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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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or it and type domain, the new app from out is 0. new at using is it the the alarm serial venue is good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program. this, our police in the us detain at least 100 protesters that a university in boston. as the city lead movements against the war continues to grow. and it's really airstrike hits, rasa and southern guys are they bombardment across the strip has killed at least $27.00 palestinians, including 10 children since saturday morning and is growing anger and frustration.
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and israel thousands gather intel of eve holding for the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu on drilling a hole in front of the union buildings in pretoria. with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election. the 4th, nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. 30 years ago. i'm joined against real so with this full power, centureman must wait a little longer to clinch if the straight french title that held 2 or $33.00 drove off to frustrate the 11 time champions and spoil the policy the . so we begin this news hour in the united states where police have detained another $100.00 people, while clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston. the university says the protesters resorted to anti semitic slurs student demonstrations against the war on
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does that have been spreading across the united states? but there are growing efforts by university officials and police to in the protests . it's been just over a week since students at columbia university in new york began demanding that their school divest from israel students at harvard, at georgetown at mit and george washington university. where we'll be in a minute, then began demanding the same protest spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan in texas and california. this house is 0. it has a team of correspondents covering this story across the united states. we're in atlanta, austin, new jersey. we're going to begin though with mike hannah, who is at george washington university in the federal capital. mike, what's happening there? well, this demonstration as it has been since the beginning has remained a peaceful police all stationed around here. but they all in what they describe as a monitoring capacity. the university authorities did awesome to come in to clear
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the encampment behind me. but the police declined saying that there was no evidence of any lawbreaking, no evidence of any activity that was not at all peaceful. so this has gone peace freed throughout the day the police present, but keeping a distance. uh, the one issue is that this fence over here allowing nobody in, in order to be, you can go to university authorities believe not to swell the numbers. now i'm joined by one of the students, sabina, out to hobby. what is the primary motivation for those setting up this campaign? yeah, so that's one word. and that word is because we're here. we're here to encourage those around us to keep all eyes on that. to understand that there's a genocide going in and put pressure on those around them to stop the genocide immediately about your voice clearly from the stresses of the last few hours and
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what is being the reaction from unit diversity or sorry to use you've been in contact with them, so the university of tories, we have been trying to negotiate, trying to talk to them. and the only response we really go in is that they want us out of here. they are not willing to listen to the needs or the wants of their students. they're not willing to listen to all of that. the only real responsive guy from the university is sending the d. c. police department here, the maryland police department here, and now subject their own g, w. police officers here. another response we got from them is putting out of these barricades. there's barricades here. there's barricades and the bach. they've cut off all access to the bathroom suited to work topic, their id cards to go to the back. groups have all but suspected they identified that simply because the students wanted to use the bathroom. and so freely we've
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been paying for pressure by the university of no field negotiations, not us. thank you very much indeed. will they you hearing exactly what the situation is for those who are camping here in protest against israel's action in gaza. mike, before i let you go, i also want to ask you about what happened in boston at northeastern university. we opened the show with that a 100 students were arrested their to yes, indeed will at northeastern university in the course of the morning, the university authorities called in local police to remove the encampment that had been placed there. the police arrested some 100 people. we are told, but here's an important fact to the university subsequently said that those who had student ideas were released without being charged. it was only those who could not show some form of student id to actually booked. i'm charged with public press
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pause, press 5. so that was the situation at northeastern. the university has released the statements subsequently saying that things have returned to normal. they are peaceful demonstrations as it says on going. however, the encampment, the tents that have been removed. but here, as you see at george washington university in university square, behind me, the tents remain in place. the students remain in the demonstration there and the police remain in the vicinity and what they describe as a monitoring mode. all right, we'll see how that develops then as law enforcement monitors that protest. mike, thank you very much. i go now to fill a veil. fill your at emory university in atlanta. we're so we saw a law enforcement clear a protest that was on friday. there's another protest that's uh, i believe beginning now or has just begun. i see people on the lawn behind you. what are you expecting? the quite a few people compared to before. when we spoke last time several,
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i mean over the last hour or so, these numbers are steadily been growing. maybe it's, but it was on that. i would say it's probably at the moment, more of a gathering been a probably test, but this is probably much a peaceful, a fire, and not speed, very much sold as you, as you would buy, the organizes over social media as a peaceful of 5. it's been, you know, come along, bring a blanket, bring some food, bring something to drink, sit on the ground, make some posters, write some slogans on the floor, would sure just show you a sort of hours for peaceful night saves on also. there's a signal. good luck of police here. you know, we have had the occasional officer will buy or the occasional called dry fight over the course of the afternoon. but compared to the state, when we sold those themes and those mess arrests, the police are very much saying why i'm going to and what are the organ i organizes now? abraham who's with us. i'm just actually, it was festival. what it is you expect to happen? over the next few hours place. so we expect no police presence to be here until midnight. the very least, what we expect people to keep trickling in coming here, building science, creating posters, is talking to other, informing the community. how do you know the police?
