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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear as you to the sea to palestinians, including women and children, killed and is ready bombardments, in gaza, or in 24 hours the . i'm sammy's a. them this is i'll just say are live from dell hall. so coming up a health care system in ruins. now collapsing sanitation and lack of clean water is fueling disease in gaza. plus i'm somebody the again, alexandra township north of janice. but we many say they isn't much to celebrate. a south africa commemorates the 2 years of democracy, ukraine and russia talking to each of this energy infrastructure and cross pulled
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up this solid tax. the israel is one bobbins of gaza has showed no signs of using at least $32.00 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours, including 8 children. thousands more injured. emergency work is a trying to rescue. survive is buried under the rubble itself to a residential building was hits and the site of compton central garza is right. yeah. right. also intensified over night 2 homes from the drop off and southern golf and thought a couple i assume joins us live from drop off now in garza so thought yeah. how's it going with those emergency rescue missions of a reached everyone trapped down to the rubble. well till now imagine she was in fact some we are working on an hourly basis tirelessly in
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order to search among the jet praise of the destroyed houses for survivors or any signs of life under these files of brussels. and set to lead was really a very hot mission for them. they managed to recover some of the injury and they have to transfer them to unlocks the hospital and the malaria to receive medical treatment. but at the same time, the latest bar, roger is rarely attacks from the gaza strip. what we're really deadly as 15 palestinians have to report of kills in both areas in a row far. and also in the most iraq to refer you to come up to 2 houses, was completely destroyed, including 8 children with at least 30 others being wounded. now, with this situation is really getting to rates. and when i, on hourly basis as there was no till now in the top and as strikes as one of the latest hits had targeted a group of palestinians close to guns as y d a were at least a 3 palestinians have for reported killed in such areas,
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but we have also recording and even observing play appeals by re, by residents in the middle area cooling the civil defense cruise to keep operating and even to try to get 2 locations of abutment in order to rescue a, the injuries as some of the rescue teams have money to rescue some a palestinian spot. they are really suffering from deep lack of a shortage of the sense of civil equipment that are essentially important in order to recover the injuries from under the ruffles of such houses as they have been describing that since the october, the 7th, hundreds of tons of russell have been resolved from the east by the attacks as, according to garza's, hilton ministry within the past 24 hours. at least 32 palestinians have been killed them. this number is similarly recorded in every single day as boatman continues from land and sea against the dentist. populated neighborhoods in this trip. all
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right, let's think todd a couple of assume that are now pro testers have been gathering in central london in solidarity with palestinians account and launch has been cancelled citing security concerns with a smaller event by the pro israel group. enough is enough, is expected to go ahead. i suppose that joins us live from the product test site in london. so how all those process shaping um look like some people have come out behind you so far harry? yes, the, the people here all gathering here in problem and square just outside the houses of parliament. so the latest and this long series of very major protests in the heart of london. i'm here with the engine off who's the director of the palestine solidarity campaign. one of the organizes of these long running series of launches today is event, so it won't be just about inside the loan. so, i mean,
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were expecting you can say the crowd is beginning to gather. we're expecting several 100000 people once are going to join us are coming from times and cities across the u. k. and once again, we're delivering that double message. one is to the product city and people a messages on a guarantee we see we hear you, we sign with you. but the 2nd is a continuing message to the. busy government. busy lake post office, but which is we are holding them to and that complicity with these roles, genocide, against the amount of city and people. i mean, that's the message that's also been given by students in the united states and that are my personal way to speak, especially for the rest of the we've seen a number of campuses. is that something that is kind of driving people here? i mean, how is the reaction among the progresses here causes, energizing and always in progressive. ready when we sold, as in nancy of fault, i can't find it's always been true and to go over some of our people. but students are a crucial part of that movement. they all the next generation of activists. what's
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happening in the states is the mirror here, and then you like today. we saw the students at ward university and softening time . but on that cause we expect this to be met right across how the university campuses across the tide were also opposed to respond. so they were tardies in the us, the brutal involved and response that had caused the treatment, the us police trophies of meet our to protest is across many demonstrations. going back to the civil rights movement to those protests. and it goes to them. will we send some authority to one of those protesting in the united states for justice and calling for an end to the complete state of that government? now the thing that is a commonality between these 2 countries is that to a students in the united states have been talking about getting for us. and having actually submitted john's directed event that was supposed to be a jewish march,
