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tv   Dystopia of Seoul  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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garment is in the clock has more. yes, plastic is everywhere from the claims we where to how often with this package and even the micro plastics found in the deepest part of our oceans view and says 400000000 tons of plastic waste is produced every year. about less than 10 percent is recycled? and $14000000.00 tons ends up in the world's waterways. yeah. after yeah. of the yeah. then those the health impacts for every living thing including us. when do you think about it every single day? we're in contact with plastic in some every single setting and all daily lives are you know, where, where in plastic with breathing plastic with eating plastic. now what the licensed reset just showing is that that's pasta can breastmilk, that's tough to conflict dentist. so it's become this completely inescapable toxic problem that impacting every single person, even if you have the best intentions to avoid using plastics and use someone who chooses the lifestyle way you try to avoid it. it's simply not possible to avoid
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the health impacts of plastics at this stage. do not have a shift scale of single use. plastics is mind boggling type things contained as the lighting in 2022, as estimated the world use 1.5 trillion single use prostate bottles and cups. think of it 1.5 trillion. one yet use ones just chucked away. but remember, not all plastic is bad. here's the u. n. n a. and as we all understand, by the way that we need plastic, we needed in light of vehicles of foster trains lighter and windmills in shipping. so this is not a sort of antique plastic treaty, but it is very much an anti plastic in the environment treaty. and we need to understand the most of that which ends up in the environment just single use and shortly. so now there's a big push out the towards the radically and definitively count back on the amount of plastic reduced in the 1st place, the funds on single use plastics and so many different kinds of things. the
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plastics would be one of the key things that the treaty can do from writing a transition to reuse for pat and refill. essentially trying to transition us to a kind of safer more secular economy would be an ultimate goal of the tracy. and that's really at the core of how the treaty is being designed at the moment. but not everybody agrees. plastics and made from petra chemicals and oil and gas exporters attending the tools. say we should focus more on recycling and eliminating waste than could be production. it looks that to be a bruising week of negotiations in the effort to clean up plastic pollution before we head to the final round of talks in november. well that so for may tell them the credit for the moments. the news continues here on tuesday or there after the start of song to stay with us. the this is the 1st to me saw that we see. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers hub and use is the this is a part of the 4 seasons. a famous piece of music composed by antonio devonte, 300 years ago. the book today, people are starting to wonder if our spring summer autumn and winter will continue to exist because of climate change is how careful for to who knows it give helpful . but we can put means the old into toting to coding, to discourage on google chrome. and i'm old on a big old in the me on look, attendance who can go to them in the to the toyota and his own little warning is all on one journey. off was on point 0 competencies on you can go to one meter
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on which hill climate scientists are studying, whether we're reaching a tipping point, which will change or seasons forever. but this film is about a different unusual exercise. combining the vault is famous music with weather data and expressing climate change in musical form for different parts of the world, the the on to and you'll be valid to depict the stream and update the way the flowing streams and 1st song at
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a time when the seasons were predictable, the the, this is how artificial intelligence has recompose to be valid this spring in a much less positive version of the 4 seasons. 2 by just how good and then to go month was only doing then because of people turn it on to create it can go back to god that are using to put on your so that he minus all to tell you so. so i'm going to go through a little bit of, i mean, go by, no, i'll be able to drop it, but that's the take. i agree, and that's how can you tell me or, you know, say, so wait a minute, i'm going to test tables. and today i'm hoping i need the
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body compose the 4 seasons for only stream instruments. a i has recompose the 4 movements using climate data projected for the year 2050 and has added percussion and bras instruments who might be willing to provide us. how can that kind of code a kato, and it turn it on? i mean, capital based that we're trying to think of it in the day. people who have worked on it could go off the bill homepage will go headphones back will have good thing going to talk about in the past. the to the new ai versions include one for the south korean capital solar take over to those that they could take a cdn comes on because according to count, got some little come book similar to this to do, we get la gauge from the shape of the home, say the reviews home with a was a high 6 to, to the con. clear need to have some intricate or yeah,
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this is an issue that is important to me. and of course i'm very all as excited to play with the with young oh, $10.00 in finance team doing the even to young is a talented korean violinist and will be the solo is in the performance of the soul . 2054 seasons. tom deals with that one to go and get a good time. the whole thing. all right, and the man like you and just the little like the girl runs along when she gets them, when they all think they pay a part of the, the musical score composed by a i is called the uncertain 4 seasons the project
