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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm robot, as in this is the news are live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. dozens more bodies are finding jobs as mass graves. the joins b u, n. and calling for an independent investigation. israel palms has follow positions across the lebanese florida and the heaviest fighting. since the warren and gossip began, palestinian saw the da vinci process continue to spread across us universities for students that are arrested for their opposition to israel's wall. and johnson. and the new report says,
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nearly 300000000 people across the world are facing high levels in security. conflicts and major comes out in support. here. oklahoma f marino's have reached the final of the asian champions, baby sub grantsville st. how young died to advance for the final for the 1st time. the . so we're going to begin this news are in gaza, where there are growing international calls for an investigation into mass graves that have been discovered in southern gaza. european union has now joined the united nations in defining an independent pro on whitening state. another 51 bodies were finding the grounds of a hospital, in con eunice, more than 300 are being discovered since south of this, the gravely concerned by the, by the result, the discovery of most grace in the found you nice. i mean, i'll,
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she follows to be told the something that the forces us to quote for an independent investigation of older suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that is why it's important to have independent investigation and to insure the accountability elsewhere in the body of refugee camp in the north. an air strike is one that at least 5 people, 3 refugee camps in the central region have also been hit. the house ministry says another 79 people are being killed in the past 24 hours. we're going to straight through telecom also, whose life for us in our office, a more bodies being found in these graves topic and also growing calls for an investigation. yes, robin sykes and use clothes of dead bodies have been on cabinets and the graveyard, the announcer hospital, as the civil defense team. they were working tirelessly in order to find more and
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you bodies them to finish today to recover those bodies items. as the families managed to relatively identify the identities of other stuff, the other families are really are really lining up in the sides of the hosp, which i'm waiting to find that the loved ones among the do speaking to the very that box whose have been a recall that today i've been a partially also identified at the same time the work i'm fluid, things children, women and also have ones of people with also signs of really being the on call starting with has been tied to its back on the palestinians have been saying that it's completely go against the international humanitarian loop, as whose people should be protected at times of conflict. box identity is recommended, truthful, more than a couple of times, have been accusing. i have been even carrying out the same military act on the ground representative investigating with people carrying out 2 of excuse and according to i, right, this is on the same time, buried them deep on the sounds in the yards of the hospital. that's how i tend to be now
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a great for the best place families as you on rights office have been quoted for an independent investigation to which this, while these very ministry has been reporting, i'm responding to these claims to be completely baseless on sounds and then that's what i witnesses have been completely refusing, as they have been saying that they may, that you had ordered them to be from the hospital as a number of residents being taken to investigation. and they have been seeing the military shooting them on the ground as a part of that minutes. reparation. i'm not sure hospital over this carrying on new files, but i guess the background of course of the ongoing fighting that's, that's been happening just briefly bring us up to date with the latest strikes static. the yes, we're all good side of the latest. the basically a tax and the gaza strip has been destroyed and got residential house in the shots, a refugee camp where a number of palestinians being killed and injured. and those things that have been transferred to our hospital for medical treatments on in the middle areas move back
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towards a more attacks also have been recorded in the past couple of hours as a group of palestinians have been attacked in the eastern part of their as well, as by witnesses on the grounds and almost a rock for fiji campuses, will have to report to the point on president that she of destruction has been completely closed. as a result of these very attacks on these areas, as the number of families has talked to to lead to the middle areas under the rocks, refugee campbell, they have been witnessing, clint, intensification of the, out to the re bombardments in such areas. and right now, in the southern parts of the gods, this trip here in rough up, we have been recruited in impact to move men to the east, very military surveillance in terms of the central areas of russell has now you can hit the ground, the voice in the bottom of the miniature drones, as we can clearly accounts and see basically the size of the stroke and stuff are loaded with besides, thoughts are expected to attract the tertiary within the coming hours. sorry. thank you very much indeed. tell a couple of them talking to us from rough. um,
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so the united nations on the european union now calling for an independent investigation into those mass graves but what's talked and it looked like lucy, danielle is a senior election or an international law and international criminal law and nothing in law school. and he was among the academics invited by human rights organizations to discuss the special rough hotels garza genocide report to the un human rights council. he's joining his live now from london. thank you very much. indeed from being with us agencies on foreign governments and a view in itself have been gathering to some degree or another evidence to suggest that israel has been committed war crimes and does have since october of last year . why has nothing happened yet and will this call for an independent investigation into this case actually make any difference to think so before the question, next, it's a 6 months we are we messing reports by a multi police c p. all crazy. both human rights organizations, media outlets documenting you
