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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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ties to me, the student led movements in the us against the one garza gone to support from the active. it's a small university store and the process the territory. and this is all just here and not from also coming as well continues to bump gauze. 15 palestinians have been killed in the last few hours and humanitarian crisis in sit on site. so the army is not strong enough for these at
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least 800000 people displaced us. 30 years of democracy, 0 journalist for my university to talk to students amounts are not because past and teach if it can in the us where a student for testers will continue to them on an end to israel's nearly 7 multiple on concept of the places from yale invest in connecticut and in other states. local activities have joined students, quoting for the universities to cut ties of israel, seeking an end to us retreat aid, all the country. hundreds of demonstrates as standing in solidarity with how the students had been arrested sofa beneficiaries standing by 1st the george washington
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university in washington, dc. but 1st let's focus on engine. is that the city university of new york, john, it's the full say of protest where you are now. tell us what's happening of the sure. why don't i give you a 360 view of what's happening here. if you see here behind me, you've got some people playing some music across the street. you might notice it man of the for around is actually with the fire department. but these, those are campus police in the background, and the students are operating under the constant watchful eye of the police. and there is a threats in new york city. police will come in, they've already pre positioned like posts in the area. and these camps is wrong, a little more permanent. as you can see, there is a privacy screen there. and the reason for that is because people are holding prayers out here on the one and even taking yoga classes in the morning. and if you
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look under the blue opening in the corner, you can see they're serving 3 meals a day. that's dinner being served right now. and this has a number of tents. ro, date has been getting reinforcements. donations from people in the community. through that fence is a very back of that date, i should say earlier in the day, a number of people through boxes of food and water over there and re supplying this can. and then if you look under the flagpole right there, we had a jewish rabbi and i think you might have the video of this to burn his is really passport in protest of the war in god. so each day is there a slightly different feel for the one continuous thing that we see here is that these camps seem to be growing more permanent even though they're still just weeks left to go in the school term. john,
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thanks very much indeed for that update. so let's go to, i'm going fishing now. who's at the george washington university in washington, dc where students from at least 8 universities have joined the i assess the allon's . it's what extensive and down arrows permanence to the protests that well there's, there's probably fewer professors here outside tonight than that has been recent nights. but there's no lack of energy and no lot of noise. certainly we know that there was the comment that was set up and you'd have asked the yard, which is just over there. and there's probably about dozen students who are still there. but there's no cap been on the streets and it'll be interesting to see if the police keep this close. come monday morning. this is normally a busy 5th street and it's going to continue to be blocked off for some considerable time. as you can see, people are setting up, come see are the, is that it pam and, and see now. and also people be right beside me here are putting 10. so planning to
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stay the night. but the intention is that they want to force all the universities to die based their interest and is able to cut academic ties with israel to make sure that the leaders of the protests, 7 of whom, at george washington had been suspended. do not fate strip of cushions that essentially odd extraordinary to put the actions. and certainly we know the faculty at the schools have also written to the university administrators are doing them to respect the students, right? for freedom of speech. now, number of the universe, the administrators, it'd be in and around the yard over the last few hours. they've tried to speak to some of the students as well. but the intention of everyone here is that the seeing for the foreseeable future, they believe that this is a huge impact on the thing. it wouldn't be less than by pulling out any points in out of this. so thank you. meanwhile, philip, out has this update. now from university of north carolina at chapel hill of this
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process just now. well, i'm truly on the way we have told by the organizers there was somewhere in the region of 500 people here. i can say. so if you're the best of the students from this campus, from other universities, local activists table, they've just seen the social media post. i wanted to come here to show the sort of darzy. i'm the support for the people of garza. i'm the demands from the university students have a very clear number one. they want the university 5 best from products that support israel. number 2, they want to pull transparency about any investments that relates to israel. now the university is allowing these people to be here. it's like some of them appear for several days. if you look over that, you can see where they feed, sleeping. they are allowed to sleep on the restrict provide so i do not erect any time since, so they'll be there sleeping all throughout the night. i may be to help all throughout the tides, although i am told by some of the organizers of this protest that the university is
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trying other methods to get them out. for example, they have locked the doors to a number of these buildings, so nobody can use the restroom. also, they have stopped taking the trash away, so the students and outside of the area so that it doesn't start to smell. and number 3, they say they've been told by the unit test and say that the sprinklers will be turned on at midnight. so they proactively put book kids over the spring close to stop them being french, but they say they've had about audio thought. this isn't watchable about the why the course. they will stay it for as long as it takes at the moment there is no police presence. there are some purpose officer station on the outside of the area, just keeping an eye of things. but at the moment, this is a very, very peaceful process, a lot products as a peaceful protest fil about. let's just say era. chapel hill, north carolina. but i do have my colleague silva on a spoke to dr. joe stein and she's a presidential candidates with the green party, and this is us selections. she was among thousands of people arrested during the
