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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems costs on red chris, the a dozens of students out arrested as pro palestinian demonstrations spread across us universities. the ultimate try. this is al, to is there a line from the hot also coming up to 100 days of who is roll shows no sign of changing the violence and garza as a tool and about the armies planned to ground, defensive and process signs of oral lebanese border. we're on patrol with you in peace keepers is the damage continues to mount and 5 people around trying to get to
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the you guy just out was off to the government. pauses a controversial more st migrants and refugees to were wanting to the purchase. so over the warren guns i have taken hold at a handful of the top us universities, police have already made thousands of a risk. yeah. aisle and broken off and then can meant at new york university or columbia university has cancelled in person classes of more. and will this kristin? so let me is line for us at new york university, and kristen can just focus through what has been happening there over the last couple of hours and just how much momentum there is. now, behind these protests, the absolutely well and why you students have resumed their demonstration here and a park just off of the campus after there were a rest on campus last night,
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a 133 of them to be exact students and faculty members as well. the demonstrations have been organized by a group known as students for justice in palestine, but hundreds more have joined them soon. see a ras last night again, students and faculty members coming out are saying they are here to defend the right to speak freely on campus as well as what's happening in palestine in their calling on n y u to divest from israel and companies that profit from the occupation of palestinian territories. and what's happening here is something that we're seeing happen on more and more campuses across the united states with additional protests being added in pittsburgh in california and boston today and yesterday alone. here's
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a rap of what happened last night. police moved in after dark to arrest demonstrators at new york university were over 100 students, and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza for face consequences. there were arrest at yale university to dozens of them. these students and others across the country coming out in protest of israel's devastating war on gaza and in solid arity with columbia university students. they are the so called gaza solidarity encampment has been redirected after the school called in police to arrest more than 100 students and dismantle it. last week. all columbia, as faculty joined protesters to condemn the move initiated by the university president who cancelled in person classes monday to address security concerns
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to say right please to pick up peaceful protesters on our campus. what was on the board for portion devices, a dangerous they are outraged not only by the arrest, but also by president in the mountain. the new ship peaks testimony before congress, while conservative representatives, called for ship beach resignation for not doing more to crack down on demonstrators . the school senate, consisting of students, faculty and administrators is expected to vote to censure her as early as wednesday . very important for faculty in the university in the way that our president before student demonstrators, including jewish student, demonstrators, deny accusations of anti semitism at columbia university. they even stopped their
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protests to celebrate the 1st night of passover. they described their movement as peaceful and blame any antagonistic inflammatory statements or actions on outside or from california to state polytechnic university on the west coast to the massachusetts institute of technology and emerson. college on the east, the demands for school leaders are the same. we want emerson college number one, call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. number 2 to disclose all financial investments and zionist organizations, number 3, to divest from those organizations. number 4 to drop all charges against students for disciplinary actions, attempts to silence the movement only amplifying it's called kristen salumi, algebra new york. 6 the new york university administration like administrators at columbia and other
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universities as well claim that they want to de escalate the situation. they have expressed concerns about rising tensions and anti semitism allegations that. 7 students and faculty here have denied they in turn blue. i'm the administration of the police for escalating the tensions. but to talk more about this now i'm joined by an m y e n y u graduate student richard res. thank you so much for joining us. richard. tell me why you decided to come to the protest here. well, i've been trying to attend as many pro palestine pro gaza demonstrations. i can since october. i think especially this one being close to home. i'm a student, i'm a part of this community. i felt it was extra important for me to be another person as a part of you know, the number here, elevating our voices for this issue. what do you think new york university should be doing? well, 1st and foremost, they can stop criminalizing and cracking down on free speech. you know, the arrest that have been made. the attempts to stifle the accept,
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the expressions are ludicrous there. instead of going to the goals of a university. and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly back credible to students in a lot of faculty. and then i think number 2, i believe some of the demands of these protests are, you know, divest generally from anything that could be supporting israel's depression of gaza . and then lastly, i think and why you need to take this as an opportunity to re evaluate how we have these kinds of conversations with some more new ones. you know, not every protest as pro gaza is, is anti semitic. you know, i was there as jewish, a lot of my friends that come to these are jewish, you know, and uh yeah there's that, that that's, that's a gross conflation. yeah. have you seen any intimidating threatening behavior in your attendance of actions personally know, and i think, you know, being able to call something anti semitic has been one of the greatest ways to suppress this movement and the truth behind it. you know, i went to a,
