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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the around says it's shut down 3 drones and what the us says was an attack by is ran the other there. i misspelled your pain, this is under 0 life from the also coming in the us veto is a draft resolution at the united nations and called for palestine to be admitted as a full you and member ukraine says it's shut down
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a russian phone that used to launch cruise massage, and polls open in india, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote in the world's largest general electric. the iran says it's a defense. systems have shut down 3 drawings over a rainy and skies. the interceptions are reported to us, happens near the central cities, is fun, or any media says a new place site and a minute to base some of as soon as you have not been damaged. american media sites and us officials are reporting that it was and is really a time with the is really ministry itself has not commented. israel did say it would retaliate soft around once to hundreds of drawings and massages. that is route loss subsidy. well, let's go straight child correspondence in the arabian capital dose of jabari dos. it took us to exactly what happened, what have you been hearing from officials and, and what might we hear from them? what we'll see from them as
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a response. well most of this attack took place around 4 am local time, around one at g m t a over the skies of a spell on province, according to reports by say to v as 3, a small on identifiable objects were shot down by ron's defense program at the air and air defense system rather. and there was also a recognition by officials that's the air defense system over the north western city of tyree's was also activated. now there are no reports of any drugs that have been shot down there. but what we do know is that as the intended target looks like at the time being to be the 8th tactical air based of your ons army as the home province. and according to military commander in the country's army, there has been no damage sustained to this military air air base. what we do know
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is that this is an air base where iran stores it's sweets of, of plains, american of 14 tomcats, which they purchased before the revolution of 1979. for the time being there was it reports initially that's the air spaces have been closed and flights canceled. but those have all the opry opens, and flights are not resuming across the country. it is still very early. we haven't heard from any high ranking officials with in the country and without any claim of responsibility, it is unlikely that we will in order for the situation not to escalate any further . dosa, i see meanwhile that the international body, the i a, has confirmed what the radians have been saying that there has been no damage to any of the nuclear facilities. yes, there are 2 new, clear sites one and as the one and one. and that times which is just south of best the hunt. and these are to the 6 nuclear facilities inside the country. and the i a has posted
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a statement saying that there was no damage to around nuclear sites. and the director general referral gross, he continues to call for extreme restraints and for from everyone and re issue rates that nuclear facilities should never be a target in military conflict then that the agency is monitoring the situation very closely. of course, this comes after iran launch the unprecedented attack against israel on saturday evening. and as a result of that, for 48 hours, the agency decided to limits the movements of its inspectors in iran. and they did not visit any of the nuclear sites in the country, but they since have returned to work. and from what we understand from the reading and officials, there's a no damage sustained by this attack on the nuclear sites. either in us behind or not. tons and that they continue their operations as normal dosage of our a the, with the very latest for us from the a rang and capital to around. thank you to a so well,
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let's get the view now from occupied is teresa and then speak to our correspondent ben and smith. and i know these really will cabinet, has been debasing their response to the rain and attack on saturday if days. it's looking increasingly likely, like this is what they decided, as well as no official confirmation from the is riley government. but that is also in the way in previous occasions when is rarely suspected of targeting is a hit and talk is on the right entire treat. the right in the government, the government neither confirmed nor denies it. we only know from us media reports that the us was warned by these railways in advance that it was going to strike targets in iraq, nearly government response. we've had theories from the foreign minister as my bang of a posted on acts that he grew hebrew, quite a equivalent of the wood, feeble, apparently, in response to the suggestion that as well as lawrence's by limiting military
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attack. of course, these riley bull cabinet has been discussing this all week, what type of response to gear towards to be around after his attack on israel, on the south today, we've had joe biden telling israel to take the hey, talk to right around, failed really to cause any damage here in israel, we thought the german on foreign minister of the farnham, british farm, and it says a couple of days ago carrying the same message, asking is well known to retaliate. although he did to calibrate it to prevent abroad a conflict ration that was a line from the british. while this is based, very limited responds, and maybe israel has taken some heed all the coal from, from overseas to, to have this very limited response to a runs a tac last week and a smith there for us and occupied the story some thank you very much bennett, well, i'm now joined in alto hosp to you about different medic, it is a james base. so james is we've been hearing israel hasn't claimed what happened. and it also sounds like iran is,
