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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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to the the, the regional need is call for israel supply and operation in rockford to be stopped as they need the us secretary of state inside your read the, the watching l g 0 life for me to have with me for the back people also i had at least 30 palestinians, i killed in these really strikes 25 of them in bra 5, the 16 southern gaza, previously declared to say so. also ahead. malcolm web in kenya, a 100 people have died in floods following weeks of rain. this is the flight channel of its, um, flowing into the china river,
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which is already passed inside. and south korea accuse is north for you may 9 mines in the 10 minutes rise. so in between the 2 countries, the thank you for joining us. we begin with new diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire in gaza as he is ready. bombardment of district continues us, secretary of state, asked me blinking is in saudi arabia. ways when meeting with regional counterparts . lincoln says as being measurable progress in the humanitarian situation in gaza. in recent weeks, washington's top diplomat says there is an urgent need for a cease fire to stop the suffering of palestinians. and he says, present, joe biden is urging is or have to take all necessary steps to prevent civilian harm . so
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well in his 7th visit to the region since october blinking has been holding tanks with leaders from the g. c. c on guys as governance and reconstruction after the war. the gulf corporation council is calling for is ras military operation in ross i to be stopped with an immediate choice in garza caught us by minister and foreign minister says any escalation of the conflict? threatened space in the region. ligan's visit comes as homeless negotiators are expected to meet category and egyptian mediators in cairo of
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the ongoing talks and consultations and coordination of positions is very important. so boosting l. strategic relations and dealing with the dangerous situation in the middle east. a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in our region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day and the gaza stripe. that springing i'll just as hush him. i had a buyer analysis following all the different, my diplomatic moves with us for us, i should say, here on algae 0. so let's start with what's happening in saudi. there's also egypt of course. so lots of diplomacy going on from various strands. what is the common goal? the ultimate objective you uh for this was interesting about today took the diplomats us secretary of state until they blank and you okay for the secretary david camera set in re um that there is a generous offer. but as right as
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a how must how so take this offer me of us. the trying to bodies good support been will consensus and of key players in this region to put more pressure on how much, particularly the key mediators, egypt, and cutoff that happens. they're hoping that this could be conducive to a new arrangements in the reason, right? the ticket a, a long term political settlement and all of this, the ultimately normalization, basically the saudis of these around before i ask you about an organization, because that's another important aspect of all this, isn't it? so the, the talk seemed cairo that are resuming how my sending a delegation to the junction capital. what's different this time? what, what do you think they're trying to change to make this piece via re out of the, the key. the key change in this proposal is the number of these riley captives, which is within the range of 50 to 40. and exchange there's going to be
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a spiral for 2 days. but then you have to see the details of the agreement itself. how mass has been saying that this has to be followed by, if possible, put out from the gaza strip, and that people should be given the access to the north and south parts of the strip photos by ultimately a permanent ceasefire. this is why the, there's been differences with these writers and the americans, the general, and i'm gonna, i mean, us offices without talking about com. again because of that, how about these things? we need a permanent upside, but as he's by us, he's fine. now when he was in re add earlier today on to me blinking the us secretary of states also talked about normalization, normalizing ties between israel and saudi arabia, which was on the table prior to october the 7th before the war started. but then at some point, society seemed to be saying, well, hold on and you know, admitted what about what's going on and guys on so on. it's blinking us talking
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about this again, is it back on the table again? it is on for the americans. this 2020 i brown accords, lack that vital elements which is having the saudis on board the, the most ball for some new nation with the political and the religious leverage they have. if they normalize relations with these vida is you should expect every single outpatient to say it's about time to do the same thing except this also looked over the 7th attacks beside these obvious things. first of all, we need to see these right is full policy issue of that for we're waiting to commit to that agreement. now, the general consensus, the ticket for the americas. if this is why they're all for a reason, so into connect to they want to see us these via they want to go to the key players and say, well, when they come out to ask these writers on the policy is to explore a new route for a permanent agreement, but ultimately it's the new security arrangements and the reason, particularly the saudis, right in organization, if it happens,
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it will definitely get triggered of the biggest size mix shifting this part of the wealth, indeed hash. and thank you very much for that hash, i have barbara. let's not go to occupied east jerusalem, where ben smith is for i said, ben is as we mentioned to him, austin, negation issue in cairo for the b. c. spy, a talk sort of resuming. what about these relays? will they be joining so these railings are ready to travel to cairo, made level delegation on choose day tomorrow. if they get wood from how much that, that's something to talk about that how much is accepting these riley proposals and we know how she has just been talking about this. extraordinarily generous offer is on to me blinking as cold. it perhaps, is rather willing to take something less than faulty of the captives of the $130.00 captives. that is believed thomas's got in return for the release of
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a significant number of palestinians from is riley jails, an initial sort of for sci fi, and then what's called a period of sustain com, which is the very important wording. because how much we know for many that many previous talks as have been insisting on a total safe spot on the withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza. so that palestinians can return to the homes, particularly in the north of gaza. so now it's where the hamas is willing to accept this wording. and also one of the calculations being made by benjamin netanyahu, whose principally concerned with his own survival is whether he can get away with this offer politically the fall, right, and as well. i said he should go ahead with an operation in rafa netanyahu previous is beings says the operation will go ahead because he hasn't changed his objective of this month leading how much this would mean at least paulding that operation. then yahoo!
