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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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investigating the use and disease of power across the globe. on alex's here, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy say them. this is the news live from dog coming off to the next 60 minutes . hundreds of students, the rest of it across the us protests against israel's war and gaza spreading to new university campuses in gaza. where all universities have been badly damaged or destroyed, vice riley forces messages of thanks routine to students in america times he will demonstrate this time, the anger on guests of the white house correspondents dinner, including us president joe biden and investigations into an explosion of genetics.
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we based in cambodia, killed 20 soldiers, the student protests against israel's war and galls ramping off across the united states. with more universities joining the movement, hundreds of demonstrations being detained. a 1000 police went out in full force on college campuses. some use chemical irritants and teases to disperse students. a few universities have had to cancel graduation ceremonies. others have seen the buildings occupied by protesters as just over a week since students at columbia university began demanding the school di vests from israel students at columbia hall, the georgetown mit and george washington university,
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began demanding the same protest spread from the ne campuses in michigan. texas and california. we have a team of correspondents covering the story for us in the us. john henry begins on coverage from princeton university for students occupying college campuses across the united states. the price of pro test can be high. there are the arrests, a 100 of them on saturday at northeastern university in boston, and more than 600 over the past week, including 2 here at princeton university. talk about the kinds of culture. i mean, this is the kansas culture shut down any discussion and really ranging discussion of history. i mean for many of these politicians the history began on this. we didn't begin on october, the 7th it's, we actually led to october the 7th. and this is what is one for this,
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but then there is the academic products at princeton were captured, protesters look on. many students were masks to protect their identities, but still play by the university's rules. no amplifiers, no sleeping in no tents, including the massive tent, the university put up for an upcoming event next to the protest encampment. as soon as they are taking some big risk at these protests, if they violate university rules, they can be expelled. and here at princeton tuition is over $50000.00 a year, and for many of them it's in education. they've been looking forward to all their lives. you know, that speaks to how passionate people are about it. i mean, we're willing to put that on the line and we also know that we have power and numbers. palestinian active is linked as our sources. there's an irony in the lead universities in scaling ethical values and students and then punishing them for exercising those values. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with, but they live in america in a democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they are being
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brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact, the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of encampments and work for justice for palestine. that is what appears to be happening in new jersey. new york ended dozens of universities from coast to coast when college presidents calling police to arrest demonstrators and tear down, protest encampments. the students rebuild the old ones and build new ones on new campuses. john henry and l g 0, princeton, new jersey. mike hannah sent this off date from george washington university in the us capital. over the past 24 hours. the fence behind me here has been sealed. nobody is being allowed in to the area with the tense have been pitched this in order to ensure that it doesn't get to be good then it is. now if you look over
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here, this, outside this on a street running along side universe be square more 10 said being pinched up here in both areas. police say they all here to monitor. they blocked off both sides of this road, running past university square. but they insist that because the demonstration is peaceful because there has been no vitriolic language that they will just stay and monitor. they will not into fear this despite the fact that the university authorities awesome some 24 hours ago to move in the police declining to do so. and perhaps what's happening here is something that happened way back in june 2020. when dc police forcibly disperse, demonstrate is with but tons and to i guess something that was seen as very bad optics and something that the police do not want repeated. hence this stand up as a tube at the moment. the university itself, though the thirty's here,
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have been threatening to suspend students. they are identifying them by the tags that students use to go into the main buildings next to the square. those are being identified as such. have been threatened with suspension, but the demonstration remains peaceful. the police remain in what is described as a watching mode, montana which is the era washington. so level has this report now on the pro tested emory university in atlanta, georgia. so the feeling here is very much more of a festival, rather than a protest of the moment. i mean, i was just reading playing on this because there are hundreds of people here. they've all been encouraged to break blankets, make something to eat, something to drink, very much show solidarity for the people in garza without a cutting. and so i must protest in the sense of what we saw on the 1st day where the police got involved. so people to bring in blankets for bringing food and drink by putting up flags and fighters all over the quad. hey, which way we store those process on 1st,
