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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems cost on request. the mass grave is discovered in con, unit 7, gaza, at least 210 bodies have been recovered weeks after these really ami went to the play. you're watching l g 0 live from. don't have with me for the vegetable also coming out the he's really, as strikes hate the gaza strip from north to south. at least 14 people, mostly children killed in
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a rough funerals in the occupied westbank for the palestinians. killed during a 3 day is really operation. and in other news, i for dorian sold in a referendum a, the giving security forces sweeping powers to fight. so in violence and organized. the thank you for joining as palestinian emergency services have discovered mass graves in con eunice, southern gaza, at least 210 bodies have been found buried on the grounds of the nice and medical complex. international law experts have total down to 0. these could amount to war crimes, cutting my mood reports from the site and connie of this early into, or thousands of palestinians to crack the from is really attacks in the nozzler hospital in han use. now, many of them are buried here. civil defense, the crews have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex
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. now while as to looking for her son's remains and the has on just monday, i am here to find a buddy of my son. his name is a lot, it might sell him out of town. his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from our way more than once and on foot, but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces withdrew from han, eunice on april. the 2nd, after 4 months of intense raids in air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass and graves, it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shuddered from behind. execution is by others were found with their hands tied behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on? i don't know yet when, when are they going to join? the identified bodies were delivered to their families and we civil defense. keep the undefined bodies take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we
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buried another mouth and grave, yet more palestinian bodies. over 3 of the from this side was named by not be remembers, their identities are largely lost and on not a president in war last but remembered. those who have been identified will now receive a proper farewell for countless others. the search continues. more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip. most of them women and children anymore. most of the, of the, of the southern gaza. for the know if it has been a major attack and guys, a city of the witnesses captured the moment of impact of an is really a strike in a residential area. the health ministry says at least 48 people have been killed across guys in the past. day it takes the total number of palestinian scale to more than $34000.00. that into is more than $14500.00 children. that's get the latest
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without a 0, sorry, cup was whom whose life from a roof in southern gaza. so bring us up to speed terry crestwood, what's been happening on the ground these last few hours yes, fully intact to the inside that goes district has been completely tax by these 20 minutes mean within the past couple of hours they have fits in place in the news in the middle areas in here, and it pops off of this trip now, starting with the most of the gaza strip as these really minutes. we have talked to the eastern part of the value refuge account and they have been since applying that tax on demand, keep central neighborhoods of kansas city including up to 5. and this is yeah, yeah, neighborhood, these areas where the medically previously have up to the rates it's and then they have not coast collateral destruction and damage to the entire residential areas in that part of kansas trip. but clearly what we can see is that in the middle areas, the author, the re bombardment, according to eye witnesses,
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that they did not stop since the hours of this morning were casualties have been transferred to a lock so hospitalized that result of the east valley artillery from bottom until the eastern areas of dairy by another at cox, hold on the rocks a refuge account. as the sp specing of the locks, the hospital has been saying that they have been struggling to identify the bodies of you to the great deal of destruction being made and resulted from these by the tax on that could be clearly obvious and such bodies. how's the family's cannot completely identify them now, while in the south here, these very minutes we had been bouncing or the residential house is getting at least more than 20 palestinians, only in rough. all right. in the past 24 hours, i was going to ask you about rough or more specifically tired because they're a 4th going fears of news really, military invasion of off i'd, you get a sense there's an increase in, in military activity and southern gospel. well
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that's practically what we see on the ground. like within the past couple of days, he asked twice about talking to every counsel, nonsense, even residential houses with high rates of casualties among civilians. under the same time, you can clearly hear the ongoing buzzing of the minute, treat surveillance of drones that do not usually leave this kind of roof i district recently as part of their home building intelligence gathering in a, in, in the territory here we have, we also hearing from the east very ministry spokesperson that the is really military chief of a stuff has passed and it should move ministry plans to further operations in the southern territories. as long as they are also enabling the troops on the ground to provide the feel for potential military operations, which could be signed for a great, a preparation to stop the men to treat encourage in here a rough ahead. that's what palestinians and russell have been saying, that's the situation in the atmosphere right now is a clear reminds of the earlier phase with the manager operations costs. it's
