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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the, the content, the, [000:00:00;00] the fellow i'm several of any age group to have you with us. this is the news our line from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. american universities blocked by protests against israel's war on gaza. they've also triggered demonstrations beyond the united states and france students at the cl spoke university or demanding that their institution cut ties with israel and stopped the genocide and does a
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sanitation and water crisis on the streets of guys that will be reporting on how diseases are spreading across the street from it, fears of color and ukraine issues restrictions on passports from military age men outside the country to address a shortage of troops at home. the restore at this news hour with the student protests in the united states. the camp setup at columbia university in new york and solidarity with palestine as turned into a movement that spread across to the united states to europe and beyond students or demanding their schools divest from israel and columbia. they are promising to maintain their encampment until their demands are met. the universities have made several offers, promising to examine and review the investments. but it's not enough for the students more than $550.00 protesters have been arrested so far. today is
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day 203 of genocide for palestinians in gaza and nearly 75 years of colonial violence from the apartheid state of israel and a meant anguish for palestinians everywhere. if you are not focusing on the brutal genocide currently happening in gaza and the apartheid system, palestinians are living under in all of occupied palace time. we implore you to do so. it is important to remember why we are here, are encampment here at colombia and in cabinets everywhere around the country are part of a larger movement for palestinian liberation. and we're live in washington dc in new york and los angeles said some of the universities that some of the united states most prestigious universities will start with alpha 0 is alan fischer at george washington university in washington, dc. helen, what are you seeing? what are you hearing? well, certainly the protest inside the called
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a job is a lot smaller this out about does we students who are they? remember this time yesterday there was more than 200 students who were protesting and many more who were here to support the news. numbers have gone down throughout the course of the day. the police, not very much a presence here, a toll on the street though, there is a much bigger protest. certainly going in the last couple of hours. this probably somewhere in the region of 200 to 300 students here. there was a call by a number of student associations to come and protest at 6 o'clock, which is right now. it would appear that the authorities are quite happy to wait this out and this squared. but we've also been hearing from students who come here to pull test, one of them in the last star was pulled incitement. who's normally at the university of maryland, you're studying education and box. what made you so angry that you felt you had to come here to add your voice to this protest? so in a lot of ways, i'm angry for the same reasons that we're all angry. bobby hospitals makes me angry
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. bomb and schools make the angry tens of thousands of murders. how sentience makes me very angry. but as this is especially personal to me, because i'm jewish, and then we've all heard the rumors that you know what israel is doing stands for jewish people or that raised her rose movements like the ones we're seeing here today are anti semitic. and i need to be here to tell people that it's not true that this is a little bit for freedom and for liberation. and that i'm proud to speak up for the palestinians. the same way. i wish more people had spoken up for my ancestors that were murdered in the holocaust. you get any, any grief at the credit. it says from your friends that you're actually here as a jewish student, as you say, and pride in your voice to this protest. not from my friends because i have the right front, but i have received it from the members of the jewish community. and what i wish we could all see is that this is a fight we should be in together. you know, like i said, we are the spiritual and often literal descendants of the victims of
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a genocide. there's another one going on right now. we are watching it live stream on our phones, on our tvs. we should be here raising our voices. i shouldn't be the only one that i am far from the only one the only jewish person that is here today. and we should all be here standing up against a human ization against polarization and against genocide because we've seen it before, never again. and that means for anybody what was the spot for you? would you like this before or is it because of what's happened in gaza? that has made you this consent and this upset? i am more passionate now ever since the last 6 or 7 months of rapid genocide. but as we all know the impression of the palestinian people did not starting on october the 7th 2023. so it's a cause i have been involved in it a little bit before hand over the last couple of years. but yes, as of recently, since the current process is a mass murder, heavy gotten over the last 200 or so days, i have been more passionate and more motivated to speak out and stop this. have you been impressed by the number of people, the variety of people,
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the diversity of people that have come here to either voice extremely. i mean, you look around at the movements here at the things we've been doing at my college campus at the things in the greater the metro area. you see people from. busy walks of life, there's curious people like myself, there's palestinians, there's other arabs, 3 muslims. there are people from every background, every gender, every sexuality, every race, everything we are all coming together because everyone from any community who's ever face depression sees what's going on. and we know we have to stop. oh no, no. you stayed behind just to speak to us. thank you very much indeed for joining us live here in our just so you know what is interesting as well. that in the last couple of hours, we've had some, a number of academics, not just the george washington university, but those in the generally who students. so here's the likes of george mason university just across the border in northern virginia howard university as well. and they've written to the administrators of the university to say it's important. the 1st amendment protections, the right of freedom to speak to