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when can i be any dialog dialog with them? have you spoken to? yeah, so i'm in contact with the administration who have told us that we were, we are safe on the quad until midnight after that. there are no guarantees. last night we did the same. so midnight, and we were there until the cops for us to leave. what to say, but you, if you have to put a, a, some parents what, what is it you are trying to achieve, hey, what's the end goal? we have 3 main goals, one the emory discloses it's financial investments, 2nd to m, re divest from israel and cops, city. and 3rd, that protesters who are arrested have continuous amnesty from the school. now we've seen protests much table around the country. mm hm. what kind of an encouragement you take from what kind of messages you can from. i mean there's like a world wide movement, not even across the country across the whole world. people are waking up and seeing what's happening is as in palestine and it's not acceptable. and we're going to separate, stand up and ensure that institutions did not continue to fund this of hard type and genocide. i've seen the numbers steadily driving, but this looks a lot quite some and it was last night some and even more. so today, before you've said that you will keep on protesting every day,
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how do you expect people to keep on coming out shortly that reaches a point my people stop coming all the interest. maybe ways. gotcha. i mean, you only have like a fuse that's in the semester, but we will not rest until every divest. we will be here every single day. as long as we can maybe even longer than we are allowed to, to ensure that every lesson start demands and that they do indeed i've asked, have you guys had any conversations with the faculty is or with the officials from the university, particularly the presidential, those who are rest of the non unfortunately if and visitors not listen to us. i have, i've had conversations and before about so he's not, he has called the police on his own people and he must raise consequences for doing that type room. thanks very much for the 1st time in front of us as you very much just referring to that is greg from advisor was the president of this university. he's coming under increasing pressure with his position. so i'm saying become a bit on the handle because he is the man who said that the police were right to be here on thursday when we saw those violent as far as the rest. i'm we so there's people big arrest. the who went to the university, he said that was what caused by people who came from outside the university. and yesterday, one of the faculty say, i held
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a motion to hold of folks have no confidence in him. so he's increasingly having to justify his position about the movement. he says he's like, yeah, it's interesting to see how university to university the leaderships engage very differently with these protests and there's, there's been confrontation with law enforcement brought in. or there's been negotiation and sort of everything in between. um, phil lavelle reporting from emory, thank you very much. we will track that they have that midnight local time deadline, as they said, john henry and sent this report from princeton university in new jersey. as universities calling police to shut down these encampments at universities across the us, the students rebuild in the same place and they build elsewhere. just went to princeton university. as in day 3, a couple of students were arrested one day one for putting up a tense because the university doesn't allow permanent structures. we talked to a professor who held class out here the other day. and he said he thought there was an irony and the fact that the university in steals values and students and then
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punishes them for practicing those values. you know, talk about kinds and culture. i mean, this is a can shut down any discussion and really ranging discussion of history. i mean for many of these politicians of history began on this. we didn't begin on october. the 7th is we actually let to october the 7th. and this is what students want to discuss. the students risk exposure, and if they violate the university's rules, it protests and that can be expensive. it costs $57000.00 in tuition to go here to princeton university. and for many of them it's in education. they've drained of all their lives. you know, that speaks to how passionate people are about it. i mean, we're willing to put that on the line. and we also know that we have power numbers . when you look at past examples of student organizing on campus and uh, the administration historically has not a suspended or arrested student. so actually what they're doing here in some ways is unprecedented, but we're confident that if we stick together, there won't be serious ramifications in the past week alone. more than 600 students
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have been arrested as pro chest like this one here. john henry and l g. 0, princeton, new jersey, a thousands of demonstrators have been marching and supporting how this thing is in london. a counter rally was cancelled. however, citing security concerns. but a smaller event by a group called enough is enough which supports is really action still did go ahead in london. how are we? faucet followed the marches progress from central. and so there's right, it's not the long, wide hold on destination. hyde park, as always, concerns about the latest phases of the war, and going to get the timesheet for the sake of process. this is as well the 1st box since the discovery that spray that i'll also hospital on the 1st. since the dramatic scenes we've seen at conferences and the united states, we spoke to some students here. i see a while ago. we are too proud to be doing this is bill morris,
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this thing among the students and i think he's going to be doing is getting his friends in the whole states and are on the wrong thing for the identify. the semitism is also scheduled to be holding together at the same time. it's a cost all the safe side. so i put these points to this as well. another account that protests by a pro is row group did take place, though a group calling itself enough is enough station. and
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a static demonstration alongside the pro palestinian march roots police concentrated outside area and cuts both protesting groups apart from each other. the pro palestinian group then ending up here in hyde park full the reilly. they say that this the 13th such and actually protest and london is the latest. but certainly not the last day and tend to continue with this action in support of gaza against the war partial is it houses 0 london. so on the ground in gaza, which is what this is all about, is really forces have killed at least $27.00 palestinians, including 10 children since saturday morning, the army target to the homes in the state of the camp in central garza. and in rough or at least 34388 palestinians have been killed since the war began to this as the message to the world is enough enough with my message to every person
