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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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have as a fraud, the situation marine biologist. jodi rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an oven assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it. the iran says it's shut down 3 drones. and what the us says it was an attack by is really the color that i'm just telling you. tell you this is out a 0 life from the will. so coming up is there any forces destroyed home shops and other buildings during minutes? rebates, in the occupied by india kicks off the 1st phase of its national elections with
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prime minister, no end promoting and seeking time. and ukraine says it's shut down. a russian boma used to launch cruise massage. the bullet is now 1100 gmc, that's just pos tooth as any afternoon and a run for its advent systems to shut down 3 drones of tensions. one high with israel. the interceptions happens near the central cities, is for one. now we're in the media, say a nucleus sites in the military base in the vicinity. we're not damaged in american media, citing us officials are reporting it was and is really attacked with these really minute tree itself is not commented is rather had vowed to hit back off to iran, attacked israel on saturday, hundreds of drones and missiles, then we're funded to this well, the 1st time that tyrone had attacked israel directly from its own soil iran
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launched about attack and response for these really bombing of it's come to us in syria out of this month, 7 members of a wrong revolutionary god were killed, not strike dosage already. has worn out from tyrone. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province early on friday morning. they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army and said that no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of as for home city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launched from and who was behind the attack for the time being there is no other a reaction by raining officials seemingly downplaying this attack of what could be
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a response, but it by israel as a result of around to promise operation which was launched last saturday during which iran fired nearly $300.00 over $300.00 drones and crews and ballistic resolve towards israel. as the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries, 6 nuclear facilities, and the head of the agencies. russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel. it is unclear what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation
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between iran and israel. door such a vari, ultra sierra tower on, as well as we mentioned as well, has not yet officially commented on the attack. ben smith has more from occupied east jerusalem. no comment from israeli officials so far. but that would be in keeping with previous times when his role has been accused of targeting a rate entire treat neither confirmed nor denies it. we do know of causal week as well as will cabinet has been meeting to discuss what level of response it should exercise in response to runs unprecedented attack on these riley territory on site today. and then benjamin benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister and others in the governed upset israel will respond to them by a job. i remember i asked as well to take the wind because around the attack happened really close to the damage inside israel and the british and german foreign ministers were here
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a couple of days ago with the same message not to retaliate. but if israel does to calibrate it, so that doesn't lead to a wide complet gratian in the, in the region. so perhaps, if this is rail with just a handful of drones and these rel, not claiming responsibility, not for it and boasting about it. maybe this is a very casually calibrated response, but as well gets to have the final word the while in the occupied westbank is really forces have destroyed homes, shops in facilities during the raid which lots to have lost. and so if i'm moving 10 hours is where the military vehicles was sent into the nurse on this refugee camp web builders. as we used to rec, buildings and roads. as you can see, a number of people who are also detained, of the homes were rated at least 2 people have been injured. well, let's go straight to our correspondence and is robbie. he's until car on, on the ground there for us. then operations all still ongoing right now i
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understand of the that is correct. we know that at least 3 or 4 people who've been injured, 3 or 4 policy and residents of the camp have been injured. and at least one person we've just confirming the last 2 minutes has been killed by this is a bonus rarely snipers bullet to the head. a young man, a residence of the newer, some 50 to cap. that is ready to begin on thursday night. it is friday afternoon, it's been going on, as you say, for more than 10 hours by our technicians. about 15 or 16 hours now. and there seems to be no lit up in sight. we can't behind me. residents say that what was that left for work yesterday? morning have not been able to go back since then, and we know that several families, dozens of families left as the rates again. and they also say they don't know when they'll be able to return and we've been hearing the sound of drones overhead for hours. multiple, large, loud explosions, ongoing intermittently, throughout the last few hours, sustained small arms fire, indicative of active fireflies. ongoing. between is really military presence. they
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are the numbers, at least 40 military vehicles, potentially dozens of his rarely soldiers fighting against policy and armed resistance fighters that are still on the ground and putting up resistance using small arms as well as explosives. we understand what is likely the sounds of the explosions over here. we also know that these railways of taking in new military bulldozers that are capable of driving directly through houses and that is what they've been doing down on the ground in that there are some stuff that you can throughout the course of the day, dozens of homes destroyed and demolish local residents say they're expecting us to go on for awhile. it is rarely soldiers have been caring on rage and homes coming out on site interrogations. and that is, this is likely to carry on for several hours. the situation remains extremely dangerous. inside the camp and residents are telling us that even though the area of tucker is no stranger to these kinds of rage to this level of violence, this latest rate that we're seeing that started last night that continues on to that is the worst of its kind that we've seen in the occupied westbank in weeks.