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protesting support of palestinians at washington university on saturday evening. she says that legitimate criticism of israel is often incorrectly deemed as semitism. i'm a person of jewish background myself that was raised very much, you know, after the holocaust and having a grand parents who were refugees from anti semitism and pogroms themselves. you know, i was raised very much within that, tried to within that tradition. but that tradition was also fed to a genocide should happen to know one. and unfortunately, i know zionism is not judaism and zionism has been controversial within the jewish community. in fact, since its origins in the 18 hundreds and that the controversy continues today, and the consequences of zionism were basically, people came in just came in refugees who then said this land is ours. and we are ethnically cleansing this land. that's not ok. it was fine for people to be refugees, but then to take over the land and to displace and use violence against the people
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who are there. you know that this problem, this crisis did not start on october 7th, october 7th, was just the latest phase of you know, violence that was perpetrated mostly by israel, against the palestinians, starting back at the knock by an before in fact, certainly 75 years in advance in advance of that and unfortunately, jews, and i know myself because i was raised as part of that have been taught a certain version of history which is not quite accurate. and as more and more historical documents have come to light, it's, you know, it's very clear that there have been a, there's been, you know, an outrage is tradition of violence against palestinians from the get go. so zionism is something that needs to be defeated and being anti zionist is not the same as being anti semitic. of all universities in dallas, having badly damaged or destroyed by his very forces displaced palestinians. and
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students in rafa, thanking protest is at campuses in the us for this only 30 messages of gratitude have been displayed on the tents. students, according for the protests to continue this bond to crack down by police and university of furniture is we appreciate very much we, we, we truly love them. anyone who raises a flag for pleasure assigned. we appreciate this with all our hearts. they are leaving their education, they are getting hard, they getting in trouble for us. we really appreciate that. we really want them to, to keep going. and we really want to be a part of this universities because they have the sense with us. no one did that. when i saw the process. but all the colleges like columbia, harvard, yale, and all the colleges and all the students there are ready to, to, to maybe be arrested for us, for sending into a visit with the sign. that gives me
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a glimpse of hope to 15 palestinians had been killed by his very air strikes across the gauze. and at last few house, at least 5 were killed in a strike on him in that shop we were at camp in central rafa. well, the 1500000 displays palestinians are currently sheltering in rafa. garza's, southern mississippi. honey, mostly it has more for me. we're getting confirmation of at least one person killed in this residential moment. i'm jeanina this rick in the tag just happened a while ago on ears tried targeting the residential building. this is the initial report that we have been it confirmed that it has been confirmed as one person killed multiple injuries already a transferred on their way to the hospital in a jar house, but they're still more people that we were told by the civil defense. a crew and paramedic the the house was full of people. these are displays families and evacuated from the northern parts and gauze and city in earlier attack than eastern part of roughly 30000000. but as the neighborhood that the northern a,
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the southern eastern part of the city where a flat was targeted inside a residential building. a 3 story building at 2 people who supported with a critical injuries and multiple other from the surrounding areas all transferred to another job. at hospital bed, the aftermath of this attack is just not only caused the further civilian casualties, but also forcing people into more internal displacement already. people are displays have been children in this area for the past month. and since they were forced out of their homes or from the northern part goddess, the more recently from tanya and is on the central area on a separate attack, that's really military continue to pound across the central area. mainly the refuge account is in the western part of, of the central area. that's a new site, right? where you common an area between the southern part of why does that. and then they'll say that refuge account again gets causing further civilian casualties and
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causing the shocking of, of destruction to all means of why we're talking about it right now. we level in which we see all civilian and also shows services have been eliminated in the area . meanwhile, the civil defense screw and paramedics and volunteers were able to recover at least 13 bodies of from different parts of eastern hon units. then the central part of the city from under the rebels are from roads and those are believed to be killed when there's really military and it's the ground forces invaded the city last month . i mean, my hood of data, alpha palestine, the well central kitchen, the 8 organization says it's receiving humanitarian operations in gaza, weeks off to 7th thing for ease with tillman and is ready strike. the convoy was hits in the central gauze on april the 1st, despite having shed then movements with as many forces. israel apologized and described the instant as a grave mistake. the engineer's chief executive air in gold says he is very ami,
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has changed the rules of its operations, but notes it has no concrete assurance is about the safety of its employees, palestinian prestone, some fluid or passes, urge the world to help and the will allow more aid into goals and he's been speaking in the saudi capital rehab. well, he address the world economic forum, the best appeals of the us to prevents israel from launching a ground to tackle. and rafa, but more than 1500000 people at sheltering. you also want that as well to try to push the palestinians out to the occupies westbank office miniature operations in casa, often occupied. westbank many are critical of the palestinian president, as it st goes wrong. the reports not from the amount of the policy and president obama. the bosses comments are being met with skepticism and criticism. yes, it is the 1st time he has spoken so publicly about these problems. yes, it is the 1st time that he is laid out,
