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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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little and your favorite type stuff to set for it and type domain, the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the, you know, i know about this, and this is the news on life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, tortured, executed, and buried alive, jobs of civil defense officials reveal of it. in spite of mass graves for nearly 400 bodies have been recovered so far, we want answers. we want to understand exactly what happened. the us joins calls from the you and the you and demanding an explanation from israel. i find the mass graves being discovered
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most students and academics of invested in american universities. one item grows against the government, support for israel's war on gods human. the occupied west bank and i'll be telling you about tell us send you an initiative to boy up this way, the products and support local want and tension in haiti, a transitional government is set to take charge. after months of gang violence forced the president to flee and peace of span that with your school level pools suffer a major safe back in the premier, the title race turnover free for ever simply said, remain 3 points behind me. this also and valuable to these are the 16 se cement assessing later on thursday the
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to send gmc, that's one p. m in gaza, where the palestinian civil defense team has just concluded. a briefing on the recovery of bodies from mass graves on the grounds of nasa hospital in con unit. they said that evidence clearly indicates that the is very ami carried out. summary executions. 390. 2 bodies have been recovered so far, but they've not been able to identify 267 bodies. and at least 20 people may have been buried alive at the medical complex children, but also among the bodies recovered. things, accusing israel, attributing crimes against humanity. meanwhile, international pressure is mounting and israel to investigate the mass graves, us national security advisor, jake sullivan, says washington, once onset of the white house is described, reports of mass graves in gaza as deeply disturbing the you in the united nations have already called for an independent investigation mass graves have been discovered in both. i'll shape a hospital in garza city nurses,
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hospital in the staff. donna taylor, roberta is a senior crisis response advisor. i'm just the international. she's joining us on skype from london. thank you very much indeed for being with us gone. so is a, was on how do you gather evidence when that is such a likelihood that much of it could be damaged or destroyed? and that is really the crucial issue and, and that's why the measure was ordered by the international court of justice is so important and not measure was that it ordered is ready to do all possible to preserve the evidence. and there are 2 fundamental issues. one is that investigators human rights investigates to now to investigate to is, i'm not being allowed into guns and not just for the past 6 months, but for use a and, and they're not allowed to go into guys now. and the other issue is that in god's that they'd just isn't the expertise the skills,
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as well as those resources by way of, of tools such as the ability to carry out dna tests, none of that is available. and to make matters worse, there is the constant bombardment that are happening day in day out, where the evidence of crimes committed yesterday may be destroyed in them by demand . kyra dow today. so that is, that is really to try to the but the re, something that can be done in the could be done immediately. and that is for a decent way. and you'll start to allow the independent investigators into guise at once, immediately after all, if they have nothing to hide, they have absolutely no reason to continue preventing independent investigators from going to go south and. and secondly, of course uh to uh, to refrain from carry. now the kind of indiscriminate bombardments that make it
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very difficult or impossible to, uh, to work safely for rescue workers and, and, and for anyone to i know that you've covered a similar situations in other parts of the world and other crisis regions when it comes to that experience and has the same thing applied, has it been easier to get into independent investigators into those regions? or is it all was a problem to, to try to get some sort of independent investigation going on, particularly while there is a conflict ongoing to yes. and then there is no doubt that why uh, why the arrived bombardments, i am confrontations. dot is not a situation that is conducive to uh and you know this, the conditions are just not bad for a, for an independent investigation to be carried out in the details that he needs to
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be carried out. that there is a law that can be done in the, in the presence of independent investigate those x crew show us all stages of the conflicts. now, for issues like most grades and some of the, you know, the limited resources that are available and that are being deployed didn't be spectacular situation. i mean, i mean either it's similar that we've seen in other conflicts in, in, in other countries is that, you know, the unfortunate reality. ready done by opening must grades when the skills and the resort the season. the conditions are not bad to do the job properly. the risk is that evidence is, is contaminated, this damage is destroyed. it is understandable. the rese pressures from families, for example, were desperate to know what has happened to, to their loved ones were missing. and they want to know whether, you know,
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they are amongst those parties. but ultimately, last grades should be, uh, should be touched until such a time. when they can be process properly, content in nevada of amnesty international, we appreciate that. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for as we mentioned the united states assisting an explanation from these very government on the discovery of the mass graves. i did, jo, castro is got more of this from washington, dc to us national security advisor jake sullivan, had sharp words about reports of the mass graves discovered in gaza. well, those reports were deeply disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels with the israeli government. we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened. you've seen some public commentary from the adf on that, but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this were. and we want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world
