tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST
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the thoughts funds, emergency donation spends on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st over 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and del, find teddy navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the us house of representatives approves bills worth tens of billions of dollars in military aid for its allies. money for ukraine is early and taiwan, but it's really the vote totals to tell the whole story that's coming up. the morning in
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southern gaza officer is really air strikes, kill at least 10 palestinians, and drop off most of them children. thousands of people are back on the streets of some of these to protest against is really government and it's handling of the war also to mary's killed in his many days in ecuador, ahead of a referendum and fighting games, violence and peace of students with oldest thoughts these form of friendship in land window than when they are gonna be and moving into a mountain central time and from tennis. she's the only woman so facing both williams sisters in grand slam finals. the it's 1800 hours gmc about to 11 am in washington dc. we're right now the us house of representatives has passed a 4 and a package worth tens of billions of dollars. it's been hold up for weeks because of
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divisions among democrats and republicans. but after being split into separate bills for ukraine, taiwan and israel fit now goes to the senate's. let's take a look at what's included in the package, a for an aide. the 1st bill has $61000000000.00 for ukraine, including defense, humanitarian aid on cash, to keep its government running. the 2nd, give $17000000000.00 to israel, including the replenishment of his iron de ms house. and there will also be a vote on a $9000000000.00 a packets for garza and us developments efforts in the occupied westbank. there is $8000000000.00 for defensive u. s. allies in the western pacific. mostly taiwan will have reaction from keith in a moment on not a build on home and is standing by for us there. but for us are bringing patio hay and joining us from capitol hill. we're potty. i have to say it's in fact 2 pm there and not 11 am, which is what i said a moment ago. but tell us what's happened so far? the it's okay,
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congress never does anything that early. so let's start with israel. these houses now voted overwhelmingly to send $17000000000.00 to israel. interestingly, there were 36 democrats who said no, because we heard through speeches that they felt that they couldn't in, with good moral clarity, continue to give money. a lot of them had complaints about the behavior is fairly private. mister benjamin netanyahu, as was 361040 know 21. republicans voting no. i believe that the bill to funds money for garza and the west bank is included in the is really package. and we did hear during the speech as members of the republican party say that they would not vote to send any money to the palestinian cause. so that's israel, the ukraine aid, which has really been the focus for months, i think was october. the president joe biden asked for this money in the past, the senate, the house, they said they weren't going to take it up, but eventually this house speaker mike johnson came around to it. and so that's
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$61000000000.00 for your crane. but as i mentioned at the top, the totals tell the story here when it came to republican, no votes, it was a 112 republican voter house, republican congress, people said no to 18 praying. it is a much higher number. busy that i think most people thought were going to vote against this. and during the speeches, they said that many reasons for it. they said that that money should stay in the us . they said with europe in union should be doing more. that this is a blank check for the president, but really it does go to show you that the republican party is moving in a recent survey, 61 percent of republican voters said they didn't want to see another dollar code to ukraine. so obviously a big shift to the republican party debt, but it did overwhelmingly pass $61000000000.00. uh, 310 days. so that past and then if i could very quickly just tell you about the 2 other pieces of legislation. taiwan, about 8000000000 for taiwan, easily. pat us and one build that's going to be controversial. but again,
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overwhelming support. it allows us to a sanction around, especially when it comes to drones and missiles. it allows the u. s. government to seize russian assets. that doesn't mean it's going to happen, it means the by the ministration, if the senate approve agrees, could take that step. but that's very controversial. and people have warranties that would have far reaching consequences. the biggest thing for the younger people in the united states is it allows a band on tick tock unless the parent company sells the chinese parent company, sells it. so a big, busy day here on capitol hill, but it was just one piece of. busy it was very interesting when they did pass, you created a they had lawmakers all have you create up you creating flags. those are supported at the. busy waving and sharing and they were reprimanded by the temporary speaker of the house, but it was definitely a show of support with deeds and with money. yeah, and we're going to bring in, drawn in a moment to find out what sort of reaction there is from ukraine, but potty one more for you. so what is it that happens next now that these bills
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have passed as well? so it does who's very complicated getting here, but the senate is going to take it up. we heard senator sewer, the leader of the democrats and the senate. he had said possibly tuesday, but he also kept them in town this weekend. so we're going to be looking to see if they want to move this even quicker because president joe biden says, this is a priority. the pentagon says, as soon as he signs it, they can have more equipment in the parade in just a matter of days. the bigger mystery is going to be what happens of this feature of the house republicans for right, republicans. it said if he put this ukraine bill to the floor that they would go after his job and looks like they have the numbers to do that. so that would be the 2nd house speaker that would be removed and just months never really ever happened before the history of the us congress. so that's going to be the drop a plane out of the house side. now, we'll see if democrats come to his aid, they could make sure he keeps his job, but they haven't indicated either way,