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like they're also being encouraged to write message of supports messages of support on the ground, which will do whatever they can just to show that the people who because i have no fee for government, i'm going to bring in mason, who's one of the organizers here? i'm make some you say all of these people here. it's a completely different atmosphere. so what we saw on thursday, right, right. yeah. um, thursday honestly was very traumatic. the police cracked down was completely violent and the inside of violence against completely people protest there's. so for the past 2 days we've kind of been winding down trying to rest. we here at emory, we believe that self care is part of resistance. as one of our alumni from the come to school, if the all you said rest, if there's a sense, what do you think is the end goal here? like what, what does it look like ideally to you guys? yes, so the end goal is really 3 demands that we have. number one that every disclose all their financial investments. number 2 that they divest from all is really companies. and number 3 that they provide continued amazon production to all the students that were unjustly arrested. we're seeing
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a significant lack of police here today. um yes, could i? um, how does that come about? yes, i would say frankly that emory university has learned this lesson from thursday. there have been violent police crackdowns on completely peaceful demonstrations of students practicing their 1st amendment, the right to speech and the right to protest. and for that reason, i think they've kind of just been keeping the police away from us. we are simply continuing to peacefully, protest is and demonstrates, and we're not violating any policies. we're kind of just here, community building and sending and solidarity with thoughts. fine, thanks very much. well, the university's position is, uh, is, is quite untenable. say some of the protests is not just because the president, who was the man that settled 1st i but the police were right to be here. but the protests were being organized by outside influences. he is now facing calls for him to go and fight a huge number of people. it was faculty how's advice on friday during which sites? so today? well mainly from motion. i have no confidence at the moment the president is refusing to move,
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but of course the protest is i've got that i'm goes in mind. student demonstrations at the university of texas campus in austin has continued despite the major place cranked down last wednesday. we spoke to a student at the college who explained why he's determined to keep protesting. my name is mustafah, yas, i'm a 3rd year at u t. also last slice of engineering. my father is from sherman, texas and my mothers from novice palestine. i grew up in dallas, texas, and all that, but i travel to and from the 1st day of my entire life, i love both places. i'm proud of where i'm from. over here, i get to choose to go to process over there every single day. you're fine for your own human rights rights in general, the, our main goal is the open people's eyes get the universe and it takes us to divest,
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stop sending light. israel is divest from companies that profit off of war like raytheon and lockheed martin. i do not support how much i know i'm not anti semitic. i have lots of jewish friends. yeah, i made it easy for them. my brothers and i don't believe in the right occasion of the jewish people are, i don't believe in terrorism or anything like that. i know, are my values are on? no, of my morals are. i know what i stand for. the band is $600.00 degrees. that's my main law. my 1st love my passion. when i'm on stage i feel confident, powerful. and when i'm fighting for this, when i'm letting people hear my voice, when people see my face, it's 4 in palestine and calling for divestment. people are starting to see now and i'm optimistic about that. there's never been eyes on it like this before ever. my
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entire life has never been people. i never cared about it this much and it's only going up from here. and all of universities in garza has been badly damaged or destroyed, advised by the forces displaced, palestinians at camps and the rough and southern gaza. a fine king student protested in the us for the show. solidarity messages of gratitude have been displaced on the tents. they say despite clamp downs, by a far as he's close to end, the war being heard by besieged constance. and that, that's how they have to the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university, full standing with us, with the humanity, their hearts and their compassion, and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the world to support them, you know,
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to arrest them and imprison them. guests attending the annual white house correspondents dinner were greeted with chance of shame on you by protest, as opposed to present bivens handling of the war. many also demanded members of the media boy called the event. suppose of the 142, palestinian john was killed by his riley forces. chaper time c reports from washington dc. first was a white house correspondents dinner. unlike any other 100 before taxes, gavin outside the was the said to be attendees. a 133 just as were particularly incense. the goodness would have tended ovens with a us president who is himself accused of being complicit is really killing of so
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many publicists. daniel journalists and goals that are attending this event shouldn't be saving. there's been over 200 days over 30000 palestinians, 100 pounds. and a 140 journalists have been targeted by the is really government murder because they're telling the truth. and instead of speaking out against that and having any journalist, again priorities, they're having dinner and laughing with biden was providing millions of dollars to the is really government for them to fund to this genocide. and they said nothing does enjoy this reason open. that's up to that colleague saying, we insist you publicly boy called the upcoming white house correspondents dinner was about to fill entirety with us, your fellow journalist, as well as with the millions of palestinians currently being starved and caused you to bite administrations, continued political financial as minute 3 back and you as well, i'm because of
