apartments that has been harsh to the damage, where people are lucky that they could take some of their belongings. other houses has been completely wiped off and flattened to the ground. this is in the godaddy on the say, right? refugee comp, cause the palestine ultra 0 is honey maxima, which has been monitoring developments and dropped off in southern gaza and sent this updates on the resumption of airstrikes. the tragedies deep on folding across
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the gaza strip with the renewed it 1st attack from the central area of reports of more residential buildings. and being targeted by is really relentless airstrikes. and this is a very particular area. and which of these really monitor is just withdrew from but right now, as people are making your way to stacked on their homes and to try to salvage whatever remained inside the residential buildings in their homes that have been destroyed. the nearest registers struck the area and leaving many casualties. we're still waiting for confirmation of the number of casualties arriving to unlock the hospital in the city. but that's the, the after not that we have been monitoring and seeing evolving every, every area that is really military is pretty much a relentless, via talking and conducts the military operation in that there, within hours of a withdrawal, it becomes,
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it gets under heavy bombardment either by air or by the artillery setting, but the past 24 hours have been very bloody, very violent for palestinians across the street below. looking at the leaves. uh, based on the statement by the health ministry, its uh, the close to 70 people being killed within the past 24 hours. the vast majority is our entire families who are guild inside their residential homes. as these unpredictable fall in bonds destroyed and flattened, the very residential homes that have been filtering. and since the genocide, the war started across gauze and the expansion of the military operations and the ground division, either hon unit or not, sorry about the vehicle. and also we're getting confirmed reports of more attacks every strife for the shopping refuge account for the northern washington. part of guys and city as well as your valley out represent cam and your body of town and is really striking. northern garza has displaced people who are sheltering in
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a school, gaza journal, the small so to which is that the a shot at camp with a look at the aftermath. a whole bunch of cities have been killed including 2 children as a result of and as well as to like targeted. i don't know what's cool in the west of garza city. exactly. in a shop that can help out with the wall collapse on top of me. and threw me to the floor, i started screaming and even passed out for a few minutes. then i found the strength to check on my niece and nephew. i walked over to them and saw the baby was crying. dying would have been easier than surviving that experience. well, how about it's different? i held my nephew and his newborn sister in my arms and started walking. i was alone . when i walked out, i was met by 3 man who took my niece and nephew unhealthy block because they saw how nervous i was on. as a see behind me, this is the result of the is the, the rates on the go to russ cools,
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more than a 1000 palestinians sheltering inside this as cool. and now, as the sea people all gathering their stuff in order to evacuated from this dangerous schools, u. s. and is really officials of health virtual talks over the is really are these plans to launch a ground operation in the city of for the half? the pine has been widely condemned as one and a half 1000000 displace palestinians, or sheltering there are whitehouse corresponding kimberly hawk. it has more as well . the goal here is really to try and convince the is really, is that there is an alternative path that they can try and find how mazda operatives that they say are living amongst the palestinian population in rafa. that there is another way to do that. and so what this discussion is about is really trying to find what the united states says is common grounds. what
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we know is this was initially supposed to be an in person meeting, but what happened was as a result of the a ronnie and retaliatory air attack that took place on saturday. uh what happened was then the is really official said, look, we're going to stay in israel, let's do this virtually. and so that's what this discussion is. it says really, officials that us officials being shared by the national security advisor, jake sullivan. and again, what this is, is trying to convince the is realize that there are alternatives, this is not going to be a good idea. in fact, it would be disastrous. and so the united states, as opposed to it and really trying to present an alternative path to the israelites that seem fixed on going through with this ground operation. the u. n says roughly 80 percent of gaza schools have been destroyed since the war began. one, kindergarten and southern gaza has kept the classes going. by pitching a tent after is really strikes destroyed. it's building 40
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a car house more in a make shift the classroom, he kind of eunice palestinian children, practice their reading the the home of his ready drones. overhead doesn't jump in there and tuesday, as those grown along side the rest of israel's arsenal have destroyed schools across as a forcing these children to learn and attend the linda. i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro, kindergarten that was bombarded. i don't like learning and attend, i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to is bailey's have destroyed that kindergarten, and i wish it would come back. but they don't have a permanent school to go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what i can to help them continue to study ethically in the. a remove all the
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ideas this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here to you and says close to 400 schools across guys. there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten are just missing, as i learned. many are missing families and carrying trauma. my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in garzo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn a lab inside this tent. palestinian children get
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a rare chance to live as they did before israel's invasion of cavities. but the war still awaits them at sight. for the a car, which is here. here's what's coming up after the break. tell me that, but i am in the occupied west bank and i'll be telling you about the latest is waiting plots to grow up more or less in the occupied with the a and a way we go with your weather update. great to see you. so for australia, this is what it's looking like, still a bit of disturbed whether to be found in that southeast corner. so let's go in here for a closer look. i would say anywhere from south australia rate through to new south wales states, there is a potential we could catch a few drops but nothing major here for new zealand. what weather is starting to