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a freedom of speech should be held for the protectors that are key, that it's important. the young people are able to speak. i like this because that's what they're taught and university to challenge things. i do believe that that is an important message. as best protest moves beyond, it's up to 6 of the people in the courtyard say they are not leaving any time soon . allen, and thank you very much for that interview and for your reporting. and there are no numerous campuses where students are challenging things. as you say, let's go to new york and john henry and is it the new york city university? what's happening there, john? go i right, i'm here at city university of new york and as you can see, one of the smaller protesters is leading the chance right now. as these encampments get rated by police, they get rebuild, and then new ones are built as well. and vision. this one was built yesterday and
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already for me, local campus police swept in, tried to take it over protests or push them back as now. there's some concern that the new york police department might do what campus couldn't. but let me talk to someone who knows a little more about this. this is gabby awesome who is a law school student here? let me just ask you what brings you? here? are here today to protest the genocide plaza and to protest really found is ation of pals. and to the man that are stop investing and stop and cut size. are you concerned at all about what is clearly a police interest? i mean, police are rated new york university columbia the campus police tried to right here yesterday, and now you've got barricades to be in white be dropped off earlier today. you can, sir? no, i would say no. i probably saw last night. our community numbers are chicago or even larger numbers now,
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and we showed that we can spend the money and prevent the police from entering the camp, setting it down. so i'm, i'm not concerned the moment we're here to protect yourself. and it's surprising to some of us how organized their students are, there was a campus police officer who came over earlier and it really lined up in front of them. wouldn't let him come in. i mean, he's in his organize it as lots. yeah, of course, you know, this takes a lot of planning houses across the whole country. answer to organizing has always been, i think, from all kinds of issues, you know, throughout the control or history or apply things to protest. so yeah, there's a lot of organizing and so we know that demands divest, disclose amnesty. and how long are you willing to get the silver and a bass and protect your students,
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faculty or with deliberate and we'll be here until we get there. so this is a movement started at a lead institution. now it's really spread everywhere. it's across the country, new and campus like this. just keep popping up every day. does that encourage you about the way americans views of the palestinian situation? have changed very much so, and especially among younger um american school students now it's beautiful to see that they're starting to show up and they're and then demand of the schools are held accountable for their relationship. this is surprise you at all. they basically know, major university president has been supportive of these in cabinets and of this movement. i can't say that is surprises me,
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but it does disappoint the our presidents and our team for energy, who support their students, faculty, staff, and has been. and we've seen that that's not the case. the disappointment, but i can't say that i'm surprised. all right, well gabby, on law student at city university of new york, thank you very much. so as you can see, this pro just is simply a growing. and every time police close down one of these places, newton's crop up, and the old ones are rebuilt at new york university. today they have rebuilt one that police have knocked down that's on the other side of manhattan. so this movement just seems to keep getting bigger john henry and live in new york. they're, let's swing over to the west coast, rob reynolds choices now from the u. c. l, a campus robin. the level of conversions and commonality that we've seen between the protesters, whether it's washington, whether it's new york or earlier,
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we were in texas is really quite striking. what do you see? we're seeing here on the campus and very peaceful but very passion protests by primarily but also faculty members and other supporters who say that they feel that events taking place during the war on gaza have galvanized them by them and also made them determine that their own institutions of higher learning, their colleges and their college, which should not be used in further, as these acts of war uh, which of cost, of course, would inverting $4000.00 drugs, many of them in gaza. this protest is very well organized as well. or just as the one that
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a john with is reporting on their own security forces were organized for medical, 10 sanitary disabilities, camping out here over night organizing the numbers of students who are coming year are growing. dispatcher students to given what has happened on some other campuses, particularly universally, southern california wherever. earlier this 93 students were arrested forcibly by los angeles police department. so the, such as the role from faculty members. and i'd like to introduce one of the ceiling faculty members right now. as a professor michael j, a member of the political science class. thank you so much for being here. what. why are you and your fellow faculty members standing here with your students folder here for all different reasons? but the main reason we're all coming together is because we feel like we need to
