tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 27, 2024 10:00am-10:58am AST
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the $1.00 oh $1.00 east. all now to 0. the colleges here with the the hello i'm stymied, say them. this is the news. our live from the coming off in the next 60 minutes student protests and solid hours. he was palestinian spread across the us and beyond. police moved to shop some of them down us senator bernie sanders slams as well as private as of, according to student protests. as he symmetric small,
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it is not anti semitic. to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless and his right, the s drive kills full people in the site on the refugee camp in central garza thousands of people are dead, thousands of houses washed away by spots in kenya. more rain is expect the student protests to bolting palestinians that began at columbia university in new york, a spread across the us and to europe, and beyond the demanding that schools divest from israel. the growing assets by university officials and police to clear the demonstrations. john henry reports from new york another day,
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another group of pro palestinian students occupying yet another american university, demanding a ceasefire in gaza, end of free palestine. this in camp and at city university of new york was in its 2nd day on friday, a public institution joining a movement that started at elite private institutions. it is spread from campus to campus coast to coast from columbia university to the university of southern california, which has canceled its graduation ceremony over the protest. the occupations are rejected by university leaders and reviled by campus police whom students block from entering the territory they occupied with supported by the swelling ranks of students in palestine and advocates across the us including orthodox jewish supporters of the people of the the 1st of all
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raising i disturbs me from my court to see my own people perpetrating something that we've been doing is this very disturbing. on thursday campus police tried and failed to forcibly clear students from their camp of occupation. the interpreted city university of new york is a tranquil or even a suggestive scene. but what people are worried about now is that new york police will come in and do what campus police putting the new york police department on friday preposition barricades. in portable light posts a harbinger students fear of a new wave of arrest that have swept universities across the nation by the hundreds . at each campus student organizers and university leaders negotiate demands and it can't stand off the students wanting to investment of university assets from israel
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and anything that helps it wage war and guys, university leaders demanding their campuses. it's beautiful to see that there's some lean camp man. some of the young people are really, really starting to show up and support and demand of the schools are held accountable for their all your relationship with his rarely keeping us ation. as college presidents call him police to clear encampment after encampment the demonstrators build and rebuild in a stalemate that reflects a deeply divided american nation. john henry and l g 0. the students at columbia university are promising to maintain their encampments until the demands of match present salumi results from the campus. after 10 days, the encampment here at columbia university is still going strong, alumni and other supporters of the demonstrators are dropping off food. faculty
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volunteers are guarding the entrance to the and cabinet, and the students themselves remain here, day and night. they're holding kitchens that involved muslim and jewish students together. all of this, while negotiations are continuing with the administration, but it's clear at this point the university doesn't want a repeat of what happened when they called in the police and arrested more than 100 students that's just brought out more in demonstrators here at columbia university and all around the country as well. it also provokes criticism from the faculty. the school senate earlier criticized the administration and a formal statement for its clamp down on the students, which they see as a violation of what the university stands for, for a free speech. and the right to speak out that said the university is also facing pressure from students who say they feel uncomfortable and at least one major donor
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who has announced that he's angry about what the school is doing here and has pulled his support. kristin salumi alger 0 new york, but as we mentioned, the student led protests have moved to other regions of the us. here's an official now at george washington university in the us capital. the number of professors inside the college courtyards has gone dining significantly since this time on thursday. now, the reason for that is that right that have been made by the university warning students, you could lose their housing. there's the possibility that they could lose college credits that they might not be able to graduate or not the 16 inside the courtyard . but as you can see, they've been joined by hundreds, are excited to come to give their support to i. dear boy, to the protest excise the university, and the number of those have turned out, put