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a relevant list targeting of cdns or otherwise protected by the answer of at least 251, a work or something to you the, the, the, off, the solve, the coordination on your mind. is that enough fair secans, so for a $190.00 out workers queued since the beginning of these media tiny company. ready it's true that there be no concrete results all existing investigations, but we don't know if nothing is happened because the international court was already investigating pro level international crimes by both parties to this conflict and the persecutor of the international court as made clearly multiple locations. so that the court, these investigating also probable crimes committed by these rating are me. so there is a distinct, likely that's august we're on. so our event event for these right leaders. but
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let me stress so that they are longer overdue. the injustice then system of the crimes and will really be incomplete, the down arrow re fi, cook's k, as these must grace demonstrate. so. so the international community should the pressure immediately to august wants to try to prevent the continuation of these crimes. and as i said, they, the procedure of bringing a prosecution that the international criminal court takes a significant amount of time. we've covered many of those cases here, ronald is there, i mean, basically seem to spread over years. do you think that the threats of being prosecuted at the international criminal court actually is regarded as a severe threat by people who perhaps in some cases have actually committed war crimes? yes, to be honest. he's ready. media outlets every bought of
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a few days ago when emergency meeting of these radio set you do for all call fi or oh, you mean an artist were around. so unfortunately, unfortunately, the fact that these investigations are extremely complex and take long time. ease of no justification in this case, because consider that the 1st engagement of the listing, and i'm forwarding to you with the international opinion, of course, do you mind being just the spoiled crime? so he's almost 10 years ago. and the investigation has been pending, 40 years international to be several part of your request. you know, unfortunately these right expect you to as repeatedly communicate that the uh, to feel a balls below of work and the whole international to me on the. so you respect the both of these, these regularly dispersed section about international crime. so ease the grading be of any that makes all the rules based system that needs these august words
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to restore the minimum levels of internationally gotten to that are needed in the long run. to achieve it, just be so you few be pri, bekins of these already crimes. hold any form of recall. nation of the because the, my station you are not working for the just piece and for the blood right. on the comb fridays. these phaser reproduces spies out of cdm because you might say, sure, and so that seems we cannot be completed anymore. sorry to interrupt you, but just briefly on that. but because you're very different rates are very interesting point. i mean, in the event that prosecutions why are abroad, how confident to people affected on both sides by this will be that somebody is actually going to be held to account. and i'm talking about people on both sides of the conflict who lost family members. and i'm friends. exactly,
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this is a crucial issue because all the red updates all cvd ends q, the insured the target that don't know fully on all the sites of these seemingly your best conflicts at the moment. these have justice and i think the live people do or contact the the if the situation he's on law, the ease. hi. uh, i cannot do it, but should i read to you the 54? we're trying to conduct all the fight in the role started of the international giving you a quarter. dozens of them appear to be completed. so once these perfect perfect, you should get to the next stage. we take the time, but we can be confident that some degree of account of the piece can be achieved. this is not enough to reach the adjuster solution to this conflict. the box is. ready sure and essential a prerequisite to to. ready introduce direction. that means you've done, you have a,
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we appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise in this. thank you very much indeed for your time. thanks for having me. on us as released a video of the captive housing guys are criticizing is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu house go about pulling is an american is really was taken captive by the music festival, october the 7th. can i get more with the correspondent and occupied east jerusalem abundance? my so what's the message in this video? video bonded a dozen almost a 3 minute long video of 23 year old. her gold book, poland. he was taken captive from supernova, re festival. it was happening in the early hours of october 7th, not far from the gauze offensive about this video around of the time when he was taken captive, he was sheltering a bone shelves that a grenade was thrown in. and he was shown by the way, ended in 5 days left time and was blowing off. and in the video today, we see that he's missing a lot less time. in the video,
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he opened the criticizes benjamin netanyahu says they're not doing enough, blames him for not getting the captives out. remember, of course, the when these videos are released these people are not speaking freely. they will be told what they can and cannot say by the captors, but obviously a he, we, he's clearly a being held captive and such, he's been on the ground for about nearly $200.00 days of his most days has a fixed time on the video, but we are just now over mocking the $200.00 days since october the 7th. those re so is reasonably current is the 1st video we've had actually sent in about 3 months is around calls. the use of these videos deplorable psychological wolf, bernard. i know it's understand also we're seeing some, some reports of the, the cheapest off of these really armies also being kyra. this is another dynamic of course to this concept he's been talking about proposed is ready military operation
