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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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gone now is the time to be directed to the creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic we do not, is it was the policy that we was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out of there, the and independent refuses, as well as you to provide any evidence for its claims that work is from the you ins, relief agency from palestine, who are involved in the type of 7 to mazda tax the, until mccrae, this is, they'll just say we're alive from doha. also coming up, as well as intelligence chief becomes the 1st senior official to resign, taking responsibility for friday as a stump. the type of 7th tax to
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include for donald trump will have the latest from the 1st is a criminal trial of a former us presidents and warnings of a once in a century. flooding in southern china about 80000 people had been moved to safety. the review of the united nations relief and websites and see if the palestinian refugees has found that israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of its accusations under employees and members of him boss and linked to the october 7th, the tax on israel area. the findings of the review, all of that in rise in place of birth, certificate number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of neutrality. so i show you property of a lot of systems on all the you are an organization. so addresses which
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is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult a situation which they operate and the uniqueness of the mission. there's always room for improvement. since the claim was made in january, many countries cops the funding to own right, including the biggest funds this the us germany and the u. under a simple, it's 5900000 people across 5 territories. gaza they occupied with bank living on jordan and syria, opened providing the basic necessities of life from food to schools and even infrastructure and refugee camps. literally, i spoke to francesca, open easy, who is the united nation special russell to on the al occupied palestinian territories. she said the findings of the colouring, the report of condemning is ro and not surprising. and once again,
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we have the someone say, don't forget to take a commission was investigated the israel's obligation saying that those obligations are not supported by evidence are on substantiate. and the i'm not surprised because i remember since my past we done wrong and things are not changed since 2011 and law has provided the least of stops. the vendors contracted by the agency every regularly at least once, if not twice a year to each row. and since 2011, there was never a complaint that anyone was associated a fee to, to any proof of the market for guys they sent all the, the reports to talk on that has recognized it on rock house that a significant number of mint condition and procedures to ensure compliance with neutrality. would you mind me try and principles?
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and in fact, when it comes to new trying to get you to have a system which is more advanced than not either seeming or u. n. entities on the 26th of january, the international court of justice issued for additional measures, recommending the, the delivery of humanitarian aid, which was published in augusta. and everyone knows everyone knows is read 1st and foremost, what is the only one who has the capacity to receive it to distribute flips because it makes infrastructure because of the distribution system because of its trust. and no, i mean, i mean, not a store. i can tell you, i continue not seeing the number, i can absorb the capacity of the aid and that is needed any be stored here on the use. this is responsible. it's also a breach in breach with the the measures ordered by the international court of justice. okay, well, so some of our couches professor of public policy,
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it how might been collect the university and joins us once again. thank you very much for the civil do you think is the purpose of this report? do you think it is actually even necessary in the 1st place is causing you to is this a story in terms of a it was needed by the you and to respond to as i was great, whether it has been helpful, i'm not sure it has drawn what we all suspected from the very beginning that there is, there are those the sorts of deflection x every now and then we saw the thing with the a, an embassy. now this was done before then and they quite like to get the world to focus on something else. but the major problem, the major problem remains, occupation. even this report is quite to divorce from the context in which on or uh, operates, and particularly within gather it to the chief who did the work and they don't look like they've come together. and they haven't really technical the issues that we so
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unfolding over the last 67 months. this organization has a particular context in which it's operates, where you cannot really maintain you, try to without also maintaining humanity, as, as of, as a basic principle of your images assistance. and for that also, you're required to have a degree of independence to be able to provide the assistance independently of the occupying force this so gonna position is operating under an occupation. so what you're saying, it's virtually impossible for it to be unusual because of the situation that they find themselves in the vast majority of them. they're obviously palestinians of the boat into the occupied guys it's, it's literally impossible. i think, i mean, look at one of the recommendations that are for talks about increasing the number of international stuff. yes. which goes very much against the whole global trends of localized nation. all the rest of the world,
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we're looking for more local stuff to be involved in just agencies for us because they're, they are cheaper to operate. but also they know the context and the of the commitment to sheriff and that is sends the wrong message, that neutrality is attached to being a foreigner, which is not the certification to try to use attached your experience to a principal as to what you live. these people cannot really pretend to be neutral politically and the see they shouldn't be killed and 150 of them were where salt turned over the last few months. so we have to be very, very careful about the context in which yeah, for sure, because of the did feel listening to the press conference and that was almost for go from that you know, more than a 150 of interest on stuff has actually been killed in this complex on the and dispatch and there are others have been killed in the past. yes. yes, cool. and they're all always harassed. i mean, the idea for exams that are part of it talks about the procurement and recruitment