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a funding for like saving humanitarian aid for the us media leaks was undaunted and beautifully took the seats in the ball room. there was only one brief pause in reference to the dead products that encompass. and even then without mentioning, who is responsible for that killer grandparent are profession kenzie perilous. since october, about $100.00 journalists have been killed most of those depths and gaza. according to the committee to protect germs lined up outside the washington health and the representation level, the bloodied black jackets of the drum is killed by the is riley's. and yet even this is very power. they didn't have an effect on the attendance of the us press, score and sides. share buranski out is there a washington thought. a cup out assume joins us live from drop off in solving garza and topic. those vests on the ground that she have was referring to the represent, people like your colleagues or family members who are killed and injured. and this really strikes give us a sense of what it's like to work as
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a palestinian gen this day in doubt covering this cottage. yes, i mean that's in fact to reflect the grim reality on the ground to what that is related to palestinian generalist me. another dentist on the ground types of reporting since then, one of the fight thing about all the latest genocidal acts on the ground about all the latest attacks that have been carried us across multiple areas in the territory . palestinian journalists have been reporting on the on parable and humanitarian and such. here it's the conditions to have been loaded with intense humanitarian and psychological pressure as they are forced to secure the some of them in business for them with the basic necessities and to return back to reports at full collapse of security conditions in all areas that they have been reporting in since october the 7th. we have been displaced multiple times. they have been struggling in order to get the internet connection on order also to get
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a critical and includes a critical information from eye witnesses that on the ground. then despite the deep shortage or if you will sometimes that have been forced to go with 2 locations of the top missing on foot, just to hear from low to the in order to get information to be a, to will, to the international community and to keep the world's inform them that is a part of what palestinian journalists have been going through since the outbreak of this conflict with new sense of, of protection, for domestic crews on the ground, there are 13, but more than $100.00. 40 pal, a city in general. this have been killed since the beginning of lu. i'm it to the east really minutes. we had talked to them alongside with the family members. some of them have been killed as they were reporting on the ground while others have been chose even to during the walk in the coverage of the latest, a genocide and the tax on the palestinian civilians. and we have been really going through a, within the beginning of the scope of this one. the ground is best we have been
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experiencing colleagues that could you quote true about regarding the scenes of a plot that this seems all victims. it, we can do on a daily basis here to try to get stories from the victims of, from the families about how they have been targeted without any, probably a warning guns how much most palestinians have been in doing. and that's all of that happens in the shadow white house, the need to and that is just trying to cost that side to return back to reports in front of the camera. for only one purpose is to deliver the choose thought a kaya refer the to people writing messages on the tense about the student, protesting to us how widely of those sentiments, resume thing, and garza as well as, as international american. and i also international students, separate testing and opening comments and multiple universities across the globe. and then american fits in and in different parts of the world. palestinians here
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are really following close to what is happening in the sort of us cities as they can few, the level of leverage these students actions have really proved a to the governments. and also to typically make is on the community as palestinians here. really appreciating, such as tips that pull for an end of the genocide then palestinians have, that'd be as we have been hearing from them. they can say that we at finally an international community, started to see what causes have been suffering and experiencing within this ongoing . who was that right now sort of past more than 6 months. so bob mentioned the have been cooling for an end of the genocide, for cutting ties with these where the sides and the that's completely have been fruitful from the perspective of custodians as they have been clearly see how these acts have been contributed to increasing the international awareness about what is going on and goals this trip, holding for an immediate c spy and for bring an end for the fighting on the
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a and with the gaza stripe. but what we can also say, as we've been hearing from palestinian, is that they do know only one fact that this international movements that had been taken by international students are highly and profound. appreciate it, as they are also holding for further steps to be taken in order to exec smoke pressure on the only decision makers just at least to bring peace again to the dogs . a stripe where palestinians have been on the, on relenting, bombardments for more than 6 months right now. all right, thanks so much todd a couple of assume that and thousands of anti government processes have been gathering once again in tel aviv demonstrations accused the government of dragging out, but will they've also been holding for early elections and for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign then it's smith has more from television and the video, there's like a video released by how much of course there is really the opposite side of life in
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terms of the 7th and the records of pain. and many of the 6 families result in mind. but if there is any money to take those as rarely coverages, as opposed to a $1000000.00 children kind of indication about typical tax, although strongly advise it's a couple sorry jesus ever. and he said that every time you go to a deal, the sabotage, he says, is there on how much are no children, no commitment to reaching a safe spot and a whole state to release out into the pressure upon minister benjamin ben. benjamin netanyahu. bees present, gathering the