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the collective posting and fears in such great detail on the international stage. but many say that these problems have been going on for 6 months. palestinians have been suffering for 6 months and a boss has comments come too late and don't go far enough. he's being specifically criticized for some points that he made while speaking about palestinian statehood about palestinians right to self determination. in the same breath, he said that israel has a right of full security, and this is our duty. he's being criticized for trying to put the ideas of as really security at the forefront of a conversation about trying to resolve the problems between is really communities and palestinian ones at a time with israel's military occupation of the west bank. israel's ongoing war and gaza continues to cost the house, the life continues to dehumanize posting in communities. so the idea of is rarely security. bringing that into the conversation is something that many policy and say
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they simply cannot stomach same bus or avi ultra 0 romanella. and the occupied westbank house style. so it's a come on now, is there sparks fly in the southern china rest tornadoes tetra, major industrial closer. i'm for me the in. so it's a we were speaking to enter your party to activist and jazz legend. people hot speak small booth a south africa mox, 15 years of democracy the the in the spring cypress buildings have certainly been showing themselves as violent deadly tornadoes at the huge thunderstorms in the plain space, the us nebraska is particularly badly affected because of this typical setup you draw a moist air up from the gulf to it reaches cold somewhere for the north new drawer
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system up along the funds of now they're moving eastward steering monday. so it's arkansas sass switch, the gulf coast that sees the biggest on the storms top, and it's still cold enough to cease and start not far from when they pick united fighting states, look fine, the still smarter than open rockies, and even on the coast of washington, state when the wet weather, but the next system already building and so from our we're down to was maybe northern texas though the shout looks small, they could grow again. and these thankfully are dying down and met for also to that throughout the caribbean is federal breeze. felicia, how's again folks young, believe it alls techs and k costs for to rico hispanic children back through cuba, frequent sheriffs, they seem to be getting bigger and more frequent to the next couple of days in south america, where we've seen some big thunder storms in south east in brazil that moving that time towards you require and re, is dropping and such a 9 to set. you want the seasonal rains through knolls, and brazil, back towards ecuador, are also not quite as ferocious on monday. the
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. this is the 1st to decide that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. a news the
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only thing i'll just say a reminder about top stories now. student protest is across the united states, so continue to demand an end to israel is 97 months of war on concepts. hundreds of demonstrations standing in the sort of down to the cost of the rest of so 15 protestants have been killed. vice rarely strikes across the gums of the last few hours. at least 5 were killed in a strong central hold on 1500000 spaced out of students across the sheltering industry, high temperatures are making life more difficult for displaced products. thing is living in that makes shift tends in garza, extreme hates has led to health warnings. i'll just here as i'm so sorry for reports not from northern. gotcha. well doing 1st, the last place, you know, is it when all the summer season has started and displaced, people facing extremely challenging living conditions in mix defense. the tense made of sheets 9 and other materials they become unbearable leaving of the weather
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gets warmer. the temperature inside the tents is often higher than outside, less teeny and families here in floods. struggling to cope. you know, this is posing a serious risk to the lives of children and the elderly, especially the dose with chronic in mrs. william austin. i wouldn't say we're experiencing extreme heat which is unbearable getting vento being good freezing temperatures. as you can see, the attempt is made up of 9 and there's very little between us and neighbors. but the 5th, on the summer has brought many challenges in 6. cockroaches rots the temperatures increased when it's 40 degrees outside the temperature inside the tents can reach 50 degrees. we are generally appealed to the international community to help us in this dire situation. yeah, i've seen what freedom of the thought to new a living and these tense is simply untenable. we like food, water,
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and basic necessities. sometimes we only have a small amount of drinking water. fresh water is out of reach. we long for even just a breath of fresh air or breeze. the situation is unbearable has oh, how i know that in these the dia, conditions in which displace palestinians living in they are not safe from the heat, cold, or despair of disease and insects. i'm not the chevy of a good deal. tramodol as well. so nato has struck the southern tawny city of glen. jo, kidding. 5 people. 53. all those were injured when to twist them down to mid afternoon on saturday. well, 140 factory buildings were damaged. the 2nd tornado hit, another district. later in the day margin is the founding director of the institute for public and environmental affairs in beijing. he says, extreme weather event, somebody coming more common around the world of the state to speak so that they are
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setting increasing frequency all 5 of extreme heavy rain full in china just like the many other parts of the word since 1916. so it's a, it's a, it's going up and down. and then particularly in the, in this region and this region, this year, suffered from the earliest i have, uh, you know, a record breaking or the flooding uh, from the beginning of this month. and then uh, you know, before this tornado the, the pro, right, uh, the wrong, don't you know the problem instead of going to have suffered to run a very heavy breathing thing. and we'd send treaters a warning, a warning of the one seeing 100 years of flooding, and it's causing a lot of damage and then some casualties already. so this is, um, uh, uh, a uh, a new challenge that, that we have to,