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of stuff and inventing this stuff. as well as if there's a whole pool of people around the world who have access to guys who can come and be recruited by or says nonsense under what has been created specifically. it's not just the human to agents, it's a work agency as well. it does great it to create opportunities in order to keep the lead over the policy and issue. i mean has under one of the that i think the policy with habitable. it's a long, long time ago that we'd have the 4th for the, for the rights not only and doctor bunch of entries, but also 11 and jordan. so yeah, so, so it has in a way helped give them more free and if you like to, the other thing is to wait until the solution is presented to them. now what this lady wants to do is to take this kind of resolution away from them. okay, so then we'll have to leave with david as always we really do appreciate your your insight and told him himself about buttercup there. thank you. i as well as early as strong some central dogs. i have killed at least 8 palestinians and have injured
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more than 60 pellets. indians have reported intense bombardments in the area image and is ready operation that an el varies cap and then tie a residential block who's target is the southern city of ruffled 26 people have died over the past 24 hours is rarely as strikes at more residential buildings in the coast, indian civil defenses. it has uncovered 283 bodies from the temporary burial side inside nesa hospital and con eunice and the burial site was built when is ready forces around the medical facility. last month they said some of the people were killed during these ready siege of the hospital. the pain, i'm in the norman. hi, miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here. and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately, i haven't found my son's remains to anyone who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials. i
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can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. count for more on this tower closing, joins us live now from rafa in southern cancer. and tara, what more have you been able to learn about the discovery of even more bodies at this mess, dr. when you disturbing really. and that isn't seems just being imagine from nasir hospital in the city of con eunice as a police 73 buddies were recovered today. you from the graveyards of the hospital, that town to be mass grave for the hundreds of palestinians being buried. they just bringing the total to number of people being killed and buried in that area to reach 283 palestinian. some of them were elderly people, women and some of them also were wounded people with different signs of any of injuries on the body. as well as the same time though, so
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a civil defense teams alongside with medical workers are struggling to identify the, the buddies of these, of those people that's due to the fact that they have been killed. i'm buried in very deep sands on the, on the i, v is where the military had completely put biles of waste over the buddies. which seems that a number of these bodies to be decomposed as this is not the only incident by the way that has taken place regarding dropbox, it and the previous occasions and then other parts of the gaza strip and and then donation hospital to come out. i do on hospice alongside also with that she for medical facilities uh facilities similar situation of similar conditions have taken place there. where does the palestinians buddies were recovered from such areas? and that is the potential scenario that the minister pills alongside with palestinians in the southern part of gauze this trip are really terrified from if there is going to be any potential military and cogent because it will resulting to the full collapse of the medical health system. under the same time,
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hospitals will be the next target for the ministry as almost 500 medical workers have been killed since the beginning of this war till now. as a more bodies are still till now on discovered as people are trying. and some is trying to know where their loved ones are, where their family members are buried, or even taken to undisclosed location. and tara can thousands of people have been killed in just the last 24 hours. can you just talk us through the most recent strikes and reports of this military operation in the corner with a surprise, the north and south of the gaza strip as well. there is, but there was a clear intensification of in terms of military attacks on the other talents of the gaza strip in particular. and a tunnel in town is the, is where the military tanks had advanced towards the up in areas of the city, the as a, the same time met it. 2 troops have been using military coup to, to attack the evacuation centers into western parts of the account. at the same
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time, the ministry had been attacking as well. baked la, here and telling how a neighborhood in the past couple of hours by using heavy artillery fire on that area upon the in the middle area at least 8 palestinians have the report of killed since the out of this morning. i'm on the side with more than 60 others, being wounded as the attacks have been taking place on the eastern side of a great divers by the hand and the nose. now the report of mister rod refugee camp as here in rough, i had the situation is relatively calm, but the main focus of them is ready. operations on the ground are so in, circling around on the vicinity of the new core. we deal with that is where the military had is tablets, which had been seen among palestinians as the new settlements inside the gaza strip, which will take full control over the movements of palestinians. and at the same time, people have been saying that the situation in the coming days must be really difficult . some lights of the ongoing who repeated the threats by the is where the military
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and political figures regarding carrying out a potential military, encouraging, and rough district in the far south of the goal is this trip. thanks so much terry, for all of that terrible was in for us there in the girlfriend southern gaza as well. the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned accepting responsibility for the laps and security that leads the attack by mos on southern as well. on october, the 7th and major general law her on her leave is the 1st senior government figures a quiz in the wake of the attack, which killed 1139 people. he says there was a failure of his ready intelligence and his cold for an investigation. stephanie dick has more from occupying the east jerusalem. why it's but accepted by the minister of defense. he remains in his position until they can replace him in terms of for now, not that much expected that at some point, senior leaders will be accepting responsibility. in fact, most of them did in the optimal of october. the 7th,