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in gaza in his offer. and specifically, what more do we know about that as well, but it's just coming from a specific egyptian news agency news website. it's saying that the head of these riley army, in that edition baths have been in cairo speaking to the egyptian counterparts to try and sort of put them at ease or a late fee is about what's going to happen in rafa. egypt is very worried that a large ground operation in rafa could sent out tens of thousands of palestinians over the border potentially into egypt. so what this website is reporting is that the is riley's, have been saying that any operation is going to be slow and gradual. instead of a comprehensive invasion of the moment, these riley is a set telling that egyptian pounds falls, they have no deadlines. so this is the stats of this invasion, they say they will do it when the humanitarian conditions allow. it's interesting
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that this is being reported because there's been this enormous pressure on his role, not to launch a full scale round operation because of the potential for many tens of thousands of casualties. but israel has been insisting is going to go ahead with an operation. but this suggestion is that he's going to be much more specific and much less much more targeted if you live looking for the specific how much targets then a large scale ground invasion might've been talking to is i'm lucky by the east jerusalem, that's about in smith's darn and thank you. all these really ami says it's launched at least 40 air strikes and what it claims on has ball or targets in southern 11 on it's the largest number of the strikes carried out in a single day. since the cost of motor conflict began, when his father opened up a fund to help its ally home, us engaged in a tool but not on tuesday, as well as long as its deepest strikes into israel. the anaconda is being following
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developments for mom zone in southern 11 on the 11 on israel border remains very much an active front line. these increase the tax and recent days, parts of a pattern of sporadic escalation yesterday has block carried out. its deepest strike inside is really territory, since it opened the front to help relieve its ally, how much in gaza on in october. it hits it's really military positions in arcada, just north of iraq are some 15 kilometers from the border. and that statement, the arm group said that this was in response for israel targeting one of its members. there was a target to the assassination, yet another targeted assassination on tuesday. so hezbollah trying to send the message to the israelis that expect further escalations if these targeted assassinations continue. what we've been seeing really in recent months is as well carrying out these drones strikes, taking out the field commanders fighters has well as infrastructure protests
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against israel's war on gaza growing at universities across the us. these are the scenes at columbia university. my students are camping out despite dozens of arrests on monday students from massachusetts to california. i'm calling for universities to cut ties with us companies. the profit from the war with kristen saloon was joining us from i've side columbia university. so it seems that despite the arrest, despite the presence of the police, the students are still determined to hold their process. of the absolutely, the main lot of the campus remains covered in tents and demonstrators, even after a tense evenings when students were given a deadline of midnight to clear the encampment or alternative options. according to the president of the university, would be considered to remove that this as soon as the demonstrations are bringing up across the country. we heard assume more one in rhode island,
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the prestigious brown university. another set up on the grounds. they're also at the university of texas at the administration building there. so this is a movement that seems to be spreading despite all efforts to practice out here at columbia negotiations between the administration and the demonstrators are ongoing . i mentioned that midnight deadline. there is some compromises were made and that was extended for another 48 hours. the students agreed not to let non columbia people on the campus to take part in the demonstration. and also promised to abide by the rules that prevent harassment or inflammatory language to appease the administration. but they're not backing down on their presence at this age. concerns raised by many that the national guard, which is basically the state militia,
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couldn't be called here to evacuate student so far. uh, no indication that's going to happen. the governor who would have to authorize such a thing has said that she's not planning to do so, but rumors have been circulating and a lot of concern on that front person. thanks a lot. that's kristen. so do me outside versus us. non, those protests are spreading in australia, dozens of students and teachers of the university of sydney, how demonstrations and solidarity with paulo style is also set up incompetence. the students are calling for israel to end its war on gossip of the us. like a few states arrived in china when a 2nd visit in a year. the 2 sides have been trying to stabilize times. and what's recently being a tense relationship attorney blinking is expected to raise several issues, including concerns with china is fueling the fentanyl all pre owned crisis in the
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united states. katrina here reports from vision in the us, secretary of state antony blinking isn't bulking on a 3 day visit to china, expecting some difficult conversations ahead. badging and washington say the trip is about strengthening dialogue and stabilizing the rocky bilateral relationship. but it comes as you, as politicians continue to take actions against china. investigators for the us house committee, have released a report accusing china of fueling americas fentanyl crisis by subsidizing the export of pre kosa chemicals. this is displayed badging, agreeing to crack down on the production of the synthetic art period since 2017 officials here has dismissed the claim. and some analysts say china is being used as a scape goat ahead of the move in the presidential election. it's easy to, and it makes sense for both democrats and republicans to agree on creating this image of china as being sent for the, the,