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is not necessarily wanting to point the finger. it sounds like both sides of wanting to not escalate the situation, but we have been hearing from the us and it was us officials who confirmed that this was israel saying that they they don't and also yeah that they don't giving it they, they said they didn't give it the green light so uh, but they have confirmed the details, so it is pretty good a, this is, is rails response that we see nice think it is significant that as with the, a tax last week on stocks today on the 13th of april, that would know, dash, if they've been destined. all right, with these we've been a very, very different situation. i think. and even though it was an attack underwriting soil, it was a relatively small attack, 3 drones. we think it was a target of a military site. we think now that was those in israel, the hawks industry, although even some of the us, for example, president trump school, the national security advisor, john bolton was like this was the opportunity to take out all of of robin's nuclear program. well,
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they didn't do that on both sides for now all down playing it. israel never even confirmed that it carried out the attack. this started this on the 1st of april when they hit what some iran says was best oil that com. so that's in damascus. but i would caution this, it's friday in the wrong and last time when that concept was attacked, it took around 13 days to decide what to do and what responses to have. so it is at least early 30 days. but i think some watching this for now, we'll be thinking that perhaps both sides can draw a line under the situation. and that will mean that we don't continue in some sort of spiral that leads to miscalculation and then very dangerous escalation. indeed, given the scale that the small scale of this response, a measured scale, this response, i should say, of that especially all the rest of the work that we've been hearing over the last few days. and also the pressures in israel, as you say from, from the far right. what's your assessment of just how much influence washington
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and felon and london, how to as well. we certainly know that there were high level um representations made to these ready prime minister. we know that the u. k. 4 and set country, i'm legitimate for them and as a boast made to me just as before, they've now gone to that g 7 meeting that is taking place in capri in in italy. but obviously that would be the weight and dimensions from the bite and ministration as well to try and keep this limited but, but you do wonder about some of the aspects, of course, maybe there are some other things that some the u. s. has traded for this, just remember we still have not have that's offensive on rough or maybe that is part of the calculations and the discussions of the me going on between between the surrounding the us. but that's exactly what i wanted to ask you about how all of this is playing into what's happening on the ground in gaza when it's happened to the time when there was increasing criticism of israel from washington. and i'm wondering if,
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if this has perhaps brought them close together. certainly it's meant that the world's attention has not been focusing on cause or, and in exactly the same way as it had before. and all the discussions of lots and lots countries that have been very unhappy with, with, with israel and its response to increasing the western countries for increasing members of the you really strong statements of condemnation. well, the, the subject has been changed for a while. and that's, i think, will be welcomed in television service different that i going into the james bay is always great to get your thoughts and expertise. thanks for joining me again. the, the want at least 4 people have been killed west of kansas city after israel's military bombed a family home there. and then also the strip artillery selling has been carried out on jamalia and they've la,
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here. other attacks have been taking place east of rafa in the south palestinians and southern calls and meanwhile, had been facing the difficult task of searching for their loved ones buried in a makeshift grave. they've been looking through a temporary summit train and the city of con eunice, within a week of the israel's ministry, withdrew from that area. some families have found the bodies of their relatives while others are still fetching. let's speak to him on a tire couple is there and he's in rafa and southern plaza for us, tard, nothing. yahoo has been promising that this profit offensive will take place. i know the usaa saying that the protection of civilians is power mountain and will be highlighted but is not possible. what would that look like on the ground as well as we clearly see that this wretched by the is ready for our minutes time. they use very minute, 3 had been completely escalating in the past few days regarding launching a potential military, encouraging for roughly the district. now as everyone clearly knows, that rough right now is the, the credit for more than 1500000000 palestinians. of course,
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the territory who has been taking refuge and um it is very mandatory is very keen to mail it totally destroy the ability to use for how much that movements in a rough 5 district according to the old claims bought. at the same time, there is a ongoing criticism, a growing in terms of the safety of civilians who are expected according to the east, pretty funds to be evacuated from rough, our district by the read. the question is where to evacuate them. the, i've been initial report saying that they have been fixing both the lines and the city of con you and as far the situation that is completely critical, as there is going to be full destruction of residential houses where palestinians will be forced to live in, make shift filters, but we have been speaking to people here on the grounds and roughly district asking them about their own fee is they have been saying that we do not know what to go next. some families here do not have any place to take shelter. and as they are also going to be more growing threats and then just regarding the medical conditions, because we're talking about 3 hospitals are still function right now in the south.
