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tv   Witness This is Congo  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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now, which is the width of the hello, i'm sorry, i'm demising and don't hear a quick reminder of the main stories. the sour rescue teams have been digging for survivors in central gaza, off to a residential building was hit in the, in the say, right comp is ready. strikes have killed at least $32.00 palestinians over the past 24 hours target. i would assume has this update for us from rough on the latest, but roger is very attached from the gaza strip, where we're really deadly as 15 palestinians have to report it kills both areas in a row far and also in the most iraq, to refute, to come up to 2 houses, was completely destroyed, including 8 children with at least 30 others being wounded. now with this situation is really getting to to rating one on hourly basis as there was no till now in the
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top and as strikes as one of the latest hit had targeted. a group of palestinians, close to guns, was where the uh, where at least the 3 palestinians have to report to killed. meanwhile, 2 young palestinians have been shot dead by his writing forces in the occupied westbank. they've been fighting with soldiers at the solemn check point near the city of jeanine. is there any is prevented ambulances from reaching that bodies? student demonstrations against the war and goals are spread across the us and beyond. columbia university students are promising to continue occupying the school grounds, despite efforts to clear the protests elsewhere in power. so demonstration by students that one upfront is the most prestigious universities was broken up on today. ok, probably the main building for our students at the sales pool university called on french academic institutions to cut ties with those in israel. us in all the headlines dry and strike on
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a gas field in northern iraq has killed full. yeah. many workers this happened in the province of so many in the kurdish region. local authorities say the field which is owned by a u. a base company was badly damaged, is likely to lead to power shortages. south africa was mocking 30 years of democratic freedom and the end of a pond st. rule present. so rom, oppose has defended his party's rep who would have gone to governance during freedom day celebrations in pretoria. opinion polls show supports for the governing african national congress is dwindling. head of next month's genuine elections. our talk over the last 50 years has been to bridge the huge devise of, well an opportunity in the country between black and white, between men and women. between adverbs and rudo drama, we have done so not only to correct the injustices of the pause,
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but also that we may have realized that for potential of any part of me in which every person has a stake in which every person has the opportunity to make a menu from contribution at least 200 people have died in floods in tons in the ad . burundi and kenya flooding has destroyed thousands of homes. the new weather patent has closed heavy rains that have devastated parts of east africa in recent weeks. of commerce id number, but definitely sometimes you can get food to eat for the day. so you just one meal in the evening. the whole time that comes from the upper house is, is a lot. it's read is not, you cannot sleep at night and have to stay awake in case it comes again. ada requirements saying it shut down 21 of 34. missed solves that were launched by russia in an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy
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facilities. keith is also saying that it targeted to oil refineries and rushes across in the don region with drones. keeble has said that to, to, in, among other targets that have been struck is the shelves, minute tree, a field which actually lives in the same region. hundreds of homes have been damaged, often powerful tornadoes plowed through the us. midwest, least 3 people were injured in some 11000 homes now all without power and impacts chief thomas box as part of sending after these will be invited by the i a see to compete as he has power is games. even if they fail to qualify between $6.00 and $8.00 pod of sending estimates are expected to take part of the headlines. witness is next the
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the . 7 7 this is a good the phones, the digit to get ended and that i get to find out what that is on the way that and my grand data. let's see infecting that. i need to find out for a system get issues game for 0, calling
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a kid. i'm the lovely different. what i mean, the bill i get like the
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or is this the, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, the security for security reasons to go. so i'm going