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to recompose it brought together, data scientist, composers, ai developers, and musicians you put the k one's a little, tentative, easy going on. if you, by doing this, i get a cute, a thought of the plan. so you can, you tell which i'm gonna put you on the pass can put it into the the project, use climate modeling data from the into governmental panel on climate change, or worst case scenario, or the hosting that's happening. so has to be a window on the, on the take on a little to when it comes, we'll use cable coupon i the by there you can go. so you to a tell you as you go tell over the project for it. use different versions for 14 separate locations, including venice, the mall, these south hollow brennan, cape town, and sold using each city's projected climate situation. paid to tons sitting in
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it the low low i'm dying of this one and you got 9. and then when the times of the times to be thought of, i'm probably within the eclipse and it has the money to me to live on the with the same i did something with the putting go knowledge on us. so people really on k total want to inject cool custodial, we move up to tech and then the good to me comes with the english to comes way down the list. and it became probably that that it would the wheel on. i think h always, you know, either to cut them in your communication. and as i mentioned, taught 20 of how come following up from 9 to last. they've been the data scientist realized that the damage to different countries was not necessarily in proportion to their greenhouse gas. emissions take off spinning by side and i got some gift tickets going out to go. i'm with them and a jingle duties. have it done. cool. and i wasn't good friends with them when a sometimes take a hard on cool get ending with an email. comes with the people in team will either
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come in here. i guess i went through my job was in the car, the one done meal cutting, you know the guitar. so from going to me on the thing when i went to the hospital and a cruise on so i think the 33 korean positions from different groups came together to form a project orchestra to play the on certain 4 seasons composed by a i 1st holy base started rehearsing for our performance plan for september 2022, the spring in the fall. this person is bright and energetic, but the 2050 a version is very different. and this orient teaching. but in addition, the
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most expensive monday sunday to everybody is i wanna know how long it took. well, i knew what the guy that i needed to court to go over again. sound good and includes the can now come into google to do more to get the hang on it. get kind of need. like a difficult to the temple you'll probably get to this given the back for the night is for it. yeah. so basically, yeah, that's fine. yeah, yeah, 90 percent of the again and again, i know this is weird. this music's feels weird, but like, i think we still decide i think like play like one musically i think for like the 1st minute rain mean last concert master. just yeah, i think yeah. we can just make what freezing you know, all the, all the, you know, musical things. so apply. okay. 90 of the
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bell like alien music. i felt like something from another planet. oh yes. you can think she killed or choose how to cool how it's always been a will assume a point on this and then to understand why those for 2050 version of spring is so down beat. you have to look at korea, industrial history. the republic of korea is the world's 10 largest economy today. it was built during a period of rustic growth in the 2nd half of the 20th century center is also known as the miracle on the hon river of the. but it was based on the
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large scale use of fossil fuels, which emitted large quantities of greenhouse gases. when an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas was concluded in killed to japan, in 1997, korea was excluded us. it was considered a developing country level to try to because you're probably on the way to, to who don't want to me that dentist. $150.00 the want also students to want to not on the test on a lot of the year old is william taylor's google. so many of the top 100 room could go on it chasing, you know, you can put it off and leaving a little closer to my home where you don't know carolina's calling. so what do you all police are putting on the vehicle and you as a father to get you going to get a hold of somebody at all? because i think we should think because it is all you chasing image of all i young then in puberty cause i'm not doing not i'll tell. i mean we need one's point is gonna deal with a c q armstrong at all. why don't you go? there's a going to lie there, which on board will put in your on on the shirts on the inquiry as john coronado
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electric incoming list junior thought, i wonder what she jo solo violinist immediately wanted to know more about korea, greenhouse gas emissions. so she met 20 times from the presidential commission on 2015 card, one neutrality. the they met at the solar power plant, built in 1913 if you still use cool, let us know compared to the liquefied natural gas l n g. the south korea still mainly generates electricity by conventional thermal means pulling it out until she got was it augusta picture day, monday. what do you not have it to you on? on sure. putting them them, causing us to get them in there. the
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curious greenhouse gas emissions rose in line with the growth of the economy told at the point which a month ends on the traveling. and bill always goes, but she didn't had another thing to do is, and we, we don't run on it in terms of equation number to assume something on the one x x present going through the with souls greenhouse gas emission, sol. hi, the on certain for season sounds very different from the policy the orchestra was ready for the concert performance a for to today, the tall l on taking on the so cool, looking down, creating gum and what they did cuz it's different. i didn't know that often hold on for the trouble. oh, we've all ended up a lot to no one quite knew how the audience would react to the new version.
