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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the some size of the suite 100 on luis heavens, have gone through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the so i'm so robin, you're watching now, does it renews online for my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes and people protest is that new york's columbia university face the deadline is the student movement, growth across the country will be live at battery is campuses the secretary of state meets his goals, count deposit and says he's yet to see in his railey invasion. planned for rough uh
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that in show civilians will not be home. plus on malcolm web in kenya, more than a 100 people have died in floods the following week 5th to read some rain. this is the flight channel of a done flowing into this kind of river, which is already passed in schools out in the philippines as a heat wave across positive agents shows no sign of easing up. in the fold, rough around the down mulch is on the in madrid. the 5 time champion defeats pitcher a kitchen to reach the round of 16 as his friendship in preparation. continue to go well, the welcome to the new student for testers that columbia university hoping, given an ultimatum leave of faith suspension. they were given a 2 p. m deadline,
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which is now just last hundreds of students are being arrested at universities across the united states. as protests grow the israel's will and gaza that demanding educational institutions divesting companies. they say a complicit in genocide. but we have teams of correspondence covering the protests in the us. fill of out is that the massachusetts institute of technology in cambridge? she everytime, so you will have the light is from george washington university in the us capital. kristen salumi, is it gail university. 92 accounts, or is it texas university in austin? the 1st, let's speak to toys about as you join us the line from columbia university in new york. where's whole began? and the deadline has come and gone. we'll see you seeing the, the screen aloud inside the campbells who are waiting for hours outside of media by being allowed inside the capital for 2 hours. shay,
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i'm not sure if you can see why behind me. that's where the time spent. currently use those hundreds of students that they are right now, then say they want to shed light on what is happening in guys out. they want universities, this university to stop investment from companies that are profiting from the war and gaza. they say that be what remains. that we're going to have to see there's an escalating situation. we'll be seeing lots of police coming towards the university outside. we do not know whether there's going to be an attempt to remove the students here by force. that's what many of the students are hearing, where hearing that they've been given some piece of paper that they have to sign in, that paper says that they need to identify themselves. so i'm not paper so that they can end this semester in peace. however, we're just hearing also from them that they're saying the columbia university is fabricating. a state of emergency to suspend expels and evict hundreds of students
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so you can hear them singing and chanting wife behind me. we've heard of states and that from the president of columbia university, earlier today, she says that the university is trying to solve this problem peacefully. she says, i've been trying to guarantee sweet them of expression that is a premium poured into this country. but at the same time, allow the jewish students in this university to feel safe. she also says that the university won't divest from israel, that they are willing to hear proposals from the students about what to do with university investment. however, they're saying that at this point, that is not something that is going to happen. it's important. what is happening here right now, because many of the students are saying that this is a max. what they're doing here right now is a max of civil disobedience. there's a long tradition in us campuses and universities of them taken to the streets, taking for universities such as this one to express themselves back from the 1970s during the vietnam war. but people here are saying that this time she's time to
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shed light on the killings on the displacements on, on the hunger that is going on and gaza will continue to follow what goes on at columbia. as we also see these aerial shots with you, teresa by that forest, i live in new york. let's close over to kristen salumi, who's at yale university in new haven, connecticut with mull that obviously very large demonstrations getting on a new your points. it like where you are very similar situation here in new haven, connecticut, the home of yale university, where students are also demanding that their university administrators disclose their investments in israel and divest from them. specifically here, they've called for divestment from weapons manufacturers who may be benefiting from the war on gaza. and already the university years denied that requested did so on april 17th, that was shortly after the encampment,
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which maybe you can see behind me in the disc is here. this is as close as a let us get with a camera that was 1st set up in solidarity with the columbia demonstration at another location on campus. the university moved in after 3 days to clear out the students, they arrested about $44.00 of them. but yesterday they came back, they came back out, there was a march in the city here of about a 1000 people. and i'm told about $250.00 of the demonstrators, the student demonstrators. anyways, came back here to yale, to re establish this and cabinet. and much like the situation at columbia, they 2 are facing the threats of a possible arrest and suspension. the university saying that the students are violating policies that are meant to uh, policies as to who can set up on campus and what can be done on campus. things like using loud speakers and so on. all the what we've seen here today has been pretty
