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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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there is some sort of a suite 100 on luis heavens, have gone through the roof the crossing in recent months. i will most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the $200.00 days of voice roll shows no sign of ending the violence with ongoing strikes across the costs. a strict, the products that are around and what challenges every life with headquarters here in the home also and the product then place in new york, the rest most students and academics, the latest tech tech, to suppress demonstrations in support of palestinians at universities. now with no bots, the slides all going to rolanda, do you guys so called the one?
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the bill has been passed off to the prime minister double down on his pledge to send the asylum seekers to each. don't forget the humans climate agency says agent was hauled, a says fine, thanks. the bible will be last year and it was a serious repercussions if left unchecked. the welcome to the problem we'd be getting go. so what is being $200.00 days since israel's will began? these really all be has killed at least $34183.00 palestinians since october. the 7th. meanwhile, and strikes not to reach out and continue across garza and central palms to the strip refugee comes of being under relentless attack as well as the neighborhoods of i'll shoot you an as a tune in garza city. so the south is right, the gun, but it's of targeted. the city of con eunice, this honey,
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my mood is all corresponding force in rasa in southern gaza. so let's just begin with that. what was being happening over nights and how the rescue operation continues. while daytime bombing continues as well, yes, the highlighted just l. the same. most of the time, it's hard to keep up with the atrocities and the, the physics of casualties across the gaza. for a given the intense bombing campaign to the unfolding a tragedy, the from people missing on tribe, under the levels, or those have been retrieved, bodies retrieve it from mazda 3 of across the gaza strip. nearly right now in hon. you in a city, but the past 24 hours have been violent. they've been, it's been very bloody and a sleepless night for palestinians across the gauze of through with at least the re atrocities committed in defense from the area and the northern part of the gaza strip. 32 people have been killed so far and double the number of different
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critical injuries arriving to hospital the already suffering from lack of medical stuff and also the, the shortage acute shortage of medical supplies. these really military continues to pound across the guster with the past one hour mazda of various right, targeting the eastern part of a bridge rep is you got the, the, or pull i had be enrolled in area that has been completely deserted. as there's very to military continues to target more residential homes, more public facilities, to the point, the entire area has been eliminated of all social services pushing people into more internal displacement of from one place to a to another. meanwhile, these really military continues to a target more buildings and more public facilities, an area of history and of golf and city, mainly your neighborhood then as they to a neighborhood and further north to the city and from bit loud. yeah. and bid tunnel with more people reported critically injured and killed. are still missing
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and a trapped under the rubble in those areas. while there was so much been security across the whole strip honey, when one does, if there is any age getting through to the people that need it most as well, the question whether 8 are getting in or not that has been approved today, that there are a there, there, there are humanitarian a try getting it, but not nearly enough to respond to the emergencies and the need the best brittany of the created by the intense bombing campaign across the gauze and for just from brotherhood across the we look at it close to a 100 a trucks of bit of gold, of food supplies and other survival items have been allowed since they're here, least hours of this morning. they're almost the same exact number of from current asylum across exhausted eastern part of a robust city. but in terms of commercial on a private sector, we're looking at at least half of the number. if you get this number combined
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together, the total is not nearly enough to respond to the many emergencies and the hardships created by the ongoing ever strikes and a tragedy is created across the district. goals. i need at least 500 trucks on a daily basis to respond to the needs a bit. it goes supplies that as well as the needs that are needed both desperately right now for people who might need that for us in rough. i and southern garza, thank you but the us as well and as well against as plans to new palestinians. out of rafa, international alarm is crying as the is really ministry proposed for a ground defensive in the southern gaza city rights groups of won't have catastrophic humanitarian consequences. we don't want to see um, palestinians evacuated from rasa unless it is to return to their homes. and we have made that quite clear to the government of israel, that we don't think there's any effective way to, to evacuate 1400000 palestinians. and there's no way to conduct an operation in
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rasa that would not lead to inordinate civilian harm. it would severely hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance and that's to the point that we continue to make to them. so i think that caused by lights as far as multiply these to resubmit so weeks now isn't that stuff that these rates have been saying that going to do this? and it seems that the us, his voice is getting louder on this issue. well they've always maintained that they are against a large scale operation, and that's why they do say that they agree that israel needs to sort out what remains a very strong the law strong hold of her mouth in the gaza strip. we're getting leaks now from. 6 areas, media organizations, interesting, the building more of a picture now. so how the americans leaking is that it looks like 1st of all will be, is raise will one to evacuate. however many civilians, this is going to be extremely complicated, but that's gonna take 2 or 3 weeks. and then they believe according to quotes or