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a fairly in con units that they have been right now, living the same conditions again as the is as the as well the site has been allowing for building mid shift filters in the city of con. you just recently, terry, thank you very much for that. that sounds, this is terry capitalism reporting that live from a roof i in southern gaza. meanwhile, israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu has blamed tomas for the failure to reach a ceasefire deal that would allow for the release of he's really capt is in gaza. he vowed to for the increase pressure on her mouse in the coming days. so let's all the other so unfortunately, until now, the old proposed list of the release of all hostages have been outright rejected by some of them do. that's why the us secretary of state, rightly said from us, refused all the officers that were made to, according to him on the only thing preventing a deal that would release the hostages boxes from us to come instead of bucking down from it's extreme positions. so home i must build on division between us and
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drills and encouragement from the pressure directors out of the is randy government . him we will deliver additional and painful blows on from us. and that will happen soon. in the coming days, we will increase the military and political pressure because this is the only way to free our hostages and the chief victor public. francisco stays latest development style isn't coming to mastery. who's a media studies professor and political analysts at the door institute for graduate studies. very good to have you as always. so next now says these really military will increase the pressure on how mos in the coming days. those a is words. do you think of invasion of rafa is inevitable episode each? i think so. i think so, it seemed and it seems like it's, it's eminent um will remember that israel's been warning for many weeks now that it was going to invade it off off. and then a few weeks ago, it said that it had had, had identified a date, a specific date for its invasion. more recently, there have been reports to suggest that the united states may have signed off on
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the invasion of it off off in exchange for israel, not escalating with, with iran. so it seems like something is inevitable. and as a leak, us diplomatic cable warned in march and invasion, overall fi would have a quote, catastrophic humanitarian consequences. and so what exactly are they trying to achieve with this invasion of profit? as you say, we've been hearing about it for months now that an invasion of rafa would happen that this is what they want, but what is the end game and what would constitute a victory for israel? right? with this invasion of profit, if it happens right? well, i think there are a few different ways to look at it on, on one level, this has been to quote har, it's the liberal newspaper in israel. they said this has been a total defeat for israel, the war, the war and cause a cell from one perspective. they can try to sell if it's something out of it militarily, right? maybe about the rescue and hostages, maybe that's going how most leaders and other possible things that they could point
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to as evidence of victory, right? that's one way to look at it. another way to look at it more cynically is what i've been talking about for months and many others have as well as that. israel's ultimate in game is to try to make life and livable for guidance. so that is real, can implement, it's greater israel plan. that means transferring the population out of cause. and this is why at the beginning of the war, they started bombing the north and they told people moved in the south. exactly. and then they started bombing themselves, and now they're gonna apparently invade the south. the southern most part of, of cause are, so that's keeping in line. and then we also remember that israel started to ask those questions of the international community. why won't you take precautions in why won't egypt open open its borders and take the thousands in, in the same way that people took in the syrians when there was a war? been syria. so this is part of a greater plan. the greater israel plan, the idea is to transfer the population outside of gaza. and that involves from
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these rarely perspective chewing as many people as they can get away with not. and then yahoo was talking a few months ago if you remember in the war cabinet about quote, sending out the populations. but the americans had expressed their objections about this invasion of raffle was change. why would they have now given israel? what, what looks like the green light to go ahead and, and pursue this. well, there are 2 things. so 1st of all, it's possible that these reports are accurate and right they've been reported in is really media american media and other global media that the us has agreed to the off invasion. now, after weeks of objecting and exchange for israel, not escalating with iran and we see that iran, i should, i should say, israel's response to iran was, was pretty measured, was a pretty mild attack by, by or response by israel's standards. and the other thing is that we've seen for 6 and a half months now that is real, doesn't seem to care too much what the united states says. and so this might just
