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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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in western and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to turn this to kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the . ready ready to 200 days of war, israel shows no sign of ending the devastation of guys. as most people are killed across the street. the are you watching college, a 0 life from to high with me for the back. people also ahead protests spread to universities across the us against the war on guys and installing diety with students, arrested as columbia university, the anger in origin,
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tina teachers and students demonstrate against funding cuts to public education. and the us senate gives the final approval for a 95000000 dollar age package to israel, ukraine, and taiwan. the thank you for joining us tuesday, march 200 days since these are a launch. it's war on gossip. the unrelenting attacks guide off by is really forces show no sign of abating lea 7 people have been killed in strikes on wi fi in the south and they're all black in central gaza. almost half the strip, swampy nation is now taking refuge in rafa ways. whereas all me is threatening to launch a ground offensive more than $34000.00 palestinians have been killed since october . the 7th. the war has sponsored global outrage and israel stands accused of committing genocide and human rights abuses. diary cub was on begins coverage with
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this report from rossa in 7 guys on the 200 days since as well began as genocide of cause lights on slate shows new signs of lifting up. and again, it's women and children who all the victims said was just 7 years old when the messiah struck the is more of a now left without a saw the we were inside the house and suddenly the house breaks, gusted everywhere. we kept looking for a smile, but he wasn't in the house and he wasn't in the street. if somebody had disappeared, he was not even in the houses of our neighbors. finally, we found dish miles body. it was moving 20 meters away from the last. these ready only gave the and warning to evacuate this positive. they cannot yet in the know doing cause this trip somebody this morning just do not mess up any more to people
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left hanging on to life. here. we're in a very dire situation. i'm too exhausted. i walked all the way from home on foot. i can't continue like this. what happens happens so it's in a love and others are being forced to leave any way they can hoping to find safety in devalue refugee, come lives, destroyed entries, families, but to pause. as well stands accused of genocide that the international court of justice, the court has already owed it as well to guarantee the safety of civilians on old. the isabel continues to ignore $200.00 days into its will and gone to our capacity . oh, just a rough, rough off palestine of the un human rights. she says he is horrified by reports of
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mass graves in gaza. more than 300 bodies were discovered on the grounds of naso hospital in con, units in the south volk, a turkish calling for an independent investigation. i mean what, it's called a climate of impunity. witnesses say some of the victims were killed during these really, caesar at the hospital, civil defense officials say hundreds more, are buried in the medical complex. meanwhile, the number of protest in solidarity with palestinian said to us colleges and universities is growing. students from massachusetts to california are calling for institutions to cut ties with companies that profit from israel as well on guys. christian slow may report some new york, hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions and n y use administrators. they say are suppressing voice is critical of israel. they're angry, police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers
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defied orders to leave a school, plaza, or face consequences. the arrested have been made the attempts to stifle the x out of the expression are ludicrous there. instead of go to the goals of university and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly background of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's columbia university. where this latest wave of protest began, students were kept out for a 7th street day a week that has seen hundreds of arrests there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories
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dormitories that they pay for some giving us 15 minutes to gather their belongings . and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests and the situation that really doesn't, meredith, there's no justification for this when students are really just sitting on a lawn, doing their homework. students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at n y u. that includes lockheed martin the us weapons manufacturer, who's weapons are used by the israeli military, general electric, which makes engines for the israeli military and caterpillar, the construction machinery giant, whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in illegal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recriminations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who
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claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism. at new york university and columbia university. they even stopped to celebrate pass over. they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movements for inflammatory language. new york's marriage says a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police arrived christian salumi out to 0 new york. well, let's discuss this further. now with that, why the site who is a professor of law and dean's faculty fellow at the university of colorado school of law, he's joining us from boulder, colorado. thank you very much for your time. thank you for speaking to us on algae 0. can you, i guess start off by telling us about the situation on your campus,
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what's been the interactions between police and protesting students there? so far there hasn't been too much here. there's been some protest activity, but it's at a low level, nothing. nothing compared to what's going on at columbia or n, y u or various other universities around the country. yeah. but the issue is people's minds, right? indeed it is. i mean, they've been months and months of actions from students over the war on gaza. what is behind you think this new momentum in the movement in support of the people of guys are and why have these tensions that we've seen on campuses including and why you, columbia bubbled over in recent days? well, i think as a general matter, what we're seeing is that there is a great deal of the agitation on behalf of palestine and palestinians,