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can have a comprehensive answer and we, the united states can as well, i can't speak beyond that because of course, we're in the early days of fully understanding what happened. what's been missing from the us response is any call for an independent investigation into the mass graves. that is in contrast to the u. n. and to the you that have both said, there must be an independent investigation. not just one conducted by israel alone . we are gravely concerned by the, by the report, the discovery of most grace in the founding unique. i mean i'll, she follow speed will be something that forces us to call for an independent investigation of all the suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that's why it's important to have independent investigation and to ensure the accountability of the u. s. has emphasized that answers are needed from israel. but on wednesday, president joe biden sign into law yet another us aid package to the is rarely
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military. heidi joe castro alger 0 washington. one of the shown is obviously the senior political analyst who's joining us now from london. good to have you with this graphic evidence being presented at that press conference there more one. and yet, despite the calls from other governments for independent inquiries, the us significantly not making, not cold. there must be going questions about what it takes to change the minds of governments who are supporting benjamin netanyahu coalition. and israel's military . the yes i the u. s. government nor the u. k. daughter are asking for defendants investigations. there are, depending on what they call the democratic is right to investigate it to us. and we know from a long, long, long war crimes over many decades. is there a doesn't exactly do a good job investigating it's us? or have it found, it seems to be the more criminal that it seemed to have been on
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a number of occasions. but clearly at this point in time with some pressure, but then go by, for example, the p u as why so united nations. and since i would say that the i, c j, the international court of justice must be looking at this must be focused on what was going on because it is part of it. and i don't, she, today i'm running the unfolding just like this. and image is, let's see, of course, you know, the, i'm not the easiest anymore. now if you look at the start screen, even on our own right, on the one hand, you will see the no say all this or the defense is a spaces. and we, we back and then you see the images of kansas. did
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people can people being dug out a problem on the side. and you wonder, should you believe your years or should you believe your eyes a model i'm going to be talking about the going pro palestinian demonstrations that will be seen in the u. s. over the last week or so we're going to come back to you on that in just a few minutes before an hour. thank you very much indeed. guys, at least age palestinians have been killed and is really air strikes is off on wednesday night. israel launched a number of air strikes and the southern city, 2 children, one among those killed one of the strikes in a house sheltering, displaced people in the job, not comp. honey mach mode has more from girlfriend 1st prize continue to pound across the road. so they were more causing for their civilian casualties, the shocking level of devastation that is becoming really visible right now with, with the rubble of old roads everywhere. and rough estimate, the more of the residential buildings and public facilities,
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including including public facilities, the infrastructures that have been either completely destroyed or severely damaged, but we're looking at overnight of toxins. early hours of this morning, the 3 people were killed in a, a silt or zone here in southern part of reflected in the district that the southern part of robot they are they different and robust border and several other injuries were reported to the cue. a hospital further eastern part of the city where 3 more people were killed initially, reports about 2 people who were killed that a one person out there now or this morning just died because of the severe ones that he had. the was leading terribly, as we heard from one of the doctors in the jar hospital died later on this morning, several other injuries happened as well. the transferred to the hospital, the central area for more people were killed in a drone to strike me or why the use of the that's a particular area. people were told the evacuated to because it is safe, but so far they have been getting killed and, and the chaise been herded by be this price for the past 6 months. a week off the
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students at columbia university in new york stepped up their account pain in support of palestine protest against israel's war and garza and spread to campuses across the united states. but are you some type of security? arrested dozens of those who refused to lee. i was down here and why that was said, presidential bite and supports freedom speech and unknown discrimination and universities, christmas. and then the reports from columbia university in new york, columbia university officials spacing mounting criticism from all sides over its handling of student demonstrators. prominent republican politicians after meeting with some jewish students on campus, called on the university president to resign. as colombia has allowed these lawless agitators and radicals to take over, the virus of anti semitism is spread across other campuses. by some counts as many as 200 universities have a similar form or protest right now. students who faced arrest in suspension say
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they're the ones who need protection. many are afraid to show their face there's, there's definitely a fear of, you know, being attacked and the risk of like losing career opportunities and stuff. which is really a shame that people willing to, you know, advocate for human rights are smeared in such a way. nevertheless, they are vowing to continue their encampment. the student organizers say they have 3 demands for the university. number one, disclose their investments in israel. number 2, divest from them, and number 3, provide amnesty for students who have been suspended. they say they won't leave the grounds until that happens. many have compared their actions to what happened on campus in 1968, when columbia students held students to demand and to the universities connection to the vietnam war. and were arrested sparking nationwide demonstrations credited with us as eventually withdrawal from the war. and the students do have the support