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calls very, i believe that yahoo is deliberately to save yourself the release of captives is one of the sticking points in negotiations for a seas. fine. that's crossover. stephanie deca joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. so stephanie, what are the sees 5 told stand of this point. so suddenly i think we're at a pivotal moment about the way forward, really crucial. what is going to happen in the next couple of days? we're in a split at the road, if you will. it's going to go one of 2 ways at the moment. the proposal is with how mass. i'm also starting it. this is a counter proposal from these res, remember you had the objection delegation here on friday that led by egypt. intelligence head. um. so if they accept the proposal, we're going to have
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a temporary cease fire around 6 weeks from what we understand the release of between $20.00 to $33.00 captives that full under a humanitarian category. that is women, the sick, the injured, and those over 50 years old in return for some return to the palestinians to the north end of negotiations will go on if i must reject the proposal. and these writers have made this very clear, then probably a ha, uh, the operation in the fall will happen and will probably happen quite soon. now we had these really foreign ministers, rolled caps last night, told him to really me just saying that if a deal is accepted, the operation will be suspenders. what is the bigger picture of the bigger picture? is that egypt in particular along of course, with the americans, very keen for alpha, not to happen also because of course you've seen those pictures of the tense why it's along the board with egypt. if these ratings go in, if there is a ground offensive where you already have 1400000 people shelter and there is no
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doubt that there will be pressure for egypt to take palestinians into is tardy through something. it doesn't want you also have us extra of state anthony, blinking in the regent this week, also expected here in the next couple of days. so reading between the lines, it is the most momentum we have seen in these tools, particularly in the last few months. pressure also here being increased by the release of 2 hostage videos by her mouth and the space of just a couple of days. an interesting we, for the 1st time is really media playing, one of those at the consent of the parents of one of the hostages. and you sole, bernard, they asked it is increasing momentum. i think, you know, we'll have to wait and see you next couple of days. what is going to play out? but again, as we said, i think, you know, considering there's been an impasse for months and months and months. we're now at a, at a, at a pivotal moment, and it's either going to go one way or the other. all right, so let's see, thanks so much. stephanie deca last spring, and now i'm gonna show it. he's a professor of security and ministry studies at the doha institute for graduate
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studies, almost in the ministry invasion by these writers of rough now imminent as it is. it's just a matter of time if you look, that's what what they're doing. now it's old preparations, in terms of closing up some of the reserves for us. they pulled some of the tip of the speed of the big aids. uh, the active ones just for uh, the fitting uh, resting recuperating. so sort of putting back the fist just to be able to strike harder and, uh they, they had only the 900 and 33rd. the in the mounting that setting quoted though that spits a guzzling to 2 hops north and south of that one also would be um, for the uh, the deployed and the 2, these are a big age would be, would be placed there. and then that's an important one, but they are probably sizing up a 4. so about 5 to almost 6 big gates. so only to a tax off i have the, these big ids are getting ready. now,
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this is if you want to compare with 10 units con units at one point had a maximum line be gauged in that one government. a thought of guys that it took about over 60 days to, to finish the operation there. so they had 9 brigades and, and according to account is that 5 about the success relatives they get and they may need more because they want to finish it quickly. but the, they would need more men if they, they want to do that. so at this point, is it a question of getting together more brigades or also seeing where the sci fi talks go? it can either way can go, but they are preparing from, from the looks of it. they are paying right, right. in the regulation, you know, they, the, the, is a to army both the, something like 4010. so they're creating 10 cities at all in the midwest, the quoted or an up in san eunice. no, no, no. so we offer that. so they are planning on moving over a half a 1000000 people because these tense are a quite large the they will take about 12 persons in it. so about happens
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a lot more than half a 1000000 people the talk about over a 1000000 people who have taken refuge in addition to the people who all that from, from or off or what happens to civilians. if we do and see this is right, the invasion take place. so it would be a very difficult time. we were likely to see more of more harder because it would off right now just to experience it the, the population densities over $18000.00 person 1st click allow me to this is did. is it 3 times the population density of gaza when it was before the invasion? so anywhere you should even with small arms, the assault rifles and pistols, you will kill some innocent bystander because it because of the just because of the density. so if you started using our ability and they are, they are sending alternative, be gauge and armor be gauged in the. so if you start to use that, and if you use the eligibility and densely populated areas, doesn't usually lead to a precision outcome by any chance doesn't. definitely, definitely it doesn't. it's,