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to deal with. and china is uh, trying to, to view to strengthen our already warning system and you know, with better metro logical uh, forecast and capacity and also emergency response, emergency response capability is being stressed out over the long run the cities and, oh, need to be designed and flags with higher standards of the slot discharge, and, and what the lobby prevention, at least 5 people, including a full month old baby or dead off the tone a those at the us state of oklahoma. the storms which began late on saturday nights have destroyed buildings and left thousands without power. more than 100 people have been injured as a home, a governor was to create a disaster emergency for the state. thousands of tornadoes having reported across the american midwest since friday. un security council says it's deeply
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concerned that saddam is permitted to rapid support forces up a period of time in the city is the last stronghold of the meeting, the western dot for region at least 21 communities have an attacked in the ever since much number of civilians displaced by fighting in the elk. the ship has grown to 800000 in recent months are assessed to control the for other states capitals last year. even more than reports, not from call to the reason why the united nations security council and other ada renovations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on n slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to rapid support forces. the number of displaced people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern
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is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in infested, our tribes that have been historically targeted by the parent and the 3 are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assess pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic metallic type were targeted. english in west are for in the city of june. and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent, military rapids support forces and allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for as he's quiet until the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sides are yet to he to those calls and announce that they will be reviewing
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negotiations and decided city. okay, that between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to attend to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the city of especially the ethnic a 4 or the people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a master car and ethnic cleansing. so 2 years of democracy in south africa and they have a chief political stability, both of high ending for comments on inequality. not everyone has received a better life promise and its constitution with an election to next month during the holidays. the views of students such honest but as fits university, south africa's university of the big vault is drawn to bits, has always been a politicized campus. it was a hot bed of student protests during the struggle against the prostate. when nelson mandela became president in 1994, i was
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a law student here. i wondered what vit students make of this moment? 30 years old from south africa's 1st free and democratic election. that remains really relevant to me because that is not a long time. like it was only recently when we got the democracy that we have and the freedom of everybody to vote the way we have. i think it would be unreasonable to see that it hasn't been progress. good one, we have political rights. we convert to freedom of speech, we can criticize our government as much as you want. i'm not going to come to me and say if you vote for this issue, the answer from palo to do a b, c is going to do. but i know so that because i mean, wait and if maybe the point is where to take a lot for us to take us out of it. so it's very important you can hopefully by realistic at the same time you sent you the i think that saw that some democracy does that. i think i was package nicely put everyone on it and put my data on the same thing with a different that people what we saw was an opportunity for change. we're still figuring out what works for us and what doesn't. so it becomes very hard to explain
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to a generation of people were born born freeze, who are thrown into the system and we had told you have this right. you have that right. but not to me, towards the responsibilities and not really being able to hold the need is a comfortable instance of a democracy is changing of leadership. so to see how healthy a democracy is, i think this year will be important in that sense. i often say i'm the change i want to see and that begins with me. one time them was young people that we thought, and that's the way it is. you don't inform yourself, you educate yourself about the state of the economy, about where we are currently standing and how you can make that change and contribute to it. so i'm the change i don't want to see is the power hold in being a young person. i just go to university this year of a 1st year. i'm now able to vote. so i think for me, my role as a student is to like, i get everybody else. you also just to me,
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i'm interested in making a difference. i love to say that one drop of what's in that, which means nothing much. can you send me in that on some ways. so if 27000000 voices agree to connect to make change, the voice is a view that was something you could do more in 5 years than has happened in 30 years. and that is that i can tell you guys, i'm so grateful to you for sharing these valuable insights into the state of south africa and future associates in this beautiful setting bits university your university, my university, to thank you for speaking to alex, is there a south african sport to en decades of a pod type music, the central role in evaluating the freedom movement. cfo. let's take some of these say he's in the office to use this pad is to encourage unity and equality. he says this to a long way to go from in the middle caught up the
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idea of a double cross cambridge and with an important tract simply titled nelson london apples. it was written by musicians. people hot sticks my boot in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. it was just natural, as a musician you, you feel the importance the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution a reading called for nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom. which i know performed by musicians locally and abroad.


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