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of many jewish students and faculty. and i do not feel that this project is anti semitic in any way. i do feel that the students are highly critical of israeli politics. and i do not believe that that is inherently anti semitic at all. and i do not feel threatened as a jewish faculty member in any way, by what's happening here on this campus, except by the arrest of many of our students. the university has warned students to take down their and cabin by friday morning or face on specified consequences. christian salumi, i'll just hear of new york lodge police force was also deployed in austin, texas. the newest, who's this police in state 2, who's trying to disperse the crowds at least 34 people were arrested off to the university of texas at the protest was on authorize. the students in valley to demand colleges. don't business dealings with weapons manufacturers supplying
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israel? hundreds of students how to sit in the university of southern california. i'll just see it as rob reynolds was there, as the police arrested protesters here on the university of southern california campus, one by one. it's protesting. students are being and tough with the plastic zip ties and led away by los angeles police officers taken under arrest to a van parked on the campus grounds. there were originally dozens of students here who formed a kind of ring in the center of this graphic area. they said that even though they were a warrant, they would be arrested. they were going to stand their ground. so they stayed in the police moved in, formed a ring around them, and then one by one called them over and they were arrested. they were, they did not resist arrest, we did not see any violence on the part of the police towards them. but i want to
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emphasize as well that prior to these arrests, this investigating this protest against the war against gaza and demanding divestment of the universities of ties, complete severing of ties with any is really entities was entirely peaceful. there were no scuffles amongst students, those students were being harassed, so they were simply making a protest with chance and, and slogans, and so forth. now, the university has decided that that is unacceptable. so these students are being arrested. what happens to them afterwards and what happens on this campus and other campuses across the united states in the days to come, remains to be seen. but for many of the protesters we spoke to today,
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they say they're going to stick, stand their ground, continue their protest until their demands are met. rob reynolds, l g, 0, los angeles. okay, let's go back to my one bush auto. i'll just get a senior political on us joining us again from london. so we're talking about us protests far in favor of buying, supporting palestine in the us. how big a headache is this for us president joe biden? he come to the so called both sides isn't uh by saying something horrible about the processes and something harder. what about those? oh, actually better cities, but that's a full so presidency. because there's a lot to say about those work that i've seen is one of those lock, this thing i, columbia university at harvard, texas and elsewhere cold in the symmetric part. this cannot be
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continued to echo videos, claim that these 5 pacific malls i might not see germany before world war 2, you know, how trade use such a few solutions are by the, by the house of the world. because once you carefully, i, who bought this the why you called on the hardware, that house where you see that there are dozens of student groups. this the good for better and fine. the groups for social and racial justice, the groups and 5 more jewish groups. these groups come together again, still working in gaza and best time before the somebody is just the outrages fits sort of meant to deflect from the ongoing policies, both sides, the ones in garza and the ones who are washington when millions of
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dollars later, hey, i sent to bethany, i'm go, i'm going to ask you about those comments. you were referring to by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu branding the protests as, as anti semitic. how do you think that is playing out in terms of us domestic politics across the political divide? well clearly a lot of supporting them. i'm just watching ordered porch with the house speaker. again, kind of think the big uses are coming from the fees as well as other kind of the the 30 led by the president. understand what the process really i use the young students who don't even know the meaning to hate. they're there for a few for rights, for god's sakes, for social justice. imagine. right. those say before abuse, race is
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a big accused. the other services, and this is sort of the one thing and one thing on the part is really government allies. it's name as much. it's that time spent destruction just as we watch the images of mass graves in guys are those who stand a fuse, both in tennessee, one washington. you are trying to focus the attention on the process. i gauge their work prime in, gosh, i don't think the flexion is happening, except perhaps in the course of doors of power in washington as well. and as always, thank you very much. indeed, my window shut off. now is it a senior political, a lot better being scuffles between police and protests as outside the residents of
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these really prime minister and then demanded that benjamin netanyahu does more. so the release of chapters being held in guns on police have to always go to national security minister if not, bank via to his chart through the crowd 3. so then deployed this protest as much towards government buildings for demonstrations began up to how much released a video for 23 year old who was taking it from a music festival. and the total of the 70 is finally has released the statements appealing for more to be done to secure a new captive release deal. we're going to go to honda so who in occupied east jerusalem. so how are israel's government and the military, reacting to all of this fully is really government has maintained their position of the military and political pressure are the only ways to ensure the release of the remaining captive held inside of concepts. but families of the captives and to bring them back now movement. this is the protest movement that has been demonstrating for months, say that the government should enter