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a law school in boston that was called the most anti semitic law school in the country northeastern, in large part because i had a great commitment to human rights and gaza. so, you know, we just need to be aware of when that tool is being used in bad faith. richard, thank you so much for joining us in expressing your views for to 0. well, there you have, it's 5 times to stifle these demonstrations and they're only getting louder and day . thank you so much for that this chris and so let me for us this at new york university. as well as war on gaza is 200 day moving 54183 palestinians had been killed since october the 7th and there are no signs of the violence ending in the central parts of the strip is really as strikes, talk is illness around the refugee camp areas in the north and the south have also been has. meanwhile, cuts out has confirmed it's still involved in mediation if it's to reach us the spot, despite attempts to undermine the process that we have. i think our role as the as
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mediators, we need serious commitment by all sides to reach a deal. and certainly attacking the mediator does not show commitment, does not show seriousness and does show a lack of enthusiasm and positively engaging in the mediation process. and this is what we are getting at right now, especially from, i would say the counselor fox, those ministers, i've made these claims to end this conflict. the only way to guarantee the security of the people is on both sides of the only way to and the mascot and the bloodshed that is taking place right now in the 11th and without the belief in the 4th a set itself, i feel that it would be very difficult for the mediators to accomplish a result you in soon as the insistence attacks have damaged or destroyed 60 percent of homes and cancer and they have assigned to the health care system. it's also going to the entire population is facing acute food shortages. and there are
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reports that is royal plants to relocate civilians from profit before its ground defensive. at 1500000 displace palestinians is sheltering in the southern city. a civil defense team site, they have for kevin 1000, small bodies from mass graves in the grounds of nesa hospital. in con eunice, in southern guns and 310 bodies had been found so far. witnesses say some of the victims were killed during these riley siege of the hospital. civil defense officials say hundreds more are buried in the medical complex. but you is calling for an independent investigation. we are horrified also by the destruction of a necessary medical complex and as she saw medical complex and the reports of the discovery of mass graves in and around facilities, we call for independent effective, transparent investigations into the depths given the prevailing climate of impunity . this should include international investigators. hospitals are entitled to very
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special protection under international humanitarian law. and let's be clear, the intentional killing of civilians, detainees, and others who are often to combat is a war crime. with erica bozer joins us and live now from rough from teracon. what else can you tell us about the discovery of more bodies at the hospital of the really more hot fricking scenes imagining again from the nozzler hospitalized medical teams along with the civil defense cruise work tirelessly working on extracting more bodies, being buried under the russell at also being buried inside the yards of the and also hospitals. now to day, dozens of bodies have been recovered from the yachts. again, to bring the total number to reach $310.00 palestinians being found killed in these areas. that according to eye witnesses down the ground. the victims included children, women, elderly, alongside with patients and wounded people who were completely hum costs. it seems
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that they have been arrested quite easily by that tree and being investigated yet, these very minute tree had said that these kinds of abrasions have been carried out under the pretext of searching for captives being killed by mazda in order to be examined later. and is really correct, trace bought the fact on the ground that it's not the only time that these very ministry has been buried. a victims and dead bodies in these areas is specifically that it had been happening before in other parts of the gaza strip. in both in a she felt and think about i do on hospital and right now it's happened in the 2nd largest hospital across the territory, as families here in that area are completely struggling in order to identify if they have lost one of the family members in that burial not far. the reality is that what palestinian supposed to complete a freedom terry find the problem is the fact of the expansion of the fight thing to reach you in rough. i am default south of it to treat as these hospitals that are remaining, that remaining primarily functional might face the same,
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which means that there's going to be full collapse of the medical health care system. here. of course the gaza strip into eric. we mentioned earlier that there would be more strikes throughout the strip of this today. when will, can you tell us about those, how much damage have i done? well, in fact, there's no need. it's helping fights, ignoring strikes since the hours of this morning. but in the past hour, the concentration of the is really a tax. what was completed very much on the mid an area where the is verified to talk it to the civil con deputy. but i have 3 palestinians that have to report it in just among that their artillery, bombardments by the author units continued in these areas, were dozens of casualties. have been proved to a lot of the hospital for medical treatment alongside. that's how i noticed that you had witnessed. 6 facts also were in a good coat, trolanda was targeted by the mason to key events. today is the new military owed as being, getting to
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a residence. and basically i have town in the north of the gaza strip to leave the area that because it will be a back to 7 where the is wait a minute. we had been targeting residential houses in that area alongside with the most in these parts of the you know, their costs of the gaza strip off. we need claudia, and alia to remember that the, these areas, the military had operated in before closing collateral destruction to every single life of aspects. and despite the submitted claim that they've managed to militarily control the north of the church or you can see the battles and confrontations are managing again from such areas which reflect the collapse so that he's very strategic. a principal of that's a minute you ground encouraging in these areas as people had been told to sleep again from such areas of fight things. thanks for all of that tara, tara, composing for us there in rafa. and is ready drawn, strike has killed at least one person in southern living on it. hit a vehicle in the town of luna about 50 kilometers from favors. he's ready. um it