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he said he accepted responsibilities ahead of the shouldn't batch. that's the internal security forces. they are said they accepted responsibility for the phase . also, the head of the army chief of stop said that they also failed in preventing october . the 7th, the main person we haven't heard from is these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and you've had you told me about fallout. you've had some finger pointing today. well, sir, from the leader of the opposition, the la pete, welcoming this resignation saying it was the honorable and justifiable thing to do . and that prime minister benjamin netanyahu should be doing the same. this was a captain scott catastrophic failure on the intelligence level and admitted to level there were warnings up to a year before this attack, a blueprint even given to israel that have mass seems to have executed almost down to every line, even in the days ahead. they were warnings from its allies that have mass was moving in unusual ways and then the ministry took hours really to organize themselves. the campus has left to their own devices. so it was a massive failure,
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the biggest in israel's history when it comes to nation. yahoo, what he says, he says he will answer tough questions, but now is all the time. and that he'll do so after the war is over. but just briefly, a lot of criticism also on the prime minister from is ready to say he was in charge . he is the ultimate one responsible he should resign and that he is prolonging this war only for his own political survival. i suppose he's still a, he's here on al jazeera, including now with no bots. these lights on going to roll into the british, prime minister doubles down on his pledge to send the asylum seekers to we're going to and lighting up the not afraid. trying rolls through a town in canada, engulfed in flames. the
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hello there. it's allows me settled story across australia as high pressure remains in charge. give me things as long as the dry and sunny. few showers however, will continue to creep into coastal areas of new south wales as well as queensland and the top end. but it is a very dry picture across the western pots of australia. we had a weak cold from its gonna move its way towards the southeast corner. as we go tuesday into wed instead will bring some of that rain to her box, drop the temperature down here. we could see some of that rain moving into melbourne, but we'll see the temperature decline as we go tuesday into wednesday. just touching the mid teens. there was some drizzle and a breezy afternoon on 1st day. now temperatures have been unusually low in using and what it nice for march, but april house in the woods. come back in christ church. we'll see the mercury rise to 21 degrees celsius there on wednesday, some lovely fine and settled weather here. but if somebody flo will bring the rain into western parts of the south island by the mid week and heavy rain continues
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across southern parts of southeast asia with some pretty heavy bus rain in borneo on wednesday. but it remains a loss. the dry and very hot picture for thailand as well as vietnam on wednesday. the unique perspective or why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the watching. i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the ssl review and the you in agency for palestinian refugees and where it says israel has not provided evidence since employees a members of moss and linked to the type of civic tax. and many countries have come to funding to own right, since those claims are made in january. the head of as well as military intelligence has resigned, saying he takes responsibility for the lapse and security that needs to the mazda attack on october, the 7th. major general law her on her leave is the 1st senior official to quiz with students at columbia university in new york have been told to stay at home as palestinian sold. there he purchased continue on campus. several student groups,
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including jewish boys for peace, had been protesting. the universities links to these rarely states since thursday, demonstrations and support of palestine of rome, university campuses, with thousands of a risk that ivy league schools yale us to all the news now and opening statements. and the 1st system in the, in donald trump's 1st criminal trial, have now wrapped up so the died, prosecute decide the former us president, a legally concealed payments made to an adult film actress to hide in the 5th. trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges and says he is the victim of political persecution, as he makes another run for the white house this year. chris and telling me has moved from outside of the course in new york us. this is stuart criminal trial of a former you as president dod underway with the prosecution. and the defense presenting an overview of their cases in opening statement. the prosecution argues that this is a case of election fraud,
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pure and simple. they say that the payments made to the adult film actors known as stormy daniels were hidden and improperly documented as legal fees in order to cover up with. they describe as a long standing conspiracy to very bad news about then candidate donald trump. this was in the run up to the 2016 election. the defense, on the other hand, argues that donald trump never had an affair with this woman. she never tried to cover up the payments. they point to key witnesses in this case as a on trustworthy people who have lied on the stand before. now, all of that will be dealt into with witnesses going forward. in a case that's expected to take about 6 weeks. one question that still has yet to be
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answered is whether or not donald trump himself will take the stand to testify. he said that he wants to do so, but the judge warned him before opening arguments, that if he does, then prosecutors can ask him about other legal issues he'd had that would otherwise be off limits in this case. for now, donald trump is choosing to make his case outside of court in the court of public opinion. prison salumi al jazeera, new york, british prime minister, where she so next is the 1st flights carrying asylum seekers to over one that will leave and 10 to 12 weeks. the plan is the central part of this government strategy to tackle legal migration. it has been widely criticized by human rights groups and as they to a political deadlock parliament is the banking this game. and what the government does, i think will be the last stage and a long running battle. that's enough. is enough, no more prevarication,