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people, students, and faculty and staff at universities are quite horrified. i think in the main as to what's going on and gaza, you know, accounts of a plausible genocide, according to the world port. numerous un reports. so kind of neutral, well established, credible sources pointing out what we're seeing on our screens every day, which is on, on remitting and unrelenting scenes of har. and i think students who have been showing a great deal of courage, their cross sectional, they're representing all different types of groups, palestinians, you know, americans of all walks of life, jewish americans, etc, have been particularly alarmed. and i think that appalled by the fact that universities in general have been reluctant to reluctant to support
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their right to protest. they don't have to support their position or take or take up their position or endorse their position, but their actual, their, their feelings on the issue in their will. and their willingness and desire to express solidarity has been at many campuses repressed columbia. why is that? why, why is that? why has the response from university officials been sold? draconian did politics. american policy take takes is that info and seeing these university officials to respond in the way they have real life. and yes, of course, i mean there is the specter looming and we've seen it and we've seen it in action of this kind of politically motivated, congressional hearing, which is meant to kind of humiliate administrators into admitting that they're somehow anti semitic by not cracking down on pro palestinian protests with the requisite amount of force and sanctions, etc. and you see how this,
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this situation has led to students who are not, you know, the 1st amendment is kind of the hallmark freedom. that america, you know, what's forth as how it sees itself in the world is the home of freedom of speech. and when you see that being that being curtailed based on the viewpoint discrimination which is, you know, kind of a, it was something that's supposed to be not allowed under the 1st amendment. and you see university administrators kind of selectively applying that against pro palestinian protest. you see the response by the students has been to double down and to insist on their right to protest in solidarity after all, what they're protesting is in fact a genocide where new horrors, just kind of a you know, new hires up here every day they, they occur every day and we're now we're running about mass graves, hospitals, so the, the, the fuel for this is the ongoing situation in gaza and administrators don't seem to
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be interested in. um, don't seem to be interested in allowing students to express these views. right. and it's interesting that you talk about, of course, of the fact that this has re ignited the debate about how universities can support and protect students' rights to, to free speech wide. also ensuring you know, as a fit and an inclusive environment. there's a whole debate around that right now, but i wanted to ask you about where you think this movement is going ahead. of course, you know, there's a history of protests on, on american campuses that dates back to, to many decades ago. the war in vietnam will recall ignited the protest movement that helped define a generation and actually accelerated the withdrawal of us troops from the region. the war. and guys are you think 2 of the same duties protests have the potential to impact policy? you know, so i think on a popular level, what we're seeing is support for
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a ceasefire among the american population at large is very high. and so and the, the, the sort of support for the palestinian cause has never been higher in this country . and we're seeing that reflected most acutely in the student protests. what i think is most alarming goods to go directly to your question about whether this will affect change. what we're seeing is from the main stream media and from kind of from politicians, whether from present biting on downs is a, you know, a kind of a very rapid and, and sort of almost automatic response that seeks to equate these protests with anti semitism. and which is like, which is, i think, in many ways absurd, given that so many of the protests are themselves are jewish. and in fact, right now in new york, outside of university setting, there's a, there's a protest going on by various jewish organizations demanding
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a cease fire. so i think what we're seeing is the sort of the, the main stream media and the government want to paint a picture of campuses as wildly unsafe for jewish students. because these protests are meant or motivated by anti semitism. and the protesters themselves are desperately trying to, you know, put out messages for a cease fire against genocide, etc. and say that these, this issue of anti semitism is being used against them to repress their voices. when this is a pluralistic, multi uh, sort of multi sect toral move in for cease fire and piece not to make campuses unsafe for any group of people based on their identity. thank you so much. profess aside for talking to us why the size is professor of law at the university of colorado school of law joining us different boulder. we appreciate your time. thank you. so thank you very much. i'll protest that also being held in tel aviv,
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where pressure is mounting on his ralph's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, relatives 12 captives and their supporters tape the amounts with the message to 100 days. and nothing has change. talks on free and kept is held him guys i have sold as israel is refused to accept dependencies. fire. hey, my brother in law there, there you guys are and we don't we 130 more people too much needs to be in. we need to have in the center of the country need are seeing i had on alger 0 will be taking a look at some of the days i've been use, including choking offline h y, environmental activist accounting for a worldwide ban on all single use. pasta, guys, news