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with a conscience would every person who claims to be a human being regardless of religion, race or politics is enough on earth in gaza has had his fill of blood and the occupation. what we can do is trust that god deep will look after us. honey. my mood has more from russell, more confirmed reports of every nude, oppressive talk across the gods for merely in the eastern part of the city and the northern part of this trip. but in earlier attacks and roof, i'm sitting worth 1500000 display policy needs have been sold, raise a residential home, and the eastern part of the city was targeted and destroyed. 7 people reported killed from one family with more. people are still trapped and missing. under the rebels, we were told the families inside this residential homes were displaced families and evacuated from the northern parts and gotten a city a more reason that from the central area and the city of ton unit on a separate a tax is really military to continue to palm the central area. midland, is that about our g. com and the northern part of the compet sold. and the area
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between why the as the and the say right, refuge account work 3 people were killed. and they are why the 9 people were killed inside a residential home. and then they'll say right, repeat, kansas themes are described by permits and civil defense. the crew is very devastating and talking level of destruction works civil defense equipment. paramedics trying to very difficult to remove these large pieces of concrete and hold. those who might have survived the attack. it had been hours since the attack happens. and the chances that these people are still alive are very, very slim right now. also, we're learning from our source on the ground and from sean you into city. the 2 brothers who happened to be journalists, were apparently our, our point and flying a drawing to document the trails of destruction and devastation caused by the ve, the military of how much the residential compound. that's an area of the western parts of ton unit city large. the designate is a safe area that was under military season. for more down to 3 weeks. these 2 brothers were killed when a drawn fired a missile, add them guns,
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as health ministry says palestinians across the strip or drinking unsafe water. it is accusing israel of blocking shipments of chlorine use for treating water. the ministry is also unable to monitor water safety after the public health with large we was closed. officials are appealing to international humanitarian organizations to help improve sanitation, saying raw sewage and accumulating waste, pause and increasing health risk. thousands of anti government protest as have been gathered once again until a v f. as the government continues to face growing anger and discontent. demonstrators accuse there is really government of dragging out the war. they're also calling on early elections and for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. the armed wing of homos has released the video showing to is really captive held in gaza since the october 7th attacks the families of marine, the ron and keith siegel have confirmed. the identities of the 2 men were shown in
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the video. they and other families of captive, still held in gaza, or once again demanding that mr. net. yeah, it was government reach a deal with home us for their release houses here as bernard smith has more on this from tel aviv of the video. there's like the video release by how much it pulls. there is really the 1st side of life in terms of the 7th and the vectors of pain and many of the 6 families the resulting reminder that there is any money to move to those is rarely coverages. as opposed to a 1000000 in shelter under kind of indication about typical shapes. although strongly advise it's a couple minutes. i'm sorry. are you supposed to every? and he said that every time you go to a deal,
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the sabotage you said is there on how much a no show, no commitment to reaching a safe spot in a whole state to release out into the pressure a prime minister, benjamin ben, benjamin netanyahu. these pages gathering from the call varies. i believe that people who is deliberately fading, so at least 14 people have been injured in is really strength on the house in southern lebanon. and had the army set a target that has belong positions in the village ups, ravine to syrians or among the wounded has below. and these really army have been carrying out cross border attacks on each other. since the one goes to begin to enter the occupied westbank. now, where is really forces have shot dead to young palestinians. it happened to the
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selim check point near jeanine. the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with soldiers. these release later prevented ambulances from reaching their bodies . same astronomy has more from ramallah and the occupied west back with regards to the incidents engineer. and we know that people have been marching in the street to protest of these deaths. now these rarely describe what happened as a firefight and were stay engaged these men and killed them with a denial even in the situation of dealing with a combat, a combatant by the is really army, the denial of life saving 1st aid, which we do understand that they let them bleed out for an hour before they allow the ambulances to arrive a common practice by the israeli military in these occupied territories. that is a violation of international law. and we saw protesting janine that followed in the aftermath of this incident. we know that there are been raids until occur him as well. the rate ended just a few hours ago this morning. no doubt, a relief for the residence of poker. and the last time we saw major operations in the refugee camp there. it was
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a massive operation that lasted in around the area for a 3 days where they were trying to find a leader of the palestinian resistance fighters battalion. someone who still remains at lars. his death was reported wants to, does cleared from that operation until for him. turns out he was still alive, remains of thorn in the side of the israeli military. now we've also just turned in the last hour that just north and west of similar to villages are being currently rated by the israeli military bees raised carry on the numbers, the events, all the facts and figures to come out of a 10 to blend together. the death toll since the war began and gods are here in the occupied west bank is nearly 500. we've seen thousands of people entered thousands more, detained. a coalition of a groups that's trying to deliver supplies. the gaza is holding a protest and is stumble. the freedom flip, taylor coalition and it's known says 2 ships carrying 5000 tons of life, saving 8 or unable to leave because they've been de registered by getting to be so