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to myself, go notice the symbol, the name to someone who is not the main cause of us to some ways in any of these. st. elio is that i'm a high ranking officer in the color is our local data loose the as long as long as leaders, what the results of what we do not have a betrayal. take sense of preventative is a condo, we stagnate in missouri for that country as almost a new system of deadlines and national army. he's disorganized and towards because of these searches,
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we have sometimes lead the army to join the rainbow groups. the governments eventually negotiates with these ramos and then fits them back into the huffman was higher ranking position than they had before. the rebels was started. this current was called in sales to the 1023 georgia mccain got is the acting leader that they used to be a co no you know national news exercise because shown as is to say that somebody's, you man, appreciate me because when am i supposed to be on there. and so basically from the show,
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how did the have done the rebel grows 3 time is and the code was always that it would bring stabilization to come on all levels on a social level and economic level. but no fighting continues, the the, the, the,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the emergency, the was the one that i'm using, you come on to kind of do something, but then commodity for us in the additional that'd be some data and that decision for you to not to pay in some data don't please don't think he's on doing if i knew come on the system, but okay, so next enough, if he does just have questions and that that he lives, if you're going to is on it's in the 2nd. if you pull this up, what the kid 0, want this one in chip of to keep it down to the front. if the necessary b c, i exam such a down facility. you see like on the task easy it must have
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sounded for us to do, but that's have kind of popped into. so let's, let's do, but get on to the see. thank you. so the but it doesn't even want them to call me single field for supplementary heat the sea level, the p a lot more than what they've been using that default. they look to integrate digital. yeah. the congo in the heart of africa is 3 times larger than text. google is a kind country. it has several monkeys waterways. and a lot of me, animals, especially here in the east do not call them a letter in the wait list. that y'all, no, we live on
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a very liberal in their apartment. when it comes to our meeting with companies, it'd be duffy, jr. road you cause kind of understand that the population does not benefit from the product. i'll find a way off the go. my is the center of the in their friends south. keep me brothers. this is a strategic town in the region state economic called land. sir. more than a 1000000 people hit it as well, the natural resources. and this is where they are exported from boomers seats on lake keeper, and he's on the boat for one. it's so so close to the border if you've got the rebels have now steadily been waking me away from that base near the border with
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you've done that to me. what's going on with the main city here. they are more than 450 tribe seems gone and all of them are representative. this is a cubic feet, mineral rich parts of the country. it's also very, very far from contrast to the capital. so government doesn't really reach it properly. the main power is the power of the guns, and whoever controls that controls will say, potentially very lucrative deals. this is billy hasbrook, father's. and as with the just outside go, my is, it is 1st this far as makes
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a good hide. so anyone who wants to start general best you can conquer and select the villagers assume the area under your control and have them explode minerals. and so then for you then you can buy guns, weapons and you can buy food. well the, then the m 23 rebels down more than 50 grove south the 5th today i decided to go into the forest and stuffs are a 1000000000 and a half people to for me. what do you mean to do? i'm going to single foot on say all the data night. i mean things you know, your product is single sign on. say that the will package in now you're the one to
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a young girl. i want to know, know why she went to a mode you about guys sunday me, but the somebody come up to me in the plum one knew which of course not be to come monday. no, my id is 389 done by. so she was on the phone that will do vicky liquid will not allow me to stop what i'm ready for. she got designs, but why do you watch one of the movies? why? why she 1st didn't want me to set the wow, what the, what's the you may need to study?