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be the, the us acknowledging that it, that it doesn't have leverage or it's not willing to use this leverage with israel . ok, mama, or mice are we leave it there for now. thank you very much for talking to us monitor. most recently designed to shoot for graduate studies. as not general strike has been declared across the occupied westbank after a 3 day. is there any rate killed? 14 palestinian say. hundreds of people turned down for the funeral of the victims in nor shines refugee camp and took around. it was one of the worst he's really rates in recent months. is where the forces have now killed $486.00 to means in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th address here is new that abraham reports from the north shines refugee camp into a crime any occupied westbrook, the nor some sort of. huge recap, has turned into one large workshop with 1st responders are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 days to that are few decals
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as you can see here. every thing has been affected. when we talk about the electricity, the water, the rows that have been completely destroyed, but they know that the repairs will take months of no more to be fixed. so this is a different situation than any other res, seem inside the account. they're used to is ready for destroying the infrastructure . but the scale of this, um, it was something they never said before was coming to somebody. even during the 1960, the 2nd, the roads never looked like this. they want to take us decades back into the club so they can take off the public. this is pure event. it is our enemy and has been damaged in our lives since 1948. and i'm not 54 years old. and i've only been seen the ugliness and torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were asleep. the ami suddenly winton, when my sister opened the door,
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she saw an odd sort of show and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned so one big morning. how's that? my son was late here some more than 6 hours and is rarely snipe acute in the open. the window medics were shot when they tried to take his body. i stood next to him kissing him. good bye, haven't the positive fair efforts continue here. palestinians tell us there's no guarantee that the is really forces will not return here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure. so that home and so their lives need that, but he just the, that's what you're probably the west bank, the best center of the world news now and ecuador eons of voting in
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a referendum which could see tough and measure his impulse to fight surgeon, gun violence and use security measures put forward by president daniel and a boy i include deploying the army to tackle organized crime. the once peaceful south american country has been struggling with a shocking rise invited. instead i've seen too many scales just this week. let's go live to terry simple. who's outside of folding station in durand? theresa about 3 hours to go. i understand into voting ends. how has it gone and what are the expectations in terms of the result? the wireless you just mentioned, most of the people that we have spoken to here are extremely concerned about shocking violence. that's what they've been seeing in the past few years here in this country. as drug trafficking organizations have gotten involved, you know, sort of in the 5th period cuz not only drug trafficking of the gun lining, among other things in the past, 48 hours too many years were killed. one of them about 3 hours away from where we are right now. so people have been coming here saturday to vote in this referendum
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. it has 11 questions, but you can see that people come here and they have to vote for yes or no. and it could happen that some questions get the support of the populations another don't. most of the questions are related to secure the in the country, including, for example, the possibility of the police and the armed forces go carrying out, joining corporations about criminal organizations. another one would be expedited criminals to the country, but there's also some economic questions for us. and then you know, what would like to push further in the agenda. so this has been the whole military sation of the fights against cartels. and this country has been a major concern for human rights organizations. they fear, for example, that, that, you know, what could be me tell you to the restaurant from is psi lower my, you book it. and this is that concerned. but still, when you put talk to people here, most of them want to see the armed forces and the police in action. so what then is
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at stake for president and a boy. busy in this referendum teresa let's not forget that no roll out to call for the november last year for 18 months, or i'm a very short firm because he was replacing it away. former president, these animal, not so. so he's, there's not some speculation about the coming elections that are going to happen or the next year. and this referendum is going in the middle for example of on the left to because christ says where the government is rationing power. many of the people we have spoken to the are explicitly concerned about the local electricity, somebody having their home 3 for 5 hours every day. and that is an issue. and that's why many would not support some of the government semesters. the other issue, for example, that i've had an impact, and no more is the storming of security forces inside the mexican embassy to detain . a former vice president who is currently detained. and that is something that