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the vessels operate under that countries flag and activists or accusing israel is putting pressure on the west african country houses here. as i said, bank reports from his stumble. the organizes how the press conference has central is done. both now ship concept sales without flying a flag, not 2 of those ships of flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so now over i have to say that those blacks have been removed, including from chicago ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant need, political move, an unusual one. now organizes have the press conference and they said there's a, there was a request from the authorities in gimme a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities with the destination. and the admission to garza was a reference full. so that will also about the cargo and the route,
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which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels, the bearing, the flags of these ships kinda upset sale at the moment. and there's no idea when they will be setting sales that some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the siege of goals and deliver that for me not to preventative and age will be returning to the home countries and some of them are very disappointed other the same, so this isn't the end that they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels. so they can set sail and try to break that seats and hit in istanbul, that protest taking place as a sitting document taking place full week, trying to keep a full front of people's mind. this will on garza and the front states and the fees and the this the to the still wants to set sale. now we've been speaking you after with a half and some of them. i'm not saying that any of us always complicit with. is there a long this wouldn't cause that because we have caved in the political pressure
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organize. it said that they would continue to lift. it tries to make sure that those ships set sail, try to break the siege of garza and deliver that commanded to an age of vague data . assembled the a. let's go back now to our top story. the ongoing protests that you're us, universities against israel's war and gaza. mama, 2, toddlers, a ph. d student at cornell university. you're an organizer with the cornell coalition for mutual liberation. so you were one of those people were protesting and support of palestinians. you've been suspended by your university by cornell this week for taking part in an anti war protests on campus. joining us from new york. what happened? yes. so in the early hours of 1st day, we set up an accompaniment, which we call liberated sounds. about $430.00 our full 20 am thursday morning i am coming was established in which several thousands i made one hundreds of students joined us to we saying that we no longer have faith in the administration to be
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a place safe for muslim students for our residents are published in students and by large, those students of color. and then those people who up the profile listing and voice, what kind of thing is students, right? no matter what, i can sorry to interrupt, but that's important. why do you say cornell is no longer a safe place for say muslim students? is there any evidence of that's a great. absolutely. so just about 2 weeks ago it was off compress bypassed by our campuses very attached to the community in the past. and i believe was who was found guilty with another student. most of them women with should job had had a job of written toughen specs that we've had death threats. we've had people, it was what brings lots of july. we've had police video and taking pictures of us while she played in the video in the most area place on campus, but other students taking pictures of west ducks us,
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many about palestinian muslim students, how out now one can every mission for these things? i think senior yourself are these things that you have seen yourself witnessed yourself? yes, yeah, so definitely base of july, i've seen myself. so for example, we had some. right. and so for example, in october and immediacy off to october, the 7th. what happened was we had a, someone unknown to any movement and agitated, so literally posted disgusting threats to what the jews came into on campus seminary on the same page. on the same day, we had a violent draft of sexual assault, directing and talk with some women who actually jobs the ration multiple, the s b i the administer some people and to protect one community and did not do another community. okay, well that was look, that's really interesting because and, and you know that, you know, this context there being accusations of anti semitism within the student protests, this sort of has been documented. and some of it is, is, is proven to have happened of the anti semitic floors, etc. and what you're telling us is that you've seen this go both ways. so you set
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up being camp and let's continue the story of what happened to you set up encampment because you, you no longer trust the university to keep this a safe place for muslim students. then what happened and then about 7 to the 20 am administration, walked out and said basically you have until 12, because you're no longer in policy and you know, they had that procedural aspect. all, apparently the person who had built the room did not mention in comments, even though the person whom i booked a room was unaware. this was a prior book into the incumbents. we went into negotiations with administration, administration, us for our position. our position was we have about 8 months to address the can drugs festival multiple examples, indigenous rights. we have also, as i'm going to sadler colonialism, quoting for c spy and gaza, quoting for co notes, divest for women manufacturing. and quoting for cool. now to recognize is complicity inside the colonialism here and is route quoting for academic boycotts,