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the only main issue to the problem rather than looking at what are the root causes of americans being such a bad drug users, the us senate has also passed a for an aid package which includes $8000000000.00 for the funding of ty, once military or red line issue for china. we tell our allies, we will stand with you. we tell our adversaries don't mess with us. the package would also force the sale of social media app take talk from its chinese owners bite dance within the next year. a move they doing has described as on fact also high on edge needs, lincoln's agenda to ukraine. he wants to convince china to stop supporting moscow, and it's, we'll edit when it comes to russia's defense industrial base. the primary contributor in this moment to that is trying to we c china turing machine tools, semi conductors other dual use items. the china denies this saying its partnership
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with russia has nothing to do with the invasion of ukraine. travel you about fanny, the flames smearing others or shifting the blame is not the right way to resolve the ukraine. issue. thinking is also expected to raise discussions in the war and other tensions in the south china sea. an aging industrial visit may not change the flight degree of mistrust between the 2 sites. but those that at least present disagreements, squire is just something katrina, you all to 0 aging us president dro biden's just signed into law and $95000000000.00. foreign aid package to bill includes $60000000000.00 and military assistance. we train. i'm $26000000000.00 to israel barton and started the transfer of an initial aid package of military assistance for your train will begin in a match revolves. meanwhile, in time ukrainian joseph attacked oil facilities in western russia, a striking, an energy dafoe and a small landscape agent and caused a large fire,
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but there were no reports of casualties. officials reported another attack targeting facilities for the size and the pets kind in ukraine. at least 6 people have been injured in a russian attack on the eastern. so if you've called keith, this house at a residential area of damaging buildings and dozens of cars, your theme, part of it says approved a proposed law that were done single use plastic packaging. and this is adopted in the for the 1st 3 d, a fall event is close to condiments, fast food restaurants, bin plastic bags for groceries as well as many cars, matching sparkles in hotels would all be banned onto the last it will come into effect in 2030, if it's running fine by e u. member states. what these reinforcements are for things i would say one is so advanced as inability to of packaging. the 2nd thing is they, should they, what we do so we don't forget about the functions. the packaging has a so you know, the protecting the proud of protecting the consumers,
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allowing for this to be transported and for 12 organized rules so that to prevent barriers to emerge across member states. i think violence in india is northeastern state of mont afford is disrupting the general election. some polling stations have had to restart the 1st round of voting just days into the 6 week process. and the indian government has failed to give business to all just need his correspondence to cover the story that far we've covering the election from outside the country. so mohammed reports for them to use patrol the streets of villages in money, poor state. it's been like the since may last year when ethnic violence broke out between the minority khaki and the majority made the communities so the patient has been sitting for years escalated code proposed extending state benefits, granted to the 2 keys to meet these. this one is something we can said
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a separate me decision. we'd be the only sort of thing seems we can all go to in far and they're gonna come to healy area. i think there that would be the only sort of more than $200.00 people have been killed. of the violets spider lies many parts of the region. this highway should be full of traffic. it connects money, put me on my trade is struggling to keep the businesses open. if i eat, i'm put, i'm home payment. now, what i don't know when there was no conflicts, we could go to mona town on which to me a month to buy goods and sell them here. now that'd be conquered. there in a moment would become good. any products for me in law. it's also interrupted voting, independent, mentor elections, which started on friday holding stations, well bundled lights and voting machines, damage. the government has bring the position there to no
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but the selection is not between the b p and the congress party is between those who talk and breaking up money for and those who want to keep money. poor united to the congress party talks of division wherever they go. why don't position to see the government is responsible. but don't worry about violence seeking violence, they got less than that one, but this violence is a creation of the government. this is their handiwork. more particularly the state government colluding with the central government. they a deliberately not ending this violent tone, but as the 2nd phase of boasting in money pulled will start on friday for vote. this one is for piece 3. come to the state hands and i just need to just remind you that the indian government has not granted visits to all just is journalist. so that's why we're covering the election from outside the country. now still ahead on all just data food and security lessons. last year,
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primarily due to the conflicts in gaza and so done, we're going to have the details of a landmark before it's a heat wave of scorching parts of asia. we're getting a bit of holding from bangladesh and the philippines off. i'm not all the voices does. he's going to be pretty enough to play the french open. we're going to hear from the 22 times run this lunch. i'm in support. with the had that we seen some very active weather requests, northern parts of south america over the past few days with intense fund the storms bringing torrential rain to ecuador, and that caused some flash flooding and lance lives. now we could see more scenes like this. we've got more heavy rain to come here on wednesday,