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what, what do you mean? you made it easy to do that. why don't why don't you definitely need my on to both of them. what do i need to check? what would you want? what the, your wheaties, why not for the comedy, the, the, the, the, the bottom. it says because the, the, you know, the going to well, the, the shop number
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the, the bill is up to now we don't care how well new some will she did it. the best thing today this comes, opens up really not. you didn't. how did really, what the little money on the you know, got give it, take you to use you based on me, me some direction. if the, if it is that was this and you've got you pulled up for much on this and you did it . i showed up in tears only for amazing, easy, don't get it either from and as i'm for lack of one bit through the media to have why
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do you kind of do the phone for this just to be shown. these don't fit the because as you get but you know, the sooner the fit in to buy a new level fit into the money to improve facilities and you get to see the or the keep going is leaving us. one of the letter is not the equal the onset, but they'll come up with cumulative feet piece of clinical. what is, what do you need it? easy, beautifully done. i'm going to be getting the reset fucking the
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well the new me i know to the political will edition will be the downside is inch of not allowing me to raise you in dallas. i don't see this sunday by new i'm think out of me when it's something that you would like to have taught. you just can't do an issue. you're not to see research that should be sure. if i ask you to knock uniform shop shop, find the, we clearly put it in for the sale to love it through the bottle or if you see fit, i guess for the sheets particular set from the eventful that'll say
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the very 1st thing i choose happening and this one has been done before the 23 as threatening to take cold, unless the government keeps them keep positions in this region. it's new quincy don't snap. these are rebellions of the power of human rights one to port joseph between lunda and m. 232 neighboring countries. rwanda and uganda. a beat accused of back in 23. run that family, the noise. any involving visual evidence that i know folks because there's no type
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in the 6 of the just about 5 minutes ago. 23 bedroom through the streets. without anyone helping them. retreat to undo n peacekeepers stood by watching. please not allow me to see that catastrophic collapse in colorado for the last few days. in particular. the head of the land policies was fine for allegedly because of the vacuum. the rebels, the m 23 levels. like to see the comb could 12 days ago. in return,
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the government must agree to listen to and address the rebels grievances he reaching the president company. you know anybody else provokes us. and we, we bought a couple of the people who have lost the trust and the government to protect the in regards to the international community. the stranger was never assigned you a solution in your own country. let's see, sour independence. we have never been given a chance to govern our sales without interference from the outside. june 30th 1960 independence comes to the belgian congo. getting bogged, why himself applies to the capital city, a valuable bill to break the bonds that had blinked his country and its african
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commenting about 75 years. escape show because you said he must be the 1st prime minister of school was an estimate priest. but the americans thought the communist tendencies the russians had given military and other aid. are these fired with west to gain influence in the congo for the americans during the cold war? they had to find a man to get to read. and are these how that sort of mobile, the in the army. he was known as the most breeding colonel mobile to force the russians to close their embassy leave. the congo booty was used by the c i, b. so the captain is to the detriment of the chapter begins in the dark and tragic history of the congo with the return of the post premier. i'm not following his
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capture by crack mendoza, a strong man cut on mobile to areas am on his 3rd arrest. one from what you went to on this gary is that who the support of the americans live between both the data sheet for 32 years. i grew up during that time when he came into power or in the beginning, i must say you was good. the, the economy of the country was trying very strong. the, to kinda produce to many university graduates in the world are respected many of these communities. at least in those yours,
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congo was still moving forward to be it on the side of the re looked as the convo with the name of his. i remember everything changed? well here remained vital. i like to the west. the expense of the for an invest, does that to where he when the left all of the factories. oh, the big gun stations with acquired by computers colleagues. but they did not know how to run them through a new executives business main way, replace them at united way people not was in business. and where it is corruption, development can take seats, the
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blue to looted his country's diamonds and copper mines. he pocketed international ain't even offices. what house did this on? just a few kilometers away from president triple twos, opulent lakeside, fill up that same system as gr option as be comic entities. even worse. the latest news as it breaks a lot or not. the grey of yours more power city on voters, over 3 of the, the identities are large, the loss been on, on a president in war with in depth reports. the scale. this was something they've never seen before. from the heart of the story,
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almost 500 medical workers have been killed in spite because trip putting more pressure on the health care system that tens of thousands rely on or the fast lane or 2 weeks. so the
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kind of stuff, not something content the hello, i'm around the lives in the main stories now. rescue teams have been digging for survivors in central garza off to a residential building was hit jeanina cyrus county. is there any strikes of killed at least $32.00 palestinians over the past 24 hours target i was on? has this update from rough on the the latest bar, roger is very attacks from the gaza strip. what we're really deadly as 15 palestinians have to report of kills in both areas in a row far and also in the most a rocked refuge account, up to 2 houses was completely destroyed,
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including 8 children up with at least 30 others being wounded. now with this situation is really getting to to rating one on hourly basis as there was no till now in the top and as strikes as one of the latest hits had targeted. a group of palestinians, close to guns, was where the uh, where at least the 3 palestinians have to report it killed. meanwhile, 2 young palestinians have been shot dead by his writing forces in the occupied westbank. they've been fighting with soldiers at the southern checkpointing. of the city of janine is right news prevented the ambulances from reaching that bodies student demonstrations against the cause of war spread across the us at columbia university students, a promising to continue occupying school grounds. despite efforts to clear the protests in london, tens of thousands of demonstrates is there a gathering in parliament square in solidarity, demanding an end to the war and gauze, and so person to stop supplying weapons to israel.