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protect the right of our students that peacefully purchased the right to pc told us is a very, very important right, especially to democracy and you'd use to california those purchase of house myself changes, which is pretty good at all of us, including the got villamore all the way back to the 1960. so we really think it's important to protect that. right. and in many other universities, like columbia usc, he's present posters, have been met by arrest, pass arrest, and that's not noise. it's not leading up to the users university. and then, you know, your university, we should be really respectful going to each other and you don't do that by calling the police investigative diversity is supposed to be also a place where inquiry debates germination is we've been controversial on, you know, unwelcome ideas are relocatable has been
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telling people is the view my colleagues and we talk to our students here with all the st. prescott help with respect to help each other holding their origin from each other research. so these are the points even if they disagree strongly sometimes. and i feel like the rest of the world can probably take can probably learn for the students actually, to be honest, they're actually way ahead of as intermediate. be able to treat that respect to me . so that's interesting. here students and political science or uh, i would say not just getting a lesson in political science, but actually reading of the situation. what do you think about that? it's also gonna feel like all this should be part of the democratic system. part of the speech speak nearby and senior voicing. that's how things go into new like can do the political arena and so it's awesome that anybody can speak your mind and i'm just waiting for a not should encourage you to not to press it. right. ok, thank you professor j. really appreciate that from you. thanks. i'm speaking. all
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right, that we're out of time now for the for that, but that is the situation here on the campus. and we will continue to monitor this as usual with a growing protest that is now switching challenges here as rob reynolds in the campus at u. c. l. a. thank you very much in that interview. and it's not just the us in paris, a demonstration by students who has broken up after they occupied the main building at their university cl spoke as it's known for hours in the evening. the university management said that it had reached an agreement with students who promised that they would no longer enter up classes. houses here is natasha. butler was at the protest. you sent to us this report. a r k did install its terraces, prestigious steel spo university. dozens of students demanding it in to israel's war and garza outside the others, challenging for phones to help stop. what they say is
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a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that students movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. things became tends when a group, supposing israel arrive to stay to counter protest, really. so cancer, i live near here and i worry, this university is no longer friends. french police moved in to separate the 2 sine . meanwhile, most students during the demonstration in district to children, one of the universities like there is another great universe, we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy, and financial there's already research with the work on that to understand how
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these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c j and we want it. so who is investigating and prep partnerships to protest is the latest student demonstrations. on wednesday, french police play the seats in the student says, with a pete 100 and symbolic there's a root. we will not only and seems to be very wide and burn friend slides. there is a propos, 9 voices. now we've reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday, the provision to take us out of the time. this is the next assignment of a silence. the must be broken side. the students, if palestinian rights it's a be heard it talks about the just 0 power. there's also been protests at university college london. sonya the jago reports
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from there has been undertaken by the university college london who know, just to arrange other options, but also a few patients as well. they recently also has a 30 full day occupation and one of the buildings as well. but with this particular demonstration, they all cooling a full e c o 2, we think, and in fact, it's research collaboration, drones companies such as a, b, a, e and the last page. this is part of the loan, the since since about, sorry, but we've been, we've been holding raleigh's world house teachings and to try and hold you so to account. so i can push t. n is set aside the game garza and most recently. and they said the we how to study for the day long occupation of a lot, just as of right in the whole complex and the 2 major reasons, the 1st being to hold you sale to account. and secondly,
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to educate about the policy and the struggle on, on to so politicized security body course as part of a growing movement of student bodies action, cool, dispos. they do seem a part of the main protests that have been taking place in london, usually at the weekends as well. and they say that it is possible a learning process to. so allow people to understand this conflict. more and watch resides with the cost of it when they got jagow out of the it's not just students were getting involved. professors camp outside germany's parliaments are being told by the least that they need to leave. demonstrate is showing support palestine has set up dozens of 10 said sorry, did linda stag police say that the group has been a pc violating restrictions put on the time, which has been there for nearly 3 weeks. is really forces of launched
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a series of airstrikes on several neighborhoods in gaza. 2 palestinians were killed in a raid on needing to say that refugee camp that's in the center of the gaza strip. 3 others were killed in a bombing in the vicinity of a school in hon. eunice and the south. and for more palestinians were killed. the east of elbow days camping in darrow by law. as a result of the throne attack, the palestinian health industry is reporting at least 51 people killed in the past 24 hours. houses here as tarry cowboys reports from rasa. the attacks on the gauze, this threat really did not stop within the past 24 hours of at least 51 palestinians have for reports of killed, according to goals, was health ministry. as we have been recording multiple attacks in a rough hour, at least 2 locations being targeted with 2, at least palestinians have been injured and now they are receiving treatment at the job hospitals. but again, i, this is on the ground in the middle areas have been reporting and constant onto the re bombardment and unprecedented rates of strikes that target. residential houses