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and the storms and showers rash out into columbia, venezuela, and further north with heavy falls across moving areas of brazil on thursday. now the tail end of a weather front is also going to bring some heavy rain and storm to northern parts of origin. tina southern power required on southern parts of brazil is much cooler for the south of this with a weather system pulling into southern parts of chile when a wet and windy weather here. but across most central areas like bolivia and powered white is a story of heat, with temperatures coming up over the next few days. and is the source of heat of coal central america. i'm the caribbean with a heat wave conditions coming back into mexico, temperatures picking up here, especially around the you could tell me peninsula as we go, wouldn't stay into thursday. what's the weather? it can be found for the south of this for costa rica and panama shows and sunshine for cuba with some heavy rain for haiti,
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and the dominican republic. the latest news, as it breaks, the doctors who say the witness to killing knew exactly where to look with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city and are on the roads, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. humanity has opened the gates of hell or in those seats. is that mean orlando's effects? as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mighty oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of the 2 on
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just the, the what you know, it is either from lines of adult stories this uh, the you and the you and i'm calling for an independent investigation. after the civil defense, james recovered another $51.00 bodies from mass graves and guys. more than 300 bodies have discovered so far on the grounds of naso hospital in conyers is rarely pfizer. jackson times have been bothering district from the air on the grounds. in jamalia, a refugee camp in the north, on air strikes wounded at least 5 people, and 3 refugee camps in the central region. i've been talking to the, again, is really mandatory as long as the tax and what it says,
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all hezbollah targets in southern 11 on is the biggest number of strikes in the date. israel says at least 40 parasites targeted positions between the board of times of white describe unfamiliar food and security around the world has gotten worse for the 5th consecutive year. and that's according to the global report on food crises. it says growing conflict. so one of the main causes of hunger for hundreds of millions of people calling baker, because the worst hit countries, the agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the alarm. it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories on the brink of famine,
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catastrophic hunger. and almost all of them are in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo, have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly 26000000. and then sedan a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less, more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand, and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger. so my coffee is a global coordinator for food security information network. it's
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a technical global platform, the produced, the 2024 global report and the food crisis, and she's joining us live from rome. thank you very much. indeed for being with us . the numbers when we talk about the subject are enormous. how do you pull together the information that you need to collect this report? and so the say really comes out of an effort amongst the international community to build a common reference point so that we can talk about acute and security. so that's produced by 16 talk, technical partners to all come together and agree, where are the food crises in the world? and then 2023. we did the 573 food crises and then which are the numbers that we can aggregate together to put a number to this. so we have to remember that the number 281600000, it only covers the data that we have available for a subset of those countries. so for 59 of those countries, how much does food insecurity factor into port?
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what forces people to leave their homes and move elsewhere? it's definitely a major driver for displacement. a lot of people will leave their homes either because a conflict, but also to seek a better opportunity. and we're seeing more and more economic migration being reason that people across the borders are, may have this in their own countries. how much is fuel disclosure? i don't know. i don't know if your fingers actually break this down, but how much is virginia security as far as you're aware, a result simply of conflict on how much of it is done to food insecurity being used as a weapon within conflict. it's really difficult to answer the question. the drivers of students security are really complex inter related and superimposed on a lot of structural liabilities as well. but we consistently, fines though, is a countries in conflict face of charity, high levels of fitted security. and the other thing that we found is that we have 19 countries that we've included in all
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a traditions and the chair of see most of them are complex countries. and most of them come for about 80 percent of the people that we identify as being in the year on year a. so the global network, again screwed crisis, i would look at this right respond in 2016 mean was upon it. and on quoting here from the website, it was a font to find new approaches to tackle protracted crises and wood cabinet. disasters reduce vulnerability and managing risk. but from what you're saying with the front of the fingers increasing all the time. that includes of course, then dealing with um, so we say as something conflicts like we might find it, israel's was seen guys or indeed, and we saw and so done. how do these new approaches work when you're faced with those conflict regions, particularly i think it's really hard, and i think that the fast, but the numbers are increasing to show how hard it is. one thing that service and is it because these are complicated. it's been driven by insecurities are driven by climate change. one of the trans they have seen in the last few years is that more
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and more global global drivers are really affecting what happens at the hospital level. so for example, the warranty train coming 19 pandemic. so these partnerships are so important and so valuable to bring together actors that didn't necessarily work together, but are now coming together and working and trying to bring their added value at the economic level of the government support level, the direct humanitarian assistance levels to try and at least mitigate the problems that they're seeing on the brand. and i would imagine that trying to create those kind of relationships is a long process. i mean, a lot of it can come down to trust, particularly i would imagine when you're dealing with 2 sites who are being perhaps in opposition in a particular region. i'm yet so many of the crises that people are facing now with regard to food insecurity are immediate that they need help. now how, how do you balance that out? and it's not easy. i think that the key is to make sure that the needs of the