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and associates and, and partnerships. he's allowed to months, right? one of the cap and then about 7. we were told that in this you are in student compliance of tennessee. you will be removed all, you'll be subject to arrest and suspension. that was the conditions. so i paid for the hall. you had called there for a 2nd, and i'm sorry to keep interrupting this because i, i want to make sure we get the whole story. and you've shared with us the letter that you've received from cornell. you've been suspended by the way. as a result of all of this, you have been suspended from campus. you can't go to classes and can't take exams, you can't be on campus. you can't even use the cafeteria there unless you get some kind of exemption. they say they say that on the day you're describing, they told you multiple times, you were protesting in an area that is not designated and approved. there is another area that is approved and authorized for that. go to that area. they say they told you that they warned you that if you didn't comply you might be suspended
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and that you still didn't get lie. what, what's your response to that to? um yeah, i mean the framing of the letter we can, we can disagree, right? so when it came down to moving, where they want us to move to is a place that isn't invisible. they want us to move to a place. it doesn't have to. they want us to move to a place where they can contain the people and contain the movement. i think we ought to be called quite a nuisance on campus, right? so again, in the framing of where they want us to move, we pick the place specifically for visibility and to grow and to show the student population that this is a safe space for students of color on campus where they chose. and even when they send out, they said we, we said you can move, and they give a kevin for up to one week on the time up to one week is very slippery language, right? because it doesn't say you're cheating a week saying that until we no longer deem it fit for you to be. i will tell you to leave the one that says so this is potentially very serious as a consequence for your temporarily suspended. what happens to you now? do you know?
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i'm waiting to hear back, officially below. i do know what some of the consequences is that i will often be a semester. i might not get paid over the summer. i might have to graduate later than expected this this semester that i'm taking and i've tried to work somewhat hard to miss everything else, may not count to my degree. and i have to repeat this, that's quite a serious thing. and they target to the my understanding people who are precarious positions such as students on visas. so i wonder what makes you think that what makes you think they did that to myself that and so we have me and you have another grad walk, a colleague and come rate of mind to was also targeted is also $400.00 students. whilst the other 2 was also visible facing so it seems like the tactic we've decides what is that targeting visible people and people and prepares positions? why? i think that's the case because people, i mean, the target is full suspensions, right?
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i've not done anything extraordinary than anyone else, something happens. there's been people who have been mean have been by my side, every step of the way as has been coming, spastic and then not targeted them. okay. all right, listen that, that's really interesting. and you know, there's been multiple cases, every case is a little bit different, but their view multiple cases of students have obviously had very serious repercussions for their involvement and protests. i would point out that core no, in the letter they sent, you say that they that i mean it implies that one of the reasons this is happening to you is because you were a representative of the participants at the process. i understand you disagree with the, with the, with the language and with what's happening, but i have to point that out. mama do talk. thank you very much for your time today . thank you. are still ahead on alice's 0. ukraine and russia target each other's energy facilities in cross border violence and on control against the drug gangs in ecuador. but is the president using the surgeon violence as
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a springboard for re election? also, raphael, no doubt gets the biggest when, if he's come back so far as he beats the top 20 player for the 1st time and nearly 2 years joe gunther off. so we'll have a sports later this out. the, the now, over the last week, the weather patton's gone to clockwise about 90 degrees. such that now will the rate is coming out through western europe. and the middle of europe niece in europe is rather carton, actually warming up with temperatures into the low twenty's. this reading could be significant with send a storm warnings on stuff they probably transferring to the east during sunday, readings preferring spaces to cold enough for a bit of snow up in the po renee, using the high ground of the old and spain. and then the circulation and then all see means pretty pull weather for eastern scuffle,
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but this is all nice and warm and actually gets warmer. his baltic states and even scans. and they have here for the next day or so. but if you happen to be thinking, if there are the holidays in, for example, the small items that use to spain, maybe you should think again, mondays know barcode that he'd spend the story in this a hell in africa throughout the last 2 or 3 weeks. and he still is, look at these temperatures, 45, close to bundles, 38, there was an all show breeze at 10, so just bonds. you would also get halter up to about $39.00 or 40 well above average. so it's pretty wide spread throughout this a how there is right off the coast to terms of a there's been funding elsewhere in east africa. but the southern africa, though a few channels were in the full cross drive, is prevalent of the examination. being to of today's headlines, i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's
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discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future by the prices for climate revolution. on alger 0, humanity is open, the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people in power investigates. the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes, and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake, part 2 of 200 jersey to the
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the you watching else a 0 reminder of our headlines this, our us police have detained about a 100 people while clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston, student demonstrations against the war on guns that had been spreading across the united states is really a taxing guys that have killed at least 27 palestinians, including 10 children. the military bombed homes in the state up camp and the rough and the thousands of anti government protesters have been gathering once again in tel aviv. as these really, governments continues to face growing angry and discontent. the south africa is marking 30 years since its historic 1st democratic election in 1994, which mark the end of a part 8, president civil around