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quiet and pretty calm and they aren't blocking any of the buildings or the entrances. never the last the university has said that they are in violation of school policies and they are risking re arrest arrest by being here and possible suspension. yeah, it's interesting to see what's going on with the different areas and different comes is around the country. christmas. leave me that. yeah, it'll university in connecticut. thank you. let's call so i have to see every time . see who's that george washington university in dc. interesting to see the site, but what choice of i was saying in new york, the police may very well uh arrive and much larger numbers where she is in the coming minutes. so hours she have quite a protest where kristin was, but also the threat that ruth police coming to break up the demonstration the police way. you all have been very careful about how they behaved in the us capital and that's, that's the bizarre thing. so. so how would that it's the university administrators
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were the ones as opposed to it would be one thing, freedom of speech and 4th, and critical engagement with the issues of a day full begging the police to come in there and arrest and drag away. the students in the places like know that they're once here because it won't be the optics of, of, of the frankly assaulting peaceful protest is that really is an infrastructure that has been put down here with water and food and libraries. now we have this all the unwitting all the installation behind us maybe quinn, one of the partners organizes as you can explain to us what this is amazing. the some bullet good barrier display is all about. yeah, so these barriers, they were used to keep us in, they put them along this horizontal pathway here and they put us, they put it along the front, there they had his kettle, then they cut off our bathroom access, and food and water. it was all brought in from outside and they didn't provide any of it. actually in an e mail. they, they said that that was like a positive, but they were allowing access to food and water, which is strikingly similar to how the is ran. these are, are messaging there,
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there weren't gaza, but so there genocide and gather. but so when, when these barriers were broken down last night we decided to take them all into a big pile and put it in the center of the camp. so sort of as a message of, um, like why we're here and what we're doing uh, i think it's important that everyone fights against occupation it, which is exactly what the people in, in jobs are doing. and that's exactly what we did here in striking and suddenly people who pro is right there. again, supplements given that's part of the way they run things and they occupied territories. why do you think the university authorities are acting to or tell me going to exit or vindictive, vindictive mileage of the protest? um, yeah, i think that the only real parallel to this, at least in america, is 1968 with the vietnam war. israel, specifically as functioned as an extension of american imperialism since 1967. generally 1973 specifically is when america really became the dominant superpower,
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making those decisions. and a problem, one of our demands is to and academic ties with designers, institutions. and so they don't want to do that, it gives them it's important. remember that these tactics are not used specifically because it works against palestinians are used specifically because they work. and they've simply been been foraged in, in gaza over the last 7080 years. but if we're accepting a rational discussion about the occupation and what these values are doing and garza, and yet you'll being presented in setting the western media as a bunch of crazy anti symmetric radicals avenue, if you any looks fitness. i mean, um no, absolutely not. um, we've had some some promotions yours, maybe they were kind of protesters trying to try and do like a false flag type thing or maybe they would just were lost and frankly quite stupid . but we've had anti semitic messages and things show up nearby. they've never been indian cameron,
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they never even been on the state street in front of us here. they were quickly escorted out and, and it was made very clear they weren't welcome. uh so no one here harp has any sort of anti semitism or anything like that. is there any dialogue with university authorities on the way? right? i am not. i can't comment on that. when i say i'm not aware of that. i mean, i personally, i'm not aware of that. not that there are no di negotiations. i just, i'm not clued in all right. quinn, thank. thank you very much. yes. i still authorities do threatening to students with, with removal, but the police are saying they're not going to go in, because this is actually a peaceful expression of students 1st amendment constitutional rights. we'll see how long that last for indeed we will. let's go save it to fill a valleys life for us that i might see in cambridge, massachusetts. and so that has to be said, what is the way you are of the house being or have been signs of confrontation, unprovoked, a publication as well. yeah,
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absolutely. and we just saw that a few more developments in the last few minutes. i'm not going to tell you we're going to show you. so we're going to see, man, you might be able to see in the distance, like with that this right, the flag which is fine next to us flag thought is just pops up. and this is what could be the kind of official accounts of process that's across the pathway for contacts from the company that is being sets up by those students who i think happened that for a week. but it's really good because we're not allowed to be on premises. i might say is private property to be, but they make very clear a childless convers how to stay, right? which is why they propose things from outside, but side is very different. so what we saw just over an hour ago, where there was a, what you might describe is a pop up count to protest what almost from nowhere. 30 to 40 is ready supporting students. faculty members, pay it from that way with uh, is there any flights straight type with the american spikes? they were seeing songs about scientists say, well, waving a bite is chevy. pictures of some of the hostages taken october 7th. and they