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clearly calculating that he can get away without politic. thank you very much for that. brenda smith lived there in occupied the easter was then. meanwhile, on the ground in guys is really a tax game that these 30 policy means in a matter of hours on monday morning. most of them in a rough or a strike on a home in the southern city killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby witnesses say, many of the victims were displaced policy and seeking shelter for the night wandering. you may find some of the images and fixing your wires, reports distressing and indeed mine is rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower. 7 his light speed look less like many others at this neighborhood in rough or whatnot is lucky and the loved ones they've left behind cannot imagine moving forward. well,
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how long have been the doctor's rush to help the injured, despite liquid resources. amidst the chaos on the hospital floor, a little girl cries in pain. the man who rescued fees that she's been opened. this is the daughter of my maid. them are coming up with the so far it seems she's the only survivor from her family. the only survivor from the home that was targeted are risk you time. she was literally just hanging there on the balcony. attacks on civilians are this talk reality of the life in gaza. even
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a seized by talks resume in nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. the leaving many the besieged strip inconsolable felix new r o g 0. let's get the latest now with honey. my mode was in a rasa in 7 guys. that more deadly is really strikes more anguish across because the honey bring us up to speed with what's been happening in these last few hours. this will attacks across rough. it seems to be a just couple with the high about the seeds fire talk things tired just interesting time. and every time there talks about potential seeds by or negotiations going on . we've seen a source and the tots across the city, not only and over, not a talked already cause the very their civilian casualties, more destruction that is becoming quite visible across from city forcing people,
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setting up their tents in the street to exactly. yeah. one more time thinking shoulders elsewhere, but already the entire city has been on the relentless, the talk. but for the past month, and since the beginning of this genocide, the, were just the past hours more attacks took place in the western part of the city where a land very close city are very close to evacuations during the mazda. that wasn't part of robot city just causing that more and more injuries are transferred to the hospital. but the fact that is very near to at 10 sand and evacuation side just cause more panic and more ways for people already a displace and traumatize of the ongoing war force to move their tens elsewhere, just seeking refuge in a city that is not really becoming not becoming safe at old right now with the ongoing attacks at earlier hours. the residential homes in a also western part of the city. that's the are the japanese garden, that's a very densely populated area right now. would literally 1000 all of this plates
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family that the vicinity of this garden, uh, and they, the, the, the, the, the, the explosion itself not only destroyed this house but also the vicinity of the area causing great deal of damage to surrounding homes. and again, forcing more people to move it from the area so far, we're looking at at least a 3 atrocities committed by it is really military by those relentless air attacks. and looking at 34 people to be reported, kills mostly women and its children with at least 68 of the critical injuries here at the go any hospital or in the jar hospital. and those who have really a have further that goes conditions are transferred to the other fee and hospitable again, health care sectors, across the river, cities overwhelmed, exhausted. and there is a risk that these people might lose their lives because of the inability, the minute going south to provide any unnecessary, proper medical intervention. me why there's really military continue to pound
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across the central area again the, the refugee comes in the site off the western part of it as well as garza city, mainly the northern part than the eastern part of the entire dogs are for a part of what this really military is conducting right now, further display, expanding the buffer zone that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey honey mode. live that in rough southern gaza. the thing out of world news now in kenya, at least 40 people have been killed off tre, down breast. it's banks in a town north of the capital and i will be water from the old to dry, though them washed away houses and cut off a major road. search and rescue efforts are underway for lots caused by an unusually heavy rain. see rainy season have killed dozens of people across the softer guessing smart gas rain. so it is where the danverse,
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the not cool county with more the people are in shock. many of them are trying to solve age, whatever they can, that how many they're, they are trying to remove this furniture. they are closed and they don't even know where they're going, where they're going to sleep. to nights now rescue my efforts are still going on, but it has been raining and just started rating. so that is going to be hampered and we spoke to some of the family members about what happened. they said this incident happened at around 3 am local time and they just, they were sleeping and they just had visa, loud rambles. and um they, some of them tries to get house to see what's happening and then there was this watch. so that in golf, some of them, so some managed x s case fund,
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many did not make it and we have also. 7 being told that people are being told to move, to higher ground. what the also telling us is what happened is that the, the reason the dumb up the hills that broke its vance. this is what the cause. and um, this was that came gushing down the, you know, a seasonal stream, and it came with the water stones and you know, this huge trees that will approve that. so you can imagine the full that this water came with. so right now people, like i said, are morning there is shock and that is trying to figure out the next move where they're going to go to sleep and also just where they're going to it's and just to deal with the trauma,