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a pose that defended his governing african national congress. his record during celebrations. but the opinion polls do suggest that support for the amc is dwindling ahead of next month's general election. jonah whole has more from pretoria it was a celebration of the events that ended deposit of the civil war and gave us to a new south africa. 13 years ago, president su rema pose said freedoms bills had run out to across the country. that they jo oppression. a new nation rooted in human drive is among the greatest and a 2 friends of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african
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national congress to power. what became known as the rainbow nation. we had just spend a break freedom day and we is my g g. invited to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we are 10 plus south. and then since i was young, i know the events today. it is a goes to huge significance. they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with rights, with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the problem is so the better life, the role remains elusive for many and what the world thank list. as the most unequal country on this $1.00 and $3.00 are unemployed interest, doctor is from blake crime and corruption rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties. the president said he would continue to work
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towards the vision and i deals of 1994 south africans to put that promise many times before. jo, nicole elders 0 victoria, the ukraine says it's shut down $21.00 of $34.00 missiles that were launched by russia and an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. ukraine also says that it targeted to oil refineries in rushes across new to our region with drones that was early sent today. that that caused the buyers of the facilities. keybo also saying it struck a military airfield in the same region on home and has more of them to increase governments at the on friday night, a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the countries energy network. the company d tech said that full of it from electricity pods had been attacked. and this has
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been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been around pub, ukrainian government says on a tax, opponent's railway lines. it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus and the increase in these attacks? now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th, that since either russia celebrates its victory over germany and will, will, to but it's become a day of military celebration in general in the country and reportedly at the government that wants to see gains before the made the noise. so we can celebrate them on that site. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact that there's been a $61000000000.00 a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine and so rough to school. so the training government says wants to make as much advances on lookout as much infrastructure as it can be full, the wisdom rate and the ad default defenses in that package start to arrive in the
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country and it can protect them more. now on the other side, the russian defense ministry said to the intercepted $68.00 drones that with going towards the country and particularly towards the crescent of the region. the governor, across an adult has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries. that, that's also been a strategy for you trying to use. so as long range drones to go into russia and particularly to attack its energy network and it's energy supplies as this will continues to on home. and i would just say to keep you crying, germany's fault, right? a if the party has launched its campaign for the european parliamentary elections in june, polls suggest that it could come in 2nd place in europe. most populous country is mired in controversy after an aid of one of its candidates was arrested on accusations of spying for china. william peacock has more from berlin. if the
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leaders have some reasons to be cheerful as they launched that campaign, so that you appear in the elections that come with the 2nd in the post expected to win most states than ever before. but also facing ever more scandals. and one man was conspicuous by his absence puts you need a team to a couple of tried to explain why that made kind of that wasn't a misdemeanor. i knew that i'd like to take this opportunity to think maximilian cost for saying that to date shouldn't be about caught. caught cox today is about the d, because we are the prod you that puts out gemini 1st starts the tardiness and then what do you do between the one as if these top kinds of elections crowd was meant to be funding this campaign. but last monday, one of his members of stuff was arrested by the juvenile facilities accused of spying for china, as also too late for the party to change the list of candidates. and we have cross a, he went step down the f. d, as keeping him well out of the spotlight. not least since go himself is also being
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investigated on suspicion. he took money from china and russia outside the campaign . george n t f t protest is i'd like you to know of a headache for the party. yeah, cook, uh, one of them as prominent vegas is currently on trial, accused deliberately using a nazi slogan that's trial continues, but it's unfair. how much f d vs will k. c as an adult for like many fall right? potties have established their own media system where they can reach several with us directly. and the question is whether the traditional vote us of the f d will be open to believe the allegations that's that in mainstream media, or whether they would only get the information directly from the steve themselves. so even with a slight dipping reason pulse the f d is still in 2nd place nationwide. head of every party within the cohens government coalition, william peacock, i'll just say a ecuador was once one of the safest countries in latin america. but
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in the last 10 years, it's had one of the highest murder rates in the region. after taking office just last year, president daniel no boy declared war against drug cartels. and recently one a referendum to impose harsher laws. but cleaning up the streets won't be easy. as teresa bo now reports from black you this is the tactic as motorcycle unit, carrying out to an operation english, acting, known to be the drug trafficking, having quite a lot of precedent then you know, a has intensified police operations against drug guns, declaring the warm coast health in the summer, we accompany the unit to an area known as ac, named after a police officer who went rogue and joined a criminal group. and then on the visa areas with chronic problems of consumption and sale of drugs. and then most of the action happens at night to me, the situation has improved a bit too much, but it's still very complicated here. it whether it was one's acquired nation in