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populations are taken care of immediately. humanitarian assistance should be neutral and independent and impartial and needs based. but at exactly the same time, we need to make sure that those big political discussions, the people who can really bring those political solutions that are necessary to solve the problem on the ground. that those are going ahead with equal effort. we have seen, of course, in in garza particularly the united nations relief agency for power for palestinians own rock being starved funds after accusations were made against members of its stuff by israel. how concerned are you or organizations like yours, that funding can be pulled from agencies like that for political reasons when people are still desperately in need of the help that they provided? it's a major issue. i think that she managed you monitoring system and humanitarian organizations for being assistance for assistance as needed. and that's really the principle that we should be sticking with as a donor,
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as an agency. and also as individuals working to provide a system, it's a what i found in the past, this is not the 1st time that funding has been posted for agencies as somebody somewhere tends to pick it up and is that i need assistance still where it can go through does go through, so i'm and how do we appreciate you being with us and i'll just be remind thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. pleasure. add ons, president abraham. right. you say is in sure lanka on a visit aimed at strengthening biological ties. is meeting presidents running out of exciting bikes. on the 2nd i'm in oregon, i think a multi $1000000.00 power plant built by innovation engineering company, had a visit visit tracy, spend 3 days in pakistan as part of his tour of surveys. you know, fernandez has more from colombo and he is gone dried into the reasons for his visits. having arrived at the month of the airport in the southeast of the country. incidentally, that is very much the region that will benefit most from the irrigation thoughts of this amount or project, the uranium present,
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and he's for lunch and count about press the button on the loan of that's a multi purpose development project. it will generate electricity, as well as provide integration to over 12 or 15000 hicks as of land. later on in the day, he will be here in colombo, where he will be received by the salon president with a formal god with god devona. that will be the inking of some randoms of understanding and obviously before he leaves, that will be a joint statement as well. it has been a long a relationship, so they have both the key. we have both as far as we have a refinery. that was mainly geared towards of a new noise, and it's been a long term relationship. and now with geo politics taking center stage internationally. obviously, the, even in present coming to for a long term, even though this was a planned visit at a time when there's so much tension back home, shows the importance uh that yvonne is placing on building ties and keeping them call, you know, 3 or send
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a high level delegation to run the visit is prompting speculation about cooperation between the 2 nations on their weapons. programs showing young unto wrong are known to have close ties, and both are under international sanctions. is eunice kim reports from so and it was a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic affairs has left come young on tuesday for e, ron, you and jim, who is pelias minister for international trade? no, to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron in 5 years. it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on miss styles as far back as the 1980s with a u. s. intelligence report in 2019 noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range,
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not on ballistic missile. now, driven by a common enemy in the us, now they have a shared tie in russia despite being under international sanctions. iranian drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine . the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea we're cooperating on nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here and sol suspect that north korea is footprints in recent years, has been limited to supporting, has been a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months. it is kim, i'll just sarah. so ben is running,
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president nicholas mother to says he's going to allow the representative for the us human rights commissioner to resume operations in the country doodle had ordered all you and stuff to leave the country. in february, international criminal court investigating the venezuelan president for the legs, claims against humanity, that is often more than a 100 protesters were killed in 2017. but those government has also been criticized for janet political opponents of going through the winter going let's overcome our differences. i'm ready to receive the representative of the un high commissioner for human rights. soon as always, the doors of the presidential palace are always open. extreme heat, waverley scorching pots of sons and southeast asia in the philippines. its full cost of dry going for weeks, forcing schools to suspend in person classes. and that's raising concerns in our country with the quality of education is among the worst in the region on below. reports from manila, andrea fall does hasn't been to school for days. assignment. instead she's taking
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classes online. her school is closed, as are thousands of others across the philippines during a heat wave. this lasted weeks. the government has given administrators permission to suspend classes when to forecast it's 40 degrees celsius. parents say it's good to have the option to learn online and, but it isn't ideal. it's what's the benefit of the fed them that we can up to choose either online or modular. but for me, learning needs a face to face interaction. so i prefer face to face learning for her. andrea agrees, but it also says she finds it unbearable to sit in a classroom for hours. it's the smelling because sometimes when i'm in school and sticking in the social, i sometimes skipped my new speed. it's threatening to words and already poor quality of learning. i'm on feel it through the school children study, but the world back last year found almost all 10 year olds couldn't read simple