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the key i'm going to have to because it's a little money to make 40 downing go the project orchestra 1st. perform the on certain 4 seasons in september 2022 the
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but the summer it was a terrible time for whether in solar us the effects of climate change. huge south korea unexpectedly hard. the, the, the torrential rains cause heavy floating across the city on the 8th of august phone, and especially the relative condom district experience is highest rating for, for 18 years. over $100.00 millimeters of rain per hour were recorded in some areas. some reports say as many as 19 people were killed. $3000.00 vehicles were flooded and the damage was estimated
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to have costs around a $100000000.00 us dollars. the you, the usual sold is full time. i'm going to into a punch. it is on how to throw on it. somebody possibly be immediate or one on 2 of them. if you're going to a full blown go should on calling for the own bull and the pets hushing me. the song, the one data, of course quicker. know the, the chance this aware that this kind of major natural disaster will be more frequent in the future, the st. jude telling you. it doesn't say that this isn't good enough to trip holstad, turned it on you to assemble in your unit or putting you and help you out and build a mock total weights on monday. either was on the phone or i'll get that you all ship to top pulls in. this isn't be on the 3rd question for all the people with what is all to you to the queen detail as young men because i'm to juggle, come going to announce hobbled on because you were located. the mail means you may assume the,
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the highest possible send to them because i'm going to get the oval with sale. come on, come, you know, kind of get an update as to what you thought i one wished it was your customer humble. now get the unit when she goes to maturity. javan couldn't hear the music and i might get them and tons of what about when he got i'll come on, eat off also. sonya come. so do what do you like to on that kind of? so he poked the thought i was looking for space, somebody above the less than a month later, another climate disaster still korea. typhon he num, nor chief the whole of the south east asia region in late august and saturday, the korean peninsula for 3 days in early september, the relentless rain caused flooding dangerous levels. again,
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it will do that. i can go in and continue younger howard. and if i need to get any day or to go and none of i thought she might, if i came in just about to pull it out for to and then hung, don't a point to point to and i thought some guy single come to the kinds of course, and, you know, and all that kind of, what i guess i me on come on comparing. it's all take it all, most, it's one giga, somebody to get into puddled ching, by the studio company. analysts you want in there is a one unit on posterior and i'll get them opinions. i come, you'll come to me and just post saying that i'll get it pushed the, the, the changes in solos, whether in the past 50 years have had an impact on the home. the 1st from 100 though, most of the go onto her. don't e mail so the
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. c years ago, and can we move on to the ones that go through them with the coding and call the issues that i need to mind totally with them or things that will be done in the now let's put the child to sleep mode and in that area we sell things on young people, how go behind them with this key to put some i, if i have the single expose, spending it once a month and it's going down there, i'm doing it so you don't need to be the cheapest one positive. you can pay it, don't get things, i'm going to get it. i'll get you to a 100 and escape. so it's something i didn't order with us and, and kind of take them to see the we don't get into it you enough to, to, to explain it to joe today. and then what them to my teeth would help on this used to be where the hon river froze, but not anymore. the thompson island has also failed the effect of climate change.
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thompson is close to the general public nature reserve and birds century, including for endangered species. doctor agent on this is comes on to check on the parts of the 0. he doesn't move, the phone book is about the place kind of sort of was kind of serious. this is officer thompson was devastated by the floods and covered in mud and garbage. birds lost their nest in the heavy rain and struggle to breed the following year. for little ones, you, like i said, it was a living, it is approximately little moves. it's also not very good. what the official really
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cool, the some to this one which gets a to the customer, they're putting the money orders and kind of put the code in to put in with it is open to who know who locate you. i'm going to sit in the portal when that is all i'm worth and said it is true, but it wasn't for you. it's awful unders infinity such as you bubble pretty open to just to the ones that are sent. so we're almost finished up here, but i want to see i'm going to connect them to the little nail pleasure in which i plan on go somewhere to the single who go through to learn and grill. well, if you don't have something to cover that i don't, i'm kinda worth education around you to let me know if that's where it was only about another conference i was able to go out to be on the search and for
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seasons was composed by artificial intelligence but there's an argument, though we are the ones responsible for the new, the scope and version of the music. and go ahead, go, go ahead and think on the super easy one, an incom to by the going to get the, the full ink under the seo to costco pool. because here, there is a ton out of the thing on ingle connie. it's amy, cool. you muggy, when you get i'm gonna get. i'm looking through the end. i'm in the, in god knows that he's gonna hang out in the, the
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key to the as the meter. and so i'm wondering what's the approval holding his head of stuff in the
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pipe was put on the phone, put him formerly to holmes, have them say windows or that wasn't clear to chris hammer. you talk is, are the home a because i'm through, i don't know who's in those and could see the soon as you get the federal good the we are you the somebody will say, can you hear about us who say to me, my, or the middle of the 100 so i sit on the in the system to the style, the little for me. as soon gabriel love prolong blemish of the problems of the region and thought able to new to the creative to
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get the home. say they a bit more to one of them to the control module. the without a huge changes in human behavior. there's a strong possibility that we will lose the 4 annual seasons that we're used to and that the phone is bright and expressed in music will no longer reflect the weather. the world will experience by the year 2015 the that the a certain this will be in the vision express by the a version of the 4 seasons who become reality. the clock is ticking. we're running out of the
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is one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render moody's be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment, swing voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, sweety? i'm fairly ongoing coverage. but in the, as an action on tuesday, around 5 to 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for
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the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. business latest is brought to you while i get this. i live slowly on one of your this makes more than plates. the
12:00 am
business latest is free for you, i guess is that a nice guy on one of your just makes model inflates? the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes to 100 days of war. is roll shows no signs of ending the violence and gods are as more people are killed across the strip pro palestinian demonstrations of sprinting across universities in the us police arrest and thousands of students were on patrol with you in peace keepers and southern living on is the sons of war


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