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which, which way they're going to lean on that. so it's the drum in the house continues, but the money heads over to the senate. it's likely going to be approved. it's almost a 100 percent guaranteed to be approved. goes to the president. he's going to sign it. all right, patty, thank you for that update from capitol hill. we have drawn home and now joining us from the ukranian camps. okay, so $61000000000.00 in aid for ukraine. john, what sort of reaction is coming through where you are? a yeah, the president here president load him is landscapes already tweet to the response that she said i'm grateful to the united states house of representatives, both partners, both policy, sorry and personally speak up, mike johnson, the speaker, the potty was talking about that could lose his job as a, as a result of this. and he says for the decision that keeps history on the right track, he said that this the house will keep the will from expanding, say, thousands and thousands of lives and hope both of nations to become stronger. and the head of his chief of staff just tweeted out
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a picture of the start to of liberty, a small emoji of that. so obviously in ukraine, in general, we've just seen that we were chatting earlier about the fact that it wasn't really on the national television. well, the vote didn't come on. the present is go pretty animated about the fact that there was suddenly ukrainian flags flying in the house of congress. i guess of to such a long wait 2 months that it's been sitting there in congress and then only taking 5 minutes the policy is going to be a weight of the shoulders, not just the president, but also beyond full says that with dealing with they said 5 to one and 6 to one shows coming from russia, them only able to send one box and they pulled that could soon go to 10 to one. difficult out. but now possibly that would be alleviated. and the 61000000000 dollars of age on how is that going to be divided up to yeah, there's no way to start. that's going to go into weapon rate. about $14000000000.00
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is going to go into western rate and also at training and operation. some of that at the rest of the money is going to go into humanitarian things. and some of the money is going to go towards government and making sure the government can keep running and you cry. some of the money also isn't just going to be here. it's going to be of effort. so know why the front to sort of dissuade russia. so there's a lot of different things that it's going into, but it's still going to make a big difference. here on the ground is what we're being told him, you cry. okay, john holeman, thank you for that update from keith. so ukraine on israel or to key allies of the us. but the aid going to the 2 countries differ in few key areas that ukraine legislation unlock $61000000000.00 of aid. but the bottom administration would be required to provide regular reports to congress, which they say is to track potential corruption. there are no such provisions for the $17000000000.00 going directly to israel's military. neither is their oversight
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for the $9000000000.00 going through humanitarian relief and gaza, which cuts out but you ends agency for palestinian refugees. we cannot speak to elijah and i can't. who's a military and political analysts joining us from paris. welcome to alger 0. how do you explain the oversight over the ukraine bill, but no oversight over the israel bill at a time when the is really military is accused that the parents were crimes by human rights organizations. and what, because all that is rare, been there are many questionnaires to rise here. first of all, many members of the house complained about the the role that is going on in god's uh, quoting it as and then yeah. was, will. this is why it is unclear why the americans have agreed to support it and you know, when he's causing serious damage to the democrats and also he's risking
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a why the war. this is where the americans look at the strategic online with the page read, where the support has been unlimited since 1960. and this is why there is a difference between the behavior. all these really prime minister and the commitment that the americans and every single american administration, the house, are committed to these really security. and this is where there is no compromise, regardless what the prime minister of is read and his identity is doing in favor or against the interest of the united states. okay, let's talk about these interest because you said that while both is real and ukraine are strategically important to the us, they serve different aspects of us foreign policy and defense strategy for israel. mean we know because the us says that over and over the israel is a key ally of there is in the region,
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but what is its strategic importance to the us? this is where it is. uh, the tall allied all the americans in the middle east. although i read it on the degree for day with this uh what this uh table because today the all, many countries in the me, the news to are the very good all ads with the us. they all working very closely with us even at the door. so hawk or the closest known that at the dresser, no nato friend of nature and the us. but for the ease really ease and because of the establishment of the relationship. because the americans have a strategic warehouse in the us in the, in, based on the head. and because there is a collaboration on that level weaponry because is right also is used to
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uh, pass code on the us. and it means in this case, like you wrong, because you add the is really, is, are like, have told us that the with these really is be you guys doesn't need many tree base in the unlimited to really because this is right, right? because of the really not be in the us that is quite influential. uh, just uh, just briefly from you would you think that there was a sense of urgency now amongst the politicians in the us to pass that israel bill after the iranian retaliatory attack before we talk about ukraine. so when it's obvious that the, the, the ring and the don't want why in the world. so for the american house to take this as an excuse to support is read most part of the job. i don't want to use it as a leverage to put more pressure on these really governments. however, it can also be misunderstood. that this is
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a kind of support that brian minister being, i mean that the home may use to he's at the vantage and say when, regardless of all the differences, the america is still supporting me. and instead of giving me the money, i need to support my administrative directors and refer to the iron don't, which is at this point. and it is use this sense the radians and the is really decided to put on the side of the water ration. right. and that is, you bet the americans paid a significant role in it. so it is a way to brenda these really more thoughtful, really, when it comes to ukraine. now, i mean, what is it strategic importance to the u. s. at this moment? is it more about geo political objectives of the united states, or is it more about sort of an, an alliance and intrinsic alliance? the exact the lift is there is a big difference between your brain and his red fire. for the americans,