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. hello, i'm afraid there is more rain. yes. yes, more right into the full cost of southern parts of charlotte and see that really well the system here coming out into the open more just freedom. some weather the into japan toe k 27 celsius. that rain starts to push this way, but still some pockets of very heavy rain there. across a southern china. and these will become more widespread as we go on into thursday. so expect the flooding to be with us and as that was a web returns, i'm afraid into vice plus hit pos, the saturated ground that will close by the problems. meanwhile, japan, she is up and degree wise, the full tow getting up to 27 celsius on thursday, often and warm enough to, to northern china. i think at around 29 celsius,
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something in between that full rest. so meanwhile, a lot of them, whether they're into the philippines, one of the 2 shells, particularly to the south of the country scattering a shell, is across bonia, malaysia that seem fairly wet weather. once again, the rate of saves and the costs not done with us just yet. scattering the shouts to across indo china, scattering shouts because the faucet as of india, amazon, northeast of india. but it's really once again all about the hate. and you can see that frame on so you have 15 temperatures into the forty's, the, it's been a full for an upgrade to change the locks in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to one osiris to 2 young women who have taken different routes to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generations haines as well. series attempts to understand and
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talents be. i think that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on out you 0 the the you watching l g 0 a reminder of our top stories tuesday, march to 100 days since these were a launch. it's one guy with no sign of the attacks of bathing almost half the strips population i sought refuge in ross on ways resumes threatening a ground defensive. within 34000 odyssey means have been killed since october. the 7th protests over the war on gas. i have spread to a number of the top us universities, including the columbia, mit and hobbies. hundreds of students have seen the rest. and since friday,
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the white house says it's monitoring the situation close out ahead of the u. an agency for policy and refugee says, israel's recent attacks on the group a part of a push to remove the organization from the gaza strip in january is around a q some on the staff of involvement in the october 7th attacks. why i'm us, but a review of the agency's operations released on monday stated that israel has not provided supporting evidence for his claims. as part of that review and list of recommendations were made to ensure accountability and the neutrality. evelyn, draw a speaking to andrea 0. earlier the commission alvin roughly plaza really said the agency was being attacked for political reasons. why is on the constant at the constant pressure constant cooling of this functioning a constant, the administrative, the restaurant, and also constant, i would say sometimes. so social media assassination. and he says,
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definitely an impact on no style for you might also have seen over there now stuff today. so they have been opinion poured and also whizzing the population in the west. mike, i need no gaza. there is a deep anxiety. is that if the, the agency is a discount or that would this would also put an end to the 2 state solution. i was just say pretty console last week. and basically i told the member that the at talk to on want have nothing to do. we started to try to, to issues, but in reality, that motivated by the objective to street the defense team and uh, from the refugee state, use the us senate as fast and $95000000.00 aid package providing a to ukraine. and israel humanitarian relief for guys as well as a $1000000000.00 for security and taiwan. part of that package is a provision that could lead to
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a nationwide ban on tick tock. my kind of reports in washington was know, you guys appear to have it. you guys do have it. and the motion is agreed to the legislation, receive support on both sides of the aisle. red bipartisan agreement on the hill. it provides $80000000000.00 and aid to ukraine and $26000000000.00 to israel amounts that were approved 2 months ago in a similar part in a package that did not have the tick tock, provision. the chinese, other than social media company has to be done to fight in congress for months, despite as wild popularity among american use, some of whom were protesting outside the senate against the measure. senators were pains to point out. it's not to to talk itself that is the concern, raw the chinese ownership of the congress is not acting to punish white dance, tick, tock or any other individual company. convers is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage surveillance. maligned operations. farming vulnerable
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americans are service men and women, and our u. s. government personnel. currently the chinese communist party is able to gain unlimited access to the account information of tick tock users. if it's so choose, is else with the director of the f b, i added his voice to the tick tock, debate, tick, tock for us represents a national security concern. and the reason i say that is that take tax parent company is beholden to the chinese government. and so when people, when americans stop and think about, how do they feel about the, the power, the access, the capability to control the tick tock has they need to be thinking about it in terms of how they feel about that same power access capability control in the hands of take talks, parents in chinese government and ultimately in the chinese intelligence services. the chinese elements of tick tock coming given 9 months in which to sell the
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company or it will be banned to the us. president biden can expend this period for 3 months if he wishes with an immediate fan no longer being contemplated. congress has ensured that does not become an issue in the november election by kind of, i'll just say era. washington, you know, engine, tina, tens of thousands have been riling across the country against government budget codes to education. as all just areas theresa boy explains, present having me lay has been slashing state spending as argentina, struggles with the cost of living crisis and inflation to thousands of people carrying books to go over. but that's how the module in front of the presidential palace. they say public education is at risk, and that's why they want the government of libertarian president. have you had any like to know? they'll be here to defend the plan. the guy that use the dean of the university of window site is middle school age. education is