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and if people going to be transferred to other parts of the gaza strip, it will be a full collapse of the medical services provided to those people. and that will be completely a bloody, as the potential military and coaching will goes to a will really above the way to the the black box and bloodshed in the gaza strip. um it will get to the consequences that will be resulted definitely from death attack tack up was there and they were pushing for us from the ground from ruffin southern gaza. thank you. time a prominent how destiny? an academic husband arrested by his riley police on suspicion of incitement. the dearest childhood kevorkian was already suspended from her position as a professor at the hebrew university of jerusalem and resolved to come in. she report, as he made last month, including abolishing zionism, police all set to question had before deciding whether she should be held in custody or at least well then you don't keep hide. westbank is really forces have destroyed home shops and facilities during
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a raid which lasted more than 10 hours is really military vehicles was sent into the nor sounds refugee camp with boulders as we used to rick buildings and roads. as you can see, a number of people also detained off the homes were rated. at least 2 people have been injured. same as robbie has worn out from ramallah. the is really military went into north shelves, refugee care east of took her in late thursday night. and on early friday morning, they were still there and, and 12 hours of raids. they destroyed roads, building shops, houses tore up sewage lines. and on friday morning those rates were ongoing. we've been to this cap, we've seen these roads before. we've seen this kind of destruction before and those alleyways, those roads that we're seeing in the videos now we're repaired near months, a go with locals describes it may have been carried out last night. it's being carried out on thursday night into friday morning by the israeli military as the worst destruction of infrastructure that they've seen in the west bank since the
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destruction of the janine refugee camp during the 2nd intifada in the early 2 thousands. now. the area of tucker him is no stranger to these kinds of raids, but with residents are saying the, the, the opinion that now locals are voicing once again is the same thing. we've been hearing since the beginning of the war on cause. they are worried that this escalation and intensity is a signal. then once these really military is done with garza, that the westbank will be next same bus route, the 0 remo, a still a head here on al jazeera. just how did cove and 19 spread. the world health organization we defines what exactly, and evelyn disease in the the hello. there is a lot of rain and
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a lot of wind going around here up. so let's step into those details right here right now. glad to have jo long. so a breakdown who, seeing what i've got to tell you, there is some snow coming for helsinki. the other side of the gulf of finland and is stony, is capital talent. could see a couple of centimeters on the ground here. and then a really rough feeling day for the netherlands, belgium, northern friends, got this strong, wind off the north sea. and some showers in the mixers, while the strong winds will also catch southeast england. so london, looking to see wind gusts anywhere between 50 to 60 kilometers per hour, cold enough for snow through the alpine region as well as some pretty strong storms adjusts to the south of rome. the storms will dance in to grease and eventually that western side of the turkey. uh, but that comes on saturdays. so there's that are all type activity moving further towards the east. so enjoy it for now. in western searcy or just a few showers and is stumble at 15 degrees, but really for the other side of the mediterranean, best weather on the continent. let's go $28.00 degrees in seville and it's hots in the gambia, but there is some relief coming. will tap into
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a sea breeze so that will drop down your temperatures. and there's been, some foggy, starts of the day for the west and the south coast of south africa. but cape town, 25 degrees for you today as the nipple bodies, nuns of breaking stereotypes full while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come . it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals $1.00 oh $1.00 east beach. the kung fu nuns cap men do on al jazeera. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back and watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories. the sounds around says it's a defense. systems have shut down. 3 drawings and deceptions repeatedly happens near the central or rainy and such as is fun or any media is a nucleus sites and a minute to base and the vicinity would not damage. american media sizing us officials say it was, and it's really a time that these really minute treat itself has no comments about israel has child to body and they blah, here in northern dasa. elsewhere, these 4 people were killed, west of kansas city of to is really minute treat from family hon. then the occupied westbank is really forces of destroyed homes, shops and facilities during a raid,