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says the target was a member of his belong to live in nissan group launched an attack and response us both across the board of fighting between as well and to live in a group has belie, has been growing in intensity, is displaced tens of thousands of people on both sides of the board and left a trial of damage. so hold a has been on control with you in peace keepers. the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in garza, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. now we are crossing the color because he did riley person position from here where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, surely, no, no, yes, like
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a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as they leave them these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters back. the un force has repeatedly warned that the danger of escalation is real. of the. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the people this is an air strike. so we are looking for the this
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the how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this moving it on dealing with that searching for the police. whether we can have the same, few people remain here, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars. although the concert this phil large was contained and confined to the, for the region, has been lost as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their elders either. so there's nothing on there is, but he's still a hit here on al jazeera, including choking out plan. that's why environmental activists, the cooling for world one, bed, one oil singles use plastic items, the
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the to hello. we got more snow in the full cost coast pots of here, but still looking around the wintry, just around the alpine regions and seen some snow recently just around the both estates that's moving this way. the north with it was actually going to the state of the snow to, into positive gemini, down to a southern parts of the country winfrey enough. i have a tool is that eastern side of frost, which is that normally way. and it's always gonna be a chevy. direction and it's got to feel it will roll over over the next couple of days, even though the temperature isn't done by london getting up to around 12 celsius won't even be that in paris. the show is extend that way down across at least on what the weather that just around central parts of the met moving further east was flashing of the last but he down towards the southeast corner 18 celsius. the in a book arrest. notice move on to the weather coming back in across the northwest.
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if you have some showers to to know the spite. add also into portugal. the what the weather that we do have around central pa, somebody's training will continue. that will bring some what the weather down across most uh into tennessee at the northwest corner of libya as well. because the temperature of the car we got the storm once again, just across the harbor that $42.00 celsius and car on wednesday. and we're going to get down to real, 38 as we go one into thursday must go to 2 in aaa, but most show us frontier. yeah. the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the
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colleges, when the, the, the, the, the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of our top stores, the cell, 130 people have been arrested in new york university. they, they were taking part in the system protests in solidarity with palestinians. thousands of student demonstrate is also arrested at yale and columbia. it's been $200.00 dies since, as well as the war on guns it began in the central pumps of districts is rarely as trunks targeted elements around for t g. can. the wounded had been brushed out locks the hospital for treatments. he's
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ready. i mean, he has killed at least 34183 palestinian since all the time. it's because of civil defense team site. they have recovered thousands move bodies from mass cries on the grounds of nest, a hostile and con eunice. 310 bodies had been found so far. the window and now by lucy on the account, i once again associate professor of golf politics, that catalog universities goals studies tend to thanks for being. yeah. if we can begin with the protests that we have seen in the us campuses, it. why do you think they have, i guess really kicked off now and how much means in a momentum do you think is behind them? and we do think that my main simple take them. i mean, honestly speaking, this is the 1st time we see that the, the, the young people's of the best and they are not proficient about something that is directly engaged in. uh, i mean that related to us engagement and that was like, it did not more lead. i'm going to self and 3 is how they done. i mean, how the,
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how many on our support in piece riley on a, in the conflict that is not absolutely the related with the or 100 percent only thing with the us and it's showing that's younger generations. both both deal for demo guys are both you for republicans are changed and there seemed buses from east road to buy this plan and not very uh, tracing the republic on side more stressing that up and then democrats. but globally speaking, the youngest, a young young people in the us is safely, it changed the business, reproduce over sunday. then the brought us into compass is not the only one or 2, but many companies are we will see the future more in california and mailing this to cost and based on the west coast, maybe not in the, in the midwest, but a, it's possible to see that this has to be an increase in because since february we started to see a different kind of process. so people are voting uncommitted in the, in the primary elections of assessing while they sort of one form they're sold in
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the us. i mean, frustration has to be an increase in, in young people that'd be out of time to say, or to give a message to buy them. then he needs to do something on the door. how many options close to the end of the month. if 4 buy them in the next election, this is tom and it's not going to change the policy against it. sorry, a level, like you said, that trying to send a message to button in the white house. how confident are you that that message will actually get through and potentially change buttons policy when it comes to as well? i don't think i unfortunately don't think that would change too much. maybe by then we'd try. i mean, we have seen changes in this course and then i wrote the from by then and blink and another piece of same that's the, the once you start to enter and go, so they don't want to have more casualties among cbs. so they need to put activity in the she might that and they should enter a sofa. we do a see any effective action. or if it's an access to stop military actions from