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tech. there are many pupils who were promot at the next level of the grade levels, but we found out that they are non readers or they could hardly, right? maybe because they are using tablet or cellphone. they are only using their fingers . so when you ask them to write liquid, not of the government had told the return to classroom learning would bridge the gap. but the climate change is slowing efforts. will schools here in the philippines had been taking measures to cope with the heat. the education department has decided to take a more concrete step. it's ordered public schools to graduate to return to the old academic calendar where students take a break during the hottest months of march to me by 2028 instead of june to july. when type ones and once and rates are frequent, education isn't the only sector effected. on monday, 19 cars parked many of us airport were destroyed. what's believe to be
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a grass fired power plants are going offline in water reservoirs, or drain, and the damage to every culture exacerbated by drought caused by the new weather pattern, is estimated at nearly $70000000.00. finally, below al jazeera, many la, it's a very, it's also hit bangladesh affecting millions of people, schools of shots and those 5 people have died of heat stroke, target childhood reports of the capital doc uh, which is recorded. its horses, temperature is decades. a bunch of the shows record at a temper joseph, 40 degrees celsius and above 4 weeks with no signs of the heat wave is going to end the high levels of limited the inductor are making it worse. some of the city is richard drivers are having to find innovative ways to cope. i'll put this on to keep cool. it's 2 whole top side. i kind of barret, and this quote and scoffed, does not seem to help much. this provides me with some shade from the sun. the
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hottest temperature recorded this month was 42.6 degrees celsius in the west of the country. although it's monsoon season, no rain has fallen yet, and rivers are drying up. a study by the agriculture research institute has found harvest are smaller due to the heat stress on plants and increase demand for radiation. the city of the climate change does have an impact. the temperatures are increasing globally. our study shows a gradual increase in temperature seemed bangladesh of this year. we haven't seen the usual monsoon rates in april. we started doc as record at its highest temperature in decades with a mockery. rising to 40.6 degrees celsius mitchell, i just won the extreme heat may linger until may. a 3rd is of ox, hospitals, and clinics to be prepared as number of patient is increasing with symptoms, arranging from feverish headaches, vomiting and diarrhea. the wetlands and trees are disappearing as industrial growth
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accelerates, and people in urban areas of filling the heat, even more demand for funds and that condition is very high right now, and there is a shortage. there is not enough stock on hand, so the price is also increasing invoice and study the war material. logical organization noted heat waves across asia were becoming more severe. and one that the combined with melting play shares, the regions, future water security is under threat. it will bank study in 2021, estimated heat waves could cause a 10 to 15 percent decrease in rise. c of the staple crop in bangladesh. if there's any crisis anywhere in the country, we can manage the situation so far. we're in control, but we don't have control over nature and we just have to accept it. scientists save the unusual weather patterns continue. they could disrupt the livelihoods of thousands of farmers,
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can reach out to the doctor. still ahead and obviously the apocalyptic scenes in athens as clouds of dust and so hot deserts turn the sky are con, dimensions, backward, awesome. from your lead titles, by yourself to refresh themselves. so to go, 3, for each player, the full games left follows the response. coming off the, the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. i live in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere here at the listing,
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post the the the stuff as well. here's par, rob, thank you so much. well, 2022 time attendance, grand slam champion, wrapping it down so as he's not sure if he'll be able to play and next one's friendship. in the 37 year old spaniards said he's a far from being in top form is he prepares the place 16 year old darwin blanche at the madrid open on thursday that i will spend almost all of last year out of action with the hip injury. ccnp, let us up with you see most of what partnership with it. if it's possible, it will happen. and if it's not possible, it won't. i'm not going to play in paris if i'm like, i am today is today i was in paris. i would not go out on the quotes,
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this is the reality. oh, any play in paris if i feel i am at a competitive level? if not, i think it makes no sense. or, and to japan, where yokohama s marino's have reached the final invasion champions lead. they're managed by the former liver pool and australia player harry, q. u, oklahoma. we're a gold down after the 1st flight dense as south free as you saying that they thought back to when this 13 t, which made it 33 on aggregates. that a man sent off an extra time. but when to penalties, and they want to shoot out 5 for it's 1st time they reach the final since 1990. well they'll face l a in the final the you a side los there's 2nd lay against for time, winters all hell. but went through 5 for an aggregate. it's a 4th time. oh and have reached the final is they look to win for the 1st time in 21 years. they've been managed by former argentina player herndon crest pro. since
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november we were under adults in to the, to in quite a strongly send the us in front of him. we are, we, we go, we go through on i think he's display as the start to talk about them. uh, they pay an amazing way. why do i have chris for his former argentina, teammates carlos tablet as has been hospitalized in buenos aires because of chest pains, a 40 year old former mattress do not in boca juniors and new ventures. player has been manager at independent a since august last year. wow. we're main and hospital as a precaution, while undergoing tasks arsenal have sent a powerful message delivered pool and manchester city in the premier league title race chi hubbard score twice as they thrash. chelsea 5 milton ministry points clear out the top. david stokes has the action a thing waiting for the accounting industry. pretty