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a to spoken to the cried one of those was a young man by the name of the site, but now he's a jewish student and he says there is a very good reason why he decided to add his voice to the protests here at g. w. is the fight we should be in together. you know, like i said, we are the spiritual and often literal descendants of the victims of a genocide. there's another one going on right now. we are watching it live stream on our phones, on our tvs. we should be here raising our voice is i shouldn't be the only one that i am far from the only one. the only jewish person that is here today, and we should all be here standing up against a human ization against polarization and against genocide because we've seen it before and never again. and that means for anybody, many of the academics at george washington and also other schools in the washington area have actually sent a note to the authorities. saying that the students should not be punished for exercising their right to free speech. and for exercising their brains to
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contemplate what is happening in guys. but the authorities have not decided at any point to discuss with the students that demands that they get the best the best for me is really companies that they lucas is really academically as well. and they give it guarantees that those who are protesting will not face any sort of punishment in the future. those who are still protesting see the steering on the steering until the demands are met. also sure, i'll just see the george washington university in washington dc. the process and not just on the east coast time, jo castro is at the university of texas in austin, a u. d. austin's president j. hartzell is facing calls for his resignation after the brutal police crackdown to remove protesters from campus earlier this week. but now 3 days after those arrest, hartzell says he is quote, grateful for this current protest in support of palestine. and he gave no indication that he would call for more police intervention. that's despite student
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protesters breaking curfew last night and their back today holding a peaceful demonstrations. there's been music and speakers and arts, and they're calling on you t austin to divest from mit weapons manufacturers and from companies that benefit israel. and they say they're not buying the words of appeasement from the university president. they say that they feel there's a double standard on campus that goes back for years with little or no protection for most of the students when they face discrimination. and the university move to protect your students when does protest started. in fact, some of the protesters here are jewish themselves and they told me this has nothing to do with anti semitism. yet every thing to do with protesting palestinians in gaza and protest leaders want to return to that message front and center. heidi to castro alger 0 austin, texas. in paris, demonstration by students one the front is most prestigious universities was broken,
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not fall today. ok, part of the main building for alice sales probably university management now says it's reached an agreement with students promised they would no longer interrupt classes. i'll just say it was in session. bob low was that the protest sentenced this report. a r k did inside terraces, procedures, seals pull university, dozens of students to mom, thing it in to israel's war and garza outside to others challenging for phones to help stop. what they say is a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student, we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. things became tends when a group, supposing israel arrive to stay, to counter protest for the release, the captain. i live near here and i worry this university is no longer friends.
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french police moved in to separate the 2 sides. meanwhile, most students during the demonstration filling this to the children, one of the universities like there is another reason universe, we have a few demands. but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy. and financial, there's already research with a work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c j. and we want to know who is investigating and prep partnerships to protest is the latest student demonstrations . on wednesday, french police pay the $16.00 move, the student says was a pete 100 and symbolic there's a real google not only in seems to be very wide in for in french white. there was
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a startling process 9 boys. now we reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday, the provision to pick is out of the time the next assignment assignments, the must be broken said the students is palestinian rights to be heard. to butler, i'll just sarah, purse all the moms of the university students differ from one another, but they do have a common theme of divesting from israel students at columbia university allowed to be demanding. the university dropped the direct investments in companies doing business in all with these rel, these include microsoft, amazon. i'm google, those attending new york university, one of the closure of the schools tel aviv campus calling it discriminatory students at yale, whole now and university college in london. have been asking best schools to comp
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ties with weapons manufacturers, including lockheed martin acute they accused the companies of profiting from his rose wool. joining us here in the studio is time to move. he's in the system, professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies, good to have you with us. so what would the implications be of such a boy called movement touching giants like google, amazon, microsoft, us. some of the, the applications will be significant, especially on the longer them if the moment them keeps going when it comes to this . but for me, the human factor is the most significant factor. let's see who. busy the students, besides students of ibd universities, elite universities, most of them, these are the diverse, it is the but provide the 5 find the phone please. for the same companies, we're talking about the future of either of these companies. so it's a cryptic conjunction with talking about the significance of and to see this, i believe universities, the billing, i guess, the stablish with,