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on the farm land with a number of casualties have been transferred to a box of hospitals to receive medical treatment. now these. busy these unprecedented escalation of military attacks came in light of the anticipated military and cogent for roof district as palestinians are following all the latest developments on the ground regarding the political assets being made by regional payers. in order to bridge the gaps of this on this type of, of this understanding that we, how my son is valid in order to get for an end for the fighting on the ground as palestinians here believe that they have no one else safe to go to our campuses out is there a roof on palestine premature a palestinian baby who was rescued from her mother's womb after she was killed in and is really air strikes has died off to days and an incubator our teams had reported on the newborn her name sabrin a roof to the, she was pulled out
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a live moments after her pregnant mother was killed. sabrina's home was hit by and is really your strength on the rasa, on saturday is. and israel's war on gaza has left the strips. health care system in the ruins, the collapse of sanitation systems and lack of clean drinking water is fueling the spread of diseases. honeywell, motor reports after months of bombardment on suffering, the people of god that have been left within you in the beginning, the peace because the effort should be a honda for the situation is very dark and the place is not suitable for living to know toilets. no water, no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult one toilet and one war to science, a 5000 displace individuals. people are in overcrowded spaces. and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases uh the lack of showers in hand washing facilities means maintaining
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a proper hygiene is nearly impossible. stagnating water and pour waste management held the breed diseases, carrying mosquitoes and slice the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases are spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most whites but diseases among children. israel's war on gaza is also screening the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supply. and there is no sanitation or waste management when you live industries, there's no sanitation tools or equipment to help to. it's as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available if they are available, they are very expensive. for 7 months. we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problem sickness pressed on the problem of the conflict, we're not excited. the pressing on post traumatic stress disorders are building into
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a mental health nightmare for the people of dog roles and tens bombing campaign has eliminated nearly co sourcing services and health care facilities. recovery will need a humanitarian aid organization. local authority is an international actors to work together. sanitation, waste management and health care, including mental health treatment, are all needed immediately. clean water would be start hunting for more. outage of the garza palestine. and international aid organization says that israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching garza the freedom flip. taylor coalition says israel has created what it calls an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the port in a stumble. the ship will now go through further inspection, delaying its planned friday departure,
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un experts or demanding and safe passage and unimpeded access to gaza. alpha 0 is acid bag has more from that ship in this stumble, the international freedoms that to the us it's been called is that is just that fail. the paperwork has been submitted here and 8 has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze. organize a say that is the front to prevent this rest of the accident. if you need russell from departing. now it was the side of the republic of the bustle. organize the se, se is the front of the pro brent. it's. what pressuring is that country to remove it so that we understand that will not be an additional inspection of the special organize of say, the confident what they will be in today. i'm a few days now. this is tiring, 5500 tons of few months here in a people from 12 nation, including the grandson of nelson mandela. i'm the daughter of jacob. are all ready to travel because it's a try and break that fees and deliver this tremendous to an age. that confidence that it will take place in rules that fails, as long as it isn't any flexibility. it's
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a fair and i just split through this is taking place 14 years after the last one left front of the switch. and it was also trying to break that the deposit because the intercepted by does that just brushing the memory of people here. but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is that having to endure in gaza. and that this with today isn't just about breaking the seed, isn't just about delivering to monitoring his advice, bringing more international attention to the whole on garza a default country to take action. i thought vague is central to people have been killed and living on afternoon is really drawing target to the civilian car. the attack happened in the town of me doing in the western dick, our region, the car was reported may hit by, it is really necessary. it caught fire and the passengers in the car were killed is still
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a head on alpha 0. america's top diplomat needs to sign as president in beijing, but there is little sign of a saw and relations the fellows hit slot to set fire for australia. but they might even mostly get rid of high pressure in shot. well drove a few showers just in across the east coast as the winds come round at high speed. oh i don't show a brace they're having to run the south. well, i don't into queensland as well. so the weather, just lucky here. but for most of this fine, dry and sunny pleasant autumn, the weather coming through the temperature as they lift the little for a time down towards the southeast and corner. but they will full back a little as we go into the pots off next week, but still losey dry. having said that, what's the weather will drift this way across the tasmania eventually pushing towards the data, but for the time being these,