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then given that level, it seems of the act of financing that's going on right now. and the length of time if this rates, there's a hell of people in the occupied restaurant reacting. told us that's exactly right . the intensity, how many hours it's been going on, the fact that it started so early in the evening last night, all indicate that this is a serious operation that will carry on for a while is really on the radio is recording the 2 of their soldiers have been injured, that is likely going to install intentions even more. but what locals are saying is that this may have been, has been carried out by these rarely, military, on the ground in new or some refuge account is, is worse then. in terms of the level of destruction and intensity. it is the worst they seen in the occupied westbank sincerely to thousands when these really military destroyed the janine refugee camp during the 2nd and the father now over here. and people telling us is the same way that they've been voicing. first of all i, i don't really sorry to interrupt saying that we are taking you live now to come free
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and the g 7 meeting the foreign ministers that had been missing and we're now hearing from us. so we stayed on to me blank and that's just the g 7 is in many ways a steering committee for the world's most advanced democracies. and we emerge from this meeting of the foreign ministers more united than ever more united and facing critical challenges that slide before the international community, including russians, aggression against refrain, the conflict in the middle east end as well. uh, the importance of sustaining, supporting a free helping in the pacific. these and many other subjects with the focus of our conversations over the last 2 days, which i found to be extremely productive. and again, what strikes me is the most. and if you can really see this over the last 3 years, is be extraordinary conversions. in our approaches to these challenges convergence between the united states, europe,
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a major partner's an issue. let me touch on some of the most important things that we discussed and concluded over these past couple of days. and of course i'll, i'll come come in to you, the statement that we put out or will soon be out on the part of the entire g 7. first, the g 7 condemned the unprecedented ronnie. an attack on israel, unprecedented in scope and scale scope because it was a direct attack on israel from around scale, because it involves more than $300.00 munitions, including ballistic missiles, were committed to israel security were also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a, to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon in the g 7 statement, a commitment to hold around to account, to account for its the stabilizing activities. holding into account by the
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degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. and yesterday, the united states announced additional sanctions on the wrong target, and you are the programs, the steel industry companies that are associated with the r d. c, the ministry of defense and its armed forces. logistics. the g 7 statement makes clear that g 7 countries will adopt additional sanctions or other measures in the days ahead. even as we've been dealing with the conflict in the middle east and again, the unprecedented attack by iran and israel. we've remained intensely focused on guys. we urge the rapid implementation of israel's united training assistance commitments, the more aid crossings better the confliction, better distribution of the assistance to all who need it. we've seen important steps over the last couple of weeks with more crossings, opening more
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a getting in more a getting around. but we need to see sustained results. and we need, in particular to make sure that there is distribution throughout gaza. we also focused on the imperative of getting to a cease fire with the release of hostages. such a cease fire would facilitate the dramatic expansion, the medicaid assistance. it would also look gardens return to the north. those have been displaced from the north. the only thing the only thing standing between the guys and people tennessee fire is i'm us. it's rejected generous proposals from israel. it seems more interested in original conflict than it is in a ceasefire that would immediately improve the lives of the cost and the people. it continues to move the goal posts, and the world needs to know and he's understand again. but the only thing standing between to cease fire and causing people is from us.
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the g 7 is also very clear in its bun, wavering support for you frame. faced with aggression from russia, putting things that he can out with new frame and out quite you find supporters. the message coming out for free is if you can't, every, the 7 members making extraordinary contributions to your friends defense. and as i said before, this is the best burden sharing that i've ever seen across the atlantic in more than 30 years and being engaged in these issues with europe as well as asian partners picking up more than their share below. oh um i want to particularly recognise prime minister maloney for her leadership or decisive leadership. so we can see 2 things right now. us together. we are helping to put your brain on a long term pass, where it will stand strongly on its own 2 feet militarily, economically, democratic. more than now, 30 countries are engaged in negotiating themselves,
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concluded negotiations with ukraine on security packs. and together with what i am convinced will emerge from the middle summit. you can see you crane effectively building a force for the future. one that can to, to regression and defeated is necessary. working to drive private sector investment into your brain and also help to develop its own defense, industrial base in ways that will provide for a strong, enduring economy. and of course, now that the, the exception past the us open that will help you frame the prove it's democracy. but even as we're doing all of that, we heard clearly from farm industry for labor. that it's imperative that in this moment you can get more resources that it needs to deal with the ongoing russian aggression. it needs more air defense needs more munitions. these more until re allies and partners,
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including the g 7 countries are committed to delivering on that. we discussed steps to provide more assistance, more mediately to, to ukraine. we also discussed ways to protect and help restore its energy grid, which we also have sought to designate. and here again, i think we can see important steps that were already taken, but more to come and making sure that you train has sustainable energy for its people. and we're also working to strengthen efforts to disrupt the transfer of weapons and also inputs for russia's defense, industrial base when it comes to weapons. what we seen, of course, is north korea and iran primarily providing things to rush. but when it comes to rushes defense, industrial base, the primary contributor in this moment to that is china. we see china sharing machine tools, somebody, conductors, other dual use items that have health pressure rebuilt. the defense industrial base that sanctions and export controls had done so much to the great. now if
