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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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i can also of my lot of if, if somebody probably equal, resorted in gun the to 100 days of war. israel shows no sign of ending the violence in guys. and as it's warned about the armies planned ground, defensive in rough on the on know about this and, and this is all just a life and don't have also counting up mass arrests of students as pro palestinian demonstrations spread across us universities. 5 people try. i'm trying to get to the u. k. just hours after the government pauses a controversial law to send migrants and refugees total one to marching to protect their culture on lands. preserves indigenous peoples, a staging,
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a 5 day protest and the capital, the 16 gmc, we're going to begin in gaza where israel's waters and it's 200 today. more than $34183.00 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th. and there are no signs of the violent standing in the central parts of the strip is really air strikes have targeted. all those said refugee count, it is and then off and this i've, i've also been hit. meanwhile, controlled has confirmed it still involved in mediation efforts to reach a cease fire despite it tends to undermine the process on the i that we assessing our role as the as mediators, we need serious commitment by all sides to reach a deal and certainly attacking the mediator does not show commitment, does not show seriousness and does show a lack of enthusiasm and positively engaging in the mediation process. and this is
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what we're getting at right now, especially from a lift gate, the account to fox, those ministers, i've made these claims to end this conflict. the only way to guarantee the security of the peoples on both sides. and the only way to, and the mexican and the bloodshed that is taking place right now in the, in the red and without committees, in the 4th, it said self. i feel that it would be very difficult for the mediators to accomplish a results. it was the right, it says the incessant attacks of damaged or destroyed 60 percent of homes in garza . i'm devastated the health care system is also one. the entire population is facing acute food shortages. 9, there are reports of israel times to relocate civilians from roughly before it's growing defensive v u. s. and the un, i've warned against this 1500000 displaced, palestinians are sheltering in the southern city. civil defense dreams say they've recovered dozens more bodies from mass graves in the grounds of naso,
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hospitalized con eunice and southern gaza. for a 110 bodies have been fined so far. witnesses say some of the victims were killed during these very siege of the hospital. so what defense officials say hundreds more are buried in the medical complex leave and this calling for an independent investigation. i want to take your log not with united nations, the un secretary general spokesman stuff into jobs. and the commission in general of on wall street laws that really are holding a briefing that's less than that was the so it could take on. so next week dedicated to on the, on the walk before the meet with these discussion before the volta and then also the conflict with another report which has been presented to you yesterday. but which was also very important for the organization, announced that maybe i would just also share one or 2 comments regarding the latest development in the fields. the main reason i uh, i was here last week. the only one was brought up to the agenda of just security
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cancer, so it was not a brief on the mentoring situation, but basically twice to bring the van about the on the attack on the agency on the agenda, off of the member states as a piece secret agenda, basically i was telling the member states a, a the, the member of the secret to come. so that done, the attack on the phone was not necessarily motivated because of no trinity issues or but all prime and even what you bid that the, the, by the object to you for to street the, to buy this thing and from the rest of the state you and this is a reason why the pushes today for one more not to be present the anymore in gaza, but it's not on the guys a, we're also on the number of pressure when it comes to terms of them on the west
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bank. i also called the, on the member of the secretary console for an independent investigation on accountability for the reluctant to disregard the offer. un premises you and stuff. a new, an operation also integrates us free for reminding that as of today. but today it's a 181 stuff have been killed last week it was 178. we had more than a 160 premises which have been damaged or completely destroyed. with 400 people, at least having been killed, one through a seeking the protection offered to you in flag. we have also reports that our premises we shall be vacated, have been used for meeting 3 purposes, either by the east, where the army,
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but also to i'm us or other political function or group on the ground. and we had also stuff which have been arrested and also been mistreated. even though torture. i do have seen the report which came out yesterday. so hence the import. and so to have an investigation and to have a compatibility, you know that not to set a new last and you know, suits, you know, so conflict them, situation. there was also the result. i am aware that you have ready to, you have received it. it was coming to you how the reaction of the secretary general and we have the what and, and also the agency we when it comes the result we, when come to recommendation on we are committed to increment this recommendation. you have seen in the report on some of the agency in reality, it has already