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i guess the corporate service might not be confined to face students. so successful . this kind of a boy called divestment effort might not be confined entirely to classrooms and universities if they succeed. of course, of course, because the higher the quarter looked at the with the workforce with the economy. so and, and when we see students who stand on principle values on ideas, you cannot buy these by this with money. you know, it's, it's hard because this is a value system. you are in conflict with an inside of value offensive and system that is the soonest to present. but somebody could do so really think they can succeed here, given the forces they're going off against. it's not going to be at ease about them, but the train has left the station. so i mean, this is a snowball, not with some moving snowball and old what you wish for is for it to grow and grow . and then we see a huge shift in public opinion, and then you would be out of these for me, you know, against this oppression to talk about things writing all we already seen the
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process at least spreading geographically now going more global. so interestingly, i think your host of the 1st or really the most solutions and purpose, i know we see a huge shift. i mean that the moment thing is going to the us, the us has become a center and because of the us, the symbolism and it's, it's, it's positioning on the, on the word mapping, i think now it's spending all over the globe. you know, so we see the mural pursuits and australia. i don't think we'll see more on what i mean. of course this is so many countries were already a prince of a position to support for the sun. shine that us uh the, the next country like an american countries. we don't, we don't see soonest lived almost anything because the government's up to that i sense so. but the problem is with the governments and the proficiency took the opposite step. although settled this by protecting as well. so it's good to see this, the students, you know, profess thing. yeah. i'm trying to put special on the governments to in this book should time and bear with us for a 2nd. just talking about positions, the politicians taking a position,
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let's listening to what bernie sanders had to say. no, mister, that's a yahoo! it is not anti semitic, or pro, from us to point out that in a little over 6 months, your extreme is government has killed $34000.00 pounds of citizens and wounded more than 78070 percent. the form of women and children. it is not anti semitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless. almost half the population is the notes and yahoo! anti semitism is a bile and disgusting form of bigotry. that has done on speaker go home to many millions of people. but please do not insult the intelligence of the american
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people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your disagreements and rates as government. how significant is it? when we see prominent us jewish figures telling is really officials off for how they use the anti semitism charge. it is significant and, and because of whose brittany son does is, i mean, bonus, sanders, specifically that presents is a lease of a progressive movement of, of, especially of the young voters, especially the democratic part is the democratic party. i think it does the fact that these thing, this beloved, creates an accusing nothing else than something the, the american people that even the jewish people are by saying this. i think it's significant because it's just a more momentum to different type of movement and sort of get us to remind everyone
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that the jewish people are most and people are christians. and this part of that is especially in front of cents, never has an issue of, of, of a problem is of coal existence. the problem is, and isn't and zionism is the problem here. and this is something the us but additions have tried to deflect by equipment using isn't with at this. and it says a system that does accept this, i think is what it was under some it doesn't. i'm just hoping it will. the problem is what side isn't as of them with stuff which it isn't, especially in this part of the work. i think so much time with most of us just now is ready as strikes of killed at least 4 people in the silence. compton, central garza, several others were wounded. india and nice. has hank on a residential building. rescue teams has been digging under the rubble for survivors. is ready for us is also intensified the results from that off off in southern gone. so the palestinian health ministry says at least 51 people were killed across the street from the past 24 hours. bought
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a cup i assume joins us now live from golf. i in southern gauze, i thought i'd take us through the strides which have claimed the lives of more children in particular today. right? yes. um, it was really a very heavy um, flood unites across multiple areas in the gaza strip, specifically in the southern parts here in rough up we have been reporting yesterday over night to boston and tens hovering of is very surveillance to joes in fights. it just like you to talk you through that residential house in the through the neighborhoods in the western part of rafael district, at least 6 palestinians have to report of kills including 4 children that attack has been carried out in a late hours of this, of a nice as a, as people who have been injured have been transferred to receive medical treatments inadequate to hospital. but the reality is really sounds really gram on the other part of the gaza strip, specifically. and i'm gonna say rock refugee camp were at least 8 palestinians,