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a rule together, this being cooled off. they say because this practice of, of style action against them. is there a concern along those lines? so they try to help some flights hang on to some. it isn't with legitimate criticism. if it's not, it is wrong, is a very, very familiar one. i need you globally by as well to silence products to the invoices and those who are advocating for palestinian rice load. the reality is that where we may choose marching here in london today, they are monitoring as part of our movement. many of them in an organized joyce below, one of our speakers today is a hold of co survive. um, there was a time that every single one of these demonstrations honeys going to be speaking on sites that i have here to say. this is not happening in my name. i know it's time to pay so much time for just this last time with the freedom of the promise to me and people. and this has been going on as,
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as long as the war is being done. very briefly. it's going to continue presented lisa, which the gun that it will continue, the boxes will continue until this upholding genocide comes to an end. the why to combine of the solid r e movement for an end. so is rose system of apartheid as part of achievement and by the end of the complexity of all government and other western governments will continue until a ballpark is this month of alright, thank you. and i'll thank you very much and the march will kick off. we think in the next half an hour to an hour, it's going to head towards hyde park, where the running will take place. and those features with this is jamal was just talking about will begin. i have, thanks so much. hi, full sit watching the match for us. now student protests in the us against israel's war on gods that have spread across the us into europe and even beyond the demanding the schools divest from israel, the wrong growing assets by university officials in place to clear the
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demonstration. since john 100 explains from new york another day, another group of pro palestinian students occupying yet another american university, demanding a ceasefire in gaza, end of free palestine. this in camp and at city university of new york was in it the 2nd day on friday. a public institution joining a movement that started at elite private institutions. it is spread from campus to campus coast to coast from columbia university to the university of southern california, which is canceled its graduation ceremony over the protest. the occupations are rejected by university leaders and reviled by campus police whom students block from entering the territory they occupied with supported by the swelling ranks of students in palestine and advocates across the us including orthodox jewish
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supporters of the people of the as the 1st of all raising, i disturbs me to my core to see my own people. perpetrating something that we've been doing is this very disturbing. on thursday campus police tried and failed to forcibly clear students from their camp of occupation. the intensive at city university of new york is a tranquil or even a suggestive scene. but what people are worried about now is that new york police will come in and do what campus police putting the new york police department on friday preposition barricades. in portable light posts a harbinger students fear of a new wave of arrest that have swept universities across the nation by the hundreds . at each campus student organizers and university leaders negotiate demands,
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and it can't stand off the students wanting the investment of university assets from israel and anything that helps it wage war and does university leaders demanding their campuses. it's beautiful to see that there's some of the encampments and the young people are really, really starting to show up and support and demand of the schools are held accountable for their all your relationship with his rarely cabinet agent. as college presidents call him police to clear encampment after encampment the demonstrators build and rebuild in a stalemate that reflects a deeply divided american nation. john henry and l g 0. the israel's war on gaza as left the strips, health care system in ruins. the collapse of sanitation systems and lack of clean drinking water is fueling the spread of disease. how they might move reports
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after months of bombardment on suffering, the people of god that have been left with the new in the beginning, the vision because it should be a honda for the situation is very dark and the place is not suitable for living at to know toilets and there was no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult one toilet and one was the science of 5000 displaced individuals. people are in overcrowded spaces. and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases of the lack of showers and hand washing facilities means maintaining the proper hygiene is nearly impossible. stagnating water and pour waste management held the breed diseases, carrying mosquitoes and flies, the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases are spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most whites but diseases
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among children. israel's war on gaza is also screening the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supply. and the issue with the there is no sanitation or waste management when you live in the street. there's no sanitation tools or equipment to help to. it's as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available if they are available, they are very expensive. for 7 months. we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problem sickness, stress on the problem of the conflict. we're not excited. the pressing on both dramatic stress disorders are building into a mental health nightmare for the people of dog roles and tens bombing campaign has eliminated nearly whole social services and health care for. 2 recovery will need a humanitarian aid organization. local authority is an international of actors to
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work together. sanitation, waste management and health care, including mental health treatment are all needed immediately. clean water would be start and even more. outage of the gaza palestine to the occupied wes thing now where is ready for us is a shot dead to young palestinians. the southern checkpoint need jeanine. the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with sol, just these right. these lights have prevented ambulances from reaching the bodies stead. a head on al jazeera said he is on from his 1st democratic election. south africa celebrates freedom, de, but many save the governing amc is failed to that off to his promises the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still