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a number of system to deal with. no trinity issue so far ahead than the average of the un agencies or even i n g o. so, but because of the complexity of the environment we are operating in, we need to be extremely vigilant and we kind of hold was to more, i had the meetings this morning. we some of the state. so i have informed them that we are now preparing, updating our response plan. we will in fact, to make sure that the punk, this aware of the measure already being taken uh, being taken and being in line with that recommendation which one the one we kind of also immediately implement as a quick fix. but there are also some recommendations which would require some
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additional stuff, especially when it comes to intellectual stuff. and i guess to have noticed the ratio of international stuff compared to natural stuff in how organization is something the, the, the smartest of any possible international organization. and the results to a set of recommendation, which we require to support the off uh host countries on the members say that so which the end, this reason alone will not be able to implement without a strong feeling can be clean and simple to offer the member states, so that's a lead where we are you mad, you remember that the, the recall twins in 2 different fields starting with the communication with the donor, how governance truck to our intended oversight to make a new some of our new trinity policies and to try to do our installation,
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but we have also issues related to the union and also the education on the education. it was primarily a summing up offer existing studies of which have been quite extensive over the last few years. uh, let me just highlight one or 2 develop and also in the field i was in contact with who is my context because before addressing, it's always good to know what's the latest. they don't confuse them some improvement and it's always going to be a but from time to time to inform about the improvement, the, the number of trucks going into the ghost is averaging for the months of out a period of 200. and we had to peak yesterday of 360. so this is a positive trend to compound, to the previous month. so will,
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could you accept from the risk p, succeeded to cross ritz at free occasion? on my colleagues also reporting that the convoys which went to the no sir, have not been a sold as they used to be in the pasta by desperate to a people. but we're struggling to get their share of for the assistance. so this a positive, the brooklyn bought the results, so the now that we are getting towards so warmer season, vault the new possible house. the outbreak of especially in the south. so with the garbage connection has become a priority for our colleagues to prevent a disease outbreak. but i have also been reminded about the
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deep anxiety prevailing in this house. so the about the, the possible looming upcoming military offensive, which seems to be back on the tape. and um, i think uh, i will stop here maybe just also to remind that um and it was uh, talking with the customer code on that's we fall into that report. uh has nothing to do with the boy us uh, default to the or us freeport to continue it. so do cool. so looking into the individual behavior offers stuff who allegedly could have participated the to the october 7 months ago. this was not part of the meet the oh for catherine could not report the seizure or usaa and them showed that
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you would be informed in due time by or you i so by step fine, once we have the information so stuff and thank you and wish to appear on the thank you, it's time for questions. perfect. thank you. thank you very much, miss. still as a rainy on behalf of the united nations correspondence association for doing this briefing, my name is edith flattereth from the associated press. and welcome back. i wonder if you could comment on is rarely allegations that the under. 7 on premise of on why is to promote a palestinian takeover of the entire area that was once the original state of palestine and to get rid of the state
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of israel. and what on wrong is doing to promote a 2 state solution, particularly in education, which is supported by the secretary general and probably almost every country in the world. thank you. it's time killed for reminding zeus the 1st one was little tab and on the lying agenda, i kept that we keep hearing on so that the on the watts is perpetrating the risk of g state use, which is a non sensor basically heat. it's as if you would say that the many turn response in a conflict its own is buffet 3 things have come, fix the. the reality is that it is perpetrated because of the absence of
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a pretty to go to the solution. now, i reminded on so this week that the, unfortunately, on the one was be up to be a temporary organization. i'm hoping to end, it's activities that the, there is a lasting, unfair, put it to go to a solution under the 75 years later. and this is a lasting temporary, but this happened, you know, the one was perpetrating just said to us, because we know collective on the ability to promote a solution. now i also believe that the, if we had genuine, was a 2 state solution. and we really tell lies the rule leading to the implementation of such a solution on the was temporary nature can be reinstated at the on hand. so what can also prepare and pay the way for a future state to provide the services to the agency is
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a providing thank you. uh gabriel. hello, mr. last. yes. on the, on the, on the, on education, on the was, you know, with the, they have always been a control over see the balance of my phone on the, about the, the want in the month of proceeding a $48.00 on after the 40. yet, we are very clear in our school so that the we have a month, a pre 48, and we have also them up to date of a to state. meaning was this, we have occupied protestant territories, that we have the state of east red. and indeed, you know, classes that we keep also teaching you in position regarding the, the conflict. so what is, are you in a position regarding the organization,