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half a report at killed while 30 others at least being wounded, and as ready as try that target to the residential house on holding. so why, why this is the, the attack that has been carried out has caused collateral damage to 7 neighboring houses. now, why that were largely affected by this up to it by this strikes that could cause a mass of destruction in the entire neighborhood. but within the past hour, they have been more strikes on a great refuge account as they have targeted the residential buildings as implants have rushed to the location of the targeting in order to recover the injuries from that area. but similarly as these as strikes continued over multiple areas in the gaza stripes, the palestinians here across the territory here. and the southern pods are following all the latest political developments regarding the efforts being made by regional mediators in order to get to as what the lead for a ceasefire agreement that we have from us and the as well as palestinians believe
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that if these negotiations should collapse there is going to be wide scale expansion of the fighting to reach this area rough off where people here have knew what left tell us to go potty how. why are the people that any collapse in the seas? 5 talks means a ground invasion, pull them in or off, a man. well firstly, you saw me. people here have completely feeling a great deal of confusion. um, disappointments regarding the amended treat, anticipate of encouraging a roof. i district have been told multiplied by the usability military, just say to a few tea and the southern parts of because of strep in order to be waived from areas of corporate patients. and yet, so they use very sides right now have been driven towards this area that is designated to save zone, where the bus majority of comes with population being trop. t a. they are really afraid of the collapse of these negotiations because they believe that if these
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really military starts with practically this a ground invasion, it means that it's will bring on speak about humanitarian catastrophe. a despite the palestinian hardships that they have been going through since day one of the fighting people here had we have been hearing from them that they've been saying that we have really no place else to go. we have lost our houses. and right now we have been living and made shift tens with a very barely functional 7 infrastructure. if we left roughly, we want to be able to get sufficient humanitarian aids, send some of the same type of 13 to get the proper civil services. as the vast majority of clauses of facilities have been destroyed in other parts for the east by the military has operated in before. and that's really try get balance and can says not only among palestinians, but also among different countries with wedding from the potential negative consequences that will be resulted from such of dissipated military encouraging.
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all right, thanks so much talk a couple i 0 united nation says it doesn't have enough information from his right. the authorities, as it investigates accusation, some of our staff members took pots in the october 7th to tax you and investigators will return to his resume. as the inquiry continues, gabriel, that is on the as more from new york, as in january, israel told the un, 12 of their staff members working for under a were involved in the october 7th attacks. all 12 were fired and the secretary general almost immediately ordered an internal investigation into the claims. the investigation by the un office of internal oversight services is ongoing. normally, the un doesn't release its findings publicly, but because 16 countries suspended funding to unreal. following the allegations on friday, the secretary general's spokesperson gave an update of the 12 under
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a staff is real accused. the un has closed one case because no evidence was provided by israel to support their allegations. 3 cases were suspended, as information provided by israel was not sufficient. the other 8 cases are still under investigation, ended march, and april. israel went to the un with names of 7 more employees. it said also were part of october 7th. one of those cases, the un has suspended as well. pending more information from is real. the other 6 remained under investigation the you and said it was looking into what it calls corrective measures for the staff member whose case was closed. that the secretary general wants to be extremely proactive for the sake of armoire, right. for the sake also of, of the, uh, tens of thousands of on the other on while workers uh, were continuing to do their job in the most difficult circumstances. right. um,
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so we will continue. we will go where the evidence leads us and we will continue to appeal to donors to support unable to support on what generously un investigators are expected to be back in israel next month. so their final report is not expected to be ready for at least a few more weeks. gabriel's onto, i'll just see it at united nations in new york. to the occupied westbank bowers riley forces of shot dead, 2 young palestinians, solemn checkpoint, mid janine the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with sol. just these riley's later prevented ambulances from reaching the bodies. samples probably joins us now live from the malawi. understand this right. the right into the column has now come to annette and take us through the off them off event of the will.