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which is often moving 10 hours folders as we used in the nation's refugee. come to rec buildings in words. a number of people with all the united states has vetoed a draft resolution that the un security council, which caused for palestine to become a full member of the united nations. the west was the only country to vote against the 12 members of ours in favor with the u. k. and switzerland. upstanding gabriel, as under reports from un headquarters and you of those against a single raised hand signaling the united states veto, which ended palestine aspirations to become a full member of the united nations. also showing how isolated america has become on the issue. they were the only no vote. the u. k. in switzerland abstained. while the 12 other council members all voted in favor of palestine to the palestinian people. diana will never abandon you. we will continue to use her advice until
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justice is served grunting. membership in the you went to palestine, could be an important step towards peace. it would strengthen the role of the palestinian authority and which contributes to the security of the instead of as well. what i lo awesome. well, how all the fun in remarks after the usb to power stein's ambassador gathered himself, as he talked about his people's quest for dignity and acceptance. the chamber sat silent. some diplomats were seen wiping away tears as he spoke. we love life to live in freedom and dignity in our nation and home that we will not dispute either you deal with us with fairness and give us a lot of rights or to give us all the rights to the united states justified its veto. by casting doubt on palestine qualifications,
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as reflected in the report of the admission committee, there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership as set forth in article 4 of the un charter to earlier in the day in a separate council session opened to o u. n. member states. the secretary general brief the council on the reality on the ground, gaza $600.00 a month. so these are the only mediates that you'll put ations. they've created the humanitarian health, scape, tens of thousands of people have been killed, to 1000000 palestinians. that'd be able to do this, this direction, and the denial of live saving, humidity and aids. and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. it was a long day of more than 5 hours of speeches on palestine and humanitarian crisis in gaza. followed by nearly 2 more hours. focused on palestine ins bid to join
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a 193 other countries and become a full member of the united nations. but despite overwhelming support, it's now abundantly clear, it likely won't happen until the united states changes its position. gabriel's on the, i'll just say to at united nations in new york, police and new york have arrested thousands of columbia university students staging a sit and put in a sit in protest in support of palestinians. the students have also been calling on university to end its ties with israel. as you can see that they flooded the main loan of the university campus before dawn on wednesday. thousands of tents was set up creating what they call him, a gauze, a solidarity incumbent. the ukrainian military says it has down
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a long range russian bama for the 1st time. have a look. this video footage, it shows the plain spiraling to the ground to meet over russian territory. the $222.00 of all the carriers cruise themselves. when you came also says 9 people, meanwhile, were killed in russian and strikes of the night. it happened in the central city of to meet pro, a residential building called fine was heavily damaged during the strikes. well, let's speak to a child stratford. he has laces for us from ukrainian capital q a. charles kids must be relatively, please how strategically significant has the downing of this bond on that we've seen well, they've seen the, this is true. this is significant for new credit in full. she is because this would be the. busy first time, at least that they have down. one of these lodge strategic russian farm is in mid flight. as i say, this is a claim being made by the ukrainian air force is impossible to verify. the t you
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$22.00 m 3 is one of a strategic long range bombers. you say that can carry cruise missiles and we've seen that video of what looks to be an aircraft of, of that shape of plummeting to the ground. we understand over there the raw should go stamp report, which is hundreds of miles away from the ukranian border. what we do know though, is that the ukrainians that actually destroyed will claim to have destroyed a couple of these planes before that was last year in august. but these planes wait at an air base south of st. petersburg. and in the last couple of days, the great ends of also being claiming that they have been targeting a, a strategic boma front tree in kaz and which is approximately what around 2000 kilometers away from the ukranian border. so it wouldn't be inconceivable that this has happened, but it would be an illustration that to ukraine. certainly,
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despite obviously complaining and demanding more, a defense still has the capacity to take down your large ministry at croft at very long distances. and tony, i see the russian strikes meanwhile, have been continuing on cities across ukraine. what does they've been targeting a lot so i yeah, they were according to the training and a half full, 36 attacks last night involving 22 missiles and full change. right. and is that you current in april saying that they managed to intercept $29.00 of them. the worst hit area was the deep pro region. and as you say, we're hearing suddenly according to the local authorities, that 9 people, at least 9 people so full of died, including 3 children, at least $29.00 of those injured. it'd be seen pictures of emergency services outside or trying to clear rubble from what looks like an apartment block inside denique, pro city. the inside roof of that block has completely disappeared. and of course,