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even it is fine. and try to stay as long as you try across northern parts of china at present one sunshine still in place here. but it's southern areas that we're really concerned about. more big down pulls, coming in across the southern parts of china, down towards the southeast and cold. still some pretty wet weather. also making its way in across the taiwan. and it's very much a repeat performance have as you go into monday, across that southeast and go to saturated ground. oh cool. so that will be widespread flooding. once again, it's really just exacerbating the fiber which is already in place that what were the stretches of a white top north of shanghai, the phone counting the calls, label, ministry spending, as i said, all time high, wired nations racing to buy weapons. will western sciences impacts or runs ability to wage a war against israel? fuss, why? it's really,
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it's ancient to he finished his charging entry fees for the day trip. this counts you the cost on out of their hearing, the fact the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet with forcing from the action age work. here's where it's directly targeted. i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story. forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric, s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the on age the
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the, are you watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this our university protests in solidarity with palestine are continuing to spread in the united states. students are demanding that their schools divest from israel more than $550.00 protesters if interested so far. to protest against the war and gaza has spread across the world in paris. the demonstration by students was broken up after they occupied the main building of the seals for university hours and is really forces of launch their strikes on several neighborhoods in gaza. residential areas in the state are to refugee camp and on eunice were hit by road attacks. at least 51 people have been killed in a 24 hour period. it's been just over a week since students at columbia university began demanding the our school divest
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from israel's students at columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university followed suit protests spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan, texas in california. and now they have gone global at university college, london and in paris at cl, spoke university even all the way to the university of sydney in australia. students there at australia is the oldest university, are also calling for ties of israel to be severed. officials at sydney university are not engaging with students about its connection to israel. yes, but officials have sent the post test organizers, a list of rules. the university said that it would only consider placing restrictions on staff engaging with colleagues overseas. if those activities would deem to be potentially unlawful. sorry, personal to me. i mean i'm a palestinian, i was born in palestine and my family lives in palestine. i it, it's my land,
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it's my people, it's my country. the university has a responsibility as they did for south africa, they divested from apartheid that they need to divest from the pots side and genocide, with israel. for us as a bernie sanders is slammed, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for remarks that he made, criticizing the protests in the us that you know, who had described the demonstrations as for fixing the campuses, had been taken over by quote anti semitic mobs. this was sanders's response. no mister, that's in yahoo. it is non anti semitic, or pro come us to point out that in a little over 6 months. your extreme is government has killed 34000 palestinians and wounded more than 78070 percent. the full, a women and children. it, it is not anti semitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more
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than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless, almost half the population. it is not anti symmetric to note that your government has obliterated gods of civilian infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage. it is not at the symmetric to realize that your government has the highlighted gods as health care system. not the $26.00 hospitals out of service and killing more than $400.00 health care workers. it is not anti semitic, to condemn your governments destruction of all of gods as 12 universities and 56 of its schools with hundreds more damage, leaving 625000 students with no educational opportunities. it is not anti semitic,
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to agree with virtually every humanitarian organization in saying that your government in violation of american law has an unreasonably blocked humanitarian aid. coming into casa, creating the conditions in which so many thousands of children. they smell nutrition and 5 and the nets and yahoo! anti semitism is a bile and disgusting form of bigotry. that has done on speaker go home to many millions of people. but please do not insult the intelligence of the american people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war. policies of your extreme is and rates as government a very can support for israel, especially within the evangelical christian community has been own wavering. there are around 11000000 evangelicals and their support is based on their specific set
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of belief and reading of the bible. listen to this recent exchange between the congressman and the university of columbia as president. are you familiar with genesis 123? probably not as well as you are a homeless man. well, it's pretty clear. it was a covenant that god made with abraham. and that cabinet was real clear. if you blast israel, i will bless you. if you curse israel, our curse you. and then in the new testament, it was confirmed that all nations would be blessed through you. so you do not know about that. i have heard that now that you've explained that yes stuff is that is that for me uh, do you consider that a serious issue?