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quoting egyptian officials, a named that the operation could last up to 6 weeks. interestingly, we've just tried and the last hour from the associated prob, an article with imagery saying they have analyzed touch light imagery around the area of con eunice. and this is also, according to american weeks. this is where these res, one to evacuate palestinians to that tubs are being built. now the operation is always going to be incredibly complicated. it's been controversial. also, the american saying don't do at large scale, but they support a smaller scale, more targeted as they call it. operation is all believe how mouth still has around 4 main battalions operating in the area. they believe that most of these really captives are being held in the fall. but you have 1400000 palestinians, internally displaced again and again in but also we talk about the political and the military maneuvering. these people are terrified of any looming
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a fault. opperation listening every day to any news, any develop as we know people inside goals and we're literally say, what is happening, what are you hearing? they're terrified because of course, such a small area would function, major amount of civilian population already in during 6 months of war. and if you're now talking about a new mean is really offensive against how much it is massively concerning, but for sure it will be, it's usually complicated logistical operation to move. however, amount of people to the area of high use, if these leaks are to be accurate because they'll continue to follow events with you and they'll keep bodies through some stephanie, back of that for us. thank you. the calls that civil defense team say that they've covered 293 bodies from mass graves on the grounds of the nozzler hospital. in con eunice, 3 separate grays, were discovered in the southern city. on monday the witnesses say some of the victims were killed during these by the siege on the hospital. many were found with
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the hands bound at the page of being shot to execution style. these ran, the army has killed nearly 30 full $1200.00 pounds of cities since october. the 7th . did you pay the norman? hi miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately, i haven't found my son's remains to any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials. i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. israel has failed to provide any evidence of his accusations that employees of the human agency for palestinian refugees have links to him us all the october the 7th attacks. those are the findings of the independent report commission by the united nations. many countries still haven't reinstated funding to the agency after suspending
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contributions when israel made the accusations in january. gabriel alexander explains from new york a few mandatory and organizations are bound by principles of neutrality and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe. over the findings of the review. all of that in rise and place, a very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the management principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a more developed system. then all the u. n. organizations are addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult,
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a situation in which they operate and the uniqueness of the mission. the report was 9 weeks and the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. that henri employees were part of the terrorist organizations, the, regarding those claims. the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed on right of any concerns related to any unrest staff, based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes, highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rep can improve, such as more international employees and management goals, more frequent updates to donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded
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community awareness. the report largely exxon rates on right from any intentional and blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done . 16 countries suspended funding to unreal. and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again? unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's on to, i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. and it's very drones drunk, has killed at least one person in southern lebanon. not the strike is a very cold in the time as a honey is real media the cold. so the target was a has blown member. now the is really ministry on, has blown, have been exchanging, did any 5 across the boat since october. well, that's going outrage bonds, as well as well. and garza not splunk protests at major universities across the us . students that to yale, columbia and new york university have been holding sit in protests on campus,
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define demands to stop well than a 100 students. so be interested so far kind of jo, castrated pulse, a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters and you on monday morning, the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting niels refusal to die best for military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza. meanwhile, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week. time for us to to show
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that yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about the doing the site that's happening. that's happening in gus that it should be, it should start investing in this interest in a time. i would know some of the anti is real protesters, that colombia are jewish themselves, but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police tried to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any other columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus,
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president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college. that's why i also don't understand what student protests leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protest spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian move. and heidi jo, castro alger 0, washington still had held out. is there a constitutional to why the opposition in tega is denouncing changes to the countries supreme law. on china issues, highest storm warnings and pumps of slugs rapids regions more than a 100000 people have been evacuated. the