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which is, are you in a position regarding the 2 state solution? what is the you in position regarding the, the boat, the what do you and position regarding a number of the so issues. so that's definitely in line. we so the spirit of what is expected to continue with. hello, mr. wiser. any gabriel is under from algeria. english, thank you for your briefing. the report that came out from miss colona yesterday and clearly had a lot of recommendations. but it also said in an, as you well know, that unreal already had policies in place that were stronger in many quick cases when it came to neutrality. the other you in organizations are and use. my question is, can you give us an update on the funding for monroe from countries that have suspended funding? and are you hoping that this report will now convince countries that have suspended funding to now resume at once again. and what has been the effect of the,
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of the money that has been lost so far? yes, it is true that in generally squeezing 48 hours, we had $16.00 to $18.00 countries will indicate that the temporary freeze or suspension since a number of countries have come back on the many have also come back after the release of the intimate to re re folder, which was made the accessible amongst a go. i hope that the waves is report on the measure we will be putting in place that the, the last group of donors. so we'll get some necessary confidence to come back. uh, sedona on top of the agency. the only donor which will not come as a donor for the time being for which we have the political she pointed to us since you know, the reason of prohibition of funding to agency until march 25 on
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the my task now is to try to bridge the gap the left behind today, i can say that we have the funding covering until the end of june, which would bring us into nice. so you can see today i'm slightly more i would say relaxed, but more confident than it was 2 months ago when i had funding just for the next 2 free weeks, maggie michelle and then so mr. lesser really it's margaret this year was worse of america. um, well, the report said that you had robust neutrality. i'm just wondering now in light of what's happens in the past, excuse me, in the past 6 months. how realistic is it for your staff to maintain that neutrality after what they've lived through and what they've seen on the ground?
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i think it's a good question, but that shows also the impact of the best make on this we have done to now because we've own what has gone and we've owned what the stuff has gone for. we don't really hear this stuff from expressing their opinion, full social media. i know stuff, continue to be 40 dedicated to the work they have to carry on. i do also believe that boss to stuff and the communities deeply anxious about the possibility that the what could be a we can all dismantled. i think that having an opinion quoted, by the way, lots of this week uh, uh, in uh, in uh, in the most, in guys uh and in the west mancha, indicating that in between 80 to 90 person, depending on where the people where feel the discipline thing on why would also
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mean the end of a 2 state solution. so basically all stuff is also very much where the about what these at stake, why it's been such a lifeline. not only for the communities but also for their own families. bearing in mind that the majority of our staff are, comes to also from the community that we are sorry, that i think it is also true that the report highlight the robust system ahead of the in the, the un agencies. but so it, these, we are used one key for being the agency, the most on the crew to me from out of pocket is on how to do this. but this is also related to the context in which we are operating. michelle need then, to thanks mr. low, sorry. michelle nichols from royces you spoke about an increase in trucks to the
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april. is it enough to have that simon in gaza. and today there's been some more evacuation orders in the north and intensified strikes by israel. do it, has there been any communication to the un, what might be happening in the north today? and just regarding the gap left by the us, you know, which countries do you think might be able to step off until that got? yeah, i kind of comment on the question number 2 because i don't have this information. so i have to ask my colleagues in the industry and i, i believe, you know, if the number of trucks we have seen yesterday to 380, is that still to become uninterrupted and being sustained 1st, it would show that if the reason for the ticket the way that we come to wait, when did we wait? so long on the we such
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a floor or foot truck so we will set them to be able to meet you. good. and possibly even to reverse the, you know, mean come in, but this, you know, we, we, we have always tressa, that we were, you know, money made situation on the credit on the been addressed by political we on decision on the last few days it shows that this is a possible so yes, some, i don't know it exactly how many trucks is required to, but the increase compared to even the most a go stop to become more significant. and the more we sustain and the so the more we would have a positive impact. thank just yeah, that's a new i my, my 1st, it's really