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pour into the south islands here that's filling in across the southern elves as of this point now, whether alerts to speak of, they could be upgraded as we move toward friday. because 1st of brain, across indonesia, it will continue to be on sumatra island, but i think it's really central and northern areas of the island that will be lashed with the most intense rain. this breeze is picking up off the south china sea, so heat and humidity is intensified. both for china is find an island and northern vietnam. and this heat and humidity is also triggering stones across the shoes. spots of china pretty much from the yellow river valley. right down to the pearl river valley, we've got storms in the mix here, but particularly intense storms as we looked toward southern china once again. glenn g, providence being hammered by the starts while a big dropping there was temperatures for beijing at 19 degrees. and we've got an improvement in the conditions, up and down japan on friday. the
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foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out of ward for translation and international understanding of notice is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the, the top scores on down to 0. the un secretary general has called for the escalation
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and then the lease assess failure to support a 2 state solution will only increase volatility on 20 good terrorist address. but un security council on thursday. numbers are set to vote later on whether it's a grounds, palestine full membership at the u. n. is really forces, i presume, the bombardment of the say it on to our future thoughts after announcing the end of the ground operation. a number of civilians attempting to return to the area have been killed in the occupied westbank. israel has announced the decision to see 64000 square meters of land to establish. and in the go industrial settlements. the plan will display some 8000 palestinians in northern, however, on israel has been expanding its illegal settlements across they occupied westbank since launching its war on gaza. me that but i am as in bethlehem with more on the in the go is really lands ground. this illegal is really supplements behind me
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started off as a small supplement before it started expanding and expanding, taking up more and more palestinian lines. and not only are palestinians not allowed to live in it, because it is it only for is really living in the, in the occupied westbank. but it has been taking up more resources, infrastructure and lands from palestinian is the source of the world garza, we've been seeing how the gain is really, supplements, have been expanding, but we've been seeing a wave and increase of the approval of the land being confiscated by a festival, the issue a minute, that olds that are considering the land to be state law, they don't the lies. jordan's, the responsive is sort of the over this then and they don't consider the tennessee means. have any lights in their own land? data sticks even the what's, what administration for the city is on the an area and be an even that is gun.
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now this is a which is what i should not be interfering in 88. they built into the field and 88, and even in eddie, a, b, the, this government of some of the rich on the bottom. notice that things i must, the planning of but a scene in areas in a, the, a, b. when we talk about these land grabs, we're not just talking about new or there's to confiscate more, more lands. but we're also talking about changing the purpose for which those lads were confiscated. first of all, they would be confiscated for like a military zone or the national or reserve before processing is discovered that it's soon been changed and more is way the settlers are going to be allowed to move in to those areas. another way palestinian said that israel is grabbing more lance, is by secular attacks that have been intimidating palestinians living across be occupied westbank since the start of the will receive more than $1200.00
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palestinians, mostly from the by the one community. the community being forced out of the lads moving their locations because of the growing attacks by settlers here and the occupied westbank is that, but he, bethlehem be occupied westbank. the police tour has the fighters and the 3rd person have been killed. and it is really an air raid in southern lebanon. that's as needed. reports indicate that is really army fired. water believes to be incendiary . munitions in 11 on the weapons, contain chemicals that are capable of burning through skin and distance. a grading tissue rights groups have previously documented israel's use of white phosphorus in the south of 11 on its use in civilian areas is considered illegal as well. there's been escalation along the 11 on israel border over the past several days. has been the appears to have started a new phase and its attacks on is really forces is really middle tree says at least 14, if its soldiers were injured,
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6 of them seriously. after an attack on wednesday, saying i heard that a report from b roots. there's been a mark shift and it has well as attacks on wednesday. the is really, are me, suffered the highest number of casualties in a single strike since the conflict began in october. the 6th is where the soldiers were seriously injured and around a dozen others need a treatment. when the lebanese armed group used to arm drones and missiles to target the building, a few kilometers from the border. this time their rockets are, um, drones did manage to get through israel's defense system. it wasn't the 1st time has been on managed to break through isabel's defenses. 24 hours earlier. as well as arm drones targeted, what the group said was an iron dome, air defense battery showing also the size of the damage that transport lampkin
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inflict on israel and in case of where they run. where is for law as it o gunny bob of. ready ron, okay, no say that the do and would have to be part of a wind and if necessary has below appears to be showcasing its ability to enlarge. what has so far, been a limited confrontation in the past. 72 hours we've seen was seen dozens of it's rarely casualties. last thing that's stuffed in the stuff and not the kids out. that's and he was not the case. and in the past 6 months, this is a new level of, of 5 thing. and it's much more costly to these rarely forces of israel to has been using more force against hezbollah targets. we've seen that gain a degree of escalation, but also related to the fact that tensions have been obviously increasing to an