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your grand is used to stand the gas pressure because this is the cheapest one at the for the americans to conduct. also, it is used to control in eastern europe and to confirm the presence of the americans. however, the americans would never except for age range to be a, to use any will or to be defeated. never that, as we've seen already, your brain has lost more than 20 percent, but we started 3. and for the us, it is supporting not only your brand, but support a mobile, i guess for our shop to try and we can watch out. this is why it is important to see how the republicans went on our trump set. and above that you would stop the war contribution in bushing. these a 60 almost $61000000000.00 to the ukrainians is because they is a general policy to keep the role ongoing. and to make sure that there is
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a confrontation with russia and to try and consolidate nato and european from right . and as a reporter was just mentioning out of the states. i mean, she was saying that a 112 congress people voted no to that ukraine. a package which is much higher than expected, but we'll have to leave it there. elijah mine year. we thank you so much for speaking to us from paris, to southern gaza, or a parents have been emotional farewells to children killed and it is really year strike funerals have been held for the 10 palestinians who died in the attack on drop off. most of the dead were young children. just a warning viewers may find some of the images and thought about zooms reports. distressing to this mother, is it trying to accept the test on homes of gone? he's one of the children killed and that is really strike on the one family home in
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russell and southern guns. the the other women and children were also killed. and this attack can tell us to a neighborhood 12 year old plan as of to survive. that i mean, that's not what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming, but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris, 13 minutes later i was pulled out of the credit of the body of his daughter in disbelief to
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the hub backing is bad and what is your home then? to have the album unimportant unimed capital because they have an incentive despite international close to a band and plans for ground and agent of rough israel says it's going ahead with is offensive. the united nations has formed any operation that we're risk the lives of more than a 1000000 people have been shocked during the 60 this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes, not even in syria or rock or ukraine. nothing like what's happening here. this has never happened in history. palestinian parents in gauze i have been living with the dread of losing their children for months. but you can prepare them for the final
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good by the suffering here has no live talk since is will launch. it's devastating will back in october. and now, here, as it's on the protest and they dropped like many palestinians are worried about the likelihood of even more unbearable civilian ducks. carrick, up as an owl, just a rough, rough southern garza, i'm taught it now, is joining us from what i foster talk to was thought about the latest air strikes since you filed that reports under wrapped around. it's definitely a dairy and a very terrifying day. you got to it was full, can see all the intensification of is very plumbing, a bombardment and strikes that target to different areas. of course, this trip now in the past hour we have clearly observing more attacks could have carried out on the nother. at part of the goal is a storm, specifically on the southern part of gauze. a city where as a to a neighborhood has been hit along side with a house in
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a shop to refuge account that was completely destroyed on. similarly, the bottles and fighting are still ongoing. does people and residents in most i rocked refuge account, have been confirming that the military had been firing elimination of flies in this kind of the northern parts of them was a rock truck. you did come. it's on the top a bu, soon reboot. bob mentioned shooting in that area. now these people have been trapped on the, the east verify us instead of the hours of this day, as new casualties are arriving to unlocks the hospital to receive medical treatments while in the south and funding and a city ought to re up apartments continued based on targeting and agriculture alarms, while we have been reporting barrage of rockets being fired by the palestinian groups towards these very communities are of the are a jason to jobs was fence. that's have been a kind of retaliation to the ongoing is very farming company. and of course, the goal is a strict spot to now and rough,
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or we can only hear the buzzing of the is very military, drones on different areas as we have been earlier reporting on this. medicare activities are still ongoing and that every night happens with a clear indication to set up what to ensure military attacks of to be carried out within the coming out. i've also thought it thank you for that update from it of well, what's happening in tel aviv is that there is really for testers who have now gathered to demand an early election, as well as the release of captives were held in gaza. and earlier on, saturday, dozens of left wing is really organizations demonstrated outside the entrance to a military prison. and that's where hundreds of palestinians arrested in gaza are being held will bringing out a 0, stephanie decker. stephanie are joining us from tel aviv here at the scene of these process. tell us how turn out is and what, what different testers are calling for a yes or at the side of where the main protest was held that
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dispersed around 20 minutes ago, half an hour ago. because they have very tightly controlled hours when they're allowed to protest, there's one more happening just a little further down from here that's also due to and soon when these protests start has many, many months ago, it was really the hostage families that were cooling for an immediate b, a deal to release the hostages to turn out today was around $10000.00 or so do a much more of those days. but the momentum has somewhat maintained every saturday since then. and the goals are different. you now have what we used to be just return the hostages become more political. you were mentioning they're saying they want early elections. they want this government to go. they want basically a lot of people here saying prime minister benjamin netanyahu was in charge of october. the 7th, he is responsible and he needs to sign down. there was also a smaller anti war protest here. this is something that has less call, but if you all that was just more about some of the plaque cards saying, occupation and democracy do not go hand in hand. but the main message from people
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is that this government needs to do more to bring the hostages home. it's 7 months into this. more many people here believe that because prime minister benjamin netanyahu knows that his political days are numbered when this war is over, that he is playing the long game just for his political survival of the message from here is that they need to do much more to bring the hostages home and of course the question mark well, surveys, how many of them are still alive? ok, stephanie, thank you for that update from color. these will not bring him home with my city. he's a media studies professor and political analyst at the door. hot instances for graduate studies. welcome back to alta 0, these demonstrations. but stephanie was talking about until these have been going on for months. really. do you think that they're going to make any difference, any sign that they're pressuring us on yahoo, whatsoever is why i think it's important to note that these people, for the most part, as stephanie was reporting, they're not against the war effort. in fact,