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trying to ports on the one hand to want good relations with your in other countries, it can't. on the other hand, the showing what is the biggest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. and you don't have to just take that for me. this is what i heard around the table at the g 7. progress on solutions also to use russia, sovereign assets for ukraine was on the on the agenda. and here i think we're working on getting to an agreement on that consistent with international law consistent with different countries laws that the crime one is called this theft. the real theft is in ukrainians. lot lives taken in so much as you've trans infrastructure destroyed. and so much of this land seized, being able to use these russian solver and assets to help rebuild your price is
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critical. and it's also something that one way or another one day or another is going to happen. it's also a compliment to, but not a substitute for the assistance that we all need to be providing in the moment to your brain. and in particular, of the supplementary budget requests the present button is made and that it appears will be before the house this weekend. and again, i just wanna emphasize 2 things. first, this money and everything will provide is urgently needed by you price by its people for so bravely defending their country and defending their democracy. second, as i said, we have your pin and other partners including an agent who are doing so much themselves. they'll provide for you frank. and finally, virtually all of the supplemental will be invested in the united states in defense production,
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in our own defense industrial base. and that means good jobs in the united states. finally, we focused intensely over these last couple of days on reaching out to new partners . and this includes in the under pacific where we're working to promote a free and open ended pacific. here i think it's very instructive that the supports that rush has received from china, from north korea, from iran, demonstrates that security in europe, security and asia and other parts of the world are indivisible, they're deeply connected. and this is something again that we heard around the table of these last couple of days in the 70s. united on the need for peace and stability across the taiwan strait. south china sea, the korean peninsula, and also united and standing up to china is unfair. and non market practices, especially when it comes to over capacity that is flooding the markets of our own
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countries with new products and technologies that are heavily subsidized. and so under price, driving our own businesses out of the market and seeking to dominate these markets themselves. again, this is a very clear common concern among all of our countries. finally, the other piece of this is that the g 7 continues to work deep engagement with global partners to help deliver results everywhere. we had the chair of the african union with us uh yesterday for very good conversations. and what we're really looking at is working in practical ways with countries in africa and beyond to make clear tangible deliverable improvements in the lives of their people. and as a result, the lives of our own people and we have the a unit, the style number of the g 20. we're particularly focused on how africa can play it's rightful role in meeting both regional and global challenges. there's growing
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collaboration on infrastructure and technology to improve productivity, to, to build resilience. we've reaffirmed our commitment to sustainable development and especially to the sustainable development goals. also to reform in the international financial institutions, multi lateral development banks to make them both more representative and more effective and responsive to meeting the needs of countries around the world. addressing issues like climate change, their food security. and so in all of these areas, i found the, the conversations and the work over the last couple of days reflected in the statement that you'll see to be extremely productive. and also kind of maybe most importantly, a very good set up for the leaders that are meeting or the meeting that are leaders will have, excuse me, in june. and that's what we're tracking towards will continue the work that we did here over the next. the next couple of months and the leaders will follow up with
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that. happy to take some questions. the 1st question goes to the classes. thank you very much, mister secretary, there's a lot to ask you about today. so with your indulgence, 1st on israel strikes, iran was a us indeed alerted in advance how far ahead of time and did it raise any objections when it was, are the strikes now over and you have any indication that this early stage by a direct or indirect messaging that iran will respond and have there been any changes in around nuclear program. on israel, there are reports that your department has made recommendations to cut military aid to certain is really units for possible human rights violations in the west bank before october. 7th. will your take action on those recommendations? and finally, on the recent us assessments, you mentioned that china may be growing its support for russia for its war effort and ukraine. do you believe that president, she is sensing an opportunity? i'm at flagging us support to the ukrainians. and you, sir, for thanks, livia,
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on the 1st question, the reports that you've seen. so i'm not gonna speak to that except to say that united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. what we're focused on, what the g 7 is focused on, and again, it's reflected in our statement. and in our conversation is our work to de escalate tensions. so to deescalate, from any potential conflict, you saw israel on the receiving end of the non president attack. but, but our focus has been on, of course, making sure that israel can effectively defend itself, but also the escalating tensions avoiding a conflict. and that remains our focus again, i'm not going to speak to anything other than to say we were not involved in any offensive operations with regard to um, the other questions uh, 1st on, uh,