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a constitutional rights and it's the job of the states to promote public education and high level education. it provides the opportunity and is at the center of any type of development video or the university of what a site is, is free, and is considered to be among the top universities in the world. people say it's a matter of national pride. faculty, students, and staff from the universities have all come here to defend public education, but it's over 60 public university been argentina and may depend on the national budget spot seems probably going to be late to corporate funding for the university of not increase in size on storing inflation, government officials accuse universities will be regularities and one to carry out an audit. i'm pretty middle to well, really address the nation and monday, saying he will continue with his austerity to plan, to jumpstart the economy market. most of the don't hold any of the envelope but on
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what we now. so when we took off is that situation is so serious. it's argentine that has no time for gradualism. and that's why we implemented the most ambitious chuck blended. now we history, but people here same really is making a mistake when i was studying during the dictatorship, in the 19 seventy's, the military close to my university and i defend the university of winters site is because it is the best we have in education and education that has provided an opportunity to, to a higher education, to millions of people in the country. they showed up on the streets in times of need to tell the government the budget cuts need to happen somewhere else. the. so we'll just see that window site is thousands of indigenous people have gathering brazil's capital for a 5 day protest defending their land and cultural rights. it's against what they say and full fields, promises by present, luis, you know, similar to silver, to protects reserves and expelled on drivers from the territories. when he came and
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i kid went to brazilian and spoke to members of the indigenous tribes chanting in different rhythms and tongues. but marketing is one leaders of more than $100.00 indigenous peoples have gathered in results capital to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their annual camp. out, but also to raise their voice against the persistence violence they endured. first of all, someone to call them of them. we've come a long way these past 2 decades claiming our territories. but while more indigenous lands have been de marketed, we have also suffered more invasions from illegal minors, poachers and loggers. it's a never ending struggle. far from resilience in the brazilian amazon, a stark portrayal of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy, people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities, their rivers points and with mercury, rendering water undrinkable and fish,
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inedible. in 2023. soon after taking office president wheezing us to luna. that's 2 of us, sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve and come back. what he termed a genocide was the one more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed so soon as the armed forces left illegal miners return. every day we see their plains coming, enjoying sometimes 15 per day before we are no more. recent report shows a 94 percent of our people have high levels of mercury in their blood. b, people are being close and now women are afraid of their children and the color of the product they hang on a little cool like the yeah, no mommy face the same problem. yeah, i think well his name to the effects of america repose and they are not immediate. they show up with time. we feel headaches, we feel weak. our children are born with deformities present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves. protesters say
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a lot more must be done. indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. there's still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress. activists say they will expand the site from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. monica not give on to 0, brazilian the latest rhonda view, and negotiations on a treaty. the control classic production is on the way in canada campaign. a say plastic is choking off time. a 10 are calling for a world wide band on no single use item such as jaws, cops, bottles, and bags. indonesia is one of the was worst. plastic fluids is jessica washington before some an overflowing landfill site south of jakarta. indonesia is one of the wells at top contributors of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons
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of plastic waste each year. and it's at locations like with in depth. ok. on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scales of what environmental groups called a plastic waste crisis in indonesia. by the time what is the color plus the other? so much plastic waste here, you can find all kinds of plastic. oh, plastic bags and others, you can see those in the piles up the days of being here for many years. i know what you're looking at now is not a landfill but rather overflow from the nearby to buy a landfill. now the garbage that has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. and then this is just one of many landfills around the country that have reached or exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. the most common plastic pollution in indonesia are single use sashes, which environmental groups say or small,
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but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and also promoting recycling among many communities. indonesia has also expressed support for the global plastics, tracy, which is being discussed in canada this week. it has also expressed its views that some countries may need technological and financial support to ensure the smooth implementation of such an agreement. jessica washington, which is 0 demo. indonesia, a giant landfill on the east coast of india is capital has caught fire unleashing a toxic cloud of smoke across new daily hush him, i have barbara has more one of indiana's largest mountains of rubbish is on fire. the landfill is the size of 40 foot.


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