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in fact there's an overwhelming amount of support in israel for the war on guys are . in fact a majority of is rarely is don't think it is really military is using enough force in gaza. so this is something that is limited to benjamin netanyahu, whether or not it has an impact. well, you know, i guess that remains to be seen but 6 months and it hasn't had 6 and a half months now and hasn't had much of an impact. i think that that yahoo is winning politically in israel by extending the war. and what happened, what happened in the united states today with his vote in, in congress is going to give him further a ammunition, literally and figuratively. that's what i wanted to talk to you about. in fact, is this will happen in congress at the us passing that bill for israel, which biden says he's going to sign into law. how do you explain bite and stance? considering his own phone numbers are plummeting internet election year. yeah, i mean, it's really fascinating and, you know,
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i think for professor john mearsheimer said it best. he said that we've never seen anything like the us israel relationship. the so called special special relationship in the history of world politics. right down to the us. i think almost by consensus of analysts outside the us doing things that hurts us interest. it's not in the best interest of the united states to lose the global standing, the way that they have in the last 6 and a half months. it's not in the us the best interest to be sending billions of dollars to israel when it can't even finance some of its own domestic economic agenda. it's not in the us. best interest. it's not in democrats, best interest to lose an election to, to donald trump, and as you just mentioned, there's a real risk of that happening now. if you look at the, not only the pulling data, but if you look at what happened in the primaries with all these, um, these people who work coming out the vote in wisconsin and, and, and michigan and minnesota and elsewhere, including an important swing states,
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basically protesting saying that they were uncommitted, so there's that we have a number of data points now to suggest that by the end is in a lot of trouble. and we have a lot of evidence to suggest that the us is a die hard support for israel doesn't serve as interest, so i don't have any good answers for you. i wish i understood better what that calculus was. of course, as your previous guest was saying, part of it has to do with the lobby. but part of it has to do quite frankly with us calculations. but us has made a decision to marry itself to israel in this way. and when it comes to any sort of ceasefire talks, we know that they're at a stall made a stalemate. both sides, you know, refusing to budge on, on the conditions that they've assessed. and to think that there could be anything going on perhaps behind the scenes at this point to try to move things forward. i don't think so. i mean, i don't see why i can, you know, let's look at from us 1st. i don't see why, how mass would agree to a temporary truce, only to see is real and further destroyed garza and carry out that was what was put
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forward in the latest proposal. absolutely, i mean they are adamant that's their 1st and main condition that they're not willing to bend on. and i think you can understand why they don't want in genocide to continue. and his real hasn't remained adamant for their part, but they are not going to stop this war under any circumstance until they declare victory. whenever that, whenever that might be. and i think we have to start taking what benjamin netanyahu settings all the way back in december. a lot more seriously at that time he said that he thinks that this war is going to go through 2024 at least. and we just have to ask, you know, what would remain of gaza. um, you know, and another 6 months from now. okay. and how many must we? thank you so much. i is still out on the else. is there a news our the a 2nd day of is really military raising the occupies westbank targeting policy and the news sun rains and floods this place more than
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a 100000 people in burn the forty's calling for help on 23 chinese winners for sticking this hotel and fix despite testing positive for band substance, peter will explain why in the low there's been more flooding in southwest. saudi arabia once again and ask for profit. and so you get that much rating that fast water logged roads here. still the threat of more rain falling along the huge as mountains here in southwest saudi arabia. also around you have been seen some verse of rain, so there's been flooding in the capital sign up, for example, closer look at the radium peninsula. it shows us other than that, it is fairly calm. the winds are picking up though for the eastern province of saudi arabia. it's also a dusty and hazy pitcher inc. weight at 36 degrees. then we've got this triangle of
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heat from baku ask about to tater on. in fact, per box. this could be record heat for the month of april, the number to be $27.00. and we've got your pencil the in for 28 on sundays. and showers move in on monday, so that will press down your temperatures after that what day and it's stumble on sunday. the weather is danced away, but still a few clouds and showers never really too far away from his stumble and with disturbed weather around a barrier that's dropping down. rain in some morocco, i think fit as for see quite a helping of rain. while there has been some flooding and bare room day more than a 100000 people displace, there's still more rain to go on sunday. and for southern africa it's calm. but if you showers around the west, lawrence and the eastern k provinces, the have been at the forefront a progressive change, the locked in america. this time the slides were made high as,
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as violence against gender and sexual minority. i comes of windows irene to these 2 young women who have taken place in route to establish great to freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as level series attempts to understand and talents. the idea is that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on out just now let me tell you, almost suffice. cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here. like coming here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space. people look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also somebody probably equal resort to mean gun the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the top stories on the out was 0 news. our, the us house of representatives has passed the for an a package worth $95000000000.00. it will provide assistance to ukraine's by one israel on gauze. all funerals have been held for the 10000 units who died in the attack on ref, off. most of the dead were young children. israel continues targeting the city where half of the strips population for sheltering is really for testers, have gathered until the visa demands in for the election and the release of captains housing also earlier on south what 8000 is demonstrated outside the entrance to the military prison were of hundreds of palestinians,