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i mean, do you want columbia university to be cursed by god of the bible? definitely not. okay. well that's good. a sal events trend, but there's a lecture in religious studies at santa clara university and she says that some of you've angelica police regarding israel are taken out of context. it's a political view of the end times, especially rooted in the last book of the christian scriptures. the book of revelation, which is that when the world ends, it's going to end in a battle in israel and the geographical place of israel, where jesus will come again. and that's a very distorted out of context for our understanding of that text. so that just that, that, that simple story is taken way out of context from the political, evan jellico movement. you're not interested in the value of the state of israel except to the degree that during its destruction will come. it will be the 2nd
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coming of jesus, which is troubling in it's all right, so it's not for the sake of this real, really us secretary of state, anthony of lincoln has ended his 3 day visit the china. he and president choosing things say that there came to find common ground, but during long meetings on friday, both sides were clear about what they disagree on. katrina, you reports from begging us secretary of state antony blinking said the goal of his 3 day trip to china was simple return to china this week. take stock of where we've made progress and where more needs to be done so that we can deliver tangible results, diabetes. but the tensions rising between vague and washington accomplishing that task would be anything but simple. in a meeting with the chinese president to a student being told, blinking us had often to fail to keep it's would say one thing and do another 2 countries. i should be putting this not rivals,
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both countries that should say common ground. well, reserving differences instead of vicious competition to those differences were made clear during a 5 and a half hour meeting between lincoln and china is for administer earlier on friday when you want increasing negative fact is jordan to trigger a downward spiral and ties china is legitimate development rights has been unreasonably suppressed on our core interest facing challenges. this included us trade restrictions designed to limit chinese access to its market and advance technologies. describing this as containment and not set competition. one also raised tie one as a red line issue for they jake warning against any moves that could be seen as us support. so the islands independence and said the but in administration should not turn the asia pacific into a battle ground for the 2 superpowers blinking race ton. his actions against philippine vessels in the south china sea,
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cooling them dangerous and pointing out to us his defense treaty with manila walkthrough. another major point of frustration for the us, china support for rush during its invasion. this is crazy. i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c, providing components that are powering rushes, brutal war of aggression against ukraine. he said this threatened is not only ton, his relationship with the us, but with the europe too. but there was some areas with the 2 sides agree to deep incorporation, including instead being the tide of power from drugs pension to the us in our special intelligence and increasing student exchange. no major breakthrough was enough to keep those of communication open until the next diplomatic inc. katrina, you to 0 into british man accused of spying for china had been granted bay laughter appearing at a court in central london, former parliamentary research for christopher cache. and his co accused,
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christopher berry appeared briefly at westminster magistrates courts. they're charged with reaching the official secrets act by providing information that could be useful to an enemy. their preliminary hearing will be held on may 10th. the . the us says it is rushing patriot missiles and other air defense systems to ukraine after congress approve the long awaited aid package. the secretary of defense warranted that the security consequences would be grave and global if booting prevailed in ukraine. he said, europe would face its greatest security threat and living memory. also pleased to announce today an additional commitment of $6000000000.00 through our ukraine security assistance initiative that will allow us to procure a new capabilities for ukraine from us industry. this is the largest security
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assistance package that we've committed today. it will include critical interceptors for your cranes patriot. and ne sounds air defense systems. more kind of drone systems and support equipment, significant amounts of our tory ammunition and air to ground munitions and maintenance and sustainment support. at least 2 people have been killed and several were wounded by shilling and the russian controlled city of done yet. the local mayor blamed the ukrainian military for the strike keys has yet to comment on this . russian officials also say that ukrainian strikes killed at least 7 others in is that for ridge, an incorrect and 7 for song. and after more than 2 years, a war ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops. it has recently passed a law lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25. but on tuesday went further issue a new passport rules for men abroad. john home and reports from keith,
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the ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military commander in the east. has said that in some sections of the front line, brushing forces out number 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new posts, bullets abroad to military each man because they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. it wants them to come home. this wasn't ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to meet throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now. and then of conscription, age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a country is of will. when state the oldest seem to go into instant effects and the ukrainian possible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland. the attempt to pick up my possible goal here is 6 am.