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it's not as accurate as the one think. what would be the goal of this? right, a troops in rough, the 3 thing that i suspect the one is the, the destruction of the remaining or all the of some of the custom battalions that are still there and roll far. and the naming 5 areas they want to go in and you have 9 trouble. and the still for alpha at you is do at least the rest of the captives. and just to give the figures 105, with at least in a ceasefire units, he's fine with negotiations and only 3, whether these by force of 2 of them from rough or. and so they, they believe that out of the 129 remaining, they declared that the, the, these 80 forces that instead of 34 were killed a lot of those 129. and the sudden they allegedly and roughly how do you see what do they. okay, let me, i'll let you finish 3. the know se,
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probably extend because they're not move. if you still look at the guns on that they are creating all these defensive barriers. a busy fee to give a buffer zone that will take more and more lens from gaza. and a to do thank you've always done with, with his riley's debt with is really borders. but also we think does that, we think as of the cutting it into 2 parts north and south with also eastern west. how easy is it going to be for them to achieve that ministry goals and we haven't announced and by these right immediately, you might remember in january that they had destroyed from us in the north of gaza, only for us to see baffles, reappeared. you know, just a couple of days ago they were all patients in bethlehem. they tunnel and these are the, the areas that these are the army entered at the, on the 27th of october. so 2023. so a long time ago. so i think what's happening is that the, the, the ground lines, the underground lines in the overground lines of communication between how much units, all that goes, cuz somebody gave a battalions, units,
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and all those that are still functioning. and that's why you see an area that bid is really forces. they don't want to embarrass themselves. so they declared it cleared. and then a few days later that you will find in fighting. and it still says it's not just fighting with small arms, but you, you have like proper ambushes, you have and t, thank units most of the units, and sometimes you have broken flyers. so that tells you that they have the some cap abilities that can they can withdrawal probably via the tunnels or why that although and then they deploy again once they see and unfortunately i'm not sure i was good to get your analysis. thanks for coming in. so i had an algebra, i'm for me, the in so with a we were speaking to answer your part activist and jazz legend. people hot speak small boys in south africa, mox,
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15 years of democracy. the now over the last week, the weather patterns going to clockwise about 90 degrees, such that now the rate is coming up through western europe. and the middle of europe nice in europe is rather quiet and actually warming up with temperatures into the low twenty's. this reading could be significant, but send a storm warnings on stuff they probably transferring to the east during sunday. rains, peppering spain, and still cold enough for a bit of snow up in the parent and using the higher end of the olden spain. and then the circulation and then all see means pretty pull weather for eastern scuffle . but this is all nice. and bowling actually gets warmer his, in the baltic states and even scans and 8 here for the next day or so. but if you happen to be thinking, if there are any holidays in, for example, the small auditors that use the spring, maybe you should think again, mondays know barcode that he'd spend the story in this a hell in africa throughout the last 2 or 3 weeks. and it still is, look at these temperatures, $45.00, across to bundles, $38.00, there was an i'll show breeze at 10,
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so just bonds. you would also get halter up to about $39.00 or 40. well above beats average. so it's pretty wide spread throughout this. the house there is right off the coast of terms of a, there's been funding elsewhere in east africa, but the southern africa, though a few shekels are in the full cross drive, is prevalent the these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on, i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not so nice all
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a to we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts. that's our officers claim that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing. it's just have to keep pushing because no one else can see . the vision is keywords. you the, the, [000:00:00;00] the bank you're watching out just the time to recap on headlines, thousands of anti government protests is of gathered once again, instead of these demonstrations accuse the government of dragging out,
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but will also be important for the elections as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu to resign us president joe biden has made no mention of the war and gauls or the white house correspondents dinner, is by protest is outside the event. denouncing is administration support for as well. student protests is against, as well as form. dogs are ramping up across the us. more universities joining the movement. hundreds of demonstrations been detained so far. my mode of tall is a ph. d. students at cornell university. explain some of the fold out students are facing as a result of the process. and we've had death threats, we've had people with walls with praying. so lots of july, we've had police video and taken pictures of us last be played in the video in the most area place on campus. but other students taking pictures of west books, us many about palestinian. i'm with spring students. how out now one can every
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missions for being pro palestinian? what some of the consequences is that i will often repeat semester. i might not get paid over the summer. i might have to graduate later than expected this this semester that i'm taking and i've tried to work somewhat hard to mist. everything else may not count to my degree. and i have to repeat to that's quite a serious thing. and they talk it to the, my understanding people who are precarious positions such as students on visas. and so it seems like the tactic we decides what is the target to visible people and people and prepares positions. why? i think that's the case because people, i mean, the target this fall suspensions, right? i've not done anything extraordinary than anyone else. something happens. there's been people who have been me ever been by my side, every step of the way as has been coming to started and then not targeted them of thousands of demonstrators in london of also marched in support of palestinians. it's the latest in a series of demonstrations in european cities in recent days. account,