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the aftermath, much likely, looks a lot like what we've seen in the past. it's been less than 2 weeks since we saw a 3 day long raid carried out into a grim, incredibly violent one of the worst that's been seen in 2 decades. not since the 2nd to the father became that scale of destruction in a refugee camp in the west bank. so when people went into to equipment is really forces waiting to tucker him last night. the expectation was that that may happen again, but the rates ended just a few hours ago. what we understand is one of the things that these really forces did was take a great deal of security cameras on the street in front of people's houses, commonly used by palestinian residents of these camps is rarely forces took these cameras. it is unclear why, but we know that in the last rate that we're trying to hunt down the leader of the palestinian resistance fighters battalion in total grim that we're report suggesting that he would been killed in that 3 day long rate. but when the dust settled, it turned out that he was still alive. no doubt remains
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a sharp storing the side of the battalions operating these rarely soldiers operating around to a grim no doubt. they will be still looking for him now in terms of the rest of the west bank, there were 4 cities and at least 7 villages and towns. that's our rates throughout the night into this morning. and in terms of the 2 that were killed engineering at southern check point that you mentioned, we do know that as rarely, soldiers describe what happened as a fire fight. those 2 men were shots and they prevented ambulances from coming, as you said. and they provided no support, it seemed no life saving attempts for at least an hour, allowing those 2 victims to blood out. and we know not giving life, saving a aid to people that are injured as an international army, like israel, they're bound to do so by international law. and it seems that was not the case. overnight engineering, right? we'll leave it that. spank same bus probably very much. i is so dry in stock on the gas field in northern iraq is killed for you. how many workers it
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happened in the province of so the 98 in the kurdish region, local authorities say the field which is owned by a u. a base company was badly damaged, is likely to lead to power shortages. no group is claimed responsibility for the attack. the still ahead on al jazeera south advocate, a celebrating freedom day, says news officer, its 1st democratic vote. many say the government guy mc is filed to live opposite his promises, the fellow it is set to turn model across the western parts. if you're probably over the next couple of days, it said to be a little bit chilly. recently we have got clap and brian level tumble this way and from the atlantics they, they were the systems just ganging up. they're going to continue making the way 58th, which is not happens to be squeezing that heat. how does that east side of here?
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i'll show you what's going on here, then temperatures and balance very much on the rise 21 south just here. there's a full team for london, 16. the full power. she go on into sunday as temperatures to start to nice that way up getting up to 24 invalid. and by the time we do come to tuesday could be 27th decrease that he continues to district the little 5. the rates with loudon, pirates giving up to 17 or 18 degree. so feeling a little more like it said, the sherry wright will continue templates way in from those western pos we have got some heavier rain coming back in across the west. central areas of frogs of habit of wet weather, stated painful life makes its way across by rams topical southern parts of the bronze as we go one through with closer sunday. but that's not fine. dry weather across central pots with plenty of sunshine, there's plenty of sunshine to cross northern parts of africa. lot of lifted. dustin said, i'm sure it was for west africa. the,
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the latest news as a boeing a military response for situation. we mean fund nationwide with the detailed coverage, it's only taking a few hours to attend the city streets, insect canals, rooms and isolated from around the world show the russian policies of the band and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day it is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery
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in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the you're watching out just here at the time to recap on headlines. now. student demonstrations and support of palestinians have spread across the us and beyond. columbia university students are promising to continue occupying school grounds despite police efforts to clear them is right. the strikes have killed at least 4 feet foot and the side comes in. central garza rescue seems to be digging for survivors off to a residential building was hit. to palestinians have been shot dead spies, riley forces the occupied westbank,
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and fighting with the soldiers. solemn check points near the city of jeanine. the ukraine says it shot down 21 of 34 missiles launched by russia in an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted you cranes energy facilities. john holman, is live for us from the ukrainian capital k of. so 1st of all, a john talks us about the objectives of this russian strike. it was you said somebody they were targeting the ukraine's energy networks, the ukrainian energy, the at the tech site, the 3 of its, the electricity plants have been damaged. and the reasons for doing that obviously to disrupt ukrainian war assets. but also that's going to be damaging from the
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route where this is happening, obviously in spring. but what we understand is that it's going to take at least months to get energy bounce back online, and it's a long cold winter in your price is obviously going to be coming up in the future. so there's 2 folks strategy that what we were also hearing is about a tax. this is from the training government on the railway lines. and they're saying that russert is doing that to disrupt military supplies, but the getting to the front. now why is this happening now? this run ping up of attacks. those 2 key timeframes. one is made the noise, the training government believes that russia wants to get significant advances and to make games before made the noise. because that's the day that the country celebrates, beating germany in world war 2. and it's a big military day to celebration in russia. and you have a key timeframe is the fact that there's a $61000000000.00 military, a package coming from the united states to ukraine. ukraine believes that russia