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a new deal. and in fact, the protest movement that was just about bringing back the captive has more into anti government demonstrations, calling for a new government, new governance within the state of israel, so that they can enter into a deal to bring back the captive. now these really prime minister has maintained for some time that how mass is the reason why there is no deal. well, how mask has said that is really the reason why there hasn't been a deal, but nonetheless, families of the captives are incredibly fed up with the governments inability to achieve the goals of the war. one of them being to bring back the remaining captive of this our, these really board cabinet is meeting at the cvs. that's israel. version of the pentagon, the defense ministry in tell of even there are protest right outside calling for a deal to bring them back immediately. and to thank you very much indeed. hundreds of good talking to us from occupied east jerusalem. i'm going to move, focusing on israel's, of until the armies carrying it off or ations along the border with 11 homes that
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have been several layers strikes, targeting areas in the villages, almost. i'll shop on the quota in southern lebanon. we're going to bring in a honda, she's joining us from our zone in southern lebanon. so we're getting a sense that this bought a contract to be escalating as well. yes. a different phase, if you like, a higher intensity conflict. in recent days, we've seen both sides really intensify. the fighting is riley error strikes on wednesday. the highest number of strikes since the beginning of this conflict heading more than 40 hezbollah targets along the border. and the strikes continued into the early hours of this morning. hezbollah to carrying out more attacks, not just along the border, but striking deep inside as well for the 1st time striking, near or north of the city of cut, that's a coastal city. some 15 kilometers from the border. each side. really sending messages to each other. since the start of this conflict,
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this has been largely calibrated both sides trying to avoid a wider escalation. but the messages each one of them are telling each other is that we are ready to escalate. what does as well want as well once a new security arrangement along the border? it wants hezbollah fighters to pull back from the border, but has the fighters are still south of villa? tony? they are still launching rockets from this area. in fact, they're still dying in this area, and in, in homes that have come on under fire. and hezbollah is refusing to help the fighting until there's a permanent ceasefire in garza. so this front is related to what is happening in ga . so are we going to see an escalation in the coming days so that the may be putting more pressure on each other so each one will attain its goals. but what this clear until there is a solution to the, to the war in god. so this front is likely to consider, we're likely to see this ongoing escalation, talking to us from self 11 on that is to say now called as in a thank you. the still ahead on all the data and you report says guys are tops the
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list of food and secure regions in the world. i'm faces of fama caused by israel's opponents. on elliptic scenes in tacit, subscribes of dustin so hot of page be a couple of us orange we have a big port in zillow, but again, we have slipping, julian, so we live to wake up as indonesia chase a place to be a lympics, it's football president tells audra 0 about times to one day posts the world come the a hello setting. no shortage of april showers. right across here. long spells of frame as well. we have got some what to weather, right. which was that eastern side of the company was still throwing up some very womack place to 30 degrees there. and the key, i see
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a $21.00 that full run must go further west. what those numbers around 12 degrees celsius that for london. it's catherine. you're shy, was there across the north west, if it west, impossible as i sing some. what's the weather coming for? we will see some much needed rain coming into northern parts of spain and portugal . still a little bit of a wintry makes just around the parent. is there someone try around the out scattering a show? some of the wintry around the generic house you push on into friday, and you can see that what whether or not jesus. well, a little further race with them along the spouse of rain. it took a to western russia, plenty of white weather there across the western pa. so if you're having a scattering a shells into the central med wanted to show us 2 across the font, all solve valgy area may be into january, but much of north africa is dry still very warm. i would say it was the northeast of loss that just the rock of wind that's a southerly wind that was pushing the storm into greece recently. but a 32, a congress did on the warm side, some of the temperatures to got one and 2 sets. the often there
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the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the deaf and devastation. we've seen through the eyes of palestinian capital mind lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life, including its own garza, the last picture on, on the cheering dislikes, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet we'll get. we're forcing from the option to bite, says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this gen and as an age worker's work direct target to an in depth coverage. how is any of this
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except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you close to, to the heart of the story of the the what, you know, just need a reminder of i told stories, this are guys a civil defense official list. i'm familiar with the evidence funding nice grades on the grounds of naso hospitably con units. they say it clearly indicates that he is really on the cabinet. somebody executions, 390. 2 bodies have been recovered so far, but they've not been able to identify 206 to 7 on the white house as described reports of mass graves in gaza. as quote, deeply disturbing its joint calls from the