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had a lot of the weather as being robert chile on on settled because much of your i'm going to see that continue through the end of the week 10, which is a fitting about 5 to 10 degrees below the average across moving and central parts of year, but we will see some of them start to come into eastern areas and we'll get to the temperature chart in just a minute. but from now we still got about what on wintry weather, affecting switzerland, northern parts of italy, austria as well as slovenia. and is more whether to come across the balkans with some heavy rain stretching all the way from romania down to greece. it remains very windy across the mediterranean. you can see those gusts pushing out as you go tuesday and wednesday across some of the islands. the. this is looking much quiet, so for the south west for portugal and spain on the northwest,
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britain and the island of island, seeing some sonia spelled quite to where the temperature is still below the average . here you can see it gets west to on wednesday, across the low countries, into germany with some heavy rain for poland. the wintery weather does eas, however, for finland, we will see some bits and pieces for sweden and norway. but it is a story of cold up in the north. it's going to get hot to however, across east and there is certainly for moscow temperature of picking up for friday . the bungalow scale to growth has destroyed many. the cities, water buckets in a race against india is booming. water shortage, an engineer turn water conservationist takes on cities. that was one lake at the time. catching the rain in india. that takes
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a live, a witness documentary on a jersey though. the book about to you what you all just bear with me. so rahman in de la reminder of on top stories is really strikes and all generally selling continue across concepts and central parts of the strip refugee comes, have been under relentless attack. these by the army has killed at least $34183.00 palestinian since october, the 7th and independent review of the human agency full palestinian refugee says israel has not provided evidence underwater employees. a members of some us,
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many countries cup that something is wrong, made the accusations in january and students from the university in new york for being sold to stay home while palestinian solidarity protest continue on attempting some instructions and supportive garza wrote many us universities with schools of students arrested this based on the days of the news now. the u. k. parliament has passed the so called rule one, developed a move welcome bye. could call it 5 minutes service. you see now it says that the 1st slides kind of asylum seekers to, to one to leave within 3 months pull brendan has moved from london. the u. k is handled hundreds of millions of dollars to france for coastal security and police patrols. yet the small boats containing refugees in migrants keep coming. on 2 years after former prime minister boris johnson's government 1st announced a highly contentious plan to send refugees to rolanda. but a single plane has taken off. a frustrated wishes to knock cold time on the object
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is enough. is it now? no more prevarication? no more delay. no us, no butts. these slides all going to rolanda a long day of parliamentary ping pong ensued. the upper chamber trying to amend the bill. the government using its majority in the lower chain, but to block any, an oil changes. it went on until after midnight, when the loads finally capitulated the old bitch reluctantly. we will this week have a little that provides for the offshore processing and supplement of asylum seekers . in rwanda of its benefits remain to be seen. its costs will be measured, certainly in money, but in principles, the based of brittany for the victory for the government. then, but real questions remains when exactly will the flight start to take off and how many refugee migrants will actually be on them. and the biggest question of all, will it really act as a deterrent for those seeking to make the crossing from france to the u. k. in
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small boats, the government wants the 1st row and the flights to deposit in 10 to 12 weeks. the campaign is not yet ready to give up for a stop. there is a very strong prospect. so the legal challenges, we are often rule still a rule of little country here in britain. and then secondly, the government con consent that it is found in a line to upright those slots. this rewind the control vesee fall from being result, poll brennan, which is 0 central london. let's go so i have to hire a full set to study by for us and love. it seems a prime minister and the conservative governments and got what they wanted. but the criticism is coming in thick and fast and not just some days within the u. k. aside there's been criticism from a number of sources, the council of europe, which is the main human rights body in europe, has cooled on the government here to scrap it through on the plan. the un high commission is full, both refugees and the human rights of issue to joint statements. i also quoted on
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the bridge government to review these plans, saying that they endangered the human rights and the protection of refugees. they may not position labor policy has criticized it along with a number of human rights and refugee organizations. the opposition a policy saying that this is an extortion. that electro gimmick, a cause the reason election destined to take place probably at the end of this year . and this has been a key. electro pledge of the governing conservative party to quote stopped the votes. the home secretary days probably has issued a statement saying that so landmark movement in that campaign. and it didn't stop people abusing human rights law in order to uh, to cross and remain in the country where she soon act saying that nothing will stop him from ensuring that slights get off the ground to her one. that is often said the pre from the put it gives in the eating and the proof of the policy will be in
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its implementation because as you say, so not because said that he wants to stop the boat's. but even on tuesday, we're seeing agency pictures of boats continuing to cross the channel. he's got to try and put his words into action that hasn't seen all right. indeed, difficulties of implementation. and then if the implementation actually takes place, i will. what time scale kind of be judge whether the deterrent effect, which is what is being promised, will actually happen. and as you say, just earlier on tuesday, french coast guard reporting a number of crossings being attempted, the reports that 5 people at least have been killed in those attempts over the weekend. an exceptionally high number. when it comes to this, you have more than 750 crossings, 75000 such crossings. since this policy was 1st announced some 2 years ago. what we're hearing is that they will be very vigorous at times by the british