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unprecedented level between iran and israel. directly, the lebanese arms group, which has so far, been careful not to expand. the conflict appears to be raising the stakes as isabel threatens to respond to a runs unprecedented attack over the weekend. as well as secretary general house on the smaller cold as well as targeting of a bronze consulate in damascus, a turning points. and for the 1st time since opening what he called a supports front for garza, he expressed readiness to intervene militarily in the event of a wider war between israel and iraq. the conflict between israel and has been law is in a new phase that include their own as either boot, the police in new york and the rest of the dozens of columbia university students staging a certain protest and support of palestinians. the students have also been calling on the university to break off ties with israel will get the latest on christmas, assuming he's joining us from just outside university campus over in new york. so
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bring us up to speed with what exactly happened to kristen? yeah, well, attempt environment here outside the columbia university campus. behind me, you can see the gates blocking the entrance to the campus where students had set up a attempt in cabman calling at the gaza solidarity encampment. they did that early wednesday morning by mid day today. the university president had called and asked the n y p d to move in and arrest the demonstrators on campus, which they did. and you can see if you look around the campus here and on the street, they're still a very heavy police presence. a number of n y, p d cars and bands in the event that more demonstrators are arrested. however, it seems like the police are in a holding pattern right now outside of the campus. if you look over to the other side here, you'll notice that
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a number of demonstrators have gathered off campus dozens here. there are some, several 1000 on the other side of the campus as well. these are a, seem to be people who have come in solidarity with the students, but don't have ties to the campus itself. so don't have access to the campus which is being very restricted and very protected right now. now, as i was mentioning, it was the university president my new sharpie, who called the new york police department and asked that the demonstrators be removed from the campus. she said that the, the demonstrators were violating a number of policies and the cabinets. they had been born starting at at 7 pm yesterday evening that they say suspension. if they stayed on campus grounds. the demonstrators spend the night and state anyway and we're arrested. we're still waiting for confirmation from the police as to how many were in fact arrested. a number of other students gathered on the lawn to cheer them on. right. again,
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a tense environment, but things seem to be coming down a bit after the massive arrest earlier today. all right, you'll keep us across the story. thank you, chris. and for the time being in the netherlands based world press, folks and competition has announced its winners for the best visual journalism over the past year. so the winters captured some of the most powerful snapshots here. if you photographer leon olivet case story volume by being a one for story of the or her portrait. so people with dementia and the family members who care for them and madagascar where the disease has little public awareness out of hundreds, like are documented, migrants at the northern border of mexico for 6 years. julia katya tova as photographs of ukrainians living through 2 years or 4 with russell long the open for my award. but it was the work of the reuters photo journalist in gaza. how much sign in which was awarded photo of the year. his image taken just 10 days into
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israel's were on gaza, shows a woman named in us of more on my mode, cradling the body of her niece sally. the little girl was killed. vine is really miss all attack on her home in fun. eunice, you miners and who are the is executive director of the world press photo foundation. she says the photo journalism is a vital part of documents and conflicts around the world's today. so to insure into this, especially for to china, this really act as a witness as to what is happening around the world, especially and, and guys, specifically today. and when, when i spoke to him, how much sudden telling him that he had one wordpress photo. he told me that, you know, it was to, to squeeze a frantic experience because he was, of course, you know, we needed to find a place where he had internet. he was been a shelter. he was in augusta had that point in time. he had an agent in
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a couple of days and um, and he was like, i just go out and i'm in the war zone and here i am. you know, with having my dream come true, which is to become the photo of the year of wordpress photo. but so he was very humbled by the fact that his image was going to be able to be seen by billions of people around the world. and that is the essence of the work that we do as well press photo is to be able to give the new leg gives a new life and increase that visibility to as many people as possible in order to be able to bring discussions to be able to bring some kind of solution and especially to be able to bring empathy. and i think that is what's so special about this photo of the world this year of the world press photo is that it does not, you know, a violent image. it isn't violent in the sense that there is blood, it's a very individual image. it's a very zoomed image on this one woman with her knees whose faces you can't even see
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. but to with whom you relate immediately on an emotional level as a military helicopter. carrying kenny as defense chief has crashed in kenya, killing all on board. general francis or monday, a gola was amongst 10 senior officials on the helicopter part of a mission with other defense force troops in the region. the aircraft went down about 400 kilometers northwest of the capital. there's been a series of kidnappings carried out by armed groups in northern nigeria since february and the tax are on the rise. it's let to local setting up vigilante groups in an effort to protect themselves. villa marks reports good yourself. they stopped the security shifts with a smile for the task to prevent kidnappings in northeast and nigeria is deadly serious.


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