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many of the people here have question to. however, there's lots of fake, not only in this referendum is about pushing laws with forming the constitution to fight against criminal organizations, but also how about how much support precedent done. yeah, no more currently has. thank you very much for that best 3 simple reporting that live from ecuador and still a head on algae 0. the government's health care reform lead to deep divisions in columbia. and a warning from finalizing the u. k. why they say food production will be significantly reduce the the have a lot of a, let's have a look at the weather over the next few days across europe and it has been feeling rather cool. thanks to optic winds, blowing down,
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keeping temperatures in places like sweden, well below the average, but we still have seen some rooms across the south west for spain and portugal will see temperatures continue to rise here in places like lisbon. as we go into the new we, we've also got some areas of low pressure that we're watching. one of those is brings winter. we conditions across the baltic states west to weather moving in snowden, pots of russia. and another area of low pressure is going to bring some pretty nasty weather to northern parts of a city with wintery conditions, with switzerland, as well as lavinia, and some very windy conditions for the south of this, for the likes of tuscany, as well as some of the a tally and islands, and west and pots of the mediterranean. now farther east of this, it is looking marched. why a full the balkans on monday. but by the time we get to choose that you can see that where's the weather starting to take hold of greece. and so the other countries around the like, oh bane. yeah, well the north west of britain and the island of island and improving picture. so
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williams coming back in with bright to spells, but it is set to get colder in sweden on monday and the so how is your vacation in this, the shelves, the chest. wow. the
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welcome back. and we count on that top stories on alger 0 policy and emergency services. a mass graves have been covered in con units in southern gaza. 210 bodies have been recovered so far. they were found buried inside the cities. nice and medical. complex is really military withdrew from the area on april. the 7th is ready as strikes, have kills thousands of civilians across casa rafa. and god and city have enjoy some of the heavy is a tax. more than 34000 people have been killed since the war began, including 14500 children and the ecuadorian sat voting in a referendum, which could see tougher measures impulse to 5 gang related violence and new security measures put forward by president donovan. a bo include deploying the army to tackle organized crime in columbia,
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the opposition has held the largest protests yet against president gustavo petros government. they're running against wide ranging social and economic reforms by the left when administration betral wants to reform the health care sector by cutting up private insurance and increasing state control. alexandra and kitty was at the protesting bobo, top of this has been by far the largest protest by the opposition against the government, the gustavo pro and its attempts to push forward the serious of the social and economic reform. and that would overhaul. in many ways, the way that they said to additionally conservative country is operates and in particular the protesters have been talking about their health reform is one of their main worries. the fact that the government, the proposal is essentially to cut out to the administrators that are these private,
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the health providers in the country and bringing much of it under control of the state. now that proposal also would like to increase prevention, increase coverage in remote areas, but the ceiling here among those who are protesting is that what the government says proposing good. well, i make this system less stable at a time when i is already running out of money. that's what they said um, but i think that the main takeaways here are that the right wing in the country has been as, as proven to have that that had, has become more and more successful and the mobilizing at its base and also on convincing the other people, other sectors of society, especially middle class and said the risk alone beyond that are feeling these content towards this government and to, and in cases that in some cases they've been voted for them. but they're now here,
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a protesting. so definitely to be a strong message for the government of gustavo paper about not one that i will probably be enough for the president to back down here already called for accounts or protests. the next may 1st of august, i'm that i'm get the address, the, you know, but the to ukraine surprised his info to me. is it lensky has faced the us house of representatives, surpassing a 61000000000 dollar age bill. it was spot of a major military package that also provided funds for israel, taiwan, and several other allies. the green hopes, the aid will hold the russian advances deeper into the country john, home and report some cave. ukraine have been waiting for this for months while it runs short shows on the front line. and the defense has to protect its power plants . without this u. s. military package, president below them is lensky said ukraine would lose the war. god will see, i think based support will really strengthen the armed forces of your brain and we