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arrested in gauze are being held at least 10 palestinians have been killed in a 2 day long is really raid in the occupied westbank. there has been gun fire and explosions throughout the day into the cut in mass. the rest have been made of the nations refugee camp is really forces also rated several homes and use filters to destroy homes, shops and other critical facilities. we thought that he has more frontier. he said, no, i'm being says have been able to verify the number of the killed, the even some of them according to local sources, have not been able to be carried out outside of that or for jake. i'm so maybe the number would be much higher. we really don't know, because as the situation remains this key and intense, it's hard for us to know what's happening inside and even the people who we've been speaking through that with mrs. inside the refuge account, they've been saying that they've also have difficult to expand, leaves or hose to know what's happening outside as this operation in this
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a photo and that a few g. com answer is more than a 40 hours now with palestinians say they've been confined to their homes with these really forces have been reading one house after another conducting address and a field investigations. but we've just seen a video, basically and reported me is that is the members of the battalion saying that their own lives, including the head of the nordstrom's, but cindy and who has been deemed to someone who was wanted not just on a scale of tooth cut in but also on the scale of the occupied to us bank as a whole. now, if indeed the members of the battalion are alive, this gives us an idea of the fact that the operation is continuing. these really wave is continuing. so maybe the failure of, let's call it if so, of
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a rush thing. those a want to palestinians could be related to the fact that this a fault on that because you can't, this read is continuing. it's not the 1st time that the refugee, that this refugee camp of nations and to cut him a or is seeing those ways just in january. we've been here and waiting for the 3 day rate. so that a few jacob, when we've seen really a lot of colors to me, is saying that they've been tortured to being beaten up during those fields, interrogation and at us. but from the videos we've been seeing, coming out of that i've seen g comes, the level of destruction. seems to be much and much higher than anything we've seen before. and for some palestinians, they believe that this destruction of the infrastructure is one way is really forces is making life more and more difficult for palestinian. specifically, those who decide to go through that out of armed resistance,
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such as the group here in to cut in the north shims arms battalion in iraq. at least one person has been killed and 20 others have been injured in a large explosion. bloss top and south of the capital bank died in the battle province. the us, as it wasn't behind the explosion, or some up and dropping it has more from baghdad. this is the damage and the culture military base between baghdad and bottled the explosion killed at least one feature of dependability. popular mobilization forces and included as the us sent to come on, denied reports that it was an american attack. an investigation is underway, but soldiers at the banks have the series of thought that many can not put them off to the american forces with you to that they carried out. the bombings here is the often matter. this is what resulted from the huge exposure. and this is the crate to created by the last how my statement condemned the attack calling you did violation of the 70 from us as it was the bite in administration responsible for the escalation, the what the interrupt,
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the security officials are adamant that it was an accident until now. i'm sure it's too much clearly to talking about what's going on. but we're talking about right now with the teams. the teams right now they worked 24 hours from yesterday night until now. and i think maybe after the little time they can tell us and we can't tell the itself the problem every and i'm sure, and we try some of our courses. we kinda protect our country, our board, go on the people on the or sensitive ton system or against. hi. so many a strong sped amenities have been formalized into a sense of change among the umbrella group of scientists called the popular mobilization forces works under the prime minister's office. but it only group such as it is lubbock resistance still have a major presence. they maintain, they'll attack us and is where you can trust the water and gaza. what attacks in the air on escalate? what on average, of course,
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we do not want to embarrass the government with this issue. this is why we see ours is supportive rule, the rockies logic resistance have carried out more than 400 attacks. and we continue to target israel via drums of the occupation expands worth russell. this lumnick resistant will escalate this operations to walk through a few confuse the wrong can publicly display its political and military influence. and that rule, iraq, the politics and security, is a major challenge for leaders who have to balance the of close partnerships with breast and allies, including the united states. the latest incident comes and hides intention in the region. there always fear that there on the united states, and israel could use it soil once again for the approximate welfare and the tax, which is the one in bible carries the risk of igniting far reaching incentive, the consequences that might be beyond your marketing. and so some of the driving down to 0 to the central african republic malware wouldn't both capsize on friday,
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killing dozens of people. it happen near it's capital bungie video shows the boat carrying more than $300.00 passengers moments before it began sinking. and many are seen trying to swim a shore while others tried to reach them using small boats. at least 58 people have drones. run d is appealing for international help. after heavy rains displaced nearly a 100000 people and destroyed farm lands. rain has fallen without lit up since september, after the in nino weather event extends the annual rainy season across the region. if this i'm going for reports on some of the worst affected and the eastern african country, consistent rains have so much parts of this church. and the entire neighborhood along with it. these houses have got tuned in western burgundy cannot only be accessed by boat flood waters have cut off this families from the world. oh,