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e u and the un for an investigation protests against israel's war on guns are intensifying in the university campuses across the united states. the demonstration started from columbia university in new york last week. police encompass security. i rested dozens of those who refused to leave. is there any forces i'm shocking? killed a teenager in the occupied westbank. bottom standing administrative health says a 16 year old college. i saw him on auto shots in the chest. the junior ratings with a model number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th size 488. the war on guns on has led to renewed calls to boycott is really products for years. palestinians reversed international sanctions to be imposed in order to pressure israel to end its occupation. but the, for those in the occupies westbank israel strangle hold in the economy, is a major obstacles of the boycott movement. the abraham has this report from
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bethlehem, living or occupied land settlement up that we doesn't want to buy the occupiers products known as the youngest member of the palestinian boy with campaign. she says it's a way of resisting the occupation. as i know about that, i'm aware that as far as controls our lives and our economy of it's our electricity, water, and fuel our from them. so we can totally bike up. but even if i inflect 35 percent losses on them, this is the least i could do. as is really the controls that economy, palestinians are left with little to no free choice. since the world goes up activist worldwide renewed pools for both quotes and sanctions against israel, arguing the best known, violent approved play to me to room in, in the upper side in south africa. this libyan advert equates buying from companies that support is rules with funding the genocide against palestinians that
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has cost brands such as k, f, c, and starbucks at home, decent booklet campaigns, encouraged palestinians to support their national product such as this 4 year old. so the 1st 3 in middle of the occupied with competing with international brands was difficult. it's owners say what sales were boosted recently, soon there, so that would make its way to shops in jordan with both quotes the quotes are strong about it. cuz this idea, these really offer to complicate our process. they impose high taxes and delay the inputs and exports. they don't want the palestinians to be independent or to have an industrial economy. the only wants us to be work as independent as if the market palestinians do not control the borders that have to suffer is really restrictions on palestinian imports, exports and foreign currency. more than a decade ago, a group of young men opened the 1st palestinian mushroom company to challenge is
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where the domination of the market. a few years later, they were forced to shop the home. it wasn't until the consumers started demanding put us in mushrooms more than his reading my films that we started taking a percentage off the market and we started getting the instructions, including on holding up our imports did not work it to us. but with the holding of inputs for all materials in the port, which is, you know, it's the only way we can get things in one week with not really hold on anymore. but this is where the authorities have central control over at home made products like these. this is a local initiative to support small skin projects, making hand me to craft, intrude. for many boys. the thing is where the products also gives people the opportunity to support small project. any money that does not go to israel, they say, well instead help support a palestinian comedy survived the difficult economy conditions that he just needed
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the occupied to us. thank you, and humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for gaza as told the security council that it advisable steps need to be taken to facilitate unhindered delivery of more aide into the gaza strip. secret cogs also stressed that the quality of that a must be improved. i'll just need is gabriel. alexandra is the more from new york to meet the immense a new united nations lead mechanism for monitoring aid routes in the gaza will be operational in a matter of days. secret colleague the you in the senior, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys. a said that initially the mechanism will monitor 8 routes to be a cypress and jordan. and shortly after what begin monitoring aid entering through egypt, ivan formed the government of israel on the operational ization of the mechanism. as per the resolution, a database and notification system will go online for all cargo destined for garza alarm supply routes. the approval for the placement of international monitors of
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crossings inspection and supply points has been requested from relevant authorities, verification and monitoring inside guys i will commence as soon as possible. it's been over 200 days since israel's war on guys or began some council members said it's regrettable. it is taking so long and we have to discussing access to basic needs. basic human needs such as access to food as well. and sanitation, cogs said she expects is real to help facilitate the new aid routes. but the reality on the ground water right now is much different. it remains extremely difficult to secure a safe and unimpeded access for command sharing movements to northern gaza. ok reports that as of today, more than one 3rd of admissions to the north and april were denied,
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were impeded by as really, authorities secret cock also said that the next step may be for a trucks to be inspected on the palestinian side of the rock or border that would be a major change from how it's done now, but it's unclear how it would be implemented if israel would be involved or is real, would even agree to it. cause also said that her office in gaza should be operational in the next few weeks. gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york? or did somebody go to a james base is being speaking secret, cogney ah, story about the non made famine in garza, your colleagues, the commission to general of under a fleet. lots of really has described of the aspect of this, which is the firm in as a man made famine, tightening its great grip is still a basin. and you'll view being used as a weapon for i don't think i'm, i could to,
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i'm in the, in a position to, to state it in that way. but we need to see, and that's the, that's the main stay of my task is to see that actually volume diversity, the right level of goods from foods to medicine, health equipment, you name it, goes in and keeps going in, is allowed in, can be distributed and it reaches the people, of course, the, the recent, the months until the 5th of april, when there was very little supply going in, left it on reaching people to do to all the conditions on the ground has left serious serious marks on the building of people. and as i just mentioned, children who been malnourished, not only do they need to refute, exceeding that he's special support. but what i understand from the medically qualified people, this leaves marks for a much longer time. it's still just