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being held by him. ask how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing you know who is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america? the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, in a post colonial was this cause of european imperialism, run the nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriarch ministry come on. witness presents. this is come on a jersey the the
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knowledge is here with the welcome back. and so you're watching out, is there a time to recap the headlines now. rescue teams have been digging for, survive is off to a residential building was hits and then the site on the refugee camp is really strikes of kills at least 13 to 24 hours in regards to young palestinians of a shot dead vice ready forces in the occupied west bank, they've been fighting with soldiers in the silent check point. new the city of
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jeanine south africa is mocking 30 years of democratic freedom and the end of a pol type rule president. so robin pose has defended his policies, rank, hold of governance during freedom day celebrations in pretoria opinion polls show support for the governing african national. congress is dwindling ahead of next month's general elections from the photos. it says the a n c, like government has made great progress since coming to power. our task over the last 30 years has been to bridge the huge devise of well an opportunity the country between black and white, between men and women, between the airport and rudo drama. we have done so not only 200 the injustices of the past, but also that we may have realized that for potential of any part of me in
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which every person has a stake in which every person has the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution. covering the story from 2 locations. this house for me, the middle east and the township in johannesburg, but stopped with joan. how is that celebrations in pretoria? so how people that mocking today's event, what does it mean to them? of what i think they are the significance of the events that took place 30 years ago was set out very eloquently by serial rama poser. in that speech you play the section of it that it was the centerpiece of this event at the union buildings in pretoria. right, oppose or of course, intimately involved in the struggle against the pa tate and the negotiations that took place with the then routing like national party, for the dismantling of a past 8th period. leading up to that moment 30 years ago. the old most resulted in
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civil war in this country. he said that the 27th of april, the day when south africans took to the poles in the 1st free and democratic election is the day when we cost off our shackles. freedoms bells rang across a great country. he said, it reminded the crowd that the union buildings and there they are up the way of nelson mandela was inaugurated. as the 1st black president in 1994 had stood putting in a 100 years. he said as a symbol of power and depression, they throwing off with that system he described as one of the greatest achievements of modern history. that was special woods. of course for nelson mandela, the father of democracy was described to us as well as other figured heads all of a time. both, both, this is from a poser of the intention to continue to work towards the vision and the ideals, of course, he knows in an election year, no less that many south africans believe those visions and ideals of very far from being realized. the problem is in the constitution of a better life,
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but all 32 percent unemployment in this country. it's recognized as the world bank as the market is by the will. bank has the most and equal society on us. corruption is rice infrastructure in a state of decay as if to on. so those concerns from a poster ended his speech saying so that because democracy is young, what we've achieved in these short so 2 years is something of which all of us should be proud. this is an infinitely better place than it was 30 years ago. are. all right, let's keep it going. a little we move over from, for tory on and during a how that over to somebody the minute who's in the alexandra township in johannesburg. so how much freedom do people in townships feel has filtered down to them a well, ultimately, so many people say that they all free. they have the right to vote. they is increased access and fury for people across the board in south africa to schools,
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to institutions, to jobs. that's for some of them very much on paper where we are now is in alexandra as you said, we're just down the road from santa and then i'm pointing that out because of this issue of any quality sense in the he's the, the, the most expensive a the rich a square miles in africa. they are multi $1000000.00 businesses and homes. and just on the way is alexandra township. that's where we are now. and 11, look at what it's what it's like. we're joined by coffee. so he's lived in alexandra or his life. this is where he lows and we're going to follow him to, to what is a one room home. he lives they load. he pays about a $100.00 rent each month. and you'll see this is very narrow passages leading to his home. everything is dining, this very tiny space. you can see you from the laundry that's hung up here. and you know, in to the front door and it's exactly that. just a single room. we go here,
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so has to do everything he has to to get through his day. okay, so what is it like living in alexander township? give them that is just so congested, these a very high intensity. it was a township that was bought in 1912 for about 70000 people today. they're more than 700000 people. yeah. and it keeps on growing. uh, well, uh, thank you very much for this opportunity. but what i just wanted to say to is that living in alexandra is something we just had a different number one. okay. well, i hate that to expose to pitching it is was hip. give that to uh, almost next door to there to just go and my, my being next to that it just spend my it's, it's, it must come as a privilege to us because living in alexandra you have to, uh, they need to develop more housing for alexandria is because each and every day that population increases, we need to have