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that's about the war to hit us. and we have to look for a place to build a shelter, but we couldn't find any way because the water was already everywhere. we came here, but there wasn't not much water yet. we built along platform, according to the height of the water covered at the top holdings. dofer's village sits near lake don ganita, which has been overflowing, the resulting deluge put nearly a 100000 people on the move, destroyed crops and critical facility. thousands of people have died in neighboring pens in the and within 300 life stuff with lost in kenya in the past several days. it's all due to el nino and naturally occurring weather event hitting east africa, causing months of increased rainfall, land slides, and hail storms and environment ripe for waterborne diseases. without a movie, we have a problem, not only with housing, but we're drinking water to 6. when we suffer from illness caused by unsanitary conditions assisting the authorities in burgundy,
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dealing with limited resources are now calling for outside help. they say 300000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. if do some good food, i'll just 0. a millions of people in ecuador will go to the polls on sunday to vote on a referendum put forward by president daniel nimble. and he's urging voters to approve new security measures to tackle the rise of violence in the country. teresa bow reports the morning and grief by loved ones at the funeral, familiar closely sentence. he was killed this week by a knowing assailants in the town of coming to bones, hembry cuz he nick wild. son just had been in office for less than a year. he skating is just another example of the serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum. precedent then, you know, war is asking voters to back the measure as
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a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you? send me was brother, he hope suppressed and we'll get the back and he needs that goes into the, the late eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and they didn't do anything. since taking office last year, president, many and noble, i declared a state of exception and deployed beyond forces to fight the drug. cartels that have increased their control. overlarge parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's room or is that there could be another attack? this is an area that is controlled by a criminal group. no, no, no, no. they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america,
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and violence has transformed once quiet countries like it, whether or and that's why noble. i says he wants the military to patrol with a police, expedite a tooth criminals among other measures. to do that, he wants to reform the constitution. it does he s one moment they'll have to click them. they are moments that will mark it before and after. in the history of our nation as a quick dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice. the seal analysts say the voting on sunday is a test. how much support the president has yet was advanced up. we're seeing the ceiling around 70 percent of the country supports the security measures, but only 40 percent support the president. according to our measures of the military on the streets is a patch to a bigger problem because mafia is, are controlling the dictionary. the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your sanchez was taking place. we've heard about the killing of another mayor about an hour from where we,
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where it's another reminder of why so many people are affected by violence. once the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it and make sure that what happens here won't happen again. police, i will just see them coming up on somebody gets one on the still ahead on the all the 0 news, our tens of thousands take to the streets of henry in protest against the effects of mass tourism and the beijing half marathon winter stripped off his metal find out why with peter and sports the hard, he came into the use of the aisle seat, suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said,
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all facing realities government seems here to whittle down on democracy and this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era, how well it's a threat, but who pays the price? when are we came to clean? it new orleans more than $1200.00 for black people lost their lights. not a single rich american lost in like the real cost of the climate emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people, but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the higher of the
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the thousands of people in china reese have been protesting against the effect of mass terrorism in the canary islands. they say the current model is damaging the archipelago is ecology. sonya gays or reports it is a sector that the canary islands has come to depend on while tourism has been approved for the economy. and many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental anymore and anybody else? so this i put out, i think we have the territory of a saturated with construction, as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the poll tourism is taking on residents is too heavy
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to bat. rising prices designed for tourists and hikes and property prices mean so many life on these islands is too expensive. forcing them to leave the homes to find work elsewhere. this is a little for you to look at is not the only the tourism projects. it is a fuse, it is a precarious work. it is in employment because the weariness of the people who are tired of it. several environmental organizations are back in the demonstrators, demands for 2 or 3 holes in the islands tourism sector. some for testers have even taken parts and hunger strikes in a bit to force the government to tackle issues such as the impact of mass tourism and we'll just supplies waste management and health services. that's the average wages betty able to cover the rising rents. i could be say it is leading to an increase in social exclusion with some lower paid workers resulting
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to sleeping in the vehicle local stores. he said that the rise of tension aimed at the tourism industry. won't affect visited with the islands receiving a record number of holiday makers last year. the stream may prove too much for those who live that sonya jago. i'll just say a rough time for an update on the sports news. here's peter 13. thank you so much, man. just the city o 3. so the f a cut final offer. one know when of a chelsea at a wimbley the any goal of the guy came lights, but all the silver slugs, the home of the 8 to 4 minutes full city. pick audio his main or still on close to the table, the things and i think already won the fee for the club will cup and of course they have very much and contention for the premium. be tied to this point by meaning progressing in the champions league. they're still looking for a new coach to replace thomas to collect the end of the season with chevy, alonso and who the on the novels moment now for the table. who will they look to now?