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a matter of, you know, eating up a little bit where you do a little bit extra and you'll be fine. these are very serious afflictions. so our task and i think that's also the imperative behind resolution 27. 20, which i have to implement is to scale up. and my focus is to achieve a paradigm shift. significant number of people in gaza or between food is secure as well as a living in situations of near like simon. we need to tackle that. because indeed, this is all a natural disaster and we have the means and we need to achieve it. you can watch our full interview, receive your colleague on saturday at 2030 g m t until to well, just leave it. the conflicts around the world of making food insecurity was more than 282000000 people faced acute hunger last year. that's according to the global report on food crises, garza tops the list and the report, 500000 people are facing quote,
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extreme starvation in the strip due to israel's was since october calling baker looks at the country's most effective. the agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the alarm. it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories. on the brink of famine, catastrophic hunger and almost all of them are in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo, have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly
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26000000. and then sedan a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less, more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger. a green flies for is original director for middle east north africa, eastern europe as well. su program. she's joining us here in doha. thanks very much indeed for being with us where we're shooting there from college report. seeing that gaza is talking to list of students security in this with regard to, to hunger around the world. in your assessment, you obviously have teams on the ground and how much is global cons, like driving food in security around the world. a while you're right. um you know
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how our private conflicts and conflict feats color? we see it in gaza. we are now 70 percent of the population in the north is starving at the highest level of within security as we assess it and we have other conflicts . we have the conflict in syria, we have the conflicting. yep, yep, the conflict and i've got his fun. and so, and so, and so, and you know, conflicts need to stop. otherwise, people will not stop being displaced, being in hardship, not finding their livelihoods, not finding anything street. so definitely construct is a big driver, a problem. so conflict is one of the drivers. so as of course, the environmental circumstances around the world as well. but in order to be able to provide the aids that organizations like yours, do you need the money? how is your funding planning on it? how are you seeing that the flow if you're like, over the last 2 or 3 years, is that changing so well for the program is an entirely voluntarily funded
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organization, mainly by government, but also by private sector over the last 34 years starting with covet our funding, how's it going out? because also the needs have gone up tremendously. you know, if you're thinking this region, ukraine has, you know, driven up foot prices. people are unable to buy food, and so they will need assistance. so funding has gone up, but you know, the economies of our donors have suffered as well. they have been very generous, but they were kind of these are suffering. and so now funding is going back to free call. the levels was and it's remain up here. so the difference between, you know, what we need to, to support the, the millions and millions of people about the con, the feet, their families and the funds we have is not adequate. and you were telling me earlier that that's i think last year you needed about $24000000000.00. you've got 7000000000. the disparity is enormous. how do you encourage donors to come back to
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giving the funding that you've so desperately need? so we make, of course, the point with our very independent assessments across the world consistency across the world. and we tell our donors where the needs are biggest. and then it's up to our donors to uh, to fund it. you know award costs a lot of money, but what we can not have is that those that are impacted by the wars are left behind. and so we're making that case very consistent. and i was talking to a free body said we need the head of own what they, you an agency provides relief and for the palestinians. a couple of days ago, he was saying that he was astounded by the fire, the speed of which donor countries i pulled their supports from onbox within about 24 hours of allegations being made against some of itself by israel without any evidence of the subject to support was allegations, how concerned all you've given to find that funding is so crucial for organizations
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like yours, that funding can become a political weapon? well look, as i said, our, our approach is what we do is to show the needs across the world for p. a and then it is up to our donors to see how much money they have and where they can put it. so the world to program, you know, has been very generously supported by our donors. we don't see it up and we definitely hope it's not coming to that point. could be a pleasure. we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much and thank you very much. i, a lot after weeks of delays. hate is due to swear in the presidential transition, cancel it and becoming ours. it's hoped it's going to be an important step to restoring stability. gang violence has devastated the economy by the social services on the brink of collapse, pension ma reports hazy. you set to swear in and you transitional government, but it won't happen here. it's armed forces,
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they're struggling to secure the area around the presidential palace. instead, it'll happen on the outskirts of the capital. despite the difficulties, many are hopeful. it's a step in the right direction. so i think that if the presidential counselors in stools they have to put in place a minimum of security. so the population can go about its business. more in order has broken down in haiti, criminal gains control large parts of puerto prince. he hasn't had a president since juvenile maurice was assassinated 3 years ago. the transitional counsel will point to enter a prime minister and help set up a government that will eventually organize national elections. in the meantime, people are struggling you and says, 5000000 haitians aren't getting enough to eat disruption schools by gang violence. mean basic supplies are running short and prices are soaring. c are used to buy this fruit for around $2.00, but now we have to pay as much as $60.00 for a boss, get caught even make a profit. the health system is also on the verge of collapse. many are in need of