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they say that they have been facing and malcolm web based east of nairobi at another down at risk of a whole slowly. this is the flow tunnel of the missing of them. just st. katherine in the west of the healy items that make up central kenya. that's where the theme to read to write in the last couple of weeks. last plugged in, i wrote be killing dozens of people. now we're in the water running all sides. highlands is coming this way into a series of reservoirs, and the one just up here above us on the slide is full to capacity of the capacity . the amount of just say, i'd like to meet as a non fiber was guessing down this channel. it's one of a series of several times the government starts. fuzzy says all of them now food. i have a failed at one of the schools that runs down into the kind of river. the longest river in kenya. sweep through the plains of eastern kenya through
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a couple of key towns through thousands of villages in which lived thousands of people reform on the river bank. these people who the government has said, needs to evacuate immediately, who was found to be the, has already passed the bank in some places, including the town to the costs of the main highway from the capital library to give us so not a problem to people to try and cross the toner into the raging tone insights instead, because they can no longer access the highway. we'll get to the bridge. now it's in video that we've seen from sunday that one of those boats struggling to get across loaded with many people. it's cool. i strong in colorado and then they said that uh, the local authorities that had more than 20 people have either died that bodies are covered or many more still missing. now this is the kind of challenges of people having to deal with down stream just for transport. thousands of people who
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fall, who fished at ease of that home. it doesn't have any way to go. visited those faces just at the end of last year when they suffered from flooding following torrential rains. and that came off the back of one of the worst drowned regions at sea. in decades still i had on algiers, 0 voting is under wayne togo's column entry elections. with the opposition calling from major turn out, i made the growing political tension. there was the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. this is not important which of
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these are going to and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out the very top. no collins and public confrontations. young people across the u. k. by pushing their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. what every other route fails, tie with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down an honest, peaceful, half generation change on our to 0 the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching all g 0, a recap of on top stories, renew diplomatic bush. he's on the way to reach a ceasefire in gaza. us secretary of state and to me blinking his insides. your idea of ways meeting with regional count towards he says as being progress, getting more 8 into a concept that israel must do more on the ground in the goddess trip. a series of these really attacks have killed at least 30 palestinians. women and children are among the dead and attack on a home inbox. i killed 9 members of the same family. now student protests set us college campuses against, as well as war on guys showing no sign of a bathing. hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested since of protests regarding nearly 2 weeks ago. the counting on universities to cut ties with israel and, and,
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and to us military 8 that spring in algebra. she advertising who was at george washington university in d. c. i she have, i understand that students from at least 8 universities have now joined the the 5th day of protest. yeah, it's just, it's funding and expanding. it is actually amazing to reflects on just how university authorities attempts to break up. this incompetence of a back 5 so spectacularly, it's just getting bigger and bigger now. but tens of taking up a whole block not just be the square root of, of that as we're prices for me to be able to get food libraries that have popped up here. is even a little repository of rugs over the asked for added come. so this is a very well appointed, a income and sites. now, it has been meticulously clean by the students has clearly quite a, quite a structure now in place and the actual, the barricades of the police put up, have been taken down by the students. students themselves. let's talk to one of the organizers ream. i mean, it's astonishing. is it really if you think about it, that's of how do we get to
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a situation where the university of ours is the people are supposed to be not shingle mines for free speech. and particularly engagement are the ones ask of the police to come here and crack your hands and the police, the police was like, no, no, actually we'd rather not. it's kind of surreal. really? it really is. it demonstrates how chronically evo g w. uh admin is they've asked m p d to shut us down and even metropolitan police department is afraid of the optics. for the today is the 5th day. we're here and for basically the entire time we've been here, the university has restricted our movement. they've threatened us with sanctions, they've said they've stuck to the police on us. when the in camera was still barricaded, they prevented students on the inside from access to hygiene. the we had the students on their periods but did not have access to like just showers and bathrooms to take care of themselves. last night we the reason we took down the