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would like to make as many games as it wants in the time before that military package comes and reinforces ukraine's defenses. we're also hearing reports of russia, say it's energy sites with tongues is by ukrainian drugs. what can tell us about that? to yeah, we're hearing that that happen in the crisis of the region and russian authorities a saying that most of those strong strides coming towards it said it's oil refineries and areas in that region. the most of them were intercepted at $66.00 of them. i believe in to set did not the regional government across know the and tool king. what we do know about base is it, ukraine and ukrainian firms have been developing long range drones, but can go into russia and that can especially target or refinery, an oil production in russia. so that strategy has been happening over recent weeks
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. all right, thanks so much john home. have you, ryan is devastated parts of east africa and recent weeks. at least $200.00 people have died in floods in tanzania, but on the and 10 year, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. now come web reports from colorado county south, the canyon capital nairobi, the reins mostly come at night, leave devastation in the morning. dozens of people have been killed in flash floods here in kenya, holdings and bundles. his mother was one of them. this is what remains of a home and half possessions. 6 people died here. this is exactly the phase. this is where we found them. the body of my mother's neighbors was trapped right across here and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankle with her head
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lost between her ties. people in the slums of the capital nairobi say the government some little to help president william root so called an emergency meeting. earlier this week. i also asked the military and i'm happy there minute mr . defends is. yeah. to, to provide some of the capabilities they have to support citizens. it's mostly can use red cross rescuing people and finding some food and shelter to those have lost their homes. grace, why, why they told us nobody came to help her. and the ones that came gushing in and it keeps happening unless id number, but definitely sometimes you can't get food to eat for the day. so you just one meal in the evening. the whole time that comes from the upper house is, is a lot. it's read is not, you cannot sleep at night and have to stay awake in case it comes again. ada ray says, thieves broke in and stole a neighbour's possessions when they fled for high ground. so she refuses to join
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the hundreds of thousands of people across east africa, has been displaced by the floods in the last month. scientists say that this kind of extreme weather is becoming more frequent because of climate change. and the weather full cost of the site is going to be more heavy rain here in the days ahead . malcolm web houses 0 country yada account. see can you do? but come on, goes the national direct sort of world vision, kenya is with us now. my road be good to have you with us. so 1st of all or you can send the situation is about to deteriorate even further. yep. i get better probably. uh yes. correct. in the sense that uh there is uh, out of the forecast was b. do this is getting worse and worse, they have all of these russian and it's getting worse. and what about a $1000000.00? why are people are increasing because all the other ways you just do
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a bunch of you but also different, but it is yes. the dresser is getting worse, isn't off help reaching the many thousands of internally displaced people the initial again, it is enough help reaching people who's been displaced by the funding. yeah, that's why i was like for example today, honestly, i don't read my as law where what vision is responding to the 1st is a house was so yes, the magnitude of the problem of these lines huge for sure how as long as the same time a mass specialist out of the dentist as what vision of the vision, both of the government, the government are, we are responding to us before we meet each other.
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i give you the cash will give them the power i can go on the positive. these understand these are also by the also existing so that's why really this one is funny. i lived in las vegas are, are these, this one are we are not a virus with some of the bar got, but also whenever i want, you know, emotional response. i love vision mission with a guy. and i know you mentioned that not everybody's received health. what is stopping help reaching everyone on the sides. i was vis a product of products because before us, most of the best,
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the pollution resources are, will say to the resources. it's not only supposed to expire. so kind of the 1st way out of that as far as the size of the wireless ones for the side by side, the wireless are most the homes and the flow. everyone's a lot of them on the slide, it will be somewhat a. so i mean, the different forms of support, usually the most, most of the doctors are providing again, just to say that the, the biology or the permit is different because, you know, i've heard of a bargain expense on most people. i think this last, obviously a lot this area is also, i don't know, put this all in a difficult to say that the. 1 the power to our are the same on the same time, but the way it is you did, uh uh, a lot of the uh,