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the protest was cancelled because of security concerns. but a smaller event by pro is right. the group went ahead and central london. our full cit followed the monks, his progress through the capital. se there's right as much as setting off a long, wide hold of destination. hyde park, as always, concerns about the latest phases of the war. and going to get the timesheet for the sake of dropped off. this is as well the 1st boss. since the discovery of that not spray that i'll also hospital. and the 1st, since the dramatic scenes we've seen had conferences in united states, we spoke to some students here. i said, while ago, we are proud to be doing this is bill morris, this thing among the students. and i think he's, he's getting, getting his friends in the whole states and around the world, making every scene honey sold against bar. the semitism is also
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scheduled to be holding a box together at the same time. it's a cost all our is the safe side. so i put these points to this by as well, another account of protest by a pro israel group did take place though, a group calling itself enough is enough station. and a static demonstration alongside the pro palestinian march roots, the police concentrated as that area and cuts both protesting groups apart from each other, the pro palestinian group. then ending up here in hyde park,
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pull the reilly. they say that this, the 13th such and actually processed in london is the latest, but certainly not the last day and tends to continue with this action in support of gaza against the war party. suppose it was a 0 london garza's health ministry says palestinians across the strip of drinking on safe water. it's accusing israel of blocking shipments of chlorine use for treating supplies. the ministry is also unable to monitor was a safety officer. the public health for about 3 was close to officials are appealing to international aid groups to help improve sanitation, saying rules, sewage and accumulating waste. post a health risk coalition of age groups trying to deliver supplies to gather is holding a protest and assemble the
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freedom flow to the coalition says 2 ships carrying 5000 tons of live, saving a unable to leave because they've been the registered by going to sell the vessels off, right under that countries flag activists are accusing israel of putting pressure on the west african country. as a bank has more from the stumble for the organizes how the press conference has central is done. both now ships, concepts, sales without flying a flag, not 2 of those ships of flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so now over, i have to say that those blacks have been removed, including from chicago ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant needs political move, an unusual one. now open, i just have the press conference that they said. there's a, there was a request from the authorities in gimme a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities,
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with the destination admission to garza was a reference full. so that will also about the call go on the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels, the bearing, the flags of these ships kinda upset sale at the moment. and there's no idea when they will be setting sale. now some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the seeds of goals and deliver that for me that for community hearing aids will be returning to their home countries and some of them are very disappointed other the same. so this isn't the end that they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels so they can set sail and try to break that seats and hit in istanbul. their protest taking place is a sitting document taking place full week, trying to keep a full front of people's minds. this will on garza and the frustrates and the fees and that this the to the still wants to set sale though we've been speaks to activists here. and some of them are not saying that any of us always complicit
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with. is there a long this wouldn't cause that because we have caved in the political pressure organize that said that they would continue to lift. it tries to make sure that those ship set sailed. try to break the siege of garza and deliver that commander to an age of vague data assembled. the of israel says it's fine to jack straw's has belonged. tom gets in southern lebanon. a statement released by his rouse, ami claims a metric compound was also hit. footage, released by the tree appears to show the strikes, hit the group sites and the model. another off area has belong as well. have tried to find nearly every day since the start of the war and got some humans hosting level say they've shot down to us minutes. we drone the groups that it happened on the 1st day using a surface to air missile. washington set on sack today us air full strong,
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crushed in yemen without giving details or germany's fall arrived as the policy as launched. its campaign for the european parliamentary elections in june, pulse suggested could come 2nd, europe's most populous country. but the bodies might be another scandal of the one of its candidates was arrested on says accusations of spying for china. what am peacock has more from bowling? if the leaders have some reasons to be cheerful as they launched that campaign. so the u. a. p and elections that kind of the 2nd in the polls expect it to, in most states than ever before. but, but also facing ever more scandals. and one man was conspicuous by his absence puts you need a teen a couple of try to explain why that made kind of that wasn't the misdemeanor. i knew that i'd like to take this opportunity to think maximilian class for saying that to date shouldn't be about caught. caught, cox today is about the earth deep because we are the prod you that puts out gemini