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marched right into the hall. i thought i'd come, but they sat down, they started thinking they were having a picnic. they at what point started walking through the and cabins when the protest is re ignoring them, waving these pictures in the faces. what are the processes be that a week said, you know, this is a real problem. the cation pop, we are ignoring them because they've sold this before. and after maybe half an hour ago, they walked off and they let me go. i like test it out. does it save you some mit mit choose for piece. what did you make of what we saw an hour ago? yeah, i mean, like you said we're, we're not really engaging with them. we feel very resolved and, and, and why we're here and why we've been here for over a week. we are here to demand mit cut directories. search with these early ministry of defense. these are, these are projects like autonomous drone storms, which directly directly tied to the depth of, of the, the 10s of thousands of causes that were seeing there's persistent underwater
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surveillance. that these are just some of the research projects that are the, the mit does with these really ministry of defense. and so we don't pay them any mind. we're very resolved on what we're doing here. but today, so they have any impact on the, on your discussions because it's not, you know, it's not helpful. is that whether you're trying to negotiate with the diversity of these things happen? yeah, i mean, so i'm personally not within the negotiation, so i'm not exactly sure, but we're, we're not here to escalate with with other students that faculty. and i might say we're here to talk about the research that we do, and i'm, i to, we all grow up and are told that we can do research for good, for, for ethical, for ethical means. and what am i to does and their research with the of really ministry defense is not for ethical means. how long do you think this capital will be here? how long to funds of process? because it's becoming increasingly increasingly obvious that the president is trying to shut this down though. yeah, i mean, we'll see where we're going to be here until we can have a good faith negotiation with mit and, and, and talk about that. the research that we do with these really ministry defense
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will be here until we can have those good faith discussions. thanks very much. cut a destroyer attached to a few other things that's popping around town as well because it, we're not just having protests here mit, we've got harvard university a few miles or by where there is another protest that is the high block gates you're not allowed on site unless you have a hall pass, but the chief of police that has said he is not good at what arrest protests is just for protesting. even if the university asks if he says they ought to be violent, or they have to be causing cabbage to property. although the university is threatening to with some protests now to withhold that degrees, if they do not stop, i'd be glad to talk to you to best and see. but they've been told that at some point today, that would be a ted spade to stop that process. part of that means the police move it for the conversations and thoughts without that. but what, what you thought was very clear speech style. thank you for the source that i might see in cambridge, massachusetts. thank you. let's go save us to the other side of the country now and to austin, in texas, where the university of texas high direct castro is standing by. and heidi,
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obviously way you are the university, so one of the you might say, violent police responses that we've seen in these past few days. it must have left an indelible mark on many people that witnessed what happened. that's right. so how, you know, this is where we saw the police on balancing horses pushing down for thousands last week. and it had been very quiet here on campus on such as about an hour ago when suddenly this thing's happening. behind me. there seemed some r u t the members or other advocate. now come on to campus, any record that's behind the circle of chanters now, and they're doing this at the risk and repeat of those images from last week, which i mentioned that finally i want to bring in one of the professors,
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your senior from austin and you came here to make me happy to join this. why is that? i actually came to support the students, so we didn't know this was happening. so it's kind of like an impromptu action. why it's happening because there's the side ongoing for over 6 months. and whether you're getting an american like myself, or how it's been in without the american, whether you're black um hispanic, it doesn't matter. this is not ok. and we wanted to stop. and the university play. i play a part and i saw there were a police officer standing around with this sort of half an hour ago. are there sears, that there may be another rather harsh crack down fears has an anticipation for have to be, are as in fear of them doing something to the know because we're here to protect our students. so i'm, i'm here for students safety because what they did on wednesday, they will not repeat. then there's administrative stuff right there, and you're just saying,
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we do know that the university president is facing and there's been a group of faculty members. i believe now more than 540 who have signed a letter calling. why should that happen? do you have the lender one time after another? and he's made very bad decision on choices and it's time to switch stuff with ministration off with somebody who's actually comes in and actually cares for all fancy, totally. and finally, i want to ask you about the accusations of the texas as governor, has said that the students participating are anti semitic and use that to justify the response. can you respond to that? i am the daughter of simians who cannot go back to sign and lived there. they can only go visit. i'm telling you, governor habits, your, the inside, somebody we lived would choose for many, many years. we have relative searches. we have friends who are too is we're not actually somebody is only 7 folks. and so somebody isn't coming up is from side and