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impressive. who games to go with the types of arrangements and is back with us know they've reached out to the blocks against the inform chelsea side, the android trust sod settling the nerves after 4 minutes. but it within the 2nd half that they really run away with it. then what made it to new, the full full but chelsea pool would probably habits added to the the 8 minutes late to have a student number. and then we also got his 2nd to the game to complete the 5. no ramps awesome those biggest ever went over chelsea. i think it's going to weigh so busy for the confidence for the believe that that we can do that. we can come to this, this. ready is against big teams and we got for form on wayne goes away. we've done
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it tonight. so enjoy it. and then there's a back to or tomorrow because we have a big one on sunday and we're gonna have to prepare really went to, to try to be the chelsea's, a game of beaten lee run ended in grateful fashion. and the richie i put you to, you know, refused to question his quite as character. i play football and i was in some similar situation with the good play of experience. but here i play with my own. i play, we will not be in your play with your know about this. do they play on some part of the season? you know, some, this type of think on coming to race is still out of the hands, but the victory puts also 3 points to play and significantly boost a gold difference which could prove crucial by next step by size talking to me in the north london, darby on sunday, that stokes i'll just say we're home, so let's take a closer look at the primary lead table. as you heard, there are small now have a vastly superior goal. difference of 56 matches just city are still in control
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with 2 games and hand while liber pool play their game and hand against ever 10 and the mercy side, darby later on. yeah, one for us, it's clear solution scale. don't have to say that again. and again, again, it's really important like all the other games where as well, but yeah, we know about the importance. definitely co op is stepping down at the end of the season and there are reports, let her pool are set to talk to a foreign or a manager on a slot. he got at the dutch club to their 1st title in 6 years last year. they're currently 2nd and have just won the dutch cop to the dallas mavericks of even dh up there and the a playoff series with the la clippers after winning game to loop advantage have $32.00 points and 9 it says and carry irving may 23 as my seat, the clipper is 96 to 93. it's 11 going into gain 3 on saturday
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the all the indiana pacers also pulled their way back into their series with the milwaukee box costco. see, i can afford a 37.11, rebalance, and 6, it says replace. now to 10 gains, hostings and losing street dates is that the 220 c sonic 4 pieces. a 12500 in the 5th by default. and take a look at show, we have attorneys latest home, rhonda gaffney star hits of all 450 feet or 137 meters into the 2nd track of the washington national stadium as his la dodgers. one for once. it was his 6 homer of the season and the hard estates of his career at almost a 190 kilometers for our live goals. c o greg norman has denied reports. they offered re mcelroy more than $800000000.00 to join the tour. before time, major champion has been one of the biggest critics of the savvy radio and back series. norman says the door is always to live, never put an offer to him. we didn't need to make
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a comment about this. this is just the typical white noise that gets out there in the industry. if rory was willing to sit down and have a conversation with us, would we be happy to sit down with him? 100 percent on a time overall world epsky champion marcel her sure is coming out of retirement after 5 years and switching nationalities, the former austrian race or will ski for the novel is his mother's country as he thinks to qualify for the world cup circuit again, and no word yet on whether the 2 time olympic gold medalist is targeting the 2026 winter games. and at least that is always part. pronounce back to bravo. thanks very much. and the people living after the so seamless guy turns orange. the apocalyptic scenes were caused by clouds of dust from this hot, a desert which blew in from northern africa. the government's asking people with the spirit conditions to limit the time they spent outdoors. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes for more on all these stories on robotics to stay with the some of these here.
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the theme in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustained coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best pod came in to be used as the eye of the software, the casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing we entities,
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government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is something for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era these are the must these or drum is? they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really military precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets for kind of cards. images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tory for is the city often defies the physical we used to be lost on the street right now look, it's easy to move around the law because the difference in this war and go to change the situation and not listen,
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we have 70 percent more business. people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year, a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza, the dozens more bodies are fined in mass graves in gas. and they, you joins for you and, and calling for an independent investigation. the don't know about this and this is all just even life when you go home. also coming up. israel targets has bola positions across lebanon's board and the heavier strides since the warning jobs are begun. pato spinning and solid, obviously protests on us universities gain momentum,


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