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premier, from neither the level nor the love in the united nation. c, 3000. so unfortunately, even within the democratic party, the people that became, that's probably gonna be unnecessary to come drive foreign policy. assume that is our lead. the way that's for the policy, this is a should be made across it in or using boats or box. yeah. so is it supposed to, would that be that would be sweet to change that the way the by this behavior. but i guess the one thing that could change buttons behavior is the fact that if this protests grows, if a larger and actually puts his election chances at risk, that surely would make him at the very least reconsider his position and how he's dealing with as well. yeah, been on his, i mean, i don't think it even, even though by them is the change in his approach to the east trial, i guess i was, i don't think he would. we is not the enough to change the public opinion
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perception about by then above his form policy a overall, i mean, we see that by then the provide grade has been going though from 60 to one with those 2 twins. yes. if since i'm for the $21.00, i'm can now, so this is increasing the, the, the, the, i'm favorable view of or, and policy allows me to change. we not make a big, big change in the, in the here's. okay. so i, i, let's see the tyler who is sort of in the last. yeah. and if he can make it to is a significant you is a kind of leave a legacy for the future. i don't see, i'm not up with anything, not. we'll have to leave david once again. we really appreciate your time this. yeah, and i thank you. the whole, the popular video at tech talks could soon be banned and the us off to the house of representatives voted in support of the mission. now the tech talk fil is part of a big package, which includes i'd for you crying and other us allies. this is now in the hands of the us senate where it is likely to, to be passed as soon as license
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a day or wednesday at lisco live to our correspondents. how did your castro, who was standing by for us in washington, dc. and i mean, there's plenty for the students to consider this that i what exactly are they focusing on and can you guess give us some context about why if we think has been put together in this one bill. yes, because there certainly are competing headlines here. there is the evidence passage of the $95000000000.00 in for an aide. and there is a potentially a minute passage of this potential ban on take talk in the us. but i'm gonna talk about this for an a package 1st because it's something that congress has been working on for months. $60000000000.00 here would go toward ukraine, which that countries president said would give him a fighting chance against russia. then there are $4000000000.00 going to israel's replenishing it's missile defense system and a $9000000000.00 toward causes humanitarian assistance. then throw in
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$8000000000.00 additional dollars for taiwan and the indo pacific. now this very legislative chamber, the us senate passed almost an identical bill. with those elements just 2 months ago. so it's very likely that this again will have bipartisan support here. and as you said, it's already cleared the house, and president biden has expressed his support. but then we shift to the tick tock element and you ask, how are they related? well, they're really not. this was added on because of how popular before an 8 assistance wasn't congress. and it appears there's plenty of support for this tick tock band as well. and so it's, it would be one final vote which we're expecting in the next few hours that would encompass all of these measures. as far as tip top goes, there's been a concern about american law makers that because of the tearing companies, chinese ownership that the chinese government could use take talk despite on it's a 170000000 us users take talk,
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has been trying to fight against is it notified it's us users to quote, exercise their constitutional rights to defend their right to free speech and oppose this. but there does appear to be 5 parts and support in the senate to eventually ban. take talk. there is a way to talk could avoid this, and that is only if it's parent company sells it off to a non at chinese own the company. okay. there's an own it no indication they would be willing to do so, but they would have up to 12 months to make that happen if they so chose. okay, thank you so much. that's how do you check history for us in washington dc. and the system to a european union member of parliament has been arrested on suspicion of all prosecutors say is and especially severe cases of spying for china. the suspect works for the file rise alternative to germany potty is accused of giving the chinese intelligence service information about negotiations and decisions in the european parliament. 3 of the people have also been the rest of the spine for china
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by shooting has rejected espionage claims. as a hype, some of that kind has more from bill and are the facts of the case in so far as we know them of that, the individual, a german citizen who originally was a chinese national, have been working full. the leads count, as i said, the alternative to gemini policy in the european parliament in brussels, but also in dressing where this individual was arrested, a man in his thirties. what we know is that it is alleged that he has passed on information from the european prominence sensitive information of what has been talked about in europe and palm, but also accused of monitoring illegally chinese decisions in this country was interesting is the fact that over the course of monday, we also heard that 3 other individuals in germany had been arrested again. the suspicion being that they had passed on sensitive information to the chinese authorities. in the case of the 3 arrested on monday,
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unrelated to the specific individual, the assistant for the member of parliament in brussels. this was military information sensitive, military, great information being passed on as not the case so far at least as well as we are aware regarding the amount arrested interest. and the reaction to it is very interesting. the chinese government dismissing it as a hype to try to attack china, the german government in the form of the interior administer saying represents a serious attack on german democracy. and we are wait to hear more information about what has happened. don't cain algebra 0 bull in the latest round of you. in negotiations on the treaty to control plastic production is underway in canada, campaign is st. plastic has choking out planet and a cooling for a world wide band on a single use item such as tools, cops, bottles, and bags. indonesia is one of the worlds with plastic pollution is jessica washington reports from an overflowing landfill size south of chicago.


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