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the government because you don't have to be jewish design. that's unfortunately. and so we've got all kinds. and so yeah we, we completely rejected the idea or the notion hard accusation that there is in performance has them on this campus. thank you very much. and there's science here that's are trying to deny that authorization anti semitism isn't the same design as the phrase. we've been hearing here. so hell. but yes to 10 situation. we're not exactly sure what's gonna happen. the next few minutes. but again, protesters university, ministration, police, they're all on site. we'll see how much longer it will monitor events with you. hardy, in texas and a bit all correspondence at university campuses across the us. so in the company i was thinking the other thing that new diplomatic efforts to reach i see solid and garza has,
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he's really been bothering until the strip continues. us secretary state tends to be lincoln is inside. he may be a while. he's been meeting with regional count pas from alber, ripple's us secretary of state, and it blinks and hoping for move. and just d between how may i send these well, the good to restore installed ceasefire tools. he says how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how moss has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide, and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of
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a last thing agreement to mediate to top and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one. but becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoff is probably minutes to administer the following up, as says, the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these, by the complex a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in our region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day and the gas and striking us officials hopping, trying to build consensus for a post will gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president mode i bass
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a pointed and you'll probably minutes a how mass rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is why the conflict could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with these. well, as you bought by this is 0, let's get more of these, these thoughts down in colorado, but it's beth used 90 bucks isn't occupied history. so i mean, using magic now, what the deal from these riley side might look like it suddenly being talked up by on to the blinking uncertainty, other foreign ministers as well. it is a how yes it looks like uh, these railings are giving some ground. they are asking for less now than the 40 hostages captors. they originally wanted as about a $130.00 threes, believe still left in gaza. they're offering something like a 40 day initial ceasefire, followed by something that's called
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a period of sustained. com plus that going to allow palestinian families to go back to know to the northern parts of gauze or to was left of the homes as well. so it's also it's ready to send a team to cairo on tuesday tomorrow. if for how mouse has picked is, is interested in these negotiations is interested in this offer and is willing to carry on the talks. remember that the big sticking point in the past has been a how much demand for a complete cessation of fighting a total cease fire which is around was always refused because it wants to keep up with the option of going into wrap or something. so some stage to continue the fight against thomas and the full battalions as well. so there's still a lot of calls because the pressure is continuing, isn't it? it's, it's from the families of the cap to is that putting pressure on the israeli government to the made it a direct you might say appeal to the head of how i'm us in dollars
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a to get is the end of the passover holidays. a, it is right, and the families again, were protesting outside administered defense, intel aviv adding to the pressure on the government, calling again for the government to not waste the opportunity to complete a prisoner exchange deal. israel egypt cut down in the united states. we trust you and we urge you to do everything and bring our people home. now we come to live without the top. we have to hope i know of res, not the normally is not going to be in the least always 47 years old is not the humanitarian, but i know that he's time is uh,
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coming goes to more than $200.00 days now there's captives have been held in underground, presumably in gauze of the families, one of them out they believe previously, the government has ignored them at the expense of prosecuting the war against thomas in gaza. they feel now they hold. now there is further sympathy full that calls us with a force okey by the streets. and thank you, bent now on the ground and gauls as ready to get tanks of killed at least 38 palestinians on monday. most of them in rasa witnesses. a many of the victims were displaced, palestinian seeking shelter for the night, while at least 8 people were killed in 2 separate strides into sweats refugee camp in central garza, the israeli military hit 2 different family homes in the attacks. hunting with new jersey from rossa in southern gaza. the sun has set and now it's night time. it's at this time in the evening that causes become more and more nervous about what,
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what will happen next and how they're going to get through the next few hours because this is when the strikes don't yes. busy indeed it is very difficult time and as the night at crawls and people here is part of to show more concerned, more worry of. 1 what's going to happen? everything is on it predictable so far. even those unpredictable fall in bonds just hate that any time right now, whether it's relatively calm, as we've seen within the past 45 minutes compared to the rest of the day. but that's always the calm before the storm, most the and all the sudden the source and the attacks and just barely are hours of this evening. and during the day, more air strikes, targeted different areas in the city, the central part of the city, as well as the western parts to new york. the evacuation is one of the last few work. people not only have been this way for the past months and already from as