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south africa is knocking 30 years of democratic freedom on the end of a ponti rule present. so around the post as defended his policies record of governance during freedom day celebrations in pretoria opinion polls show support for the governing african national. congress is dwindling at of next month. general elections. at least $200.00 people have died in floods in tons of near, but run the and kenya a floating has destroyed thousands of homes, the el nino weather pots, and has caused heavy rains that have devastated parts of east africa in recent weeks. can you central region has been specially hit hard in recent days? have a full blessing for you in about 25 minutes time. i'll see you then of course, as always the website. in the meantime,
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i'll just share adult calm. witness now continues the the the
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big, the janet, the bottom is if you think you the ability to, you know, i live, i'm like, oh, you know, was that in a lot of drop pass on this and they might even dynamic when i'm asking for them or a little confused, down, more fat. that it back to c p. s. as in those you can you please? and on my way, i'll be late for around the going back god, i knew them, but i loved the list of lead to that progress. the progress of an independent cut. the funny thing is you're going to say they can't just say, let's say i've seen
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the new thing that i mean, if i knew this been new based on the some facts on it as long as you're not sure if you need it, you didn't know what to do and my to log in to find. * the more on the singles to be democrat and republican government police are hearing complaints of village or west by i'm $23.00 within $23.00 was it's called
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a mon who has to be reading screeches into the categories on me with best pay and ranks. now it's talking about setting up at certain governments connection of texas the, the human mission could do little to stop in 23 levels when they switch to, to the cities. gomez view as a new batch of troops with a wide or offensive mandates. it could take months rent, and then she was supposed to be in place during that time and $23.00 could make another attempt to take
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the big dumb and move in from stoker $55.00 to run by the dental office or the opening it into an employee. that was one that the uh, the choice is the one uh we, we as well that that inventory is on the same side. gunners with a single side. but the good not to might have it with the mens out of them. is that gonna be to mine? yeah. the 1st time i took it out
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to the wind up, you're gonna say you say you got them move and did 3 as well. you know, what, what do you know about the pick up zip code that i could look into the, the the, and then i've got a bit of, of the design data, but do a bunch of emptiness
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of the the the, the fact that the one supports of these rebellions with the crews ally, uganda is no secret for us. it's not for the past 20 years through our last thoughts comes to these regions. they have massacred many companies. so all the cleanings that they have done really turn to companies against their wonders. but especially against to see try it, but it doesn't get to know one. you have to look a bit though. what do you want me?