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yesterday we spent the noise, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on what basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j if i went to broad legally not to tell you the whole and neighboring ukraine supports the major. and it's defense minister said like wednesday, these country could help out. we talked about, we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service go home. and if there's a test, i think that many of our compatriots feel outraged. now, when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine, but will the measure increase ukraine's truth numbers. alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models the put along with we need 3 things. one is the military 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3
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things need to add up so that were able to find the width is from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving in coming weeks. ukraine still missing meant will the gentleman out to say to keep you cry. peters on my have is a political scientist and the executive director of the razor democracy initiative . he says the government cannot force ukrainians, living abroad to come back and fight. it's not going to happen, i'll just say point blank. uh, you know, there are so, you know, there's a variety of leisure norms and standards by which, you know, all the governments are not be limited to return and forcibly people to the awards on. obviously these individuals, just because the costs of the services are going to be limited, they're not gonna rush back to going to ukraine from comfortable, you know, they're a, they're comfortable european lives. uh,
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this is just obviously nonsensical and the reviews are really benefiting from the presence of these met by some of the counselors over 800, almost 900000. so you've been in many living outside of the grade. know most of them are probably europe. uh, they are well educated, they are capable, i don't think that the, you know, you are in the colonies unnecessarily groaning under the weight of each man or, you know, capable. and, you know, productive members of their newly found societies. you know, the problem is that you bring with this mobilization law that will go into effect in may, did not really provide per diem organization. so essentially, these men will be taking a one way ticket and you know, and serving the army until the war is over, which may be years and years and years. so i don't think it's going to work. but, you know, keep in mind that with all the advertise problems with globalization still, man, that'd be cool. did you know it's probably not happening as quickly as we want. but,
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you know, the government has made a mistake of trying to go into, you know, escalating the russians next door and making it sort of a um, trying to be caused by force better than trying to come up with key ways to actually encourage man make up the service and feel into them and think about how to raise the, you know, the basic salaries for servicemen and waste funds for that, including abroad. there are many other ways to do that and it's also happening and kind of late into the game. the fire has slipped through a homeless, hostile in southern brazil, killing at least 10 people. blaze in the city of 4 to a leg. ray broke out early on friday. what was the official say? the building was not licensed to operate as a guest house and didn't have a fire prevention plan. the cause of the blaze is still unknown. staying in brazil, anger over long expected land reforms has seen
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a wave of protest activists from the land less workers movements. say president lulu the silver has not done enough. the conservative dominated congress is accusing him of citing with protesters. monica janik yet has the story. thousands marching across priscilla demanding land reforms. the protest marked the 40th anniversary of the longest standing peasants movement in latin, america's largest country since the beginning of april, members of the land. this worker's movement where the m. s. t have organized 30 land occupations in 13 states. establishing camps like this one ancient buckle global view, and the size we are doing our duty, pressuring the government to enforce our rights and preserve democratic constitution stipulates that unproductive line should be expropriated, and distributed to those who need it. so they can grow food and not go hungry. this land 300 kilometers away from the city of realtors and narrow used to be
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a sugarcane plantation. now the old church serves as the community kitchen and he says that good, you know, made us associated know where to go. after family was evicted, she hopes to build her new home. here the government has responded by announcing it would invest over $100000000.00 to settle $73000.00 families by the end of the year . but activists from the landless workers' movement say it's not enough. and the quality remains of pressing issue in brazil, nearly half of the country's arable land is controlled by just one percent of agricultural, told these and the farm lobby. we'll significant power and congress, its representatives, have a choose the left us government of siding, but squatters and a half proposed to bill allowing the police to expel them without additional warrant. we believe in property rights. and therefore, we understand that the laws in brazil should be strengthened in a way to um,
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you know, not allow these kind of movements to happen. people like they need us to box onto the for sale has enough wealth to accommodate both the haves and the have nots . like herself, she spent 3 years in a camp similar to the one she is now helping build before settling into her career at home. to day sharon, so living by selling organic fruits and vegetables at the local market. monica and give all g 0 compass that was great. that causes brazil, prosecutors in guatemala, have rated the officers of saved the children after a complaint about possible violation of migrant children's rights. they say the raid was to search for documents that might support accusations of child trafficking involving the charity. are still ahead on elsie or remembering the historic days the 30 years on in south africa is heading to the polls with this illusion and inequality high on the edge. and
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the heavy rains of devastated parts of east africa in recent weeks floods intends india and burundi and kenya have killed at least $200.00 people and destroyed thousands of homes. now come, lab reports from country auto county. so from the capital, nairobi the rains mostly come at night leave devastation in the morning. dozens of people have been killed in flash floods. here