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1st starts, then the tardiness and then the drain, the one as if these top kinds of elections crowd was meant to be fun thing this campaign. but last monday, one of his members of stuff was arrested by the juvenile facilities accused of spying for china, off too late for the party to change my list of candidates. and we have cross a he went step down the f. d as keeping him well out of the spotlight. not least since crow himself is also being investigated on suspicion. he took money from china and russia outside the companion, n t f t protest is highlight yet another headache for the party. yeah, cook, uh, one of them as prominent vegas is currently on trial, accused deliberately using a nazi slogan that trial continues. but it's unfair how much f d vitus will k c as an adult for like many fall right? parties have established their own media system where they can reach several with
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us directly. and the question is whether the traditional vote, as of the sd, will be open to release the allegations. that's that in mainstream media or whether they would only get the information directly from the steve themselves. so even with a slight deputies impulse, the f d is still in 2nd place nationwide. ahead of every party within the coming government coalition, william peacock, i'll just say about the spines. prime minister, pamela sanchez, is due to make an announcement on his political future. on monday, thousands of suppose is been writing on the streets of madrid in an effort to persuade him not to resign. last week he shot the country saying he intended to step down all through a cool opens of corruption investigation against his wife. national period of morning has been declared in today off the killing of 3 military police officers and tributes were paid to them in santiago during a parade to monk. the 97 son of
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a 3 of the full, the men were attacked and killed in the call, all responding to 3 false emergency calls. it happened in the southern. i'll co province, new people no matter where they hide, met. so what, what does the crust? we will catch them and they will face chilean justice, public safety, which is the priority for to live. and therefore it is the priority of my government. an explosion of the imagery base and solving combo dea has killed 20 soldiers. people and villages may a by say, the impact of the munition bloss damage that homes. several others have been injured. cambodia is 5 minutes to promise to compensate those and fax it security around the compound has been tightened while the close of the bloss is being investigated. phone line, let me know. when the explosion happened. i was fixing my house with some construction workers. suddenly there was a loud explosion causing my house to shake and breaking tiles on my roof. they fell
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down, but luckily they didn't fall inside the house. as a toll nato, as strong as the southern chinese city of glen jo, killing 5 people, 33, all these were injured when the twisted landed mid afternoon on saturday. more than a 100 and full t factory buildings was damaged. a 2nd tornado hit another district. later in the day a bridge tourist has been seriously injured off to being attacked by a shock in tobago. the attack on the se, in car being island prompted authorities to close 7 beaches and a marine punk. the victim is now an intensive care as far as the sites. raf for shocks to attack in that area. in france, it's been a 1st out thing for to risk montrose tiger cops and now it is due in the northern city around the ends. they were born last month as part of a european breeding program that this has raised hopes of saving the endangered
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species for a few of and $400.00, some ox from tigers, the while due to habitat loss, deforestation, and illegal hunting. so i had an al jazeera on drilling a hole in front of the union buildings in pretoria with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election, the pro, nelson mandela and the african national congress to power 30 years ago. the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even happen. this is the most
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important point and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out examining dean, today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the
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is ready for us is arrested more than a 1000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war on gauze. those has been released talk about ill treatment, lack of food and medical negligence in presence of to 0, spoke to them or i saw so 74 year old palestinian activists from ramallah spent 6 months in his right of the jail and it was released, his family said they could barely recognize him or the bidding of kenzie. we might as well and i wouldn't have had the visual of we had the beautiful little i'm a big visit this the me you can also go to me. i has money and then one can you please a husband you have federal and that's just so many sourcing. i'm lucky to
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put them in and soon as you get the fuck compliment, i'm glad you got the partial level farm. and the fact you have been bundled off last old woman, north dakota, we'll get some movie and in the head that he will have to do from manhattan. but board of pushed through all the others. and, you know, can you walk in and set up all to go ahead to fit awesome would you, can you, i'm not hit enough. so how bad the how much actual job to mac in the, in the, to the set up an email on the photos in the parcel. just if i just pulled off the multitude the info on flight and no one has the book one to how does on the number of thought pain. you let me tell you the static 20th today's way in the old
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for the us and different. how do you solve? i know i didn't this probably sick you are to be home in tennessee and you know, as of june, had it been since i've had successful assets and it wasn't me to see them. no, no, my company is here. while i'm looking for putting that here, we'll assume jeanette a lie. national coronado high. it sounds advert guys mugs 30 years since its 1st democratic election in 1994. also the end of a pond tide and celebrations on staff today president. so around the photos of defended these record of the government african national congress. but opinion pulse suggests support for the i. n. c is dwindling head of next month general election. jonah, how small from pretoria it was a celebration of the events that ended upon the date of the civil war and gave