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this is just the latest in this escalation of attacks that we've seen by russian forces in recent weeks as these dom mullins, the greater red defenses by the ukrainians go on. there is a quite expectation that in the next couple of days we may see the, the vote in the us congress going through to clear what is around $61000000000.00 of us a, a to ukraine. so there is hope the germans will so that being very vocal in recent days saying that doing all they can to try and galvanized people amongst your p upon this to get more patriot mississauga systems into the country that coming literally just days off to germany saying that it was going to give another patriot missile system to ukraine, but they are under immense pressure. and it's these kind of attacks that are happening every day, every night, various locations across the street, right. and the indication of just how difficult ukrainians are finding in guess
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keeping the skies as clear as possible. child stratford. that was very nice as far as from the ukrainian capital kids. thank you. john. the full 12 drawers have now been selected and former us president donald trump's testimony trial is comes just hours after 2 jurors who had already been sworn in for the trial were excused from the case. one of the dismiss drawers said she had experienced intimidation on the faces, charges standing from suspected of payments and to an adult film star was india. now, when nearly a 1000000000 versus a costing the balance and a 6 week election problem list under, under moody, is taking a 3rd consecutive time and office. the indian government has failed. took a visa is 12 correspondence to cover the story. so we're covering the election from outside the country. we often on those reports after no means, luckily contested campaign, hundreds of millions of indians now have veterans to get the voice of the state of
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money polluted the northeast of india is being run by violence between the hindu majority mater and cookies. though tribal communities, since last me as you would, i don't want gunfire. the one that i the existence between all the company does the ruling bgp enters the election on the high new a cleaning. the tub of charged indian economy is one of the major, a treatments, but higher unemployment policy, mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson vote to a mother, the son of a tea sailor, 73 years will be deleted and arranged a movie is seen as least bodies most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote for the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center, your political restarted. and so it looks at go to the b b, which would inform the government. that is my got a $26.00 opposition policies have created an alliance to stop the b g p. the
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accused the government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition congress party politician priyanka gun. the says the ruling party wants to cure victory east. there is a level playing field or that is this man. if the elections are free and fair, where the voting machines are not tampered with, then i can say constantly. they can not win more than $180.00 seats auto promot father, the beach, if he is successfully market and it's a new nationalist brand of politics in a nation where 80 percent of the population is in do with them. and they say it's not the only factor for the party success, welfare benefits need or to see if we can itself off position so that the money to deal with. so think him to full evaluation or any single issue can not win any part the election. but not everyone is buying the b g p. page cabin another. politicians have rejected what they call religious and costs based politics. what others are weary of your new motor on the costs of poor people in for daily wages. his part in his government have not done anything for the good of the money. 10 years ago. move
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these to us campaigned on the platform of cool. he's 2nd, tim judge trust. and as he seeks to, he's guaranteeing that he will make india a bigger and better country for it's 1400000000 people. critics say the only way for that to happen is to have a strong opposition that holds the government accountable. you know fernandez g 0. a reminder we are covering the selection from outside india as the government has not granted visas to elders here as john left a military helicopter, karen can use defense chief has crashed, coming on board. the aircraft went down about 400 kilometers north west of the capitol library. be general francis. i'm on deal going. i was among 10 senior officials on that helicopter part of admission with all the defense force troops in the region. there remains have been taken to my ready for burial. the world health organization has expanded its definition of an air borne pathogens and comes off to
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control vesee around the original definition, which that's a miscommunication during the code 19 pandemic. this new criteria for evelyn


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