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so for providers around the us, the basement on the bottom. everybody's got them but also on the us. so for last, this response to be called is wired to the by say they are as follows, the vision it, uh, it is as long as the gas that they have a cheap i'm what i'm, that's why the bottom get a right. so for us, the also the past of the sensor. all right, thank you so much for your comments to us, mr. gilbert, can i go there? thank you to south africa is mocking freedom day. so he is off to his 1st democratic vote and nelson, mandela's, african national congress swipe to power 3 decades on with the sluggish economy, a set of people out of work. well, many argue the i,
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n c is failed to deliver on promises of an inclusive society. as another election loons, john, the how reports the town of how months cut all. so it's not because of the drought. the water is delivered by truck to more than a 100000 residents in this area. code humans crow here. they blame the mismanagement and neglect the government, the government to take a picture on us because we're suffering with the water product. i mean, don't you think that by now they should be fixing these problems? i think so. but then the problem with our government is that a the financial stability in this country is very low. legged, it is with finances. i don't think i will government disagree before whatever they have doing, whatever they are doing, i think benifits them. this is a huge community. how months crowd just north of the capital pretoria that doesn't have access to reliable clean water and that's just one public utility that he's
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failing. millions of south africans. so 2 years after the 1st pre election in this country, nelson mandela's a in c one and then slide victory in that election. but the post about a promise of a better life, pearl was never going to be easily met. corruption took root any qualities, widened, unemployment now stands a told and 30 percent, and put a service delivery has become the target to the public and as rubbish, piles up and the electricity cops out the main problem with the i'll come to use infrastructure then. and especially when you get to issues of attendance, you get the people to attend this, but the government is never following up to make sure that the projects are 10. so we have for example, the issue of we bub weigh a lot of millions way. at least to fix, but only about 5 percent of the white stuff. because there was
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a time when the taps ran clean and how months call before the misuse of funds intended for the repair of roy reservoir. while one other cult oh and nice, nice. and what friends better just as they was a time when the future seemed brought to before 94. i was so excited about the coming government. much do you think enough progress has happened and i don't see in i don't see anything with another election looming party is a competing when a common theme that something in what used to be known as the new south africa. he's broke joe, the whole elder 0 in someone's crowd. natalie, half of those under the age of $34.00 unemployed in south africa. one of them is valencia by only he's been looking for a job since she graduated from university. this is her story. my name is
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valerie jesse, and by the way, i live associates and i'm am unemployed. so tester can i study public relations from 2018 to 2020 to 2022. i graduated and then after graduating i stayed at home during nothing's been applying for work, but nothing came up to me so useless. like i've just wasted. i know that it makes me feel like i'm not doing anything to consciously. there's nothing a day. i've been applying if you could see my sent email in a day, i play move at 6 places, but to no response. a thing for me, me personally, if i could find a job my, my life would be more easier and then accessed what they said to fundamental flavor has inter interested in spanish so that you can gain access to like the youth can
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gain access for them to find for me to find what can be more easy. i mean, i've applied for it's awesome, it's me being when i go to the system right now, the 1st name itself is not working. and the thing is in this, and then i don't know, i appreciate the opportunity to that the government has paid for me. and that's of this page for me for the, for me to go to school for free. if that's the, that was the only thing that i'm grateful for the us that ideally in, in this country because of what the government is permission of life from a 1994. so now i haven't seen any change from to mentally firewood is a political analyst and form a and c, m p under the leadership of nelson mandela joins us live now from cape town. good
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to have you with us. so 1st of all, reflecting on this broadly how important and significant does this day freedom day remains the south africans today. well, i think generally it's, it's a phenomenal day for us to remember. and particularly those of us who lived through it. and i think the younger people and particularly the person you just had a more insight the you know, might not remember 1990. 0 what it was like prior to $9.00 to $94.00. i will never forget. i was running the election campaign on the day, and it and then middletown colts, dunham bush, just outside cape tom. and i got a call at 4 o'clock that morning. and from my colleagues in the black townships where people, black south africans were confined to living at the time. and they said i had to come and i arrived today and it was for a truck in the morning really raining and get down. it was cold as a miserable day, and as far as the eyes could see, um they would accuse people signing up mothers with babies on the back. this little
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plastic bag for me to hit to keep them all. i'm elderly people in wheel barrows and we went up and down the line and we say to them, you can go home these 3 days of voting. phoning was only open at 7 o'clock. we will come and help you and nobody would move. they just stood there in silence and wait, and i'm just filled out for gas, many challenges, but we must not forget what a momentous thing happened in 1994 when peaceful transition of all that a case of oppression happened in south africa. and that peaceful transition happened, and people who could neva vote were able to vote. and so do this down the line. we are just like i said many challenges, but we are still largely peaceful country way. democracy is holding a so big political transition has the post a positive arrow, though, failed to deliver on people's economic aspirations. yes. but that was most for would be irritable. perhaps not to the extent that is