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birth to a new south africa. 13 years ago, president su rema pose said freedoms bills had run out across the country, that they jo oppression. a new nation. the human size is among the greatest achievements of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. what became known as the rainbow nation. we had just signed up for a freedom day and we is on my way invited to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we are set for ourselves. and then since i was young, i know the events to 30 years ago still viewed significance,
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they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with rights, with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the promise of a better life. the rule remains elusive. for many and what the will bank list as the most unequal country on the web, $1.00 and $3.00 are unemployed infrastructure is from blake crime and corruption rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties. the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and ideals of 1994 south africans to put that promise many times before jo, whole elder 0 victoria and that a half of south africa's population under the age of 34 unemployed. now this year i met one young woman. it's been struggling to find
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a job since she graduated from university is her story. in her own words. my name is my name is jesse and finally i live in, so it's, and i'm am unemployed. so does to can i study public relations from 2018 to 2020 to 2022. i graduated and then after graduating i stayed at home during nothing's been applying for what but nothing came up as much as 20. so useless. like i've just wasted. i know that it makes me feel like i'm not doing anything to clinton does nothing all day. i've been applying. if you could see my sent email in a day. i play move at 6 places, but no response. a thing for me, me personally, if i could find a job, my life would be more easier and then accessed what they said to fundamental labor
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has inter interested and that's just by me so that you can gain access to like the youth can gain access for them to find for me to find what can be, what is i mean i've applied for it's awesome. it's me being when i go to this, this team right now, the system itself is not working. and the thing is in this, and i don't know, i appreciate the opportunity to that the government has paid for me. and that's of this page for me for the, for me to go to school for free. if that's the, that was the only thing that i'm grateful for the us that ideally in, in this country because of what the government is probably something of life from a in 1994. so now i haven't seen any change for me. music played a major role in the movement against the pol, type in south africa. see for hop, 6 level sizes,
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one of the office who used his talents to encourage unity and equality. and while there's been some progress in the past 3 decades, says there's still a long way to go of the zeros for me, the middle co top with him. and so i, so the idea of a double cross cambridge home to go and with an important track, simply titled, nelson, montana falls. it was written by musicians. people, hot stakes. i'm a booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. but it was just natural, as a musician you, you feel the importance, the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution
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a reading called full know somebody, let's release this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom. which i know performed by musicians locally and abroad. mobile. so worked with global stones like maria mckayla and you must have kayla between the bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans quoting for into a part to south africa held its 1st democratic election in 1994 healthy god. oh, how can i go? montana was elected president. the city is on civil presidents and administrations later. critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see some of the good things that happened with them, of course, and of course, we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were
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homeless. we have no doubt with a, a, our have issues there many challenges that will fit the youth, the young people, what i am unemployed. but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done. but this is despite the challenges many young south africans today, one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and arts played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other places songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago, still son today when people want to express and go with this content. and often people here have a lot to complain about. while democracy brought significant change in freedoms for many here, the government has not fulfilled some of its promises while sold africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. so me to mila ultra 0. so we to well that's it from me for this news out, but you can keep across all the stories we've been telling you about head over to
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our website, allen, to 0 adult calm. can see the front page that with lead story, the situation in palestinian territories. the a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat software, the casualties we have not stuff websites. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era for calculus refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring. and it's a
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remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy, on the same is brother's life so fiercely. so to provide for his family. this the phone scare us with this on the phone in this little 2 weeks.
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so the gonna know something content or the hundreds of students arrested across the us protest against israel's war and gaza spreading to new university campuses. the


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