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the region. but in the last decade, it has been taken over by drug related to violence. we're told that healing was a key of the situation, get some more violence when you get close to the river. it because criminal organizations are fighting for access to the river. it leads to which this country's major chords, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. according to the police, many of these boats are involved in the trade. but fishermen tend to view police officers with suspicion, saying corruption is a common thing among the police force. and then the says, the security situation and whether or in the past year has gotten out of control. i like seeing the police because he ain't the cordele. it's all a disaster and i'm picking up troops when i'm here. the only thing i see is bad news. this week, or fluid is detained, the leader of
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a powerful gang in the country. unless on the president, no, i want to vote to reform the constitution. and implement how should laws against those involved in the drug trade. but no boy serving a short term 18 months presidential term and he's unlikely he will have enough time to carry out major reforms. elections are happening early next year. landscape that will be see the, we will know the military on the streets is not the solution. and that it's unlikely that he'll be able to implement any reforms fast. but the presidents has convinced that security is what we'll guarantee is re election in 2025. and that's why the advertising this hotline policy, as the drug trade continues to transform, make one or many of the people living here are putting their face in the precedent security plan, hoping it will succeed. pretty simple. i'll just see that was a key. why don't the still ahead on else 0 us tornadoes such down across the us,
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midwest, destroying hundreds of homes and cutting off towers this 1000 and crash k o. most of the few items at a bumpy spanish screen. to god, roscoe will have the details, the right book, no, carnes and public confrontation. young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other route fails, die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one that allow for there to be no politician in this country as ever shut down. and honest people have generation changed. phone out is era cheering the fact the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the plant and we'll get reporting from the correction job. i
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says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation. age work is right side of rec. targets is an in depth coverage. how is any of this except it isn't that acceptable? i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story of what the cause really for his have arrested more than 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war on gaza. those who have been released talk about ill treatment, lack of food and medical negligence in prisons. office 0 spoke to our a soft,
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a 74 year old palestinian activists from ramallah who spent 6 months and it is really jail. when he was released, his family said that they could barely recognize them. the, the committee mackenzie. we met an automotive types of issues. we had the computer below. my mom does tend to milam a big business bully between us has money and then when can the point you had said, you know, i'm lucky to put them in and soon as you get the full complement, i'm glad you conducted the partial level farm and the fact you have to bundle it off the actual one, the north of papa move it's moving. yeah. and in the head that he will have to
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do from manhattan, but board are pushed through, i'll be honest. and you know, can you walk in what have set up all you don't have to do at all, so you would, you can hit next. so how bad the actual job to back into the system. you're going to set up an email on the 4th and bush, all this multitude your info on fine. and then what have to look more into how does on the number of pop in the let me tell you that for i think what it today is we're in the old for the us and do much. how do you solve? i know i didn't this probably sick daughter instead of in tennessee said since you know, she had a student highly missing. i've had successful assets and it wasn't me to see them. no, no, my company and c s e. and what i'm,
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what i didn't need that to you. well as to jenna a lie national coronado high as well as time for all your sports use with joe. gotcha raska, who have joined us in the studio to fair. oh, thank you. well, we begin with a surprise in front, so a passenger might have been forced to wait a little longer before play and she has a straight lead title. they were held to a droll, by relegation threatened of who took the lead early in the match through christopher perry for tried the equal i. p s. james bond law say plan the current gone to captain andre. a pool of outstanding pressure to the price. in the 2nd office, she gave way of penalty and gave me it was the i'd like to re combine caesar with her for 15 minutes to go back to school to make it really strange that was on how to go through 3. let me see if she will have to wait for me to at least some
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day in the titles. if i can find someone that has failed, phenomenal lines, didn't pool, have low smell ground and appropriately titled, right? so it's being held to a to, to drill by west time. there was a, went into this one having of 2 of the last, the 3 league games. and they went behind just before have time to go and make it one know to west times that who bought c a in the 2nd hall for andrew robertson equalize the severe way. 51 who then went ahead for the 1st time in the match will be, it was a little help from west times to going in all cell phones. sorry, i thought sally didn't last to mchale antonio heading in to make it to to you can talk to him, home, a sala and the conversation between the 2 piece. get the key to it and we know late to throw it. some sellers ended in drew, one of the teams to talk about the argument off to it. it does have this to say about the type of my social it was sent, telling me that it didn't seem internally. i didn't think about it really. so i