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urgent treatment or having to go without waves. for example, um patients last month in the emergency department and about 10 percent of those were 5 bullets. what we see is that people have a great difficulties getting to the hospital. when did the transitional counsel faces several challenges went sworn in including taking back control of much of the capital and restoring. a functional government will be an important 1st step, a fence and mama him i'll just say, or at least $21.00. people have died off or a boat coming ethiopian migrants capsized off the coast of jew booty. the margins were trying to reach yemen. 23 people, the missing it comes to us 2 weeks after another migraine boat capsized in the area, killing 38 people. i mentioned is here the coast guards recovered the bodies of at
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least 14 people off the coast of jetta. i thought he said the bodies have been washing up in the island since friday on tuesday. rescue is also recovered. 22 bodies of the tennessee in coast. further north, soon as you visited part your point from many arguments and refugees trying to reach you the still ahead on i'll just say to a leap to remember we're going to show you the was a long list ever ski jump. we're also going to explain why it doesn't officially costs coming up with pieces in school. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the
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driver's board. here's peter roll. thank you very much. let me pull manager. you can top as apologize, defends officer. they suffered a major blow in the premium, the type of race they would beat them to, you know, let over. suddenly in the minutes he saw a doggy, which means the remaining seconds, 3 points behind me. it is also so if it's a, it's a huge wind which puts an 8 points clear of the validation faces. it's the 1st time that 12 has suffered the defeat as to the symposium. in fact, the last time i lived in the cables and school is what's in the hills and it's covered also manage and make. i'll say it's a just full games, live full of of who are still in the title fight, but they have mentions to city bearing down on them now just the point behind with 2 games in hand. so the play bryson later i understand it. it's part of the basement side of it. i don't know why i have to answer this question. you want to see, can you read the table so that i'd say now we have so fully in all that. so we need to cries at cd and osmond and we need to in football games because if they still
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have not losing all the games and we do, but we did tonight. yeah. nothing changed. the manchester united twice full time to be sheffield united for 2 for the for 9 days for the pick of the goals. and this is the 2nd of the game. united states treat listen above you call. so into 6 face then in front passenger man are on the brink of believe title shooting and buffing school twice, and a full one. when the marion's but 2nd face, monica has been one vague and superintendent things for at least one more round of matches. history, 11 points clear with full games. next all indonesia is football. presidents has told l g 0 that they are sleeping giants as they aim to host the world copying 2038 . they run to 20 threes, play based ava asian cup. cool to finally to just to winds away from a place at the olympics. tom sites and reports this is the norm in history, was made for indonesian football, defense,
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a broken attendance records here in bo. they've been rewarded with the 1st evan look out, game in the under 2318. come. it's just this thoughts of a number of things. the countries football president eric to his wanted to achieve since he took over in february last year and a nice yeah. football, football, football, football, he is being domain thing. and the only supports he knew, nation that the beloved, you know, doesn't mean best of low fully, but it didn't follow. but uh, football is become a come to solo. if you look at the 4th. and so a lot of indonesia, we are one of the biggest population into work. so i think we have a big within the field. but again, we have sleeping julian, so we need to wake up to hear noise, but success doesn't happen over night. he became the owner of of bankrupt into milan. back in 2013, the staples, 60 of 10 you followed. on monday, they were crowned serial champions for the 2nd time in 4 years off of my presidency, they have less time performance because during my times,
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i am more info on restructuring, saving the cloud from bankruptcy. the indonesia are announces to games away from qualifying for the olympics for the 1st time in $68.00 is that on it will go to the under $23.00 agent come find list and the window at the foot place playoffs to be in the court. the 5, no, they said they didn't come through, but again, you kind of stuff you things. if we, if i posit the big i think it's a big into for us so far. i think and michelle, we have 21 pallets. it's a football can olympic, i think we said the biggest continuum of indonesian ever had to hit says the successive to walk up and cancel his pipe. the wait for other regions and agent to host future will cups and that will be their room when they begin the bidding process for 2038. like solely we're bidding woke up for the next one week. so our lia, but our good friends with family for themselves,
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also beating that we feel okay instead of the compet thing, then we support saudis. maybe the next time we might also have different tennis 2020 champions. self career will be a spend test on 1st day, but indonesia are expected to bring in more wrinkled crowds. this they hope to continue to explore new territory. tim size and how to 0. the miami heat level, they play a series against the boston celtics, with an impressive 190 live in 101 when in game to try the here or concert. reading 6 on my end was franchise ripple 233 points is on the lights. 0 schooling 2440 fails to get assistance. getting this wonderful band at a buyer who spends 21 points himself along with 10 rebounds game 3 years on saturday in miami. elsewhere. shay, gill, just alexander had a great night. is he healthy, oklahoma city?