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a hand to mouse it for the time being on the monthly basis. and i hope, and this is my objective to my the fool moans have to most of them on so until the end of the young. but having said that, the, if it is the last thing, suspension between the sustainable impact on the agency. if it is a temporary suspension, i do believe we can find temporary solution. we some donors stepping and i just want to check one thing. since the beginning of the year, we've had succeeded to res, $50000000.00. just on digital fundraising, $100000000.00 since october 7th, we have almost no capacity within the organization. and this is the next 2 under a indication of crestwood. so the deputy visit organization is not enough to compensate. but this is already an indication that we are finding of tentative ways to just to clarify that a 100000010,
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some type of 7 just from the people watching people like you. okay. like any of us . yeah, absolutely. and i don't mean to be disrespectful, but apparently the correct number of trucks is 316 just didn't do a little disrespectful. so i told it's a vote for a 100. sorry. i've never been good accounting 1st by the law. silly it is time to help me, please think about that. i'm just why i'm from the big data out quick. so i think of mr. gloves. i really, i ask your questions 1st, how do you define, apply, submit to a certain one, follow stadiums, se depaula's thing as having to check the price that you assume get in contact. so you might have you ever seen one mass virus or dimensions by this? have you ever seen one that fire has already? that's why they are allowed to do that. but when the policy,
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the say i get or have been down on price of march on day one to destroy it is right . that's one question. the 2nd allegations against or no, it was nothing. and, you know, probably there is a list of educations from time memorial. the last one is i guess you could go to printers. he was investigating this investigated for 2 years. nothing was followed, i guess. then i asked just depends, okay. do you call him? i'll follow you or not. i know you sure. one day, many of these countries were for you on the apology for, for the other questions. i guess i don't agree with the i i take note of your statement the on the on the, on the, on the, the 1st question that i have always said that there is no space for them to submit this. we know school, there is no space in any of that you in school and i have never said that there is
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any of it. so when it comes to definition after that would be fine. what on the how? i think you should ask a question to those coming with this definition on, on the 2nd question. that ticket was a statement to uh for the time being. what i can say is that the, uh, the agency as never, ever being as much on the attack. and so it was absolutely nothing comparable with pasta. i would say a tech on the agency did and see has never been in a situation where i just same time 18 countries are reviewing freezing attempts. the contribution to the agency on to it is he has never been on the you know, that, you know, target to offer often competing for the tool to this quantum end of it. so i can give it to you. so in the, in the guest on the, for cindy,
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be on the also. so i think on the one we have gone through is a quite unique if you need, so i would say federal city but also in a school. thank you, joe. hello. sorry, joe, too long and a designated frame. joseph carne channels. if you press the 1st question regarding some us um i know that in the report there were several mentioned to them us. but no mention of any interviews as part of the independent investigation was a mos personnel. i'll put it that way. and related to that hasn't been a interactions at all between you or your senior offices. alondra. where is moss officials, particularly since october 7th,
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in terms of the d confliction or any other related issues. and we would really be open to the i do have an external ordered by one or more donor countries. i know there's mention of the external order by o r o s a. that's with you. when agency would you be open to external ordered by outside donor countries. thank you. this is the, the 1st question is the question to sort of ask uh, yesterday i'm, i'm not in terms of the review, per se, the only thing i continually so we, we, we will come to revolt and we would come to recommendation and make commitment a set that we will be implementing on the recommendation that they have been at the beginning of the war. more the contradiction done today. um, because uh uh at the beginning of the one we still could have the conviction with
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all the possible um, forces to make sure that we have not a target whenever we move all provide the assistance. so i guess today 8. so i did meet the more complicated the to have the account about the uh, from each ship pound to send a to do constant. uh, the conviction under that question was, the last question was concerning. whether or not it would be open to an external order. okay. by one or more donor countries, in addition to whatever, o i o s, or a, or internal orders a before, you know, on the one has to be now or the to more than one. so i have even defeating sometime to, to new me. and we would find it, we have a, we have constantly all the to, um, buy out dollars. i believe we are one of the most scrutinize the organization.
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most of the time when it traveling, you know, doing the base country. i mean, it's kind of been member, henri and i set that up to 10 question being asked to a government, going to oversee budget, the debunk of the question related to on the law and the remaining one. it's across the rest of the world and the rest of the un all international in general. so we have been unruly to continue to be open to extend an auditor here. you mentioned a monta or us. this is something different. this is an investigation investigation which requires by the way, the corporation call for the member states. and i know that the boy alyssa is in contact with a route event. a member states to not to belabor the point, but.


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