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we spoke to dave brad exports corresponded for jim and told cost the door to villa . it's a good, he's take the most recent rumors that are really flying around are certainly around savings of dog or france player and we on the trip coach. and if they can get in, i think that would probably be the biggest to get the keys. one of the champions league 3 times straight. you know, a 100. he's also sort of the big name, a highly accomplished star player and codes that i think the buyer really see is who they should be looking for outside of the. so don, and they also remember to be interested in trend, austria and former outlets in manchester, united coach following on this, i think she only where it is typically successful and he's also supporting director, not just a coach. so that might not be a perfect fit. and asked him to approach and i every is awesome. and remember a basic kind of have
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a long list of some of the biggest names and coaching that happened to be available or not as long and along as case, not anymore. the winter of last sundays, beijing hoff meredith and has been stripped of these middle and prize money off to any investigation consumed. 3 other runners had slowed down to lift and when the race, the inquiry concluded that to canyons and one that you can actually deliberately reduce the pace, allowing china is he g to take victory? the african trio who finished joins. second, had also had bay middles revokes especial committee setup to investigate the results. so the full run is had originally been hired as pacemakers by a sponsor. but the main organizes of events had not known this hold on. one of those pacemakers did not finish the main organize. it is also losing its rights to host the race as punishment for a me while it's now being revealed that $23.00 chinese swimmers were cleared to compete at the tokyo with empty games. despite, with turning positive doping tests,
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it'll straight and use paper has reported on these assets testing positive for hawk medication. that of training can, before the totes, you and then picks water and chinese so far as he's agreed that the tastes had been contaminated. and that is how they were allowed to partake in tokyo, trying to swim is $16.00 metals including 3 and colds at those games on the plan. so says broken, he's own will re quote in the poll, volts in the 1st time and leave me some of the season. the 3, the chief it, and he's 1st defense in charmaine. he's 6.2 for me to if it's breaking the 6.23, and he says he sits in september. it's the 8th time is broken, the will record these 1st with 6.17 meters in 2020. the tucson ruled out to champion still has moved in 3 months to go before he defends. he's a limbic title in paris. crazy. it's crazy that they're trying to comprehend everything. you know, if there was my my 1st time coming here in china and it was really just trying to,
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trying to enjoy the moment and trying to put on it's going to show us i can and that there's always a little bit of a different pressure when you jump in a new stadium in front of a new crowd to to, i'm grand slams industry. i've been going to move it with the has announced the time and from the sport. the 50 year old was victoria set. the 2016 french open and 2017 wimbledon. those victories also made the spaniards the only plan to defeat each william's sister in a slam. final group has not played since january 2023, to get them in the most of the scale. you know, it has been a long and beautiful career. it has been a career full of anecdotes and moments ago. i could speak about so many of them. but i'm feeling that it is time for me to retire and to open a new chapter in my life. meanwhile, the covered, well the yes, the own sake has been eliminated from the stuttgart open. you may not be back in a defeated the polls. 6346, and 63. incessant, a semi final, it's few on sex 1st. if it defeats epis tournaments,
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read back into the coming out on top, 3 to define will be here. so for, she'll take a mazda close to in the final and on the main, so it gets through this new to the boss alone opened final blo region defeated thomas small to it's a very 76 and 6 for you will say 7 of $65.00 in sunday's final next step and will be the man to beat once again at the chinese go on pre. he won the 1st spring cray. so before me to one season before securing po, position for sunday's main race, tom sizes and pads, the action they've done, and that's the max, the step in victory in the sprint. right. so it's just another opportunity to create space between himself and the rest of the field and the drive, the standings, and not the right points in the bag. and a 15 point lead of a teammate associated perez and securing pull position and qualifying means it's difficult to see any one stopping him on sunday. the sprint rates, it gave us a few more ideas for the car. and i think the call worked even better in a qualifying now. so yeah,
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definitely very happy with how the whole of qualifying waiting because really nice to drive. so qualifying went to plan for red bull, but not mercedes louis hamilton. he was knock south and key one for the 1st time in 2 years despite finishing 2nd in that sprint race, i'll give him a shot. i think it's pretty bad. but when i was making the set up changes, i can get it to. he's been a day for color signs. charles mccloud, wasn't happy with him off to this move in the race. but then an impressive recovery for the men leaving for right the end of the season signed, spun off in q 2, which pro us out the red flag. he was able to replace his front wing and carry on to finish the 7th and qualifying. and that's one behind the cook, tell us what it would be till the lead me to today. in the past the, we've had all the fights with. sometimes i was hoping that the me sometimes you or somebody me today, i think it's uh on the side and we'll have to discuss like we always doing these kind of situations, stuff and distorted, imposing every right. so for the season, he becomes the 1st driver since make