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in kenya, stallings upon those mother was one of them. this is what remains of a home and half possessions. 6 people died here. this is exactly the phase. this is where we found them. the body of my mother's neighbor was trapped right across here and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankles with her head lost between her ties. people in the slums of the capital nairobi said the government's missiles to help president william route, so called an emergency meeting. earlier this week. i also asked the military and i'm happy them in the midst of for defends is yeah. to provide some of the capabilities they have to support citizens. it's mostly can use red cross rescuing people and providing some food and shelter to those who've lost their homes. grace,
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why, why they told us nobody came to help her. and the ones that came gushing in and it keeps happening unless id number, but definitely sometimes you can't get food to eat for the day. so you just one meal in the evening, the water that comes from the upper house is, is a lot. it's read it lot. you cannot sleep at night and have to stay awake in case it comes again at a race as thieves broke in and stole her neighbors possessions when they fled for high ground. so she refuses to join the hundreds of thousands of people across east africa. has been displaced by the floods in the last month. scientists say that this kind of extreme weather is becoming more frequent because of climate change. and the weather full cost of the site is going to be more heavy rain here in the days ahead. malcolm web houses era. catchy auto county can yeah. and neighboring tends to be a flooding caused by weeks of heavy rain has killed at least a 155 people. the prime minister says more than 200000 others have been effected
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with crops, homes and roads destroyed. the south africa is preparing to march freedom day on april 27th. that is 30 years after its 1st democratic vote with nelson mandela's and c, slip to power, all 3 guys and 3 decades on with the economy sluggish, and a 3rd of people out of work. many argue that the a and c has failed to deliver on the vision of a new open and inclusive society with opportunities for all as another milestone election looms. jonah ho reports from the town of hammons crawl in south africa. it's not because of the drought, the water is delivered by truck to more than a 100000 residents in this area. code humans crow here. they blame the mismanagement and neglect the government, the government to take a picture on us because we're suffering with the water product. i mean, don't you think that by now they should be fixing these problems? i think so. but then the problem with our government is that
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a the financial stability in this country is very low. legged, it is with finances. i don't think i will government disagree before whatever they have doing, whatever they are doing, i think been ethics to him. this is a huge community, how months crowd just north of the capital pretoria that doesn't have access to reliable clean water. and that's just one public utility that he's failing. millions of south africans. so 2 years after the 1st pre election in this country, nelson mandela's a in c one and then slide victory in that election. but the post about a promise of a better life, pearl was never going to be easily met. corruption took root any qualities, widened unemployment now stands a told and 30 percent. and put a service delivery has become the target to the public and as rubbish, piles up. and the electricity counts out the main problem with a i'll come to use uh,
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info then. and especially when you get to issues of attendance, you get that people tend this, but the government is never following up to make sure that the projects are 10. so we have for example, the issue of we, by the way, a lot of millions way, at least to fix, but only about 5 percent of the white stuff. because there was a time when the taps ran clean and how months cross before the misuse of funds intended for the repair of roy reservoir. while one other cult oh and nice, nice and what's what i'm spending just as there was a time when the future seemed brought to before 94. as i was so excited about the coming government, much do you think enough progress has happened and i don't see in i don't see anything with another election looming party is a competing when a common theme that something in what used to be known as the new south africa,
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he's broke joe, the whole elder 0 in someone's crowd. and it does it for me for today. 0. then a colleague, kerry johnson will be with you in just the phone, counting the calls, global ministry spending, as i said, all time high wired nations racing supply weapons will western side issues impacts or wrongs ability to wage war against israel. fuss, why it's means ancient city advantage is charging entry fees per day. trippers counts you. the cost on out of their indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, just as for the original, open our boss to an issue. but not everyone supports the idea. i mean, i get that from within when we have, we see this as an authoritarian decision on the 101 east with deals indonesia
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moving a mega sitting on out to 0. the challenges here with the sort of 10 year journey, which has become the most important translation award from i'm into the outer big language world, wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year. 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official with site w w w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. outcast foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set tasks, an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of
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a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we'll turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the american universities are locked by protests against israel's foreign concepts. so search demonstrations beyond the united states, the voluntary johnston. this is, i'll just say a lot from time also coming sunday taishan. what's a crisis on the streets of gods?
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and the reports on how disease is spreading and the fees or contracts plus the time gabriel's onto the united nations headquarters in new york,


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