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no more delay. parliament would set that tonight and vote no matter how late it goes. no, there's no box. these lights on going to roll into the success of this to tear. it doesn't rest on one slide alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process of successfully and permanently removing people to rolanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond until the votes all stopped. pull, brennan has moved now from london. well, what's at stake here is the government's whole migration or immigration policy. richardson, i set out 5 key principles and keep promises to the electors. especially important because we are in a general election. yeah. this year i'm one of those 5 promises was to stop the boats. the small boats inflatables that have been crossing the narrow stretch of
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the english channel from the northern french coast to southern england. i'm one of the key things he believes will stop the votes, is the deterrent effects of when immigrants arrive here telling them that they will not be able to claim a sarlin here in the u. k, that they will be sent to the african country of rwanda. where even if they are granted asylum and their asylum claims are accepted, they will not pretend to be okay. they will stay in rwanda or will be distributed somewhere else in that area. basically to do away with the prospect up and coming here to the u. k. it's, here's a controversial, the human rights and opposition groups are a pulled 5 is it's effectively britain offshore and it's, it's a refugee responsibilities. but the problem is to the, determined to push it through. he wants to appear to be strong. he's not going to back down, he's not willing to compromise, even on what appeared to be fairly sensible compromises that the lords have tried to introduce to this legislation. the impression seems to be that he wants to be
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strong on this and he's going to push this through using the government's majority in the commons. so essentially to us the almost the lords and push this through into legislation. but it's going to be a long night because the lords on not compromising the india is prime minister is being accused of hate speech for comments he made about muslims at an election really. on sunday, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to cons pellets during the 6 weeks of voting, which started on friday, and nobody is taking us to to. the indian government has failed to give these as talent as there was correspondents to cover the story. therefore, we're covering the election from outside the country. i'm how much reports just these into use elections, prime minister, and that into more d as close to control the c is addressing supporters in registered state, easy, 5 to muslims. us can please take this robot thing to see if the opposition congress
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bought the game to paula. again, most lips would have 1st rights to induce us. it's got a got to be on about it. this is the earlier government said the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country. is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute it among them, full traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info traitors? do you accept that? no, no. they come. i've got the position, sees moody's comments. a disgraceful. i'm sorry, this is a very just route to the effects of people realize that really shows that congress buddies and zip code. you're with them, give it to the reserves that exist, and they could let me know a few of which normally a civilized election commission, which is a law. and one of the candidates for speaking like maybe
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a 1000000000 indians eligible to cost products independent entry elections. that can be see bodies trying to do, but both the tension from the re, issues he has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's out over in the spacing the worst unemployment rate. since in the last 45 years since coming to paula in 2014 moody has been accused in claiming religious pensions between majority induced and muslims who are come for about 14 percent of the population of attacks and violence targeting mostly in properties and religious sites, i've increased the size of the most name rhetoric, most incidents happened in states headed by the governing, but the jeannette apache in a be to china moody. a new spot is dominance in these elections. that's and so for position parties of united to form a coalition or voting,
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we continue until the june defies times them. and they just need to write in president abraham bracy is on the 3 day visit the pockets donna aimed at improving relations between the 2 countries. attention sewage in january after an exchange of strikes along the border. but both countries seem determined to move on is come out of how the reports from is on the boss. the rainy and president arriving it's i'm about to a guard of on speaking of the new it's gone. friendship. raymond, ac stressed the need for cooperation to address read. does it go to the challenges motivated or to shred of them, or what is it about, you know, these countries have a number of common position? i mean, but only, for example, on both countries are determined to fight against terrorism, against organized crime, against narcotics, and against the different forms of insecurity which endangered our 2 countries at the same time, the forehead spark environment address. your body should have said the relationship
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or the rooted in history, culture and religion. to audrey harvey bought, we have had a very candid dialogue between 2 neighbors and discussed relations from religion to culture, diplomacy, and economy, including security. let me reiterate. we don't just have 76 years of relations with around dicing back to the bus and focused on these relations of centuries old there to kind a number of agreements in energy bar to management. then to go to d. n. gracie, a known spans to increase trade with focused on from $3.00 to $10000000000.00. the a bug is done already has their deed reviewed on for a gas pipeline. but the project has been stored since 2017 because of un sanctions on to her on washington dent. it's now involved with similar major if it went ahead to lead. there is a phone common ground on palestine board the board, an independent palestinian state,
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and condemned the on going genocide in god. yeah. i'm, i like that. i just read uh, it's not my boss. but 3 people accused of spying for china have been arrested in germany. prosecutor said, the trio of german citizens had been passing sensitive information to the chinese intelligence since at least june 2022. and one of the suspects had been reportedly handing technologies with potential military purposes. the 3 german citizens are also accused of exposing a laser to china, which is prohibited on the european regulations. and the agency plans have been act devices in southern china, up to heavy ryans called severe flooding. more than 100000 people have been move to safety. so i'm to say climate change is making weather events like this more intense and unpredictable. it isn't keen food reports dropped by torrential rains in southern china. this elderly man has to be carried


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