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china and russia. look, i think that what we're seeing is, uh, a product of the relationship between those 2 countries. you've heard them speak to it including just before rushes, aggression against you. crime that we've made very clear to china and many other countries have as well so that they should not be supplying russia with weapons for use and it's aggression against ukraine. we've not seen the direct supply weapons, but as i said, what we have seen is not only the, the direct supply, but the critical supply of inputs have components for your russians defense, industrial base which is allowing 2 things. it's allowing russian to continue the aggression against ukraine is also helping russia overall rebuild its defense forces and defense capacity that so much damage has been done to by the finance, but also by our sanctions and export controls. and that means that not only is
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russia occurrence threat to ukraine, it will remain in and during threat to other european countries. and that's why said, china can't have it both ways. it can't report to want to have positive friendly relations with countries in europe. and at the same time be fueling the biggest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. that was very clear from our conversations around the table. i believe your opinions of express that and will continue to express that clearly to china in the days and weeks ahead. oh, i'm sorry. um uh, so on that i think you're referring to the so called le, he's a law and our work under that. so this is a very important law and it's one that we apply across the board. and when we're doing these investigations, these inquiries is something that takes time. that has to be done very carefully, both in collecting the facts and analyzing them. and that's exactly what we've done,
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and i think it's fair to say that you'll see results very soon. i made determinations. you can expect to see them. and the days ahead. for the next question, olivia ero burger muni with right to g i. we've afternoon, 2 quick questions. first, do you have the feeling that the, today's strike was limited so that your ran was not compelled to react? in that sense? are you optimistic about not the big war berries breaking out? and there is a new rant issue. do you think that in the future other countries might get already that has historical ties with you and could play a role in the escalation? and stephanie's ation that. you mentioned citation. and stephanie's ation that you mentioned by 2 to speak with these reported events. all i can say is that for our part and for the entire g 7, our focus has been on the escalation on avoiding
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a larger conflict. and actually that's been true since day one after the horrific events of october 7th. a big part of our approach has been to prevent the conflict from spreading to avoid escalation everywhere. and that's a common policy across the g 7. and it's a very much our approach now. so we've been engaged in efforts to avoid escalation . those efforts will continue. italy plays a critical role in us as well as the leading country as a country that's engaged around the world with many other countries that have their own relationships with countries involved in the middle east. a italy has its own direct engagements. and i think what we've seen over the past 10 days or so couple of weeks is that those engagements have been and remain very important to keeping things calm, to avoiding escalation, to preventing a larger conflict. italy is an important player in this now the bill basi without
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our ideas to thank you mr. secretary, i want to pursue again on the wrong question. it seems that both of the iranian and the is very data responses were measured and calculated. what do you say that now we averting a major confrontation and a possible war and left messages with the u. s. played in, sending to both sides to, for restrain, and all the way back to the proxy war. and if, or if you allow me of drop off us position is, but if you're, you're a pause, a minute to open ration and drop off. as long as there's no plan to invite you with one and a half 1000000 by less than you and civilians. is really going month to month to go ahead. what is your understanding of the plan now and what is acceptable for the us? and finally, on the you and security council, the united states looks isolated yesterday. your allies close allies from japan and south korea. both voted for admission polish, done as a member,
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the is really is into the nothing. yeah. under good saying the opposed to a state solution. so what is the path forward and what message do a gift for palestinians and to moderates in the region. if you truly want to isolate extreme is let me simply 1st of all repeat what our focus has been and what it remains, the escalation avoiding conflicts and so yes. calling on all concerned to exercise restraint. that's what we've been doing. over the last couple of weeks and as necessary, that's what we'll continue to do. and again, that's reflected in the statement that you'll see coming from all of the g 7 countries on rasa. we have been very clear about this present by has been very clear about this. we cannot support a major military operation in rasa. the 1st there are currently somewhere around $1400000.00 people in rough,
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and many of them displaced from other parts of gas. it in the 1st instance, it's imperative that people are able to get out of the way of a, of any conflict. and doing that, getting people out of harm's way, is a monumental task for which we have to see a plan and not only getting them out of harm's way, making sure that they can be supported with mandatory assistance if they're out of harm's way. but 2nd, even if people are largely out of harm's way, inevitably there's going to remain a pretty significant civilian population in rafa. and we believe that a major military operation with a large presence of the civilian population would have terrible consequences for that population. we are committed as it relates to ensuring that guys cannot be controlled by em. us. we've seen the devastation destruction that are resulted from home offices, leadership in the actions that it's taken and well before october 7th,
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what it was providing or rather not providing for the palestinian people, make clear that its concern had nothing to do with the past and people and everything to do with its objectives, to destroy israel. so, so making sure that i'm off can not repeat the events of october 7th. that's something that we uh well you're not united, but in terms of major military operations in, in, in rafa it's something that we don't support and we believe that the objective can be achieved by other means. we've been engaged in conversations at senior levels with israel over the past couple of weeks on this, including as recently as this week. those conversations continue. finally, on the web security council resolution. the 1st we are committed to united states is committed to achieving a palestinian state. we believe that that is vital to having long term sustainable durable peace and security. and of course is the only way to fulfill the
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aspirations, the rightful aspirations of the past.


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