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happened. but you must remember the game. see government took over and 1994 a country which were where we would have been in a better place from when we are now most not probably not a perfect day, but a much better place. all right, thanks so much for talking to us. let me go with the now this era finance corruption cracked down, leads to another resignation with warnings. these economy could be effected the these are the most tease or dramas they use to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is really military precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of pals, class cods,
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images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tory or is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street right now. look, it's easy to move around here because the difference in exploring goal is to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in concept the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the come back how hundreds of hundreds have been damaged off the powerful tornadoes ploughed through the us midwest. at least 3 people were injured and some 11000 homes without power in the state of nebraska. i'm gonna consume sherry for, for the moment of to need to touch down in the us state of the town of ha, ha ha. took it out at kit entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street. there's no houses either. this took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone. this is what's left of the cities airport after tomato touch down here. the, the field was temporarily closed. passengers been moved to storm shelter as an emergency crews took charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than
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a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twist as to 2 months of farm land, poplar trees flattened tomes and overturn feet. the national weather service has wont of pol systems to saturday in central plains, extending as far as texas. i'm a consumption eve on 20 to the higher police department has released bought a camera footage of the arrest of a 53 year old black man who died off that he was detained. the frank tyson can be heard repeatedly telling police officers icon breeze as they pinned him to the ground. an officer can be seen placing the knee on these neck for about 30 seconds. of it.
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non stop leaders has resigned just weeks off to the present. quit ahead of parliament is the latest seeing if they get to leave office at a time of anti corruption crackdown unless say the political crisis could have implications for vietnam's economy. one of the fastest growing in the region. jessica washington and reports a booth. i'm using adult human mausoleum in knowing this is rooms in which the chairman of the national assembly attending his state duties in the morning. just hours before stepping down with a non, once one of the most powerful men in vietnam. he was one in in 2021 to probably move further. i will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the apartments work towards the ultimate goal of setting the people, the nation, and the happiness of the people. but his time and office has been caught short. earlier this month, queen met with china as president susan king in aging,
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speculation he would be removed from his post had already begun, and his resignation came days off to his assistant was detained in connection with the corruption investigation. vietnam is a one policy state. its top leadership is known as the full appeal is the potty general secretary, the prime minister, the president and the chair of the assembly. it's the latest upheaval in the country's top leadership in just a few weeks. this show the invitation of the population to roots out for action now, which has me a really big problem. so you get, now se my faithful all the years ago was on the other hand, just local signals of very bad moment for i think this confidence and yet not because many different issues. i worry that the and think options on paying, he's going to par and he makes the bureaucracy fairly power line is a sweeping anti corruption campaign has seen hundreds of state officials and
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business executives prosecuted or forced to step down earlier presidents, both on tongue resigned after what the communist party said was violations and shortcomings. vietnam is due to have his party congress in 2026, with the removal of 2 prominent contenders for the role of general secretary experts say the lack of a clear succession plan. they created some further turbulence in vietnamese politics. jessica washington out to 0. a. hi. that brings us now to the end of the news out. and i'm back in a couple of minutes with one another show. most stays news. they with us hod huge. i mean to be used as the i, r c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities,
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government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era exploring type this culture exciting, political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigation. the get compelling insights into humanitarian homes and untold stories from asia were in the pacific 101 east on l. just seeing how believes that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from the natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean,
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know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are. and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should light the and keep them all their life. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university and best place to understand the books. and so if we don't continue with dining with experimentation, let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions that does not mean that we don't harm. we don't touch, we do. we exploit the student protests in solidarity with palestinians right across the us and beyond police move to shop down some of
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