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a lot of that and development as it public is affect 5. now remember living in this one room house as a young voter, as a young person who is in bright. now we are looking at the issue of increasing population. now how do i in crystal collision or, and i'm, when i'm here, it is a very tiny space. we see everything from a bid. this is where you cook on the other side of the room, a sofa. your a full time employee. does it feel, given that you work throughout the month? do you feel cheated in any way? and if you do, do you feel that the government is not doing enough to improve people's lives? because we know for one there's a huge backlog in terms of the provision of, of affordable housing. do you feel cheated? well, uh it is. this is what happens next. and the government, the whole thing, let the government which is led by the premium, another this of that doing
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a what is needed to be done by now is not enough because the population keeps on increasing on the day to day basis. now you cannot say that as much as what 700000 and alexander on a daily basis, why having more children on a daily basis or producing more children. now you need to have chaplains that are going to catch up for this one is that are coming in now when you, when you create the plans for housing a your, what? so ever, you need to think of those that are coming up to us as the younger, as we are. but we need to ensure that we create more. how is the, is the buyout of the government is trying but isn't obtain more than enough. we need a government that will ensure that it in alexander, the people of alexander, the good enough housings, the people of alexander are good enough more trouble virginia just because of that and you're going to see our lives here. my room is right then go here. so that continues to be a mass of problem for south africans,
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millions of south africans across the country. no. the amc, as promised to both houses, it's has a bank level of at least $2300000.00 that grows by about 880000 each year. and this is going to be an important election issue in about a months time in terms of what people are demanding, including service delivery and into corruption. a much better approach to the issue of crime in this country. amongst many other issues. all right, good stuff. the nice of holding, thanks so much for me. the middle in crane side is it shut down 21 of 34 massage launched by russia. an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted the cranes energy facilities. and ukraine says it targeted to oil refineries in russia's cause no dollar region with drones or the on site. today, the attack caused fires that it is unsolved beyond square finder is k of also said it struck the cruise ships committed a treat field in the same region. this hundreds of homes have been damaged off the
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powerful tornadoes ploughed through the us midwest. at least 3 people were injured and so many 11000 homes without power in the state of nebraska. i'm gonna cut some shot a for, for the moment. if to need to touch down in the us state of the town of ma took it out at kit entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street. there's no houses either. it just took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone. this is what's left of the city's airport after 10, a detached down here, the, the field was temporarily coast passengers move to storm shelter as an emergency crews took charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks.
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the state of oklahoma was also affected as twisters to 2 months of farm land, tougher trees, flattened homes and overtone fee, cuz the national weather service has wanda pulses storms through saturday in center plains, extending as far as texas. i'm a consumption eve entre 0 and then picks. chief thomas box says college student athletes will be allowed to compete that this is paris games even if they fail to qualify between $6.00 and $8.00. palestinian estimates are expected to take top boxes if no power steering acetate qualifies on the field of play. some would be invited by the international and then pick committee that say it's amazing. get more and all the stories we've been following. if you have that over to our website out to 0, don't com, whether it's next, then inside story questions,
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whether the crackdown on student protests with us fractions free speech with all the the no doubt as though feds on the ground in one dog. and there are more showers to come in southern china, not necessarily focusing on growing during, but you weren't be exempt. they stretched across to food. yeah. up to shanghai. and these are new census, just pretty big funds don't. they're not entirely of the top of hong kong. they'd like to be around on sunday, but maybe not so much on monday, then choose to. they come back, maybe with some vengeance. the reason being on monday, this is where they start to grow again and they stretch. so the science which east of all based and it's all part of the same system. it's not really a seasonal right. and just activity, right? we see hitting south korea and southern japan with significant rain as well,
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or could let's leave the station for science aisha and the temperature here is the story, not sharp. there are a few in the northeast of india and really up into baton as well. however, that's not 8. temperatures are in the low fourties now in colorado, so we can westbank going down a dish or we have warnings. our red warnings from the indian met department because of the heat that it should be typically run about $35.00 and a half. we're up to 41 or 42 for the next 3 days. now, you know, the impact of thousands of different story, significant from the films are about the the examination being today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and
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a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options a way to in the immediate future climate crisis or planet revolutionary. go now to sierra from coast to coast is rising in us universities against, as well as wong garza to fire cracked to i'm students into moms. the mass schools hotel flints with israel would have these protests become politicized. this freedom of speech on the front. this is inside story, the .


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