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will advocate chance for victory. great, not if you crane really gets the weapon system we would need so much reach there. thousands of soldiers need so much, and this age should not be just grad and can layer all over, but it has to end up in tangible weapons systems. 8 was $61000000000.00. 14000000000 in direct weaponry. you'd have been stuck in the house of representatives for 2 months, some republicans opposing even going to a vote. still need send it approval before being signed into law. but that seems a little bit guarantee that the more that the site is coming like we've got to bill the senate will approve it so, so that you can, can re gathered strength of the fight back against russia. then the question is, how soon the equipment can be on the ground. to the pentagon spikes person said
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that munitions could be moved within days. apparently, some of the west memories were ready in storage in europe, but it will still likely take weeks to get to you crane's front line military. and let's say that gives for us your window to continue pressing its current voltage to some time it's policies have been a balancing slowly but steadily. the way from re may be enough to hold the balance of the summer offensive ukraine says rusher is planning, but it's only a matter of time before the country with a guide. me to appeal for more us military. i don't home and out. does it a kid? several sub majority districts that holding a referendum that could remove ethnic albanian mass from power. they took office last year and it's vine and seems off to the previous serve may is resigned. let's take a closer look at the history that brought the region to this point. following the breakup of the former yugoslavia in the early 19 ninety's, the cost of a war and a need to intervention. so comfortable declaring defendants from sylvia in 2008. so
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it'd be, and it's all i russia didn't recognize that independence, although the us and many other countries did the majority of comfortable as population or ethnic albanians, but serv dominated areas in the north have a high level of autonomy. allergies, areas of need. i'm a ties report, some comfortable as capital for students. the residence of for service dorothy musick, validus in north of kosovo, have being called to cast their votes in a referendum to remove opinion may as that were elected in april last year on the very small turned off. so fully 4 percent following serves the white glove of local elections. like on the last few left while it was about the roof, the between the police and a local sub sewer center. this is something you may use from entering the municipal buildings. the violence in the north last year fled to then, to the tensions between the old foes comfortable. and so it'd be, as it'd be of those not recognized close to both in defendants and considered as
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the, as, as part of its 3rd story. and your has passed in those tensions occurred in the day, some 46000 voters in north of course. so we'll have a chance to vote in a referendum but could eventually lead to snap elections in those for me in this analysis. however, the serbian part is backed up advice to be all have once again called for a boy called and blamed comfortable prime minister. i'd been quoted for doing as they said everything he could for the vote to fail. now, possible prime minister has rejected the accusations and called for citizens to the north, the vault if they wanted to remove and they are from office now for that the succeeds, 50 percent of the overall number of voters is eligible. there's these need to vote in favor of these pro china leader has one control of parliament in a landslide. victory and sundays election. 6 political parties failed in nearly 370
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candidates for the 93 seats in parliament. lama noise was election as president last year escalated rivalry between india and china. as a result of his campaign to reject indian troops. it has always in southern china are bracing for what they say could be severe flooding, seen only once in a century, more than 80000 people have already been evacuated in long don't province. hello, which has been experiencing torrential rain since friday. several villages have been cut off by fund waters. the national weather service warrants, major storms are on the way for coastal areas. now to the u. k. way farm is a warning, carpios will be hate. after months of heavy rain within ty, i feel still under water in some areas food production is expected to be significantly reduced in an industry are already struggling with high f u. n. for july, the costs and he would re, for some lincolnshire, in the east of england. huge swayed prime english farm land under was
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a month suffered, devastating storm swept the country. the levels a slow, the receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago these fields resembled an inland sea . the only way to get to the house was by boat showed all the plans that should be great. farmer henry would find himself facing a financial bottle caused by massive storms and 18 months. super cold rain falls. this up, see the horizon, the, you know, i'm a young from a call a baby on the way trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to add the living is by producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in malls, so i can't do that and you get up every day to say your phones, you know, you're looking like this. and you just wondering, well how in a i'm a going to carry out. well, property can be insured against flooding crops in the ground. cons, so the estimate.


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