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said before, if even meaning to in our games, we didn't win the game, but that doesn't improve our situation now, most likely they play, do they look like never lose 2 or 3 games? no, i don't think so. but right. as long as the adult angry or whatever, right, well if you want about that, i don't think about it, it's test. we have to in football games and let's see what that means. in the end, village champion sneak hopes stuff as low as chelsea full control to to and then go from month to korea and then move in more. it just strikes the latino by health time. so some money might do a key and conic gallagher completed the come back for the please. but i for this i see how to goals. this allows for chelsea and added time sled to place around in the refresh full time. you're not emery side are in full, but tell them can, can talk to them the 7 points behind and they played 3 games less ahead of a match against rivals also on sunday. and they've done it again by
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a labor case and left it late to grab it. so you to draw again. ship got to remain on beach and all season in a stretch, extending to 46 matches. ship. got wind turn. oh, all the come back folks in the 61st minutes on the phone does a good tompkins, i mean, i believe with the goal. and then with the last kick of the game robot andric school, the goal that present the incredible record is the 10th time the season. a school in at a time to win or 2 again. this is miss chantelle. the title but hurricane has become the 1st ever boone does make a debbie tones to school or assist against every club in a season. he schooled twice in on the next to one way and again spring foot, taking his 3 autonomy to full 100 goes to the club and country. now school 35 me. so this season roughly down has had his biggest win since returning to tennis basing a top 20 opponents for the 1st time since 2022 is the sort of at least the middle
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in straight sets. the madrid open them know has won the last 2 meetings between the players, including last week's much at the boss and open ended dial with showing glimpses of his old self here as a trade, it breaks the says, a pooling 1st set that also gomez, 18 minutes find out in a dial one, it's in the type right around. if you had manage infinity and done what stone, then it was treated to a mazda full display from the 14 time frame, sharpened champion, admitted last week. he was playing the next round slam. if he's not ready, a 7663 victory, he shows that the signs of goods was still in the mid seventies is not the i really believe that that needs haven't been an issue for, for the last 3 years. more of the physical issues now. so i'm in the fight, i'm able to play awaits in a row. and uh if i'm able to play tennis. uh then i, i going to see if i want, i can low on top of that. the price would be nice,
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but that's not so that's not the case yet. just step by step on the you know, let's see how folly, regardless in the women's tournament e. guestroom takes preparations for a 3rd straight friendship entitle, next month to continue to go to plan. well, the one dropped just 2 games on her way to being thrown a cost to you in straight sets, 6161 sounds like now faces sorta. so the best total for place in the cool to find a way the most a g p right is had a wild time in the spanish comb, pre sprint race. we saw no one, not to, but 15 full is among them was not mock has taken the lead only to crush them, not mine, of 12, just seconds of to 3 of the right. the split of the truck. you know, 16 white is out of $25.00 made it so the check. it's like that everyone from 12 down south with crushes at some stage out of the chaos the most. okay most and extended his most championship needs. but the, when she had tony just keeps getting back to the japanese superstars included,
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the hardest hit it is and it'll be korea. so the judges against the blue jays autonomy hit a pitch into whitefield. and over a 191 kilometers per hour, the m. o. b record stands that just under a 197 kilometers an hour. and a canyon teenager has broken the world record for the road mile. 19 year old and manual one young e finished in 3 minutes and 54.56 seconds, and what was his compressed date here for the distance at erase? in germany, one, your knee is predominately in a telling me to run on winning silver. that distance i lost you as well as athletics championships. all right, that is all useful for now. it is back to serial. all right, thank you very much joe. one more thing before we leave you with this news, our hundreds of homes have been damaged. half the powerful tornadoes ploughed through the us midwest. at least 3 people were injured. some 11000 homes are without power in the state of nebraska we consume sharif has more the moment of tanita touchstone in the us state of the town of ma to picked up directed
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entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street. there's no houses either. it just took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone. this is what's left of the city's airport after tonight detached down here. the, the field was temporarily coast passengers been moved to storm shelter as an emergency cruise took charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twist as to 2 months of farm land, tougher trees, flattened tomes and overturn feet. the national weather service has wont of pol systems to saturday in central plains, extending as far as texas. i'm a consumption eve on 20 us. all right,
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that's it for me 0. then you for this news hour. however we're going to exec, where we're going to be right back at the top of the hour. stay with us on options here. the for calculus refugees, english channel, is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for his family. the c won't scare us with this on i just forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is cobalt. who own the mind? how would they explain on how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric,
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s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk, new series dying or beyond the o n age? the last 2 weeks the
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or something. content the the alarm several then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this isn't useful life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. hundreds of university students across the us have been arrested so far as the movements against the wall and gas, it continues to grow across the country. these really bombardments across the gaza strip has killed at least 27 palestinians, including 10 children this since saturday morning.


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