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barricades actually was last night. the i m p d tried to detain a student, do wrongfully detain a student and the community rallied around him. they successfully de, or arrested him as the tactic is called. and we took down the barricades uh g w as refusing to meet with us to discuss our demands. uh and we've really just been that with the quote, the quote, the stage course of apparatus i room. thank you very, very much for that. but somebody where things stand right now will be here across the day. we'll see what's, i mean it is, it is the only thing that the, that the, the academics, the academic administration here is try to shut this down. we will be here for the coming hours. all right, and we will of course, be checking in with you throughout the day here on august the or she advertising lives there from george washington university in d z b. c and demonstrations again says raz,
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on guys as spreading to more universities in europe. several students have been arrested at the sol born university in paris that were drawn to way by police after setting up the tents on campus and raising the policy and fly. it's actually butler is in paris for so talk to us about what's happening at the subordinate yes, what was about mid day medical time, but dozens of students actually set up their tents inside. the simple universe you can see behind may want to make the story the stages universities in from we understand it, right? so 2 to 50 students every stage and a session and support all the same people calling for them to go in thaws. a lease moved in pretty quickly from what we got to include those students ways. as far as we know now the university is being shot this afternoon. they're all and now they most students stages such an insight. but what has happened if we know this way is
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not substance. all the other students come inside and outside the university, they're waving upon a spinning flag. and they are here to say, no, we are here until the 13th and some of the other students we inside roles are going in for an into the more in the i'm, it is like one of the universities to call and say the ties with his right and then a tasha how of utilities and police handling this made this protest against please the university of socrates, a strong thing to know exactly what to do. we've seen all the products and it's like this. this is the latest in a series of university systems. the purchase of the past week and in some cases, university of stores in detroit, the sandbox trying to negotiate to the students on friday, we so we diversity students says that i think demonstrating my age to reach an agreement to, to, to the teams. ortiz,
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the conversation about what is going on in dollars that those students to satisfy. g. as in, we've seen universities, ortiz allow the police to move in. um, what the scheme saying is that the police are taking a heavy handed approach that is an appropriate for the situation. they feel as if the voices have been so long as movies. a lot of students say in the fall say they feel very profound invoices popping, sorry. the baby's natasha button. i live there at the power system or born university thinking natasha in of in use. now. voting is under way until those parliamentary and regional elections with the opposition calling for strong turn out. political tension has been rising since the approval of a controversial new constitution and a series of current balance and opposition. protests. critics say the reforms will allow president for yes in bay to extend his arm these decades don't grip on power . the president's party says a new system is more democratic. nicholas hawk has more from the con, sending so far, and there has been
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a pretty low turn out to this much anticipated and controversial legislative election and election that was delayed several times. the last time they took place was in 2018. and during those elections, while the opposition boycotted the votes, this time there out a campaigning. and we saw the campaign. all of this has been overshadowed by this amendment or this week, or this change made to the constitution quite a big change because it would change togo from our presidential system to a parliamentary system. and what's at stake is really the rule of the for it and yes and a dentist and they've been in power for the last 61 year. they're the longest serving dennis t after came john, you from north korea. and so perhaps the reason why people have not come out to vote, it's perhaps to show a protest towards the guessing they family. others are confused. are they voting for religious zipcode election, or is this
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a referendum to show their support towards this constitutional change? there is a growing resentment towards the fore guessing bait regime. hands of this selection, 5 leading thinkers of the opposition were arrested. this an election that's taking place where the land borders has been shot. there hasn't been any foreign media allowed to observe. the selection of the catholic church has tried to go out and act as a mediator. as an independent observer, they were prevented to do so at these pulling stations. south korea has accused north korea of laying mines along a road in the dom militarize zone between the 2 countries. south korea says is military detected the mines being placed in an on page road inside this own the arrow head. hail inter one. officials in sole say the action is the latest in a series of most to shut down roads. that cost of all a rob mcbride is following developments himself. this seems to be another step by
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north korea to further permanently seal the border between north and south and also suffering any chances. it seems a reconciliation. the south apparently detected the signs of the mines being laid on this particular track at the end of last year. this is a track that accesses a hillside that was the scene of fighting during the korean war with a view to assuming the remains of soldiers full repack creation. this was all part of a 2018 military agreement between north and south. it was signed when relations were improving on, which is old, but a memory now as well as taking steps against this particular track. the north is also being taking measures to permanently c, last 2 paved roads which had been used for cooperation projects. going to the extent of actually removing street lighting from roads on its side of the boulder.


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