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high as in the struggle daily to make basic need the necessity available for themselves and their families and to try to stay protected and safe. but the fact that i know several years, right, took place that they evacuated and so and just sat or any remaining sense of safety prove what they have talked about in the past. that you can have a safe zone in a war zone. just pushing them into the internal a further further internal displacement. we're looking at at least $4.00 to $34.00 people killed within the past 24 hours. just the latest. the family of a journalist in the central area of the gaza strip. that's a black one. the southern is the southern eastern part of the central area, but of the $34.00 people killed $26.00 of them only from rough city to of the 26th . we have didn't women as well as 6 the children among the among the casualties. now despite all of this, people are still anxious. they're pro,
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just asking about what's going on in cairo. are they going to go back to their homes? is the more you go into in soon or not, many questions that it's hard to answer right now and they will continue to build it. so what happens through the night with you? how do you buy new that for us? in rough still ahead here on the i'll just ever news on the students on the outside sides of sol bone university in support of the city is as wide. please move in to clear protest. is that a huge day cruise pakistan is that the 1st team from asia to qualify for the 2024 olympics and that's how they did it in schools. but so coming up to the right the the currently
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a daily event i didn't like the event is these thunder storms inside of your radio . these pictures are taken just west or free ads, obviously, funding on the ground. there's also things going to cost in dire, and it's a part of the biggest system restrictions. but beyond the mountain to talk to you once more, we'd like to see a noisily breeze bringing rain eventually into a sample. that's a pretty unpleasant conditions yesterday and i incurred, they are repeatable. maybe you fill this out and look at this that's happening in 11 in weston, syria stretching dimes reserve the occupied territory. it could be from the room. so the sunshine to the rather unpleasant the big thunderstorms or at least showers and they stretched into a rock as well die up. i'll try to get to it ronald, the remains of the law system giving significance now renewals impact is down into fish with us. also a di yet, so we focus on the right, the and condensed and the sheriff all spread. the east woods and now repeat for every day as i've said, which is a little unusual for this time the subsidy. get significant rain once again in calcutta by rain. this is cheering wednesday early wednesday and late wednesday has
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a loss on lost for quite a long time and extends up in towards iraq to interrupt the glass goes or can you still have spots on the dry and as discounts on the very repeatable shaft and the full cost of this big, the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so i'm devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . the latest news, as it breaks, another mazda gray of yours more power city, and thought it over 3 of the,
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the identities are largely lost it on out of president in more in depth reports that scale. this summit was something they've never seen before from the heart of the story, almost 500 medical workers have been killed in spite because this trip putting more pressure on the health care system that tens of thousands rely on the the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to the opposite and these are with me, so hold on the remind to volunteer stories. columbia university students have in order to end the protest against the war and gaza living friends with suspension,
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hundreds of students will be interested across the united states. and on the grounding cause for a series of israeli attacks of hillary, study, palestinians, and amount for that as on monday morning, women and children, while amongst the dead and the town of called a haven ross, i killed 9 members of the same family. every new diplomatic pushes on the way to reach the see saw regardless of us experienced agency blink. it isn't society of idea ways meeting with regional count defaults mean. meanwhile, for my size, it's willing to move forward as seasonal insults in chi. right? let's move this forward. with abilities i will, gosh, and he's a research fixing on saudi foreign policy at lancaster university's like terry newsome proxies and the secretary analyzation project. he's line for us from re at mr. oh gosh. and we spoke what just over 24 hours ago. and you said that while the palestinian president said all the right things, it was all a little too late. perhaps on monday we've seen golf our leaders foreign ministers as well. make you
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a little vocal statement to the us secretary of state. i just wondered whether collectively the voice is go to full and that fee is when it comes to the us or it might get some traction as well as the journey is i? i think right now it's a very um, interesting and very sensitive time. i think this collective voice is concentrating very much on trying to reach a ceasefire. so i think this, you know, this push this collect of, um, uh, front from the air up and move them countries but really the error countries is really focused on the current situation and stopping this massacre from continuing . now, there is a tendency to try to link the future within the very present, but in immediate presence. and i think this is where a lot of things get very funny and
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a lot of things get also very speculative. so i think there's a clear consensus that there needs to be a a ceasefire immediately. there's still a lot of room to flush out what will the day after look like and, and so, but the day after the end of the discussion for the day after can take place really, unless there's a seed spot. so. so let's try to box one. let's talk about the here now, because those talks in egypt a will happen with a mouse. we know that that delegation is on its way. oh, that right now, because we spoke to the spikes best and earlier in the day, but blinking, blinking, blinking is when he talking up. israel's proposal that he says how much should accepted it's really about the devil. is it the detail isn't date when it comes to agreements as well? yeah, absolutely. and not only that, the devil isn't the data. i think there's a great deal of time and everybody's a great deal of attempt to try to use and be with you as much as they can. and i think this is why i'm did you to you was very constructive,