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a heck them in in 1999 to do that in 15 races. his teammates. so is your parents joins him on the front row. so he was disappointed not to take poll. i couldn't get a good read through qualifying with a little upset of changes adjust accordingly and unfortunately they were not enough . that was red bulls 100 pole position the same venue they got best 1st in 2009. they'll be expected to seal the $1.00 and $2.00 on sunday pump size and i was just 0. the lineup will be in the title says now continue, says the miami, he took the final seat in the eastern conference with the victory against the chicago bulls, toddler, who wrote maybe the $24.00 when the playing tournaments elimination game was one sort of a triple double and this was one of those not assessed, so it's the heat we're in control throughout the contest. i'll face the best in the east, the boston celtics, in the 1st round playoff series. and that's what was boats for the time being during. thank you so much, peter. well, a group,
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as soon as any artist who lost everything in the war and found themselves in a camp for the displaced inside of school, had been turning hardship into opportunity. how much all has their story from the north eastern city of ports? through dawn they were only able to bring a few of the musical instruments, say to him at 1st the type of thing and faith to escape with colleagues from the fight to whom vermont and ended up in port. so then after a long, treacherous journey from a classroom that serves us both home and workshop, they say the trying to do 5 so that it's lost memory for good. and if you, it can be either the mood you within the last was huge. it least 5 of our colleagues have been killed. the majority of those to survive have left to dawn on sort numbers or diminishing and very few remain. who mass are the skills required for a continuation of the cultural heritage that we try to preserve as the above?
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i found this quote, quote you on a group of to come to the city. harrison educational play commission by a local and you were getting the government. i mean, as a large number of performance staying together, we had either to sit idly by is displaced to individuals wasting for handouts, for as creative people in that stop doing something b. and these teams say they chose the 2nd option and began producing see it taking place inside the account. it allowed them to generate some income, and at the same time to start the process of healing for themselves. and the displays community, the impact on the throne that these people have to deal with or how to measure. i get a fighting between this within his army and the office of both forces have to call tube and other cities into a wasteland, including all aspects of comfortable life. i'm headed. i would highly admit that the from that even the after the war has up roost at the office and lift them homeless and refugees is destroyed. the entire cultural
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infrastructure of the country, including theaters, museums, and find out institutions for the. yeah, we lost everything and our belongings, our homes, our civil documentation, the wall has stolen from us out beautiful memories and the best moments of our life and even our loved ones, including my own brother. but i mean, a lot of artists have a way of coping with hardship, with other will victims, mental, tough, you know how to set up, whether it's good to have the title of my paintings, quote fine engine oil destroyed. but what's inside me is to hear my wishes that god helps our country and that i can contribute to the forming of a future generation that will take us in the right direction. but tonight it's about the time of the come, the axis of dissipation, $305.00, up to 0. so that the thanks for watching the news,
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our on out 0. so it for me, for the time being. but mary, i'm the mozy is with you in just a moment. you'll have much more of the day's news and all the latest headlines. thanks for watching all those 0 bye bye. for now the god promised abraham. this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forever. more right here in my back yard sales as americans present here. there is some realtors here victoria, that was your act. central michigan. we have people here from united states, from russia, from india, from germany, to junior findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on it. just yeah, that's all i could say. the lowest don't, the growth has destroyed many. the cities, water buttons in a race against india is booming water shortage. an engineer turns water
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conservationist takes on 616 was one lake at the time catching the rain in india. that lakes alive a witness documentary on a jersey to the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the hawk. there was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalist skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the providence of holding anyone accountable for the death shooting. the messenger $10.00 to 0, this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. a ship with global sustainable tourism comes to
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this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view. rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties. the us house of representatives approves minute tre packages with tens of billions of dollars. ukraine, israel and taiwan. the hello, i'm sorry, i'm demising. this is alger 0 at life from the house are coming up on the program, thousands of people a back out on the streets and had a lease to protest against these writing the governments handling of the war on
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