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governments to make sure that flights tawanda do take place within that $10.00 to $12.00 week period, which is not to talking about a regular rhythm of such flights. going over several months. and it's the reports that maybe some 150 cases individual asylum seekers have been lined up because the government feels that they have the strongest possible cases against them. successfully having the their uh, deportations appealed in court on the other side of the equation that were lawyers who are saying that it's very important that all legal measures are taken. that appeals go through that they could appeal on the grounds of potentially mental illness, grounds and other grounds. under that legislation, it has to be a serious and a reversible home that can be foreseen to anyone being taken to a one to that will be the that the test that will come come before the codes. and
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this will be plans to be taking place in a very short period of time, some 8 days notice before any appeal has to be lodged. the government has a few days to reply to such appeals and then potential to court cases within just a few weeks. it seems that the saga is necessary, but it wouldn't be for some weeks to come for the moment harry falls to the force in london. thank you. not typically said piece of approved a controversial new constitution that could extend the same day dentistry. 6 decades hold on power indefinitely. supposed to say it would tend to go into a parliamentary democracy, but the opposition is quoting for protest. meanwhile, company is on the way ahead of logistics of election scheduled for april. the 29th . as nicholas hack explains, a small newspaper in togo is standing up to the most powerful dennis dean africa. the guessing bay family has governed to go for 61 years. members of parliament
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voted on a new constitution on friday, while the tax has not been made. public journal is evelyn. this is who says it would allow president phone yes and be to stay in the office in. definitely let's get rid of for guessing. be peacefully says when headline free political prisoners and give us back our right to protest says another and active defiance of the country that does not tolerate the set lips of who's just the federal. i am talking to you with a few in the pit of my stomach. we are working on the restraint and substance of ship, but we have to keep going in terms of the tooth. a dma guessing they came to power in a coup in 1963 and ruled with an iron fist. thousands of dances would follow him around in portraits of him and his son fell. were plastered everywhere. when a demon died in 2005, both took over and introduced a multi party system of governance. simple additions welcomed the latest constitutional amendments which include the president being elected not by the
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people but by m p's and the removal of limits on terms across the priest. what's new is more accountability, more stability, and more representation. and the system enables a permanent dialogue between players the changes come as to release prepared to vote for new members of parliament and the opposition fears. this will provide the legal framework for guessing by the clean power. it's a lot of it democracy election in to go is it kind of tools to keep the follow up phone eva is the, it's the way the holding the country while the united states says it's concerning. the constitutional amendments were made without public consultation. the west african body echo as has yet to comment. but there is rising criticism within to go against a family that for generations has rob people of their voices. nicholas hawk,
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elgin's era. those coordinator came. john good has even seen a drill stimulating. what feeling young is calling a nuclear counter attack involving multiple rocket launches? when it comes a day to south square said that the know find short range missiles into the east and see you just came how small from so is in a pretty lengthy state media post north korea confirm that the suspect is short range, ballistic missile. so in tokyo, flat on monday, we're in fun fact or part of a wider military exercise of its nuclear forces, command and control system. the heck pasa, which in korean means nuclear trigger. now the so called super large artillery rockets, which were a part or a cheaper version of ballistic missiles and casey and they said they carry dummy nuclear warheads and precisely hit an island target some 350 kilometers away. winning the praise of leader came down in that nuclear counter attack exercise is
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said was in response to ongoing large scale aerial drills between south korean and us forces. so it was military concurred with that reason, but added a couple more possible motivations. one tilt teddy someplace that unity and it's also meant to fill a gap for mr. light spice. that's a lot long while serving as a performance test for a super large rocket launchers at the north korea wishes to expose the spokes person edit. it remains unclear whether north korea has achieved the capability to mass produce miniaturize, nuclear warheads. your career has not conducted a nuclear test and it's 7 years under intense international pressure. but some analysts are floating the possibility of the resumption of testing to create leverage ahead of the us presidential elections in november, unit skim. oh, the 0. so or the china associated as high as stone boy and positive floods ravaged
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one the province more than a 100000 people at the move to safety. if to some good subject thoughts dropped by torrential rains in southern china. this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services, a looking for several people still missing. after on seasonal rains last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the, everything's gone. all the seeds are gone. i lost more than $13000.00, feels over that several heck says it's full flooded. the storms have already cause damage was almost $20000000.00, according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces ones on
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this home to many.


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