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i think. and this perfect in this case, for blinking to say that this is an incredibly generous offer. binary is read, it is. and so it's this, um, big it is, is kind of enabling him to, to make the pitch. so we'll, we'll roll, we'll, we will see, i think many people are not holding their breath yet, but what i would say about this situation, or is that there was a great desire from the you want the administration to reach any kind of ceasefire . you want to call it a humanitarian seized by are vegetarians, these fire baskets, area, whatever it is, one of the want a call to just find a c 's bar in order then to try to put the saudi is real deal in the making. try to propose it and try to try to expand upon the ceasefire because normalization can't happen unless there is a ceasefire. but we should say, what does happen to obviously still in the early hours of perhaps that those meetings and not negotiation on going well,
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i'm sure we'll get more insight from you as time goes on abilities. i've got you and thank you for joining us to my place. let's just go back to texas and join high drug cost. right. because it's the situation seems to have developed a little bit more since we last spoke a few moments ago at the university of texas. id, what's going on? that's right, so hands, so we have this circle of chanterius and protecting and, and cabinet that was built here in the last hour. then we have this, this is the new development we have rose, texas to hers. also, texas police used to have just arrived the scene here in about the last 10 minutes . i just heard the least announcement saying that it is time to disperse for all of these protesters to lead immediately or risk arrest. and the reason, of course, that they're taking the seriously, and that we're watching the situation to really get tinderbox. either what happens
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here last wednesday, when a very similar scene occurred. when police officers called by the state governor of texas 1st abbot, along with state troopers. similarly dressed team, very overwhelming show was arrested some 57 people. so i was here after that day happen and up until i have to say so the last hour or so i was going to read you over to you. that it seems that really kind of showing it because we didn't you t austin is like elsewhere that just this morning. reading today's you had organize the thing said yeah, students were fair and they were now actually staying and no one really saw coming. suddenly think of shit so quickly and so dramatically in just the last
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hour. so again, you're seeing group of students. some are to a w t. austin, others are community members in austin. have come on campus here. they link their arms to a few tents that were erected in the middle of that circle. this is the exact same area where we saw the rest, the police on horseback, and right here, enjoying some protesters last week and again behind me. and i'm in and sign some of the protesters because they are expecting for a new show of force in the moments to come in talking to them. they said that they are not going to ride if they are charged that they plan on remaining. they're calling for the best move in any weapons manufacturers from the u. t. endowment. many companies are going to israel and, and support a palestinian life in gaza. and they're committed to saying they're worried,
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they're scared about what may happen. okay, so we'll continue to follow events with you. heidi customer that follows in the university, texas, obviously, what was that monitoring what's going on at columbia over new york to the same sort of scenario is happening that with the police surrounding the area, expecting the truth. oh we'll, we'll see you guys now there, we'll stay with you. so i'm seeing the ranch happening now the the,
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the, the
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. c the the taking of live the you all want to, i'll do 0, these the live pictures coming from the university of texas. we wanted you to actually get a sense of the atmosphere. that of how you, jo castro,
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has introduced this to over the past. the power, so understanding exactly what the trends of the students and how the police and the official style dealing will be dealing. it seems with the assembled crowd, the heidi to transfer, i'm show you time here, which is very noisy. i the, we appreciate you might not be able to, we things that i'm saying, but just describe the images and the news is changed and magically in the last few minutes. the sensor tennessee. whitening is you can see those pictures, the st. please stick to pieces in seconds. it seems that the student protest is new grounds at the state of texas. the confrontations that certainly i think that tend to be in the pollution. it was 2nd,
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he's actually electra. and he was there to protect to students a certain to what they are experiencing right now is it of the circle i would describe would be low key, please, who is a behind the state to face, but nothing is being done at the moment except to stand on the demonstration is good to meet you out into expressing their views about freedom talestine and the install it would see with the people have done. so the strategy is on sure about what the state troopers have related to instigating that they moved at least 200 yards from where they were closer to the students. and we figured just reading that you just started off at the main screen. this is heidi, i'm so sorry. i cannot hear the name,
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but i'm going to tell you what i'm what i'm ending class between and the we're now writing more and more now the surrounding community members and we see more more the police response thing here. there was one of the lease you mean the into the printer are now behind me in the last few minutes here.