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one of the, all these began when the coolness of entered the reach and created a tribe or different ways on the one with the support of the badges. the to, to really crushing the who to for almost 14 years this created. and that the dash that to would eventually arrive the data room after the dental site to see a regular lead, a for
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a gummy will received military training in america, our feeling and revenge killings, the majority of who to train sledge across the board during the civil war and the growth mode in a 1000000 people across the border. it is i years. it's the biggest exodus africa has ever seen. who, to tennessee, there's kids among these refugees and started brought things in return. wow. this is part of the reason number one that'd begin calling that involves of muddy seems to have other additions. i swear to run the engine side to match. so the beginning of the cycle for task breaks accountable for 2 decades. rolando is says the i'm not involved by myself, i'm a witness to 2 or 3 rainbow goods i joined where
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supported by the in the sound of who was the name is animal of the the, the, the one even though the remember the
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moment duty of moving emitted by the fund love to the dependence on
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the the, the,
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the the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the the, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the,
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the the, the, the, the, the, the of
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the soldiers who made a decisive battle with scientists. vm 23 revenue in 23 saving. now one of the findings is still the superior thought of the companies on the ebony supported by the us back the rebels in to say like some of the disability. so give themselves up from uganda and one to the rebels. the string of defeats suggest any photos of pools installed. the
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democratic republic of congo is to it's 20 on the rebels erected in the night into one of the whole, uganda revel military leaders. so sounding they can't get the full model. you know, the most of the guys are not
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the wow. the this was the no, no more. yeah. a messy. what do i see that says the tentative on monday,
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the executive attempting to see if there's any time for us to go, these are an executive vidarres saturday condos who fan these are the federal again, it's all the people in the system that will stick to the doctor, for any man, the policy is a bit associated individual accidentally on the front of the somebody somebody pulls on that. so basically you,
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when it's supposed to be the subject, agend, distribute the senate budget to do about to part of the issue the the, the, the
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new ones you was, i guess it was an immediate move on, isn't it? i'm not allowed to do much do much back to you. so the idea is that you want to say the least fund immediate that only the if the fund, directv, bless you 3 different, out of the latter, you helped me so you can look at somebody who could. i set that up
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a metal frame. i let a blessed a the the trinity levels to connect him fairly much so i'm very upset in barry's day to the returns he's on the battlefield. there was a book to read this or something went through the, had a strong sense of patriotism. so that's how we built these rock clarity with the people even though he wasn't very distinguished by the was also very young. he wanted to be a source. and frankly, this was really we have very big weakness membership,
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which was not the interviewing case. my mother was just calling to see if there was an element of down to see so it has stopped him. dead any strikes cold is due by you know may, especially if we need it for a month or 2 level need full click homeless. she needs
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funding, you didn't pay a lot forgiveness, get a dish and you actually have a very sort of overlap political if you see people give an arrow, is this one by friend or death? bob dental seizure libraries, issue properties c, p u. c. pull simpler, you don't do the monthly dispute, do you see points ended up with it and then it gives you a new live. what on easy points. you know that up for now. who, what can you pull it in? see, it shows up on the menu on the 1st opportunity was, gives you the off church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative
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solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person in yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women and my country deadlocks, we we are not denies all of who we are human beings and this has to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no
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one else can see. the vision is keywords you to buy the seasons taken. how would the knowledge and tina be should really to be honest as some snow around them the southern and these which you might expect very strong winds here. but sunshine is prevalent with temperatures in the teens. then around the river, plato, this time a bit to the north, boulder, uruguay and brazil. significant. right and sundry. right and quite likely with the k one small taking the temperatures down. but doing what you might expect to do this times. yeah. the seasonal range of still the ryans of nose and brazil and ecuador are equal to other. our warnings are significant. right. and that is where you live, to find it. stretches out through colombia towards panama in costa rica, which is take the time she's back because being quite warm and costs costa rica recently in the forty's, hopefully we're back neck and is a fair amount of rain in panama. and if you follow the line to the winds, we still got frequent shots and his spine yellow, part of eco, probably cube by the southern bahamas in tex and k costs more than you might normally expect for this time of the year in the us. well, it's
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a familiar story for what is spring. you bring up a lot of moisture and we'll talk to the great plains. states eventually reach some code and you get significant thunderstorms. and major outbreaks of tornadoes anywhere from the texas up to iowa. that's a repeatable event. for the next 2 or 3 days now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy is a but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even half. this is the most important point and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do
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the challenges here where the . ready ready the hello, i'm sorry, i realize the this is the news, our life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. thousands of demonstrates as much in london in support of palestinians on the siege and gaza. the students,


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