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somebody's house in new orleans panic and 14492. that gives us under a to nothing leading the wisdom come from sl series. seals the sex underscore 33 points. it's a personal based in a post season. games for his cna trail is also in its post season and writing stanley cup of champions the vegas go the nights or to nothing up in the playoff series against the dentist stalls. that's thanks to a 31 when in game 2 on wednesday. know at hanson jonathan most thoughts and jeff, i shall with the goals the series actually fits with defending champions against the top seeds in the western conference. right now, the number one feed. if the team in trouble as the series is to las vegas, the game 3 on sensitive elsewhere adrian campaign school twice, including this amazing goal to help the los angeles kings defeated vincent oil is 5 full. we over time, the kings or to nothing out in this serious chart out of mid air can be for
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a $22.00 time grand slam tennis champion wrap around the dallas it to take to the coach later at the madrid most is you'll be up against 16 year old american dough and launch the dollars on the come back trail of the missing most of the use action so far because of injury. the 37 year old has already indicated that this could be his last year on the to and we'll finish with some incredible pictures from the mountains of iceland, japanese ski jump the yo yo co boss yesterday. as unofficially broken the record for the longest jump. the olympic champion fluid, distance of 291 meters, reaching speeds of around 107 kilometers an hour. he was in the air for around 8 seconds. it was 57.5 meters further than the official will record. but because this was not on the competition conditions, ski jump things if i, if a governing body will not recognize that, that's what we're going to have to leave it for. now i'll be here again later with most votes needs rob for you to thank you very much. indeed. right now, maureen was like aspects of trying to rescue around a 140 wales that
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a stranded in western australia for pods or pilot whales is stuck in the shallow waters of an asteroid. volunteers have been point walter over the files and in the attempt to save them in the skies over athens have turned bright orange off the clouds of dust blue in from the heart of desert. the green governments now issued health warnings to those with underlying medical issues. sonya diego explains apocalyptic scenes over the acropolis as dust from the heart. accumulated india, it cost a shroud of athens, turning the skies an orange hue, reducing visibility and prompting will socrates to sound the alarm? we have to be careful to not a breeze such air, right? and we have to stay home. many took the advice to stay in doors, they weren't sent to communities 40 a. i felt a discomfort. i tried to deal with it by staying in the house so that it didn't
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affect my health for the others mumbled at the spectacle 8th and everything was orange. it's really felt like we witnessed the hara we were waiting for camels to post by the semester. this cloudy orange tinted haze is a frequent phenomenon did usually happens in spring and autumn. low mutual logical systems and strong winds transfer does fluids from the hard? does it sending the skies, bringing with it the risk of coming wildfire as seasonal. so this time of the year, but a devastating hazard in a country that experience has major blazes every year. but there is one positive outcome of this dusty display. the clouds backed as a nutrient oceans feeding tonton and fueling the growth of lorene micro organisms forming the basis of an intricate, essential food web. sonya jago, which is era laura, is going to be here in
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a couple of minutes with molar and all the stories of to the website. obviously the task home i know about us and stay with us and obviously the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era that she has to read has spend most of his life on the water. he's the fisherman,
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just like others and his family. but things are different now from when he was a boy. in 2022 long days, mcats would declared and endangered species. some of the new family at the school. today he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode, yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that time wants to be, i mean, molnar, calling me about the power while the off i can only logan carnegie. you know, the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research,
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this black market creed not only indeed just was probably made populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of pathogen free. the tortured executors. i'm sorry. don't live golf as civil defense officials present evidence found a mass graves when any 400 forties have been recovered so far. the kind of them. all right, kyle, this is alex is aaron live from doha. also coming up we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened us joins calls from the you on the you and demanding an explanation from israel.


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