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what happened last wednesday students when there was a very strong police response. i was in t austin's president as well as the governor. and since in the, in those days actually been talking to me told me that they actually something like this happened again the thing haven't really been easy
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for the 1st time and you kind of following the model of the university campuses. and then immediately after setting up the the testers linked arms around the encampments over the last few days on seeing nothing but peaceful protests. there were people hear singing song meeting cities studies and then suddenly are you, i believe we're having some communication issues. that is what i'm seeing here. any sort of action. actually, i do see see what they are using to remove
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the here, the crowd around the you the the right now you're seen are already he's standing behind police officer who's using his advice to block media from getting any further and to testers. the even surrounding the actually community members
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in cells per se. but you the telling me the stacy, what do you all just say over here? walton, you're watching live pictures now for the university of texas. why within the last haul file, state troopers have been circled. it seems a group of students who test is on the grounds of the university and beyond. that's been circling the local police as well. it seems that they are about to, for indeed have a strategy to break up this protest in the grounds of the university. the states suit because as yet made no particular rights,
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they have tried to remove some of the barriers the city police, if he can go locked in the dock uniforms who do not. and then not dressed in full riot care. i've seen a few verbal compensations with some of the people looking on. you can see the backs of the heads now that between them and the students of 2 rings of security, one of the local police in dock beautiful. one of the states to pose in the, in full right the, facing the students. now, the state troopers move closer to the students from the last 10 minutes. so, so there's a correspond height and you can strike these in the i told us that it was relatively peaceful and not too serious in terms of the compensation when the state troopers arrived because a lot more like a lot more noisy, obviously, uh various time was trying to give us images of what's going on and obviously much
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we'll place a look at the types of events that the state cheapest, have local police run bikes, but they'll get it out defensively. while using the civil side to take control of that members of the public on lucas, don't have anything except the voices and the cameras out to see what is going on. as you can see, this is what the state troopers all carry. and they seem to, well, there's guns, the bathrooms type, some type of spray, and some of those websites. i think on the side, i see my munitions correctly with the civil society members on the outside of the security satans chatting, let them go. i, you let the students go know quite sure what the strategy will be. we'll come back
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to that as the defendants from the university of texas. why the? well, let's just look at the school section. the history file. thank you very much. ross on the dallas preparations for the french open next month, continue to go as planned to see b heddrick attempted to reach the last 16 at the madrid. i opened the 14 time running barrels. tompkins, that's in good form against alex seminole on saturday and not continue to be the case here. i can see just how much time the dial is looking to make it a record extending 600 open time. so every through the 1st 61 didn't always have it his own way. the 37 year old property was set for the 1st time in the tournaments and no such programs. in the 3rd set, he went one step closer to winning his 1st title. his is 7 years, right, moment of this. and so at the very end kitchen, he is requesting the down search and saying that playing him was for feeling
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lifelong dream down. he's not done with it at somebody to potential upset against the best team quota to win in 3 sets. holder who is the brother of the world, but female soul suddenly set $75.00 in the 1st round against the tire of now the quote back to when it is free for the easier going and the 3rd one is 6316. the price i found the book means number one that you get shown. peck is looking in openness form ahead of the french open shown take will go for a substrate timeslot ronan carol's next month and have preparations. let's be going well. a full time grand slam champion is breezes because fun has a 100 open to come pick drops just one game and a 6 on 6 left when of the spring set us for the best totem pole. now faces pictures
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have that maya by 202210 pin owns triple has also reached. the goal is to harness it to this and who's been struggling with an injury last night, feeding elaina as to pen code 6 love 6 full chabot will face us so you can transfer the extra madison chains. next is becca sounds, men's football team of qualified for the olympics for the 1st time of they'd be indonesia to know in the, on the $23.00 asian comp semifinals. the top 3 in this tournament qualify for the global events, lights of this year and to the 2nd half goals sealed it for us back histone. we've reached the final from the 3rd time. efficient individual will still have a chance of qualifying full the games as they go into a said place playoff on thursday to kind of currently facing iraq and the other semi final the full was spanish football, present newest rebel, as hesitating quotes as a suspect and a corruption, pride, he's alleged to have received the legal commissions during his time in charge when
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negotiating the deal to make the spanish to pickup to saudi arabia who be i'll, is also frank sees a separate sexual assault trial for testing plant, play a jenny and most so without her consent following spain's woke when he denies wrong doing in both cases there's a huge game coming up on choose day and the wife of champions like as buying the unit cost round the dread in the 1st like of the semi final for the germans who relinquish the league title to buy labor kristen continental to try feet remains on the table. is the 1st time buying have reached the last full since 2020. they tried to in the 7th year pin chrome, but that coach told us to who, who's leaving at the end of the season says to get pulse, madrid, his team needs to find a solution to beat rails key plaid, jude falling in judas. extraordinary development. i mean, he was fantastic in putting this legal how he progress chose the level of personality. i think this is only possible. it was a huge personality and everyone, no place for around that place. also with the pressure off that chart plays with
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the pressure to, to play and for this club and with the months and the expectations. he handles it like he has never done anything else before. he's very dangerous and, and very, very physical in his game. he's absolute key player in the, in the, in a very offensive position. we are well aware of it and we try to find solutions tomorrow. english formulate could be about to introduce a spending count for teams. at a meeting in london clubs voted in favor of developing plans for a cap, which would reduce the potential spending bout power of the clubs with the biggest revenues and richest earnings that would help increase the competitive this of the league. now the fight on a final proposal is expected in june. i mean it's like the symbols have when they 1st and be a playoff series in 20 is anthony edwards was start the shows they completed the
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full nothing. routes of the phoenix songs 22 year old edwards schooled 40 points and call on to the towns of the 28th attempt wolves winning this 1. $122.00 to $1.00. 16 a month. now wait to see if they will place the defending champion stump and i'll get o c l a like as in the next round. then the all 3 went off in that series. your ranges have put that place in the 2nd round of the n h l. playoffs for to win over the washington capitals and showed a full and i think sweet series pennies. on our end with the go ahead go early in the period and then jack rus lovek, wrapped up with a late emptiness of the ranges face. the carolina harkins o'neill rivals the island is in the 2nd rounds on the gulf coast where we mcroy and shane lowery have won the zurich. classic team event at the 1st attempts to pay posted a for in the past $68.00 in sundays fund around the new orleans victory came in a playoff. martin china missing his victory to mcroy and lowry. and this is how the
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truth and celebrated the or addition of 19 eighties wrote plastic, don't stop believing mcroy. she'll get his best attempts on the mike and hit the high notes with the crowns in new orleans. all right, that is all useful for now. have moved for you like us to have like assignments. joe, let's take you straight back to the university of texas at austin. why? these, the latest pictures coming in west state troopers have been so cold a peaceful student protest as loud as they are just a few moments ago in, within the last talk about the state troopers arrived on campus and a double circle out security and circling the students that were demonstrating was may to and then the results of the city police and circling another security level . they said state sweepers and moving in,
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much closer to those peaceful but loud students who are demanding a sci fi and solidarity with the palestinians, who have more on that stand off in the next half hour. tom mccray do stay with us here on to say around the cheering dislikes, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet we'll get. we're forcing from the option to bite, says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this gen and as in age, workers work directly targeted and in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you, closer to the heart of the story, was forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress
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is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dreams in the usa of electric, s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo, and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the on age, he has opened the gates of hell or in the seats. he's having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. a crude mistake talk to of, to, on the jersey to your wills, the caught a duty and a growth using for the p. use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revise wells and increases systems cost on request. on the stand off at the university of texas, hundreds of state troopers move to clear protest is really in support of tell us done where we live on campus. some of the science at columbia university is students defiant deadline to leave off by suspension. the tell mccrae, this is all just there


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